The Last of Us Episode 9 Reaction/Discussion

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yo what's up team welcome back to j3 entertainment you guys know what time it is it's time to react y'all yes it is brother and what we're reacting to today The Last of Us episode nine look for the light bro it's been Nine episodes yes it has we are on the season finale this is crazy I I didn't think we'd get this far not with this show bro I didn't even say that I you know how video games come and they do a movie or TV show and they just don't hit man and this one it hit yeah it's a different kind of beast when we talk about drama and suspense and stuff like that last of us a very interactive story yeah so and it makes you feel like you truly are playing this game and yeah I'm loving every bit of it man every episode has just been a roller coaster for me and I honestly feel like this title The Last of Us speaks for me and I believe even you man a lot of us out there because you know I feel like we are the last era of those individuals who love to watch shows weekly I love coming every week and digesting an episode an episode you can I hate eating quick food I like to savor my food I like to get every piece of that mineral everything out of that meal you know what I mean so you can be memorable damn it's called The Prime Time experience yeah I mean we're going back to that yeah I'm so so I'm loving it I love the whole weekly thing man and that's what really made this show really good for me because you could do you couldn't do anything you couldn't spoil it for anybody you had to actually that is true wait like everybody else so I love it I love every bit of it man I'm like what do you guys think of this oh I finished it already well man damn need to hurry up yeah that kind of stuff so that debunks all that yeah we here I don't know about you bro but I'm ready to react I'm ready bro all right before we get into the reaction let me say this this is a season finale that means there's gonna be a review at the end of this reaction we're gonna be talking about the good we're gonna talk about the bad we're gonna go and give you guys that grade so stay tuned for that all right cool sounds good to me know that nah let's get these headphones on man and we're gonna be starting right now Ashley Johnson anyone oh I hear it boys yeah that's our voice for real [Music] damn all right hell no zombie you oh my God oh [Music] oh wow [Music] she [ __ ] told me already that's how you opened up a show so she knew who her mother is oh now it's coming around full circle they talked about the early on in season two oh gosh it's not your fault we would delay getting out of this Zone I am she's hungry she needs to be fed and I I didn't want to nurse her I cut it before I was bit take her with you to Boston find someone to bring her up and make sure that she's safe and I want you to give her this now the knife makes sense oh my gosh Mama's Night Ellie how long have we known each other damn right now and then you kill me oh I can't kill you no please please please hold her ahead there you go oh damn ah now I want to know what happened with them I feel like the baby just lost connection with their mother yeah it wouldn't even gunshot one I mean a gunshot crying for a mom or hey man change that stupid too old to be feeling this way Ellie do you hear me no no what I found this and Ferroni Chef Boyardee cool stuff I just thought of Booker T remember the commercials yeah have you ever played this Boggle it's a weird game if you want to beat me or something it would be this well all right getting close hospital that way may be the one we're looking for you want to learn how to play guitar Ellie he's Joe Joe Knows she just hit a whole new you know level in her head he's he's doing a good job by not you know keeping her at Bay keeping her ready yeah one two up you got it yeah whoa God damn it Ellie what the hell did she just see you stay there Lily come on Ellie hey is that Jeffrey [Laughter] sorry kids y'all don't know what that means Jeffrey the giraffe absolutely the symbol of Hope in the draft in the game we need a bat yeah cause I don't want to grow up like yeah I'm a Toys R Us kid foreign where's she going come on come on come on come on okay nature of life crazy there's a giraffe sitting on top of her ice cream we're building oh snap nice so is it everything you hoped for got exception dance you can't deny that for you look I don't know exactly where this hospital is yeah we'll find it sure it's just maybe there's nothing bad out there but so far there's always been something bad out there I'm only saying there's risk we don't have to do this I just I want you to know that what do you mean what else are we supposed to do nothing we just go back to Tommy's we forget about the whole damn thing natural we've been through everything I've done you can't be for nothing I know you mean well I know you want to protect me you have and when we're done we'll go wherever you want Tommy's sheep Ranch the Moon I'll follow you anywhere you go but there's no halfway with this we finished what we started yes you know one line solidified everything so what was wrong with you it's for this ah the guy who shot me I figured that would have happened later no second day well I gotta hand it to the army people they were way better at stitching you up than I was it was me oh crap that was the guy who shot and missed damn there's one story Sarah died and I couldn't see the point anymore simple as that and I wasn't scared either I was ready I couldn't have been more already it went out when I went to pull the trigger I flinched I still don't know why anyway the reason I'm telling you all this you know why you're telling me all this yeah I reckon you do so Time Heals all wounds I guess it wasn't time they did it well I'm glad that that didn't work out me too damn this is deep we should probably get going yeah this is amazing it's like they know it's a season finale too it's like they know they know it man like this last episode we might not get picked up next episode