The Last of Us | Episode 3 Review (SPOILERS)

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foreign [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of nerd soup I am Bo Oliver joined here today with Aaron the nerd 2 monkey and we are back to talk about The Last of Us episode three excited to have you back Aaron even though you did assault me and Teddy on the last video you were on but looks like you got hit with a little bit of karma because you came down with the flu luckily we're taking the necessary precautions because I am a hypochondriac but Aaron how you doing excited for today's episode yeah good to be back excited to talk about the episode and uh I guess sorry about your faces that was a little bit wild of me my bad [Music] oh please [Music] alright so episode three long long time written by Craig Mason directed by Peter [ __ ] and I think on both fronts they did a really good job especially the writing in this episode it's the biggest departure from the games coming into the episode hearing critics reaction saying that most of it didn't appear in the games and they were right so we get this insight into Bill and Frank two characters that are one is in the game and both are mentioned and I think Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett not only did they steal the episode with their love story chronicled over the span of 17 years but they were perfect casting I think Offerman watching him set up his preparations for the apocalypse was like watching Ron Swanson so that was great and Murray Bartlett was just super charismatic I know he's been in shows like White Lotus and he won an Emmy for his role in that but super charismatic very tender very sweet and it was just a very moving story that I didn't know I needed until I saw it so I did really enjoy the departure from the games because this is is what you could do with an adaptation you see the groundwork the blueprints and you figure out ways to make it better you're rebuilding this story so maybe you add an extra room or an extra window like the way I tied that in to the last shot but I thought it was really good Aaron what did you think about this episode I had to get the helmet off I can't talk in there gonna breathe just keep your distance oh man and I think it's pronounced Hua not [ __ ] yeah okay right that is true how's that hold it into that one until I got this helmet off now yeah but I totally agree that was uh I wasn't really knowing what to expect out of this episode going in especially from the little bit of a departure from the game but yeah it turned into like this short film that was just beautiful and sad to watch I mean getting into more of their relationship and how it all started especially in this type of world like obviously we they're in the game get enough of Joel and Ellie's relationship but any and you do get some other relationships and kind of ideas of what happened but not quite that insight into other people's times during the infancy of this that pandemic until up until now and yeah it was especially that last scene man that that last moment they share together it was just heartbreaking and to be able to build a sincere connection and what maybe 45 minutes between like once they start that until it ends like that's just that was just incredible writing yeah it really was and like I mentioned with the setup I found it to be so funny when he's just Scavenging the town Gathering up all his supplies that's exactly what Ron would do once this happened it was so funny to watch and at first it is funny even when federal agents enter his house and he's below the basement not today World Order Jack boot [ __ ] so that's what really starts it all and it's like this man's fantasy came to life he's probably been preparing for this his entire life all the New World Order conspiracies and then it finally happens and he gets to go to work but I think they highlighted in this episode that even though he is a survivalist as he calls himself there's a big difference between surviving and living and that's where Frank shows up and it gives him a purpose to endure to remain Vigilant it gives him a reason to go on rather than just I'm really good at surviving because I've been preparing for this my whole life and it's the first time he even mentions that he had only been with one woman many years ago it's the first time he's felt this true genuine companionship post or pre-apocalypse yeah and I don't really like I'm sure there's some people who complain about it being like insignificant to the main story but when you like really think about it and what the story is trying to convey and some of the themes and what you're trying to look at during this post-apocalyptic world and holding on concept of like the little things and trying to build whatever life you can like it does resonate throughout and it is risky I mean the third episode in usually you have to earn this type of episode and sometimes they don't always work when you look at bottle episodes but um to do this your third episode in completely stray away from your two main characters for a huge chunk of time and focus on this story that at the end of the episode doesn't prove insignificant but you know they're gone right it's uh it's a risky move but when you view it as just an episode of Television it really is up there as like just I don't know I I it's hard to think of something that affected me in Christ me in a way like this especially when you think of it as a season one episode three with two characters we just met and two characters where you no longer are going to see anymore right yeah it's such a lasting impact and I think they accomplish the same thing with Tess where her death is so Monumental but it's going to be very important for Joel and Ellie moving forward and it's the same thing with Bill and Frank it's that emotional development you get with