The Last of Us | Inside the Episode - 8 | Max

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in this episode David captured Ellie and you see Joel slowly recovering because Ellie was able to get in medicine and you're waiting for him to do the traditional hearing thing which he's going to burst through the door he's going to kill David he's going to save Ellie and then they can continue on the journey and we wanted none of that [Music] we think of it as our cold episode that one was really cold um and it needed to be because the episode in many ways is about deprivation shooting in like a five minute scene was tricky and there was three or four house size window machines that were just pummeling me with snow Yeah so that was hard you thirsty so we find ourselves in this darkest place with the darkest version of Joel and Ellie is forced to survive on her own this sequence is the thing that inspired me or like made me want to make the game so in the game at this point you play as Ellie and it's this really wonderful moment when you watch people play it because they almost always say oh my God I'm Ellie you're quite a hunter we didn't even hear you coming turn around and walk away she is Prickly and doesn't trust anybody naturally she obviously isn't going to trust a random guy in his buddy in the middle of a snowy Forest what do you need we have boots medicine like for infections we do David presents as the good dad and we begin to wonder if maybe she has met the one good person out there we of course see fairly early on that there's also a very dark part of David we bring her back with us I mean I'll leave them away from you but if anybody makes it down here you kills them you got it [Music] when he captures Ellie [Music] we are all meant to feel hopeless because it is hopeless for her and we also come to understand two things that maybe weren't immediately clear one is that David is a bad father in a terrible bad way and the other is that these people that Ellie finds herself amongst have been eating their own dead you thought it shot me up into little pieces I'd rather not really what he'd like is for her to be his little minion his little wife once Elliot begins to realize that the relationship becomes a lot more tense and a lot more scary and a lot more dangerous you're a natural leader you're smart loyal violent she's surprised by the accusation you don't know anything about me she has no choice but to recognize some truth in that and certainly David believes he's about to turn her you have a violent heart and I should know I've always had a violent heart David says something to her that's absolutely true because he sees it in her because he knows it's in him he says you have a violent heart [Music] and that is something that Neil and I talked about quite a bit it's not in the game that line as much as we love her we also have to be a little scared of her tell them that L.A is a little girl who broke her thing finger in some Park you were lying down my connection to this story and really this world is is a little bit more unique than others The Sawmill scene exists in the game to endear David to Ellie and to see this come to life in a completely different way um it's been a mind trip that really has been report and action got your chest David no [Music] playing any character is an upgrade from from what I thought I was going to be able to do I thought it was going to be like a clicker [Music] Ali gets to demonstrate this incredible moment of you know intellect and resilience and also just ferocious violence and she plants that Cleaver right here and a slam up against the wall and kind of slump up against this thing and I slide down I was like that looks awesome you don't know how good I am see Joel coming to help her and we are rooting for Joel to save her but that's not gonna get it done in the end the only person who can say Valley is Ellie and how violence its scars are in a way that forever changes her in a way Joel saves her but more emotionally [Music] broken that she doesn't know what to say and she's covered in blood and then she just looks around the eye and she leans forward and hugs them okay okay baby girl and all you can say is this thing that he hasn't said in 20 years which is baby girl which is what he called his daughter at the end of this story you can see something snapping her and the question is is it permanent or can she find her way back foreign [Music]
Channel: Max
Views: 516,886
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Keywords: hbo, hbo max, hbo max series, hbo max youtube, hbo max originals, the last of us, the last of us hbo, the last of us series, the last of us episode, the last of us behind the scenes, making of the last of us, Bella Ramsey, tlou, ellie, Craig Mazin, Neil Druckmann, joel and ellie, inside the episode the last of us, the last of us ellie, pedro pascal, joel, the last of us explained, the last of us troy baker, the last of us cannibals, the last of us episode 8, episode 8
Id: W8Mg-P8Jpss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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