The Last of Us Part 1 Steam Deck Native FSR 3 + Frame Generation #steamdeck #fsr3 #tlou1

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The Last of Us Part One just got updated and it has built in FSR and frame generation let's check it [Music] out hello everybody Welcome to the channel today let's take a look at the Last of Us Part One on Steam deck Steam OS and there's a new update that released yesterday it's the latest one as of recording which is version 1.1.30 which I've got right now and this is a very important update because this brings native FSR 3 and frame generation to the game okay so if you go to my option display you can see display mode borderless window um display resolution at 720p because I'm using the steam deck okay and here anti-aliasing mode you've got a new Option AMD FSR 3 native AA and you can toggle the frame generation on and off right so I'm going to toggle it on obviously I want to test it out and you've got scaling mode I'll try this out later so is super resolution um yeah we'll try that out later we'll try the native AA first okay and then for graphics I'm going to set the graphic preset to low low and yeah let's start the game last of first okay let's start a new game start a new game brand new okay so in the past before this update came out without the built-in FSR 3 I've done videos um using paid mods uh by Luke FC and also by pure dark I remember Luke FC's one it still had a lot of UI flickering um but a pure du one he overcome that so that was the better version pure dark one I think uh and I remember using low settings the graphic preset low uh and we got like 60 I'll link both of those videos in the description and I remember going to medium settings uh we got like 50 frames 50ish frames uh it drops sometimes to the 40ish yeah something like that so let's see how this one performs this is the built-in one official FSR 3 which is good and it's free so you wouldn't need to pay to get this mod I know like paid mods that's a lot of controversy I don't really understand it I might get a lot of heat talking about this but uh yeah I just want to keep it real okay let's um SK the cinematics don't really need that yeah I just want to keep it real like in my opinion like there's nothing wrong with paid mods um you know if the person spent the time and effort and the knowledge to make the mod and he wants to charge for it I think that's fair and it's optional right he's not forcing you to pay for it you don't really need the mod hello it's like um I see hear a lot of comments on my YouTube like because I make a lot of FSR 3 um content and they kind of think I'm Affiliated or something I get paid for it I don't it's just like good content because I know a lot of people they don't want to pay for the mod before seeing it in action that's why like I just test it out for them I've already paid for it so I just maximize it I'm just going to test it out on all the games and you know if you like what you see then you can decide whether or not want to pay for the mods and yeah I get a lot of hate sometimes in the comments uh but I don't really understand it like I hear the arguments the arguments are like um you know those moders they don't own the game um and the code the FSR 3 code is open source it's free they shouldn't charge for it stuff like that but doesn't make sense to me it's like um like my car if I have a car and I want to mod it you know and a company like a third party company makes you know good suspension uh good paint whatever like you know are you okay and they did the job you pay them right you don't expect it to be free they don't own the car they're not affiliated with the car company right but yeah if you mod your car you still have to pay freak and regarding the code being open source like AMD released this code FSR 3 code open source under the MIT license uh you could look it up MIT license means that you could use the code and you can put it in a commercial product and sell it just as long as you give them the credit and stuff like that and AMD wants people to make use their code and you know make it widely adaptable to you know more people using it that's that's that's why they made it open source they want it you know they're behind they behind Nvidia dlss they want you know more developers game developers like like this one Naughty Dog they but not every game Studio or developer is like naughty dog and they're not going to go back and update their old games so like these modders they're taking these old games that's never going to get native FSR um support because you know the devs have already like they've done with the game right they're not going to update it anymore and these moders are making oops sorry I just hit my just hit my dock so yeah all right they're not going to update the game so these moders are making these mods for these older games which I think is good and if you want to play these older games with a better like performance on gaming handouts especially then it's really really good and you know you probably have to pay for it they've got the knowledge to do it like if I had the knowledge to do it I would probably do it but but I don't right I don't know how to write that code and if I did I'll probably charge for it right I spent that time and effort and the knowledge right so I don't really see the controversy but uh yeah everyone's got different opinions thisen they got no clue so I understand if you you know prefer free I like free stuff like free [ __ ] is good [ __ ] is is definitely good but yeah it is what it is right some some stuff you can get for free some stuff you can't and if you want to make it free it's easy if you just get more moders out there and they're making the same mod or better and they put it out on Nexus mods or something like that and it's free of course not then you know people won't be buying like wouldn't be paying to get these mods you know so the market did like dictates what's what the price or if it's free or not right like these people like if they're so like against it why not just learn it and then make a free mod like do spend the time and effort make a mod make it better and then just put it out for free and then I'm pretty sure no one's going to pay Luke FC or to dark for their mods if you know if you make it like if there's one on the market that's free right yeah that's my take on the on the whole thing that's just me blabbing on because I do get a a lot of hate sometimes in the comment section people I don't get like those mods like if you buy it or don't buy it I don't get money for it so yeah that's what you're thinking yeah I don't it's just content for me it's just like I bought it I think it's good content I think people want to see it [ __ ] just happened all right so we get like 40ish 50 all right let's try um the super resolution I think that will be better uh display play scaling mode all right let's do AMD FSR super resolution on quality and we got quality apply changes yes yeah this is better no no no no come on people move better frame rates get us out of here I'll try oh no on can't stop here I can't [ __ ] drive back up there behind me disable frame limit so yeah okay so I've got cry utilities on recommended settings 4 GB of vram in case you wanted to know and my Steam OS is on the stable release 3.5.7 as of recording that's the latest one Daddy hey hey get back get back okay we can't skip the cinematics here all right let's see if we push it up a little bit let's see if we go to graphic preset medium that' be betterly changes apply okay so medium but this is just like we have okay so let me know in the comments if you agree or if you disagree uh on the whole take on the free mod stuff what's your take on it like I'm open to Baby different opinions doesn't really bother me if you think it should be what is it free or not kind of like emulation some people agree emulation is good some people think emulation is about privacy Keep Us Safe whatever it is yeah hold tight that's good about this world we can tolerate people with different opinions and still live in peace keep your CL unless you're living like Israeli and Palestine you live in Israel that then that's a different story okay so medium settings we get like a 50ish so you're pretty much the same as pure Ducks I think they go back to low people are on fire don't look S I don't think that changed much oh yeah a little bit better we're going to get out of this I promise this is a good game if you haven't played it uh you should try it out good game press party game go yeah I think you just should keep it on low keep it on low you're on the steam deck you're not expecting God damn it we're almost there we're almost there baby and if you're playing on handheld mode like you don't really see the difference keep going find your way out of here come on go move it get to the highway go you got Sarah I can out run him Uncle Tommy I will meet you there hurry we can't leave him he's going to be found we're almost [Music] here so yeah this is pretty good for like it's free right good like more games should do this they should Implement FSR 3 and frame generation in their games especially like the gaming handheld scene like it's it's getting so popular every company making uh gaming handhelds nowadays and you know it really needs that extra performance because you know you want to maximize the battery you know and you can't have too much TDP on a gaming handheld so yeah these really really help really really help gaming handhelds especially the steam deck and like right now because it's kind of underpowered compared to its competition so yeah not bad um if you have this game make sure you update and try this out so I think I'll just leave it here um if there's any questions or anything let me know in the comments and if you like this video please leave a thumbs up it really helps out the channel and I'll see you guys in the next one later
Channel: Grown Up Gaming
Views: 4,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, fsr 3, fsr 3.0, FSR 3.0 Frame Generation Mod, steamos, puredark, tlou1, tlou, the last of us part 1, the last of us, the last of us remastered, lukefz, frame generation
Id: tZSjiDqLNpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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