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[Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] so hey hey [Music] oh howdy johnny here let's go to san antonio anything first nothing yep [Music] well stranger this year's black city you've just arrived in hell my boy it sounds kind of colorful i'm looking for a place to stay you know where i might find a good boarding house oh if it's only for overnight you can stay right here at my house thank you [Music] you get used to the wind blows all evening and all morning too what you need is a nice hot bowl of soup come on inside come on in shut the door just make yourself to home not much to look at i guess but it's comfortable and warm here sit down besides there's no other place you could stay my boy this town hasn't got no real hotel about the only thing we got around here is just a couple of little rooms up over the saloon they're usually full up oh you got one and besides there's nothing but a dunk deep anyway no it wouldn't be to your liking the next stage coach is due to arrive here in about three days are you planning on waiting for it son or are you um you know maybe pushing onto redtown if you are imagine you'll be wanting a mule train now that's uh just outside of town at the junction there neither one of those things you see i'm the new sheriff uh-huh what's your name my name is ronson and i just been working in denver city yes indeed now that's a beautiful city i'll really miss it tomorrow i wonder if you'd mind showing me the sheriff's office okay well there it is it sure ain't what you might call good condition is it i'll leave your releases here for you [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey you see them sheriff having to know who they are well they've been coming around here for lord knows how many years is that outlaw mexican sanchez and his bandits bad hombres you better watch yourself what the hell they want here what are they looking for in black city how come you know who they are huh well it's a mighty long story my boy you won't like it it ain't good they're a bunch of renegades the worst kind killers all of them mexicans texas half breeds they take what they want from us have a cigar no fairy they're right there if you want don't smoke tell me who is essential huh sanchez the worst of the lot everyone in this town knows about sanchez i'm afraid son that you've fallen right in the middle of a great big hornet's nest never seen him before [Music] so [Music] hello it is oh oh come here [Laughter] vamos amigos [Music] yeah what do you have hey you crazy that beer is expensive mister come all the way from chicago just put your money on the counter then drink it that's the rules of the house it'll cost you 10 cents a glass before you drink it hey mister you're crazy didn't you hear me you expect me to pay for it huh let pay for it here give me your best room yes sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] that'll be a half dollar sheriff sounds like a stable in here tom yes sir um we're awful hungry and thirsty yes sir mr bring us some beer and bacon on eggs in a hurry my information tells me a new sheriff has come to town yes sir mr bite yes sir maybe i can meet our new sheriff being that i run the place it's best that he's told about it now see the sooner he knows about it the better off he is don't want no harm to come to him right tom your service device well i understand our new sheriff is really a dandy hope he don't fall down and bleed [Laughter] you lost something stranger well now you must be the new sheriff i've been waiting sure for you to come over and speak to me but you seem sort of occupied you mind your own business don't you now who'd ever thought you'd be losing your gun sheriff first day you come to town you look more like a mama's boy better you just go on home to denver city i don't want to see you get hurt now you'll be right where she can protect [Laughter] you come in hello willy sheriff have you been willie have a seat i've been expecting you to visit it's best that you know the story or the fella you just ran into and it goes back about five years or more i'd say that's bud wheeler in those days this was a quiet place where folks came to settle and build up a home where we even managed to keep the town free of gunmen but one day bud wheeler showed up no one's too sure where he came from but as soon as he got here he joined forces with sanchez and since that time black city has been at his mercy [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so foreign [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] so [Laughter] do [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] hold her right there mister hey you what do you want water i'm thirsty it's hard hey what are you doing over there but wheeler freed sanchez and from that day on they've been as close as two peas in a pod hey [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] sanchez is plum loco in mexico there's a big price on his head and believe me where he goes goes death [Music] conchita and no one had the courage to stand up to them yes one man had the courage to do it right after he saw bud wheeler and sanchez gunned down his friends [Music] frank culture [Music] frank it's not enough to have courage [Music] where's frank culture now there was three of them madmen and cut my friends down in cold blood the first thing i did was come here as quick as i could sheriff oh and how i remember that mexican i'd recognize that faster than anywhere yeah him and that bud wheeler the other one looked like a [ __ ] you're sure now one of them was bud wheeler sure sheriff i'd swear to him are you frank culter's brother yes sir where is he where is frank culter frank hasn't returned yet come right on in here frank your brother sure a good cook you know who i am take a good look i might have seen you around these parts at one time did you one time of course you don't know when now but i understand you're talking to the sheriff now that ain't nice is it cult the sheriff's just a little bit nosy and we don't want him snooping around none doing hmm culture you mustn't bother sheriffs i just told you before i might have seen you at one time you sure that's all it was culture right that's twice you saw me tell the