The Latter Rain Revelation | Shavuot Pentecost Message 2024 | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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the the first outpouring has come there will be the second there has been the morath there is coming the malos this holiday in the middle of Passover and suot Tabernacles middle of spring and Autumn this is the Summer Festival of God the beginnings of the summer in God it is called it says you will do you will have you will have seven weeks from the time you brought in the the offering that was the one we did 7 weeks ago and that was when they lifted up the first fruit of the spring Harvest it was barley this is wheat and they would lift it up Dave the first fruit and on that day Messiah rose from the dead as the first fruit it says then you will count 7 weeks from that day so if you count s weeks from the day of the first fruit which is also the day of the Resurrection it takes you to now and so the feast was called the Feast of Weeks or seven weeks sevens in Hebrew the word for seven is Shabah the feast is called shavu Shavuot say it Shavuot when the rabbis had to translate this into Greek they chose the word that meant the 50th day CU 77+ 1 is 50 they called it the the feast Feast of the 50 days or the 50th day in Greek it was Pentacost day the 50th day Pentecost all around the world today Orthodox Jews and Israelis are celebrating shuo but it's really Pentecost so actually Orthodox Jews are actually Pentecostal Moses gave this so Moses was Pentecostal at the same time on the other side of the m the church is celebrating Pentecost and they don't realize they're really celebrating Shavuot it's all one and so the rabbis when they did this when they calculated out it turned out that Moses when he went up the mountain to receive the old Covenant it was on Pentecost it was on Shavuot so they also celebrated not only the beginning see this was the time great summer Harvest so they would they were going out to all the fields so before they go out got to dedicate you got to dedicate the Harvest first fruits and and before if the the first fruit is accepted that everything is so this is the great summer Harvest is beginning there's no holy day until all the way to fall with a trumpet so this is a great going out Feast but also it became the celebration of the giving of the Covenant on SI so it became the day of the Covenant so think about that on the day of the Covenant of Si the G the day he gave the law God gave the spirit of the New Covenant how perfect is God on the exact same day and what happened on the day when the law was given or after that but because that the law was given you know what happened the people worshiped a golden calf and judgment fell how many people died the Bible says about 3,000 doesn't say 3,000 it says about exact words about 3,000 on the same day in Jerusalem as as they're celebrating the giving of the law God sends the spirit on the disciples they go out proclaim the gospel and the Bible says people came to eternal life how many it says about 3,000 same exact not only number same exact phrase one's in Hebrew one's in Greek how how awesome is God Paul said the letter kills but the spirit gives life right how amazing how amazing is that and so as this was the day they would dedicate the Harvest with the first fruits lifted to God on that day God himself takes his own first fruits the 120 and he anoints them he sanctifies them you know some they would pour sometimes they would pour oil on the first fruits or on the offerings of grave well God doesn't pour o oil he pours out what the oil is all about he pours out the spirit on the first fruits what are what happens they start speaking in every language why because they're the first fruits and they represent everyone who will ever come from every nation and tribe and tongue so that's why they're speaking in fact they might have spoken in English I said this here they didn't have any English back then it wasn't invented but God knew it would be so who knows that he they didn't speak in English too who knows but they represented you and what that means is if they were accepted you're accepted and if they were Sanctified in the spirit you are given the same spirit and Sanctified this is your Feast I want you to lift up I want you to lift up that grain and lift it up so it actually looks like a field of grain if you lift it [Music] up this represents the Harvest the Lord said look the fields are white for Harvest go out go out into the Harvest so God has given us this is the time this is the age of the Harvest this is telling us the Harvest is now and you we have to be spreading the word we have to be proclaiming the gospel in season out of season we got to do it so I want you to lift this up and we're going to pray for the Harvest but we're the end time Harvest plus we're going to pray for the PE those people in your life I want you to lift them up by name who need Salvation And even through you let's pray Lord we lift up this to you and as we lift up this sheath we lift up those people in our Lives who need you Lord we lift them up by name we name them Lord touch them save them Father use us to spread the gospel to them have your way with them Lord and save us Lord and Lord anoint each of us to truly spread your word and expand the kingdom for such a time as this and Lord we pray for the Harvest we pray for the end time Harvest we pray for your spirit to be upon the world Lord pour out your spirit father and bring the end time Harvest father we ask for the Harvest in America we ask for Revival in America we ask for Revival and the the gospel in Africa in South America in Asia in Australia in North America Lord in all the islands in all the Earth Lord let the end time Harvest be Lord let it be father we pray for the Harvest and use all of us each of us to be agents of the Harvest