The Walking Dead World Beyond RECAP: Full Series

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welcome to the man of recaps this is the walking dead world beyond full series recap seasons one and two and you know the best place to watch the world beyond is on amc plus click the link in the description to sign up now and experience the expanded walking dead universe our show takes place 10 years after the start of the zombie apocalypse so it's in line with the current walking dead our story begins at a very successful survivor's community the campus colony at nebraska state university the young adults here have grown up with safe reasonably normal lives most of them never experience seeing the horrors outside the walls but today is a very special day it's monument day memorializing the start of the zombie apocalypse and the campus is getting some vip visitors today from their allies at the civic republic yes the people with the three-ring helicopters yes remember in the walking dead prime rick grimes sacrificed himself to save alexandria but he survived he was found by jadis the former leader of the trash people who is in contact with this mysterious helicopter group they flew rick grimes away and theoretically he's still hanging out with them and now we finally get to meet them this is lieutenant colonel kubleck of the civic republic military the crm and these people mean business now apparently the three-ring logo represents the alliance of three big survivors colonies omaha of which this campus colony is an offshoot there's also portland but the civic republic themselves are very secretive they're not telling their allies where they're based but they're still allies and they're welcomed by iris student council president and a real go-getter her sister hope though does not trust the civic republic she's a troublemaker type has brewed a bunch of homemade alcohol see the girl's father is a very good scientist and a few months ago he went to the civic republic to help them do science stuff but because they're so secretive they don't let him have any communication with his daughters and hope thinks that's bs but the sisters are smart and resourceful they've set up a secret beeper communication with their father and this night they get a message oh he's in danger now lieutenant colonel kublai is trying to build trust with these girls please call me elizabeth i really shouldn't be telling you this but your father is at a research lab somewhere in new york just please don't go out on a misguided adventure to rescue him but if you tell a teenager not to do something that's exactly what they're gonna do and so the girls recruit their fellowship there's elton the smart goofy nerdy kid and silas the socially awkward gentle giant and so they set off on their epic quest to rescue their father venturing out to the world beyond now there are two adults on the show felix and huck from campus security who once they realize these kids are missing have to go out there to try to bring them back and turns out everyone left at just the right time because the civic republic slaughtered the entire campus colony wait why did they do that we don't get an explanation but i guess the civic republic really are the bad guys so outside the walls our wily group of teenagers encounter their first zombie who they call empties iris is feeling real confident cause she got an a in zombie killing theory but in practice she fails miserably and these first few episodes it's pathetic as these kids make every mistake in the book they really don't deserve to survive but they do survive and one night when elton tells hope about how the last of a species are called the endlings our crews got a cool nickname finally the adults catch up to them it's like alright kids fun's over let's go home but iris is on a mission she's not going back without her father so these two realize they're going to be stuck chaperoning this misguided field trip as they travel our gang encounters a series of boring non-adventures that could mostly be solved if they could kill one zombie but one night there's a shakeup when someone finds their camp improbably it's another teenager his name's percy and he's a real cool dude who's grown up out here in the zombie wilds iris thinks percy's the bee's knees but silas is jealous cause he kinda has a crush on iris now they're gonna help percy get his truck back from the guy who stole it from him but when they get there luckily he's already dead but wait he's not dead he was faking yes this was a con to steal their stuff iris chases after that rascal percy unfortunately she's not the most athletic but percy comes back to save her he's like yeah sorry about the conning thing you guys actually seem cool this is my uncle tony who is a magician and the new coolest character on the show now turns out this truck they found is from the civic republic and in it they found a map to the fuel depots that only work if you light up with the screen they try that screen on their map of new york and now have a destination it looks like their father's at a research center at the old cornell university yeah what's going on with the civic republic we really don't get much only a few short scenes at the end of some episodes basically they are a massive survivors community based in apparently a big city and they have utilities electricity running water