The Legend: Leonid Stein - GM Ben Finegold - 2015.05.21

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welcome to the class of legends thank you thank you it's not about me I thought this was the legend in your own mind class well who's tricking me now I talked to several members of the clubs today our intelligent members and I told who the legends class was and they were deferring their brow and a vain attempt to understand the situation and his name is Lee NIT Stein or if you're Russian you should slow down no really you should you might pronounce his name stain okay Leonid stain Leonid Stein whatever okay now Stein was one of the best players never to become world champion but he died at a very young age what age I don't know I'm not a historian so Stein was a very strong attacking player and when I was a young lad of oh I don't know 14 I had a friend international minister Danny Edelman who doesn't play chess anymore but his daughter does Sadie and Danny would always say who is better Bronstein or Stein and at this Chess Club they would just say who and who okay but Bronstein played for the World Championship and was very close to winning if not for losing him 23 right Ken West instead he tied the match and was never the world champion Stein never played football championship but he won a lot of games in all kinds of championships for Soviet Union the Ukraine etc now if you own a copy of my 60 memorable games by which world champion Bobby Fischer one of his games is against Stein it was in a real Lopez where Fischer played on the kingside and Stein played on the queenside there's a really cool diagram in the book where black has Knights on b4 and c4 and pawns on b5 and c5 it looks really cool until he designed that it looked less cool okay so the first two games he's playing Rufus and doofus so he gives them the Smackdown but they were actually pretty strong in the 40s okay we got to the fifties Rufus and doofus slow down a little bit all right not right Arjun hi so Stein is white okay now this game was played in 1959 were you there watching Ken West and my second question is we alive then yeah did you play chess Arjun who was there yeah no I wasn't there I I wasn't born for 10 more years you yeah you were there if you're not there raise your hand okay so they played the Queens gambit oh oh we make an exception for Ken West the other kind of accepted now now this is the game Stein versus some guy I never heard of and I can't pronounce his name so he's probably pretty good can't pronounce his name it's quiet Kowski something like that okay so he plays efore ephod naturally the line that they plays pretty modern so for 1959 those guys were I would say about 15 minutes ahead of their time pretty good okay and this is still theory now this is actually one of the main lines recommended by Kokomo ballplayers okay castles and I this is still played today 95 now you got to remember the Preston's not why it just seems like it okay Stein was a big attacking player and you'll see in the games today he likes to give the beatdown he didn't play passive most of the players today you're chicken and I don't like that cuz I'm a vegetarian right Arjun you agree you have a question he hands us up yeah Stein was white now this is actually a coincidence I don't want to scare anybody I looked at hundreds of games because I work really hard here in every game I found were Stein won and played great he was white so maybe with black not so good so Stein's always Wyatt now notice f7 is attacked because f7 is attacked so black played Knight h6 defending f7 but that didn't stop Stein you guys are like while he defended f7 so I can't take out f7 well you can't but he did BAM okay and after they traded thousands of pieces then white played the brilliant move Arjen Queen to h5 if only Kokomo had seen it Queen h5 check and now blacks King is running around material is equal blacks position is probably okay but Stein doesn't stop there he keeps coming okay he doesn't trade Queens like most of you would he wants to attack the black King okay black has a leading development but blacks King is a little suspicious so f4 again preston wasn't white but it looks like Preston's white so alright so rug da f5 are all right now in the strangest move I've ever seen which follows all of my theories that's why it's strange after GF y made a move none of you would ever predict your only chance of predicting it is that I said you wouldn't predict it and I said that I would play it that's your only hope Julian BAM is that what you would play yeah so Queen d1 I like retreating and I like playing Queen h5 check and he retreated them play Queen h5 check so so Queen d1 Stein was a very creative player not creative like the people at the Chess Club the creative in the good way okay so h5 stopping Queen h5 or so you thought and now the brilliant knob kidding okay and he plays Bishop f4 developing his Bishop Bishop c4 tagging the rook he saw it King he ate threatening to castle okay actually he did castle but he did that so I was close Knight d2 attacking the bishop showing the folly of Bishop c4 he takes up five King deselect well do you cast some Queen side okay now you might think okay material is equal opposite colored bishops it's going to be a boring game not when Stein's playing Stein always placed with the attack Knight f3 Queen before terrible worst move I ever saw a