oh people are making apocalypse jokes like there's notes Notes too soon no it's topical oh I love this one moon rocks tastes better than Earth rot why meteor that's terrible that was actually good that's a zero out of ten all right what did the green grape say to the purple grape breathing with it those are three out of ten seven I'll give it a five five out of ten here we go down [Music] it's time you see oh we got hit pretty hard yeah where's Zoe she wasn't here not even a scratch just mostly worried about you where is she they lost half our crew crossing the country I have five men whose only job was to protect me I still almost got killed how'd you do it was all her she felt like hell to get here she would have been dead on day one you were the one person I never wanted to be in debt to but I owe you we always take me to her I can't she's being prepped for surgery what surgery our doctor he thinks that the cordyceps and Ellie has grown with her since birth why is she in surgery it produces a kind of chemical messenger it makes normal cordyceps think that she's cordyceps it's why she's immune he's going to remove it from her multiply the cells in a lab produce those chemical Messengers and then I can give it to everyone he thinks it could be a cure Joel care cordyceps grows inside the brain it does find someone else there is no one else we didn't tell her we didn't cause her any fear there won't be any pain no you take me to her you take me to her right now hmm there's always something like bow with a gun please you don't understand they do I was there when she was born I promised her mother that I would save her child I promised so I do understand oh my God I'm the only one who understands who wrote this I'm sorry I have no other choice but if she doesn't make it walking out to the highway leaving there with his pack give him this he tries anything shoot him okay all right he don't just take it easy now I'm looking at him the show we talking about I didn't hear anyone say stop I was kidding which way on the stairs it's time just kidding that knife will be a key factor of this defeat yep they showed that knife they always show that it's always detail it's a little thing video game one-on-one the [ __ ] are you doing keep walking I'ma start playing this tonight said keep walking yeah there it is getting my knife Bang all right it's time in their defense they were following orders true just the wrong ones bro we got a John Wick scene this is video game 101 yeah third person shooter let's go they got the cellos playing bro yeah yeah put that gun down and get beat up I'll take that that's tight bruh amazing damn and this is where it gets crazy picking up the guns like a video game I don't kill the doctors now jeez yeah well unfortunately on the hooker how did you get in here I said unhook her I won't let you take her well cover her arm fast you should have sat down I'm not gonna let you okay where's Marlene can't keep her safe forever no matter how hard you try no matter how many people you kill she's gonna grow up Joel and then you'll die she'll leave then what how long until she's torn apart by infected or murdered by Raiders she lives in a broken world that you could have saved maybe but it isn't for you to decide for you so what would she decide because they want to do what's right you know it it's not too late even now even after what you've done we can still find a way she don't deserve it though not like that that's messed up man her life is already ruined it's the controversy part shouldn't have to choose like they both were put in a position where they made an oath to take care of really just come together take it slow the drugs are still wearing off fireflies and then yeah we're running some tests on you and some others turns out there's a whole lot more like you people that are amazing he's lying dozens of them the doctors they couldn't make any of it work they've actually wow they've stopped looking for a cure Raiders attacked the hospital I barely got you out of there we'll find you some new ones on the way see people that hurt yes Marlene okay I'm taking this home she knows Joe Joe ain't no joke just come after her oh my gosh the war is coming the war is coming damn Joel ain't no joke man I had the right intentions he made a lot of bad choices along the way empty they coming dang that was tight though yeah he would just keep coming for her yep well she got us close enough we got to walk the rest of the way probably about a five hour hike and we can manage that remember yeah well Sarah and I used to hug like this all the time I wouldn't say it was her favorite thing she wasn't a fan of the mosquitoes and such she was a big climber or scampering that's probably the right word that girl she'd see a big rock and just she would have liked you not to say until you're the same definitely different kids hostile she was a lot more I want to say girly and I'm not saying that you're not girly I'm not no you're not so that she's taller she had a killer smile again not saying that you don't you know why I think she'd like you why because you're funny I think you would have made her laugh anyway I bet you would have liked her back yeah but I would have so it's too much to take in you know yeah it's alive there you go not much further now hey wait back in Kansas City you asked me about the first time I killed summer when I got bit in the mall I wasn't on my own my best friend was there and she got bit too if we didn't know what to do and she says you can just wait it out feel poetic and just lose our minds together and then she did and I had to her name was Riley she was the first to die and then it was Tess and then Sam that's not on you I know look sometimes things don't work out the way we hope you can feel like like you've come to an end and you don't know what to do next but if you just keep going you find something new to fight for or maybe that's not what you're wearing me swear to me that everything you said about the fireflies is true swear lying man okay [Applause] that was what I call nice that