even television so that's cool but when this guy questions why they massacred the entire campus colony he sent to a re-education camp which is never a good thing also we see that apparently at this research lab at cornell university they have a ton of zombies they're experimenting on yes there's an a there this goes back to what jada said to the helicopter that was taking rick grimes do you have an a or a b theoretically a's are people that were recently bit and we can assume they're doing research on how to cure the zombie virus so back with the endlings percy continues to flirt with iris cause she's the first teenage girl he's ever met silas doesn't like this though and later that night someone's murdered uncle tony the murder weapon was silas's wrench and they find him drunk as a skunk looking real guilty yes this season we've seen that silas is committed to non-violence even against zombies but once he gets going oh he's an unstoppable rage monster turns out his tragic backstory he had an abusive father and one day he beat him to death so it's like silas did you kill uncle tony but he was blackout drunk he doesn't remember but he's like yeah probably was me because i'm a monster so to protect his friends from himself he leaves the group going off on his own but elton's his best friend is gonna go bring him back he's like hey maybe i'll find my long-lost mom out there but now all their tragic backstories are coming out at the same time the night of the zombie apocalypse iris calls the day the sky fell because a plane i guess fell on them but turns out zombies didn't kill their mom it was another woman who was stealing their truck and when she dropped her gun little hope picked it up and shot that woman elton's parents were paleontologists which explains why he has a triceratops horn and turns out the woman hope shot was his mother when he showed hope a picture of his mom she realized the truth now finally tells him and elton's destroyed but there's an even bigger secret in the group because huck is a crm spy and more than that lieutenant colonel kublic is her mom apparently her mission is to bring one of the sisters to the civic republic but they can't have the whole group coming so next chance she gets she wrecks the truck then when some zombies come oh she injures felix he's gonna be laid up for a while but hope's impatient she's like huck my dad needs us let's just go you and me so huck's plans work perfectly but earlier she and her sister found the civic republic code book and unbelievably were somehow able to decode it and they discovered the message that huck is a spy so hope pulls a gun on her like you got some explaining to do but hux like hey the civic republic are the good guys we're working to cure the zombie apocalypse and we need you hope because apparently you're a super genius yes her father's been working on the cure in fact he has a girlfriend there one of the other scientists and he told her about how his daughter hope is incredibly smart cause like one day she built a computer or something now super genius isn't really what i'd call hope but i guess she did brew all that alcohol so that counts for something hope asks a valid question why didn't you just invite me to come join my dad instead of setting up this whole fake adventure and huck's like well that would have been too easy meanwhile elton out looking for silas first finds an injured percy they finally find silas and percy explains it was huck who attacked them congrats man you're not a killer just then though the crm is closing in and to buy them time to escape silas goes and turns himself in then iris and felix catch up to huck like hey it's over we know you're a spy hut's like sorry man i hoped it wouldn't come to this and they have a fight to the death in the end huck is gonna kill felix but oh a shot rings out it's hope who puts the gun to her own head yeah she pulls a hunger games you need me alive let all my friends live so iris and felix are left behind as huck and hope go to catch their helicopter to the civic republic it's like congrats hope you completed the adventure now you get to come with us the good guys and help save the world so hope is playing nice for now but earlier she had a secret combo with her sister the civic republic may claim to be the good guys but we know they're evil we're gonna take them down so iris and felix continue their mission and come across an unexpected character it's felix's boyfriend yeah we've heard about him knew he went with the girl's father as his security detail and now they're reunited so season one comes to an end with iris and felix outside hope going inside silas also going inside but as a prisoner and elton and percy outside i'm not sure what they're doing so if season one has piqued your interest don't spoil yourself yet sign up for amc plus and binge through all of the world beyond season two right now so in season two hope is flying off to the civic republic and right away lieutenant colonel kubleck tells them about how the campus colony and omaha were destroyed she blames it on a massive herd of walkers they call columns and apparently there's a few super clusters walking around bigger than we've ever seen iris gets the news too from felix's boyfriend will who was asking too many questions about it so they tried to kill him iris immediately figures out the zombie column was just