THE LAST OF US Episode 8 REACTION!! 1x8 Spoiler Review | HBO TLOU | Ellie & David | Troy Baker

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hello there citizens of the reject Nation we  are going to watch The Last of Us episode 8   today I'm assuming the David chapter we are  here joined with Andrew Gordon Agor 7-11   how are you I'm good almost as good as your biceps  but yes I'm excited to see the David episode uh   because I thought he was one of the best written  characters in the game so I'm looking forward to   seeing what we're gonna get that's great my biceps  let's talk about that you know why they look good   today because of this shirt  this is a real rejects exclusive Last of Us   inspired shirt and don't worry if you haven't  played the game there is not a single part of   the game where Joel and Ellie are doing the Shawn  of the Dead ending guys with that in mind go ahead   and leave a like that would mean a lot wouldn't  Andrew I think they should also subscribe and   click that notification Bell get notified when  our reaction for the finales Rob is that right   Andrew I think you should also by the way full  interaction watch alongs where you sync it with   your own copy available for super sexy rejects  over our patreon page we cover stuff exclusively   over there reaction highlights and watch  alongs included Andrew shut up let's get to it revelation 21. sure and I heard a great voice  out of Heaven saying behold   and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes wipe her tears away do you remember what Jesus killed the clickers  and God will wipe away all   tears from their eyes do you know what that means he's so creepy his Cadence does sound a lot like  the original voice actor Noah North yeah the   ground is too cold to dig we'll bury your father  in the spring bless you we'll get through this   oh we're gonna get to know his people they're  human too they're not just horrible individuals   humanizing everyone even Josiah and Martin  think they spotted some deer the other night it was dark see what you want to see sometimes James yeah it's Joe I sensed out in there like Thomas  I still believe it's been uh the last six   months have been hard here is Joe voice peeking  through now go get our guns we're going hunting he said making part of David's team  that's interesting he's thirsty why this does feel biblical oh yeah look at her eye on the gun gotta get some   food it's cool seeing the  precursor yeah I like this oh no bow narrow stop comparing it to the  game I'm sorry I didn't mean to compare it wow I love that they shot this on location yes I'm gonna miss the show all right oh that is freezing sounds like a clicker but  I would assume it's a deer which you'll touch you that deer is an [ __ ] oh the blood trail yeah what do you think I don't see anybody you think we can  just take it don't drop your rifles turn and face me slow any sudden moves I put  one right between your eyes you know for Buddy   boys I won't say it twice please just 10 seconds  we're not asking for charity we we can trade you   for some of the deer we have  what do you need we have medicine like for infections not not for a bite  follow us I'm not following you anywhere   where buddy boy can go get it right between my eyes bring back two bottles and  a syringe it's not code James do as I said wink you look badass a while before James gets  back I have some oil and matches in my package   take shelter him with us starting this off with leaning in on him  being a pastor makes this a very different   kind of dynamic the Optics around it just  yeah they hit you differently they did hint   at it in the game but yes I agree you know you  really shouldn't be out here all on your own   from where I'm sitting you shouldn't be at  her on your own for what it's worth there's   room for you in our group if you want any  inviting me to your hunger Club thanks I'm a decent man trying to take care of the  people who rely on me they chose to follow you weird cult thing good question I am a  preacher what the whole world ended and   you still believe that [ __ ] I actually  started believing after the world ended kids about your age so he went from teacher  to preacher because what it [ __ ] rhymes well I found God after the apocalypse  which is either the best time or the   worst time to find him hard to say yeah and  as we wanted we picked up new people along   the way until we ended up here we look  at you right now sooner or later luck no such thing as luck no I I believe  everything happens for a reason   sure we didn't expect this winner to be so cruel  game's been hard to find so I sent four of our   people to a nearby Town ah they're skipping it  only three of them came back and the one that   didn't was a father he had a daughter just  like you and her dad was taken from her ice   he was murdered by this crazy man that  crazy man was traveling with a little girl everything happens for a  reason James lower the gun man did you bring the  medicine yeah throw it to her David it's Joel why are you telling  to back away and protect you I'm so sad they skipped it don't compare  right now you'll have