sheriff i'll be waiting for him [Music] so that there's the story of black city and i just thought i ought to tell you son trouble is the law needs witnesses and we don't have any and sheriff mason when he doing something about all these goings-on i always thought that he was pretty honest mason arrest anybody he had no proof not until frank come in with frank as an eyewitness to cold-blooded murder for a heck of a shirt was ready to arrest that bud and put him in the who scout the brothers were found on their ranch about sun up a few hours later you're looking for me sheriff wheeler i was just sitting here thinking about you right there's where we found him dead yep sheriff since that time there's been no loin odor here in black city [Music] who is she she's a mexican name's dolores i find she's kind of a cute little fella you got eyes for [Laughter] you're a funny man aren't you coffee tomorrow morning at 7 00 a.m yes sir buenos dias good morning senor i have here your breakfast i brought you eggs and some coffee gracias before you go i want to talk to you how about some coffee come on muchas gracias i already know your name is dolores nice name tell me about yourself hmm i feel that there's too much to tell go ahead well all right i've lived in black city for about two years my father was an american but i spent most of my life in mexico sanchez brought me here by force and threatened to kill my family if i didn't respond to his wishes or run away but he's crazy senor there is nothing he wouldn't try to do this fella sanchez tell me about him he is a bandit senor there is a great price on his head in mexico you see it's been many years since we have had a sheriff in black city it makes it easy for him to hide out here besides he is great friends with the man who runs black city but wheeler sanchez is a crazy man he will murder anybody who is in his way he murders them and he calls it self-defense because i know there are never any witnesses he kills them all you know i can find him it won't be easy he is never in one place long he comes unexpectedly and he stays perhaps one night he's a pig so he comes into town every so often it must be quite important for him right i wonder what he wants here like i said he is protected by his friend bud wheeler our new young sheriff will be having a rough time movie i know that budweiler for one thing has an acquaintance who sanchez has talked about in town they call him the worm but his real name is joe smith it's a funny thing senor that every time bad and sanchez are together in town the following morning joe smith loads two big bags on his rig and he goes away for a couple of days go on it's getting more interesting no one pays much attention it would be unwise i believe senor but is he smart hombre he never meet with this joe it has been always sanchez alone who meets you they meet at night somewhere outside of town the two of them is that about everything that is all that i know senor but it is easy i think to talk to joe smith he'd be over at our barber ben arthur it's opposite the saloon muchas gracias dolores you helped me very very much well looky over there young a tasty little morsel huh i bet you'd be glad to see us she sure is pretty let's go take us a closer look okay [Music] [Laughter] [Music] uh [Music] are you all alone here beautiful well now you just come over here to me come on here come here help peter help now stop fighting me i just want a little kiss no peter what's the matter hold it what are you gonna do about it mister oh god hmm [Music] how close do you want it joe smith not too close okay arthur maybe i had a push on it a little bit to test it out what's the matter with you bang going nuts you better do a little talking missing before i cut your throat well what what are you saying you've been drinking arthur you don't hear too good huh maybe your ears need cleaning out who killed the cutler brothers talk okay i'll tell you budweiler well now i thought you said you didn't know anything all right hold it right there and don't move [Music] so [Music] no [Music] oh what happened stranger i just had to do it he's right sheriff self-defense that killed peter sturgess and i shot him come through the heart i just came from his farm guess i'd better run out there would you mind showing me the way you're a little too late i'm afraid that it's my duty where is it well sheriff you make a right first road out of town and then it's all 10 miles or so out to the sturgis place you can't miss it [Music] them [Music] [Music] come along i'm mighty sorry to have to bother you but it's most important that i talk to you for a few minutes may i it would only be for a few minutes you see i'm the new sheriff and i want to make sure your husband's killers will be brought to justice there's nothing more that you could do for him now now you please just go peter peter i'm sorry ma'am but i must have your help ma'am are you still here i want you to go away why don't you go away from him finding those killers can't help my husband any now you can't bring him back he's dead they've murdered my feeder they've murdered get a hold of yourself get ahold of yourself stop it do you hear me i said stop it i swear to god the murderers will be caught [Laughter] hey dummy what's the matter with you we ordered four beers and you only brought us three jake give my lesson ah uh stop right there hard that man there's pretty good i thought i told you to go i remember telling you yesterday i want you out of town or maybe you're just waiting around for me to teach you a little something first [Music] [Applause] [Music] so do you oh burns doesn't you better think of going you got yourself one more chance hear me i want you out of black city by tomorrow morning early well that's it be out of here tomorrow morning or i'll meet you on the main street at six o'clock it's kind of cold out there in the morning but i think some nice hot let's warm you up now i think it's time for mama's boy to go home [Laughter] i'll say goodbye now because i don't expect you'll show no budwheeler i'll see you out there [Music] i'm in morning sheriff i want to take your place out there this morning it's pretty tough for a lad like you to be up against a fellow like him but not for me it's up to you you know