HUGE end of year book haul 40 BOOKS! ✨

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hi hello my name is jody and welcome to another video so today we're going to be doing a book called always loads of book hauls on my channel please surprise there so this is my end of year book haul so the last book of 2020 a lot of books to get through i have about 40 books technically i'm gonna talk through some comic books i picked up recently as well so i have loads of single-issue comic books to show you guys at the end of the video so probably about 50 if you come to those individually but i'm going to say 40 with actual books and stuff so yes a lot of books to get through i have no excuse really some of these were in sale a couple one and i had a few gifts from you guys and then i just have accumulated some different books summer pre-orders things like that so yeah we have a lot to get through but i know you guys like my book hauls so we're here with another one this does not include my books that i received for christmas that will be in a separate video which will be coming fairly soon after this one for those of you who don't know my name is jody and i make bookish videos usually twice a week all different bookish good stuff so if you're into any of that then you give me a subscribe if you like anyway let's get into the video i'm really really excited and i have my nice cute hocus pocus book that jamie got me for christmas which it's a little cauldron and it's it's just so cute it comes with a little spoon as well grab yourself a nice hot cup of tea or a coffee or just any drink sit down somewhere comfy and get ready because this is going to be probably a bit of a long one i'm going to keep my synopsises synopsis synopsises synopsis i'm going to keep my synopsis brief for each book some of them i probably don't even give a synopsis for just because i don't want this video to be too long and like i said there's a lot to get through i don't even know where to start i have it all in the trolley right in front of me and i just i'm overwhelmed because i know what to grab the first book i have is actually really really nice i read an early copy of this and reviewed it a few months ago those of you who've subscribed to me you probably heard me talk about this book way too many times because i absolutely adored it my favorite middle grade i've read for a long time and the author asked if she could send me a signed copy as a thank you and of course i said yes i mean i already had the sound one pre-ordered anyway at work but yeah it was so nice and i received it actually today um so it's a forest of moon and sword by amy rafael and just look how this is a finished copy and just look how beautiful this book is i'm obsessed look how stunning this is though like you need this book in your life trust me it comes out this month actually i believe yeah she just wrote a little note inside so it says to jody thank you for tremendous support hope to meet you in 2021 from amy this is just so nice and this is honestly like just set the tone for the year it's just such a nice thing and yeah thank you so much amy because this made my day i love your book so much and i'm just so happy to have a finished copy that signed to me as well it's just really nice and i adore this book so yeah if you haven't heard me talk about this a million times already make sure you go and pre-order it or pick up when it comes out because it's absolutely fantastic and you don't want to miss out on this i'm going to stop ranting about it though because you're all probably sick to death of me talking about it so next we have a super beautiful edition of a book that i really really loved in 2020 one of my favorite books i read that year i really really love this series and i love this book anyway it's the third edition that i own i pre-ordered this with fairyloot a while ago and it finally arrived and i'm obsessed so this is how the king of elfhame learned to hate stories by holly black and this is the fairly exclusive edition so it is stunning as always it has a beautiful gold sprayed edges hopefully the lighting isn't too bad but you can just see how stunning this is and then we have these gorgeous gold end papers even like the metallic detail in here as well it's just stunning and then underneath we have this beautiful embossed book with the gold tree and i'm just obsessed like i love this so much i have this edition the waterstones one and the standard hardcover so yes three editions but you all know i like to collect books and of course i was gonna pre-order fairyloot's edition so glad i have this because it is absolutely stunning so next up is the third book in a series and it's actually a series i haven't read yet but do plan to in 2021 but i had this pre-ordered anyway so it finally came in and so that is the burning guard by rf koang so this is the third book in the poppy war series yeah i'm not going to give a synopsis about it because obviously it is a book in a series and i haven't read the series but yeah i pre-ordered this and now i have all three books so i'm really really excited because it means i can binge this series at some point in 2021 and i really love this cover as well i love this simplistic cover i just think it's absolutely stunning and it really does make it stand out with the black and white and the orange and yeah i just so excited about this one next up we have two poetry books which both of which i have read and enjoyed one has food stuck on it that was really gross anyway one of these i loved more than the other and i'll talk about that in a second but these are both two poetry books that are illustrated by one of my all-time favorite illustrators which is chris riddell i absolutely adore his illustrations and of course i just had to have these and they're beautiful i still need to get the or the one which is poems to save the world i believe i still need to pick that one up um but the ones i do have are poems to live your life by and then i also