James Whale's "Wives Under Suspicion" (1938)

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[Music] a [Applause] [Applause] a [Music] Joseph Patterson the jury have found you guilty of murder in the first degree have you anything to say before the court imposes sentence yeah I got something to say I just want to tell my friend Mr sto that he's got something coming to him and he's going to get it the court will remind the prisoner the district attorney has but fulfilled the obligations of his office it is therefore the sentence of this court that the defendant shall be put to death during the week beginning June 2nd 1938 in the manner and place prescribed by law you are remanded to the custody of the sheriff Edward Hennessy Associated Press this letter will admit you the execution is required by law of Joseph Patterson the state's prison the night of June 4th check okay okay Hennessy move on in [Music] better save some of that till you come out well boys it looks like Patterson's going to get it all right yep he gets it this time the da sure killed the reprieve went to the governor himself he's a tough ombre all right all right who patter no stole the district attorney you said it all right boys this way [Music] please is it true that they smoke when they about it [Music] sunny [Music] aah well that's that he thought of you right to the end Mr stowel welshire shy welshire are all welshire you'd think life owed them something this Patterson bumped off for himself and how many others he's had knocked off I couldn't even guess but when it comes time for him to pay off look at the squawk he makes well we can check off another on the old adding machine 11 and 18 months we're making progress shie making progress we'll have this town L white the first thing you know I wish you'd get rid of That Hideous Contraption it gives me the willies if I'm not being too impertinent just an old Chinese custom shopping Chinese you sound more like an Indian if you ask me an Indian counting scalps it's my job to count scalps it's still a life for a life so far as I'm concerned and will be till they rewrite those law books over there for you miss sh oh thank you Sunny you're welcome Sharpie the governor returned the record of the patteron confession I'd like to have seen his face when he listened to it patteron didn't have a chance through with it I'll take it home and put it with the collection I should think you'd have enough of them now don't be unkind to me this lovely morning shopie what about the mail oh nothing much another clipping from the tattler's column Another one not a boost this time or maybe it is I never can tell about those things read it to me not at all you gossips not at all the wife's boy boyfriend has the da okay are you suspicious Sharie no oh Phil's a nice youngster and you wouldn't have me keep a lady chained up in a vault at home or would you no except that I've heard that a husband should go home once in a while and I also heard there's more to life than crime you certainly keep your ear to the ground and I've also heard that tonight if I'm not being too Impe yes Qui and morphy here send them in Kirk and Murphy they've been working on the telephone threat yesterday's we traced that call Chief hello Sharie came from a drugstore over on Christopher Street but there are no guesses a lot of pison boys hang out in the joint but you can't pin it on any of them it's a pay station everybody on the street uses it yeah going all the time better forget it Kirk probably cold now anyway I don't know Patterson's boys are pretty much head up I wouldn't worry I figured they wanted to give me the business yesterday before I got to the governor but it's too late now they all want to get you mfy when you first send him up but prison cools him off there'd be no prosecutors if it didn't burning doesn't cool off the relatives any Mr stall I'd keep an eye out of how you Addison's got no relatives only a kid cousin and he's in Mexico thanks boys thanks right we'll forget it keep moving Sharpie oh Chief you sitting in on that quiz tonight no bet I wouldn't miss that okay are you serious if I'm not being too imper serious about what you're going to that quiz tonight of course I'm going yes oh put wrong it's Mrs Stone Hello darling yes this is a surprise we were just talking about you shoppy and I of course it was nice today yes this is the fifth yes Lucy I should say I do know of course darling it's your birthday you thought I'd forgotten I should say not certainly darling I'll be home early we'll put on our good clothes and make a night of it dinner in the theater that's right Lucy and uh and darling there's a package on the way but uh but don't open till I get there Absolutely I'll be home early absolutely thanks Sharpie thanks I don't know what I'd have done just my ear to the ground again I tried to tell you that gift on the way idea was an inspiration I'd never have been forgiven I told tranis to send a tray down for selection pair of diamond Clips would be nice small ones I'd forgotten completely I'm a fine husband I am I'll order the flowers orchids don't you think yes that would be fine I'll telephone Mr Kirk not to expect you at the quiz tonight I suppose I'll have to miss that unless you plan to be in two places at once too bad though I should be in on that are you going home or not yes oh yes I'm going home don't worry shopie I'm glad of that I don't know of anybody just now who could take your place 10 15 24 left to go shy I'm not oh I know my [Music] eyes you want a drink B yes I need one me too I get worse every time I play you couldn't don't let him kid you Liz thank you Crayola I didn't know