was dope oh man I want more around that was tight yeah short but sweet yep right to it damn man at uh the game finale yeah whoo a lot to take in man a lot of information right there um just knowing her and Marlene had been there since day one oh yeah the dynamic was for sure there that was her mother's friend yeah I assumed her best friend yeah damn for her to do what she did yeah they were close damn that uh that oath was was eating their alive inside she just because she felt like she failed multiple times what's crazy is they both took us just on different sides and different beliefs of of what was happening and it was Ellie that everybody truly believed in so they were really gonna wish their lives that's why they came to him to make the deal yeah you know so it all kind of transferred back to her you know what I mean you know it's it's sad that you know a character like Marlene like she had a lot to handle she helped raise this girl yeah and was a leader of fireflies you know who all had different jobs and different tasks they had their they had their skill sets and their beliefs too but we never truly this is a thing like with the game so we never truly got their perspective and that's interesting how they're doing it because it's easy to say that they're not good people but the people that were following are not necessarily good either you know I mean we just yeah everybody is like a doggy dog world and whatever you believe is right is right right and that's what's the most interesting because I'm wondering how they're gonna handle that moving forward because I'm assuming the way they did it they open-ended it so you know it's crazy because Marlene you know they had to get something out of her brain and it was like I feel like she didn't fight for that a different way right I honestly felt like she was just too excited for the idea of a cure and she was like listen this is it yeah and when she moved forward with it then she realized wait a minute wait a minute stop the presses yeah this is my best friend's daughter the little girl I told I promise I'll take care of her crazy maybe that's the dark scientist in me but maybe if she would you know how can I say it uh reproduce can have an offspring oh what if they would have had the genetics possible you know what I mean yeah not saying go through the same progress as that but find out the genetic code of house transferred to an offspring right you know I mean that might be to find a cure you know that's just me thinking outside the box but yeah I was sad man that was sad but informative like a mug it really makes me want a season two but I want to go I I still want to go before it was all of us you know what I mean okay before yeah I want to see the Marlene and Anne story I want to see Joel and his brother yeah you know what I'm saying I I yeah I want to see when uh Ellie and Riley met okay you know what I mean yeah and how they got so close that DLC was fun to play and like seeing that past origin story like you really got the breakdown of both and it was a kind of a separate like minigame almost and I like how they in the show they did a tribute today giving you a taste of what it was and haha she got experience to the infected and what it was like you know of her fighting clicker for the first time and things like that yeah that was cool so man seeing that play out it it hit me way more differently in the game though like it was crazy yeah this show definitely tasted like her early years and stuff this show has a lot of sentimental situations let's just I'm ready to get into a review bro all right really going to react I'm gonna review this thing man all right guys I said before we like to talk about the good we always talk about the bad and we going to give you guys a great like I said this is a lot to progress right now so I'm gonna do my best this is a good episode uh Ron let's talk about the good man let's let's live our Spirits what you got that's good about this show man I will say the last of us as far as the series opens the door for more Naughty Dog content to be adapted yeah because looking at how it's handled it loses his uh momentum gives us action gives us drama and gives a suspense and it breaks these characters down and uh for the most part it's a replica of the games with tweak scenes I I added in there which is cool yeah it's faithful for the most part it just takes some like some strong Liberties and moves things around here and there I feel like it is a recreation of the games for those that haven't even played it and it works because in a televised narrative it wouldn't be the same as an interactive narrative where you're playing so I like that it wasn't exactly the same but things were familiar and uh that's always a good thing because you can tell that the people behind the games were involved with this show and that's a good thing that's all you can ask for yeah well said man for me the good is really simple every episode hit now one episode was bad every every episode had a different emotion a different feel a different vibe to it which is very rare to catch on on some shows sometimes you get a lot of um flat situations where you're like oh it was okay whatever but every episode hit we were able to see transitional Joe and Ellie uh these characters grew more than I've seen characters grow in a movie a Trilogy you know I mean sometimes you see the movies the same character for nine movies yeah it's true Nine episodes we got a full detailed origin on these characters and I'm afraid moving forward in season two this one the Waterworks come out they built Joel and Ellie up so well you know um the dialogue this is Emmy winning I I I would be crushed if I if next year comes around and this show is not nominated for best best show best actor best actress fingers crossed uh and it's not even about the winning it's about the acknowledgment of getting uh nominated there you go um and that'll be a big milestone for gamers and moviegoers because you have this show that's based off a video game literally yeah he ain't lying I will say