The Legend of Bigfoot: Hunting for Evidence of the Sasquatch

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Hello everybody welcome back to another episode of decoding the unknown the legend of Bigfoot puts hunting for evidence of the Sasquatch is is that I always get this confused with the the name the Zara Pruder film is the Kennedy one but there's also that one isn't it or is it the Bigfoot one because there's that Bigfoot footage which I was like look look it's Bigfoot it's like bruh it's a man of the suit what are you talking about it could it be more obvious it's it's that's the best you got that's the best other than all the fake Footprints the people left behind look what happens here if you're new one of my writers in this case Casey has written me as scribs thank you Casey um I I don't think this is real please you promised me you'll give it a chance let's see in the next 20 Pages whether Katie convinces me otherwise let's jump in [Music] laughs Ahoy Macy's Sasquatch Hunters Whistler and Watson reporting for Duty yes there's Katie Watson by the way also the last person in the class to be called today we will be attempting to track down the mysterious Bigfoot investigating reports providing alternative theories and taking a deep dive into the most famous book of a footage of all time is the man of the siege isn't it it's clear and I swear to God wasn't there a dude who came out later he's like bro that's me I was the guy at the suit and everyone was like no you what and it was like it was him and there was like the guy who filmed or whatever admitted that it was fake or something like that I don't want to spoil the story let's carry on sorry sorry with proponents and Critics on either side of this Cryptids case on what side of the line do you stomp your presumably not fake foot okay that's a bit discriminatory to all the people that have like you know blades for legs or whatever I guess they're not really fake blades but they're not feet are they come on Katie let's be a bit more PC what about the people with blades like that that dude Pistorius who I don't want to say because I haven't done the Casual criminals yet we've got a casual criminal style coming up did he go to prison for murder or at least manslaughter or something right and he had bladed legs he didn't use the blades on his legs for the murder they let's just leave this this isn't the channel this is a channel where we're looking at Bigfoot not Pistorius or Pastorius or whatever his name was in his blade legs Bigfoot the monster the myth the legend let's get some background info on this big fella before we go starting and poking around in his territory or he referred to as big for today is one of the heavy hitter Cryptids that has existed in a recognizable form throughout history and also in different areas of the world lots of cultures have some sort of a large hairy ape-like man or man like ape in their folklore Traditions with the Himalayan Yeti Chinese hairy man an Australian yowie also seeming to be some sort of distant Bigfoot relatives for the longest time I thought like a Yeti you guys ever played that game ski free it was like back online I don't know Windows 3.1 or whatever it was back in the day it was like one of those games that comes bundled with it like mine sweeper ever and you skiing this dude down a mountain it's like this little pixelated dude and then uh once you like get you you avoid crashing into trees and all that stuff and then at the bottom like so the game doesn't like go on forever uh a Yeti runs out of the corner and eats you and to me I can't remember if it was actually a robot or if it looked like a robot um but it was that I think it was a Yeti I think that was actually lore of the game was it was a it was a Yeti now for the longest time I thought a Yeti was a robot like I mean not as an adult or like even an older child but as a child for the longest time that Yeti meant robot like some sort of monstrous robot that eats skiers today's subject else from North America with another name for it being Sasquatch it might be that technically the being known as Sasquatch and what is now called Bigfoot are two different things but for all intents and purposes as they both refer to large hairy bipedal beings we'll use the terms interchangeably mainly because Sasquatch is often shortened to Squatch which I found funny and were likely pepper liberally throughout this script you might also be wondering whether word Sasquatch comes from in the first place oh my God I was wondering exactly that Katie you read it by lines oh because like yeah you've hurt my feelings very much indeed sorry why say cynical Simon why you have to be such a dick well it's apparently an anglicized version of sasquets meaning something like hairy man in the language of the stahlis people from The Sovereign Coast Salish First Nation this is an area of British Columbia in Canada and they're still leaning heavily into this today with their website logo being a stylized version of something that is presumably a Sasquatch the version of the Cryptid has supernatural abilities including the power to shape-shift that sounds real and is generally as uh as seen as a peaceful protector of the forest British Columbia makes up part of the Pacific Northwest an area that is the traditional Hive of squash activity and also includes the U.S states of Washington Oregon and Idaho I know about this place because I watched that TV show um what's it called when they drop those people alone oh it's called alone they drop them on like it's in Canada or America at least like in that like North Westy part where it's like cold and Canadian and stuff and they drop them there and they're like all right then have fun and they just got to survive in the woods and then they have to Allah why am I describing this TV show it's quite a laugh in a kind of like horrible way because it does seem really miserable and I'm like oh my God I'm I'm just watching that show and it's like wow like I know I I imagine most people watch the show they're like wow I'd be nice to get into nature and I was like oh my God I'm glad I'm inside eating a pizza that I didn't make you know it just makes me appreciate that while large hairy humanoid figures have been captured in tribal artworks nor histories and centuries it wasn't until the 1950s that a Bigfoot as we know him really hit the scene in 1958 the company was chopping down trees in the six Rivers National Forest in Northwestern California when one of their number Jerry crew noticed some truly massive and deep footprints in the mud it came out that other men had also noticed large prints recently and they theorized that whatever had made the prince may also have been responsible for the hitherto Unexplained movings of a massive oil drum and a very large vehicle construction Tire dude if you're like Anna Woods chopping down trees and you see a massive ass footprint Yeah you mentioned it to the guys now yeah I saw those too Jim and say well why you can mention it that's probably hunting us right now crew was convinced something weird was happening I was gonna say a foot but I didn't want to Sully the story with a crappy pun you did though Katie didn't you I couldn't resist and eventually managed to get a plaster cast made out of one of the footprints he measured 16 inches long or 40.6 centimeters uh which for context is bigger than Shaquille O'Neal's size 23 basketball shoes or at least according to the website the just over a third of Danny DeVito the measure of sounds like a really useful website as this Larger than Life cast along with Jerry Cruz belief in the presence of something around the camp and led to headlines and photos in a variety of newspapers the San Francisco Chronicle pund all over it and stole my joke with the headline big feet of foot while the Province paper titles their piece new Sasquatch found above a photo of Jerry crew holding his plaster cast and underneath it says it's called Bigfoot which kind of makes it look like Jerry himself is the creature in question Jerry's like hey what the [ __ ] paper things escalated in the Humboldt standard with eyewitnesses see Bigfoot into the apparent photo scoop of three men squatching down ah sorry squatting down around a deep foot impression with plaster while the men of the Logging Company referred to the being as Bigfoot two words journalists at the time thought that the one-worded Bigfoot one word made for snappier copies so this became the name that we all know and love today babe since the spawn of the 20th century Bigfoot there have been literally thousands of sightings or encounters with the wild Hairy Ape Man recorded uh with the