Miss Stell if you wanted the ice melted or not oh no crola I think it's better this way thank you ma'am I can't believe it she's marvelous she's my new maid but you should taste her biscuits they're wonderful I'll tast a hive all of us all right everybody two fingers please don't make it too weak hello Mr Stowell hello well hello Jim hello Jim hello Jim how are you isn't time for a drink happy birthday darling it is now I didn't know Lucy why'd you keep it a secret all the old girls do Elizabeth hi fine Jim fine would you like a drink Dar I'm ashamed of myself forgetting me a cousin too thanks darling I'll fix my own I almost forgot myself and I a husband hello you glasses well the sets from Phil isn't it lovely birthday present oh they're just replacements for the ones I break H so you remembered that was nice of you pH seems I saw something in the papers recently about Lucy and Phil didn't I just a bit of Scandal I can't get away with the face I saw that I wish it hadn't gotten the newspapers though not that I care particularly but you know a man in my position you're joking aren't you it was a triple date JY and I didn't show off the young things took pity on me you don't don't think I'm serious you don't think I suspect Lucy do you I didn't know what to think you know when you're talking to a district attorney well I hope I'm not bringing my job home with me Elizabeth monster though I'm supposed to be Caesar's wife must be above suspicion to Caesar's wife wait a minute John you know what happened to Caesar's wife uhuh something Dreadful you killed her deader than a doril oh well let's just drink to Lucy to Lu than you darling hey Mr Stowell yes crola telephone who is it Crayola who is it it's the gentleman who works in your office Mr Stell it's Mr Curry oh oh please Jim oh of course darling of course what's the matter with me tell Mr Kirk I'm not in and Crayola I'm into to nobody from now on understand nobody yes sir I understand you just ain't in I still don't believe it sometimes I I wonder if Jim is my husband or just district attorney how goes it to the university Phil I'm on my last post-graduate course right now political science do you know after this I'm afraid I'm going to have to go out and go to work he hates to give up watching football practice come on Einstein we've got to go I'm going to make him study tonight on Bus Let's Bust A Great Big Beautiful bust all over town what do you say oh you ninny come on thanks Lucy for the game and the drink see you soon bye-bye happy birthday thank you good looking pair of kids nice too I wonder if they ever get married Mr Stowell I told a gentleman you said you was in but he didn't believe me Mr Stowell he says to tell you it was important and to tell you that the cousin from Mexico was in town but he didn't say what cousin Mr Stowell that's all right gr to think of you welcome what does that mean Jim the cousin from Mexico nothing nothing at all Kirk shouldn't bother me here with details well well we' better go along then we'll have to hurry if we're going to drink there's no place to hurry to while I'm with you darling these clips are so lovely Jim do you know I really hoped for them smart girl I bet you H me into them but don't people say that if you hope hard enough or anything it comes true only foolish people darling hopes are cheat I'm not a very kind one must you be cynical tonight oh don't listen to me hope is fine darl but having is so much better nice nice husband oh now you make me feel uncomfortable I've got a confession to make the clips weren't really my idea they weren't no Sharpie thought of in fact Sharpie thought of your birthday oh J oh it's The Awful Truth I forgot well I wouldn't let it bother me sometimes I wonder how you manag to remember as many things as you do and you're the only thing in the world really worth remembering that's nicer than any prison you except I didn't remember but someday I will someday I I'll stack up all the things I've forgotten in one huge celebration for you and will that be a day this day this nice small day is all right just having you home again like this is enough I haven't been anywhere I know but it seems you're never home anymore never well almost never at first I used to be able to console Myself by saying your husband's a great Soldier he must be off to his Wars but lately it's been harder and harder making it work I don't seem to be able to console myself that way anymore I just want you with me especially when it's getting dark I suppose I'm just Lonesome or maybe I'm afraid of ghosts just a minut [Music] listen just in case of ghosts Jim must you carry a gun even on our night out it's nothing darling what what the well-dressed man must wear that doesn't sound like you Jim I know you're just trying to put my mind at ease but you didn't used to joke about things like this it's nothing Lucy I promise you but it isn't nothing when you scolded at Liz this afternoon when she was joking about Phil and me you said you didn't want to bring your job home with you now you are bringing it home with you you really mean it Lucy well look Jim we can't even go out on a birthday celebration without your being armed I am sorry Lucy but it isn't as serious as you think the gun has made everything sort of melodramatic but I didn't realize that I was bringing the job home with me Sharpie accused me of it but I wouldn't listen I've been wrong I stand convicted pardon me governor and I promise it won't happen again but it isn't just the gun J I know darling it's me it's the job it's everything about me yes grola these just come arid oh this is my birthday Jim you're a darling you're a considerate