Joel's character when he's reading the letter and that last message from Bill talking about a similar message that Tess left him with save who you can save that's what our responsibility is and I think with Joel putting that distance between him and Ellie reading that letter he's reminded of his failure of failing to protect someone he cared about so if he grows closer to Ellie and then he fails her too how's he going to live with that so yeah even though it's not moving the narrative forward I think it's definitely important for our characters and even before the bill and Frank stuff like when Ellie has that moment with the zombie I thought that was a clever subversion right she's going down to this basement she obviously shouldn't be exploring this by herself and she sets up the can so she can easily Escape you're thinking there's gonna be a clicker that runs out and you know she's gonna be a desperation to get out of there but no the clicker is stuck under all that rubble and she's got that really almost unsettling moment where she's contemplating the zombies Humanity like they spoke about in episode two do you think about they used to be humans before you you kill them and it looks like she is thinking about it but then she just you see that anger and that rage once again swell up in her face and I thought that was an interesting moment of development that that may be something she struggles with moving forward is containing that anger and that rage you know in a situation like this when you can't control your impulses that could put you in some sticky spots but I thought that was disgusting you know the way she cut the forehead and yeah the look on the zombie's face Teddy mentioned this on the last reviews they still give them those human features and characteristics it's like you could see that last flicker of humanity in there so that was an important moment I thought for the narrative for the characters yeah definitely and even before like while they're on their Journey um you know them just discussing what happened I didn't like Ellie saying that falling down the stairs is lame as a multiple stair Fuller Survivor it's not lame it's Brave and like I think stairs are slippery yeah so put some respect it's it's a dangerous thing um so just wanted to throw that out there I like how they do that in this world it's not just the zombies it's the government the stairs the elements and even blaming uh she thought monkeys caused this and you know that's come on yeah right shot at you and your family yeah so that's what did you do but it turns out it was what it was like in the sugar or processed foods that are shipped all around the world I don't know if I love that explanation because it seems like I don't know I can like in my head just thinking about like the logistics of all that like well still the timing doesn't really work out like everybody ate you know Joel had pancakes that morning no he didn't they didn't have pancake mix remember the pancake mix what was that yeah it was sorry oh wait they had waffles yeah they had waffles remember we had the big debate no he was a pain he didn't like pancakes right but she made pancakes no they were out of pancake mix that was the whole day she was like we don't have any pancake mix that's why he he thinks on it a little bit bread cereal pancake mix gotcha okay yeah I guess the explanation is there was a an outbreak because the timing thing and when you look at last episode like they already found the body infected before everything even happened so I don't know maybe it won't make sense but I think that was just an easy way to kind of explain it and it's not something I really need to think about it's like it happens and that's it like harking in on that but it is interesting to think about like the fungus kind of just spreading that way because it is something where you are wondering when it all is happening like how is it all happening at the same time why are they in the air like especially when you hear the newscast in the beginning of the first episode it seems like something's already happening overseas and then it takes a little bit longer to come uh here so um but yeah definitely getting more insight and that's one thing I think the show has done or made a a point to do more than the game is kind of really explain what happened here right yeah and I think it's another disturbing backstory on the outbreak for Ellie it's like being born apocalypse you are it's like you were born yesterday because the mundane things that we took for granted like cars or planes or all these technological advancements those become like historical artifacts in this world and I think that's what was most bone chilling about that explanation is logistically maybe it doesn't add up but the idea of the outbreak happening on Friday and by Monday thousands of years of civilization lost literally wiped off of the planet where all you have are these broken remnants so to me that was a another like I mentioned a disturbing explanation going along with the cold opening in episode one and then the scene with the doctor in episode two so yeah they've done a great job of filling in the peripherals of the world here and giving us little bits you know Joel says that it's a theory so maybe that is something that they explore down the road maybe in further Seasons because I think they're going to continue opening and widening and widening this world with different conspiracies and different factions and beliefs so all that stuff has been very interesting it just makes you think a little bit well even with the fedra like her seeing that graveyard basically of people who weren't infected and their reasoning behind it uh you know dead people can't get infected um the tyrannical presence of the government here and that was a funny bit when uh dole uh when Frank is like says something about Bill thinking the