to adjust Andrew Joe where the [ __ ] do I put this Gamble oh so sweet yeah that's what I'm thinking too huh what is it do they not know whether I don't know seems  like they keep it hidden from the people oh they just brought the deer in big one oh did you tell them yes we found a girl  who was with the man who took Alec from us Rises I'll lead a group out to pick up her Trail  interesting we'll bring that man to Justice   you kill him you should kill both of them this  is really interesting yeah yeah wow I got so many   thoughts about this because that's definitely  setting up quite something that I can't spoil ah dude the truth is Hannah you will always have a father who will show him respect when he's speaking here creep yeah thank you I know this is Icky oh this is disturbing itself are they eating hat I think so  yeah that's despicably gross I really like the Sinister additions though not   gonna lie it's awesome and they are  springboarding a lot of thoughts callus do you have a weapon Ally can we bring that girl  back with us she's just another mouth to feed   leave her out here she'll die yeah maybe that's  God's will oh no he's not a Believer smack him question me that's a gunshot there are men coming  okay I'm gonna leave them away from you   but if anybody makes it down here she can kill  them you got it this is dead do not fall asleep oh Alice oh nice shot done oh callous I got her die do it oh no I want Justice for Alec two  of you with me the rest of   you stay here go door to door you  so hungry for vengeance deliver it what a creep yeah it's good though got a  great actor for this role yeah it's great come on Joel John Wicked their asses yeah this guy got lucky on the first try oh we  don't know how many houses he visited before nicely done look up in the eyes watch his soul leave oh damn he died or not really  devilish way yeah painful too this sounds creepy the sound  design in this episode is splendid point to this map one line from this scene I want just one and  I think you know what it is why am I in a cage   because I'm afraid of you you're a dangerous  person you've certainly proven that   I can see how much you care about him but even  so you better face reality you gotta face reality   dick that part of your life it's ending and what  I'm offering you is a beginning but if you can't   find a way to trust me then yes you are alone  it's not a great start to the trust building guys need manscape products foreign Silver Lake it's a resort a resort I'm so happy they're doing this they're in the  point to where we are and where your Resort is   yes it better be the exact same  to spot your buddy points too I've never been so happy to see such a messed up  scene go ask him he'll tell you I'm not lying yeah I ain't telling you [ __ ] okay I believe him  yes oh yes so happy so happy very well delivered oh Rosie gross gross gross for what it's  worth this is just dear meat I swear I'd rather not well yes we all are that's sort of the point  yeah Fair it was a last resort you think it   doesn't shame me that would be my first Resort let  them starve these people who put their lives in   my hands I don't think your friend would either  didn't he take another man's life to save yours around for the context David and you  know what I see when I look at you I've always had a violent heart   I struggled with it for a long time then the  world ended and I was shown the truth my God cordyceps huh it's fruitful it multiplies feeds   and protects its children it secures  its future with violence if it must yes he loves I'm a Shepherd surrounded  by sheep and all I want is an equal I can tell the others to stop looking  for him they'll spare him really   just let him go yeah they follow me and they  would follow us Lord knows I could use the help we grow spread out and we do whatever we needed  for our people imagine the life we could build let's see when I go tell the others now   Ellie what tell them that Ellie is a little girl  who broke her [ __ ] yes that's all I wanted Bella Ramsay you are awesome she better get  a nomination I swear to God the real God   not this false god David really the  cordyceps God damn look at this man oh foreign look at it dude this episode has a great  grip on build what did you say no she would have turned by now  this isn't real pretty [ __ ] ah Troy Baker oh poor Troy [ __ ] Troy Baker man oh I know which part we're at oh boy part always freaked me out oh yeah damnation belly Ellie Ellie that he's so creepy no one  infected fights this hard to stay alive   that's a Philippians quote no one likes being  humiliated Ellie you don't know how good I am you see I changed my mind  decided you do need a father oh crazy shot oh I thought you already knew the  fighting is a part I like the most oh   don't be afraid there's no fear in love oh God ah okay okay okay baby girl ah we that is paced so well though radio so listen we're gonna have to do this review  a little different we decided very early on that   um we're gonna need a spoiler section all  right we just we just need one because   there's especially some implementation they had  in this episode and I'm like I