impeccable husband and I'm ashamed of myself for saying the things I did a few minutes ago now I'm caught again caught Sharpie thought of the flowers too oh dear well anyway this is my birthday I'll try to think of something original before the evening's over [Music] now nice evening ma'am perfect drink perfect it's been some time drink since we've made an evening of it but Mr sto as it is Sir why jines you mean oh no ma'am I didn't [Music] mean oh Tim J takes call an [Music] [Laughter] ambulance well what do you say gentlemen what about giving a dead man a break and let it show on the front pages you're marvelous Jim you couldn't have done it better if you had planned it it's a great break and all for a Nick in the elbow that's locked man and you deserve it I'd like to have quized that kid before he died cigarette I never use him no Jim it's better the way it happened it's a closed book we've had enough Pon I'd like to have had those newspaper Boys in here last night when they were operating you look good and sick the dog wouldn't stand for it we' I had a great break in the morning papers the afternoon papers are not to be sneezed at in this town no sir If This Were election year we could snap you right at the city hall Easy just like that thanks Dan thanks nothing I'm doing you no favors I'm not doing myself well you got this town by the year he served by its long hairy ear you're a hero that's what you are well goodbye Jim I'll be in later with the papers all right see you later we've all gone now enjoy your walk oh yes Jim while I was walking I did a lot of thinking an awful lot Jim bad for your complexion darling I heard those reporters talking coming out of the elevator I couldn't believe they were talking about you over heard one of them say The Inquisitor almost got it himself don't you think Jim that when things like this can happen when people try to kill you in front of your own house don't you think it's high time one of us started thinking I've been thinking myself lizie quite a lot too but I mean about us Jim we've got to do something hardly ever seen you as bad enough but when I know I've become a regular Head Hunter Sharie says the Sharie say that all the time says I've become a maniac says everybody's a Suspect with me everybody's a potential criminal says all I live for is convictions and executions I never had the nerve to tell you you didn't have to tell me I knew it knew what you were thinking too did you really R olling yes who is it oh it's Mr Kirk do you want to talk yes I yes K fine fine no no I'll tell you what to do you handle the office yourself that's right no no it isn't that I'm fine perfect no Mrs sto and I are going away on a trip three or 4 weeks we haven't worked it out yet maybe Canada maybe California maybe Europe I've never had a vacation and there's no telling where we'll end up thanks k thanks goodbye do you really need that absolutely we both need a vacation Lucy we both need to renew our old acquaintanceship oh J yeah you know that trip we've been saving up for our old age or the one we' were going to take for a honeymoon in or any of those trips we should have taken and never did all right darling I can't believe it Jim I really can't will you start believing right now land of the Midnight Sun Arabia blue Mediterranean in Old Quebec Australia the Rivier where would you like to go Cairo looks pretty good to me why not two weeks of salmon fishing in Alaska I think I'd like to go to Switzerland very aloof Switzerland but it's so clean and quiet Egypt where I want to go it's dark and mysterious oh no no Egypt's got no sense of humor I don't want anything dark I want sunshine and snow and everything white and blue and glistening listen to me will you I'll be happy if we ever get anywhere I still have to pinch myself to make sure I'm awake and I'm very careful not to pinch too hard I really can't believe it I really can't believe it a bracelet to match the lady's birthday Clips your Clips Sharie how they've been kny at my conscience I had to think of something myself or I wouldn't have enjoyed a moment of the trip so you're really going I have to Sharpie I have to I haven't been myself lately I've been somebody else you're not telling me anything I've got so lately I'm suspicious of everything body well I'm suspicious of you Sharie I'm even suspicious of myself I third degree myself I put myself on the stand I find myself turning around quickly to see if I'm the man I think I am what did you say to that Sharie I'd say you weren't going away a moment too soon right shoie you're always right so I'm going the moment I go out of this office I'm gone you understand and you don't know where to find me yes m Mr Kirk no Mr Kirk he's not in the office I see a murder I imagine it must be Sensational of course I know yes Mr Kirk if you should come in I'll have him call you immediately goodbye and don't call me Sharpie the sins you have on your soul Sharpie I'd run if I were you I'm running thanks shie goodbye thanks I didn't think you had that much sense if not being too impertinent sorry Mr sto's not in the office and I don't know where to find him oh it's the police headquarters I'm sure it must be very important but I have no idea where to find him so sorry so very sorry goodbye sorry he's not here captain Oh the McAllen murder that is important uh but uh I don't know where to reach him you see Mr sto's gone away on a vacation I'm so sorry so very sorry goodbye hello Sharpie where's the chief I haven't the faintest idea well I've got to get a hold of him Dr shc Allen just shot his wife Oh indeed scoop Kirk well it's the biggest thing that's broken around here in