Bigfoot field researchers organization that doesn't sound like a phenomenal waste of time does it guys does it ad plotted on the Bigfoot mapping project website thanks to all the research and witness testimonies here's what we know about the mysterious being yeah no is a very uh very uh loose word there isn't it [Music] Bigfoot is much taller than the average human sightings are variously pegged into anywhere between 7 and 11 feet or between 2 meters and 3.3 meters tall if you're wondering how many daddy DeVito's it is yes Katie that's exactly what I was wondering it's anywhere from 1.3 to 2.3 Danny DeVito's still brilliant why would I have no idea how tall I know Danny DeVito is short but I he's it's not a like it's not a good comparison also I don't know how big Shaquille O'Neal is other than he's big I don't even really I can't even really conceptualize the size 23 shoe unlike size 10. what's that in American I think oh I'm size 44 European which is what I'm more used to now I think we do I think size 10 is size 11 in the US something like that normal size so does that mean Shaquille's feet are two and a bit times bigger than mine that sounds unrealistic doesn't it and I know like a size this is a size five is not half a size 10 because a size five your foot would be like this big you'd be like a tiny footed person you couldn't even walk around on feet this is like the size of my children's feet um what are we talking about oh yes Danny DeVito one none has been affable enough to step on a scale it's estimated that the average weight of such a squad would be around 650 pounds or 295 kilos I don't know how many Danny DeVito's this is and it's not considered polite to talk about people's ways but I'm pretty sure it's more than one hey Siri how much does Danny DeVito weigh every time I ask Siri every single time it's always like I've found some web results hold on I installed this thing on my phone that allows me to Whatsapp with um chat GPT so let's ask it how much let's essentially just use the voice thing because look we're doing the job that Siri can't uh how much does Danny DeVito weigh I thought I meant way why would you think I mean w-a-y how much does Danny DeVito weigh answer my question come on come on this is a very neat thing I'm not sure about the current weight of Danny DeVito but according to some sources he's four feet ten inches tall wow Danny DeVito's really small wow okay see even that is a much more satisfying answer than Siri God damn Siri Apple you gotta buy this uh chat GPT thing and just put it into Siri because there will just be a better place wouldn't it Bigfoot is bipedal I.E walks up right on two legs it's generally agreed to be a non-human primating covered in hair ranging anywhere from black brown reddish and gray and some albino bigfoots have also been recorded the North American Bigfoot prefers to live in forested areas but could occasionally be found in swamp or marshlands it creates nests to sleep in and is an omnivore with a dire consisting of anything from roadkill to tree shoots it's lit it is capable of killing larger prey such as deer or bears with ease and tends to eat the internal organs such as the liver first I know this is all like self people reporting like best stories that they made up and all of our [ __ ] but like taking down a bear bears are big I've seen Bears I mean in zoos and stuff not in real life because then I'll be really that'd be a story wouldn't it uh but but taking down a bear while often thought of as solitary creatures family groups of Bigfoot have been observed including males females and babies like other Apes bigfoots groom each other and beat their chests in shows of aggression or to assert dominance while there have been no direct attacks on humans at least in the last century bigfoots May attack and kill aggressive animals such as dogs however they tend to leave livestock or farm animals alone many people report extreme feelings of fear apprehension and anxiety during a Bigfoot encounter yeah because you're like oh it's big it's aggressive and it's like something is chest like King Kong you know I'm dead I'm so dead how did I survive I have a 10 of reports also make mention of a powerful smell coming off the Bigfoot which is the similar which is similar to the ability of male gorillas you can control the type of smell they give off under Sun circumstances I can control the type of smell I give off but I exercise really hard and don't shower there's gonna be a different kind of spell to if I do if I let out a big fart if I eat some like really smelly food and have a big burp it's very pleasant to all of this isn't it like I've been drinking lots of black coffee this morning you might be able to tell because they feel absolutely hot it up on caffeine um it's quite Lively but if I had a big burp right now you probably could smell the coffee like I had went to the dentist yesterday and my new dentist is by my office rather than by my home and normally I brush my teeth before going to the dentist like a good human being but I didn't have a toothbrush at work and I had like Asian food for lunch and so I was like trying to drink water and get the smell out of my mouth because I don't want to be that person who goes to the dentist with a stinky mouth sure the dentist doesn't like it and I'm just like they're just like trying to breathe through my nose as much as possible because I'm self-conscious about it for some reason it's a dentist this is your job I'm sure like my teeth are nice they're all like you know clean and white I brush and twice a day I use those bloody into Dental toothbrush brushes which sometimes make me bleed under a nightmare I do the dental hygiene so I'm sure the person who goes in next is like is BET has like four teeth and the rest is just gums with infection and so that's that's going to be more unpleasant right than like slight Asian breath it's not like Asian that sounds weird that sounds slightly racist doesn't it I meant like Asian food it was Vietnamese food add a bunch of it's like there's fried pork dish it's delicious there's a good Asian restaurant there's a fact two good Asian restaurants are right in my office he's gone hasn't he oh my God what are we talking about I'm sorry I've had way too much coffee I really have I'm really sorry bigfoots are known for their strength easily tossing large rocks that intrude is uprooting small trees and messing with large and heavy items in places like construction or logging sites at night they are known to shake trees snap twigs and branches and make knocking noises on logs or trees it's not known whether this is to communicate with other bigfoots or to freak out the poor campers huddled in the flimsy tents even more creepily they are capable of a wide range of vocalizations anywhere from whistling to deep growls and Roars to piercing spring dreams the screaming animals is kind of terrifying isn't it using those Goat Screaming that's the only nice kind of screaming for animals and it's still kind of terrifying I imagine just walking along and there's a bear and it Roars and then it screams yeah oh my God Bear's got even more scary but me get out of here famous Bigfoot examples okay now we know about the big fella let's take a look at some of the more famous examples of sightings we've already mentioned Jerry Cruz OG experience let's fast forward to the more widely recognized the possibly only Bigfoot footage of all time the Paterson film The Patterson gimlin film it's not the Zara prudo film that is the Kennedy one of 1967. around the same period though you've probably seen the footage a clip of it a screenshot or at least some sort of meme about it the whole thing is just under a minute long and allegedly shows a female Bigfoot walking away from Roger Patterson looking back a few times before walking into the forest Roger Patterson has read Bob gimlin had been actively seeking out bigfoots after Patterson had become interested in them several years earlier they headed to Bluff Creek in the six Rivers National Forest in Northern California as there had been recent sightings and Patterson had visited the area before this was also the same Forest where Jerry crew discovered large Footprints from nine years prior riding along the creek Bank on Horseback Patterson and gimlim all of a sudden came across a large bipedal creature on the other side of the creek or Crick if you watch an interview with gimlin oh he's just got a weird accent or something realizing that they had happened upon a square Squad Patterson's been several seconds getting his camera out of his saddle bag while instructing gimlin to get his gun out just in case although they weren't