How Does God Order Your Footsteps: Free Will, Predestination, & God’s Plan | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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in the world today there's a sense of chaos but you are not to Fear the Future God has already prepared the footsteps of your life he knows every one of them he could have given names to every footstep that's how much he knows every [Music] footstep you know there was one of the persecutions of the Jewish people was that of people two people we learn about in school we really don't know a lot of I mean in school they don't tell us the real story here but you know Columbus Isabella Queen Isabella and Ferdinand we all have heard the story well they were interesting because what they did Isabella and Ferdinand they they they reconquered Spain from the Muslims okay but then they said we're going to now persecute the Jews they don't tell you that in grade school but that they basically said all the Jews are now you're going to convert to Catholicism or you're going to or you're going to flee or we kill you that's what happened in Spain when in the year 14 1992 when it happened they were they had to get out the very week you know the they're in the harbors all the Jewish the Jewish people are fleeing Spain and the harbors are filled with them and and all the boats trying to get out to save their lives and in that same Harbor was the Nina the Pinta and the Santa Maria in that same Harbor now think about that at the very moment that they're being they're losing Spain and was Spain was like the center of Jewish people for a long time they lose Spain at that same moment God starts America which is going to be the greatest refuge for the Jewish people up until the time of Israel so look at that a the sovereignty of God America even America coming into existence is linked to this mystery God said God would preserve them would preserve them now here's another thing have the steps of man again people who don't even know him the turn of the 20th century in France there is anti-Semitism amazing that there was anti-em they actually there is anti-Semitism in the world did you know that back then and and still now you didn't know so this is for centuries well they had a trial they put a go a Jewish colonel in the Army named Alfred drus on trial and he was completely Innocent but he was Jewish and they condemned him and they they falsely you know uh sentenced him as for treason well there people were cover a Jewish uh secular journalist was was called to cover the story and he went to France and he saw the crowds outside shouting death to the Jews death to the Jews French shocked him so much that he was his whole thing was hey we got to assimilate be like everybody else but when he saw that he said no that's not the answer it's not going to work we will never be left alone by the world until we have our own land in Israel and then that'll solve it well didn't solve it but the man's name was Theodore Herzel he would end up becoming the What's called the father of Israel the new Israel he started Zionism that means the return to Israel but it all H but he didn't know God yet he was used because the prophet said that in the end God's going to gather them all back and most of the people who started Israel the pioneers of Israel were not religious but that makes it even more amazing because they fulfilled the Prophecies of God without trying or knowing that they were fulfilling the Prophecies of God there was a one of them David benan who was the first prime minister of the newborn State near the end of his life they found in his office they found a book that he was reading this is early 70s when he just before he died you know what the book was it was the lake R planet Earth by Hal Lindsay all about the Prophecies of the Bible about Israel and Jesus coming we don't know how much but it was open it was on his it's still there in the museum of his his that's the same book that started leading me like the next year to start realizing that God exists but God used everything even early 20th century you have World War I yet through World War I what happened is the British came in and the Turks came in and the Turks had the land of Israel and so what happened is the British won against the Turks the Turks fled the lamb and the British said now we will give the land back to the Jewish people so even World War I was used by the hand of God The Sovereign the god the steps of a man are ordered by the Lord I mentioned David Boran let me tell you something about him he came back to the land he's from Poland he comes back to the land before there's an Israel Nation long before it but they're in the land they're pioneering And he as as many people did back then he changes his name to give himself a Hebrew name name so he called he chose the name benorian when he was a he was like a journalist and benorian he wasn't even there was wasn't anything with politic just benorian is his name he would end up being the first prime minister of Israel the first leader of the new nation and his name it's interesting because God says in the prophecies they'll come back and David will be their ruler well his name was David ultimately that's Messiah son of David but the first one was David but the thing is the last leader of Israel and Jerusalem in ancient times before it was destroyed you know what his name was benorian so he ended up taking the name and he ends up becoming the next the leader of the the resurrection of Israel the same name of when it was destroyed the steps of a man he didn't know God certainly at that point maybe at the end but all right let me let me bring it to here we've had a president named Donald Trump okay we're not getting political we're not this is not a political rally but the thing is the thing is in English what does his name mean Trump means in English means trumpet you find it in the King James Bible the last Trump will sound he was born on a Friday like today every Friday there was a appointed word that is read from the synagogues of the world when he was born you know what you know what the word was it was about the formation forming producing the trumpets of God so here he is being produced and God is about the producing of God's trumpet and he would be a trumpet he has not stopped sounding since interesting too because he was used in the year of the Jubilee trumpet sounds year in the Jubilee of Israel it was you know when you follow I won't go into it but you follow this 50-year pattern and he was the one who recognized Jerusalem the trumpet sounded in the Year of Jubilee restored Jerusalem