years you know a Sharpie the Pittsburgh mcallens millionaires he teaches up at the University I'm sorry Mr Kirk but Mr Stow is away on a vacation well he can't have gone very far he was here half hour ago I know but he was moving Mighty fast asked yes Lieutenant what can I do for you I wondered if you had located Mr sto yet he's gone Sharpie says he's gone on a vacation oh that's too bad they're bringing macallen over here I figured Jim would want to question him he won't open his mouth well I'll question him what did you pick up Fred oh the same old story he was crazy about her and found her with another man you know I remember something about her didn't his family kick him out when he married her without a [Music] scent make now quiet shut up I think I'll be going now if you gentlemen don't mind see if you can locate the chief now Mr Mallon spill it lock up when they're all through Pinky and put cat out okay [Music] Sharpie I long to be a moment Joe I left something in my office and you remember nothing Dr McAllen but you shot well enough to kill a precise deadly shot Dr Mallen are you sure you don't remember that your silence has no point Dr McAllen when you shot the kill when your gun spoke you spoke it's too late now for silence Dr Mallen you're an educated man you know men have been shooting fateless wives since time began no no Mr Kirk just a moment if you please gentlemen if you'll be kind enough I'd like to be alone with Dr McCallen for a moment I can imagine the strain he's been under would you be kind enough to leave us alone for a moment okay chief I go I'm sorry Dr McAllen we've been so inconsiderate sometimes my men allow their Ambitions to run away with [Applause] them you better sit down honey and rest your feet I caught myself doing that once unaware and I was walk for a whole week now that's bad you may not never get over it'll do you good to get the whole thing off your chest there's no use of talking Mr sto there's no use of anything now you like cigarette drink I have some very good brendy I don't want you to talk if you don't feel like it I just want you to know we're not monsters here we're just human beings like yourself they can do what they want with me it doesn't matter anymore nobody's going to do anything to you Dr mcelin I'm not trying to hide anything I shot my wife I killed her are you sure you wouldn't like a drink I suppose it all happened suddenly only this afternoon only a few hours ago I was leaving home for class when I realized it was raining I went back from my rainold it was then I saw saw her sitting in a room before the mirror never had she seemed so beautiful sitting there in the dark with only the two small lights on a dressing table burning powdering on the neck and shoulders smiling and humming happy with herself never had she seemed so beautiful as at that moment with a mirror light shining up on her face and the rain beating on the window behind all husbands have moments like that and at that moment I realized how ter terribly I neglected her I know it sounds horrible now but it was for her sake I neglected her for her sake I worked studied I wanted her to have good things and we were poor very poor I understand you watched your wife before the mirror and as I watched her I said to myself I would never neglect her again and then I then I tipped her across the room to the dressing table with her humming she didn't hear me I leaned down quickly and kissed her instantly the moment I kissed her she shivered her flesh became Goose pimpy as with cold I saw her face in the mirror looking up at me and all its happiness was gone and on it was a look of revulsion I was speechless stunned see I see the Japanese have an expression a woman tells the truth to her and then she recovered and looked up at me and laughed and said you should know better than to ruin a lady's makeup she began to pwder the spot on her neck where I'd kissed her she got to her feet and kissed me on the cheek I've got to run along she said I'm playing Bridget sona's I'll see you for dinner she ran out I Stood Still speechless and watched her go I see and that was how it began my brain was on fire I was sure there was only one explanation she was making herself beautiful for some man and she was going to him she wasn't going to sonus I followed her in the rain and what finally happened Dr McAllen I killed her I know but the circumstances it's all unreal to me all blood I was blind insane I saw I enter a house I went to a window I saw run into a man's arms the fire of my pain became a fury I didn't realize I'd drawn the gun I didn't realize I'd fired it until I saw her body crumbled to the floor and then I knew I'd killed her in that instant I knew I'd lost forever the one thing in the world I love it's my fault my stupidity my neglect Kirk better get him out of here let as if you'll have to give him a lip come on let's keep going better have the doctor give him a shot or something a sleep will do him good did you get it recorded yes sir every word of it it's right there we've got a written transcription too they send him to the chair did you ever hear such a fairy tale in your life the kiss before the mirror I don't know Chief you know that's the way things like that sometimes start oh you should be smarter Kirk his emotional upset forra that was genuine enough but the kiss before the mirror story that's something else again wait till a jury hears it with the proper commentary of the prosecution I mean you want to transfer to cylind no no no no I like it flat I can play the whole thing through then I think I'll take take it home and lock it up keep this quiet the McAllen family will probably