government's Nazis and he's like you thought that like in 2002. the government are all Nazis well yeah now but not then but yeah and like just that like piece of faded clothing and then cutting to 20 years prior and seeing that clothing on a family while everything's going on I think that just says everything you need to need to know about it when I thought they were going back I thought they were going to focus on that family but then they cut the bill yeah that was a great piece of editing there you you just really the scene alone just seeing the graveyard was just disturbing enough but then jumping back in time and seeing them all alive seeing how colorful everything is and they don't know where they're going they think the military here are the good guys they've really made a point to establish just how quickly fedra took control even though civilization was lost in a weekend they took power right away they didn't hesitate they set up all these Q Z zones and that's what Frank was escaping from the QC in Baltimore because there was nothing left so Massachusetts it looks like comparatively they're doing well I guess when Joel says we've got the medicines and some supplies that you can use so not only are all his preparations all the conspiracies they're rewarded entirely with his whole setup he's living in Paradise but then he gets this hunka hunka in one of his traps this is beautiful man right what are the chances he's literally living a fantasy finally yeah he hates the world and now three years later that everyone's gone he's completely by himself and oh look a hot guy I love Frank was trying to like pulling over [ __ ] him over yeah he got in there way too clean and he's like I thought like he might have been like manipulating bill but um I liked when they cut to what was it 10 years or three years later and they're fighting about uh him wanting to paint like okay that's just like it seems like uh just a regular type functioning yeah the way couples fight yeah and as it played out you really saw that they really did care for each other I mean the scenes like the simple joy of eating a strawberry together like I thought that was that was very beautiful and um it wasn't something where obviously you couldn't spend too much time on it from the capacity of the episode but they did a great I think they just did a great job of like hitting all the notes they did to really make that that final seat uh those final moments with those two characters just devastating to watch um yeah it was because at first bill I think he does consider loneliness an asset especially when there's a an outbreak like this so to be alone is to be safe it's to keep yourself away from the infected and I got such a kick out of him watching The Infected while he was eating dinner he's like yeah Step Closer it never gets old but then at the end when he decides to kill himself because of Frank's illness he is at that point like he mentions satisfied yeah so he's lived this life and he doesn't need anything more he doesn't need to survive he doesn't need to keep setting the traps or rebuilding the fence this is he had something to live for but it was this sort of sweet send-off where we mentioned the window there at the end it almost symbolizes Freedom like the the wind is carrying their Spirits or whatever you believe out into the open and it's this fairy tale very tender fairy tale and the most unlikely of circumstances so that to me was very very Bittersweet like I mentioned it's this sort of sense of Freedom that they're able to express there at the end and even when Joel and Ellie come into the house and I think Craig Mason mentioned this the gust of wind closes the door it's it's like they're literally encountering the ghosts of Bill and Frank they're no longer there but all the supplies is there and the note is there so their presence is felt and there a great help on Joel and Ellie's Journey unintentional rhyme there and both actors just brought so much empathy so much Humanity to their performances Murray Bartlett bringing so much tenderness so much love to his performance as Frank just being the perfect guy for Bill in these moments stirring throughout these years and Nick Offerman the sort of scrunchy awkwardness he brought to Bill like during their first encounter you could just see the tension in his shoulders and it's Frank who allows him to release some of that tension and to be more vulnerable to be himself without uh building up any barriers or walls so just two great performances by those guys but it ended up just being such a very sweet and moving love story like you mentioned a mini movie and that's something that I always talk about why I prefer movies over TV because you can just capture so much in a in an hour or 90 minute run time where it feels like you lived a lifetime with these two characters and it is over the course of 17 years so it is a long time but it was just so well done I was emotionally drained after this episode yeah it uh especially like just the way it all went down it's like you knew you knew it was that moment approached and the way he brought the wine out and put the pills in the way like you know I almost got the sense that like he was doing in front of him on purpose to try to maybe show him what he was doing to maybe jar that thing out of his mind but uh or the thought of committing suicide out of his uh his mind but um yeah when Bill basically says that his wine was poisoned too it's just such a sweet moment it's not like like he even says like not like a romance novel it's not Romeo and Juliet they were just being idiots like this is just a thought out effort to go out on your own terms with someone you love right that's just you know call me call me soft but that's beautiful yeah especially there at the end I think the director of the episode mentioned that their sort of emotionless during that