three queen fi terrible Bishop g5 attacking the rook Knight d4 and now White's upon a head h3 my favorite move of the game because no counter play no rook e1 check winning for black okay now here's what would happen if some of you had White Queen a 7x clam rook e1 now rook F one is probably fine rook takes e1 queen take C one and now for the first time in chess history my rule must be broken and what's my rule Arjun don't say the right move say my rule wrong rule you with the right answer always play Bishop f1 except here Queen f1 mate because the bishop is defending it okay so he didn't fall for that he made left as my dad used to say make lifts not wor h3 all these to the computer you're fired Bensimon okay h3 now there's no back rank tricks White's upon up blacks Bishop on a6 is terrible and the opposite color bishops help white attack b6 making the bishop on a6 good B for making the queen bed on a5 Queen a for rooks see one more feel like getting the last piece in the attack rook c2 Queen f4 Wow blacks King looks really safe I don't know look nonchalant at home don't let your dog know what's going on okay now I should make fun of the guys at home I got a lot of emails and they said they beat their dogs three out of four so I shouldn't and rook e1 Shak rook takes Queen takes Queen f3 threatening Queen a8 checkmate who would like to raise their hand and stop Queen a8 checkmate and as Sam Jackson would say I dare you I double dare you then he would say some more stuff you know how to stop Queen it now if you if you if you say an answer it might not be right Arjen this should be seven is risky because of rook e8 Shak very risky right right so since the move to stops Queen eight mate allows another mate black for some reason resigned amazing now let's give a beautiful finish for the spectators which I just saw King b8 check then rook takes Bishop and mate that's for the spectators okay so if I was black I would lose brilliantly for the spectators by black resigned terrible now the next guy is actually a good player I've heard of Furman okay not mark fuhrman Semyon Furman okay your your favorite exponent of the black pieces and firm was also a good player I could do a lecture about him but even I barely heard of him that's when you know okay hopefully your velinski is not watching this all right so II for now back in the day Ken West will tell you nobody played everything they all play what they wanted to play Fisher style efore that's it okay or in other cases d4 and that's it Stein would checkmate you a d4 and e4 and super grandmasters have a code which I shouldn't tell you then I have to like use my men and black thing but I got it right I got to here somewhere okay when you play e4 that's called playing with your right hand and F fours with your left okay so he now plays with the right hand efore and Sicilian if I was playing somebody who likes to checkmate everybody I wouldn't play the Sicilian except that's the last game that I lost okay so I guess I do play the Sicily and get recommended okay so they please' the Sicilian am Bishop e3 is not a theoretical move and neither is Bishop to d3 okay now again you might think you're watching Preston play because no theory and very sharp the difference is the accuracy slight difference okay and white play is totally crazy this game and the computer loves it okay and my favorite move is coming up a three here 92 f5 alright now this move looks like the worst move ever but the computer says is the best so yeah so Stein was very good at calculating tactics and giving his opponent the beatdown this position is very complicated because white can't cancel due to its illegality and White's Bishop is attacked black has a nice light on d5 pawn structures a little dissimilar white played the most aggressive move any one Queen h5 check after g6 the queen is attacked and the bishop on e4 is attacked but that's okay because the rook on h8 is now attacked by the bishop and g6 unleash that so white saved his queen and now the rook is attacked Knight f4 attacking the Queen and threatening the bishop okay also this bishops hanging so White has three pieces hanging and the engines like white ok the engines are tough okay and white saved all his pieces Bishop takes c6 check saving one of them and now Queenie three saving his queen and defending the bishop on d4 now in a total turnaround okay black has both rooks attacked by both bishops now some of you in the audience possibly Joe Gagne our way wait a minute why not Knight takes g2 check-forging the king and queen ken west approved unfortunately bishops move backwards yeah and in fact I was giving a lesson to Matt Larson and he played rook takes F - and his opponent played Bishop on c5 takes F - and he wrote this shows move backwards and then he resigned okay now White had all of his pieces attacked and now black has all his pieces attacked the knight on f4 and both rooks in the corner Bishop h6 defending the knight and threatening Knight takes G to check and Knight d3 check so most of you would resign here with both colors playing each other okay even if your clones were playing they would resign - a lot of resigning you agree right Arjun yeah close okay Queenie five saving the Queen rook c8 saving the rook and he takes the rook in the corner and they trade and whites in an end game with an extra exchange in one pawn now it's like Preston's black instead of