leap to the rescue with their Millions now the wife is out of the way and by tomorrow they'll have all the legal brains in the country line up against us they'll repudiate the confession they'll repudiate it all right but if we don't mention it they won't worry about it that is until we spring it and I have an idea something can be made of it at the right time it's going to be a battle I won't say a word oh you wanted this oh there something else I forgot this [Laughter] [Music] earlier [Music] now did you get my message Darling yes I got it J I'm sorry terribly sorry but I couldn't pass it up Lucy guess I imagine it'll be a sensational case another conviction oh it isn't that I'd be sharing my job if I went away now believe me that's funny the kiss before the mirror what's funny nothing nothing for your pretty ears I was just reminded of a little story I heard [Music] today Dave marrow to defend McAllen famous criminal lawyer engages family rallies to Professor's Aid so they've hired Dave Morrow the macallen millions begin to talk believe me they'll have to talk pretty loud Bo down the street this noon are saying he'll buy his way out I'd like to see someone try it this is one case I'm going through with to the Limit I can understand some bow hunk full of booze on a Saturday night cracking another mug skull over a crap game but these polite sensitive murderers these sophisticates like McAllan deserve no quarter and they'll get none from me imagine a responsible intelligent educated man killing another man oh I've known a lot of men I like kill oh I'm serious d man you wouldn't do it I wouldn't do it and the last thing either of us would ever think of doing is killing a woman Crimes of Passion psychologists call them crimes of decadence I call them luxuries indulgences yes C is here send him in well jim I've got to run one thing is certain anyhow this time you've got the people back of you up to now you've been picking on the rank and F those mugs and bow hunks you mentioned the masses now you've bagged a a eyebrow a millionaire and it'll do you a lot of good Jim an awful lot of good hello Eddie well how do you do sir come on in I'm on the way out goodbye Jim and uh good luck see L goodbye well he had a permit for the gun all right seems he used to walk back and forth to his classes and they've been allowed of holdups along through there after dark and he got the gun for protection but I don't know what a guy like that would do with a gun if someone held him up he could use a gun all right that's the late Mrs mcallum any news of the other man Manish completely not a sign or retrace of him he was just a lodger there suppose McAllen knew this man suppose the whole thing was framed I don't believe McAllen could frame anything I've had a rule all my life Kirk never take any human being for granted just think what getting rid of his wife would mean his family has forgiveness return to the security of millions a chance to follow his studies and comfort what is he professor of anyway political science yes I remember see what an opportunity this man would offer it's true he neglected her he said so himself and why didn't he kill the man that's what a man usually does kills both of them but not a professor of political science H I was just telling Dan Ellison mallen's one of those sensitive murderers consider that fancy tale of his the kiss before the mirror it's raining out he comes back for his raincoat sees his wife kisses her she laughs at him suddenly he sees red my brain was on fire I was sure there was only one explanation she was making herself beautiful for some man and she was going to him she wasn't going to sonus I followed her in the rain and what finally happened Dr McAllen I killed her I know but the circumstances it's all unreal to me all blood I was blind insane I saw I enter a house I went to a window I saw him run into a man's arms the fire of my brain became a fury I didn't realize I'd drawn the gun I didn't realize I'd fired it until I saw a body crumble to the floor and then I knew I'd killed her in that instant I knew I'd lost forever the one thing in the world I loved it's my fault my stupidity oh oh hello Phil hello luy say what's the matter with you look as if you've seen a ghost a ghost maybe not a ghost but a boogeyman anyway oh no I've just been sort of moping around no fooling now what's the matter nothing nothing just these early summer evenings I suppose I'm afraid I'm a little weepy every now and then Phil I'm also afraid I enjoy it in the first place you shouldn't sit in the dark and don't give me that sad business about about these early summer evenings your Trip's been called up that's it isn't it that's it sit down pH I know it's a tough break all the way around you know Lucy Dr mcgallen was my Prof in political science at the University he was a great little man I imagine he was he was like a child so lovable and simple everybody at the University knew about his wife except him I wonder how he came to find it out let's grow on the Terrace it's so close in here this fresh a is better you sure you feel all right oh yes I'm all right it was Dr McAllan I came over to talk about but perhaps I better let it go you seem to have enough father oh go ahead Phil I'm fine now well Lucy it's just that I'd like to see the poor gent get some sort of a break I guess there's no doubt he shotter but well I thought if if Jim knew what a terrible woman she was and what a sweet little man he is it might help he might be lenient anyway and I thought if if you could if I could speak to Jim yes Lucy if you could cuz I could never do it it' be a waste of time Phil well I thought knowing