Hikaru Nakamura vs. Americans in London | Mastering the Middlegame - GM Ben Finegold

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[Music] we're going to show two games of acara Nakamura okay and if you thought who's evil wait so you see these games okay now it's funny about Nakamura is he would have won the London chess classic if there were no Americans including himself because he lost to both Americans he did a reverse Levon Aronian if you remember the sink filled Cup Aronian want he beat only Americans but he beat all of them and here Nakamura actually got plus three against the non Americans which is a big score considering he's only playing seven other people so three wins and four draws is a reasonable result but then he lost the two Americans just a second while I cry okay hey get out of here you alligator all right so yeah they didn't get that you didn't need to get it either at home alright so the first game was from the first round as you all remember Nakamura lost two so in the Sinquefield Cup also now here's something you didn't know actually you used to know but you forgot that they didn't forget or used to know it is that the Sinquefield Cup in London chess classic had the same pairings with colors reversed so if you played somebody in round one of the Sinquefield cup you played them in round one of the London chefs classic which is very confusing for Michael Adams since he didn't plan this thing feel Cup so he's like wait a minute what do I do now he's got to buy every round so it was still the best score he ever had and they were 0.5 that's just showing you because he's a British Grandmaster okay no I'm just kidding Adams is one of the only good British grandmasters ever okay anyway back to what we were talking about what we're talking about oh yeah Nakamura so now so be Nakamura with the Catalan in the Sinquefield Cup in London chest classic Wesley had black and actually this was an important match up because these were the only two people who could win the grand chest or you might be thinking grand chest or who cares that's correct however there's lots of prize money okay and Nakamura doesn't play for a prize money he plays for some other reason okay so yeah that was funny all right so Wesley so was in clear first in the grand chest or Nakamura was in clear second the only way for Nakamura to win the grand chest or was he had to come and clear first and so would come in fourth or worse okay and none of that happened because of the first round so Wesley had the black pieces and they played a very interesting Grunfeld and for some reason Hikaru doesn't do well against the Grunfeld um I was working with him in the 2011 tall memorial in what city you Athens Wow worst answer you've ever given you get extra credit okay Riga was a reasonable answer but still incorrect okay and also Arjun has a question for you where is Riga that's his question was that your question Arjun what country is Riga in what's that Greece so you said Athens and now you're saying Riga Greece you got taken to Greece the correct answer is Moscow all right so this was a grünfeld and against the Grunfeld in the tall Memorial in 2011 which Chicago faced twice he lost both games in fact that tournament hikaru lost three games with white and drew all his games with black very suspicious okay don't do that unless you're playing me then alright okay so here he plays a different way than he played earlier in those games they play sort of a normal kind of modern grünfeld now for those of you at home then Simon's just left so my next 1,000 words will be okay but I'll be talking about bridge all right the fine-tooth comb look you all he's coming back he heard me what not now you're good bang good leave you can leave okay so Bishop III and rook c1 is very modern because you get your rook off of this diagonal you're actually supposed to learn chess in this class horrible okay unlike the previous class where do you go there you are hiding yeah okay very good and I've noted this in many of my lectures modern chess is you develop one side of bored then you develop the other side of the board later okay and they say more if he wouldn't win any games today okay here we get all of his pieces out confusing his opponent all right but now why can play moves like d5 and he's not giving his Queen side away okay castles Queen d2 e 5 e 5 is also a modern kind of move we're putting white to the test right now and I'm sure all of you will give the obvious move that white played d5 otherwise white Center sort of crumbles and there's a movie you've never seen before or heard of even though I've told you about it called the great chess movie so anybody's seen or heard of that movie Wow nothing as per usual okay at the raising their hand at home but they're lying like no no no I know you didn't see it okay it was a documentary made around 1980 give or take some by 1980s Canadian movie and it stars karpov course should I Fisher Lubavitch Hort and many other grandmasters and they talk about the history of chess and chess players nowadays although when I say nowadays I mean the 70s okay and they interview a lot of the best players in the world I actually owned a copy but I'm not sure where it is now probably I don't have it anymore I've seen it many times and they talk about hyper-modern chess which is arjen's favorite right Arjun these would say no you didn't read his lines didn't bring me anything no no holiday present no wedding present nothing right okay as far as like probably when this video comes I'm