have poems to fall in love with and this one is signed basically these are kind of like a collection of different poems related to the subject so these are kind of like romantic ones all to do with love and then these ones are kind of like general ones selected by chris riddell as well so i definitely enjoyed this one a lot more i think i gave this three stars on this four stars but yeah the illustrations in both of these are absolutely stunning like i love them so much and then this one is obviously signed which i'll just quickly show you guys um so yeah i just really really like both of these they have stunning covers as well i know the lighting's not great but yeah these covers are absolutely stunning so i need to pick up the other one that he's done but i just really really like these they're really really nice to kind of collect they have beautiful illustrations inside and if you do like poetry or just want a nice illustrated book then definitely look into these because they are stunning talking of stunning books i have this beautiful one here so this is by nikita gill and this is face of fairy tales and other stories to stare your soul and i just really picked this up so randomly but i'm so glad that i did these are mostly feminist fairy tales and i just think this is such a gorgeous book like look how beautiful this cover is like stunning we love her this is just like a collection you've got some short stories in here like this you've got some kind of poetry in here you've got all different kinds of things in here and i just think this is absolutely beautiful and i am planning to pick this up fairly soon may even add this to my january tbr just because it is absolutely beautiful and i just think feminist fairy tales why would you not want to read those but yeah i really really i'm glad that i picked this up and i just think it's stunning and i love books like this i just think they're so nice i like anything it's like a collection of short stories or poems and things like that especially with a really cool theme like the feminist fairy tale theme i just think it's really cool if you have any recommendations for anything similar to this then please do let me know but i can't wait to read this i just think i'm gonna really enjoy it and it's just a beautiful like book to have on my shelf and while we're on the subject of books that have beautiful covers i may as well show you guys this one and so this is actually a proof and it's one of the nicest proofs i've ever received and this is the last pair by hannah gold and yes this is a proof you heard me right a hardback proof i wish that was more of a thing i understand why it isn't but i wish that it was because this is just stunning i absolutely love this i haven't gotten around to reading this yet but it does have a michael morpurgo quote on the front i cannot say his name properly it says the last bear is an important first novel important for us for polar bears for the planet it is deeply moving beautifully told quite unforgettable i think this is going to be a really really lovely story i think it's going to have some really important messages in here as well it comes out on the 18th of february in 2021 the finished copy of this is absolutely stunning as well like it's so beautiful but i'm really really excited to read this because i just think it's going to be a lovely lovely story so the next book i am so excited about and i just adore it and i have a really funny story about this book so me and danny and both of our boyfriends were in the bookstore together and we were just having like a nose round and like looking and at the same time me and danny like facing away from each other in two different parts of like the shop and we were both like oh my god look at this book that i found and then we both turned around and we had the exact same book in our hand we both randomly just found in the wrong place and it was just so weird and so funny because what were the chances of us finding the only two copies in the whole store in the wrong place at the exact same time and both knowing that each of us would love it it was just a really funny moment and yeah it kind of sums up our friendship because i swear like we just think the exact same like we are the same person it's crazy but anyway i'm so so excited about this and we are gonna eventually buddy read this together and i just cannot wait for that and the book is my neighbor toro so i can never say that right i'm so sorry but you know exactly what i mean by the cover so this is based off the studio ghibli movie um or jubilee however you want to pronounce it and yeah it's just look how cute this is like it's so cute it's almost like kind of like that um i i don't know it's like that organza kind of feels to it like textured um but this is just so cute it's so small like i'm obsessed and this is literally just like the original story as well and it has like beautiful little illustrations inside and like it is just literally like it's so stunning and so cute and i can't wait to read this so yeah i just i love this and it has like a really nice memory attached to it now as well and i just think this is adorable and i wish you could get like this little cute edition for every single studio giveaway story but yeah i'm just obsessed with this and i absolutely adore it and i just think it's so cute the next up we have a parachute by kelly young so this one is a really random pick i just found this in the bookstore and it sounded so good that i just had to get it so we get called parachutes because they are teenagers who get dropped off in america and they stay in these like fancy private homes while their wealthy parents remain in asia and in this we follow claire now claire is living a really really nice life in shanghai she is very very privileged and suddenly her parents up and move her and ship her off to the united states to become an international student so she gets enrolled at this high school in california and she ends up living