Dr McAllen I know but there's nothing you can do or we can do when Jim gets on a case like this he's different he's a stranger his job becomes a Mania with him I don't know him I don't understand him I mean even afraid of him I'm really sorry I mentioned this well I guess it isn't as bad as it sounds Phil Jim's always thoughtful and gracious with me it's just that other side of it I understand perfectly that's a tough ret he's in I'm sorry I bother you I wish I could be of help well I wish I could be with some help to you Lucy and when Jim is off on one of those cases you know I mean whenever you need some laughs why give me a ring will you thanks Phil If Ever I feel like I need some laughs I'll do that how Li oh fine fine fine but she's ambitious as the devil she wants me to get a job right now how disgusting it's terrible she wants me to give up my Boyhood well I've got to go good night pH good night [Music] luzzy oh I didn't know you were here Jim how long have you been home just a few minutes out for a walk no Phil dropped over we've been out on the Terrace talking pH lik the dark too writing poetry I suppose oh no feels one of our young realists he lives a sort of poetry though limericks I imagine no popular songs gay ones bright one how's Elizabeth oh she's fine Phil says she's ambitious as the devil she wants him to give up his Boyhood he couldn't mean his childhood could he what's the matter with you Jim nothing why talking like that you like fiing you always here of course I like Phil it's just my evil nature darling I was so disappointed not to find you here I'm afraid I'm oldfashioned I want my woman in the house when I come home what's got into you Jim I was here yes I know I guess it was just when I found you here with Phil I was you don't mean jealous do you no not jealous envious I envied him I envy anybody who has a single moment of your time I envy them your eyes your voice your presence I even Envy them your Shadow do you know the other morning when you told me of some wild dream you had that night how you'd gone to a masquerade and I wasn't there do you know I was Furious Furious because I wasn't there in your dream furious with all the people who were I didn't say anything about it but it wasn't until I got to the office that I was myself again sharp is Right Jim you are going crazy with worship of your [Music] [Applause] darling I bet they had some idea like that more coffee like what no ding briy using the family Millions on me I'm sure they know you better than that well they're spending plenty as it te you want another waffle Mr Stell no thanks you miss Stell if I Hade another waffle creola I'd turn it one you eat them oh I can't I was deding a waffle or two won't make any difference oh I ain't deding for my figure I was dying for my mind the doctor said if I didn't eat no more starch it would take the fat off my head and ought improve my mind that's the telephone C yes I'll get it well she certainly can cook that's more than most of them can do hello yes oh I'm fine oh that ain't no trouble at all she's right here it's Mr fileld for you ma'am he called for you last night but you wasn't in yes pH you idiot you didn't bother me at all yes oh yes we'll drop over later I'll see you then bye-bye oh excuse me ma'am Liz and Phil had another quarrel I've seen it coming for quite some time ly I wonder if you'll do something for me oh it's nothing but it might be exaggerated into something Phil is Chairman of the University committee to help McAllen isn't he yes that's one of the things he and Liz quarreled about she said it took up too much of his time well you can see with rumors about like like this bribery and so on it might be just as well to keep away from Phil and after the trial you understand don't you it seems a little silly somehow appearences can be awfully important if I sound like uh one of those husbands you'll have to forgive me goodbye ding goodbye [Music] Jim Now Dave the job was premeditated and I'm pretty sure I can prove it in court aren't you going just a little bit out of your way Jim I'm not just talking as his attorney when I say that he was not in his right mind I know you're just talking as an old friend now I've defended many a criminal and if mcallen's W I'm giving up the profession believe me if ever a man was insane he was so it's Insanity again Dave I suppose you've got your battery of psychologists and experts all lined up and when they get through you have McAllan fixed up so mad you'll be asking us to believe that was his wife who shot him cigarette no but I tell you the man was really crazy it's the only possible explanation if you keep on none of us will be responsible for anything we'll do what we like we'll steal kill anything and if the police catch up with us we'll just go out and hire someone as smart as you to prove us crazy that is if we have the money now look here Jim I'll give up my fee in this case if you'll play ball change the indictment to manslaughter with a recommendation for clemency and we'll close the case no Dave can't do it not and run this job as I see it a man who murders regardless of the circumstances is already a criminal at heart oh for get the job this time mallen's a human being and the most helpless human being I've ever come across you ought to go over there and take a look at it ah I get it now Dave you're just giving me the human interest business no no no Jim this is no trick tell McAllen is is is just a man like the rest of us a man who is madly in love with his wife and and blind with jealousy why what happened to him might have happened to any of us might have happened to me or to you stop your kidding