last day they're treating it like any other day basically trying to take the attention off of the fact that this is Frank's last day so I think when Bill does to side there at the end but Frank says that he should be mad but it is romantic as hell and it is super powerful because like I mentioned Bill wasn't living with any other purpose but to survive and then he finds Frank and Frank inspires him to chill the [ __ ] out a bit and that's what a character like Bill needed so it speaks to that uh how powerful human companionship can be even in a situation like this what do you think about it like they probably lived one of the better lives you could possibly live yeah they were big chilling man in this environment hot water yeah that [ __ ] had all the all the preparations I'm surprising to have like a gaming room he's like we got live sports what yeah Hulu what the hell Chiefs are playing that doesn't make sense she's just playing the Bengals right now um bill can do anything but like there really is nothing like I you get his perspective too what he's gonna hang out with Joel that's boring right that's what fans are saying guys yeah we would have liked to have seen the interactions between bill and Joel and Bill and Ellie I mean those moments in the game are pretty sweet but uh they are and they're funny yeah the back and forth I think the chemistry between Bill and Ellie was a standout from the games but it almost looking back on the games bills even more depressing of the character now and at least at the very end here he gets that Bittersweet send-off you get to die in the arms of the man you love so who was who like no one gets to go out in their own terms especially in this world like for them that's like I had to die of an illness yeah grow old yeah maester aiming [ __ ] yeah all right guys before we finish this episode I want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor smile brilliant hey look I'm a floating head give me a minute of your time and you'll learn all you need to know about teeth whitening gimmicks let's start with LED whitening lights a novelty item that doesn't enhance your results it merely makes peroxide work faster but not better next is whitening strips a popular choice and while effective they can lead to stains along gum lines 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addition to that you can receive 20 off your order when using promo code nerd soup at checkout so don't wait head on over to their website choose the products that are right for you and take care of your teeth I mean a part of me wanted to see Nick offered them out there slinging a shotgun taking out zombies taking out Raider and we got me he had a hit take on the Raiders I thought that was cool this is just so capable he's such a man no it's again like I would just be dead well just the The Joy on that man's face when he's chopping down the tree when he's at Home Depot he's like oh that quickly I would have overslept so I would have wiped out the city I wouldn't even know what had happened I would have woke up I'm like well I don't know what to do but as a man you've probably researched how to build a bunker no rations for a year you've never done that just to fantasize I don't know how quickly I would accept death in these situations no I totally get that too but I think that's a common male fantasy of being prepared for the apocalypse I've known people who have done those preparations yeah I've got year supplies of food and water and rations I'd either hope to run into someone who knows what they do and like thinks I'm cool and wants to hang around or I would just die such a funny thing because like you know 2001 everyone walks by it's like oh that's crazy bill yeah yeah no yeah whacking who's crazy now yeah you're selling tumbleweeds um and we we saw I mean the flashback scene with Tess and it tore his back so I mean maybe it's not I hope it is the last receive them not because I don't want to see these characters but that's just such a great send-off for these two and left such an impact but there's potential for uh them to return some flashbacks of Joel visiting them getting some piece of information or whatnot that he remembers in the present day but that was so funny Bill keeping the gun on Joel the entire dinner he just it's like he was it was like a tick he couldn't help himself Tess and Frank they go into the house he wants to show her something and you know bill and Joel have their heart to heart and I think he Joel does impress Bill there and Joel tells him that fence is got a year tops so in the end he he leaves everything to Joel and his will so but that that scene was nice to see anatore once again as tests and I was so impressed with her performance in episodes one and two this looks like it might be the final time that we do see her we may get some flashbacks from Joel's perspective but that was a funny scene and it's it's always funny to see when they age down Pedro Pascal he's got the perfect look for that where he can look like a guy in his 30s or dude in his early 50s that's what I thought it was funny because like uh Bill and Frank go from like middle age to like death's door they just put some gray in his air yeah yeah they do do that and he looks fantastic no he looks great like the opening shot when he's got the gray I'm like man that gray is really Shining that man wears it well I wanna like when I go gray like I hope I can just be one of those guys it's like yeah yeah they call them salt and pepper daddies I want to be a salt pepper daddy is that Joel oh I mean is that his nickname now well the internet according to the internet yeah it is I call Pedro Pascal a dilf and think he's my cool [ __ ] father yep I am your cool [ __ ] daddy hell yeah um what do you grab like if you're at Bill's house you have like a fully used stocks uh Candy Shop it's like what man it's overwhelming