there to hunt or kill the Bigfoot you could see that some of the film's footage has been taken on the move with Patterson stumbling and trying to keep the creature in sight he was mere meters away at his closest points oh he was I didn't I I was he was he so close okay he was using a 16 millimeter camera and frame 352 of the short reel uh where the creature turned to look at him captured the now iconic image of Bigfoot in motion and was the jumping off point for bigfoot Mania after just under a minute of tracking the creature along the creek and into the trees Patterson ran out of film after reuniting with Bob gimlin they managed to follow the tracks of Bigfoot for about a mile before making plaster casts of them this was also filmed but the footage has since then lost Madison wasted no time in getting his film developed and while it was difficult to get many scientists interested in the footage he did success he did find success showing it on talk shows where it garnered national attention leading to many interviews and articles for Patterson with Bob gimlin preferring to stay out of the spot Spotlight Patterson died from cancer only a few years later in 1972 at the age of 38. the Bigfoot in the footage referred to as Patty has been a major talking point in the field of cryptozoology ever since with Advocates on both sides either stating it's a man in a suit or it couldn't possibly be a man in a suit or talk about the naysayers later but we're in the Pro Bigfoot part at the moment so let's go with this go into this with an open mind okay Katie okay I'll pretend that it's real just keep an open mind and by presents I mean oh yeah I'm definitely open to thinking this is real I am I am look if there is something that I find convincing I'm happy to be convinced that's what I always say I do I make fun of not having you know having an open mind but I genuinely want to be persuaded of this stuff I genuinely like If ghosts are real I'd really like to know I just think it's extremely unlikely and I've never seen any ghosts I I believe anyone else has seen any ghosts there's no evidence of ghosts would I like ghosts to be real [ __ ] yeah that'd be fun let's go I just need something more and it's at this moment the footage of ghost stuff is oh my God it's real and I have the footage and then no one will believe me because they'll be nice faked and it probably would be because or it would just be in my imagination and not be able to see it because ghosts aren't real let's carry on I'll just put in here that I assume the name Patty with short for Patterson but Patterson's wife was named Patricia or patty patty Patterson that's great patty patty Patterson so I guess he named the Squatch after his wife is this flattering I think not wait he also called the what are you doing bastard can you imagine going out he's like are they named it Patty after Patterson and she'll be like you know my name's Patty right he's a big ugly monster he'd be like oh I see where I've gone wrong oh no anyway the Patterson gimlin film is arguably the most famous piece of evidence confirming the existence of an elusive hairy ape-like creature living in the depths of the forest is also one of the most scrutinized pieces of film ever shot it was made in 1967 and while filmmaking monster movies and special effects were very much in existence nobody had doubted that the film shows something that was physically there in the woods I.E no camera trickery was involved so what are our eyes telling us Patty the Bigfoot quite casually Walks Into the Woods taking a few backward glances at our man Patterson in case you were wondering why it's been designated a female Bigfoot it's because you can see some big old hairy boobs when it turns around the obvious answer to the mystery is that it's just a man in an ape suit however investigations at the time and more recently seem to suggest that it isn't okay for one no zipper or other Fasteners have been seen on the Bigfoot there's not that's not to say they aren't there the footage is pretty grainy after all but if it is a suit it's a pretty good one in fact it's a damn good one patty moves naturally not like anyone in a cumbersome costume and her mouth and features appear to move or when she turns her head not like if she was just in a costume and mask the footage has been digitally enhanced over the years and if anything it decreases the likelihood that this is just an ape suit muscle movement can be seen under the hair and researchers have been able to clearly pinpoint various muscle groups impossible if it was just a suit okay if that's legit if that is legit research that has happened that's making me think okay well it's not a man in a suit like the muscle movements underneath I mean the face movements of the Mask sure maybe but back in the day and that's a fancy suit I'm like pretty skeptical about that but the muscle muscle movements underneath I I mean the zipper and stuff is old footage but the muscle groups and this kind of stuff that seems pretty legit to being like I don't think it's a Bigfoot or whatever still I just is a big gorilla or something Dr Jurgen konzag the associate director of the human sensory model Lab at the University of Minnesota did an experiment to see whether a human could really match the walking gait of the so-called Bigfoot in 2004 using a big strong sporty type in an optical electronic camera system he compared the human drive to recreate the walk to the motion of Patty in the film for another angle he was joined by paleoanthropologist Esteban ceramento an expert in large wild Apes who worked at the American Museum of Natural History comzak reports if you look at this gate we can clearly see that it's not the Walk of a large eight that we know today Sarah lento saramiento says it's that he doesn't walk like a human and he doesn't walk like an ape the athlete was unable to replicate the Bigfoot walk and it seemed that the movement seen on film just couldn't be made by a guy in a potentially bulky and cumbersome suit gonzak concluded that it was not possible for a human or even a giant ape to be able to walk like the Bigfoot in the Patterson gimlin film very interesting there I'm I'm getting a little bit persuaded this is very nice the plaster casts made by Patterson and gimlin also pointed to the existence of a large bipedal Creature from the depth of the footprint cast they made it was estimated the Patty weighed around 700 pounds or 317 kilos there was also evidence of a midfoot pressure Ridge indicating flexibility in the midfoot which corresponds the gate to Patty and the terrain she lives in and is not a feature of a modern day human footprint I feel like the footprints we know or there was there was definitely some faking a Footprints going on in this in this story at some point because I remember them like being sold or whatever there were some kids footprint toy or whatever and people were doing it but maybe that was afterwards so apart from this short film what other evidence do we have as usual humans have just muddied the waters for ourselves now after the Patterson gimlin footage was released so the idea of Bigfoot was introduced to the public Consciousness and they started popping up all over the place including in the world of entertainment my personal introduction was the film Bigfoot and the Hendersons which I believe is called Harry in the Hendersons in the U.S I feel like I've definitely heard of Bigfoot in the Hendersons it's possible I've even seen that I have vague memories of this it's one of those films that I must have seen at a very impressionable age as I remember a lot about it just by not having watched it for probably at least 30 years oh I don't remember much about it I vaguely remember what the Bigfoot looked like and even that could just be a false memory it's possible I've never seen this I also remember being in floods of tears at the end which led to my dad grumbling about taking his daughters out for a nice treat at the cinema only now to have to deal with my emotional breakdown I'm sorry Dad anyway anybody can say that they've seen a Bigfoot or felt a weird presence when they've been out camping in the woods but it's the sheer number of recording encounters thousands of witness statements that has catapulted Bigfoot from the Realms of are you insane to hang on a minute maybe there's something out there after all I have to say I'm kind of into the hangout a minute there's maybe something out there after all okay category like it's that muscle groups thing that is really compelling if that is true if scientists have actually looked in that film and been like there's like twitching muscles under there that