there all the events of the world are interconnected it's like a quilt everything is linked together if you change one thing you change everything one life changes every Life Changes cuz everybody connects to someone so for any one biblical prophecy to come true in ancient times or modern times God has to move order the steps of everybody basically in the world in every land in every life because every for thousands of years he's been doing it God is over all the good and the bad the Godless the evil and that's a good thing God uses evil that's a good thing that's not a bad thing that's a good thing because if he didn't evil would be out of control he uses good he uses evil he uses everything for good amen and the epitome of that all of all of it is the crucifixion the crucifixion is the most evil event ever Satan killing man as God God and the form of man and yet it's the greatest event the most beautiful event God giving us life to save us forever how could it be most evil and yet most good because God is Sovereign over all things in Romans it says God works all things together for good for those who love him and so it's like this weaving this quilt this crochet when you look at one side of the of a of a weaving it's all a mess it's all Loose Ends but you turn it around and you have this design well in This Side of Heaven we see the mess we see the Loose Ends of life but on the other side of God's weaving it's a perfect tapestry and that is what even your life filled with loose ends and you can't see it all sometimes you do but most of the time you don't see it all you see loose but on the other side of Heaven you're going to see a tapestry how God wo it all together that's a comfort that's a promise on your life that if you follow God God will work everything in your life for good that doesn't mean everything's going to feel good seem good not or look good it means he's going to work all things for good in all things no matter what you're dealing with you got to hold to that he will order the steps of the problem you're in he will order the steps of the situation you're in he'll direct it and turn it from bad to good Joseph said to his brothers yeah you meant this all for evil but God meant the same exact thing for good what you did for evil God did for good in the book of Acts the persecution breaks out against the Believers and yet God uses it to spread the gospel he even turns the greatest persecutor of that time into an apostle Paul to spread the gospel the worst things bring the greatest things like the cross and the resurrection or look at the history of of Israel the Holocaust and The Rebirth of Israel when you're going through that hard time that problem that attack that crisis remember that God promises to turn that very thing into your blessing and your good so instead of seeing it only as a problem see it as a blessing waiting to manifest look for God in the next problem in the midst of it look at cuz you got to believe he's there look for his and look for his work look for the good that he's doing through it and not only look for the good become an active agent in bringing good cuz see if God is into turning bad into good you're his the child of God you got to be doing the same thing like your daddy so it's your thing to also bring bad things into good what can I do how can I be part of God's answer here how can I be part of the resolution the Redemption here how can I turn this problem into good what good is God doing through this problem I'm praying more that's a start but very the very thing just thinking that way alone will change everything of how you deal with life now let's go to the next part since the Hebrew word that can mean a person or can mean a righteous person now let's look at how it works for the you the righteous the difference between the righteous those the children of God and everybody else with regard to this is that God will use the unrighteous as his instruments he will order their steps for his purposes but the righteous are his children the promise of the scripture to for you who know the Lord is not just that the Lord will order your steps but the Lord's going to work it for your blessing you are see there's a link between the will of God and the Heart of God those who don't know God they don't they they don't know the heart of God but they're going to to still deal with the will of God for the ungodly God's will will come like a force they they can try to fight it doesn't matter in the end it's going to Prevail it's like a wind Unstoppable but for the righteous the children of God God's will is not primarily a force to force you to do something it's for you to know the heart of God and join your heart to the will of God the spirit of God in Hebrew is what Ru and ruach means what wind wind so if you live against the spirit you're fighting the wind and if you're fighting the wind no matter what you do you're going to have drag on your life when you go against the wind it creates drag and when you go against the spirit you're going to have drag in your life everything's going to drag and it's going to be a drag but if you surrender to the will embrace the will the wind go with the wind the the spirit of God then the drag disappears and turns into a flow instead of slowing you down it moves you ahead when the wind's at your back you know that Irish prayer may the wind always be at your back well the wind is the spirit so if you're living in the spirit the wind is at your back you're going with your heart when your heart and your will is willing the will of God with your heart you want the heart of God then you're free then you're going to know the will of God in your life you're going to fulfill the will of God in your life the key is first do the will of God you want the will of God you want the purpose to be you got to be right with the will of God number one but number two better than that is to do the will of God from your heart don't just do it because you have to listen do it anyway cuz you do have to but don't do it cuz you have to do it CU you want to and better than that if you're really to to get really get re get get into the passionately wanting to do the will of God and then you're going to be really blessed do the will of God make it your joy Lord make prayer your joy make the word your joy make righteousness your joy make obedience your joy you're going to be really blessed and the will of God will be done the more you do that the more you're walking in the heart of God and the spirit of God the more the wind is at your back and the more you're you'll see your steps being ordered by the Lord