Zoo Miami Tour & Review with The Legend

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hi everyone good morning and we're gonna do a video today from Zoo Miami the zoo in the Miami area a big fan of animals just got off the cruise ship this morning figure out we're here in South Florida might as well make the best fit let's show you around Zoo Miami all right let's check out the Florida missions ever grades exhibit so really cool do you get to get pretty courses coming up who's awake I'm steering [Music] so moving on to move like at all some time just keeps moving around very really moving like goes home to this nice playground for kids looks like they probably would fountains and stuff here when it's warmer today it's didn't like the high 60s so it's definitely not a not water play area whether it's these dos slides and play structures so this is really really need they have an exhibit here and I was from my favorite I'll give you see the ball cuddling and stuff like that but they also have a slide that you could go down that is in the Honor exhibit so you slide like a nutter and you go right past him that is so neat so earlier we select crocodile way and he was hanging out way over there by that boat but then they have this great exhibit here where you can go through a crawl through tunnel so if the crocodile is like swimming over here you can go get an amazing view really like you tell this is a newer exhibit with some really fun design get the bears are really up close guys when I hear it's really really cool to be that put stupid pretty the best to use again you can see that this is a newer section of the zoo this Everglades Florida area because they have more cool little things like there's a bear den you crawl into to get an up-close view the bear who looks like he's ready to take a bear net so I was find interesting when I learn things of tuesd and this guy here is a burrowing owl and I didn't even know there were that sort of dug holes and lived underground this guy's one of them and of course the everybod ii had to have some alligators in it right you got some american a leaders there nothing up at least these guys here are not particularly large sometimes you see these alligators like this and they're gigantic more fun stuff here in the Everglades exhibit this goes over the alligator pen so while unfortunately we don't have like the money shot going on right now whether they be alligators underneath there's potential for them to be alligators right underneath this net climb kind of thing it's really fun it's a wonderfully designed exhibit in our time with the Everglades exhibit here is the the lost man's river ride which has a kind of fun we got to interview these guys that these are boats built by whitewater so we interviewed them by a pup probably three or four years ago when this project was announced its kind of fun to see you know like I knew I sat in one of these boats like on the showroom floor of the expo and now there's a ride it's an upcharge of about $5 or so definitely look forward to hopping on that in a little bit mezuzot had to rescue bald eagles hanging out over there and like one of them is named putt-putt because he was found on a golf course but other funds appears for the they've got foxes and raccoons and bobcats and again with the the innovative at a design we're standing in a tree house so I guess they could like be running any tests weeping and things like that but it's really cool cuz they're like running around something very different than the zoo offers is they have Suri bike rentals to run a smaller one it's two hours for like 26 a larger one is two hours 36 and the interesting way to see the zoo up next it's time to check out the Amazon and beyond exhibit you've got a nice monkey exhibit with a common squirrel monkeys that little tiny guy they're fun looking fella and then the other one in this exhibit is over here the black howler monkey now that is a frightening sign if I've ever seen one there's an indoor section to this cloud forest Amazon Area home to a lot of snakes we have a big snake fan but this guy's cool it's a cloned basilisks chant the alligator lizard [Music] you'd see the Jaguar up there looks like he's eating breakfast hangout isn't cool per cheese got giant horn was a really really fun feature here another great photo-op in kids play area here as you get your picture taken on a poison dart frog or with Jaguar eyes gotta love the size of Zoo Miami as some of these encounters and enclosures just go on for forever this one just seems to be birds but this uh this is a zoo with a ton of room this is a very strange-looking animal it ain't like aliens snake forums and their underwater it's very odd the Orinoco crocodile who's both posing and sleeping here is the wolffish and this is a new six we walk into the in Doral flooded for inception in the Amazon area so the larger section on here is absolutely pretty neat you've got a big window in the right-hand side which is a bunch of different birds and a couple of smaller monkey type animals like your great tenant Tamron small monkeys I think that there's a whole bunch stuff we did not see in there like this would be a porcupine and I got