The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom - 10 New Details You NEED TO KNOW

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[Music] the switch is well and truly on its final legs and with its successor surely looking set to launch in less than a year's time from now most would have expected that support for the system would be slowing down in terms of releases the most recent Nintendo Direct however turned out to be a surprisingly packed one there's more major upcoming releases to look forward to if you're looking for games to play on your switch in the coming months including even an entirely new Zelda game The Legend of Zelda Echoes of wisdom one of the highlights of the aforementioned direct and here we're going to go over the biggest and most significant details Nintendo has revealed about it new 2D [Music] entry it's been a long time coming but the Legend of Zelda echo of wisdom is at long last a brand new 2D Zelda entry the last time we got one was The Legend of Zelda alink between worlds on the 3DS back in 2013 which was over a decade ago at this point sure we did get a remake of Link's Awakening for the switch in 2019 but as the first entirely new 2D entry in the series in 11 years echo of wisdom is a doubly significant release for the franchise the top- down action adventure also is going to sport an art style very similar to the one used in the aformentioned links Awakening remake which itself was of course an evolution of sorts of a link between world's aesthetic playable [Music] Zelda even though she's a crucial character and literally has the entire series named after her Princess Zelda has never been a playable character in a single Mainline Zelda game to date and as time goes on demand for that to change has continued to grow increasingly louder from series fans and though many had assumed that Nintendo would likely never relent to those demands it turns out that that's exactly what echo of wisdom is doing the game will flip the traditional script and have link who is usually the protagonist disappearing and being in need of rescue with Princess Zelda having to step up as the main playable protagonist it'll be a series first and as you might expect it will also impact the gameplay in significant ways more on that in a bit story details The Legend of Zelda Echoes of wisdom's reveal trailer started off with link and Ganon squaring off in a 1v1 duel which ends with the latter's defeat only for a strange Rift to appear swallowing both Ganon and Link Hull before he disappears entirely however link is able to free Princess Zelda from the crystal that she was encased in while he was fighting Ganon now with mysterious riffs having appeared all over Hyrule and many people in parts of the world having been swallowed by them it falls to Zelda to unravel their mystery and figure out how to undo their damage the the question of course is which timeline the game Falls in Nintendo has unsurprisingly provided little to no concrete details on that front but the layout of the high rule showcased in the trailer does seem to suggest that maybe we're in the same high rule as a link to the past and A Link Between Worlds though whether or not that means we'll be in the same or largely similar map remains to be seen the game is also using the same art style as Ling's Awakening which of course is a direct sequel to A Link to the Past which also suggests that might be in the same timeline in Echoes of wisdom TR Rod the TR Rod will be Central to The Legend of Zelda Echoes of wisdom not only with gameplay but also from a narrative standpoint on her journey Zelda's primary companion will be tried a mysterious fairy who gives the princess a special weapon known as the TR Rod which will be pivotal to her quest to save H rule clearly the TR Rod is going to be tied to the Triforce more specifically the Triforce of wisdom which is the piece that the princess is always associated with hence the game subtitle creating Echoes on the game play front the TR Rod will be your primary way of interacting with the world the Rod's main function will be essentially creating duplicates of objects Zelda can wave the TR Rod at say a table following which she can create infinite imitations of it known as Echoes so if you find yourself standing in front of a tall ledge or Cliff you can create Echoes of tables to create a makeshift staircase for yourself from navigating environments to solving puzzles creating Echo will be a crucial part of the gameplay experience more details on Echo one of echo of wisdom's more eye-catching details is how many options it's looking like it will provide with its Echoes the game is going to feature a large number of Echoes as options though the exact number hasn't been revealed and which ones you want to use and how you want to use them will be entirely your choice it certainly looks like the player Freedom will be emphas ized with puzzles probably having multiple puzzle solutions in the game's recent gameplay reveal we saw a number of different Echoes including large boxes and beds that you can use to make bridges or what have you trampolines that can be used to give you some extra bounce and even blocks of water that you can summon to float up through combat as you might have guessed summoning Echoes is going to be as Central to the combat as it will be to navigating the world and solving puzzles how exactly well because Zelda will be able to create Echoes of enemies who will then automatically fight against her foes on her behalf several different enemy types will be available as Echo each bringing their own attributes and abilities it seems like the game will encourage creativity and player freedom in this area as well for instance you can summon creatures to attack your fo's head on but you can also summon a piece of meat to distract foes Sid scrolling sections here is another way that echo of wisdom is taking cues from Link's Awakening in addition to the diarama esque aesthetic and art style just like the older Classics the upcoming entry will also feature Sid scrolling sections how extensive this will be and how frequently we will encounter them in the game remains to be seen but we did see a couple of different sides scrolling sections in the recent reveal including an underwater room launch if you are beginning to grow concerned that the second half of the year was looking a little light for the switch Nintendo has announced multiple major releases for the console and echos of wisdom is going to be one of them the action adventure title will be released on September 26th special edition switch light Nintendo often likes to pair its releases with new special edition themed console versions and it's going to stick to that Trend with Echoes of the Wild on September 26th alongside the game Nintendo will also release a special edition Zelda themed switch light the console will also come bundled with 12 months of individual Nintendo switch online plus expansion pack subscription hey did you know that we at gaming belt upload new videos every day stick around drop a like subscribe and 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Channel: GamingBolt
Views: 10,341
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Keywords: the legend of zelda echoes of wisdom new details, the legend of zelda echoes of wisdom gameplay details, the legend of zelda echoes of wisdom gameplay mechanics, the legend of zelda echoes of wisdom echoes, the legend of zelda echoes of wisdom combat, the legend of zelda echoes of wisdom side scrolling sections, the legend of zelda echoes of wisdom release date, the legend of zelda echoes of wisdom, gamingbolt
Id: n-6JS8feczI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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