The Last 24 Hours: A Deeper Look Into The Last Moments Of Tupac Shakur.

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the weekend tupac got shot in vegas give me the back story in a play by play of everything that happened that weekend oh so that particular weekend um it should have that club 662 so all of us would always venture down there to vegas but um daz and snooping them kind of stayed behind it was some kind of rift going on with pocket at that point um it was something going on of course you know i stay out of it i was interested in getting down to vegas to get my party on and to go to the fight because suge knight always looked out for me on all the fights and i always had two tickets for me i mean i always had my own room i would bring my whole crew with me but i will only get two tickets so i found out the day of the fight that shiv did not it was probably hours before then he didn't have any tickets for me and i was heated oh my god he was like numbers don't worry about it i will make up for it next time the next fight so obviously i was kind of ticked but whatever um we all kind of just hung out um in the lobby of the lexar hotel waiting for them to come back um then word got around that a fight had taken place at the mgm so we were kind of interested to see what happened when the boys arrived back to the lexar hotel to change clothes for the the club 662 party so i remember pop all the guys they were all in the valet park area and pop was fumbling with the chain because it had broken during the fight so that's when i kind of went up to him and i was trying to get you know the information you know nosy mean what happened how'd the chain break because we didn't know the whole all the details to what happened at um you know at the mgm at that point it was no social media it was nothing i mean you know things took a while to come around so you know obviously i knew he had that bulletproof vest on then you could feel it was a thin shirt on and you could see it you know the way that kind of it was uh some kind of brown gold not really the gold like a brown color shirt and it was it was in a dressed up a nice dress outfit and he went upstairs to change and when he came back downstairs i was in my suburban at that point um sitting in the car in ballet ready to pull out because we knew when they were ready to go we were gonna all roll out together follow each other so i was already in the line got that suburban it was dropped on rams globe tires and hooked me up so pop came over he had his jersey on and he was on the side of my car he was i mean he was more mesmerized by the fact that the girl had had tricked her her suburban out dropped it bumping music but i was focused on the fact that he didn't have his bulletproof vests on so we're sitting on i'm in my car and he's on the side uh the suburban to have that uh that roll bar that rope thing on the side he was standing on the side of my driver's door talking to me about how bomb my car was but i'm like yo where's the bullets who's that you know and he was just happy in a good mood he had fixed chain and he's like you know we have to win and i just felt good i'm like um no we're supposed to you guys are supposed to wear it the guy's supposed to wait at all times nah nah it's all good it's all good and he was just jamming to my music i had something going you know i had some everlasting beats going on i had the whole system mapped out so he left my car and it was a whole bunch of females i had never seen before you know groupies kind of hanging out in the vip area and i was kind of like come on you guys let's roll what later with some girls you know we got we got things to do and i think nate dawg got a little irritated he was like yo let them deal with the women let's all roll to the club they can meet us up there so with nate dawg and his security went in like a little van and nigga's girlfriend roll with me so we made it on up to the club 662 was in the parking lot and we were getting in there and i guess some new security should had they had never met me before so the guy was kind of sweating me at the door and i'm like dudes you need to you better you better ask somebody who the [ __ ] i am you come on now i would pop my my little muscles at 22 and wonder i think i don't know if it was reggie one and i'm like no no leave her alone she's real good so i walked in there as soon as i walk in the club craig mack is performing and next thing you see is all the security all the private security in the club is running out and i just found that like crazy like why they running out and i was hella but you know like curious about this i'm like all right they're leaving i'm following him so i said i think tasha roll with me like girl wrote me come on come on tell nate we'll be you'll be back something's going on so i'm going on i'm gonna follow the security so i hop back in my truck and was trying and kind of following kind of behind what all the security cars were going and it was kind of like we were going the same route as the way we came from the lexar and soon as we started heading back you hear sirens getting louder and louder and louder until we hit that main street i don't whatever the main street was there and you could see shook car and it's already kind of tilted over and every it's still aligned his car was first and the lines all behind it and everybody's like crying you could see people kind of breaking down on you know on them like the outlaw guys i kind of seen them you could tell some they were crying the yellow tape was up but they were they were sort of putting the yellow tape up and i ran my suburban right through the yellow tape and i almost hit a cop because all i knew was that this car shot up and it wasn't shot up like 15 minutes ago or 15 it wasn't even a 15 minute span from there to there it couldn't have been that long and they had all they were the the m the emergency the ambulance was had the boys sugaring one and getting