just I have to   talk so we're gonna not go into spoilers  right now uh but we'll just stick to here   however there's going to be some stuff that  talks about the future specifically regarding   uh the second game that I think is would be  good to touch on but um I I thought this was   an excellent episode I really did I thought  it was excellent you know it like there are   I don't want to spend too much time backtracking  to some other episodes this did that thing go   where yeah they did cut out some stuff that would  have been cool to bring to the big screen but they   also added in a lot of things and expanded upon  that I thought made it for taking this section   of the game that is very they obviously they have  to condense it down but it didn't feel rushed to   me or like a short film version I thought it was a  perfectly packaged you know uh piece that they had   to do in order to tell this chapter which I think  is really integral to the development of Ellie uh   especially because of just the the depth she has  to ultimately go to in order to survive you know   like you she's a Survivor like anyone else but  this is the first time where you see her unleash   unleash a violent side of herself that you never  get to see prior you know like you get the sense   that maybe she ended up killing Riley after Riley  turned you know um in this show she hasn't killed   any humans yet right am I right about that uh she  I think she shot a few people but like actually   hand-to-hand combat I believe this is her first  one yeah this is because this is like brutal I   should kill two people in this episode you know  she shot a few people yeah yeah and you watch   like sort of this this morphing process and  also would Joel having a rescue her like this   is a real pivotal turning point for both of these  characters and you can just sort of see it in the   emotions and I thought they did an excellent job  on bringing that to life uh I I thought it was   like yeah David's great and all uh well I do want  to talk more about him I was really impressed with   the way this episode was paced because it was  it starts off with like really deliberate and   the pace just kept ramping up and kept going and  going and going and then the way they handled   especially the reveal of David like what I  thought was cool about because if you guys   haven't played the game when they introduce him  they introduce him when Ellie's about to grab   the deer that's the first introduction and it's  immediately kind of I don't know about this guy   you know but then some stuff happens in the game  that they do not have here that makes you go oh   maybe he's actually an all right guy and then  you find out no he's not he's an all right guy   so I thought they had the a neat effect here  where when they introduce him you're like oh   he's a he's a caretaker he loves his people he's  there's something warm about him he's a family man   so when she when they meet Ellie you're like  no no no this is one of the good guys you   know of course I've played the game but but  in the context here I imagine if I had him   play the game but yes no he's one of the good  guys he's one of the all right guys come on and then he's they slowly start to peel the  back yeah like oh never mind oh never mind oh   wow really never mind this this guy snapped in the  apocalypse there you know uh and I thought they   did a really excellent job where a lot of the tone  was driven by the drive to save Ali the drive to   protect Joel and of course the um the end like I  don't even call it transformation more of the the   unveiling of David I thought it was instrumented  like very very well so yeah but Andrew you didn't   get your scene that you wanted I'm sorry oh yeah  yeah well we'll talk about that in a sec I did   think again as you just mentioned this episode was  extremely well paced minus the scene I didn't want   um bastards Andrew yeah but again you know what  even though I was definitely I was disappointed   by that there have been others I mean you made a  great point that the stuff that they did include   did make up for it although I really still wear it  like the reason I think that scene is so pivotal   important at least for me yes I get it in the game  it was an action sequence so you're in control   so it's like important but I also feel it's just  so important because it shows that Ellie is just   obviously yes I get to we get to see Ellie you  know later on in this episode where she survives   on her own and she does take care of David of  course I mean we get that in the game as well but   just seeing her fend off for herself on her own  when you know a bunch of infected are coming after   like seeing that side of belly it's just it's I  don't know it just for me it was it was just such   an important and integral part of the game and  for Ellie's character just fleshing her out more   and I was a little bit sad not to see it I  I get why they didn't put it in although I   again I I wish like even five minute sequence of  of that action sequence would have made me even   happy but again you can't get everything but you  know the thing that