Reapers and agents of Revival as you lift up that sheath I'm going to be praying the blessing that was prayed or that is prayed [Music] blessed are you Lord God King of the universe lord of the Harvest who gave to us the Holy Spirit eternal life in Messiah and the joy of the Harvest we praise you and bless you that we were part of the Harvest says you will bring in two loaves of bread before the Lord to wave what are they well there are two peoples in this harvest the one people are Israel the Jewish people the other are all the nations of the earth Jew and Gentile one in Messiah and so we lift this up to the Lord as you lift up your sheath B [Music] blessed are you Lord God King of the universe who sanctifies us sanctifies Israel and the Nations Jew and gentile people from every tribe and tongue together as one in messiah in his name the Adon the lord of the Harvest and all the people say amen amen acts 2:14 of course now this is the day I spoke about this is the day of Shabu day of Pentecost the spirit comes on the 120 they speak in other tongues people outside are there for the heart are for the festival they're from all around the world they hear them speaking in their own language and they also think they're drunk so Peter comes out verse 14 Simon Shimon comes out taking a stand with the other 11 he raised his voice and declared to them men of Judah and all you who live in Jerusalem know this pay attention to my words for these people are not drunk as you think since it's only the third hour of the day now I shared this here I know that Peter had just been filled by the spirit but I don't know that every word he spoke was the spirit telling him to say that cuz I would think you'd come out and say listen these people are not drunk we don't get drunk we're in God and we're in the spirit instead he says we're not drunk it's too early to get drunk check with us later he didn't say check with us later but the implication is if it was later that's one thing I don't know but you know Peter goes from mountains to valleys to mountains now he's going right to a mountain Mountain cuz the next thing he says is totally of the spirit I mean it's totally the SP he couldn't say it without the spirit but it this is what has been spoken through the prophet yel Joel it shall be in the last days says God that I will pour out my Ru my spirit on All Flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams this is definitely the spirit because there's no way that Peter could have said that this thing just happened and he already is going to link it up with Joel too no way he doesn't know that he's on even an expert in the Bible is not going to put that together like that it's the spirit in him he could only have spoken about this being the spirit coming because the spirit Came Upon him the only way he could have said it so the second chapter of Acts he speaks of the second chapter of Joel what is the second chapter of Joel It's a God's promise of restoration to Israel and then the world and it says this listen these are the words that are before I will pour out my spirit it says this 23 so shout for Joy you you children of Zion rejoice in the Lord your God for he has given you the early Reign for your Vindication he has brought down for you poured out for you the rain the early rain and the latter rain he gave you the early rain he's given you the latter rain talking about rain begin your day with Heaven begin your project with Heaven begin everything with God because that's where the life comes from without that if the if the Earth comes first no life Heaven comes first life and that brings something else up the word Hebrew the Bible says you are if you're born in again you are a spiritual Hebrew how do you say Hebrew in Hebrew I say it I that's a Hebrew that's Hebrew in Hebrew I I comes from a root word that is the word listen avar try it avar listen means means to cross over what is a Hebrew the one who crosses over who passes through what does it mean well first of all if you're born again you crossed over from Death to life you crossed over from Darkness you don't have one life you have two lives you Coss you an old life new life you crossed over in order to get into the promised land there was a river there was a river and you could not get there but without crossing over now God made it easier for them he kind of stopped it up but the message is to cross the pro to go to the promised land you got to cross over you don't just walk there you cross over and all you cross through a river you got to go through a river and you know think about it when you're born again what do you do after that we're going to do it at the picnic this year what do you do after that you get baptized what does the baptism represent Jordan it's the old life it's your crossing over so what's it saying imagine you're there on the Jordan River in the desert and you're about to cross the you got to walk through you got to go through that Jordan it means you got to you have to immers you want if you want the blessings of the promised land you have to immerse yourself in the spirit in the water I want to be filled up I want to be bathed I want to be surrounded by it and that's when the blessings of the promised land get activated as well in the book of Acts the spirit of God Came Upon people who just came to the Lord it also came on people who already were in the Lord and it came on people who already it already came on before what does that tell you the point is this the soil that's going to Bear the greatest fruit the life that's going to Bear the greatest things in God is not the soil that says it rained on me a number of years ago I have the rain it's not the one who says yeah I received the spirit I have the spirit it's the it's the it's the soil that's open every day say I want rain from Heaven you need to it doesn't matter how much you've known