already divorced I'm not even married yet as far as you're concerned terrible okay also this is in the future because they're looking at 2017 and we're 2060 we're awesome okay they're 10 minutes ahead of their time all right so in that movie they talk about hyper modern chess you give your opponent the center and then you explode it and destroy it and that's what Wesley is doing this game although after d5 white still has a nice Center ok Knight d7 C 4 and C 4 is explosive f-five Bishop g5 attacking the Queen Knight f6 and now this was all played relatively quickly and now Hikaru did what I like to call a Kaden trophy and if your Kaden trove I'm just kidding okay okay one of Kayden's issues which he's had more than once is he says this is my prep I think this is the move I prepped and then that's nothing if he prepped okay and then he loses he makes some of the losses again okay and the karo does that right here hakarl says oh yeah this is my prep yeah and I prep the move 92 that's my prep okay and this may have been his prep but 92 is nothing will be prepped okay and the idea is he wants to play Knight c3 move his Bishop castle and his game is great okay but a much better move would be Bishop to d3 which stops Knight takes e4 and the problem is after the very simple calculation Knight e4 which was played black is just winning and something that's sort of hard to see it was hard to see for me it looks like it's possible this knight on D 2 gets trapped but it never ever ever gets trapped because it can always take this bishop so there's that Knights not getting trapped so there's basically no calculation you take upon any up upon now I was losing pawns before you were born including Claudio okay and you know sometimes you lose a pawn unfortunately White's development is very suspicious and white just lost a center a pawn if why did lost as a pawn yeah okay then you're down upon when you lose your center pawn that's not good okay also black gets the two bishops because in this position your bishops are both hanging okay and Leslie so is too good if a car was playing me he probably wouldn't lose if he was playing you at home you would have resigned by now after after like now you'd see you just resign you'd be like wow that's good prep I miss Knight takes e4 okay here though black is just winning now luckily for a car oh he can win his pawn back but his game is just awful this should be seven rook f7 and we get this position so material is equal but White has these weak pawns black has the two bishops White's King is terrible White's rook is terrible and black has this nice Center and we get to attack right away with b6 and Bishop a6 and we're just going to play rook c8 and there's a lot of good defenses to this pawn I just don't see any okay this works going to come here and you're going to be in trouble and you're in trouble here and you got the nice Center for black and whites position is ridiculous the computer says black is something like +2 and this is a one move blunder based on the fact that he thought 92 is his prep now there's another American you've never heard of Fabiana Cara Juana okay or as the answer would say no that was even worse than the answer that's very impressive no he likes to say card you won I'm like card you wanna he's like card you wanna and then we got and fight okay then there's a smoke break and then I take a nap and that's that's what happens at me and yes sir okay and yes sir was staying in my house and I kicked him out and I'm staying on his floor something like that happened that's about half true but half of what I said was true he was staying there he's not there now I'm there so there's a lot of it's true okay now yeah unfortunately this Bishop is not only winning this pawn but there's some other issues here okay and we can't really play king d2 and get our rook somewhere good because Bishop h6 is annoying so all of whites pieces are bad and all of his pawns are bad and black has the two bishops okay now again if I was black and probably a draw but Wesley so is black that it's not good okay so f4 the only way to activate the rook otherwise the rook stays on f1 forever rook c8 takes and now in this position sleep lay to move the computer didn't like but it really didn't care very much it's like this isn't the best move but your work position so good it doesn't matter okay he pinned his own bishop I would never do that because I would be afraid so I wouldn't do that just because I'm afraid Wesley calculates the million moves ahead so he's not afraid although since the bishop can't move right now the computer prefers rook takes c4 and then if there's a rook trade for example Rick's e4 Bishop c4 you'll notice that White has a lot of pawns hanging the a to pawn the d5 pawn and blacks a pawn op and Black has two bishops and this plunge almost hanging okay although one of the former American world champions took that pawn and didn't like it and they still didn't get it nothing Bensimon got it no I'm kidding you to get it what you never heard him okay so White's pawns are all hanging and he's down upon and black has the two bishops so that was a better way of playing but Bishop c4 doesn't spoil anything and generally Wesley so from the fine gold school of chess doesn't want to trade never trade the more pieces that are on the board the less safe White's King will feel it's an endgame but black is full good attack against White's King okay rook e3 attacking the bishop Bishop g7 saving the bishop are you taking notes on this Arjen attack the bishop