Are Lizards Ruling the World?

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Hello everybody welcome back to another episode of decoding the unknown today we are to the very important question are lizards really the world no they're not thanks for watching this [Music] not really low we got a bunch of pages thank you ilza who wrote this I'm gonna read it and uh let's just say some episodes I go into and I'm like oh maybe I'll be persuaded or something maybe I'm gonna like come around to a conspiracy theory this one I can just tell you I'm not because obviously it's insane and uh like pop off in the comments if you think differently but you've obviously come to the wrong video honestly it obviously come to the wrong Channel because while this is called decoding the unknown it comes Cryptids and stuff it's from a very skeptical perspective because I host it welcome welcome um it feels like a strange contradiction for a channel doesn't it anyway let's just jump in in the format of this show if you're new here Elsa has written it I'm gonna read it I've never read it before let's go the other day I was playing Skyrim Elder Scrolls with my cat sitting on my lap never played Skyrim it always struck me as a bit too fantasy I really want to play like I don't really have a lot of time for video games to be honest huh why not but I really want to play that wild west one what's it called Red Dead Redemption because that looks cool and I can get into that like I like the history stuff love Age of Empires but I feel like Skyrim's got fantasy elements right and that's just not gonna be for me he loves the Dragons Who oh your cat sorry uh not that fond of akajit no idea what you're talking about ilza talking cat is apparently where he draws the line see there you go fantasy talking cats cats don't talk what's that TV show with the talking catlo back from the 90s there's a talking black cat with Wizards Sabrina is it Sabrina the Teenage Witch correct why do I remember this as I was playing I noticed something those familiar with the game will know that the argonians are essentially a race of lizard folk the character that needs help to kick an addiction is Argonian the characters treated really badly in one of the towns are argonians and one Argonian even asks you to go and steal something bloody argonians no one wants them they're bloody criminals bloody I'm racist against argonians why is this game so intent on vilifying the lizard folk is it a message deeply hidden inside a game warning us that lizard people are bad and should be despised is the game an active Revolution against our reptilian oppressors putting them in their place in a world of ones and zeros because we have no way of doing that in the real world of course not all of this is nonsense or is it let me know in the comments if this sounds plausible and I'll sell you some merchandise and exp and books expanding on this Theory because we need to get the word out and warn people not because you know money any of these conspiracy theories like when you get to like be a big conspiracy theory person there's always some sort of like big grift happening behind it isn't it because it's like yeah you're selling like anti-lizard pills or like I don't know whatever like um can I I mean he's been like sent to not sent to prison obviously um sent to court and finds like or sued for like a billion dollars Alex Jones he's like you know oh there's this causing this and I've got this that will protect you for it it's like yeah yeah maybe you believe it but there's also a lot of money pouring in from you saying that you believe it right allegedly in my opinion but let's go back to today's conspiracy if you thinking the world is spiraling and completely Madness due to global warming in a widening economic disparity you'd be wrong mankind is in fact facing a threat more dire for there's a reptilian conspiracy afoot or is that a claw butter it's a conspiracy the human race is nothing but sheep and insult of Sheba will let that slide the truth is there's a blood drinking flesh-eating shape-shifting um word I can't say because YouTube will demonetize me but let's just say I've heard people say p word uh Satanist reptilian Elite controlling and manipulating the human race some theories refer to them oh and if you didn't get it from p word uh Jimmy Savile boom is that too British Jared from Subway that's American enough right you guys know what I'm talking about you know what p word that YouTube will demonetize me for do you know what I'm saying some theories refer to them as Anunnaki or the archons but I'm going to stick with reptoids humanoid reptilians or just reptilians the lizards are all in positions of power and influence like the government and they control the media using mindless entertainment to keep our attention away from what really matters and to keep things interesting the Illuminati they're all lizards too in fact I mean anyone who really believes this will be like well they're controlling you too Simon they've made you make this piece they've made you make it sound Super Silly by making this think about it to that I'm like what where's conspiracy theories I was you know like they're controlling the media or whatever it's always like yeah yeah I mean I didn't really believe it but then I became you know a part of the media watched by plenty of people and no one's come along a bit like how about you make this piece about this people okay or how about you don't or how about this or how about that no one's got I wish they had because I'm sure they've got loads of money they could give me the theory is based mainly on the insights of David Ike but as with most conspiracy theories there's some disagreement with the details apparently the reptilians arrived in ancient times they experimented with our DNA and some believed in this genetic manipulation is still happening you'd think that after thousands of years they would have gotten whatever they were looking for Genetically speaking so maybe they're not as smart as we think it seems Believers can't quite agree on what the actual goal of the genetic manipulation is it's either to make us more controllable or they're just farming us because they like having human flesh at reptilian Thanksgiving some claim the lizard Elita shapeshifters While others state that the true reptilians exist in a different dimension and they're controlling the human race through thought control but also maybe maybe they are controlling me and it's just less obvious they're like influencing My Thoughts From Another Dimension yeah that sounds real doesn't it ah please alternatively the reptilians are hiding in underground bunkers there's also a conspiracy the reptilians here on Earth are hybrids meant to control the human race in some Tales the hybrids just managing things until the reptilian overlords return