is legit I'm sorry that is some fairly that is fairly good evidence of like that being and how do you define a Bigfoot anyway what if it's just some like funky ape some like birth defect ape or something that's just got its body a little bit wrong something like that but then why is it in the the forest and where are the rest of them where did it come from and it's this knife's Edge that the Squatch is balancing on that makes it so irresistible to this day there's been no conclusive proof that it exists but there has also been no conclusive proof that it doesn't look at the Bigfoot map in Project website confirmed that sightings are alive and well and interestingly not to be confined to the Pacific Northwest traditionally thought to be the squatches chief stomping ground in fact there look to be as many if not more sightings in Kentucky Ohio and Pennsylvania despite all these encounters we still don't have verifiable proof in the way of physical evidence such as confirmed Sasquatch air the remains of a dead Sasquatch or even a decent photo so why do so many people believe it's real and are we any closer to unraveling history yeah the lack of dead ones and stuff is just like it's I I want the muscle group thing to be explained because that's the only theorem getting hung up on so far everything else like the way it walks and [ __ ] I'm like okay so a dude did one study with one dude that's not good enough but the scientist looking at the muscle twitching that is sticking up to me as needs explanation well the fact is you can't convince people of what they did or did not see some people have based their belief in real life bigfoots because of stories told to them by old family members who had kept it all in the hush-hush for being fear of for fear of being ridiculed the fact that they chose to keep the story to themselves someone makes it more believable to the few people they do tell it to there are many many examples of experienced campers hikers Wilderness experts animal expert scientists you name it who've had some sort of brush with a Bigfoot or at least some entity that they couldn't understand or explain well most of the evidence for the existence of Bigfoot is purely anecdotal the Patterson gimlin film stands still confound Skeptics who can write it off as a hoax to the satisfaction of the believer contingent yeah not surprised the muscle thing and I know I keep bringing it up but that's the thing Bigfoot in the 20th 21st century Bigfoot is still big news today and squash and Co regularly make the rounds in kids movies and TV shows but have there been any recent Bigfoot updates I want to talk about the BFRO for a moment this is the Bigfoot field researchers organization which was established in 1995 and according to their website it works with quote scientists journalists and Specialists from diverse backgrounds the overall mission of BFRO is multifaceted but the organization essentially seeks to resolve the mystery surrounding the Bigfoot phenomena that is to derive conclusive documentation of the species existence the goal is pursued through the proactive collection of empirical data and physical evidence from the field and by means of activities designed to promote an awareness and understanding of the nature and origin of the evidence okay so that sounds really good I know I made fun of these guys earlier it's kind of wasting their time but these seem like to be doing proper scientific stuff but then why are you plotting on a map all the places people were like I saw a Bigfoot there because that's not science that's just like sounds like fun you can't separate the fact from fiction doing something like that but like empirical data physical evidence that kind of stuff that is legit and cool good for you but have you ever found anything how long have you been doing this didn't they say since like the 19 yeah 1995 what have you found in that time as far as I'm aware that um Patterson film or whatever is that is the most conclusive evidence that we have a Bigfoot and there's if there was something more conclusive we'd have talked about it already so what have you been doing hmm big words but that they come up with any Goods well yes and no while there is lots of information about the squatcher's appearance preferred habitat and behavior on the site all of this is just compiled from alleged eyewitness accounts yeah which isn't science there are no convincing photos videos or anything at all really there are some links to audio recordings of supposed Bigfoot vocalizations but none of these are from the last couple of decades one is described as siren-like and that's because well it just sounds like a siren all the witness accounts have been lumped together and averaged out to create a supposed profile of the creature known as Bigfoot it's all presented as fact with a huge depth of detail down to how a Bigfoot poos so here you go quote their face is a sausage shaped up to four inches in diameter and up to three feet long forming a folding Heap they are replete with numerous intestinal parasites including hookworms as well as small bones hair of brains ample vegetable matter a Sasquatch has been observed to wipe itself with its hand and lick its fingers briefly a decidedly Simian gesture oh man wait the Simeon there they licking their poo off their fingers and hands after wiping their butt with their hands what the [ __ ] that's the last thing you want to do that's gross I also don't believe that one and anyway primates will eat poop if there's anything worth salvaging in there but they don't wipe their butts with their hands and then lick them clean so don't tar other simeons with your pooey brush okay good yeah that would just seem like that's less disease that's asking for diseases isn't it for me the BFRO occupies is a weird space trying to prove the existence of Bigfoot but providing people with enough of a platform that it all ends up just sounding pretty ridiculous it doesn't help that the founder of the BFRO is a man called Mad Money Maker although that is his real name so I suppose we should hold it against you Israel it was actually money maker that's kind of awesome are you the only thing better be like Rainmaker Mr Rainmaker Make It Rain baby and guess what his dad's name is Richard Money Maker no it's not his name is Rich Money Maker oh my God he's a lawyer how on the nose could he get his name is Rich money maker that's [ __ ] golden the BFRO holds regular field expeditions to sites of recent Squatch activity and in one such trip that was filmed for a show called Animal X they set up a mud trap with a load of fruit in it so to see if they could get any evidence of Squatch reactivity the next morning there was an impression in the mud of a which a plaster cast was made and this became known as the Skookum cast after the Skookum Meadows area of Washington state where the group were apparently this is an impression made by a Bigfoot as it tried to get the fruit to be honest it's hardly a clear print and it's pretty impossible to know what you're supposed to be looking at the best reconstruction the crew could come up with was showing a Squatch kind of lying propped up on its side in the mud full only reaching for some Mucky berries in the middle of course I'm no expert in Sasquatch but it didn't really seem like a natural thing for bigfoot to be doing I was expecting some big footprints in the mud not some weird wallowing shape as the creature inexplicably decided to lie down and pull itself towards some food yeah it sounds like there was just a dent in the ground and you've tried to make it work to you know what's it called when you come up with a theory and then you do everything you can to try and prove the theory rather than being objective I don't know but it sounds like that's what's going on here was any Bigfoot hair found no were any large footprints found or a three foot long heaped poo no could this imprints have been made by saying other animals such as an L because they were known to create similar shapes while lying down well yes that's a yes also there were elk tracks nearby surely the obvious thing to have done was to have a flipping camera set up near the mud trap but I guess that wouldn't have helped the BFRO out very much can't we just be objective also while those cameras called the light the the um they're like cameras that you set up in trees and then they take a picture when there's motion like hunting cameras or trap cameras or whatever I suppose another Blow To The credibility of the BFRO is that it spawned off a TV show on Animal Planet called Finding Bigfoot that lasted for 100 episodes the money spinning like whoever missed a money