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hey guys Omni here welcome back for episode four of the last of us the last episode that we watched had this beautiful love story baked in between these bookends of Joel and Ellie continuing their journey to make it to Bill and Frank's meanwhile the show begins to expand upon the characters in which they are looking for Bill and Frank and we get their background how they met how they developed and survived over these years and it turned into this beautiful love story in the apocalypse and it's one of the major changes from the game so far that we've seen because their relationship and their dynamic in the games is a lot more uh negative which is one of the reasons why I really enjoy this this change it's this beautiful uh bookend that also kind of reinforces the themes of the game and the show that Center and revolve around the story of Joel and Ellie and I like what they did here because more so than what happened in the game with Frank's interaction with him because he was really didn't move the story forward other than being in other stepping stone here if thematically helps push the characters down the path that they're going to be on and also for Shadows some things that are probably likely to come I really liked what they did with this I think it I think it's an improvement to the story and the games while the there's a lot of great set pieces that did transpire within that segment in the game that here I like that we're focusing on the characters that we're focusing on the themes the journey the emotions of what it is to be in this situation what it is to love and how there are sometimes consequences to love and I like those themes that we're kind of getting to have explored in in this a little bit more but I'm curious to see how the next steps unfold in this iteration of the tale so we're gonna go ahead and hop into the episode so if you guys want to see the full length reaction of this you can check it out over on patreon or if you go memorable Channel gives you access as well is in watchalong format so we need your own footage to sync up with the time code see my reaction to the entire episode you get the same thing for all the other shows and movies that we cover here on the channel over there you also get to suggest and then vote on what movies react to each month we got monthly Q A's behind the scenes footage to make it worth your while since you are going to waste support the channel and if you guys enjoyed this reaction I'd really appreciate it if you leave a like drop a comment and subscribe if you're not already because we'll be continuing this journey and we got plenty of things to come to react to here in the future so guys with that I'll send out the way let's go ahead and hop into episode four here we go [Laughter] pew pew pew pow pow that's kind of that's kind of adorable man trying to figure it out I would assume she's never held a gun up until this point at least he's shooting safe he's a smart kid man we have to do this every hour because breaks down over time this stuff's almost water back in the day we dropped 10 12 hours on one tank you could go anywhere so where'd you go pretty much nowhere yeah oh that is kind of a sad thought now they mentions it like that she's like well you could go anywhere like that right well most of us kind of didn't because pressure I know it works try to explain how siphoning Works he's just like I I no pun intended volume two but we'll Livingston volume two look you get it two like t-o what did the mermaid where did her math class an ouchy bra I stayed up all night no wonder where the sun went and then it dawned on me feel free to wait in the truck okay but just know you can't escape while Livingston there's nothing you can do to stop him um you can always win me over with some shitty puns man Good Old Shell gas station Williams is actually right it's the winner though uh got something else yes yes I told your horses I want to see what all the fuss is about why are all these Pages stuck together um [Music] that was like one for one from the game dude I'm sorry I'm trying not to be one of those reactors but it's such a cute scene oh oh where this bridge this this looks eerily familiar to me there's something about decrepit theme park there's there's your tank that is just haunting a place that used to be for play for reverie fall into whoa waste like that so other things about like uh the one of the few things about Fallout 76 is their depiction of Camden Park because I used to actually go there so it's like seeing like a post-apocalyptic version of it is Eerie like broken down uh abandoned playgrounds and stuff like that [Music] man the music is so much an integral part of this this series and they're they're killing it because I mean I know they got the original composer but they're also the song Choices and stuff like that so far too [Music] sets the mood so well if Chef Boyardee yep yep it was what am I even eating that is 20 year old Chef Boyardee ravioli I actually agree this is too remote for infected anyway people so what are they gonna do Rob us well they'll have way more in mind than that yeah it smells kind of good well that would be Frank's then yeah it's gonna be a pun why did the Scarecrow get an award because he was outstanding in his field I'm gonna sleep I was trying to think I was like I don't I don't know I couldn't think of it damn it that was a good one there's no way anyone knows we're here right No One's Gonna find us No One's Gonna find us never say that man well that's Papa Joel coming out right there foreign [Music] did he did he worry himself into staying up all night to protect her or did he actually hear or see something oh those instincts man they just they're just coming back oh be careful you don't like coffee you'll burn your face off face oh dude I got oh 34 years and I forgot where this was for some reason yeah I don't know if you can see that on the camera all that well yeah I've got this gnarly third degree burn from when I was one from coffee straight up slapped it out of my mom's hand what's his name your brother call me young or older younger why isn't he with you long story is it longer than 25 hours because that's what we got uh Tommy's what we used to call a joiner dreams of becoming a hero so he enlists in the Army right out of high school so that was his bumper sticker on the truck [Music] I mean you gotta try right keep going for family about