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hey Jordan don't with the air don't wolf a wall speak time for whiteboard why didn't they got a great topic and you know they would say like this is the most important election of your lifetime well this is the most important training I would let me give you actually kind of is in some level for some of you for those of you who got caught up in the idiocy of the book the secret I really think that for those of you who got caught up in this idea of the law of attraction meaning that you could passively move through life and attract the things that you want into your life through positive thinking and visualization I want to debunk this idiocy for you really because it's been used and misused by so many self-help people to try to get people to pay money for programs that don't work and never will work and I want to tell you exactly why cuz here's the bottom line the law of attraction actually does work it really really does but not in the way that they teach you in the secret and by the way I don't even think it's really the secrets fault like I think that you know it's a long time since every but I think it's more about the way that people bastardize the teaching of the law of attraction and the secret that really makes it so toxic to people's success so let me tell you exactly what the story is here and exactly what the problem is and show you how you can very quickly fix it meaning how you can actually use the law of attraction to get exactly what you want in your life in a 9 F eart 'less way by the way but in an elegant way in a way that makes you feel good and a way that just makes sense see you know that it's working because you think it has to work right so let's go through it the secret the problem they have with it is that people will say ok here's what you got to do here's the law of attraction you want to attract money into your life won't you know you go home like you know and this is in the book mother you know you sit on your couch close your eyes right and I want you to imagine and make sure while I'm sorry make sure the it's quiet the shades are drawn there's no music playing you sit in a nice comfortable chair and get yourself into a deep meditative state and then imagine a check for $50,000 showing up in your mailbox a check for 50 grand or 500 grand and just attract that check into the mailbox and just you don't visualize it see it coming toward you put it out into the ether and attract that check it sit there on a track that jacket and if you think about it long enough and hard enough and attract that check and sure enough a check for fifty thousand and five hundred thousands will show up in your mailbox do the law of attraction what a load of that is I mean honestly if that's your strategy for success the only thing that will show up in your mailbox is the eviction notice seriously you know your cars being towed away for lack of payment your wife is banging the next whenever she ran home because you're freakin broken on the counter all day right that's not how it works it's so let me explain how it actually does work and how you can use this to really get the things that you want in your life and it goes back to something you probably saw your science teacher do for you in grade school when it came to magnetic attraction cuz it's very similar it actually works like that remember the experiment now you guys all movin down the world's worst artists okay so maybe if I'm lucky my graphics person will help me out here and put some grandpa overlays but if not it's gonna be pretty ugly okay but back when we were in school there was this experiment that we did in science class and has with magnetism and the teacher would take out like that old horseshoe shaped magnet like this right it was a magnet like that he's a little boss here right and that was your horseshoe shaped magnet right and then your hand on the other side of the equation you had this pile of all these like iron filings like iron little pieces of iron in iron fines no right and the teacher would say watch this is how Madden has him works and she would show you how the magnets over the engine should kind of flip it around now so the magnet was facing like this there's my art-history and full bloom okay so now that's your side view and she says watch nothing happens and then she moves the magnet closer maybe to over here and guess what happens nothing still too far away so she moves it closer still what happens nothing she moves it here still nothing but then she gets within a couple of inches of the iron look the iron goes flying onto the magnet and BAM just like that you watch magnetism work in plain sight attraction of the iron filing to the magnet but here's the thing it doesn't work over great distances it's not how it works it works when you bring the magnet very you get in the vicinity of the iron Fonz look like petrache opposite poles attract right same thing goes with the law of attraction let me explain how it works what you want to do is visualize exactly what you want in life the things that you want your vision for the future where you want to go where you want to end up what's important to you family stuff personal stuff material stuff spirituals of everything how is your life how do you want to look in five years from now and why meaning your wh-why why does it matter to you and that why gives you the power to go overcome the barriers and obstacles that are gonna pop up a little later and also the distractions because let me tell you something they can't sit on your ass and attract things just like the magnet in science class if you want to then attract that stuff into your life you have to move towards it but here's what happens by focusing on it by making this clear mental image you focus it on attracting it what it does it alerts a certain part of your brain called the reticular activating system it says okay you know what these are the things that I'm supposed to focus on see your conscious