spinner at uh Animal Planet is it's just crazy like the fact that you can spin this out for so long or like that uh the the mystery of Oak Island Treasure or whatever the History Channel's been doing for like four 100 Seasons or whatever it's just how can you spin something out that long I was reading about that I think I stumbled across that on Reddit the other day someone talking about Oak Island as being like a mystery or whatever and how they kept digging down in that hole and finding things about just really that being like no no no no no no no no you just watched The History Channel thing and you thought it was real and the comment below is like yeah this is obviously fake um it's just made up blah blah blah I'm like Legend and I'm pretty sure that second one had more upvotes it's just like good good don't believe everything you see on the History Channel but believe everything you see on any of my channels everything never never question me just joking you can question me it's what the comments are for did they find Bigfoot well I'll let you take a wild guess it's also rated a dismal 4 out of 10 on IMDb that's really bad for IMDb meaning that there doesn't seem to even be any entertainment value to it at all I watched a bit of an episode in which the team were trying to work out if someone's managed to capture a photo of Bigfoot on their trail camera and thankfully they have a dedicated skeptic on the team who spends the whole time asserting that it is just a bear well that's great I like that how did you spin up to 100 episodes though because the skeptic message every episode no no no no no no no no no no no no no and that's the format although yes most TV shows are fairly formulating so so never mind that money maker is also a team maker as is the most stoned looking guy on television James Bay who is nicknamed Bobo uh Stone most Stone looking guy in your opinion Katie careful this whole thing is probably not worth watching now as if evidence of Bigfoot were found it's unlikely to exist only on this show and not be big news all around the world but maybe just watch it for BoBo and Katie's included a picture of Bobo who uh yeah in my opinion also does look fairly stoned decoding Bigfoot all right let's get to the part where we delve even deeper into the story of Sasquatch there's no denying that the idea of the Sasquatch has existed in First Nations in American culture for hundreds of years this has led to people believing that there must be something to this story of a large hairy wild man or half man half ape or giant ape that's not necessarily true I suppose it's easier to believe there's a must-have roots in reality as the figure itself is bipedal and human likes are basically something that we could all easily recognize and something that could potentially exist yeah it's not like Isaac it's an alien or a monster like you know something that's completely wild ass different it's like someone saw a unicorn in the forest at least you'd be like well okay I can imagine it's sort of a horse with like a weird weird skull or something like a white horse that's somewhere a little bit sparkly with a big you know horn pointing out of his head that could be like a birth defect or something if you take a look at other Legends there are plenty of absolutely Bonkers demons and Concepts out there that in no way could exist in the real world and nobody has ever really claimed they do I'm thinking for instance of the Kashi Yokai or Japanese demon that was covered in the Kasha House of Kaimuki episode the origin of that demon was that it was a fiery or burning cart that popped up at people's funerals if they weren't particularly nice people and then it drove them to hell yeah that's not something that I would ever question like in there it's like obviously fake obviously fake obviously fake whereas this one with the muscle thing I'm like well it's not obviously fake is it I don't think there's enough evidence to say that it's real but it's not obviously fake like a fiery Chariot that drives people to Hell nobody's suggesting they've ever seen this happening or it was a real thing so why should we believe in Bigfoot just because it's presented as something a bit more familiar well partly because things that are more familiar and close to reality are more likely to be reality I'm going to go back to our examples of pro Bigfoot evidence now and see what the whole story was yes this may be seen as spoiling the fun and some people complain that stories are ruined when we actually investigate a bit further but hello this is decoding the unknown clue is in the name we need to look at both sides of this hairy coin although in reality this is a hairy coin that just keeps spinning as no matter how much debunking is done the debunking is then apparently debunked etc etc etc yeah maybe this like sometimes I see people like reacting to my videos and stuff they'll be like you know they watch it and they react to it sometimes it's entertaining sometimes it's a bit boring um but this won't be good I'd like to see some you know person who really leaves this beard like yeah Simon birby's all about this although I'm quite on the fence about this to be honest I mean if you were reacting to like the the burning Chariot of fire water whatever it'd be like well actually the burning Chariot of fire is real please come on come on come on don't be silly the origin of the name Bigfoot came from media reports of the footprints found by Jerry crew and Chums around the side of their logging operation how do we account for these massive one-third of Danny DeVito's eyes prints well if he goes straight to the debunking without passing go these prints were nothing more than a not particularly sophisticated prank carried out by a guy on the same team using a wooden foot imprint Rey Wallace allegedly made a deathbed confession in 2002 admitting to the prank although it wasn't exactly a secret to his family and friends he was well known as a prankster and in 1958 apparently decided that time was ripe in North America are his own version of the Yeti or to at least increase the interest in it kind of a legend to be honest it's like yeah Sky it's it's a good prank it's pretty funny some people thought that there was no way it could have just been a man with a wooden footprint as there were supposedly not enough time for people to do this sort of malarkey with all the work that they had to do but come on how long does it take to press a foot on a pole and into how but come on how long does it take to press a foot on a pole into some mud not very long and also have you not heard of procrastination people are saying this it's like yeah yeah we should be logging but we just [ __ ] around for a little bit like everybody with any job ever not very long and the other large heavy things that apparently were mysteriously moved around the camp might have been moved by Machinery without other people's knowledge they might have been on unstable ground and slid over or maybe it was just a made-up fact to get their name of the local paper the BFRO have decided that Wallace did not in fact make this confession I found an article in the Los Angeles time from times from December the 6th 2002 where Wallace's son Michael confirmed that his dad had been behind the mysterious Footprints okay the BFRO were correct in that Wallace didn't exactly make a deathbed confession but apparently he pulled his family as he knew his health was failing and they all voted for not holding on to the secret as previously mentioned it wasn't like he was the only one who knew the whole time there seems to be a weird thing for a random person to say to a paper 44 years after the event unless they were actually involved in some way and it's not like this example has ever been as remotely famous as the Patterson gimlin film so I doubt Michael Wallace was cashing in much on that hairy coin yeah his sister prankster and then it got out of control and he's like cool just you know last fun thing before I die it was me uh people would be like no I wasn't still real still real I believe it BFRO we build a career around this Mr Money spinner and I money spinner at Animal Planet it's a joke other naysayers of this explanation have said that the alleged footstomper Ray Wallace did not match the plaster cast taken by Jerry crew to that I say whatever the ground was muddy while it's probably doing planted down exactly level each time but maybe the cast wasn't taken very well I also have trouble finding verifiable pictures of what the fake feet looked like the one on the BFRO site looks very different to the one on the site called so maybe Wallace had multiple versions or