oh where they went is unclear many celebrities and politicians have been accused of being reptoids and Mark Zuckerberg has gone on record stating that he's not a lizard during a live streaming session to answer some burning questions from users Mark Zuckerberg I feel like he's more likely to be a robot I mean he's just a regular not a regular person but he is a person he's like made of Flesh and Blood I don't believe he's a robot but he doesn't seem lizardy he seems he seems like roboty if that's the most important question someone has the human race is doomed besides the lizards have been trying to keep their presence a secret it's not like one of them is suddenly going to shrug his shoulders and say ah you got me it wasn't for you meddling kids I'd still be it and the origin of the conspiracy in the world of conspiracy theories the overlord theory is actually relatively new of course those trying to prove the theory have dug up proof from the dawn of mankind but the actual Theory seems to have Arisen in the 1920s meaning it's barely a hundred years old so where did it all start well that would be imaginative authors in an August 1929 edition of the magazine weird Tales were a lot of Old Times sci-fi fantasy and Noir right has got started a story appeared called The Shadow Kingdom written by Robert E Howard creator of Conan the Barbarian the villains of the story are the serpent men an ancient pre-human race hoping to replace the king Carl with one of their own disguised as Carl as they've done with many of Carl's predecessors wait how does that work kings are like uh like a bloodline thing right so it's like if the lizard's already replaced the previous guy when he is a kid isn't he going to be the lizard kid rather than the an actual because they killed off the previous how's that work you don't have to think things fully through in fiction it turns out that these serpent menus magic to shape-shift into human form and occasionally even resort to mind control of course Carl Foyle's the plan to replace him and the serpent get destroyed so all ends well the story also mentions Atlantean suggesting that Howard was influenced by the work of a russian-born Mystic Helena blavatsky I mentioned her before she seems to appear whenever conspiracies abandoned about much like that David Ike chap we just mentioned she was one of the founders of the theosophical society and author of The Secret Doctrine published in 1888 where she discusses all manner of imaginative theories that some people still believe to this day one of these theories of hers involved a race of dragon men who had a mighty civilization on the continent of lemuria you know it's not a real thing where it's like yeah okay like in 1888 when the world wasn't like fully explored and stuff although by 1880 yeah we're getting pretty bloody close weren't we it's unlikely that we discover a whole other continent they discovered Antarctica back in the day right but there's not going to be some other continent out there and when it turns out like we go to space they send the satellites off but they have a look around and they'll oh okay so we have discovered everything then it should all fall apart but then some people will still be like no it turns out inside there's many concentric layers inside the earth and lemurray is down there so for sake do we have to do this then in the 1940s occultist Maury's Dorial founder of the Brotherhood of the white temple in Denver a wrote a pamphlet called Mysteries of the Gobi in which he describes a race of creatures with the bodies of men and the heads of snakes who are shapeshifters of course at some point in the unspecified past these snake men waged war against humans and were driven to near Extinction his later writings include underground cities aliens and Atlantis but it's unclear where exactly our occult has got this incredibly scientific information from it sounds like he's just writing a fiction book oh he's an occultist though so yeah oh I don't it's like we've discussed this before 4. like if you write a fiction book and say totally non-fiction and all truth people don't know wow I mean dumb people but it'll still sell more books HB Lovecraft was a friend of Howard so I saw fear a few theories suggesting Lovecraft is a possible source for their reptilian conspiracy theory I Lovecraft wrote some really weird stuff and we can blame him for a lot not Cthulhu we all love Cthulhu is that how you pronounce it Cthulhu I think so but I don't think he played much of a part in the rise of the reptilian conspiracy theory I've never read any H.P Lovecraft you know I've not read the is it the rise of Cthulhu the tale of Cthulhu or whatever it's called not Reddit um I haven't read a lot of classic books and I am just starting to I think I mentioned this on an episode previously I like books school really put me off classic books because you just over analyze the out of them and it's always like what's the author trying to see in say in this scene I don't know can't we just enjoy the scene and then we also had to read like boring classic books and recently discovered I was reading Woodhouse Roadhouse however you pronounced it read of his books and it was great and now I'm reading The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway and it's brilliant a thousand times like it is absolutely brilliant and I'm pretty happy that I got into classic novels asking rather put off it by school so that's cool maybe I'll read some Lovecraft next wasn't he like uh wasn't that wasn't he like racist or something I feel like there's some something with racism and Lovecraft like it became a bit controversial for some reason David Ike while weird Tales may have unwittingly laid the foundation for this bizarre conspiracy theory it all really took off when Dave and Ike arrived on the scene in 1991 in an interview with talk show host Terry wogan I know Terry wogan he's like I don't know if it's a late night host or whatever but he's like one of these like Americans I guess he would be like you know Jimmy Kimmel Camille Kimmel or one of these guys like not well a late night host but he interviews he interviews people about I can answer the world that he was in fact the son of a godhead before being elevated to this remarkable position Ike was a professional soccer player in the early 1970s before being forced to retire due to arthritis from there he became a popular television host and sportscaster in fact things were going quite well for Ike professionally but that will change when he visited a psychic healer informed him that he was chosen to save the human race that's quite the Revelation and he sent his life in a drastically different direction that's the weird thing about David Ike it's like he was successful before it's not like he needed to do this like Supernatural alleged grift is it he didn't