this show has not just this   episode but this whole show Even though there  have been action sequences that to my sadness   have not been included the characters have been  absolutely I mean we talked about this before off   camera the character the characters have just been  nailed perfectly for the most part just across the   board absolutely now then if I had to choose one  thing I have the action sequences on my video game   whenever I want so I know I can always go to that  would it be cool to see visually of course I do I   wish they were here absolutely but if you if I had  to pick what you were gonna nail on an on-screen   adaptation I I would choose the characters because  I do have that action sequence and I can play it   at home so I'm glad that they are nailing the  character-wise maybe hey maybe season two we   will get some more action sequences that we didn't  get here you never know but again I I it did make   me feel a little better when you mentioned  yeah that's true we did get some inclusions   that we didn't get in the game that make up for  not getting that action sequence and there were   some stuff that they had in there like the Ellie  you know tell them that Ellie's a little girl that   broke your finger like I'm so glad they they kept  that in there and I loved uh belly's delivery in   that moment it was and it nailed the the tone of  what Ashley Johnson was going to we got Troy Baker   of course I really like that actor a lot that  they got for David I really feel like he just   nailed the mannerisms and the tone and that that  slimy yet he feels almost like a good guy telling   to the reveal kind of happens with of David that  Nolan North really encompassed in the video game   just really solid job by that I realized Nolan  North played him yeah it was never I didn't   realize that it was known North so uh yeah yeah  no so I thought that actor really nailed it again   and very very well paced episode some really cool  action sequences that we did get that carried on   from the game um overall yeah really good episode  I love the locations I love that they actually   went on you know location to film in some of  these people in in Colorado or where did they   film in Vancouver I believe it looks like all  right it does look like Colorado I think it was   Vancouver wherever it was I'm glad they got to go  in the cinematography on the show is so top-notch   um I think my my two favorite moments of this  episode were when Ellie was kind of like you   know holding Joel in the bed like just saying with  him like just like it was such a yeah tender and   such a bonding moment just I don't maybe that  happened in the game I I'd have to reply yeah   yeah either way I love that and then one of my  favorite moments in the game that Pedro Pasco just   absolutely nailed the line where he calls her baby  girl like that's really yeah we've had moments   of building and fleshing out of like yes I'm  accepting this this girl as my surrogate daughter   from just the scenes where he's been so protective  of her but actually hearing him call her baby   girl like that it just it's such a such a deep and  amazing like moment the delivery by Pedro Pascal I   just it's one of my favorite moments in the game  when Joel is so accepting yet yes I can do the   protective stuff but actually calling her and like  being accepting that this is my daughter now like   I'm ready to to face that that fact like I just  loved and again Pedro Pascal I just loved it and   of course the interrogation scene like absolutely  Perfection with that scene like that was so   freaking perfect I mean Pedro Pascal like you talk  about belly getting nominated which I agree she   just she absolutely deserves it he better get  freaking nominated for for this show like his   performance I think he's secured it yeah I think  he has he's so good I I feel like Pedro Pascal is   gonna this might sound weird I don't ever put  out a prediction like this I think he's gonna   win sexiest man alive in 2023. he has to right  it's just like I mean there's like a Renaissance yeah he's he's awesome yeah and then also too  in regards to Ellie like seeing what happens   to her character seeing the transformation  she's like she basically you know when David   violates her like that and she she really to  me she loses a piece of her soul and a piece   of her innocence and it's just interesting seeing  that transformation how we see it in the game and   how you know Bella Ramsay was able to really show  that the the facial expressions and like I could   really feel like that like watching her on screen  like just where you feel a piece of her soul is   gone like that innocence is gone and you see that  Rage carryover which we're going to talk about a   little when we get to the spoiler section how that  rage carries on over and so it's just yeah no it's   a it's a really tender and crazy moment for the  character that she has to go through I mean yeah   David is a I just think David is in the game and  especially here too it's just such a well-written   villain yeah he is I think Ellie in that scene is  like reborn in fire you know yeah and they