uh they're acting across the board the cast was uh really powerful bringing in the two OG's from the video game uh Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson was a very uh exciting thing to see man I'm glad that they were in there and shifted them around and had them play other characters from the game which is really cool um the additional Supporting Cast members were great too and then the main leads uh Billy Ramsey Pedro Pascal Gabriel Luna Tommy all phenomenal uh casting was really spot on two it's it's crazy how they were able to kind of replicate that when it came down to culture personality and looks when it came to costume wardrobe like when somebody popped up you you kind of knew who they were you know Gamers uh of course and things like that and it was cool in like for those that were newcomers to it they were there for the actors and the performances that they were bringing it so it was still a winning effect and then uh just from the scenery to the shots and the way they were like Linger on Cliffhangers uh it really gives you a third person live action experience like it was just a lot of that you feel a lot of the energy of the game in the show even when something was different you knew something was going to happen like the subtlety and stuff yeah the directing multiple directors this season but they all hit and it's like they all are on the same page and that's very rare to see in TV shows because you always got somebody I want to do it my way you know I mean but I feel like they all respected each other's craft and in everyone's Direction moving forward with his story um the script was phenomenal the dialogue very driving um and and just just thinking about it the Water Works like you know this episode held back a little bit because I'm like I don't I'm emotionally torn right now because number one the show ends today and then I won't be able to come back next week which is emotional care because I'm used to coming every week now to watch this show and then you knowing this world we live in every anybody can go Anytime Anyplace so you're worried about that and then you hear the word on the street you know about season well game two about Joel so then you're worried like are they going to do it this season or is it you know what I mean and how's it going to play out and you know and it's just it's just I love that about this show this show gave me a ride oh yeah man um I will also say uh Neil druckman being involved was really great too didn't know that he was like capable of writing television too but it's awesome like he was there for the both games and then uh he had a the other guy or the developer anchoring him Craig Madison who's really cool coming off another HBO hit Chernobyl yeah yeah it's another great show so those two was a great pairing Duo if they are going to move forward I hope they do come back for a second season because what's really exciting about it even though I am skeptical is that I know there's going to be some differences but for the most part if you were to do that you would have to make some drastic changes you definitely would have to do that and uh they did it here in this first season too so I'm very interested in and curious as to how they're going to approach that though but uh for season one man Bravo uh we've opened the door for more IPS to be adapted televised in that way not just movies you know I mean so unless it's up to anything and that's what's great other networks can see this and go hey you know it can work you know what I'm saying so that's that's a big positive you know um I'm not gonna spend too much dwelling on the good but I I totally agree what you're saying man and I like the fact that they from from the knowledge of what you guys have told me the viewers you and and friends outside of um this YouTube thing um they kept it as true as it's possibly gonna be for this the video game and I thought that was really cool and and gives me hope but I also feel like I think they set it up because some people say like oh they changed this around change around but it seems like the more I'm hearing everyone talk about it the closer they get to the the season finale so much that has been changed it would look like it's going to go in a different direction yeah and I think that's really cool because it's keeping the audience on their toes man it's not giving all it's giving audience what they want but also not giving the audience what they I guess you say they giving the audience what they want at the same time you're allowing the story to grow on a different route yeah and I think that's really cool but that's all I got man you got any more good let's get on the back ding ding ding put your gloves up put your dukes up Ronnie what you got this bad man about this show stuff he wanted to get more POV on the fireflies you built them up I like they keep them mysterious to to a degree you know granted the the games and stuff it'd been nice to get more of their POV and stuff kind of like jump back and forth exactly yeah like like the stories yeah cause we follow you know the anti-hairs like I said before you know nobody's necessarily good or bad it's just like beliefs and morale you know and that's kind of lost in the wind too but it would have been dope to get a POV on a flyer flies text like kind of that No Country for Old Men but yeah back and forth you know the cat Mouse yeah yeah that hunt you know what I'm saying like you you spoke on like kind of what you wanted to see if they were to go back in time yeah get that get that shot show why they're doing what they're doing so we're not like so much hateful to them like but at least understand yeah that kind of thing no I get I dig it yeah um a bad is very hard for this show because the show hits in every element every episode was great every episode Special every episode meant something every episode made you want to learn more just like you said yeah um it's it's it's really not bad for me personally I I don't have a bad um you can have dislikes of episodes or things that happen but I really