maybe these debunks of the debunk are just wrong to be honest I believe that this incident was a hoax as why would you bother confessing to something like this just before you die you wouldn't get any credit or attention for it as you'd be dead and credit and attention is what people who make false confessions are after pretending that your dad perpetrated long forgotten hoax is hardly going to do much to increase your profile in the 21st century so personally I think Wallace and possibly other people in his work team were all just having a laugh and I completely fully agree with you Katie there's very little doubt in my mind on that one now let's get into the nitty-gritty of the Patterson gimme in film Excellence although Katie writes Psy so I get the feeling that it's going to be debunked which will be good because the muscle thing isn't explained yet I'd like to know what the explanation is please okay this is gonna take a while every Point can be met with the counter but I die hard Believers so let's just go for it first off the original film has disappeared and only copies remain this means that we can't say for sure when it was filmed and if there was any other footage before the main event that might give us a bit more of an idea of it all of its authenticity and perhaps the timeline around the making of the film rather than the footage itself is what could prove to be it's undoing interesting let me explain Patterson and gimnam were trekking through the forest on Horseback on the afternoon of October the 20th 1967. Patterson stated that they chanced upon the Bigfoot somewhere between 115 and 1 40 PM any time stamps that could be found on the original film have of course been lost after the close encounter which could only have lasted a couple of minutes both men had to round up their horses which had been spooked at the presence of Bigfoot and run off they spent some time trying to track down Patty through the forest for anywhere between one and three miles during this time Batterson filmed some of the footprints that had been found but the film has also been lost after losing sight of any more tracks They headed back to their campsite which was three miles or 4.8 kilometers away they picked up some plaster to make casts with and went to three miles or four coins 0.8 kilometers back to the footprints made the cast waited for said casts to dry went three miles or 4.8 get back to the camp again packed everything up into the trailer including the horses and drove to Willow Creek to mail the film off the film was mailed at about 6 30 PM does it sound likely that all all of this could have been done in five hours I know the answer's supposed to be no but they were on horses three miles is not that far in a horse and plaster doesn't take that long to set so yes I think not unreasonable it was quick but it doesn't sound crazy I should also mention that from their Camp to Willow Creek was about 24 miles or 40 kilometers men most long dirt tracks and fire roads okay that's gonna take forever because like 24 miles at what 60 60 miles an hour is 24 minutes which that is not short but doing it on the track is going to take five times longer so let's just say it's an hour and a half two hours maybe let's just say two hours so they did all the stuff in three hours now that's sounding a bit more ridiculous so yeah once you start looking at it like that the whole thing seems to be getting more and more unlikely it didn't help matters that Patterson changed his story a few times even saying that the film was flown to Yakima on a charter plane to be developed oh and it was later proven that no chart planes flew that day because of bad weather uh oh are you lying a plane seems like a pretty big thing to suddenly remember and in fact it is this dubious timeline coupled with Patterson's shifting story that convinces me that the footage was just a hoax rather than going into the nitty-gritty of the actual Bigfoot you see speaking of which let's get into the nitty-gritty of the actual big that you see all Patty's winner arms and boobs around like nobody's business ambling off between the trees and into infamy there are two possibilities here number one it's a real Bigfoot number two it's a man wearing a costume which of these is most likely I'll say that having watched rather more videos than I wanted to about this I was starting to think maybe there was something to this Bigfoot thing the footage has been enhanced over the years and while the original you know is quite Grady it's possible to see muscles moving under the fur worn patches a moving face details that a hoaxer throwing a fake movie together in the 1960s wouldn't have time or resources to create but is it really possible to see that Australian Wayne Dalton made a video showing the 4K version of the film pointing out that Patty the Bigfoot moves and saying things like go on time and try an Aussie accent here to be authentic the muscles move and quiver that's not that that's Australia this is Australian I mean it's not a good one but it isn't it is it is probably recognizable as Australian I know all the Australians are super upset the muscles move and quiver as they act like shock absorbers the muscles move and quiver as they act like shock absorbers but for the life of me I can't see what he's talking about the footage is clearer and this does actually make it look more like an actual creature than a suited up guy but I can't really see all this detail that he and others have pointed out thousand also points out how similar the head is compared to real ape that is isn't that what you'd expect from an ape costume the nose appears to be different but there's not really any clear shot of it and in the enhanced version when Patty turns to the camera that's actually when the face looks the least realistic mainly because of the odd nose thousand also points out wear marks on the creature's hair presumably from its arms constantly brushing past its thighs Etc but maybe it's just a patchy costume hardly a death blow to the Skeptics other people have made much of the way Patty moves as it's not the way a human or indeed an ape would walk wait so let's just go back to that previous thing is just like before it was scientists have done the muscle group tracking and all of this it's like nah nah it just looks like they're real muscles under there so it turns out to just not be as solid as as you first think which is kind of what I expected to be honest is it though the way a human in an apesood would walk I take major issue with Dr Jurgen konzak's experiment with the optical cameras on the athlete he concluded that a human could not walk like a Bigfoot but while I concluded was that that particular human could not war like Bigfoot exactly I said it's done on one person one person is not a study weirdly moving his arms and legs into positions to match the Bigfoot when he wasn't the same proportions as the creature on the screen and everybody walks totally differently depending on a number of factors if you're familiar with someone you can sometimes pick them out in a crowd by the way they walk a person they used to overthink how to swing my arms because I thought everyone was looking at me this is when I was young and insecure now I don't give a crap I tried to recreate the Bigfoot walk in my own room and probably did a better job than the test subject they should shown the athlete guy the footage and asked him to try and walk like that or maybe they should have just put him in a football helmet and shoulder pads zipped him up into an ape suit and told him to take a stroll through the trees because of its notoriety several slightly odd people throughout the years have outed themselves as being the person inside the Bigfoot suit okay I thought it was one of the original guys or something but it just turns out to be a bunch of I like not maybe it could have been one of them one dude filming one dude in the ape suit or a third person but like most people look up at midnight it was me prove it the one with the most credibility however is Bob Hieronymus he was the neighbor of Bob gimlin and in 1967 was offered a thousand dollars to wear the suit and be in the film that's a lot of money in 1967 isn't it like 10 times more because I was watching madman and then I was wondering how expensive [ __ ] was and it was basically just like add a zero to the end a little bit less than that and that's how much money it is in today's money um that's around nine thousand dollars today not bad for a minute's work that seems very unlikely why would you pay someone like such an extraordinary amount of money according to Hieronymus he tried on the suit a couple of