they   do an excellent job which demonstrate like the  this chapter is so important because this is this   is when you see Joel really sick like get ugly he  gets ugly and ruthless yeah and then you see Ellie   having to do that as well in order to survive  you know they there there comes an understanding   between the two of them and I think when you talk  about action scenes not being included the element   that I think would help would have helped Aid this  is the the part is like I don't it's not just that   I want more gameplay sequences included because  I'm I really don't ever think about that too much   like I was I was okay with missing it however it  the one part of this world that I think could use   a like going into season two that could help aid  it is you know when you're in the game when you're   walking around it's always scary because you just  never go like what the hell there's some something   might be at any corner like you just never know  and here I never really get the sense that we're   ever in danger of infected being around it's like  you you kind of always know you're kind of always   when in fact they're going to show up you're aware  like okay this is an infected scene that's about   to happen as opposed to feeling like a constant  looming threat in any direction you know and   that that was the sequence that they that they X  out of this this episode so I do I do think that   that is an element to the world of The Last of Us  that ought to be so it's not really so much about   I want action scenes or anything it's really I  want that threat feeling I want that threat kind   of permeating throughout uh the experience yeah  you know also the fact to yes we know David is a   pedophile and you know like he wants he wants  Ellie around to be like his pet and we we get   that and I understand but I just felt like two  in the game in that action sequence like that   that whole action sequence just did a good job  of building like why David wants her around like   after seeing what she can do exactly I get what  you're getting because I did have that thought   um where like the part where I would agree with  having that action scene is because when David's   like I see this in you I'm like you guys like  you just passed a conversation yeah yeah and   yes like while while there is you know a much  more disgusting uh quality to David uh a much   more deviant side to David you you do get why  he would think that that others you get why he   would also buy into the other stuff is that just  saying it to take advantage of her yeah there's   also this side where he he can't see it because  he saw the kind of War but then again like with   with the game the sequence of events plays out  a little different because like they do the   three-month time like Joel's is it three months  like Joel's been like it was fall to winter so   Joel's been healing for a long time yes right um  and we did the winter no no we we started winter   a little bit earlier on the show whereas in  winter like it literally starts right where   the rabbit is in the bone arrow that's really  where it starts we got our winter jump after   Henry and Sam correct so a little bit earlier  on the show and we get but in the game you get   the winter jump uh after Joel and leave Tommy and  I'll end the and Jackson after they leave there he's been in the game he's been healing yes  up for a few months yeah and that's how I was   able whereas here it's like I don't know this  just all occurred within a few days right and   like that that's So within that you get Ellie  who's been hunting and providing for them so   she's developed skills and whatnot to to be  able to survive on her own and hunt down prey   so like that quality to building her up  I think I think when it comes to season   two we're gonna just do a big time jump  again like following the the second game   um of how things progress but anyway yeah yeah  I'm trying to watch my words yeah but also too   if you if you notice like right when the episodes  started and we hadn't even seen David I said is he   a pasture or like I was thinking the reason  I said that is because I'm sure many of you   noticed in the video game I'm not sure if you  did this that action sequence that I was really   sad and that we didn't get to see when they're  warding off all the clickers and the infected   and of course the bloater David does say like he  makes like a kind of a prayer did you ever did   you ever notice that or hear that or no because  I I'd always know yeah like off to the side it's   not like a very focal point but off to the side  he kind of makes like a prayer and I was always   I always think in my head whenever I'd see him do  that because I'd always noticed I'm like yeah was   he a priest was he a pastor like he's very like  I feel like there's something religious here so   that's why in the beginning I was like I wonder if  they're gonna go that route and then when I heard   that I was like oh that's why I was thinking that  so I was glad that they did expand upon that from   the game I had a feeling we were possibly going  to go there um but also too I remember