need to do that he was alright which kind of adds a bit more legitimacy to it I mean I obviously it's not in my opinion legitimate because it it's all absolute crazy nonsense but it is interesting that it wasn't like out of a place of desperation it's like something seemed to go like it is mind maybe had a little stroke or something allegedly in my opinion critics of IX have pointed out that his reptilian conspiracy theory seems to have had quite a lot in common with the writings of Dorial and the TV show V that Greystar screens in 1983. the cult classic is all about reptilian aliens from outer space wearing fake human skin trying to take over the world Ike's theory about the Anunnaki which I'll get to in a minute also seemed to be heavily based on the writings of Zakaria sitchin an author who claimed that the Anunnaki were at ancient astronauts with a hand in the origin of the human race back in 1976 according to Ike the reptilians are the Anunnaki a reptilian race originating on the planet Nibiru for the last 450 000 years the Anunnaki have been ruling the Earth in different guys more importantly from different dimensions relying on genetic engineering the Anunnaki have guided the human race through Evolution and created a slave race yeah it feels like it I feel like a slave I don't feel like a slave I feel like I'm just living my life having a good time did you miss me they also created human lizard hybrids meant to control the human race on their behalf this is why all the power in the world is in the hands of a few select families such as the royal families and all those past and present U.S presidents who are related wait they're not all related I mean everyone's ultimately all related especially in America right they'll be like you know you'll be like his eighth cousin twice removed or whatever but it's like yeah well if you do your ancestry that's all happened to you it's just how family trees work isn't it the genetic interbreeding of the Rich and Powerful is done to maintain a specific genetic structure that gives the hybrid specific abilities such as shape-shifting it's more likely to just give them a Habsburg jaw to be honest however the hybrids aren't working alone some full-blooded anunnakia physically on Earth While others manipulate events from the lower fourth dimension whatever that is by forming a network of secret societies the Anunnaki have taken full control of our planet Ike believes that the Anunnaki need to drink human blood to maintain their human form of course they do yeah that makes sense the Anunnaki he also feed off negative emotions such as fear and aggression apparently they're addicted to adrenal Chrome a hormone released in the body during periods of heightened stress this explains all those Satanic rituals and human sacrifices happening wherever the Rich and Famous congregate like Bohemian Grove for example all the negative energy released during the sacrifices is Glee absorbed by the Anunnaki chilling out in the fourth dimension unlike vampires the Anunnaki don't bite their victims and suck their blood they cut the throats of their victims and used goblets because lizards have class this drinking of blood and sucking of energies apparently origin of vampire stories and here I must protest that we kindly Dracula out of this nonsense he's still recovering from the damage caused by sparkling vampires who can't seem to get through High School the Anunnaki have also fond of their rituals and secret societies this allows Ike to incorporate all the conspiracy theories his little heart desires into one proper overarching conspiracy from the ancient mystery schools and Cults to the more recent Knights Templar and to Global entities like the UN and the Council of foreign relations to simple drug cartels and satanic church is the Anunnaki is behind it all it's just it's just shut like always all of this stuff I'm like fantastic you just right now you're just like blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and only just show me one piece of evidence just show me one piece of solid evidence evidence do you have and I'll be like cool cool I believe it but there never is there's never anything solid it's always like yeah maybe there's maybe that there's a weird photo here blah blah blah never anything never anything you know the conspiracy the conspiracies that are real they always like come out later you know you know there's always like some government document here so there's some leak and proof it's like yeah like I always think of Edward Snowden right and the just how much the the government's the world are spying on everybody how'd you like oh that's a conspiracy theory except eventually someone leaks it and you're like oh my Lord okay that's all real boom opinion changed but this has been going on for decades and there's never been anything and it's like I'm on just one one thing just one like Snowden dude for the lizard people and everyone will be like holy bro that's intense and then that's it and I'll have to eat crow and that'll be fantastic because I love that I love being proved I'm happy to be proved wrong I just need evidence come on now they use the media and the moon to control the human population yeah of course the moon you see the Moon is a hollow planetoid used by The Reptilian overlords to broadcast a signal that stops US human beings from realizing what's happening of course like that moonshot moonberg Moon moons Hollow Moon what's that movie it's really where there's a there's a hollow Moon crashing into the Earth it's from like last year or two years ago it's rubbish moonfall that's the badger sounds like a James Bond movie doesn't it oh because that's the move that's because there's a James Bond movie Skyfall isn't there Skyfall you see the Moon is a hollow planetoid used by The Reptilian overlords to broadcast a signal that stops US human beings from realizing what's happening of course after thousands of years of evolution The Reptilian network is now a vast web of interconnecting secret societies Banks political parties media Etc someone guess we're doomed Ike lists a whole lot of notable retilians but I'm most impressed with the aristocracy Keeping Up Appearances while they were losing their heads in the French Revolution couldn't have been easy so go lizards however not everyone believes that Ike is the conspiracy for leaving's nuts that he claims to be there are some conspiracy theories revolving around Ike himself some claim he's actually an agent of a secret society some of the things he says are true but by mixing in Crazy theories like reptilian overlords and a hollow Moon he discredits the other theories that hold some grain of truth I'm very curious about what those other theories with grains of Truth are he's also been accused of anti-Semitism it's true I feel like conspiracy theories what do they