now the word in Hebrew where says the steps of a man is is ordered by God the Hebrew word is the word easy word it's like what you call a raccoon it's now the cool thing is about Hebrew and that's why we teach it here and that's why it's great to learn it is that one word in Hebrew can have 10 layers of meaning in your English translation they got to choose one of them but there's what so much with Hebrew and so this this word there so much we're going to open up to your life it can mean ordered but it also means appointed the steps of a man or woman in God are appointed by God you it seems like you're just kind of walking through life at random but if you're following God he's appointing your steps there is an appointed destiny need to your life for you to walk into he will never appoint a sinful step to your life he will never appoint a step of failure in your life he will never appoint that so what about when you mess up well then you're Mis stepping you're out of the step you're not following the footstep you're in your own you're not in the plan what do you do when you mess up you look for the next step because there's going to be a step wherever you mess up there's going to be a step there to get back there is a there are footsteps That You Don't See in your life that you are to follow in you may not be knowing you're following in you might not be following it but you may but if you're following God you're going to walk into them without even knowing it but in every situation there are footsteps like twister saying step into that in every situation Lord what do I do you're you're whatever you're whatever in there's a way whatever wherever you are there's a way to glorify God look for it ask for it Lord what do I do look for the invisible footsteps and walk in it there's always that step even now no matter where you are no matter what situation you're in if you ask God there's a step to take and that's appointed and it's a step maybe a step out of sin maybe a step out of that so there is there are appointed steps for your life number one secondly the word next meaning also means fixed the steps of of a righteous person are fixed by God in other words it's like you're walking on concrete it's like you're your steps are Stone it mean in other words if you you're walking in God your steps are fixed meaning you cannot be stopped they're fixed like Stone if you're in God's will you can't be stopped I mean one thing can be stopped another but not you serving God and walking in his will Paul was prophesied to about what he was going to do he had so many so much opposition persecution adversity from outside from the Pagan world and even in the church he had enemies he had yet yet he was given a prophecy and his steps were ordered by God he was going to fulfill that no matter what and he did he F he finished that course the steps of of God are like that the more you're in the will of God the more you cannot be stopped amen it's as if every step is engraved in stone what else does mean means stable many people even in the Lord are not stable they're not stable in life they're not stable in emotions not stable in thoughts the more you go your own way the more your steps become unstable but it says the steps of a man are made stable by God when you walk continuously in God's will your steps become stable your life becomes stabilized the more you're in the will of God next meaning of Co and Revelation also means prepare the steps of a man are prepared by God in other words before they even happen they're prepared by God Moses his work what he was to do in Egypt was prepared before he was even born Joshua's work to go into the promised land was prepared before he knew he was called Jeremiah it says in the womb God says I knew you I knew you then I called you then it was prepared before he was even born Peter's work Peter's life prepared before he ever did it Paul the Lord says God separated me when I was in a womb all the works were prepared it says in Ephesians 2 we are God's handiwork created a messiah Yeshua Jesus to do good works which listen God prepared beforehand so there are works for you to do for the rest of your life good things for God they're prepared before they happen he's Preparing People for you he's Preparing People for you to share the word with them so don't miss that that opportunity he's Preparing People to be blessed by You ministered by you touched by you helped by you saved by you don't miss it though follow what he said he said go out and spread the word follow his word you'll walk into the appointed footsteps recently on Sunday I opened up with a charge that God gave to Joshua when he said amazing thing he said wherever The Souls of your feet shall tread it shall be given to you except the Hebrew more says wherever The Souls of your feet shall tread it shall have been given to you wow how does that work in other words wherever you go it was already given to you how does that work cuz he could go wherever he wants or not go the same with your life there's a life prepared for you before the foundations of the earth blessings Victory God only promise only prepares good things for his children I know the plans I know the plans for prosperity to tread but you got to tread on it to see it you got to walk to see it you got to go with him now here are some other things means means to confirm the steps of a of a man steps of God's per of God's child will be confirmed by the Lord confirmed you know you follow God people will attack you people will come against you I know it the more i' I've done in that the more you get that that's the way it goes but you know what you just keep going in the end God's going to confirm you you know the voices will mean nothing he will confirm your steps here's another meaning Revelation from the scripture in the Hebrew means make right in other words those who love God will also mess up make mistakes but means to make right the steps of a man are righteous the righteous will be made right by the Lord how number one he'll turn your steps you're going off he will seek to turn you back number two by working your missteps your mistakes for good the steps of a man will be made right by God number three by redeeming them that even if they weren't right God's going to use it for good to produce good even your past life he's going to use those steps to redeem them to make them right can't change what you did but he can change what it works to it was used for good think of Peter when he fell away from God he denied God and yet that mistake would lead him to the grace of God would lead his life would change his entire