that line   in the game where he said oh we're all starving  women children I always thought that was kind   of a lying line that he was just trying to get  Ellie's trust so actually seeing it here like I   mean yeah he was trying to get her trust but it's  like no he act actually we're women and children   who were starving so it was like there was I  mean kind of humanizes and I know we were kind   of making a joke we're humanizing the cannibals  now too like we gotta humanize everyone well they   do specify that not everyone here is aware of  what they're consuming I think I think you know   Troy Baker brought a lot to this role yeah he was  great as James I I thought he brought so you could   feel like the history in his eyes and these little  exchanges of being like yeah David's my leader but   there's so much parts in the exchanges like they  have that thing where he calls him out for being   doubtful yeah and you could see that he he doubts  the way the leadership has progressed in the path   they've had to go down he's even like there's  even this this hardened part of himself when it   comes to his time to eat the food oh yeah another  body language yeah for sure where he doesn't want   to do it but he's like this is my life now you  know and I I there is uh there's um there is a   level of there's a big level of Gravitas to what  he bring the pathos is more of the word I would   say for what Troy Baker brought to this specific  portrayal like I'm like damn there's a he really   yeah really bright he's not just here for like a  cami like this is a real role like he's a body no   he's great I mean yeah yeah he said that there was  that one line or so where it kind of sounded like   the Joel voices coming out a little bit but no I  agree with you and if I didn't know what was going   to happen because I remember what happened to his  character James in the video game which I knew was   gonna happen here uh with Ellie taking the butcher  knife to his neck after tricking them that she's   been infected I really thought too they did a good  job of setting up the audience who had not played   the game of kind of like yeah he's losing faith  in David like there's a good chance David might   execute him at some point too like they were  really doing a good job of like setting that   up for the audience who has not played the video  games because I mean even though I knew that was   kind of I was like I almost feel like they might  stray away from the game and go that route just   because of how much like he's calling him kind  of calling him out and just lost faith in him   and like David can't show weakness in leadership  so I just I thought that was interesting that they   were doing that so I really think they did a great  job on slowly pulling back the layers of David yes   I thought that was like that the actor too was  perfectly sync with right with the script yeah   and the direction of knowing of how much more of  his evil has to be unveiled per scene I can see   the complaints now though about him right now on  the internet if there are any he doesn't look like   David from the video game I don't know I don't I'm  still a white guy and I still got a white guy yeah   exactly no I mean I personally like I said he  nailed the mannerisms of no and and he sounded   very similar to Nolan North uh and again I just  love how they peeled black and flush the character   out even more expanded upon the character is the  word and I love how they again expanded upon just   the whole town as a whole and just showed David  as a leader I just thought all that stuff was   really it was very meticulous and very interesting  well the the way they also unveil the way he deals   with his own faith of its manipulation tactic  and he's really succumbed to the worship of the   cordyceps yes as that is his new deity I thought  that was a really fascinating layer that was   um this apocalyptic worship you know it was those  are crazy inclusion and like I I I'm surprised we   don't have anything like that in the game like  there's not of both games there's nothing about   that in the in either of the game well I mean Neil  druckman has always said if we can improve upon   anything from the game I mean if we're gonna if we  stay faithful again we're going to stay faithful   the game but there's something we can improve upon  we're gonna do it whether it's faithful or not so   now I definitely I I'm glad they've adopted  adapted to that method like the cordyceps are   our new Lords you know that's interesting yeah  yeah it's it's a fascinating version of being   an apostle in this situation yeah oh yeah yeah  yeah oh yeah exactly yeah obviously no no one who   hasn't played uh yes will understand that but  yes I agree with you I but guys um yeah we're   going to talk about some spoilery stuff right now  so if you haven't played thank you for being here   bye shirt uh if if you if you don't want to hear  anything about what more than likely will come up   uh then because I I think when playing this game  before I go to spoilers but I think when playing   this section when I when I there's choices in the  second game that