a different type of baby monkey and things like that we do not see that and then I think this star of the show over here is a giant fish tank they have which has to be a good I mean this looks like a probably a 20-foot fish tank with some giant fish very impressive you've got a neat open-air kind of fish tank here with a little stingray type guy in there in a couple other fish [Music] but these giant cutters during shooting such big old fish that's good you've got a very very different looking turtle so I like to say a great bat exhibit so the bats can go on both sides anything in that pen an effing and then fly in between them that's so neat this guy's a southern Tamandua so he's in the anteater family nice really cool he's like a mini anteater zoo Miami is home to its own monorail and it's an upcharge attraction about five bucks or so with a couple different stops all around the zoo interesting older looking monorail a lot of times it doesn't look like it gives you a great view of the animals but more of a transportation mechanism to take you from one place to the other it's about five bucks four dollars remember but the interesting thing is the Zoo closes every day at 5:00 and and 4:30 the monorail becomes free as they try to get people out of the zoo so guys this is fun got to the tiger exhibit as they are feeding these Sumatran tiger which is beautiful like a very very very big exhibit for the Tigers which is really nice to see you if you're fan of some like old school style silver hairs they have mold ematic machines all over the zoo first time I've seen Mulder Maddox with a card swiper as well so that's kind of neat but these are really kind of neat you put your three bucks in the machine comes down it closes and then it makes your your souvenir right in front of you so you get your choice of whatever kind of animals you want it to get seen like probably ten or so these are around the zoo and they're neat cool for kids cool for uh you know some nostalgia people who grew up with this kind of thing over here we have federal rare animal furs ooh it's a New Guinea singing dog in the Australia section it's kind of napping and it's kind of sad because look this is this is manju and he's a diabetic so don't throw your hotdogs of pizzas I absolutely love Paulus and look at how cute he is he's in the river a week either nobody you always see the walls and they're asleep not this guy I will say unfortunate a koala pen in this Australia area it definitely feels it one of the very much older areas of the zoo is this koala does not have a whole lot of room here and it feels like a very older section and that would that's what happens with zoos you know they they fix they build new stuff and upgrade their older stuff as things go but uh he's awesome finishing up the Australia section here is a couple of emus there those were evil looking birds evil birds real interesting lunch board sign as you come into the zoo thinking about the new landscaping courtesy of hurricane Burma and I guess some heha damage that the storm brought this past past year over here one of the older exhibits it appears to be one of the older ensues at the zoo you have lemurs they're not they're not really being fun right now that's being lazy English so this guy over here this tortoise he's having a good day but not as good of a day as these two [Music] if you wanted to feed the birds you can do that here at the wings down under parrot feeding adventure kind of simple with a pen like it's not very pretty it's a very industrial so for you by the Amazon section there is a giant leg and you can rent these cool-looking swan boats where you could get like you and your family could get it either a giant rubber ducky or a swan can pedal around the lake pretty neat another fun flavor you kids outside of the amazon area you've got our counties those hang on and go kind of things and then another slide the zoo never ends here we're up next is the wings of asia so the ways of Asia is a giant really tall bird aviary and it is just massive right now we're back in the kids zoo section of the park which if you look behind me is just pure chaos but it's worth coming in because they have meerkats and meerkats are neat and the kids use the wacky barn which is a petting zoo home to this really cool pig then you've got your standard more standard stuff with goats and little goats and a llama what the pigs my favorite another animal with tons and tons and tons of room here at the zoo is the black handed spider monkey who's that guy right there here is the guanaco which kind of looks like a mix between a llama and a camel we now made it to the African section of the zoo of course home to some of the most famous animals around like the rhinoceros here too big rhinoceroses and again it with the theme with the zoo they have a ton of room these these rhinos have a very very big enclosure one of the stars in most suits is the elephant and view they have a couple of them and there they're big they're very pretty looking this guy is making funny noises and I'm guessing he's washing out his trunk with that spray fountain the kind of thing over there impressive though very cool right across the way from the