Wyatt because down an exchange and upon an endgame all right and the game got really boring because whites I had a lot of material and I like at the end of the game because white made it very simple at the end okay White's up in exchange and he got rid of all of blacks pieces which is a good idea and in this position he played rook check rook check and took the knight and black is like where do my pieces go okay and here black resigned because if he takes the rook takes this then White's looking pretty good computer probably supercomputer after three hours would announce me maybe this is six pieces it announces bait now in one second this position is already known okay so that was a nice crazy game Stein one where blacks king was running around eventually he won an endgame that was against Furman who was a pretty good player not a good police officer okay now he's playing sakarov not these Sakharov or as julie would say who all right you agree with that all right good all right so he's white because he's white every game it plays he for again now he plays Bishop b5 check d4 and now the strangest move you've ever seen Bishop h6 is pretty strange Bishop a6 I took with a queen okay transposing into the Queen D for Sicilian somehow okay and this game I like because it was very chick or an desk which I'm sure you guys all see a lot especially Ken West and the reason is we got two knights against two bishops okay except both black bishops were not as good as expected okay took with the Jeep on those those bishops not so good okay luckily blacks King can safely Castle kingside okay d4 so Kokomo is happy b5 and this is a very nice idea well someone who's low-rated explained b4 b5 Kokomo I want somebody low rated argent even lower rated does that answer my question what was my question okay and your answer was C five wait why yeah how do you know he's kidding anymore I can't tell where you imagine that these things you wanna quit tonight on that guy's right whoever that guy is okay that guy's so right he owes me money that's how right he is maybe I'll hit money if he's right all right anyway Kokomo stay there properly there's a pawn on c6 which makes ninety five better for black once that pawn is gone there's better for white okay luckily Black has the super active Bishop on e7 he said with a deadpan Express okay so rook c8 night h4 okay does that smell as bad as that h3 anyone which one's imodium which is ammonia what okay so NH 4 and white wants to play Knight f5 and Knight d5 and this was bughouse you get some extra nights okay King age 7 because the G file is open get your King off the open file Queen f3 makes sense Knight f5 is coming takes takes Knight d5 so this is what Arjun likes to call a Sophie's Choice if you leave the vent on d5 that's good for white if you let the other night go to f5 that's good for Wyatt and that Bishop on e7 is good for white yeah so here the Knights crush the bishops so chigorin's given the thumbs up okay although it's not really helping a much okay Bishop d8 solid Knight f5 or is Vasily escape throw Gnaeus would say knife f5 right in fact if you read the st. Louis and PR column that I write which I'm sure you do like I mentioned knife f5 I'm sure you read with a fine-tooth comb they threw the comb out okay well here today gone tomorrow all right so now White's killing it look at his Knights Queen d7 that'll show him 93 he wants to keep the nigh on f5 and then Queen h6 mate will give white the advantage most of you can't move your queen like that when you get your rating as high as mine or if you're Doug Eckert anyone you get that one you saw that yeah one of our board members at the Chess Club Doug Eckert he's so high up in the Chess Club he can move his Queen any way he wants legal or not okay Bishop e7 Queen h5 always play always play the ship FA unfortunately they should takes f5 double question mark man if it was me I'd play Bishop f8 okay then I would have won okay now you're going to learn your favorite German award Canwest the answer to that is nine cause to do the other one Xue Shan Zhuge after Bishop f5 all of you are wondering Queen f5 knife f5 e f5 and none of those are right the correct answer is kab Buchanan what Queen f7 BAM I would bet a lot of money he didn't see that if we could go back to 1960 we could ask him okay black played the best to move Knight f5 yeah and now not so good there's good and there's not good that's not good so the districts lead on e7 for quite a long time I think he played there should be seven and left it there so that wasn't a good Bishop I hope quite resigned here or black somebody go back once BAM I went to GA then the e7 that showed him yeah okay and and black resign remember Stein likes to check me people I don't I like offer a draw I don't play I do everything but checkmate people okay now he played zurakov as you would say or as a rock on I don't know okay I'd ever heard of this guy so he got crushed efore more Sicilians and we see a rouser Sicilian no not a rousing Sicilian arouser named after which Grandmaster Ken West say rouser correct well he's never been a grandmaster rituals are very good okay he's six this is still like the main line today a six the super grandmaster still play like this okay I play black in this position all the time this ship f4 now Ken West is confused okay and that's not stantly saying much now Ken wise is like wait a minute I got