move the bishop away okay Knight f4 rook to d7 a4 a4 is an important idea which I teach all of my students and they don't listen now you could not listen right that'll be awesome although you're listening a little too much you're taking notes I don't know about that that's too much listening okay when you're losing and or worse and you know it clap your hands clap your hands argue okay so when you're losing your down material your game is not good you know you want to trade all the pawns because your opponent won't meet you with a bishop well okay maybe Jason but if your opponent has a king and a bishop and you have a king and that's it you're not going to lose but if your opponent has pawns on the board now you're going to lose White has an isolated a plan he wants to trade off give black an isolated pawn and if there's no plums on the board you'll have chances to draw so this mastering the middle again the middle games sort of over even though white still got attacked at the endgame this is like sort of half middle game half endgame this is an endgame lecture I could talk about this it's the middle game I could talk about this oh Kobe would be proud okay who wants to see it again all right so yeah some people got that okay probably not far all right so in this position white has a big issue which I fallen for twice in the last three years that I know of I probably fall in for ten more times than I wasn't shown okay black has a bishop like also another Bishop and for some reason why put all of his pieces on the same color so that sort of entices black to attack all of White's pieces with one move so that's a very risky thing to do when your opponent has a bishop and you put your pieces on the same color as the bishop you could get forked and skewered and all kinds of things I'd never heard of so that's very risky so Bishop h6 screaming out to be played and then that's tough to defend all of that okay white played the obvious move g3 I don't think there's another move and then Bishop takes pawn takes and White has a fantastic pawn structure now I'm just kidding now unfortunately this is not an endgame lecture but I'll still yell at you about the endgame especially true in the middle game obviously color vicious favor the attacker it doesn't look like there's an attack here but actually there is some but in the endgame most people are like ooh obviously colored bishops that's a draw when okay if it's only bishops it's occasionally a draw but when there's rooks on the board opposite Clark Bishop doesn't matter unless they're obviously colored rooks which they are who these will hold on he's taking notes opposite color OPP that are you are you done with OPP very good that was the only good answer if you were here for my previous lecture did you record my lecture on macro valve 21st century on that you did you sure yeah I showed a game where mock OVA have had opposite colored bishops and then he actually no no I don't think you recorded this one because this wasn't a mock ov a of it was just a game that he played I think it was in the first lecture you didn't record I think you even like deleted you recorded just so you could delete it I think that was anyway there was an opposite Clark Bishop ending with just an extra pawn and no rooks and he won easily but he's Michael Vale okay but I digress Reb takes d5 how many pawns is black op Arjen to and White has three isolated pawns that's not good okay now normally Nakamura is a great fighter and he wins and draws positions where he's worser losing or much worse and when he does lose it takes 9,000 woozi never resigns that's the normal nakamura this today's NACA more in this game was like a Ben feingold nakamura like terrible move resigned right away okay so he played rookie 7 the pho aggressive move and that's when Arjun is always saying he's like what's all of these fellow aggressive moves right Arjun okay and now you can see the rook is pretty active scary okay rub 2d for defending the bishop again and threatening the f4 pawn and Bishop d2 is played and now a really nice move from Wesley so King f8 and usually when your opponent's rook is on the seventh rank threatening a pawn you don't give up another pawn and give them a choice that's not what you usually do is it okay and the idea is even though it's the endgame black still has an attack on White's King so if the rook takes either pawn we play rookie for check and then White has to cry because White has three legal moves and they're all terrible this should be three even you know is terrible King d1 allows Bishop b3 check and King f2 allows Ricky to check their for the rook can't take either pawn Ricky for Czech wins immediately but Nakamura wasn't worried about King f8 because he just went back to B for threatening double discovered triple sideways check right Arjen no is correct okay let's discover check and unfortunately the rook is threatening discovered checks but Wesley so pinned the rook that wasn't very nice so the rook can go to all these squares but it would be double check okay because White's King would also be in check confusing the people at home who don't know the rules okay and the computer won't let me do it if I put both sides in check the computer just puts the rug back argent with some crazy comment that's right very good did you triple check your answer good answer okay now the Nakamura I know would play on two or three puns now and go over our I think Nakamura was very upset because not only did he blunder the opening for getting his prep I don't