believe ah at some point the Jews enter the picture uh they're like ah yeah yeah and also the Jews you're like oh okay thanks good to know it's true that many tropes and themes of his theories are in line with anti-semitic propaganda about a powerful group of Jewish people controlling the world however when asked about this directly Ike stated that he wasn't talking about one Earth raised Jewish or non-jewish instead the genetic network of retalion hybrid overlords can be found in all Races of the world I've watched a few of his interviews and I think when he talks about lizards drinking blood and ruling the world he really means lizards as crazy as that sounds he's not like yeah yeah but visits I mean Jews it's not that he actually believes it's lizards apparently Ike has quite a following according to two philosophers Ike's appeal lies in the way he weaves a number of conspiracy theories into one narrative that is all inclusive in all accounting yeah I mean that appeals to people with small brains because they can't handle like oh my God all of these things could be happening the world is out of control and then one dude's like yeah yeah actually it's not this is related to that and this is related to that it's very comforting and if you have a small brain that's how you uh that's how you get comforted because it helps you process doesn't it in your tiny little brain where you believe all of this stuff and I'm sure you think I have a tiny brain because I don't believe this stuff which is well it's just plain silly isn't it according to Ike 911 the Oklahoma bombings and even the Holocaust were all the work of reptoids JFK was assassinated because he was threatening to expose them it's true that not a single person Ike has ever accused of being a reptilian from Obama to the Rothschild family to the royal family and Kris Kristofferson who's Chris Christopher said I don't know who this is not sure what he ever did being not desert to deserve being on this list is ever sudike for libel this of course is proof according to David Ike that he's telling the truth and whenever Ike finds himself being canceled or censored it's not because his theories are ridiculous or downright dangerous and irresponsible it's because he's getting too close to the truth and people are trying to shut him up however if it's true that everyone that gets close to the truth is eliminated and Ike is as close to the truth as he claims why is he still alive I'm thinking it's because it's a crackpot but that's just me yeah it's easy to look at someone like David Ike and honestly I can't believe that he doesn't do if there was like a conspiracy theory out there he's probably doing more for the conspiracy theory like to keep it quiet than he is to keep it like to expose it because everyone like me is like well yeah that guy is an idiot what an idiot oh what a loser and you instantly discount all of this nonsense where if he was some like Harvard Professor or whatever then you'll be like oh this guy is actually serious could it be embarrassing if it turns out David like went to Harvard or something wouldn't it I mean for Harvard proof David Ike might set the ball rolling on this reptilian oh but he was a professional football player so I'm gonna guess the answer that one is no he didn't go to Harvard not that Sports people can't be smart it's just I don't know who plays out of their reputation David Ike might have set the ball rolling on this reptilian Overlord business but over time others have come along to add their own two cents to the theory and as with any good conspiracy theories there's proof once again I didn't take the time to read all of Ike's books so some of this proved all of this proof or none of this proof could be found in the writings of David Ike I wouldn't know I'm guessing that at least some of this proof was thought up or pieced together by other lizard Believers the ubaid lizard people so where do you go to find proof that ancient lip reptilian-like aliens visited the planet in a very distant past if you've ever pondered this question I have an answer for you ancient Mesopotamia fantastic let's go when Henry Hall and Leonard wooly first discovered the figurines back in the 1920s the figurines were described as a rare Pottery figure of a man from reading the comments on one of many videos I watched I've learned that drab doesn't mean they found the figures to be unimpressive it's simply an archaeological description meaning just to make sure we all learn something today however since their discovery not much has been written about them luckily I find this a lot more interesting than David likes nonsense so I dug up a bit to find out about more about these interesting figurines these specimens discovered by Hall and wooly were excavated near eredu and Al ubaid along with other artifacts discovered in the area researchers were introduced to a whole new culture that thrived in ancient Mesopotamia around 55 around 5500 to 4000 BCE in order to keep things academic they named the period the babe period after the place the artifacts were found quite a few of these figurines have been discovered over the years but we're not much closer to finding out what their meaning or function was and when the first lizards made their appearance back in 1920. a highly stylized Clay figurines added about five to ten centimeters tall while the more realistic figurines stand at 15 centimeters it appears the majority of these figurines are female however many of them are so damaged it becomes difficult to determine the sex if there was a specific sex to begin with the figurines have elongated slender figures which some researchers considered to be typical of Youth and physical strength suggesting that the figures are of adolescence every figure has an exaggerated elongated head with slits for eyes and a pinched nose giving them a reptilian appearance due to their reptilian appearance they were known as the aphidian meaning snake-like figurines The figurines are usually decorated with Strokes or spots in black paint these spots are sometimes interpreted to be the scales of a snake by conspiracy theorists but it's art that would be like looking at something Picasso Drew and being like well or like sculpted and being like well you know in a thousand years and being like well I guess we you know there were people who looked like that back in the day with really up faces No it's art due to a lack of convenient labels or written explanations and guidelines what these figures represent we don't actually know who made them or why many have been found in Graves however not in children's grave suggesting that whatever they were they were most likely not toys the figurines were also too similar in appearance to be Effigies of the deceased person that they were buried with archaeological research suggests that the Figures were