very much upset the audience yeah   I wonder what you're talking about and when I  played the second game for the first time when   those choices first presented themselves like I  love the second game I preferred over the first   um but when those choices first presented  themselves I I remember being upset however when I   replayed both the first game and the second game  like pretty much right away it was this chapter   that made me go oh no wait this flows really well  now into the second game like I'm not upset at all   by the choice because this chapter really sets  that up and then this episode made it even more   of a setup that I went oh what an interesting way  to condense it down instead of a bunch of hunters   he kills to just one guy so that's what I'm gonna  talk about here so I would click off right now uh   if you made it this far but yeah um for those who  played the second game or at least are aware of   what happens in it is that Joel is killed by Abby  and why is because without going into every single   detail Abby's father was murdered by Joel Dr Jerry  Anderson and now here there bringing that over   here in a way that is like a setup yeah for what  is to come because when I played the game when you   get to this section and you get all these people  who are hunting down Joel they want Joel's head   it was already to me telegraphing that oh people  are coming for Joel and Joel's going to die like   the first game was already saying that to us and  then you get to the second game you're like well   there it is people came for Joel and then they  made it even more more on the nose here by going   this girl's dad was killed by Joel We gotta find  this guy and kill him it is massive foreshadowing   oh for uh what I was thinking for for the second  game that I think because it's going to be hard   for people to swallow that who are not familiar  with the game it's going to be really hot like   people who are familiar game can already have it  there's already enough people have a hard time   with it you know I've also been reading so many  comments too that's saying they better change   up what they did in the second game like they're  not look how faithful this season has been like   dude you're not yeah you're not getting what you  want sorry I know Joel's dying yeah a thousand   percentage Yeah I mean Abby's going to get a  Joel in one we already know that so I mean you   know uh no I agree with you they clearly really  foreshadowed that here I mean I was thinking   that right when we mentioned that it was her dad  was in my head I was just going at this is total   Abby foreshadowing so I mean yeah it does show  that I mean if you remember to to that game for   anyone who played or watched the gameplay of what  happens you know Joel says to her likes why don't   you save whatever speech you got or whatever  he says like he knows there are consequences   to what he's done like he knows his life is  over in the Moment Like and Joel's accepting   of that he obviously he doesn't want him to die  but he's accepting like hey I know I've hurt a   lot of people in the past obviously it's you know  he's defending himself or surviving or whatever   the case may be but he knows he has killed a lot  of people and those people have families so again   he's very accepting of the fact that hey uh this  is clearly someone I've hurt in the past someone   is related to someone I don't know exactly who  but my life is over it is what it is it sucks but   it is what it is yeah I know but I I mean again  they did a good job of foreshadowing that here   so that even the people who are not going to be  happy with that can understand like hey it sucks   what's gonna happen but you understand like even  though it was clearly obviously self-defense and   what happens here what happens in the game again  people who are here you're already you already   know what happened it wasn't self-defense in  regard to when he kills Dr Jerry Anderson that   particular case was not self-defense whether  Abby was prone to know if that was self-defense   I mean it's really it doesn't matter at that  point or all she knows is her dad's dead and   she just wants the guy who killed her she's bent  on Revenge so I mean we go from that stage but   um in regards to this one again whether it's  self-defense or not it doesn't matter these you   know you are affecting other people's lives when  you kill someone and they've got a family member   and so again they did it like you said they  did a great job of foreshadowing that setting   that up whether people are going to like that  or not it it you know it's I I don't think it   matters uh what just matters is that it's executed  properly and you know I think we're all going to   be heartbroken and sad when that when that comes  I'm I am curious though obviously we know it's   going to happen in season two how early are you  gonna do that in season two like I hope it's the   opening scene first scene the first scene no no  but it's cut to Joel's head I mean because a lot   of these I mean the first couple episodes of this  season were really freaking long which I loved   um so I'm