The Last Of Us Is Now On Nintendo Switch!

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God the Nintendo switch eShop is a fruitful garbage Wasteland filled with games that have no business being on the platform there's no quality control on here and some of these eShop games are by flyby night Studios that have no business putting their titles on the switch because they're crap they're asset flips there's no work put into these games it's just trying to make a quick buck A lot of these games take titles and sort of similar themes for more popular games and try to fool people into thinking that it is the popular game but this one has to be the most egregious result of this practice that I have ever seen nintendon posted this on his Instagram feed I'll have a link to it in the description box down below but look at this look at this picture The Last Hope Dead Zone survival what does this look like to you do you need a little bit of a refresher oh it's supposed to be the last of us literally right down to some of the nitty-gritty details of the artwork used for The Last of Us now we have CM Punk here who has taken the role of Joel and he's got a nice nice block here um or 8K there we have Ellie whose nose looks a little bit more piggy than usual but this this is clearly trying to replicate The Last of Us this is trying to fool people into thinking that the last of us is now available on the Nintendo switch so I have to make people think that the last of us is available on Nintendo switch so they don't buy this game I have not played this game yet we're gonna play it but I just have a feeling a sneaking suspicion if you will that this game will be nothing like the last of us but it does feature storytelling and narrative so okay but we need to play the game and I have a feeling this game is going to be absolutely horrible and that's okay because maybe just maybe we'll have some laughs all right so we've quickly transitioned into the division because this is a picture from the division I'm pretty sure of I know I've seen this picture before I'm pretty sure it's the division we have new game there's a loading as well that we can do in controls We're Not Gonna worry about that because we're not going to play this game a whole lot I I have a very sneaking suspicion about the quality of this title there's some text there's a zombie outbreak we're waking up wake up wake up wake up it's the zombie apocalypse oh look at these Graphics that's some straight N64 out of the window textures there I will say this chair looks alright you know the room itself doesn't look horrible the the monitors are just a stagnant image will you stop this dramatic nonsense and get to the game people are like oh you did you're being mean to this video game company they deserve to be mean to they deserve to be ridiculed because they're trying to fool people a loading screen already we didn't even do anything we literally did nothing and you're giving me a loading screen all right CM Punk is ready to go I guess he's not really CM punkish he kind of but I don't know he's definitely not Joel all right oh that Fire's moving that's that's something got a strong reflection we have a strong reflection of the room that we're in to sort of mask the fact that there's probably no ground um the control I mean he's he's moving can I get rid of this oh what the oh we missed it I missed his name damn it another loading screen oh Brian is a what's it what's another game hold on a damn second what's another game with a Brian as a main character because I can only think of one other game Quest 64 which could burn in hell I don't I don't know if that's a shadow going on over there or just a flickering texture I need to get out of here the the left and right movement is absurdly slow oh we got some bloody footprints are these zombies already how do I how do I swing oh we can Crouch stealthy it's our inventory all right oh look at this what what in God's name are you doing yeah I like how they're not even reacting and the sound just went completely off there look at how slow like it's like the switch is about to explode and like look I get the system isn't the strongest system in the world but let's let's you know give it a little another loading screen is it I guess it's just gonna load every time you do something because optimization be damned we don't need optimization in our video games we just need crap a little Slugger there a little baseball a little little mom there a mom or dad who knows who cares get me out of here can I pick up the fire extinguisher no of course dude this camera is so freaking slow can I adjust it no you can just look at what the can't you can't even change anything you can just look at what the controls do that's that's awesome that's just fantastic excuse me excuse me get out of my way thank you more loading of course you're not at 100 okay that's a lie because if it was at 100 I wouldn't be sitting in the screen unless the game just broke which I wouldn't be completely shocked of if the game has just decided yeah you know what we're done here we're we're okay no here we go find a market oh we're outside can I see my Hospital window from here look at the tits on this guy Jesus Christ this just feels like a bunch of random assets being used here like modern building modern zombie one these zombies are horrible they're not even chasing after me like they like like they'll they'll follow you for a little bit but they have no speed to them or anything so it's just like excuse me get out of my way oh you're making some zombie noises it's the frame rate dips we're looking for a market here like it looks like a downtown area maybe we should be looking for like a gas station or something I don't even know where I'm