made for specific groups of people for example a specific social class like the ruling class a specific profession like healers or spiritual leaders or maybe they were only given to a people that without an age Graves they were probably used while the person was still alive when they when they passed away the figurine was buried with them for some reason I just think it's some ritualistic RC sort of I don't know whenever something weird happens like this you just always be like yeah yeah religion religion people's weird beliefs it's not alien lizard people that they were sculpting and then being buried with them to remind them of their alien lizard overlords all right the elongated head might signify skull modification while we mostly associate skull modification with cultures in the Americas this was also practiced by some spheres of obeyed Society alternatively it's possible that the intention was simply an exaggerated hairstyle other another suggestion is that the elongated head and distinct facial features are due to a mass possibly worn during ceremonies or other special occasions the painted spots and Stripes may represent tattoos or scarification in many cultures tattoos or scarification is used to show a transition from one phase in a person's life to the next much like the coming of age celebrations and traditions considering that the figurines appear to depict young people this seems very plausible to me according to ancient aliens are no it's like I'm just reading this getting lost in the interesting history of it all right as an escape from David ick in his Madness uh that it's like don't forget this is decode in the unknown let's see what Ancient Aliens think and the guy with the crazy hair well known for their reliability scientific approach and lack of belief in human creativity uh this is it it's art the people in the basket making it up just like we can make it up today no one's like gonna find like a video of Peppa Pig and then being like oh they must have had pigs in the past with all their facial features on one side of their face it's just not gonna happen Peppa Pig is weird isn't it well yes I've heard about that so many times in my life never never did I think activity the figurines are too realistic to be based on mythological or fantasy creatures the only way the people of the obeyed period could create a lizard woman of such detail as if they actually saw one however before you find yourself agreeing with them I would no chance I was I did not find myself anywhere close to agreeing with them obviously that's insane like if someone was like here's a crazy looking alien creature make a sculpture of that I'd be like what the how on Earth would you expect me to do that but if someone gave me a lump of clay and said make a crazy looking alien I'd be like all right because of course I could because obviously making a copy of something is a lot more challenging than just making something crazy obviously however before you find yourself agreeing with this ask yourself this what will future archaeologists think if they are all they have to go on is modern art Funko pops and Winnie the Pooh exactly well said mythology while it's very plausible that the ubaid lizard figurines are related to mythology there are other mythological tales that The Reptilian conspiracy theorists believe are more than just mere Tales they are in fact act based on actual interactions between our ancient ancestors and lizards from the Stars it's true that you can find reptilian-like gods and beings in most cultures on Earth South Asian mythology features the nagara race of serpent people living in the underground city of patala Islamic mythology features the Gin a creature that is sometimes depicted as being snake-like did we do a video about the Gin I feel like maybe we did a long time ago mesoamerica has some feathered serpent gods and apparently Alexander the Great was sired by you guessed it a dragon of course he was that's why he's half dragon everyone knows that look at his statues obviously half dragon and that's any good breathe fire of course we stupid according to Chinese mythology Emperor foxy and his sister knewer were both humanoid but they had the lower bodies of snakes in fact apparently all Emperors of China are somehow related to dragons David Ike's favorite mythological beings are the Annunaki Heavenly beings that show up in Sumerian mythologies the Babylonian creation myth enuma Ellis the anawarki is a race of gods including individual deities like enil who separated the Heaven and the Earth however the nagar of Sanjay seems to be a particular interest to conspiracy Believers these Divine beings are sometimes depicted as a serpent a human or a half-human half serpent creature in some Legends they're dangerous to humans but in others they're beneficial to humans as with most proof found in the realm of conspiracy believe is the real legend of the Naga has been Twisted patala the supposed underground city of the Naga has nothing to do with reptilians it's a type of Underworld or Netherworld I've also read a few theories that claimed the stepwells in India are in fact entrances to batala and The Reptilian cities I'm sorry to disappoint but these worlds are not that mysterious or even that old in the grand scheme of things they were built in the Medieval Era for the shocking purpose of wait for it collecting water oh what you vow you're telling me there's a rational explanation behind something shocking proponents of The Reptilian conspiracy state that all mythology featuring reptilian beings are similar proving reptilian aliens visited the Earth in the ancient past but this isn't really the case no it's not shocking humans are quite creative and we have a tendency to make things up besides if depictions of reptilian-like deity suggest that lizard folk once lived Among Us ancient Earth must have been a terrifying Place Anubis is a human with the head of a Jack or the Minotaur is a human with the head of a bull does that mean we are Jack or Vogue chilling in Egypt and Bovine human hybrids running around Greece and let's not get started on centaurs those who just play Creepy is that the goat human thing or the horse is there Centaur a human chest and head and then the body of a horse weird isn't it it's like I feel like that's the dude version of a mermaid it's an odd DNA according to a reptilian conspiracy Believers we all have reptilian DNA which is the result of our ancestors being interbred with reptilians or just having their DNA manipulated by malevolence lizard overlords and on rare occasions this DNA will make itself known proving reptilian involvement okay to say human beings have reptilian DNA is not 100 wrong but it's also a gross oversimplification of the very complicated process of evolution if you go back millions and millions of years when our ancestors