in a stranger's house and it's the first time she's in a situation where there's nobody telling her what to do she's kind of got a sense of freedom here and obviously everything's totally new to her in this place as well and she gets asked out by a fellow parachute named jay so she certainly takes advantage of these newfound freedoms that she has and then we have danny who is the sister so it's her mum who's rented out a room to claire in their house she's less than impressed about this she's not happy one bit and danny is an academic she's on a debate team at school she's determined to get into yale she's gonna let nothing and no one getting her way from her getting to that school and this means even competing with privileged kids who are used to buying their way to the top both donny and clare do everything they can to possibly ignore each other and just live two separate lives under the same roof and then they kind of end up on a collision course where they're going to end up crossing paths and basically be intertwined in some way just say this is an unforgettable modern immigrant story about love trauma family corruption and the power of speaking out so this just sounds absolutely amazing it sounds like a really good contemporary novel i haven't really heard many people talk about this either if you have read this yourself please do let me know your thoughts because i'd be very very intrigued to know but i just think this sounds absolutely amazing i really can't wait to read this i think it's going to be really interesting i think it's going to touch on some really important themes as well and i'm just very very excited about it and i also just love this cover i just think it's so nice i love this kind of art style as well very very excited to give this one a read then next we have fairly it's book of the month for december i believe this was um and this is master of one by jada jones and danny bennett and this has a stunning red sprayed edges and it is just a gorgeous metallicy cover so i did already talk about this in my fair elite unboxing or maybe that hasn't gone up yet i don't think that video will have gone up just yet but it is coming up you can watch it there and i talk about the whole synopsis there this kind of has a fae relics in here it's kind of like a heist kind of vibe kind of reminds me a bit of six of crows and there's a cool lizard creature thing in this book which yes like we read this just for that alone but yeah this just sounds really really good it's got like a heist kind of vibe to it it's got a lot of different characters interacting face stuff magic all different kinds of cool things i think this will be a really really fun one and i just love this metallicy cover and these sprayed edges like stunning oh my god i need a tea break from talking so much so next up we have another book that is the final book in a series and this is yet again another series i have not read but certainly do you plan too soon i do have i think all of the books and i also have the fairly exclusive editions of the series pre-ordered as well but i had this one pre-ordered totally forgot i'd pre-ordered it and this is a signed edition and an exclusive edition so this is a sky beyond the storm by sabar tahir and this is the one with the pink spray edges so this one is the waterstones edition it is signed um and it is a beautiful beautiful book and it has this really really cool map inside we love a book that has a map i mean i don't know why because i never ever use them or really properly look at them especially when i'm reading the book but i just like them like i don't know i like to know they're there even though i never use them does anyone else ever use the maps in books or no i i don't i like them being there i just don't use them so next up is a book that i'm very very excited to read and i'm so glad that i managed to get my hands on i really do want the owlcrate exclusive edition of this it really isn't that much different i think it just has like a different dust jacket thing or something um so if anyone is selling their copy let your girl know because i'd love it i really really want one although i know i can get this on ebay but i really begrudge buying them on ebay because they're usually people who deliberately buy the boxes just to sell them for more money and i don't want to line their pockets yeah you know what i mean but i also don't want to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a book like that isn't like a collectible thing for me it's just one that i kind of like but anyway that is besides the point i have the standard copy my hands and i can read that and i'm happy and that is horrid by katrina lennon this was a i'll create book of the month a while ago i wasn't really into it at the time and since i've actually read some reviews for this and i was like i'm intrigued by that book now i actually really want it and it took me a while to get my hands on it but i finally managed to order it into work and yeah i love this cover i'm absolutely obsessed with this cover it looks so creepy and i'm just here for it it's a vibe it says on the back here jane's fingers were numb once she ready to admit now that she believed in the word was still so hard to say it was silly and childish it was white sheets with eye holes cut out and grainy pictures of disembodied heads and bumps in the night when you're home alone all tucked in bed and frozen with fear ghosts yeah that bit just had me but this just sounds so so spooky and i love the spooky vibes i wish it was still halloween so i could read this um i appreciate the spooky vibes more but but this follows jane and jane is currently dealing with a lot of grief after her father has recently passed away and her and her mother moved from sunny california to the dreary town of maine and this is actually a town where her mother ruth actually grew up and they moved to a place called north manor hoping for a fresh start but instead gets something far more sinister so