think he saw rookie aid I think he thought okay King goes back to GA Bishop d2 and will repeat and Wesley will try to win another way but after rook e8 white has to trade rooks and then it's hard to defend the f4 pawn very hard okay now one way to defend it let's say you play double check and the one way to defend your pawn is you would home anybody not know you're wrong at home Arjun Bishop d2 and you guys are like this is an end game and you're moving your arms back and forth like King Kong but actually rookie 4 check and the middle game attack pulls through White's losing material his king is in trouble King F to Ricky to check King D 1 Bishop III check so we can't play Bishop d2 but we have to play Bishop d2 because we don't want to be done three pawns that's not good right Arjun obviously color bishops don't matter when you're down three points okay so after rook e8 seeing nothing better than that he resigned because he's losing his f4 pawn so not knock him or his best game or was it now I like making fun of Nakamura because who doesn't but unlike Wesley so Fabiano Cara wanna Vladimir Kramnik and ahni's Giri who all lost no games all of them undefeated Nakamura had five decisive results in his first seven games and probably that's why your watch to the London chess classic not to see 37 drawers like Nakamura loses Nakamura wins Nakamura loses Nakamura wins and he got a plus score now I had to talk about Emery tape because why not and we'd say it was a very exciting player he wasn't grandmaster strength but he thought he was and that's all that matters okay so if you would home think your Grandmaster strength there you go yeah there was a US Championship which had a fighting prize award okay and the fighting prize award was $5,000 and it was subjective okay I bribe three of the judges but I think the other guy bribed four of them so fighting chest yeah so yeah Nakamura with all kinds of decisive games yeah we're talking on Emery tape okay so Emily tape played but they had a special rule that you're not going to like nobody in this room was going to like it was $5,000 fighting prize but you couldn't get a - score okay they were like you know you can't just lose all your games on purpose get the fighting prize anyway in round 1 Emery Tate had white against vara Cobian and he destroyed Varco being crushed him okay and then he went on to win and lose an alternate okay and then he lost one in the middle where he didn't alternate and he had nine decisive results of the US Championship okay four wins and 5 losses was ineligible five wins and four losses would have been eligible okay that was like 2006 see at 2006 am i right 2007 no six it was in San Diego and/or La Jolla I think it was La Jolla okay so Nakamura resigns very suspicious okay now the next scheme is even better because people with their engines they were like oh this is happening and that's happening and everything's happening but none of that was happening okay the nine or F did really badly in this tournament white was crushing the night off okay you guys are making fun of the Berlin and rightfully so like moving on okay so they played the night off because Nakamura plays the night off if you remember and you don't Nakamura played the night off against Fabiano in the US Championship that also didn't go well for black it went really badly for black okay and in this night ourf white played the old move which used to be the only move ever play but now nobody plays it Bishop g5 okay now that all playing the English attack Bishop e3 f3 Queen d2 etc okay but they're playing in London so that was too obvious these are g5 is the old move em instead of playing the main main main main main line in this position you could play Bishop e7 or you could play the poisoned pawn and the polo guy F ski in Queen b6 he played h6 and then he played Queen b6 so already I know nothing but the players have hundreds of hours of prep here comes the man from San Diego let's try to figure out when the u.s. change it was in La Jolla in San Diego like 2006 yeah well one was in La Jolla was in San Diego yeah yeah I agree one was in 2005 and then was in 2006 yeah La Jolla was first that was nice yeah that was that no it was nice yeah okay now this is very sharp so you would assume incorrectly that Nakamura would play better than Fabiano because in sharp positions Nakamura been Fabiano however it's not true in this case because unlike everybody in this room and everybody at home and everybody in and everybody else in the world this is 99% preparation okay it's not like boom what do I do here and I was actually giving a lesson today it's a none other than my cue ball yeah Dani would be the same I'll tell you the Danny's story next remind me okay my comer he showed me again he pled the nimzo-indian and I moved for he's like what do I do and I said well you do this that you know like 12-bore Musa theory and he's like what okay Danny mature ky played a practice game with yesterday I believe maybe two days ago and I moved to he was out of his prep so okay now at the very top level when you play the most complicated theory kind of opening either you get really lucky and your phone doesn't know anything which means you're dreaming or you got to know a lot of prep in general Nakamura's prep is very bad okay for a top 10 player he's clearly the worst he knows a lot and he doesn't understand it it's like he memorized stuff and didn't look at it deeply the opposite is true a Fabiano Fabiano gets positions I moved 15 20 25 and he says the computer says