almost well I like grabbed a gun she did grab a gun right behind she just gotta get her up man let her be scrapped she's itching for a gun no the thing on you but I like the comment that Ellie makes about Bill being a genius she's so impressed by his setup so even though we didn't get any interactions between them and they are funny from the game especially that first interaction because she just beats him with a bat I see so much but that line right there it's sort of the only interaction you need because Ellie would be very impressed by this setup because she's just itching to kill some zombies or to at least be gatted up so and here's that's the king of being gatted up yeah there's a gun wall for the ages dude I'll probably take the I don't know I've never fired a gun naturally I'm inclined to take the shotgun but I would I wouldn't be able to handle it probably shoot myself in the jaw yeah do one of those old blowbacks the bow blowback yeah now I'm grabbing like I'm at least going two pistols on each waste got one and one in the ankle machine gun yeah okay machine gun like a fully stocked video game character I like the nod to The Gamers who were complaining that Joel had the automatic rifle when he buries it yeah that's useless you know there's no ammo lying around no I appreciate that because in the game there are times we just have two bullets no yeah and you're just like I'm [ __ ] it's part of the fun you really have to conserve your weapons you know like if you keep dying on one point it's like okay I'll use the molotov whatever but I do hope they do that where they get like a group of zombies together and you just rainbow flicks it Kareem and just circling bad to the point I made about the mundane uh aspects of our society that we do take for granted like when Ellie's in the car and she mentions it's like a spaceship another little Easter egg from the games and she's also wearing the shirt from the game I like that because I know what it means but you know her playing with all and fiddling with all the objects in the car and her not even knowing what a seat belt is so even though she is very intelligent and capable like I mentioned it's like being born yesterday these are things that you've only heard from your school teacher at these shitty government ran schools but even when she sees the plane right she's not thinking about oh this plane crashed and all those people died she's just thinking about the it's like almost seeing a dead [ __ ] dinosaur carcass yeah like this used to exist Ellie let me tell you about the goddamn TSA foreign way too early you're gonna want to sit down for this yeah let's do a simulated flight let me just punch you in the [ __ ] face repeatedly and you just sit there and take it oh these all your clothes I'm gonna throw them in the dumpster oh yeah you're speaking from a recent experience thank you for flying Delta thank you damn taking shots at Delta on the Taylor review not through United they actually hooked it up after so shout out United I I think they've so I think they've done a good job of that where Ellie when she's encountering these different like when she uh sees the Mortal Kombat game and she's complaining about how awesome it was yeah I thought her wanty voice there was perfect and she's done a good job balancing that uh like Ellie from the games where she is mature for her age but she can resort to being a kid at certain times when things excite her like a video game or like a piece of technology that she's never seen before so she continues to nail this performance and I think with Joel as well you could see him you know he's holding up that wall but there are cracks starting to form there are little smirks little glances remarks that he makes swords Ellie where you can see he's he's really starting to care for her yeah it's a fine line between like it's a tough way to navigate a character coming off as like a knowing versus interested or just authentic like a kid would be in this environment and I think so far and that's what the game did well and I think so far the television show is doing it well is all uh is also doing it well so yeah that was a great moment they shared in the beginning of the episode when Joel thing said she's going to say I'm sorry for Tess and she says no don't blame me for this [ __ ] you made your own choices you were smuggling way before we met so you wanted your [ __ ] battery to go find your uncle so and I think Joel was impressed by that you know she's got that maturity to her where she can see things for what they are so he was definitely impressed by that and he agrees to take her on his journey to try and find Tommy and we get the information that Tommy was running with the fireflies I don't know if the show has mentioned that already that's the first mention of it right that Tommy has relationships with the fireplace yeah I believe so okay so he says that if they find Tommy that maybe he'll know where the lab is maybe he'll know where the lab is being set up so he agrees to take her on this journey and they got the Chevy left by Bill and I also laughed when Ellie's fiddling with the cassette tape and Joel's like don't play that don't oh wait that's Linda Ronstadt that's pretty good you know bump that shot fast yeah I'm just so happy they managed to get the Black album from Jay-Z before everything broke out that would have been funny if Dirt Off Your Shoulder started playing I don't know why he sounds like Elvis now hold on Ellie keep keep that Jay-Z on real fast uh so Boston to Wisconsin right is that not Wyoming they're going to yeah they're going to Wyoming damn it's a one day and three hour drive with modern roads yeah I imagine there'll be no traffic well you may run into something yeah I don't know Waze map it's like there's a zombie outbreak that's just the right two miles ahead still there question mark still there now we