within this place it seems to lurk a very very dark history and jane is then the recipient of a lot of bullying from a bad person or a bad seed in the town and this kind of brings out her bad side as well and she goes from being lost in books and starting to get over things cope with her grief and settle into a new time making new friends to kind of becoming a bit of a darker version of herself and her mother is having a really really hard time being back in her childhood home and it's kind of sending her out of control and she just won't say why and then jane finds this storage room in the house and this isn't actually a storage room that is always locked it is instead a little girl's bedroom and this room is not as empty as it seems there's definitely an inhabitant in there and that's all the synopsis kind of says so sounds so creepy and sounds like there's going to be a lot of cool dynamics in this book and the creepy vibes it's set in like um new england when it's like autumn and you know i can just imagine like all the fog and like cold night and it being really eerie and like atmospheric so this just sounds amazing i cannot wait to read this book i hope it is very very creepy and i'm just obsessed with this cover i think it's stunning and i can't wait to sit down and read this on a cold night next up we have a really really random buy i actually bought this in tk maxx i just saw it the tail and i was like that looks interesting and i picked it up and i don't really know much about it i'm pretty sure it's inspired by edgar allan poe i just was attracted to the cover and i guess you guys will see why um but this is called the raven's tail and this is by cat winters and just look at this cover this cover i would have just bought it for the aesthetic alone because obsessed with this like this is just such a cool cover never ever heard of this in my entire life but it was five pounds so i thought why not it says once upon a midnight dreary while i pondered we can worry over many acquaint and curious volume of forgotten law seventeen-year-old etica poe is on the brink of escaping from under the thumb of his foster family the wealthy allens once he's out of oppressive richmond and away at college things will change he'll be free to pursue his art and leave the horrors of his past behind then on the brink of his departure a macabre muse named lenoir appears to him tempting him to a life of dark poetry and gruesome tales eddie's foster father believes muses are dangerous creatures who lead artists on a path of ruin no respectable person would answer their call but luna steps out of the shadows with one request let them see me will eddie find the courage to answer her that's all it says so it doesn't really give you much of what it's about and it's not my usual cup of tea to be honest and i don't know if i will actually enjoy this when i read it but this is basically inspired by edgar allan poe and his muse and how that changed him and his art i guess and his work and yeah i think this has got like a historical element to it it's got that kind of fantasy imaginative s kind of verb i don't know it just sounds quite fun and i just love this cover i had to buy it for the cover so i have two christmas books to show you guys which i didn't get around to reading but i will hopefully read next christmas so i have this one here which was called chill tidings dark tales of the christmas season and this is a british library edition i just love this cover i think it's so cool and this is basically a bunch of really dark and creepy spooky christmas stories and i love that there's hardly anything that's like dark horror-esque christmasy stories they're always like romantic ones so i'm very very excited to read this even though it will be next christmas when i read this it is just a bunch of short stories basically then on twitter i want a giveaway for this book which is really exciting i just didn't get around to reading it unfortunately this is called all i want for christmas by donna ballory and this is just a nice warm and fuzzy and cozy romantic contemporary style story obviously christmas scenes and yet this just sounds like a really nice kind of romantic story that also has an element of family and belonging and i just think it sounds really really cute and yeah it's just a nice christmassy story so again it's one definitely for the end of next year but one that i will hopefully get to a christmas so next i have two middle grades so this first one i'm just gonna peel the sticker off and talk to you about it's kind of like inspired by alice in wonderland but it's also very tim burton-esque which is the main reason that i bought it i did very very briefly start this book on the way home from work one day i kind of forgot that i started it and haven't picked up since so i really need to read it this is called malice in underland and yeah as you can see very very tim burton-esque illustrations and this follows a girl named malice and her and her family basically are mischievous for a living like that's how they get by they cause mischief and it says and as underlying representatives it is their responsibility to maintain respectable levels of gruesome amongst top siders the top side is the people who like living in a normal world but when grandad ghost mysteriously start disappearing including her own beloved granddad malice has no choice but to put aside her mischief and solve the case so this just sounds so fun i just absolutely adored the sound of it and i had to get it and because it says it's gloriously gothic and it had that tim burton kind of vibe and the whole like alice in underlands you know malice in underland i just yeah it sounds really really cool and i just had to get this and i can't wait to actually pick up again because i did start it and it's quite funny and yeah i just think this will be a really fun middle grade then next we have one i was sent by publisher which i'm very very excited to get to i can't remember when this comes