this but that's wrong I played like several practice games and these are the ideas it doesn't see okay and Nakamura just tries to remember like what he did and what the computer said which of course he forgot against Wesley so and lost and you would know that if you're at my lecture earlier but you were busy sleeping on the job now there's nobody the Chess Club is kokomo in charge okay what's that yeah I'm kidding yeah Pokemon charge let's be interesting okay so a three was played confusing the audience can actually two no one opening sometimes you can steal the ideas and then you know another opening and actually this idea of Queen B six and A three if you've watched every lecture I've given I played a game with math you used to work at the club scholastic no not Matthew Larson Matt Barrett and Matt Barrett I had a queen on b6 and I thought he was going to play a three so I couldn't play Queen B - and he didn't do that and he was like what okay so and also from the exchange Slav this idea is well known the idea is after Queen takes B - the Queen can't go to be four so Knight a four is very annoying because your Queens trapped so the point of a3 is there's no Queen takes B - there's no Queen B 4 there's no Bishop takes b4 later this should be fortunate and if you're Anand you can play b4 and lose I mean because you're playing giri what's that so I think the Queen's I'm b6 and it stays there forever when the bishops on g5 when the bishops on h4 then this happens and you're like why did I play Queen b6 he's not AC likes my answer which is wrong but I tried and trying is the first step to failure the lesson is never try see there's a going to pays attention and what happened the last time you tried yeah exactly okay good job and we could ask Ben Simon for a lecture on that hi so Bishop e7 he's like I tried to get all the Trump references out but I missed that one all right and Bishop f2 like I said okay Queen c7 Queen f3 and everybody checkmates everybody so the audience is happy now when I worked a long time ago with Gregory CAI done of we did some funny database analysis we would look at a position like this one and then we not this one but like this one and then when there would be like 130 games and then he would be like no no no we don't look at those games ok it was based on rating ok for him it was 2500 if either players were 2500 we're not looking at that so when we can't look at my games ok yeah he's like no no those guys can't play I don't one of those games ok so usually when there's the top level games like this and they talk to the players they quote other top level games and they're like oh yeah this is the game Rufus versus doofus ok and while those are top players ok and actually both players were following a game that was played earlier which even I knew that doesn't make any sense does anybody know what game they were following because they played all these moves really quickly because they were following another super GM game anybody yeah I was two really good players it was onigiri white against mvl did you know that ok and both players play badly in that game and nvl gave him the Smackdown it's the only game gear he's ever lost although Geary would have been winning by force but instead he lost then that was analyzed analyzed analyzed analyzed and they had all the improvements ready so they played the improvements quickly ok confusing the odd they're like what are they playing so quickly for okay all this has been played before and in this position it was something like rook g8 was played by MVL and then I think here he thought for like half an hour and played a mistake I think he played a rook g1 and then after d5 he was like already worse okay then that was analysed forever and they found improvements for everybody okay so b4 which nobody understands okay supposedly it's very important in some variations later but nobody could figure it out then they turned their engines on and waited forever so even though b4 was never played before this is what Fabiano expected because the engine said it was the best okay and I'll tell you a reverse story which I've told before but you guys don't look like your memories too good okay I was playing Darwin yang and I prepared a line for two months not for him but just in case somebody did it okay should I go back to the beginning and start over okay welcome to mastering the middle game okay he just in time No okay I'm half kidding all right there's a there's a fine for showing up late it's okay the yeah okay so against Darwin yang I had a novelty ready like I move 17 or something and when we got to the position the move before the novelty he already didn't know the addition so he had a long think before my novelty he played the right move I played the novelty and he didn't see he had nothing okay tobol Arase right right Arjen oh no that's right Tobler Rossum's right and he didn't know what the main move was or the not main move or anything so it was lost on him and he lost the game ok here is the opposite they play moves that never been played before their sights prepared for it forever because they look at the games with computers and they're ready for whatever the computer moves are and I don't understand before and nobody without a computer understands before because you take it ok but somehow the computer says it's the best why is it the best nobody knows okay hope you learned a lot this class all right 95 queen f4 this is all their prep they're moving instantly Knight g4 Bishop g4 'if I've and in this position the