pot and the yellow cake was going up everything happened so fast and like i i said on a previous interview it was the strangest thing that the yellow tape isolated us and we were all in this yellow tape my car was now positioned inside the yellow tape along with all the other cars and people were saying horrible things die slow [ __ ] you death row people that's what y'all [ __ ] get and i was taken aback like what we're in our neck of the woods we're in the west coast and i didn't hear not one good comment because ev the word he got around that sugar card pocket i mean everybody knew about it you could see it passing by and everybody was saying evil things so tasha and i immediately felt threatened we thought that they were trying to assassinate anybody with death row associated with death row so by that time we got nate on the handle he everybody found out what happened at the club nate is like meet us back at at lexar let's get our [ __ ] we wrote we're getting a body in here because ain't nobody gonna kill nobody else tonight so we get to the election we're getting all our foes out the room we probably left all kind of [ __ ] in the room but we tried to get everything out nate and tasha in their room i had my room we all met downstairs we met the lobby because i think we were probably on the same floor nate had 245's tucked like anything go down i walk in first he was walking ahead of us like anything going down i'm taking it's home so we're already it's probably one o'clock in the morning it's it's one o'clock in the morning and we had already been drinking we were sleepy kind of in shock but we were trying to get out of vegas so i remember tasha roll with me nate's bodyguard he was good the bodyguard was driving but tasha and i both kept falling asleep at the wheel so every it seemed like every 15 minutes we would stop and then she would drive she'd start falling asleep i'd take over and we did this all the way to until we got to the nevada california line and it kind of where that temperature gauge goes up and we slept outside in our cars in front of like that temperature gauges like a hotel or something and i remember i woke up tasha hopped in the car with them and i was in the car by myself and i just woke up uh one day break and i i headed back but one thing that uh inside that when i was inside that um you know on the yellow tape i made two phone calls that night two phone calls and the first phone call was to my mom uh and dads was at my mom's house at that point he was over there in my daughter's room he was sleeping on the floor and i called my mom like yo i told her what happened and she yelled dad wake up two [ __ ] [ __ ] just got shot and i heard him in the background [ __ ] oh he was screaming and because he was in california still so the next call i make was to sharitha sharita knight me and charita uh we're good friends you know we're we're good friends now too you know we had our off and on but you know the love was always still there i called her now initially when tupac and should rolled up to vegas uh shook's daughter aryan was in the back seat aaron was three years old at the time she was she rolled up to vegas with him because her godmother stayed there so when i saw sharifah she started screaming was my daughter in the car was my daughter in the car where's my daughter and i said sharita no no no no no no she's good she's good she's she's with her guy mom she's good she just went crazy what's going on and i couldn't give her much information but those are two phone calls i made while in the yellow tape and i hear all kinds of you know stories you know people being in vegas uh at the point we knew who was in vegas you know we knew the rooms were in it we knew who you know came up there with death row and then also um after that we got back to uh la um i flew back the next day um with snoop's mother beverly and his aunt gail rest in peace um flew back and kadada picked us up uh like as soon as we landed she was like uh there outside weight was in the limo and took us up to the hospital and you know there was a vigil and there were so many people online saying if they were at the hospital oh i was there no you weren't um the hospital was on lockdown if you were not clearanced by death row records security was at each end every floor all around if you were not a part of that circle you would not get in the hospital and we had a prayer visible for talk that night um his mom mafini was extremely strong i mean we all were just there um they didn't want anybody in the room but i had to poke my head in there i had to i mean you know i i couldn't let nobody i needed to see and you know he was you know you know from the neck down right in the chest area you know it was trauma and he was swollen and it didn't look like he was doing good to me and you know when they said during the week that you know he was getting better and better i was like whoa that's a miracle because you know it looked bad you know but you know i believe in god so you know things were possible that things could have gotten better yeah that was um that was a traumatic situation and you know you live with that all the time if he would have had that bulletproof vest on um i think those six bullets because one hit his finger the other six would have never penetrated that area would have never it would have never oh yeah so tupac did have a bulletproof vest with him in vegas right from what i cuz you know you give hugs i'm a hugger and i felt the remnants of that and then the shirt was thin so i could tell that there was a bulletproof vest under there i i could tell under that respect that that thin shirt they got dressed up for the fight i could tell i could tell that because it was a difference um you know when it came down with just the jersey and and you know it would be obvious if i'm if i am i was on dad's about that i was on everybody about that but my i was very visual and he had one i mean it was under that shirt but