out let's have a look january 2021 so i need to move on and read this so this is the hat makers by thomson merchant so this is a proof edition and this proof is absolutely beautiful very excited to give this a read and review it because it sounds absolutely amazing and this follows cordelia and cordelia comes from a long line of people who basically consume magic into hat using magical ingredients to create things is something that's very very rare in her world and it's a very very ancient skill but then cordelia's father goes missing and as a result of this ancient rivalries resurface and cordelia begins to wonder if someone's using maker magic to try and start a war and it says enter a spellbinding world brimming with magic and wonder in this soaring adventure and i just think this sounds so fun and i'm obsessed with this proof i think it's stunning and i can't wait to read this i think it's going to be a really really fun read i really love the magical element to this as well so next up i have two mangas i think i've spoken about these in a vlog before and i honestly can't remember what they're about so i'm literally gonna show you them and i can't even pronounce them but it was the art style was the main reason i bought them and i can't wait to read them but i have volumes one and two and just look like oh they're absolutely stunning and they are inside as well is just amazing and i can't wait to read both of these it says when a young girl moves to the forgotten town of byzinga she uncovers a terrifying collection of lost souls that lead her to onto the brink of insanity one thing becomes painfully clear the residents of byzantius are just dying to come home and this just sounds absolutely amazing i'm very very excited and yeah i'm obsessed with the art style it's the only reason i bought them next i have this graphic novel so this is a feminist tale and i just think this sounds absolutely amazing and this says it follows betrayal loyalty madness bad husbands lovers both faithful and unfaithful wise old crones moons who come up the sky musical instruments that won't stay quiet friends and brothers and fathers and mothers and all above many many sisters um and this is called the 100 nights of hero by isabel greenberg obsessed with the art style look how cool the art is in this graphic novel i just hit myself in the head this is really big and really heavy it's got a really really unique and cool art style and i just think this is going to be a really really fun graphic novel so that's why i got it and this cover is absolutely stunning as well then next i was sent this by the publisher and i just think this is really really cool so i want to show it but this is the all-new britannica children's encyclopedia what we know and what we don't i love stuff like this because i'm not the best when it comes to factual things and i find children things or just simplified versions of things are really helpful so obviously this is just a children's encyclopedia so it literally just simplifies everything and just gives you a lot of information and to be honest it's very difficult to find an adult encyclopedia that isn't really overwhelming and i just think this is absolutely stunning and i love it so much and i just think it's amazing and i'm really really happy that i have this i just think it's really really useful next we have a book that i just still can't believe i got for such a cheap price this was literally 4.99 this is literally one of my all-time favorite favorite films i literally love this film i love this superhero so much this is the art of the film for the first wonder woman movie which is literally one of my favorite films and patty jenkins is one of my favorite directors i think this is one of the most stunning like cinematic films ever like it is just absolutely beautifully sharp and everything about it is just amazing so of course i had to get the art of the film for 4.99 like i was not going to say no but it literally is just art of the film and talking about the director and how the film was shot and things like that and i just think this is a really really cool book to have in my collection and i'm very very happy that i got this for such a good price as well so next we have another book that isn't the first or second book in the series but it's the third which seems to be a recurring theme here i don't actually own the first or second book for this series either but i'm dying to read it but i really really really want them in hardcover because the hardcovers are just stunning they're impossible to get i only managed to get the third one from work we can't get the first second and there are prints so i am trying to track them down online but because this was available at the time i obviously got it that is the winter witch by catherine arden so this is the third book in the series not gonna go into what it's about because like i said part of a series but i really really do need to pick up the first and second book and hardcover because i really do want to read these um but just look how beautiful this hardcover is like it is so stunning and i can't wait to have the first two and have them all together if anyone knows where i can get them please do let me know because i really do want to pick them up so next i have these here oh my gosh just hit myself um these are some books i was kind of gifted by you guys and i have shown these in a blog before but i just thought i'd include them in the hall anyways these are from nikki and nicole so thank you both again for these beautiful gifts but i have this tim burton's nightmare before christmas and this is the manga version of the film which is just love it absolutely love it you all know i'm obsessed with timber and nightmare before christmas i just yeah i'm so happy with this i've read both of the picture book style and the disney animated edition of this story and i've also read the graphic novel one i just haven't read the manga so i'm very very excited to have this and get