computer says Queen f6 Bishop f6 Knight d5 Queen da now the computer says knight c6 you'll notice the Queen doesn't have anywhere to go right and both players blitz to this position because this was their prep and after night c6 the line goes Bishop takes g4 Knight takes da this ship takes da and White is slightly better and materials equal confusing the crowd okay and this was what the computer said which I'm sure Nakamura had on his computer and when your computer says play knight c6 winning the Queen usually you don't challenge that like yeah 96 bends the Queen yeah I agree with that and Nakamura thought he would probably draw that endgame with his two bishops and Nakamura in his coach had already played a practice game with the move Knight f5 which the computer said was nothing and Fabiano said after looking at it for like four minutes he thought I was just winning computer just says equal but he says well black can't move so if your Pony can't move that's bad you can write that down oh wait not moving is bad and the computer says what black has to play Bishop takes f5 here and and Fabiano's like takes f5 I take with the bishop and black can't move and whites just winning there although I don't know if I agree with that I think I'd rather have white because I like what my opponent can move that seems nice and white has a lot of threats Bishop b6 is annoying I'm able to do about Bishop d6 you on White has all the trumps okay because we have a knight on f5 f5 that's D 5 D 5 and F 5 it's never happened in the history of the Sicilian okay when you're white in the Sicilian and you nine-time d5 and f5 both all black pieces are misplaced they should be on some other chess board okay this should be six is annoying d6 is weak White's King is perfectly safe black has no safe place for his King so white has everything and black has a queen now as I pointed out during the tournament Hikaru was a queen up in three games usually in super Grandmaster tournaments with average rating 2780 you're not up a queen every game not usually okay he was up a queen against the nan for Rickon apiece and he won he was up between this game for two pieces and he lost and he was up a queen against against two else might help me out you guys followed the tournament now you got nothing Arjen hmm maybe Oh were you guessing you knew oh that doesn't help me all right well you at home no now you don't know you just looking it up okay so white has all the trumps so of course he won it was surprising down a queen but Trump won all right so rook to b8 that stops Bishop b6 that was my main threat darn okay Knight f6 and now in this position White has a very nice forced win but since everything wins he didn't care he wasn't like oh no I missed the forced win the people on the internet like he didn't play the forced win rar okay he played rib d6 and the computers were shouting for Knight takes d6 okay I'm not sure our computers were shouting okay and basically there's all kinds of really tricky checkmates that's why I liked all of this stuff for example if King e7 the computer was playing Bishop c5 man that doesn't look very safe now does it it's a little safe but not too safe and the checkmate that's everybody's missing in the class is the obvious move anyone come on you probably the live broadcast they told you what to do now you forgot that would be knife f5 yeah does anybody think he's right the guy who lectured last you read his lecture you should know ok anybody you're two-thirds correct they're like let's see Knight f7 and Knight d5 or we don't get it okay so Knight b5 obviously and the idea is you're in check if King e6 I have actually well that's the same eight so King e6 or King EA 97 is made or you could play rib d6 check if you're me and after King e6 but that's mean okay and after King FA there's a different mate if I knew what it was I tell you I'm sold it's something to somewhere oh actually this ship f5 is the move that is very strong and then you play Bishop c5 and rogue g1 and black resigns I think it's Bishop f5 probably gonna see this should have five because who would okay so Rick d6 is also good nothing wrong with that and now the commentators were confused because in this position after the move h5 black did something that looked really stupid but it actually wasn't a stupid at all but you know one of the commentators now he played Queen g5 check and after Bishop e3 you can't take the bishop because of Knight h6 check and so he played Queen back to f6 and you're like well wait a minute he played Queen g5 Queen f6 and whites just gained two Tempe so that looks dumb however Hikaru knew that was going to happen he didn't think he was going to play Queens a g4 missed 9 h6 Hikaru was wondering what he was going to against Bishop h4 the computer says all Queen a chain ok humans don't play Queen eh-eh that's not how we roll so when he saw Bishop h4 Queen AJ he said well I'm not doing that so I got to do something else okay and if you're not going to do that that you're going to play Queen g5 check in Queen f6 so it wasn't like he blundered and didn't see Queen g4 was losing he just didn't want to allow Bishop h4 Queen h8 that's just terrible for black okay so he did this that's reasonable okay nine age six check this ship f5 which was very nice move again black can't move anything okay it's a terrible position for black white has a past H pawn why does attack on the king the bishop on e6 is pinned black sting is permanently under attack and black can move anything Queen e7 and now he thought