of God it doesn't matter how much you know the spirit every day Lord I want your spirit today I need your spirit today Rin on me fill me up again Lord I need it every day now as we bring this home we're going I want to take it into a prophetic realm we we had Joel Peter Peter quoted from Joel on the day of Pentecost pouring outpouring he said this is the Fulfillment outpouring but interesting CU in Joel it doesn't just say I will pour out the spirit it says also I will give you the former Reign and the latter rain now think now this if you didn't know this Israel has two n two Reigns on it that have a name prominent two rain not one one is called the mor try it Mor means the early reain the other one is called the malos tri it that's the latter reain two Reigns Mor Mor and maros early and later one comes at the beginning of the Sacred year the other comes at the end of the Sacred year so now what does that me if the because everything with Israel you know there's the physical there's something spiritual going on so if Israel doesn't have one Reign it has two Reigns what is it telling you there will be two outpourings of the spirit upon the age the the first Reign was Pentecost Peter that was the early Reign it was at the beginning it was the first fruits it was the first Believers it was the first of everything first of the Gospel it was the early reain they were empowered by the rain but if there's an early rain there's got to be a latter rain and so it means if there was if the spirit was poured out powerfully like that at the beginning it's going to be poured out powerfully at the end and that's the latter R now amazing thing now now amazing God told the Jewish people at the beginning said listen you follow me you're going to be in the land and I'm going to pour out rain on you I'm going to open the heavens you're going to be blessed your field everything's going to be blessed but if you turn away you're going to be leaving the land and I'm going to shut up the Heavens now amazing thing geologists just found out re not long ago that when they studied the rainfall in the first century at the end of the first century the Jewish people left the land they were cast out they turned away from Messiah they were cast out you know what happened the rain stopped the rain started drying up on the land when they were gone and you know and the land became a desert 2,000 years pretty much a desert amazing and and yet in the 19th and 20th Century they started coming back to the land you know what happened the rain came back it started raining more and more and the desert became like a Garden of Eden how amazing is that but listen something else the spiritual side is not just that they left the land they turned away from God they turned away from Messiah you know the very think about the very beginning you had the book of Acts and they were in the land and it was raining on the land and the spirit was pouring on the land book of Acts but then pretty much they leave it becomes they they leave Messiah and they and they they separate less and less Jewish Believers interesting because when you look at church history you know what you see like the spirit pouring out in Acts but when you go to the second century third fourth fifth centur it starts lessening and lessening becomes an Institute becomes organized less and less but the Jewish people also turned away and also they're out of the land but all at the same time now here's the other side when the Jewish people started coming back to the land at that same time 19 20th century into now the Jewish people Jewish people started turning back to Messiah and the rain came back on the land it wasn't just the return it was the return to Messiah and so we are and not only that at the same time when the Jewish people were coming back to Messiah and the reain started coming back on Israel there started coming a rain on the church there started being a Revival of the spirit that been all I mean there's always but it had been a Revival in the 20th century all over the world there's a Revival there has been a Revival of the spirit all over so amazing it all goes together this is a taste that in the latter days I will pour out my spirit on All Flesh the the first outpouring has come there will be the second there has been the mor there is coming the malos interesting in the very beginning what was was the book of Acts when you have the spirit coming what was the book of Acts when it was poured out it was they they were living in a pagan civil they were anti-christian Roman Godless situ civilization and God gave them the spirit it looked overwhelming it looked like Rome would crush them in a second but God says I'm going to pour out my spirit and when I pour out my spirit there is no power on earth that is going to overcome and beat you right I'm going to pour out my spirit and Rome is not going to be able to with all the armies of Rome my spirit is going to overpower it and they did they went forth this is Jonathan Khan thanks for watching the Josiah Manifesto and all my books you can get anywhere Amazon wherever books are sold shalom [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jonathan Cahn Official
Views: 145,439
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Keywords: jonathan cahn, jonathan cahn 2024, rabbi jonathan cahn, jonathan cahn prophecy, end times prophecy, Jonathan Cahn end times, jonathan cahn latest, jonathan cahn latter rains, jonathan cahn latter rains revelation, end times, last days, revelation, shavuot, shavuot 2024, pentecost, jonathan cahn revelation about latter rains, jonathan cahn revelation of latter rains and last days, jonathan cahn last days, jonathan cahn holy spirit, pentecost 2024, r5j2c, cjr52, c5j2r, j5c2r, rcj52, jesus
Id: ZpPr4jSGQVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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