we got bit yeah um I wonder if um the rest of the show is just that I'm just driving that would be an interesting yeah talk about a subversion yeah just I'm driving three hours um they get to Wyoming everything's peachy staying at airbnbs yeah should we stop in Chicago oh I always wanted to see the bean let's stop go to Bucky's get some g-string and Slurpee the the world's largest yarn ball on the way let's let's pull over still fully intact for some reason you want a milkshake now they're gonna run into some trouble no dude I I imagine some troubles ahead that preview for The Next Episode it seems intense that we're gonna see why Joel has this reputation of being such a formula formidable survivalist like Bill and uh I guess like Frank as well but just you know to highlight once again the the sweetness and the tenderness of that relationship where it is the zombie apocalypse but everything is bright and colorful within their little compound and you mentioned it the moment with the strawberry where the sun is beaming through and it is just such a a sweet and relaxing and comforting moment for the two of them where you're there just enjoying something that you maybe thought you'd never have again in regards to the strawberry and to the companionship so I thought all throughout the episode the way they've played they wait they played with the daylight it just it literally shines a light on the love these two men had for each other and even that you know the first uh Embrace that they share after Bill plays the piano where Frank just can't resist him any more this man is so impressive he cooked me this great dinner and look at this house he built I've never had around it come here no me neither made it again that was sweet the last meal first last meal right yeah and he knew what wine to pair with it I gotta think I mean 20 years you don't think you think you could take out a whole liquor store in 20 years you you and you and another guy and maybe some friends so like throwing drill on tests on weekends maybe you're questioning while he still has wine left over yeah I feel like that's like one of the only things you have like you could do if you were stuck in a liquor store or you just had access to a liquor store and he had nothing else to do how long would it take you to run through that I don't think you make it 17 years I think you're you may be dead within the year no just from alcohol poisoning oh like even if I have the enclosure like I'm set up I'm good yeah I know I think that you maybe would go crazy I think a lot of us would maybe Bill's more of an extreme moderate he could probably he limits drinking to the weekend that's why he's still got so many good bottles that's true no I would be I think I'd be dead because I wouldn't be able to resist I mean the pandemic when our pandemic broke out I was like man I gotta smoke every minute throughout this I'm not gonna make it dude out get a 12 pack order a pizza and just play video games all day with no zombies no zombies no because you can't order a pizza but I'll just make a rabbit me hunting would be great I'd be like uh the kid who you know like oh you gotta shoot it right in the heart I'd shoot it in the liver it's like it's suffering it's suffering put it out of its misery like oh no I can't do it oh I gotta smash the tub with The Rock Jesus I'm just referencing triangle sadness at this point but yeah this was just uh I think a lot of people are considering this to be the best episode so far out of the first three and it is very early but it's very rare that you can take such a dramatic departure from The Source material and have it be so positively received by fans who are new to this and also fans of the game and I'm sure some people out there are going to be upset that's with everything you can never please anyone but they kept the spirit and the essence of the character so it is sort of like the the butterfly effect where even though things have gone a different way it still originates from that same place and even when you encounter bill in the game and you see Frank it is heartbreaking even in that moment and they just expanded on that heartbreak here so no complaints for me I thought it was a very strong episode and I think I could keep in the back of your mind like every time they enter a new area or a new abandoned town like something happened there and there's a story there there was people there and I think that's just one of the many things this episode highlights although it may not seem it has nothing to do with the narrative I think it has very much to do with the narrative and I think like I said to do that episode three is a bold move but I think they really hit it out of the park here all right guys that does it for this review of episode three we will be back next week for our episode 4 review and we'll see who gets to co-host that review with me I don't know Teddy I don't know you can Rochambeau for it or fight to the death I vote for option two wow that was probably our best review yet hey guys Aaron the nerdsuit monkey here with a brief Shameless plug before we end the video do you ever feel like you don't have an adequate amount of nerd soup in your life like you're going to bed hungry and yearning for the nonsensical yet entertaining nutrients our podcasts provide well we've come up with the perfect solution the nerd soup fan question podcast exclusively available to our patreon supporters you can sign 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Channel: Nerd Soup
Views: 50,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last of Us, The Last of Us Nerd Soup, The Last of Us Episode 3, Game of Thrones Nerd Soup, House of the Dragon Nerd Soup
Id: vDrBldtYfmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 24sec (2124 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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