managed to crawl out of the primordial markers they say we weren't exactly the Sleek Cosmopolitan creatures of today can you imagine he rolls out of the market it's like what's this it's an extremely handsome man in a tuxedo and beautiful woman in a cocktail dress Evolution complete there was a reptile stage in our Evolution according to Believers this reptilian blood can still be seen in human developments the human embryo goes through a stage where it looks like a reptile the oldest part of the human brain consisting of the brain stem and the cerebellum was also known as the reptile brain and controls our most Primal functions I don't think the reptile brain actually has anything to do with the reptiles but I'm not a biologist isn't that the uh the lizard brain the reptile brain this cerebrus nope that's not it oh God damn it it's right there it's right there that little bit of the brain that makes you go ah everything's out again all the time I know it well occasionally this reptile DNA will make itself known in more obvious ways in Houston Texas around 2010 doctors treated a man with a three-chambered heart reptilian Believers latched onto this case as proof of reptilian interference how does a three-chambered heart work you need four chambers don't you don't you need four chambers to make your body work because it's like in and out of the lungs and then in and out of the rest of the body how's that oh wait maybe like one is just big and so it doesn't go through like us I don't know I'm not a doctor reptilian Believers latched onto this case as proof of reptilian interference however that's not what happened when you look at human evolution we started as fish with the two-chambered heart from there we evolved into reptiles so we had three chamber Tarts finally we morphed into our final evolution much like Pokemon the mammal stage where we have a four-chambered heart how does a I don't know I'm not going to speculate on this longer and I'm not going to look it up because we're not here for biology are we we're here for like lizards controlling the world oh this same sequence occurs during the developments of the human embryo so if there's any defect in the embryo and the early stages of development it's more likely to lead to some kind of defect like a three-chambered heart a human with a three-chambered heart is quite rare but other rare conditions are also blamed on reptiles messing with our DNA such as ichthyosis oh that is grim that's the one where it's like people are born with like scaly skin um and I was making a video about this once and I saw some of those pictures and they are pictures that I will never unsee a skin condition leading to dry scaly skin and syndactyly and extradactly that's the isn't that like the webbed hands um that leads to fused fingers and Claw like hands okay so slightly different my bad since the 1800s over 100 cases of humans born with tails have been reported to Medical journals which apparently prove reptilian involvement in our genetic evolution of course my cat has a tail so I guess our reptilian overlords had a bit of trial and error before settling on which species to subjugate human yes at no conspiracy theorists also point out that humans have a lot of junk DNA that we still don't quite understand now let's be honest here there are lots of things humans don't understand I'm not convinced any of it is proof of reptilian interference in our Evolution it's definitely not proof that's for sure it's not even indicative of it being likely it's not even circumstantial it's uh what I would describe as nonsense Garden of Eden to prove the existence of reptilian overlords some Believers have turned to religion and more specifically the Bible I asked the Bible the perfect place when you want to prove something you know the snake that attempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit no no that was no ordinary State snake good Omens tells us it was Crowley but a reptilian conspiracy theories firmly believe that it was a humanoid reptilian what's good Omens and who's Crowley okay according to the story in Genesis God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden to take care of the land I think we can all agree that we've gloriously failed to do that they could eat all the fruit from the trees except the fruit from the Tree of knowledge of good and evil one day the snake approached Eve and convinced her to eat the fruit she then gave the fruit to Adam of course God found out and Adam blamed Eve who then blamed the snake and a whole lot of them were punished Adam and Eve were sent from the garden he was punished with painful childbirth and the snake was doomed to crawl on its belly for all eternity ah yes that famous real story despite what reptilian theories claim there is nothing in the original story to suggest that a serpent tempting Eve is anything more than just a snake it's not The Devil in Disguise a demon or a humanoid reptilian Christian art depicting the serpent as a female humanoid possibly as its roots in the story of Lilith Adam's first wife who I know absolutely nothing about on the rare occasion that I was dragged into a church she wasn't mentioned yep never heard of Lilith Adam's first wife before Eve wasn't Adam or was Eve made out of Adam's Rebel was Adam made out of Eve's rib no one cares no obviously it's not real but like Adam had a previous wife what the is going on the ancient Israelites probably considered it to be the first snake created by God but it was still just a snake as with all other mythology and much of religion the Bible is a combination of history and stories used to explain natural events the people at the time didn't have the science to explain questions like where do humans come from why is childbirth so painful and why don't snakes have legs yeah and when I say the Bible being like you know a place to go to for facts obviously there's some historical stuff in the Bible typically in the New Testaments and but it's not most of it's made up [Music] hmm I don't know what percentage people are like actual historians have estimated what percentage of the Bible do historians reckon is made up it's got to be a lot right of course the snake in the Garden of Eden isn't the only reptile in the Bible according to Ancient Aliens the snake always only one individual of a race the Bible calls the seraphim the word seraphim is the plural of the Hebrew word Seraph which refers to a Heavenly being the Rooter of the word actually means to burn or incinerate which may refer to the seraphim destroying the enemies of God images from ancient Judea depict the seraphim as winged serpents the Bible also mentions fiery serpents and flying serpents which may have given rise to stories of dragons even if by some miracle the Seraph was an actual flying snake that occasionally caught on fire spontaneously it