Dave see in court he looks as if you'd Pinn these ears back let looks fool you dark Mar is a tough and wiy gentleman I'm going to fight on our hands choppie will you send two dozen long s roses to Mrs stole right away white ones any card any special sentiment no just for me they are conscience flowers are you sure two dozen will be enough two dozen will be plenty yes Kirk tomorrow is going to be tough what I'll send his psychologists and experts screaming back to Vienna when I get through with them when will I spring that confession a kiss before the [Applause] mirror you admit then that you neglected your wife you saw little ofer you were too busy with your humanitarian studies your plans for a better world I must ask you again to answer yes or no yes thank you did your plans for a better world include by any chance better consideration for your wife I object your honor the question is irrelevant and never car objection sustained the district attorney will please control his sarcasm you are a professor of political science at the university is that right yes your students loved you liked your courses I think so you spent a great deal of your time with them long hours after class and in the evenings yes and when your students were not with you your work was with you night and day is that not right Dr McAllen yes how long would you say Dr McAllen how long was it before your wife's death that you took her out say to dinner to a party to the theater my objector the question is irrelevant injection overruled this we Turney may continue how long doctor a month 2 months 3 months about 3 months this then is the woman you loved this woman you did not think enough of to be a companion to in her ordinary life this woman you left to weep her heart out in her own lonel this is the woman you say you loved with a passion with a Madness that drove you to kill I have i h ladies and gentlemen it Horder even in paper ma'am Mac Allen collapses on a witness stand thank you K you're welcome cracks after 2hour Grill by district attorney sto hello it's the telephone ma'am who is it creola it's for you ma'am yes oh yes oh yes yes I'll be over as soon as I can [Music] hello lizie I didn't expect you home so early I've had one of those days yes I know I read it in the paper sort of a Roman Holiday wasn't it you shouldn't read the papers l not for your pretty eyes Jim what's the matter Lucy nothing Jim I have to go to Elizabeth for a few minutes I wish you didn't have to go out tonight Lucy I'm sorry Jim but I have to I'll be back before dinner [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] n with a mirror light shining up on her face I leaned down quickly and kissed him instantly the moment I kissed her she shivered her flesh became Goose pimpy as with cold I saw her face in the mirror looking up at me and all its happiness was gone on it was a look of revulsion better [Music] wait hi Jim hello Elizabeth is Lucy here no Jim H something the matter no I just wanted to speak to her I'm sorry to bother J it's nothing but come on in Jim I expect her I'm waiting for now no thank you Elizabeth I've got to go along I just wanted to say something to her see you [Applause] later 406 Maple Drive you want me to wait here for you mister no you better not wait she was making herself beautiful for some man and she was going to him she wasn't going to Sonia I followed her in the rain it's all unreal to me all blood I was blind insane I saw enter a house I went to a window I saw run into a man's arms fire and my brain became a fury I didn't realize I'd drawn the gun I didn't realize I'd fired till I saw her body crumble to the floor and then I knew I'd killed her in that instant I knew I'd lost forever the one thing in the world I Lov it's my fault my stupidity my regret [Music] n [Music] [Music] Chim it was a stupid record I should have bought some new ones Liz said you were looking for me what is it Jim nothing nothing much I guess the case is about getting on my nerves I simply wanted to tell you that I wouldn't be at home tonight I'm staying in town oh I see it's much better if I'm near the office yes I suppose it is the office is terribly important I can get someone to stay with me here yes I'm sure you can see you tomorrow e hello hello is that you Phil [Music] [Music] you SE the gentlemen [Music] proceed [Music] Chief I would like the permission of the court to request a change of the present indictment in the form in which it was returned in its form and in its intention this request is quite unusual but I beg your honor to believe it has nonetheless been most carefully considered the jury will please retire what's the matter with stoh today can't figure it out unless you's got a new act he looks as if he's ill I do hope nothing's happened to him this is the only day I can come here's where he pulls something out of his sleeve the state has come to the belief that the indictment of murder brought against the defendant in this case was not fairly and justly conceived the attorney for the state has come to the belief that he acted without premeditation if it please the court the state recommends that this indictment of murder be amended to a charge of manslaughter order order order this is a serious recommendation May the court ask what consideration led the attorney for the state so to change his conviction an unusual consideration since the adjournment of court yesterday he has had experience with a case that to a great extent parallels this in fact is extraordinarily similar to it and his findings on that case have urged him to reconsider this he realizes especially in view of rumors that have been a foot the grave