a very long time and he played the movie five and the commentators and the people on the internet who know everything they are like oh he missed the computer move Knight s7 and after the game Fabiana showed the analysis of Knight s7 he was looking at during the game and at the end of the analysis about move six or seven he missed like a strong move so he analyzed Knight f7 but he didn't like it as much as b5 and b5 is also winning now b5 was just to get Hikaru back because the cargo played b4 nobody understood it so he played b5 and nobody understood it that's fair okay and the idea is obviously we'd like to keep pushing our pawn or taking if the rook takes were weakening the back rank and if the pawn takes were blocking the B file and black has no counter play and cacao wants counter play and he may know if it loses very quickly based on a miscalculation Queen EA he wants the B file open so he can use his Queen and rook and get the B file to his advantage and if the B pawn moves he could play Queen a4 and try to get some counter-attack against the white king obviously the Queen on e7 isn't really dangerous to this King here and what's funny is after Queen e8 Knight f7 is even stronger okay so Fabiano's move worked out better than the actual best move and the idea is we're getting checkmated and if you're taking notes which he is getting checkmated is bad it's not good so well you're in check and you can't move your king because your bishop on e6 is hanging and Hikaru saw this and took with the rook he was actually expecting this bob was taking with the bishop is you're letting the rook on the sixth reign go over here okay and we have another look that's going here and we got bishops that are going here so that that's bad yeah that's called getting checkmated so rook h6 check rook g1 shack and you can see blacks positions not very good right Arjun yeah so a possible end of the game could be this that's one possible end okay so after Knight f7 he took rook takes and he immediately played Queen b5 and I mean Alok school were threatening Queen B - we took upon and if white doesn't have mate it's pretty good on for type 2 rook h6 Hikaru is like oh that line that I looked at doesn't work okay so he resigned here obviously you have to move your king somewhere doesn't matter where and the rook checks and the rook checks King here and let's see we take he takes we play Bishop c5 check if you play King f6 this looks good for white right and if you play King to the back rank Rick g8 check looks good for Wyatt okay now of course it doesn't matter what you do in this position you can play rook takes Queen and win in fact the computer might play rook takes Queen or if you want to BQ you can do this most of you don't look too cute maybe Arjen but the rest of you okay so in this position after rook h6 check he was like oh I'm losing everything and you're taking notes losing everything's bad okay now actually those games were both lost for the same reason okay preparation in the first game where he lost to Wesley he fought all in 92 that's my prep but it was different position okay if he played Bishop d3 White's slightly better and this game he's looking like here's my prep and black is okay and instead of 96 Fabiana i'll prepare them by playing Knight f5 then there was a 30-minute thing then there were more 30 minutes and he's like man this game is not good okay and then on Twitter the next day he's like I'd absolutely crushed it was destroyed okay and that happens in the Sicilian when things work out looks good when they don't work out it looks like seve and Feingold which I forgot because I got a lot of hypnosis so I don't even remember that game I think I won that game yeah that's my recollection okay in the Sicilian that's what we like to see because we see a lot of both sides getting checkmated sometimes at the same time and unfortunately in this tournament for Knight Wharf players the night herb didn't do well later in the tournament I believe the net very next round hikaru played the same opening against MVL they played the same first eight or nine moves and Envia also got crushed okay no more Berlin why draw one you can lose right okay Geary should think like that now to end the year this is a true story so Arjuna like it on Twitter yesterday Geary wrote this is true this isn't a joke if it is a joke but it's true I'm not making it up here he wrote New Year's resolution tweet less win more okay very suspicious I don't think he can do either one yeah you're not going to do either one and circle a car Aachen got him good was the car yeah kind of Reggie blog I think was khari Aachen think so he said they should name unease Geary the world champion of draws and the truth hurts now I noted that Kramnik drew his last eight games and nobody mentioned that and they were like yeah but Geary joined 14 draws in the candidates so too bad a lot of people can draw they want its Geary when he draws we get mad at them and Gary's not playing boring when he draws he has a lot of crazy games you was some crazy comment he did 9 draws solid and Kramnik 8 draws Cara wanna 7 draws Wesley so six draws also anon six draws and I think Michael item six draws and so now this is an exciting tournament it was but somehow all the games were drawing [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Saint Louis Chess Club
Views: 131,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tm4bLKkzYs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2017
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