doesn't match the description of the reptilian supposedly manipulating and controlling Humanity as we've seen with the mythology and Archeology conspiracy theories are twisting The Narrative to fit whatever they're preaching the story of the Garden of Eden is a myth that's for the seraphim I like the idea of a race on of spontaneously combusting flying lizards human imagination really knows no bounds it's very well put because that's all it is it's just imagination imagination I felt like a broken record but it's like people conspiracy theorists and you know Ancient Aliens and stuff they always just assume people in the past had no imagination and no capability like they are how could they build the pyramids they were Primitives how could they you know create this sculpture with never seeing an alien because they're creative them some credit they're basically you you're not that different from them caught on film those of us who were around in the early days of VHS will still remember the weird glitches that occurred when he paused the recording to go get some tea the image would sometimes flicker between two frames or it just wouldn't be very clear the technical term for this is a compression artifact but it's also just known as noise in the signal have according to the reptilian conspiracy crowd these distortions were far more than that it was The Reptilian disguise slipping just for a moment revealing the true form of the creature underneath the disguise of your favorite celebrity or politician of course these days we don't need VHS to prove to us that not all politicians are celebrities and celebrities are entirely human it also seems that reptilian disguise is kept up with the times because as technology Advance capturing these moments of The Reptilian disguise slipping has become quite rare yeah it's got nothing to do with the technology you know you just when you pause it it's just a frame rather than God guys it's stupid what a stupid idiot lizards in L.A lizards and gold underneath the streets of Los Angeles sounds like something from a movie however in January 1934 Los Angeles Times ran a story claiming that one George Warren shufelt an engineer discovered an extensive Labyrinth of tunnels and catacombs while conducting a mining survey under Fort Moore hill using his radio x-ray machine or engineer discovered rooms stacked with golden tablets and passages as deep as a hundred feet under the surface wait how would he discover specifically gold table golden tablets with the x-rays you'd know it was a dense metal but you're not going to know his gold otherwise discovering gold would be a lot easy because everyone easier because everyone just be x-raying the ground all the time now I know what you're thinking the city filled with treasure hidden beneath the busy streets of LA we wish so what made shoe felt story so believable shoe felt introduced a Native American gentleman from the hoppy tribe Little Chief Greenlee for L Macklin who confirmed the tunnels claiming as proof an old hobby legend about a race of highly intelligent and advanced lizard people that built an underground city under La 5000 years ago what are the odds since they just happen to build LA on top of this really and they never came across it like there's some big buildings in L.A they've got to dig down pretty deep for those that have been coming across those tunnels or anything like that over the sewers or for I mean Los Angeles it's not gonna have a metro system is it does it it's famous for like um I don't know like I listen to podcasts and stuff but you know people live in LA the public transport seems like a joke like no one I I've been and it's like I don't I went on the bus once and then I didn't again apparently there were three such cities along the Pacific coast of North America and the cities are built underground to escape some sort of cataclysm a thousand lizard families lived in these cities keeping records on Golden tablets however to get to this Fortune our man needed funding and that meant investors so she felt revealed his Discovery to the world and sure enough investors came a calling with the money from these investors Chief I managed to drill a shaft down 250 feet the hole immediately filled with water much like the treasure Hunters on Oak Island shufelt could never solve the water issue so he wasn't able to get to all of their gold and eventually the funding dried up in a way the water in the hole never would of course this means that the lost city of the lizard folk filled with gold is still hidden beneath L.A so was there any truth to shoot claims did he really discover an underground lost lizard City there's absolutely no evidence to back up any of shoe false claims no photos no artifacts nothing His Radio x-ray machine had nothing to do with radio waves or x-ray it was essentially a glorified dowsing Rod the type used to find water yet not used to find water because obviously dowsing is pseudoscience much like this guy's magical x-ray machine that I already told you it's not how it works it's not how it works today it's definitely not how it works in what maybe we say 1934 come on now the dowsing pendulum was suspended from a tripod within a glass and metal case that he probably made himself I managed to take photos of these tunnels and find stackpiles of gold in the rooms with nothing but a fancy dowsing Rod remains unclear I'm guessing he used his imagination yes bang on he made it up allegedly in my opinion on top of all this shoe felt had a bit of a history of the publicity stunts according to newspaper records Fort Moore had been a popular site for treasure hunter since the late 1890s but so far no one had found anything in March of 1933 a story appeared in the LA Times about a group of treasure Hunters searching for Conquistador gold under Fort Moore Hill one sea Warren shufeld first part of this Expedition and some believe that seawor and shufels and G Warren shufeld were the same person I mean it'd be a hell of a coincidence if they weren't right unless there happened to be two she Felts with the same middle name in LA in 1934 and 1933 this seems like a fair assessment C Warren shufelt claimed that he had a sheepskin map showing Spanish treasure hidden under the hill more than 100 years prior it much Excavating but no Conquistador gold was ever recovered and it appears that the project was finally abandoned around September of 1933 then in 1934 sriva suddenly reappeared only this time there was no map and no Spanish the gold was lizard gold and the authority was Little Chief Greenleaf however this raises another problem there's no record of L Macklin AKA Little Chief Greenleaf of course it's no guarantee the man didn't exist but if he did the only reference to him was a single newspaper article the supposed Hopi legend about the lizard people building cities