around to reading the manga now because i've read every other format of this story that there is just look at it it's so cute we love the bone daddy then i also have the bone child daughter by andrea stewart and this is an adult fantasy this is about magic revolution a mystery and it just sounds absolutely amazing and i've heard really really good things about this and i was very very lucky to kindly receive this i want to hear you guys so thank you so much and then i have this beautiful hardcover of hansel and gretel and this is the neil gaiman interpretation of this story i just love the really really dark art style inside love it i love short stories like this i recently read neil gaiman's to sleep in the spindle which is another one of his fairy tale twisted stories that i just yeah i really really enjoyed that it was so good so i'm hoping his interpretation of hansel gretel is also really good and really dark and i can't wait to get to this one i just absolutely love this so much and then i have a graphic novel which is the wicked and the divine and this is volume two so i have volume one can't wait to read these i'm gonna wait till i've got a few more volumes in this series and then hopefully binge my way through these very very excited i think these are gonna be really really good next we have a graphic novel adaptation of a book and this is a book that i read so many years ago now and i know i loved at the time don't know how my feelings will be about it now but we shall see when i read this this is called fangirl by rainbow rowell and this is the graphic novel edition that was adapted by sam max it's fangirl it's nerdy it includes fanfic and yeah it's a really really good contemporary from what i remember i just can't remember exactly everything about it and like i said i don't know if my thoughts and feelings may change but i'm very very excited to read this i am going to be reading this in january i think with danny so i can't wait to pick it up gonna be fun to revisit a book i haven't read for a long time next we have another neil gaiman graphic novel and this was one i actually did receive for christmas we kind of slipped through the net and ended up with this haul instead of the christmas one but we're gonna talk about it anyway so this is called snow gloss apples and this is basically a fantasy retelling of snow white i believe and it is a very very dark interpretation wait you see some of the scenes in this book guys we love to see it i love this kind of art style though i love dark graphic novels like this i absolutely adore this kind of really dark art style as well like i just can't wait to read this i'm so excited for this i love these dark twisted retellings that neil gaiman does they're always amazing and i'm just very very very very excited about this next i have another manga i'm just going to take my receipt out that i've left in there this is called comey or comic can't communicate this is the first volume and i don't know a lot about this this is just a really cutesy kind of tile i'm told i picked this one up because i have heard really good things about this manga as you guys will know i've recently gotten into manga and this is apparently a really really cute kind of romantic nice kind of story i believe but this kind of follows a girl who has really bad crippling anxiety and she's very misunderstood for it and i think then this guy kind of comes and helps her inside to help her make loads of friends and i think me maybe develop some kind of romance between them unless i've stuck this for a different manga i don't know i also have these two that i received from the call as well and these ones i'd never heard of before and they weren't on my wish list she just kindly sent me them because she thought i'd really like them i actually have the note that says i thought you might enjoy this it seems like we both share the same love for creepy dark art and spooky twisted stories and these are just when i open these i was so happy these are my kind of vibe you're right i absolutely obsessed um so we have this one here which is holiday haunts scary short stories of halloween and christmas um and yes please like this is my vibe this is my aesthetic like love that um so it's like what it says on the cover it's just loads of short stories to do with halloween and christmas very very excited very very spooky and then we also have this one here which i just dropped which is called ghastly grim a collection of dark art stories and poems and this one is definitely my fave it has so much cool art in it and stories poetry everything dark and spooky and i cannot wait to delve into this so thank you so much nicole because i'm obsessed with both of these and i cannot wait to read both of them as well totally my kind of thing so next up i have a wonder woman graphic novel and this is wonder woman that just wore and this just sounds so so cool so i can't wait to read this i love wonder woman she's my favorite dc character she's probably my favorite superhero ever as well and i just think this looks so good and i loved aries like the whole story with aries that wonder woman one was based off so i think this will be really really fun to read so next up we have a one that i've already read and this is the nightmare before christmas the graphic novel so it's literally the story about graphic novel format and i really love this i gave it five stars i have nothing more to say about it so as some of you might have seen from my vampathon videos i read one of the anita blake comics and i really loved it and then i ended up getting this one as well which is anita blake the laughing corpse animator and this isn't like a follow-on from that one this is a totally different one um but i love the character and i love the art so much i went ahead and bought this one very very excited for it because she's a badass she's basically a vampire hunter and she's just really really good at it so yeah i'm very very excited to give this a read then we