it I'm not family no your cargo but I made a promise to test she was like family what if you don't find him I will how do you know I'm persistent he's always going in the back to pick up Tommy just like on the day it happened going to pick him up from the I love those those types of cuts man that was that was a good one but yeah just like the opening sequence in the first episode he had to go bail Tommy out I don't think it's this we don't know the situation here but again he's trying to he thinks he's off to go bail Tommy out yet again [Music] please help put your seatbelt on we're gonna help him it was a trap they were trying to bait him oh are you okay [Music] oh when I say go you crawl to that wall and you squeeze through and you don't come out until I say okay and they're not gonna hit you I'm not gonna hit you why [Music] you [ __ ] oh that would have been the perfect time to get him [Music] foreign you gonna do it it's over we're not fighting anymore I'm gonna go home I'll tell everyone you're good get back behind the wall no no no no I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry [Music] ah Ellie I gotta get in there I can't fit through the door let me move it [Music] go fast I do remember vaguely a segment that was very much like this an area completely overrun with uh this community Bandits of war with what's left of fedra I think I don't know I remember something kind of like that this is gone too it has to stop it has to stop now you mean now that you're in the cell before people dying was okay when you were safe and protected and ratting on your neighbor's Defender they put a gun to my head [Laughter] for you to talk about your brother you think I won't do it wow I love what they're doing here maybe they're what's left that overthrew fedra maybe rose up and took it back from themselves for themselves it's not a federal vehicle but they were heavily supplied This Guy's in will he live oh wow the doctor no chance wow wow I like this [Music] find who did this find every collaborator and Kill Them All We the People run [Music] this is some really good added context man I I really like this a lot are you all right yeah thing is is I didn't hear that guy coming he shouldn't have had to him you know well you're glad I did right well you're just a kid I don't know what it's like first time that you heard someone like that if you uh I'm not good at this yeah you really aren't I mean it was my fault you shouldn't have had too and I'm sorry it wasn't my first time [Music] show me your grid [Laughter] finger off the trigger know who taught you that petrol figures your thumb over your thumb left hand screw you got it oh you put it in your pack shoot your damn ass off [Music] foreign [Laughter] nice little tease for later because I don't think we're gonna be addressing that in this episode man I love these game mechanics man her going through the other side to open [ __ ] you can't get to it's twice in this episode love it encourage me without me huh by now Wyoming yeah walked into that one [Music] hey you know the guy who said he was hurt how do you know Amber he didn't been on both sides oh well I'm coming and I did what we needed to survive are you kill innocent people come on give me a minute get up you lazy ass [Laughter] believe yes 56 years old you little [ __ ] Joe Joe what what are you doing so I can hear people coming sneaking up on us while we're sleeping oh I get it you sure you're gonna hear it of course I'll hear it that's the damn point okay and I asked whether you'd hear the classroom or not because I've noticed you don't hear Too Well from your right side is it because you were shot there probably more from shooting so if you want to keep your hair and you stick to that knife Joel hmm did you know diarrhea is hereditary what yeah it runs in your jeans oh he is so goddamn stupid [ __ ] yes you did Jesus you're losing a big time [Music] Joe Henry [Music] wow what a way to end it whoo man that was such a good episode man just the slow gradual uh building of this relationship between Joel and Ali it's just so well done and there's some there's some moments in here that are just straight up from the game man and I I really I really love the way they're bringing it all to life but also again something the show has been doing the entire time has been expanding on things adding context adding backstory adding motivation towards characters that and and factions even that haven't that that were just kind of obstacles or Stepping Stones throughout the story I love it like I I forget her name but this uh woman who was interrogating that doctor for selling out her brother to fedra which resulted in fedra beating him until he died and then this qz was overrun and taken over by its people the people stood up revolted and took it back from fedra and it they've procured all their equipment they're Scavenging they're trapping people coming by doing things that are very similar to Joel that he's had to do in his past like just the the links that you have to go to to survive in the QC it's it's interesting and I love that there's this questionable morality that someone like Ellie who hasn't really experienced all that much this isn't her first time harming somebody but someone that deserves it someone that doesn't deserve it how do you know which is which and how do you kind of move forward when maybe you don't get that choice correct or how do you live with it knowing that you did what you did to survive by taking survival away from somebody else who maybe deserved it as much or maybe even more than you and you just got the upper hand I love that whole idea and I love just like the way the the gameplay mechanics are kind of being brought to life in here and we saw some elements of it in the previous episodes and stuff like the backpack checking which is just a very normal thing but it's also a very prominent thing in the game the first aid helping Tess up that thing so that she can go around and open a door when we see Ellie doing very similar things because she's small so she can go through vents she can go through these little cracks that Joel can't necessarily get through and open [ __ ] for him I just love little nuggets like that and then we have these Rogue survivors that are encountering them along the way but we're also getting their motivations their drive like what is backing them and pushing them we're layering out and giving depth to the greater world in the way in the game