going oh there's a run button too these dudes will never catch me ah the supermarket all right it looks so dank and scary like look at these stupid ass zombies it's gonna load again isn't it yeah yeah sure as hell is where's the gripping net what when does the gripping narrative start you know when does when does The Story start with this game because I feel like we've been playing this game for a few minutes now why is this so bright look at that Hershey squirts bottle it's huge what are you doing sir this dude he's just drunk oh wait there's a packet here MRE okay what is that like aren't you supposed to be telling me like like what these things are why was everything 20 off and 30 off is this a good grocery store is this one of those sketchy discount ones that sells the old meat and stuff what are these meters indicate I guess energy and health oh so maybe my energy was low so I couldn't swing the bat get away from me oh I'm trapped am I really trapped though huh I mean she like grazed her nails on me this is horrible what am I doing what is my mission I got to maybe I should just leave because I got that that food packet foreign are we gonna interact oh my God get out of my way this is ridiculous move so now what you better give me a mission when I come out here I'm getting very tired of this game but I feel like you watching this you want to see more you want to see more of what this game has to offer because this is just so damn bizarre this is so bizarre to me and it's almost intriguing it's almost like I I want to see what's next when do I meet fake Ellie lock picking mechanics all right so you gotta you gotta do who cares if my lock pick broke I probably have unlimited lock picks you just gotta do all four of them so you're just pressing a right here that's real real challenging straight out of Skyrim all right all right we did it we unlocked it what do we got here oh we got a lot of stuff oh we got a piece oh the girl [ __ ] I hit a too fast I don't know where where's the girl because God forbid God forbid you tell me what the mission is anywhere look they don't even oh God get to the library thank you oh look at that I've get up stop crawling all right we're gonna meet Ellie folks and that'll probably be our dramatic conclusion of this game because this isn't fun that's the problem with this there's no fun to be had here there has been no gripping narrative there has been nothing but Barren streets full of male titty zombies come on boys excuse me thank you just just nothing just worst bottom of the barrel zombies in the world Ellie oh my God you've got to be kidding me what's her name Eva oh my God and second is her name Eve or Eva Eva this story is I lied this story is engaging as hell we're gonna you know we're gonna what the [ __ ] that's a cut scene that's a cutscene how did you do that to me I couldn't even see come on Evie Eva why is she lying to me I should leave her just for that I better not have to protect her ass neither you better be a self-sufficient little girl where the hell is she nah [ __ ] you better come along with me and I know it's not nice to call a girl that word gentlemen don't do that but nah like it's a zombie apocalypse we have to be safe all right well we're leaving so you better when this loading screen ends you better be you better be hanging out with me I can't believe the audacity of this company to just straight up rip off Eve or at least I don't even know her name Eve Eva Ellie they just have no shame whatsoever no shame all right she's with us we're good I like how everything is just conveniently on this road we can dance if you want to we could leave your friends behind we lift that don't dance because there are no friends of mine awesome great great great story I'm a soldier too look at my ring that's a soldier's ring Brian Lee they know each other oh so this is your daughter this is Brunt I think your daughter's gonna recognize you from like at least a picture or something like like she's not like a five-year-old like she's obviously probably in high school or something like that I don't think she's an idiot to where she's like you're my father you're not like you did like come on dude corny corny but gripping a gripping narrative I'm not searching another police car what is this is this the whole like there's all these things well maybe they won't attack me because I'll be in the middle of something here what I got it in that's what she said I got one got two got three I see this becoming so difficult throughout the game because they're going to make that little green Air Jesus Christ get out of my way you dead it literally said you dead not your dad you dead there was no way for me to avoid all those amazing zombies because of the fact that the game is still the game is still working as you're doing things I don't remember the name of this game The Last Hope Dead zombie stuff but don't you know what buy it for 99 cents I have gotten more laughs out of this game than a lot of AAA titles are concerned get you a little German eShop account and some euros and go buy this game suffer suffer like yeah
Channel: RGT 85
Views: 19,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, the last of us nintendo switch, the last of us switch, the last of us nintendo, the last of us news, the last of us leaks, nintendo, nintendo switch, new nintendo switch, new nintendo switch games, nintendo switch the last of us, the last hope dead zone survival, the last of us clone, nintendo eshop, nintendo eshop shovelware, bad eshop games, bad nintendo eshop games, tlou, tlou switch, tlou nintendo switch, switch the last of us, the last of us factions
Id: kvRsncZGj78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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