charges he leaves himself open to in making this recommendation but but he implores the court to believe that there are unimaginable moments when a man a poor weak man jealous blind frantic May kill the one he loves more than anyone more than anything on Earth May kill her by some strange tragic perversity and in killing her condemn himself to a life of sorrow and regret and that not death is his punishment and believe him your honor it can be a terrible one I see I see please have the jury returned the Mac Allen murder trial was startled into an uproar today by district attorney Stow in a scene of unprecedented excitement the Mac Allen trial came to an abrupt and dramatic close today district attorney stole asked the court that the first deegree murder charge be withdrawn well it looks as if you're finally getting away on that trip Mrs Stow something like that James Miss Stell Miss Stowell you should hear M Stowell itola Mr Stowell just let that Mallen man go he let him go yeah something like that you just come on in and listen Mr for the Alle SL surprised the spectators and the court by asking that the first-degree murder charge be dismissed the jury following judge Forbes instructions immediately returned the verdict of manslaughter with a recommendation for clemency the penalty calls for from 10 to 20 years district attorney stole has blankly refused all further discussion of the case we will now continue with our regular program I thought sure they was going to Electrify him thank you crola I learned a lot just sitting here on my day off improving my [Music] mind [Music] I saw a jinx outside I know it's too late for regrets Lucy I've been mad mad there's no other word for it no other explanation of my selfishness and stupidity you you've always been generous Lucy and before you go I'm going to ask you one last great kindness won't you let me start all over again not here in this house not as your husband not even as an old friend but just as if we'd only met strangers meeting for the first time like that first snowy day in New Haven and let me try to win you to win your back I don't know Jim when you walked out last night it it seemed that your job that prosecutor had won Believe Me Lucy I didn't know I didn't realize what had happened between us until yesterday when I saw you sitting before the mirror when you kissed me yes when I came home I hated you then I just read your cross- examination of ma Allen and how he collapsed on the witness stand you seem to be more of an executioner than an attorney I know I understand Lucy and afterwards when you left the room I realized the Truth For the First Time hello folks I want you all to meet the young lady's husband we were married before breakfast oh Liz I'm so happy I don't know what I'm crying for come here Bri kiss Mr stole after all it was his wife that did it that's right Jim he was really going to run out don't I know when I was over there then he had his bags all packed my bag give me all the happiness in the world Elizabeth thanks Jim I don't have to wish you happiness Phil you have it thank you Jim I hate to admit it in front of two women but I think you're right thank you sir well Jim isn't there a bottle of wine on ice not now Jim save it until we get back come on victim we've got to run on the Niagra Fall to Niagra Fall Phil insist he wants to be different we're going to drive up in the fliver and I tie the tin can and ribbons out all by myself and he's made one of those just married signs too didn't I read somewhere about the bridge over the falls being da well we can still send postcards that was a marvelous thing you did today you're a great man Jim hardly I just came to my senses that's all Phil come on Liz we've got to be moving well goodbye Phil goodbye Jim goodbye goodbye luy goodbye good luck thanks again darling forget it ring us up when you get back come on Mama we got to go y call me Mama I don't like it well you better get used to it hello it's the telephone Mr Stell who is it crola is that Mr Allison from the office and he said it was Mo urgent no Dan oh I've had enough of the job enough for a while anyway that's right no I won't do it no I'm not resigning Dan the job's all right the trouble's with me I've just got wise to myself but Jim the newspaper boys are packed outside and there's some pretty nasty talk going around yes bribery the McAllen Millions you know what I mean let them talk let them investigate let them do what they like I'll take care of them all when I get back let me talk to uh shy yes Mr Stow with the greatest of pleasure that's my little good deed for the day never mind that Jinx please bring the other vags back I won't be going for a few days yes at first I couldn't believe my ears someday darling I'll tell you a story and you won't believe your ears about us about me about my great Reformation it happened last night tell me I'll tell you on the board for Europe d
Channel: Donald P. Borchers
Views: 10,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warren William, Gail Patrick, Ralph Morgan, William Lundigan, Constance Moore, Cecil Cunningham, Jonathan Hale, Lillian Yarbo, Milburn Stone, J. Anthony Hughes, Samuel S. Hinds, Edward LeSaint, American films based on plays, American crime drama films, crime films, Remakes of American films, American courtroom films, 1938 films, James Whale, Myles Connolly, Ladislas Fodor, Edmund Grainger, George Robinson, Charles Maynard, Jack Otterson, Eugene Joseff, Charles Previn
Id: KUc4hf4YF-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 49sec (4129 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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