times with the football helmet and shoulder pads underneath then he went with Patterson and gimlin to the forest and made the clip he was never paid any money and instead of outing the whole thing early on he was scared of the backlash that he would receive because the film had attracted so much attention dude you just got stiffed out of nine Grands [ __ ] that Hieronymus was worried that it'd be prosecuted for fraud so he kept his mouth shut until a few decades later who are you defrauding no one you're not tricking anyone out of money here you're just making a prank film there's a YouTube video showing Bob walking and if I'd just been convinced by the awkward athlete the bigfoots were real it took an old man shuffling across the screen to convince me the bigfoots aren't real or at least the Patterson gimlin Tom is not real sure it's not the exact Bigfoot walk but Bob's an old man now he wasn't togged up in the nape suit wearing a full body suit with big feet does totally affect your gate as I can attest having dressed up as the children's character poppycat to help out a friend who managed to Bookshop man it was sweaty inside thankfully there were two of us on duty and I wore the costume first oh oh yeah there's nothing worse than like putting on someone else's sweaty clothes or whatever like all mask and stuff and I don't know I used to do theater and and all of that stuff and you know if you're doing something where you have to wear like a mask and there's someone else's wear that mask and you put it on it's like damp inside from their breath you're like oh this is horrible I hated that there's footage of Bob and a group of Pals at a bar laughing about how anyone was fooled and it's common knowledge around town that it was just Bobby H in a suit he even took a lie detector test on a show called guess what lie detector in 2005 which confirmed that he wasn't lying oh when he said that he was the guy in the Bigfoot suit yeah but lie detectors are just [ __ ] this isn't really conclusive proof though as lie detectors basically measure stress levels not lies it's also kind of a niche spot to make this statement although Hieronymus I have no idea if I'm pronouncing this right name right but it sounds he sounds like some sort of Greek doesn't he or like you know Aristotle hero Stratus I think it's the the guy he's oh Herodotus the historian here a stronger the guy burned down that Temple just so being remembered history um Hieronymus interesting uh look he wasn't coming out with the information with a bang just confirming what it's been saying for a while against any doubters according to the Wikipedia page about the show the other two people featured on the episode were employee who wanted to prove that her pay was legitimate and a man who wants to prove that he did not murder his girlfriend what the [ __ ] man that is a crazy show and also what do you mean employee wants to prove that a pain was legitimate is that my pay is legitimate I work six hours and I got paid for six hours okay and next up did John murder his girlfriends in a days are just a hard left isn't it holy [ __ ] as with everything in this story you either believe Bob or you don't so what's the next sticking point how about that suit of course this isn't just an ape suit or a gorilla suit there's no way that a costume could be daggered in the 1960s if it was it would have cost a bomb Oh way more than Patterson could afford oh yeah couldn't be that good eh well one comparison I saw somewhere uh was that around the time that the footage came out that the first planet of the eights film with Charles and Heston was made the critics said that there was no way the Bigfoot suit was fake as the best Hollywood could come up with at the time I was not very convincing Apes in Planet of the Apes well I beg to differ I looked up clips and stills from the 1968 movie and while all the Apes I saw were wearing clothes the makeup was actually pretty good the faces moved and with a couple of exceptions they weren't too mask like already fake looking the hair looked pretty good and the conclusion that I came to is that it was more than possible to create a decent full body Bigfoot suit in the late 1960s John Chambers actually received an honorary Oscar for outstanding makeup achievement in this film so there you go he is denied being behind the Bigfoot yeah but it just proves that it's totally possible though so who did make it it's unlikely that it was just an off the peg gorilla number apparently it was made by Philippine a b Morris who made Gorilla suits mainly used in carnival shows while there were no receipts coming from the sale to be found and the suit itself has never surfaced both Philip and Amy confirm that the pattern the Patterson commissions the suit from them and called up sometime later to ask how it could be modified to appear bigger dude this is some I mean the evidence for is like very weak and the evidence against is just like there seems to be a lot so saying that this is clearly fake doesn't it Philip Morris also pointed out this is a Philip Morris like this the uh the the cigarette company hey Siri what's Philip Morris he's a tobacco company quiet Theory pipe down [Music] that's quite enough no I'm not your slave Philip Morris also pointed out how wearing the suit could alter a person's walking gate and that the suit wasn't designed to be particularly flexible hence Patty the Bigfoot having to turn her entire upper body to look behind her I also found a photograph on BBC website showing members of the starless tribe during a Sasquatch festival and someone's wearing a Sasquatch suit and I don't know whether it came from real life animal hide I presume it did but it looks pretty good quality costume and that's from 1938. yeah the idea that it wasn't possible to make a costume is just silly they were great costumes chill so could the most famous footage be just a man in a suit I think it's definitely possible if not probable I'll round up this actually by saying the pattern himself was something of a tricky customer he got financing from a film company called American National Enterprises to make a fake Bigfoot documentary mainly based on a tiny Dome he had self-published called do abominable snowmen of America really exist Patterson used the money to buy the Apes suit and render camera that he used for the encounter after getting the film developed and selling the clip himself pick up ties with American National Enterprises who didn't get anything out of the relationship can't they serve for the original money at least like you should give that original money back you just completely abandoned it dude Patterson was also arrested for keeping the camera longer than the rental period arrested holy [ __ ] I should return my library books please open up although I eventually gave it back in one piece and the charges were dropped yes Patterson did end up breaking in the money although there were lawsuits further down the line his wife ended up with 100 of the TV rights and 49 of the rights of footage all along with his brother-in-laws helps Patterson out financially before it's estimated they made about 200 000 off the footage in the first year alone in 1960s money holy [ __ ] they made uh oh there's a figure here and that's 1.7 million dollars today but even if that was adjusted for inflation that but even if that wasn't adjusted for inflation it's not bad holy [ __ ] they made some Bank God damn Patterson may have also known he was dying he had Hodgkin's lymphoma so it's not totally out of the question that he just had one last hurray and struck gold with the Escapade or it could be that as a Bigfoot Fanboy he miraculously did what no one had convincingly done before or since and actually had an encounter with the real creature that he managed to capture on film maybe you're not convinced that Bigfoot is a hoax but you think there might be something setting off all of these reports well a lot of so-called Bigfoot encounters can be explained as encounters with other normal and boring animals like bears bears can stand on their hind legs and and walk around if they want to and some of them are really big making them an easy target for bigfoot misidentification also a lot of reported encounters happen at night in the woods so people tend to stay inside their tents and not go poking around outside I.E they don't see anything useful yeah if I hear like crazy sounds when you're out camping like I know that there's just a it's just a paper thin fabric between you and whatever monster is out there but it's like I'm not going outside I don't want to I'm safe in here it's definitely safe under the blankets oh damn the