a cover it was the civic republic themselves who killed everyone and indeed we get a flashback to see she is right we don't know why they destroyed omaha yet though probably they don't want competition so will made some friends at a small survivors colony led by this woman indira but they have an alliance with the civic republic they shouldn't be harboring fugitives but iris convinces him to let him stay for now and meanwhile hope is finally reunited with her father dr leo bennett now we're still not inside the true civic republic this is their research facility in upstate new york it's basically a college where hope meets a cute guy and they flirt while playing a dangerous game of jenga and the adults here are trying to find a permanent solution to the zombie problem their hope is to find some way to increase their rate of decay so they would all just you know fall apart in a first day of class hope is like hey i'm kind of a super genius when it comes to brewing alcohol have you tried like fermenting them with yeast and the scientists had not tried that it looks real promising so super genius hope solved it in a day elsewhere elton and percy are out in the wilds where they improbably come across a couple more youngsters this girl has some dumb religious ceremonies she made up where she plants flowers on the eyes of dead walkers and turns out these are indira's kids so they're reunited with iris and iris didn't know percy survived he disappeared the night he stood her up for their date but very soon they have a second date and are in love and even elton becomes kind of a ladies man he hits it off with this girl asha meanwhile silas was captured at the end of season one but they don't throw him in jail or kill him they give him a job he sent to their nearby culling facility where every night they make a lot of noise to attract the zombies and kill him in mass but they need a plucky crew of young adults on cleanup duty they use this like spear twisty thing that silas gets the hang of real quick his boss here is this cool dude dennis who quickly becomes a mentor to silas and turns out dennis knows another of our group he was married to huck she stops going by huck though of course her real name is jennifer and apparently her long mission undercover was a punishment because dennis was drinking on the job and she covered for him she's like hey hope sorry about the lying but it all worked out cause now you're here safe with the good guys but hope's like yo if you really care about us prove it take me to my sister so she sneaks her out to endear his colony and sisters reunited so hope's like hey iris just turn yourself in and come join us it's not that bad there they have hot boys in jenga but hope's like what no the civic republic are the bad guys and she shares her theory that they destroyed the campus colony and omaha so iris makes her own plan first they go find silas and bring them up to speed then they do actually turn themselves in pretend everything's cool we still think the civic republic are the good guys percy comes with them by the way pretending to be elton so now iris is finally reunited with her father but it's like hey we're not staying this is part of an escape plan to get us all out and it's happening in like five minutes but meanwhile jennifer asked her mom about omaha and got a very evasive answer so she goes snooping and finds proof it was the military that killed him but it wasn't just a military operation it was also part of a secret science project based right here so the gang decides they can't leave until they find out more leaving their getaway driver silas high and dry he's arrested again he talks his way out of it though like i was just looking for the bathroom now remember the girl's father has a scientist girlfriend here but pretty soon he realizes she's part of this secret operation so they break into her lab and discover some deadly poison gas a whole bunch of it they're gonna take out portland next we eventually find out the project she's working on is delaying the reanimation time with the end goal being to have the dead not come back at all but she needed to test her formula on a massive scale so the military came to her like hey we're gonna wipe out omaha anyway so they combined her formula with poison gas killed a hundred thousand birds with one stone now jennifer's mom left on urgent business so we have a new main villain for the rest of the season it is jadis yes the leader of the trash people from the walking dead prime who of course gave rick to the civic republic we don't learn anything about what happened to rick except that he was valuable but as for jadis she became a true believer in the civic republic and is part of the military police hunting down traders which is awkward for her old friend jennifer who's currently involved in treason so with the secret gas sample missing they questioned dr bennett the plan was for his girlfriend to be like oh i just misplaced it but she narks on him yeah they stole it cause they were curious but it's all okay now he can work on the project too jadis is like sure that works for me in fact you're the new head of the project because your girlfriend has not been getting results and has proven herself a security risk oh she has her killed this version of jadis is hardcore but our crew is not scared into submission they make a new plan to