you haven't the experience for a man like bud wheeler the risk is rough in the morning when the wind's blowing and the dust in your eyes it could happen now shoot at you from both ends over at the academy now you hit the bull's-eye 50 times and you win yourself a prize but here it's different it's tricky the targets are moving and what's more they're real ones yeah well moving or otherwise it won't change matters any you made your point now would you leave i would like to be alone listen shadow i promised my woman i'd get her brother's killers i know who did it and i want him this is between the law and bud wheeler mister okay let's drink on it [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] so [Music] sure is an awful stone cold sorry son but i had to do it i know that freezing in mexico [Music] [Music] what about it oh [Music] is [Music] so [Music] so [Music] morning good work sheriff the best this town has ever seen that took a lot of courage son and we feel fortunate to have you here in black city only you got a long way to go to establish law and order here in this town but you've proven yourself to be a hell of a man that's what you think you just said i got courage it didn't show a lot of courage my doing this is my resignation would you want to walk out now would you please give the driver the stage that letter and my releases will he tell him to drop me at the post office in denver city i'm gonna head north but what so you're leaving the town without a sheriff again why that's like a horse without a rider i'm warning you you can't go now son by sanchez will burn up this little town before you know it when he finds out bud wheeler's dead why he won't leave a man woman or beast alive you can bet on it either you're yellow you're just local i guess if sanchez does come into town you'll find more than he bargained for i'm leaving [Laughter] [Music] oh [Laughter] hit him sanchez oh [Music] sanchez sanchez but wheeler is dead they killed him and they killed his men too we're going back to black city [Music] aminos [Music] uh willie where's the sheriff going uh black city is without a sheriff again he's given me his resignation stranger he's bound for parts unknown [Music] somewhere up in the north do you know there isn't a blinking person here now can defend this town not up against sanchez he'll be back don't worry [Music] so [Music] what oh i was just coming over to see you sarah no use me explaining how rude i was to the other day i sure am sorry i know you were just doing your duty all i'm asking you now is to let me help you as much as i can you want to know what happened oh how could i have known that i was ever going to lose peter he never had a chance you were filled with grief don't need to apologize i was a stranger to you anyhow i'm all through as a sheriff of black city i'm giving my resignation i'm not coming back you mean you're going to desert us now my god boy that's just like asking sanchez to massacre the whole town when he learns about bud wheeler he'll go crazy haven't you got a little charity in your heart for the souls of this town what should they do beg you to forgive them you wouldn't want that without your protection who'll stop sanchez nobody [Music] mr we have no sheriff now why'd he have to leave the two of you could have beaten sanchez now he will go mad and destroy the town he will kill all of us hey tom the usual [Music] [Laughter] hahahahahahahahahahahahaha dolores now you would tell me woody or the buddha is killed my amigo buddha huh i don't know me now you listen to me you tell me who it is oh mother jose and bud pump tell me who it is i don't know anything you're lying you kids i did it sanchez i fired those shots nobody else i was the sheriff of this fair city when i shut those two down but not anymore well sanchez you're pretty brave with your men backing you up aren't you now huh but without them i'll meet you in the morning out in front at six o'clock face to face and nobody to help us you did you hear what you said i will eat it for breakfast you hear that come bring us something to drink i thought you might need a hand you could use a little help now i don't want it i want you to get out of here okay that's the way you feel why don't we have a drink on it it's gonna be pretty rough for you tomorrow morning and none of your fancy tricks okay these drinks are on me yes ma'am drink it and get out of here sanchez is no bud wheeler he's pretty fast census oh no sanchez you don't interfere this time my reputation has already been blown up enough around this town i'm telling you to stay out and furthermore you'll do it i know about you you're a famous man django you want that bounty don't you django you're nothing but a bounty hunter your wife's brother now that was a big laugh wasn't it jangle and you don't give a damn who dies out there do you the money's all you want isn't it but you were claiming it was revenge [Music] yes [Music] huh [Music] sanchez hey sanchez wake up it's time to go everyone is ready i'm up now all right wait outside and again you put a brink of it [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] i'll get you if it's the luck [Music] now [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] hey come and get me you're finished come on out shelly if you don't i'm coming after ya [Music] you see you needed me after all you never know of course i'm known as sartana only around here they call me jack ronson until the time we meet again friend adios [Music] hey [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh ah [Music] you
Views: 4,106,342
Rating: 4.3924823 out of 5
Keywords: spaghetti westerns, Spaghetti western, Django Meets Sartana, django, django western, Django e Sartana, One Damned Day, Day at Dawn, Damned Day western, Damned Day 1970, Fabio Testi, Fabio Testi movies, Fabio Testi western, Fabio Testi westerns, Fabio Testi western movies, Jack Betts, Jack Betts movies, Jack Betts western, One Damned Day at Dawn, spaghetti westerns youtube, django western movies, sartana western, sartana western movies, sartana movies, django youtube
Id: TVhUOxSUk_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 5sec (4985 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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