two ways to win for black okay our jinseyun you got both hands up arjan's like I got two ways to win he's like e five wins or I could take and then play e5 and win unfortunately neither one of those work are you shocked okay let's let's find out why play e5 we take and we take shocking everybody except Peter Gabriel because it was 1960 he would be shocked sometime in the 80s yeah exactly now pawn takes Bishop is risky because of Queen d3 no because of Queen d4 Queen d5 Queen DS Queen g5 attacking both Queens no Queen takes Queen checkmate and the whole board is destroyed and a nuclear holocaust i and so okay so ii five doesn't work if you trade first which is also going to destroy the game and then play e5 ken west who remembers the last tactic well now explain the next one yes this should take c5 and as we say all France a set of them shows we took Oh Pro no it's the same yeah takes and and Queen d5 Queenie they're all bad but Queen da is good check me okay so black played the book move I guess it was booked in 1960 but I didn't know about that he played Bishop to d7 okay now the idea is quite complicated if white tries to win the d6 pawn he will lose his epon and I've actually had that I've had somebody play Knight takes Bishop takes Bishop takes takes takes everybody takes everything I think I took this and okay material is equal black is slightly better that's the point of Bishop d7 as we attack the e pawn okay white plays Knight takes and then some weird happens okay Queen III and I think nowadays people will play Queen e1 or f3 but okay this is 1960s I give them a break Queen III alright and I've had black in this position although not this position okay and bad stuff happened to black because black didn't play very well from now on blacks King stayed on ei and white just tore him up now in my professional opinion since Stein like to checkmate everybody and play for an attack you probably shouldn't play the most complicated line in chess where that happens play something boring if you're playing me then you should play like that because I like boring okay but don't do that just hang all your pieces all right Queen c7 breaking the pin walking into another pin this should be to b5 now that doesn't work White's King blacks King is terrible 'if I've as I would say rar takes takes Queen moves again rar Bishop h5 and even Kokomo sees the threat he's going to take the pawn on e6 because the F pawn is pinned but his opponent didn't like that so his opponent played 'if I've very positional okay but probably losing anyway because this King is terrible F for attacking in the center B for counter-attack knight retreats efore stopping the center from getting open Knight g3 and I don't like blacks King that's an understatement Queen a7 most of you would trade Queens terrible Queen b3 and now I was mildly surprised that black resigned here mildly and then I turned my engine on and it blew up I dig a new computer okay +8 for Wyatt equal material now when you're minus 8 is equal material ban are you in trouble first of all Queen e6 chat is the biggest Smackdown of all time it mates and wins all of blacks pieces for example let's play a stupid move Queen e6 check if Bishop e7 then check made with advantage and if Queen e7 that's even worse that's worse than checkmate terrible alright so man Queenie six checks annoying and is the worst position for saw okay so White's King very safe White's pawn structure pretty good blacks King terrible pawns drugs are terrible terrible always play Bishop FA be didn't play it just stayed there you with some crazy comment incorrect because Queen c6 is more powerful yeah you'd rather check wait to play Queens e6 if you play Bishop c6 you Bishop f7 they'll say that's not May and the hard you oh okay then then you should do it alright so we have an improvement alright so black resigned alright now we're going to get to the real players well not this guy why am i showing this game alright this is a Rufus his brother yeah Sicilian and what's this Sicilian called anybody anyone how it wasn't called the novice night work can help you write the night or of Sicilian this is the sharpest that's how they rolled in 1960 again when your opponent likes to check me and sacrifice probably the wrong opening to play the sharpest Sicilian ever gay or are are now they're not going to play this way today they're not going to give away all the squares but now grandmasters today would play be five-year but okay night BT 795 attacking the Queen he saw it well now II 6 has tremendous pressure Queen b6 attacking the knight castles now most of you would take the night and then Bishop b5 Jack followed by rook takes Queen so his opponent didn't do that his opponent did some crazy thing routing the computer right that was funny okay so he played Knight fg4 threatening Knight F to forking everything and white resigned and Stein quit just forever class to stop now played Bishop takes e7 Knight F to remember when you're playing a great attacking player leave your King in the center and let them take the pieces in front of it because then they'll hook them up a little bit alright Knight f2 attacking the Queen Queen e3 tagging the knight and defending the knight on d4 takes takes knight c6 if you play King takes that doesn't look too safe now I think f6 check wins and I think F takes G 6 wins I like them both the idea is I want to play Knight f5 