elephant pen is this giant gold mosaic elephant statue that serves as a photo-op it's really neat here is the okapi another classic zoo animal here's the giraffe and they have a bunch of dress just so they have a couple drives that are sitting down which you don't normally see and there's a littler guy over there like I wouldn't say baby giraffe probably a couple year old trip so that calf says also they do do a giraffe feeding experience so if you want to have your kids feed the dresser if you've never fed a draft this is kind of a neat thing you do get to do that over there again it's one of these things where it cost money but it's a if you are fitted her eyes to really make big giant tongues Ct just gonna try and feed the drift yep yep big giant tongue up they drop it right now we're still hanging out over by the okapi but uh that's weird hey Mellie what time is it here 30 beer 30 yes I'm drinking a yeah I'm gonna drink a beer cuz we just got off the cruise ship with the beverage plane yesterday so the last thing I need after about 50 drinks in three days is another beer but then I stumbled upon the beer cart here they have their own like specialty Breer so my god gotta try it and it probably helps the animals I'm drinking a zubru blonde ale you'd see it right there that's the tip they actually have a nice beer selection 3-1 to an island Murata and of course Bud Light but since the beer had its own specialty beer the zoo had its own specialty beer I had to give it a try pretty good nice blonde blonde a blonde ale and at the cheapest eight bucks for 16 ouncer but uh it's it probably goes the animals right we'll set up hiding over here is I believe it is a bongo it's not a zoo without zebras right really cool stork here I love is uh the blue beak another wildly expensive pen here for the giant Eiland sure cool pretty looking animal I find it interesting they're all looking that way as if they're watching something and these guys are chewing check this out guys it's a big silverback male gorilla but he's he was having a drink and I was wandering around interesting there there gorillas have a net to hear another one is very very big but it's not super nice a lot of zoos you go to their their gorilla section is one of their best exhibits not the case here in Miami but what's cool to see him drink and of course gorillas is the chimpanzees this guy's kind of making a mess eating some stuff I think there's only two in this enclosure yeah at least that I've seen but this is the only one I get a really good view of the pygmy hippopotamus azar kind of sleepy right now they're really cool animals I would say like the one thing that's really cool we live in Orlando Florida so we're not too far from the Larry Park Zoo and they just recently had a baby pygmy hippopotamus born google it cuz it's adorable guys I believe we made it to the Asian section of the zoo now which I you start off by saying the Indian guar which is like this giant awesome ox check that out guys this is the golden present in sari look really neat looking bird you know it's got a very kind of a King Tut kind of look is it you'd say I think it's probably us was reading check out the horns in the sable antelope massive now that that is a camel this diamond camel double humped camel and I like to sign about him too like over here give me notice Baba are back here in camel is excited which cousin to be celibate and vocalize as he prepared to introduce him to his new meet Sonny good luck Baba good luck unfortunately the African painted dog is sleeping so I'm not really feeling walking into here but there are a million different stairways and paths and that kind of thing to get to the lower level of whatever sin there's big rocker than you so those walkways up to a multi level viewing area for a couple different animals rainy evening sticky check out the Asian small-clawed otters they're just adorable look at them you can watch them above the water watching below the word couple other animals over here as well they have a very very pretty leopard he's now jumping around big leopard too here's the Simoni wild-ass which is a really cool looking type of horse donkey kind of guy very pretty looking they have a bunch of here's the bond tang as we're almost done with the Asian section interesting they're uh they're little exhibit has some steaming touches to it which we haven't seen a lot in the bigger outdoor exhibits and the lions are doing what they do best and then it's sleep as lions tend to sleep for a long time look at how sleepy he years very pretty lions he perked up mister heard something so something really cool that I have done not seem to do before they have a there a Nasser encounter featuring I'm assuming that guy over there and then it's you know five bucks to feed a ride on it gets me probably must you must have to use a stick or something it's a very limited times two half hours each day they will be on your park map as you come in but that will be a very unique experience like if that was going on I'd be very tempted to do it so I find this really neat this is one of the very very few zoos I've know that have both Asian elephants as well as African elephants I mean it makes sense