underground hoarding tablets made of gold doesn't seem to exist either it's worth noting that the hoppy people didn't even live in California they lived in Arizona shufeld's version of the supposed hoppy Legend appears to be a bastardization of a Zuni creation myth which does mention ancestors living in caves and being more animal-like before they went to the surface it's interesting but no more Fantastical than any other creation myth shufeld's version of events also seems to draw on stories by Robert E Howard whom we've already mentioned in H.P Lovecraft these stories were published in 1920s so I'm sure she thought was well aware of them it's just imagination shoe felt a little bit of a con man isn't he you're a fake and a phony and I wish I'd never laid eyes on you in my humble opinion who felt had gone far as he could with his story of Conquistador gold buried underneath formal Hill he needed more investors to give him more money so he mixed up some Legends with some sci-fi stories and concocted a whole new myth to bring the dollars rolling in I'm not sure how well this worked out for our engineer there's not much available on him after this story and he finally died in 1957 around age 71. if any of you are still curious Portmore Hill has been executed extensively during construction projects and so far no lizard people or their gold has been found to the surprise of absolutely nobody the dark side I love a good conspiracy theory honestly despite all the research suggesting the country I firmly believe in the Loch Ness monster nowhere else uh come on now we did the DNA thing I remember this from the episode they took it out and they were like yeah there's nothing weird in here like as they'd be DNA like that it's shared like bits of its weird skin and like floating around it there that there'd be like sampling up and there was they know it it's disproven come on however The Reptilian conspiracy theory has a much darker side to it that tends to get lost in all the mirth that goes with a conspiracy theory that's obviously Bonkers as this one oh God well there's going to be some mental dude who's like just gets too involved and kills himself or kills someone else who he or he assassinate someone he thinks is a lizard in 2019 here we go a man stabbed his brother to death with a forefoot sword because gold told him his brother was a lizard the man from Santa Barbara was arrested after murdering his 10-month-old daughter and two-year-old son and dumbing their bodies in Mexico because he believed they had serpent DNA he believed he was saving the world from Monsters a woman murdered her boyfriend the Nashville bomber Anthony Quinn Warman at Warner who injured three people after detonating a bomb on Christmas day in Nashville back in 2020 also believed in The Reptilian conspiracy he might even have hunted reptoids in the park some Neo-Nazi groups believed that the Illuminati controlling the world be they lizard or human tend to be Jewish whether Ike is guilty of anti-Semitism or not there are those who are drawn to the theory by the ideology it seems to support and he conspiracy theory creating a clear other that should be hated and feared is dangerous history keeps proving this but apparently the human race just more lessons are hard yeah because there's always a segment of the human race who are like my life's whose fault is that let's find a scapegoat oh it's aliens oh it's the Jews whatever you know there's always gonna be that group of people who are just like they're downtrodden and it's never as impossible for it to be their fault God forbid charismatic conspiracy theorists will always be around to pocket the dollars of desperate people and honestly if it helps you without hurting anyone else a more for believing whatever conspiracy theory makes your little heart happy however innocent children have died because someone believed there's a cartel of reptilian overlords controlling us did they though or did they die because of the failures of the mental health care because obviously these people aren't well like if you believe if you'll believe it if God's telling you to murder your children because they're half lizards that's schizophrenia or whatever diagnosis would be applied it's not the conspiracy theory that killed those people it if it wasn't that it would be something else smart this area is dangerous people are dying and those preaching it making money off the fears of unstable Minds should take a long hard look at themselves conclusion I understand why the idea of controlling World Order In this case lizard is so appealing if we accept that some of the atrocities we see every day are committed by humans it forces us to confront the possibility of the darkness within ourselves and while that scares us as it should it's comforting to lay the blame of all the evil in the world at the feet of our reptilian overlords probably the best thing about this theory for believers anyway is that it's impossible to disprove any piece of proof that this theory was a lie was obviously planted in the minds of the masses by those Insidious reptilians I don't think that's really neat saying but based on some of the comments I saw on videos attempting to debunk this Theory I'm going to say it anyway Simon I apologize for any heat you're going to get from this but the people must know I must tell the truth there are no lizards running your government it's that's just insulting to lizards everywhere disclaimer those of you that follow other channels in the Whistler verse probably notice that this is not the first time we've talked about just how silly and nonsense all this theory is that's because we have nothing to hide I didn't even bother to include a paragraph on how to spot the lizard in your life because as we all know there is no one associated with any of these channels that fits the description of a reptilian Overlord enslaving the human race this is Elizabeth free zone 100 definitely not a lizard [Music] thanks for being here uh if you enjoyed this show why not leave it a leave it a like leave it a subscribe if you're listening as a podcast why not leave it a review that would be grand and [Music]
Channel: Decoding the Unknown
Views: 347,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: do lizard people run the world, are lizard people real, lizard people inside job, what are lizard people, lizard people explained, lizard people conspiracy, do lizard people exist, lizard people, lizard people conspiracy explained, lizard people caught on video, inside job lizard people, lizard people funny, mysteries explained, conspiracy theory, mysteries debunked, conspiracy theories, reptilian, reptilians
Id: to0rTz-sWbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 50sec (2990 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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