vocalizations that people hear could be any number of animals or other man-made sounds coming from unexpected directions in the portlock Alaska episode there were references to a wild hairy man in the woods and people were reported as hearing women's voices that didn't seem to be speaking in any language they knew these there are First Nations people in Alaska and Canada and their many languages would be totally unfamiliar to practically everyone else and maybe they just heard the locals walking past having a bit of a natter it's also possible that Bigfoot Hunters are fooling each other making calls that they think attract Bigfoot that then replied to by another group thinking they've just heard a Bigfoot classic that happened in England a while ago with two men down the end of their respective Gardens thinking they were communicating with an owl on a regular basis but there was no owl hey hey John is that you oh my God can you imagine this so discounting a Sasquatch another regular Wildlife could there be something else in the mix how about some sort of real giant ape that's managed to survive relatively undisturbed all this time [Music] jiganto piscos okay was a really a very large one judging by the jawbones and teeth that have been found but is it likely to still be alive and well and undiscovered hundreds of thousands of years after it was supposed to go extinct no because there's no evidence there's no skeletons there's no bodies there's no so like real sightings or evidence or anything like that because obviously the Peterson film Patterson film whatever it's not real um it's been debunked in my opinion so no it's not real it died a long time ago and it's never come back and not only that there's got to be enough of them to keep breeding if they still exist today a more likely explanation might be that actual gorillas or similar Apes might be living in the forest maybe an escape from zoos or private collections or being dumbed there by people who couldn't look after them anymore gorillas don't usually walk on their hind legs though preferring to knuckle walk on all fours in lots of cases where people can't identify an animal in a trail photo though it usually just turns out to be a bear hoaxes I know we haven't really mentioned any of the confirmed Bigfoot hoaxes and that's because well what's the point they were found out all the perpetrators admitted to the hoax usually the dead Squatch or whatever was discovered was made of latex rubber or other animal hair and it just served to undermine the possibility of Bigfoot being real people have even died after being shot while dressing up a Bigfoot so it's not something that I really recommend and I know there's going to be people in the comments saying they or their dad uncle grandfather Edward experiences that they couldn't explain and I'm not trying to belittle what you went through um yeah but it doesn't make it real I saw Father Christmas in my room as a young child and it always struck me as strange my parents wouldn't have bothered getting talked up and it always struck me as strange my parents wouldn't have bothered getting talked up to put stuff in my stocking if I was already supposed to be asleep yet this image is in my mind and while I've since been promoted the role of Santa myself I've never been able to fully believe that this is a false memory and no it wasn't some pervert that had broken in at least I hope it wasn't and I've actually been repressing something horrible the whole time Jesus Christ that got dark I'm pretty sure he was just putting some presents in my stocking anyway my point was that while you might truly believe that it was a Bigfoot encounter chances are it wasn't there have been thousands and thousands of sightings and yet not a single decent picture has come out of it I've seen various YouTube videos claiming to be proof of Bigfoots but that either obviously fake or are really intriguing but then cut out of the crucial moments or just plain weird nothing has captured the Public's attention and Imagination since the 1967 Patterson Inland film and now even 56 years later it hasn't been possible to thoroughly prove the film to be a hoax or the real deal logically though we have found evidence of species thought to be extinct we're still discovering new species even now and yet nobody can find a physical trace of a gigantic Hairy Ape in the woods and that's hardly for wants of trying it's kind of weird though in the more I look into the original Patterson gimlin footage the more fake it seems especially the face it looks just odd but when you see the enhanced version it does appear more genuine probably because it's been enhanced like if you asked an AI or like one of these AI upscalers or whatever to look into it and it'll be like well that's a monkey or a gorilla so I'm gonna make it look more gorilla-like in my process so it kind of that's what it would do you know battles himself said on his deathbed that he wished he had just shot the thing so he'd have a body to show instead of having to deal with critics all the time gimlin for his part was totally radio silent for about 30 years but does pop up every now and then just retelling the story of the day that he and his friend filmed a Bigfoot so what have we learned yeah well I've learned that the Bigfoot and the cat Patterson gimlin film could not possibly be a human in a suit I've also learned that it was a man called Bob in a suit yeah I think we I don't know for me it's like it's a man in a suit I thought that's what it was going in and then it's just debunked success satisfactorily for me at least I've learned there is no confirmed physical proof of the existence of a Bigfoot I've also learned that there are thousands of reports of people seeing a Bigfoot the BFRO side has thousands of recorded accounts searchable by state and it may not come as a huge surprise to learn that the highest number of sightings they've recorded are from Florida there's some crazy stuff that happens in Florida there's also no loan locally as a skunk ape there just in case you were wondering I looked through some reports and there are a huge number where a Squatch is just walking along a road or down a hill in plain view and not hidden at all so why is the only note of this on a slightly Niche website could it be that people are just making stuff up in an action that went above and beyond my usual efforts I submitted a Bigfoot sighting from Los Angeles to the Bigfoot mapping project website in public and it published it no questions asked oh no I did a dare send it to the BFRO though as it looks like they follow up on quite a lot of these and I'm a terrible liar so yes I just muddied the waters with the boring tale of seeing a tall figure at the edge of some trees and it made some weird noises I hastened to add that this was 100 made up but it just shows how easy it is to submit a fake sighting it took me about two minutes another amazing thing to come out of this episode is the amount of times I type bogfoot instead of Bigfoot it was a lot yeah there are some words that I don't know that I'll use like I uh haven't this is not interesting but I run a channel there's another Channel called water graphics and my short form but that is always warro so like when I'm typing like notes I'll record a war video and it always autocorrects it to Wars and it drives me potty I think I'm taking the coward's way out of this and not definitively saying the Bigfoot is real one way or the other although I do think the Patterson given in film is a hoax I guess unlike Fox Mulder in that I want to believe show me the proof of bigfoot and I'll be as excited as the next person exactly and I feel that this is the position that every human should have just wait for some if something comes across that proves something that you thought was fault false real be like cool interesting I guess I was wrong that's okay until then sorry but it don't really mean Squatch yes thank you for being here listening watching this episode if you like it click that like button subscribe if you're listening as a podcast leave me a review that would be most welcome and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Decoding the Unknown
Views: 322,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history monster quest, history shows, history channel, history channel shows, big foot, monster quest season 3, monster quest, history, monsterquest, critical evidence of sasquatch encounters, sasquatch, critical evidence
Id: yX2pbXZFAzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 21sec (3621 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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