and a lot of the human enemies you meet along the way you don't spend a whole lot of time getting to know their side of the story they're an obstacle like I said just trying to keep you from getting to your destination and getting what they can out of you but you never really spend a lot of time at least from what I can remember getting to know them like we're like they have they're they're trying to do what rights by them they're trying to take back their world from fedra they got a grudge with Henry because he sold out her brother as well to fedra originally so this is more of a Revenge quest for her it seems like but they're also stealing their supplies I don't know what else is going on there but uh Henry is made off with his little brother Sam and now Joel and Ellie have gotten themselves wrapped up in the situation more than just being passerbys now they are in their presence at gunpoint and I can't wait to see uh how this all evolves in the next episode but I love all these interactions with Ellie you know from the drive in the truck with the uh the spicy magazine to this book of silly little ones that she's gotten she keeps reading to Joel trying to like chip that armor but you see like in these subtle ways just being with Ellie is starting to trigger those dad instincts of his like when they were camping out in the woods and he's like no we'll be fine Nobody's around here there ain't you know around here we don't have to really worry about the infected all that much but it's the people you got to worry about but they don't know we're out here and he like tries to reassure her even though she's kind of worried and scared that she's like no one knows we're out here right and he's like no no no no we're fine and then you see him looking around in the distance and then he doesn't go to sleep earliest he doesn't sleep long because he is up well before Ellie does standing watch rifle ready because he's like okay I'm not taking any chances and Dad mode kicks in he's protecting her and then the same time right after she has to defend him he feels guilty for her having to do that he doesn't know what she's done or what what her life has been like up until this point but he just sees a kid and he's just like you shouldn't have had to do that I messed up I you did shouldn't have needed to protect me that's my job and then he starts asking questions giving her advice showing her how to hold a gun right and then we have again these little ticks of him opening up now he's the one starting to ask questions now he's even laughing at these jokes and they're starting to learn things about each other she's also very very observant like yesterday went to federal school and stuff like that and maybe that's where she learned to hold the gun and work it but she also was like you could see her like examining it testing it thinking it through maybe she didn't have much experience with one maybe she this isn't the first time she's held it but it does seem like she was trying to like learn about it herself then there's these little things just she picks up on from observing Joel where she's like I've noticed that you don't hear all that you don't seem to hear all that well out of your right ear what I liked about the bandits though if you look at them all they look like everyday people like you can tell that they're the remnants of this qz that they're just survivors they're not soldiers they're not like Raiders or whatever and they're stocked up with Frederick gear but if you just look at them from person to person there's like you just see all walks of life I saw one person who just looks like you could just be your humble little grandma just back there will like armored up it's just like they are the they are the people like their Banner says we the people so I like that whole little segment that they had going on there and then just again these moral Grays that start to creep in when survival is on the line and then we got this setup of Something Brewing in the storage room something big so I'm I'm assuming we're gonna get some gnarly gnarly big infected something that's been here for a while I'm wondering if that is going to be that scene we saw in the trailer with the fire and that huge infected coming out now I don't know if that's a bloater I don't know if they're going to be doing their own Super infected or something like that something larger than the normal clickers the runners and stuff like that I don't know uh what Inspirations they're going to take from the game to translate it into the medium we just I just remember that I just distinctly from the trailers that image of this chunky big infected coming up out of the this this like collapsed floor with consumed in fire yeah we still have uh we still have some stuff to explore and I can't wait to get into it and uh those are two characters that I'm really interested in seeing how they handle in the show especially with their interactions between Joel and Ali so I cannot wait for next episode man I cannot relate that for next week but guys what'd you all think of this episode I hope you enjoyed the reaction if you did please leave a like drop a comment subscribe if you're not already and we'll carry on the conversation after the video remember if you want to see the full length reaction check it out over on patreon or if you got Merrell child gets you access as well and speaking of before you go I want to shout out our Channel Legends many share it Ryan Karen Jason Coleman Philly vayne your course gone Margaret Grace Molita Robert anguiano Raven McCann Jeffrey Hale M several Jake and Trail Amy Becca and Josh Lee thank you guys so much for your continued support but that's it for this video guys I'll see you all in the next one take care everybody thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Omn1Media
Views: 10,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, the last of us episode 4, the last of us 4, the last of us 3, the last of us episode 3, the last of us reaction, last of us, the last of us hbo, reel rejects, the last of us review, the last of us hbo review, the last of us trailer reaction, pedro pascal, the last of us 2, the last of us episode 4 breakdown, heavy spoilers, the last of us episode 4 reaction, the last of us 1x4 reaction, the last of us show review, the last of us 2023, the last of us season 2
Id: PVdQCfY0vGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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