actually escape for real and warn portland before it's too late now turns out hope's jenga boyfriend is the son of major general beale the top head of the civic republic military so with the valuable hostage our crew negotiates their escape but he makes a break for it and it turns into a shootout jennifer makes her move and chooses her friends over the evil civic republic but in the fight percy was killed oh that's sad meanwhile they're about to wipe out endears colony for betraying him but some of our crew gets in there to save the day then silas and elton are grabbing supplies but their escapes cut off by the zombies they let here as a distraction so they come up with a wild escape plan they're rolling down the hill in the big globe sculpture okay so now outside finally our original core four fellowship are reunited and by this time they've redeemed themselves from their complete ineptitude and zombie killing they'd like kill a lot of zombies this season so the kids are going to go war in portland while jennifer and dennis go into the civic republic and expose what the military's done yeah the civic republic military the crm have been operating with no civilian oversight but there is a civilian government who are probably actually good guys in fact wiping out the other communities is probably part of the military's play to seize power and so this all might lead to a civic republic civil war but first they need to destroy the poison gas so dennis and silas go on a run to find a detonator meanwhile felix has a big final fight where he goes full darth maul okay yeah then jadis comes for her final fight with jennifer but there's less fighting and more talking as jadis drones on and on about how the civic republic is the last light of the world eventually though she does stab jennifer but she was just buying time because she did have a detonator and jadis barely makes it out as boom all the poison gas is destroyed yes huck lied to get dennis and silas to safety and dennis who's dying of his wounds anyway is like look kid the crm's coming the only way for you to survive is to shoot me and go undercover with them it's super sad but silas does it and he's arrested again the rest of our gang all meets up but there's one final twist so a walker's coming for hope and elton sacrifices himself to save her i take my jacket off for one minute and look what happens but they make it to safety and time to amputate he's gonna live just lessen arm silas is brought inside the actual civic republic looks like nice place jadis apparently has superhuman powers of insight and knows that his whole thing was a ruse but she's still gonna let him join the military she believes that she can turn him into a true believer as for her massive failures at the research facility she manages to blame it on lieutenant colonel kublic yes it's a power grab she's getting promoted and jadis is going to be a real top dog as for the sisters they say farewell their paths are taking them in different directions hope is staying here with her dad to do science stuff hopefully cure the zombie apocalypse although it's not really clear where here is while iris leads the other youngsters to portland to warn them about the crm and build a resistance and that's where our story comes to an end but we're not done yet because there's an after the credit scene in france a mysterious woman boots up some old hard drives and finds a video message from dr jenner he's of course the scientist from the cdc they meet in the walking dead season one and apparently this is the french cdc that he was working with at the beginning of the outbreak but now our woman's found by a frenchman with a gun and their conversation is intentionally very vague the gist of it it seems is that the zombie outbreak started right here in france and the scientists here who are close to a cure actually made it worse so the people in france now are hunting them down now some people say he shot her in the head it's unclear i don't think so but in any case she does come back as a walker way faster than normal and she is clearly a new type of zombie that's much faster and violent than normal what's gonna happen here is the walking dead gonna turn into the running dead and how will the world beyond affect the future of the walking dead to find out sign up for amc plus the only place for the entire walking dead universe season 11 is the final season of the walking dead and the stakes are higher than ever right now you can binge through the first eight episodes part one of this three-part final season it sets the stage for a grand finale you gotta be watching find out how the walking dead's gonna end plus explore the expanded walking dead universe with shows like world beyond and fear the walking dead the first half of fear season seven is available now find out what's going on in texas where things are getting wild so click the link in the description and sign up for amc plus now is the time to dive into the walking dead universe if you like this recap hit that subscribe button for more of the best recaps of tv and movies and if you loved this recap check out the join button and support the channel as a member
Channel: Man of Recaps
Views: 930,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ejcy0kY8JFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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