life one mistake yet it was made right it created right it created so much good when he repented see your walk is not the mistake your walk is not the falling down it's not the that doesn't Define the falling down does not to find your walk because ver virtually everybody fell down starting with Abraham onto Moses onto David onto Peter everybody except the Lord everybody your but your walk is not about your your mistake doesn't Define you your walk does so when you when you fall down you get up you get up and the sooner you get up repent of it get up move forward he will start turning the mistake into good and also also means direct the steps of God's person will be directed by God trust to the Lord with all your heart lean not to your own understanding acknowledge Him in all your ways and he will direct your path or some translation say will make your path straight same thing here in order for God to direct your steps you got to be moving you got to be walking in God seeking his will now if the steps of the righteous are already in God why does he have to direct because there are specific steps you don't know you set your course and you think you're best but God knows exactly he will direct if you're following God you're open be open to him he will direct you into the exact Paul was following the will of God then on the on a on a journey he gets a dream directing him to the next specific step Paul said he's planning on going to Spain we don't know if he ever made it to Spain there's nothing in the Bible of him being in Spain but he wanted to go to Spain the righteous May plan but God will direct their steps Cory tenbon who was in a concentration camp for hiding Jews with her family her her sister was there named Betsy and they're praying in the concentration camp and and she says her sister Betsy very spiritual says Cory you got to give thanks for everything I don't care what it is give thanks for the good and the bad give thanks for everything she says okay I'll give thanks but I'm not giving thanks for the lice she said okay Corey give thanks for the lice too said no I'm not giving thanks for the lice because they filled with light in that bunk she says so finally says you give thank and so she does and her sister said you know Corey God told me that next year next spring we'll be free next spring her sister went to be with the Lord and next spring Cory ton was liberated by the troops and she found out then and the reason why she hadn't been killed like the others is because the they didn't want to go into her bunk much because of the lice she was saved by the lice you never know you can look back you never know until you go there but you got to trust in the meantime God is going to God is working it out and the other thing that means we bringing home is co means Prosper the steps of a righteous person God prospers those steps that doesn't mean you're going to get that Cadillac you're get that it means that God's going to bless you more importantly than any one thing and it also means the steps of a man means are ordained by God they're like ministers that going to they're going to bring something better they keep leading to something more and it says then it says and he Delights in his way who God Delights in your way the more you follow God God actually Delights in you following him God looks on favor go how can God Delight in someone who's walking imperfectly like all of us it's just like a father and he sees his little child infant starts walking and stumbling and walking while he still Delights in the walking of his child God Delights in your walking as him he's got a purpose he's got a plan just like everybody in the Bible when you look as we approach next week with Joseph and Mary how that could have happened happen all that kind that's a million things had to come together for them to be born every genealogy every person had to meet the right person had to fall in love with the right person every single thing had to happen he had a notice Mary had a it all had to happen for that to happen a million things Joseph the other Joseph who has a dream that God's going to lift him up and yet all the bad that happens in his life he gets sold to slavery accused of rape in prison and yet God ordains it all and leads his step the steps of Joseph were ordained by God even through terrible things it didn't look good but it was all good God ordered all their footsteps and God in the same way is ordering all of your Footsteps in the world today there's a sense of chaos but you are not to Fear the Future God has already prepared the footsteps of your life he knows every one of them he could have given names to every footstep that's how much he knows every footstep they're already appointed they're already ordained go for the highest You Want It Go for the highest Lord what's the highest step I can take tonight what's the highest step I can take this weekend what's the highest step I can take this week and then it'll lead to the next one and the next one and the next one and you'll end up fulfilling your destiny the steps of a man and your steps will be sure they will be firm they will be strong they will be stable they will be unstoppable they will you will have the authority the more you will be LED and clearly and the more it'll all come together and you will prosper as You Follow the footsteps you'll be guided into his perfect will seek even this weekend Lord seek what's the next step what step can I take this weekend maybe I didn't take before what step can I take and then walk in it is it possible that behind the events Transforming Our Nation and your life New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Khan reveals the stunning mystery and what it has to do with your life what does the future hold the Josiah Manifesto the ancient mystery and guide for the end times the book you can't afford not to read available in wherever books are sold
Channel: Jonathan Cahn Official
Views: 177,354
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Keywords: jonathan cahn, rabbi jonathan cahn, jonathan cahn latest, gods footsteps, god's appointed time, god's appointed angels watching over me, god's calling on your life, god's protection against evil, god's plan overlay, god is ordering your steps, god moves in a mysterious way, how god works in your life, god's plan in your life, god predestination, god free will, jonathan cahn god ordering your steps, jonathan cahn god ordering your footsteps, r5j2c, cjr52, c5j2r, j5c2r, rcj52, jesus
Id: xrMUzM5J0Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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