check and then Queen takes Queen also your kings really safe on e7 right so he played knight c6 which is crazy this should take g6 Knight takes d4 threatening threatening threatening knight b3 check winning the Queen and Queen takes bishops okay Queen g3 stopping everything now black illegally castled although he didn't always stop castling with Bishop FA a rook g8 now I've been married twice and one of my wives that can't remember which one I remember which one she would play the nighter of Sicilian and occasionally she would play rugby aid and when she played a trick GA it worked out well for her opponent okay don't play rook g8 when you play this Sicilian don't do that because then your king is on e8 and your works on g8 terrible so it's better to lose all your pieces then play rook g8 as you'll see here Bishop c4 blacks King is not good Bishop e5 attacking the knight f6 always play f6 Knight a for attacking the Queen Bishop takes takes Queen d3 threatening Queen takes Bishop checkmate now the funniest move you have ever seen yeah indeed now some of you don't think it's legal but he did it even the computer lets me do it now I have a funny story because I like stories twice students have told me this both students were a players both students were playing a players these are different stories they castled with their work through check and their opponents that it was illegal and the director was the directors point low-rated the new players so there's two a players who don't know the castling rules and they played my students who are a players who do know the castling rules and my students one somehow you queen c3 check are you trying to play Knight b6 mate with his mission Zuger yeah yeah but trying is the first step to failure Queen c3 is better than what Stein played signed by the most obvious move yeah but that's harsh maybe your moves not better it was funnier yeah yeah but I just want to point out that works good on g8 alright so that was the most brutal of all wins because men blacks super resign now and no matter what Martin Martin's not going to say nothing Martin usually says why did black resign not here Martin's like I recommend resigned right yeah cuz may you know terrible yeah also Knight b6 is good right yeah Queen c5 is good yeah okay now we get to the good players Stein Bronstein yeah that's this game will determine who's better or not the other times they played right okay so e4 d 6 now Bronstein likes it crazy it up and Stein like too crazy it up so no drawers okay so they played a modern peered something time to opposite side Castle okay as crazy as possible yeah it is crazy now there's one thing I like about this game white plays rook each three and then plays rook back to h1 Rick G 1 and G 4 he's not he's not deterred okay and he does you thought I was kidding but I wasn't he told you yeah okay black doesn't want to cancel because he's afraid it'll get checkmated and so both sides are going to attack the king and he finally castles after not finding anything better Queenie three a four F four solid notice if white plays f4 here Knight takes e4 is annoying so he defended his pawn then played up for it f5 both sides are getting checkmated that's what you expect from Stein and Bronstein takes all right we got four ways to take on b3 probably not Queen takes Oh No maybe took with the C pawn keeping everything blocked on the Queen side d5 opening everything up takes takes d6 Bishop e7 and now you may have heard in the past two bishops are good even though Stein's two knights cross the two bishops not these two bishops now those are bishops now he played Bishop e7 half of you are thinking bishop f8 good students the other half we're thinking our B's and the other half are thinking wrote g6 which is what I was thinking and the other half are thinking band there's a lot of hands around here okay rook takes g6 is pretty good Bishop takes everything is pretty good King h7 preventing rook takes g6 I'm pinning the F pawn Knight d4 tagging the Queen Knight f3 to play Knight e5 or Knight g5 they both win and blacks King comes under too much fire BAM Bishop e6 it's tough but fair also White has an extra piece which is also good and black getting checkmated and whites queening is deep on and whites up a piece black resign so that was the best Bronstein could do terrible now he's okay okay so that was one of the best players you ever beat until he beat your favorite world champion was that a good noise was that you were there was something else I thought that was your camera going crazy okay he beat my pet Roshan I mean Tigran Petrosian not to be confused with Tigran Petrosian who plays now yeah now to ground Petrosian died in the 80s and when he played in the Chicago open two or three years ago somebody else think Tigran Petrosian one of the directors was really impressed that the former world champion was playing he should have been even more impressed since he had died over 20 years earlier okay so Stein beat Petrosian in 1961 and this was in the Soviet championship now I don't know about you guys but I think Petrosian was pretty good 1961 that's my opinion because he was okay so Stein's white Petrosian plays the French where's Marla now know Marlo okay and we have your favorite variation anybody the winnow our Grandmaster knows okay and then this happened okay see fought is the main line yeah this is still the main line okay