cuz elephant you need a ton of room for and this suit definitely has the room I also like they have their own fountains stuff over here and that guy's good he is awesome look at the size of his tusks I'm very excited to see that they had tapers at the zoo of berry rare animal and an animal that's so so neat they have two of them which is awesome one's very sleepy check out the size of this orangutan he is super furry and awesome looking [Music] that's right a couple different guys in here he probably does not get a whole lot of attention but man that shy and Miller angle thing is awesome looking and the or anything said another cool and a multi-storey you know climbing structure and things like that but he is uh he's got to be one of the stars of the zoo right there that guys he is cool weird outside a sprinkle dr. wilds world of discovery which is a big indoor area that's some animals and they've got some more like Science Museum e-type exhibits in a pretty good size building I love this great kyboot statue kind of photo op they have outside of the world of discovery they had a couple other ones I got they had a big big elephant one but the hippo wants pretty fantastic another animal you don't see here a lot of zoos is the Visayan warty pig kind of a similar animal to a warthog some of them are big though I know the guy that just want her back there was very large but they're fun looking there's the big guy he's got a nice like main kind of thing on him good dude over here you get the warthogs which are cool a kid I'm surprised by the size of some of them yeah the big guys off in the distance there but he's a a very very big warthog and look at those tusks staying in what I assume is like the Asian pig animal area you've got the Red River hog they gotta love this photo up on the way out of the zoo where it says we're telling fun ed zoo Miami but we are pooped and you get to put your face in a bunch and that will do it for our time here at Zoo Miami I really enjoyed it you know it's a couple things to get in I think it's like twenty-three twenty-four dollars after tax and it's if we were here for a long time we spent about a good four hours at the zoo and I really enjoyed a very very large zoo so if you have some older people you might want to consider that monorail ticket or younger kids did the Surrey bike kind of thing I'd love that they had so many different activities there was some sort of animal interaction or keeper talked about every half an hour it's just it's very difficult to plan for those because you keep you have to get to beat the right place at the right time and the zoo is massive this is definitely one of the biggest news I've ever seen as far as we talked about like acreage wise it took forever T if you wanted to go from the back of the zoo to the front of the zoo it is a quite a haul I loved I really their newer exhibits were fantastic I really like the the cool design of the ever grades exhibit the size and scope with their Amazon exhibit and I like that the animals seem to have a ton of room you know you go to some zoos and you kind of feel bad for the animals cuz they're in a pens that may be too small from that I did not feel that at all here at the Miami zoo Molly I'd bring you to a lot of do's what was your thoughts here at Zoo Miami I agree I love the size of the pen they were massive for the animals granites sometimes you couldn't see any of the animals because that's true that's true but the new design of the Everglades was amazing and I think that you know they have a potential to expand and keep expanding so much yeah I would give it a good plus I think it's you know in that the better half of the zoos that we've been do you know I would not put it on the same level of something like the San Diego Zoo which is the gold standard but it's very good and I think your price points about right to some zoos like like Lowry Park is a nice zoo but it's not a $35 do or whatever they charge San Diego Zoo is amazing but it also cost 50 bucks get into here I think your price point is really good for what you get so it's a solid value they brew their own beer that's a plus and I thank you guys for watching you got any questions about zoo Miami let's note the comment section below I'll do my best to get back to you thanks for watching be sure to follow myself on twitter at in the loop legend keep up to date on all my adventures and follow the Facebook page because there and if you follow the Facebook page you get to vote everybody's crazy adventures but all of our our wacky stuff we do so thank you very much for watching guys and we'll see you all next time
Channel: In The Loop
Views: 178,230
Rating: 4.6890182 out of 5
Keywords: zoo miami, miami, zoo, zoomiami, 2018, tour, review, vlog, animals, monorail, mission everglades, mission, everglades, exhibits, highlights, lion, elephants, bikes, surrey, best, florida, crocodile, playground, otters, bears, rides, amazon, and beyond, fish, bats, tigers, koala, tiger, wings of asia, wacky barn, childrens zoo, rhino, giraffe, beer, zebras, gorilla, camels, orangutan
Id: DUV91l5obnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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