wondering like maybe episode three maybe  episode I don't know what I mean I'm very curious   to see how they're going to do that because again  like we've talked about Last of Us Part Two is   like five times longer than the first game so you  were able to do the first game in Nine episodes   I don't know if they're gonna have to split it up  in a couple of Seasons when we get to season two   or you're gonna have to do 18. I'm very curious  how they're gonna do all that because you are not   doing season two in Nine episodes like that's just  in my opinion that's just not happening not it not   at the length of episodes that we're getting here  in my opinion I mean what are your thoughts do   you think they're they're able to be able to do  season two in Nine episodes I think they can do   it in five I think all you got when I said that I  knew who's coming with it all you got to do is uh   focus on Abby I don't care to see healthy stories  just take it all from Abby's perspective but again   like I was talking about too like seeing the loss  of of Ellie's innocence and her soul basically I   mean you said being reborn in Fire and all  that which I agree with a lot of that rage   carries over into the second game so again you  talk about the foreshadowing what happened with   yeah you know the it's a very important chapter  yeah no I mean like but that's the thing like   when I just went straight into the second game  like where's all this pent-up energy coming from   with Ellie and then when I replayed both the  first and the second game back to back I'm like   ah okay this chapter is just so integral and  like where that violence and that rage just comes   around it's freaking David like got it out of her  so yeah no I I think part two is just I mean it's   a great game on its own but it just goes so much  better when you play it immediately after the   first game it does that's how I'd recommend for  people to play it like skip the first game just   go right you most people waited years and then  they played it you know exactly which yeah don't   affect the experience yeah all right guys well  that's it for today's episode uh what'd you think   about it did you like it did you love it leave  your thoughts down below subscribe follow Andrew   don't forget to buy a shirt don't forget to buy  don't forget to mention how cringe-worthy I was Andrew pick any name watch it watch anything with  Gabriel and Dave's has ever been shouted out uh   Petty name any name I'll make it work let's  go with come on buddy go with Lance Lance door   Lance is uh like if there's some common facts we  know about Lance all right Canadian fella ah I'm   half Canadian did you know that are you I'm  half Canadian my father wow that's awesome no   um he's also a fi a firefighter and he's  got like a hot wife and a really cool kid   so what a lot of people don't know about  Lance though is that actually and I gotta   be very careful of my words here  he's not a very interesting man   he's actually quite dull the reason  why his woman loves him so much let's just say he's got a really  big fire hose you know what I mean   I understood that reference and  uh he sent me photos now normally   I tell followers maybe you shouldn't be sending me  photos of those things because it's inappropriate   but boy did I keep asking for more from  Lance and he kept delivering the goods   sometimes in a actual fire situation they  don't even use what's on the fire truck   when they're not able to access a fire hydrant  they call upon Lance and he just unzips   and does his thing he has saved many lives  with with that fire hose of his so he sent   you the fire hose how about the ax his  helmet any any pictures of those as well   are we talking about the same thing are you  talking about it actual ax at a helmet or do   you mean a photo of his big ax whichever one you  want to use your imagination for yeah he sent me   a photo of an actual ax it was really cool it was  really sharp and made of uh it was red full of and   super sharp and uh the helmet as well he sent  me a physical one but the fire hose I'm talking   about is Ah that's what I thought no Lance is a  great guy there's more to him than his fire hose   I just want to know if the line from Batman  Forever was true when he said to Dr Chase   Meridian try firemen less to take off I just want  to know if that line is true Lance let us know   I think we both need some sleep
Channel: Reel Rejects
Views: 190,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, the last of us episode 8, the last of us left behind, the last of us david, the last of us 8, the last of us reaction, last of us, tlou, the last of us part 2, the last of us part II, pedo pascal, TLOU, the last of us left behind gameplay, the last of us left behind walkthrough, the last of us season 2, the last of us 2023, joel, ellie, reel rejects, riley, the last of us episode 8 breakdown, the last of us 1x8 reaction, the last of us episode 9 trailer
Id: GO2BdZvcufs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 19sec (3319 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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