and he played Knight f5 yeah they don't play Knight f5 anymore they play castles but they used to play Knight f5 that Petrosian got crushed by Stein's are they stop this ship d3 threatening to take the knight and then take on g7 h5 what's the threat Arjun I said art you have to raise your hand right and then who's better slightly okay then you move back queen f4 Knight c6 dubious annotations by some guy 92 ex clan it's like a the most obvious normal 97 Knight g3 kicking out the knight Knight g6 question mark so black played 96 97 96 showing how the knight moves Queen d2 Bishop d7 which also the interior doesn't like rook b1 now if you've been to my lecture where I showed Karpov dismantling of calm skin 1992 the lecture wasn't a 92 it was about a year or two ago in that game white was winning on the Kings side and then he started winning on the Queen side so the rook on a1 not the best square for the rook her could be one much better rook b8 castles c4 not very explosive here this should be two attacking the pawn Knight takes g3 and now we're going to vote it should be a landslide should be so let's think about it and then I'll ask your question which I'm sure you already know the question and you can vote at home too all you have to do is send me money and your votes will count double all right who votes for H takes g3 margins like just me and who votes for F takes G three Wow two to one the abstentions have it okay now you didn't take either way this was the best solutions look at the game no I'm kidding F takes G three because we want the F file open for our rook and we don't want the H file open for his rook so f6 g3 is the best age for Bishop to g4 and this is something that's all of my advanced students you're not my advanced students so I can't tell you all right I'll tell you we have a Grand Master in the house when you make a move whatever you just moved isn't where it was think about that a little bit yeah okay my beginning students to be like what okay so there was a black pot on h5 I can prove it proved it and he moved it therefore it's not on h5 whenever your opponent makes a move you should think about what that where that piece was and what it was doing well it was defending the g4 square and now it's not so Bishop g4 now we attack takes takes what happened all right Queen e7 terrible a4 double X Clem these moves are played often in the window are French because white wants to play Bishop a3 and you can't do with the pawn to e3 of course white will have to play rook a 1 that takes a whole move ah but it's worth it Bishop takes a 4 rook a 1 and Bishop a three he got the job done and petrosian's king is very safe on ei not safe okay King on eiated ruck f2 rook f1 and then all this stuff happened went backwards it was edited out okay and now Queen to d8 and argent if I was annotating this game what would I say about Queen da what would I say yeah baby but I would say setting up for the next Kim yeah and double X clam right Queen to d1 my favorite move ever until the next move so when you play Queen d1 he wants the Queen to go to f3 and he wants the Bishop to go to h5 now if you thought Queens you what was the retreat you don't know what a retreat is because after rook h6 now we're going to see a retreat Julian that's a retreat that's a retreat BAM okay he was on a good diagonal but that one's better I didn't says anything wrong with it what's right with it continue okay what so you want to make 30 moves in a row and take your own bishop okay good plan good plan yay all right then ship see one threatening Bishop h6 simple rook aged seven and now white made two moves at the same time that's why he was so good move one was the beat down and move true was the Smackdown you BAM yeah and backwards Bishop e6 I hate when that happens now the guy who imitated this game a suspicious character he explained what happens on pawn takes Bishop he also explained what heavens on 9 h8 that was very funny man a black plays that 8 she don't know what I'll do alright so black resigned but after Bishop takes 6 F take c6 Queen g4 now we're threatening Queen takes Knight check winning the rook and Queen takes a 6 check winning everything who would like to suggest a move for black hanging the bishop right I take it that's called like saving it off one yeah yeah yeah a good plan that's the computers plan Thank You tweenage for and yes Martin Rick we're here I go check and then I take your rook yeah that's not good yeah yeah that's what he did 97x clam okay now after Queenie six rook f8 I don't know which ones more I'm so old well Queenie sticks Rick hates shade I can't refute I can't I'm old okay this I know wins a queen this I can see yeah I know yeah okay so after so after Bishop e6 he resigned now you guys are like yeah but Petrosian didn't lose a lot of games and just lose a lot of games we got crushed checkmated King in the center rooks doubled of the seventh rank okay that's probably the worst crush that anybody's ever done against Petrosian unfortunately Stein and or stain he died young so I think in Stein's honor we should all have a beer you
Channel: Saint Louis Chess Club
Views: 120,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russia, Ukraine
Id: eM82L0n3Q7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 48sec (2808 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2015
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