mind does not have enough processing power to focus on the whole world you get like three percent of it the other 97 percent goes into your unconscious mind it gets recorded unconsciously reform patterns very helpful in sales different story okay but what happens is your conscious mind with this limited process and limited speed of processing right it could only take in a bit of information compared to what's out there so your brain decides what's important and what's not by creating this clear vision for the future it tells your brain whoa this is what's important to me I want you to go and then if you and then you gotta go and move towards the things that you want so you have to get both your freaking couch take massive action and then learn the appropriate skills of entrepreneurship of sales of marketing all the things you do the separation right but you start moving towards the things that you want and what happens is because you have this clear image in your head this crystal-clear visceral image where that you feel it you touch you taste right you start recognizing noticing all these opportunities that come up along the way and you start taking advantage of them and then when you get close to them or close the people that might help you achieve them guess what whoop magically you seem to attract them you get it it works when you move towards what you want by taking massive directed action that's why you're always called directed action you can't take any old action and you have to know the right strategies there's hard work involved it just is I always say if you don't work hard don't look at me as your mentor this I work my ass all the people I'm a rich in is knowing something they all works really hard there's no free rides in life there's so many people and they don't want to get rich you wanna be successful and you know what they're willing to work really hard and I bet you are too the only reason you might not be working on is because you might feel frustrated or blah blah it's just not working well guess what I can show you how to actually reconcile this so if you know what's up here with what you want to get out here it's hard work but boy it works it works and it works just like that it works by knowing where you want to go creating a crystal-clear vision and then moving towards the things that are important to you because you now alert them you see you know give it example when I was in jail I got lucky Tommy Chang was my roommate seriously Tommy chomp convinced me to start writing the book the wolf of Wall Street and all great things flowed from there right well guess what you think I was the only person that Tommy Chang told to write a book he told a hundred people you should write a book about God he was running but he counts as many people you should write a book I was the only one that spent literally ten thousand hours studying Tom Wolfe studying Hunter s Thompson perfecting my skills because I knew without the requisite skills it didn't matter how much I wanted to get what I will Division I had to move towards that part of moving towards that is making yourself a master of the thing that you need to accomplish there's work to be done you get it that's why I meant their people coach them IP chip skill it's not just like rah rah rah go out and be great and you can achieve you can't you know what you can't achieve anything you want unless you have the skills to do it or else you to get frustrated you to get negative you're gonna hit a brick wall you say what the and you know what yeah you don't know what to do because you don't know what to do but there is a solution out there and just you know I'm not the only one with it there's many great mentors out there I'm just accessible I love a great tracker of it but I'm telling you that you need to have someone to show you the way to keep you directed i prime eyes that'll being great at that but whether it's me or someone else please remember you're never gonna be successful by visualizing what you want and trying to attract it to you you're gonna move towards it getting off your ass take massive action learn the skills you need to learn identify the group's need to associate with people and also by the way what does that mean learning had a close persuade them to persuade them to want to help you achieve your goal that's why persuasion so important now for all of your watches I think this is a pretty profound clip die honestly I mean I I was anxious to tell you this it was bothering me the last week I'm watching all these people like kind of aimlessly trying to like attract success it doesn't work but there's a formula for it so I want you to click on the link below if you like what I said by the way and check out this program I have ok it's a free trial course nothing ok so by the way I don't understand why people wouldn't do that if it's free right you get to just check it out ok it's the most powerful program I ever created for teaching people how to become world-class closes and persuaders I love you all whether you take it take me up at eventually or not but take the free trial and see what it's about because believe me once you know how to close the deal the law of attraction all of a sudden starts to work and without knowing how to close good luck trying to make it work it's a linchpin skill set and that's the story so click on the link below like this share with your friends it is the secret this is a real secret to the secret ok and it's about hardwork strategy directed action and knowing where you want to go having that vision attracting things that you want by getting close to them it's true secretly success love you all take their speed in your next week at whiteboard Wednesday [Music]
Channel: The Wolf of Wall Street
Views: 105,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jordan Belfort, Wolf of Wall Street, Sales, Law of Attraction
Id: qxltcSWXfIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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