don't have a bad only thing I have is things they can do it to improve you know I mean there's no bad for me man like honestly this is rare to find a show but if the acting is good the the the the dialogue is great the camera shots are phenomenal man we talking about Emmy award-winning shots oh yeah like you know I mean it's it's just one of those type of rides man like you you rarely catch that in shows but I'm starting to learn lately we've been getting a lot in cinema and TV shows like they've been putting a lot of time in this stuff when you're not cluttering the idea with a bunch of heads that don't care about the product and you also care and you bring people that care about the product you get stuff like the last of us that's true um I I really don't have anything bad man okay I don't yeah that's kind of all I got man my bad was really honestly at nip it yeah yeah because I understand it's television it's it's going to be some tweaks here yeah it's like you can't but if I were to be like hey you know a little more Firefly scenes would have been cool but it is what it is you know I was uh I was talking to somebody and they were they were they were telling me it was like this show is lacking because there's not enough Clickers and I was like well Pete I mean you're traveling most of the time though you're traveling out of one location all the time but I looked at it differently I'm like well Pete maybe if they showed us in the beginning you'll see a lot of clickers okay yeah yeah but in time the human race is going to learn how to handle this situation and then you got weather conditions too weather conditions but in time the humans will start to learn how to change and and handle the situation in a manner as far as getting the hell out the way why would you sitting in location where there's a bunch of clickers right you wouldn't you you would move the clickers out kill what you can and and move them to another location where they're not influencing the youth and The Young and the up and coming that's true so that's why I I like the fact that the way this is directed there was no clickers like that because why would they it wouldn't because we were it's not like like that's that Walking Dead crap yeah like I hate that Walking Dead they've been out there in four years and the same zombie walking around with them Jordans like what are you doing bro like now you you would you would eliminate things and and minimize as much as you can so you guys can survive what's that saying adapt to your own environment exactly that's exactly what's happening here yeah they're adapting I think they did they're moving at the same time I think they did a real good job at it um but I will say this in nitpick Wise clickers are fun so throw a little bit more up uh mushrooms on the next season oh yeah you know I mean that that they're fun very well designed yeah the creature designs were wow ready get his uh show a great let's get it bro all right the last of us season one what you give it bro uh five stars out the gate man I really enjoyed what I got I was very surprising and uh it surprised me to show me some things uh they they took some both swings they added some new elements and I think it works for gamers and non-gamers man it's just good storytelling if you like a good monster show good suspense HBO is a cool Network this is a great place to put it and now it worked it worked five stars man I like that that's dope uh for me man this show hits every episode is great I recommend anybody watch it if you play the game or not I didn't I played a couple like a couple minutes of it but I never really got into the game but after watching this show I'm definitely wanting to play this game I gotta find it I don't know where's somewhere but I gotta find it it'll reveal itself yeah [Music] it gives you energy to watch from episode one to nine man you know some of the top episodes for me man just really just touched me in a different level man it's just emotionally there man the the building Frank you know I mean oh yeah and then uh uh what was the uh the little boy Henry and uh Henry Sam and Sam Bro like that and then Riley and then and uh Ellie Left Behind like you know I mean episodes like that and then you got man God damn so much greatness man five stars man for me five out of five this show hits man and I hope they do not lose that Rhythm fact but it is a HBO show so I expect the last season to be sauce but that's the thing HBO curse you know I mean you know boom right you know what I mean but all honesty staying positive this shows five out of five hands down dope love every bit of this episode of this season every episode hits I can't wait to watch it again in I'm gonna try to get more people into this because when second season come I would love to have more people to discuss about oh yeah about these episodes yeah definitely but guess what's not about us it's about y'all post your comments down below let us know what y'all thought about this episode and what do you guys think about the review as far as how what are you staying with this show I want to know what your grade is in the comment section down below uh if you're new to the channel go to press that subscribe button thumbs up this video don't forget to share Instagram Facebook Twitter also follow us on Instagram and Twitter I'm j3 we're on the show Ninja Assassin 100 000 subscribers guys coming
Channel: Jay-3 Entertainment
Views: 3,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jay3 Entertainment Reaction, jay3 entertainment The Last of Us Reaction, the last of us episode 9 reaction, the last of us hbo episode 9 reaction, the last of us reaction episode 9, the last of us reaction hbo, last of us episode 9 reaction, the last of us season 1 episode 9, last of us reaction, the last of us 1x9 reaction, the last of us hbo reaction episode 1, the last of us hbo season 1 episode 1 reaction, joel and ellie, the last of us ep 9, the last of us show
Id: _16WnWHHrd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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