have the wicked divine volume one i should have showed this for volume two but they were in a separate pile and basically in this every 90 years 12 gods return as young people and it says that i love they are hated in two years they are all dead it's happening now it's happening again just sounds so intriguing love the sound of this i can't wait to binge the series when i have all the volumes i really love this simplistic kind of covers as well i've heard really really good things about this too so i'm very very excited to read these then we have neil gaiman's coraline the graphic novel version so i read coraline in october loved it such a good book and this is literally just a graphic novel so i can't wait to read the graphic novel format for this because i love graphic novels i love coraline it's so creepy and i think this will be really really fun to read it in this format too so next up we have some dc ink graphic novels so i do have a beast boy as well but i don't know where i've put it it's somewhere in my room because i'm going to be reading it in january but i did also get that but it's just not in the actual haul but i also have these two i have a gotham high by melissa de la cruz this follows 17 year old bruce way when he returns to gotham city it's got selena who's catwoman obviously it's basically like a young version of batman and i just think it's going to be so fun to read and i love this cover too and i really really enjoy the dc inc graphic novels and then i also have this wondering one which is called wonder woman tempest tossed and this is by leila del duca i think so you pronounce the name it's illustrated by her and it's written by laurie halls anderson i love wonder woman as i've said already in this video and i just can't wait to read this i've read the wonder woman warbringer dc inc comic so very very excited to read this one didn't really know existed until recently so i'm very very glad that i picked it up and it looks stunning inside i love the blue aesthetic in here so i'm very very excited to read both of these and beast boy as well beast boy is just one of the teen titans very excited to read that one but yes i have those dc ink ones that i got here's the beast boy graphic novel it was sitting there the whole time just in a different pile then we have a tokyo ghoul vol 1 so i recently binged the anime obsessed i still have a few more episodes left to watch but i absolutely adore the anime it's so fun i really wanted to pick up the manga and i'm glad that i did i can't wait to read all of these and i'm very very excited to get to this soon and i will hopefully be reading it in january but yeah just everyone kind of knows what tokyo ghoul is i'm pretty sure it's got ghouls in here and it's just really really cool if you haven't read this or watched it do it so that concludes all the books and stuff but i just quickly show you through some of the single issue comics i have so i'm literally just going to go through very very quick so we have wonder 1984 with this really cool retro cover we have wonder woman 84 museum mayhem which is basically based off the museum scene from the movie we have something that's killing the children which i really want to pick up the trade paper back off because this is a really creepy thriller mystery dark horror kind of desk comic and i've heard really really good things about it and it looks really cool i have this horror comic called the autumnal and i just bought this simply because i'm obsessed with the artwork and it looks amazing but i hope i enjoy it and then i have two monstrous comics here which are both of these two i'm going to be rereading monstrous volume 1 soon i'm binging the rest of the series very very excited and i just thought i'd pick up the single issues as well then i originally did one all of the mercy comics but i haven't been able to get my hands on all of them yet i have volumes four to six so i still need to get the first three obviously but i can't wait to read this i have the trade paperback ordered but these are just some of the single issues with the really cool covers but i've heard really good things about this i'm very very excited to read this when i get the whole collection together so i really do need to get my hands on the other issues but i'm very very happy that i have these ones and then lastly i got these um buffy the vampire slayer willow comics so i have issues one two three four and five um and i'm obsessed with the artwork like look how stunning these are they're so beautiful oh i love them so much um i can't wait to read these because they look amazing and again i've heard really really good things about these and it's related to buffy so why would it not be amazing but that concludes all the books for this haul i hope it wasn't too long it probably is very very long and i hope you guys maybe found some new cool books through this video somehow but yeah i hope you enjoyed this lots of good books and graphic novels and manga to read i will have them all linked in the description box below and i'm just very very excited to read all these for panicking because i have no idea where they're going to go on my bookshelves there's just no room for them anymore so they're probably gonna have to sit in my tbr trolley until i can find a way to put them if you've read any of these please do let me know your thoughts in the comments below hit the like button if you did enjoy this video and subscribe if you'd like to i upload twice a week most of the time and i will be doing some live shows pretty soon as well so yeah i really do hope that you did enjoy this video and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] bye you
Channel: Jodie ☾
Views: 18,970
Rating: 4.9597316 out of 5
Keywords: book haul, bootube, books, book haul 2020, huge book haul, 40 books
Id: ZcnfKgJkFZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 0sec (2220 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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