it you know for me to make a statement at that point with the jersey on and i have one hey what's going on that was my observation you know of seeing him the whole time from um really saturday because they got this saturday so everything happened this is all saturday and from the from the point of after after the fight um at the mgm it was that thin sure you could feel it you know because i was i was standing outside i wasn't in my car at that point we were standing around he's fumbling the chain you could i think i gave him a hug and i felt that but it was obvious that it wasn't you talking about the orange versace um shirt he had on no well it's okay so there this that not the blue one not the blue on this one that he did video with it was some kind of bronzy shirt he had on that night because i remember it kind of everything kind of went together the pants the shirt and the chain it was really it it was it was a long sleeve button front shirt really loose like it may be like a rayon and it had to be it symbolized like a versace but it was re it was flowy it was very but it was standing at the same time and then he had some slacks on some um some some slack some uh crease slack there he looked very very nice and but the the weight of the shirt you could feel that under that because and he had it on i mean i felt it because i mean why would the difference be that when he came back downstairs i made it prevalent like why don't you have it on i mean i visually seen it it was not there so i pressed that you know i don't have to wear it now i don't have to wear it now now at this moment maybe because he was going to be in his own environment he's going from here to an environment where it's it's it's club 662 no one gets in there public doesn't get in there unless they are cleared by him you have to be either on death row you know a girl a cute girl but uh men that are not a part of that they wouldn't dare step on the property so he was going to be in his own land right right and the shirt you talking about is the orange silky looking shirt that tupac was wearing with the blue jeans and the um orange shoes i think they call them hush puppies right it was their the shirt was very flowy i'm gonna pull it up on it yeah it was like a silky little orange shirt right yeah yeah it was something because it was like a goatee bronze so the bronze is like it's uh that's uh that's uh uh it could be uh construed as like a orangey or bronzy family but it was in that family and it was just i just remember it flowed it was nice it was you know it was the style at that point it was what they wore and it was not it was i felt something there because if if i didn't then to ask the question where is it now and for him to say i don't have to wear it now now he wouldn't go into public around that big arena because that's not a controlled that's not a controlled space you know to walk around without it they always had them okay so that's news to me you know so tupac did have a bulletproof vest with him in vegas and he was wearing it prior to him putting on the nike jersey because he can have it on there but how would you raise the question i mean what if for the audience why would that that that was what let's see that was um that was 20 some years ago why would i wait raise the question at that point why don't you have your bulletproof vest on now and for him to answer i don't have to wear it you know i don't have to wear right now i don't have to wear it right now it was right now because when that case him giving you the answer is pretty much him confirming that you know he did have it on prior and he did have a progress with him exactly exactly because i made that point and it was it was like radar this is you know you don't have it on god you put that on you know and for him to answer that and i don't know people say oh he was told he didn't have to i'm sure i mean who wants i mean let's be real who wants to wear that thing around i mean he wanted to be sexy and to catch the girls and put the jersey on and show the arms on and if he if he felt safe if he felt safe that night i'm sure nobody personally told him hey dude don't wear it you don't know don't wear it he probably asked [ __ ] do i have to wear this i want to put my jersey down look cool oh nah man you're good you're good i'm sure he didn't want to he wants to be sexy that night he wants to show some arms and you know i i highly doubt it that he was forced not to wear it i think it was probably just a choice because i want to look cool it's a hot vegas night i'm about to go into the club i'm about to perform i'm about to be hot and i wanna end up it's an controlled environment so i'm safe so it was real hot in north vegas right hell yeah it was it was still hot there because that's been it doesn't start getting cold until oh let's see you know probably because vegas is going to be hot through july august september and then you know maybe the next month to start tapering down and start tapering down of course this year in january they had an ice storm but global warming but yeah it was hot it was hot then because i remember my wardrobe i remember everything it's rare that we would ever go to a fight and have to bundle up we always went down there to look sexy and cute so it was rare that we ever had a fight when we weren't pulling up with rims shining and you know your shorts on looking hot and you know it every i mean at that point you came outside he was he was comfortable now it's it's a hot vegas night i got my jersey on and being that i was in vegas tupac did have a bulletproof vest home price prior to uh the incident he had one on what was true [ __ ] energy like after he had to fight with orlando anderson and he had a broken chain in his hand oh [ __ ] uh i got one word okay just one word the fifth the vibe right it was like a quiet storm it was quiet it wasn't hype you know you see him i get around hi it was it was different it was kind of like i'm feeling with my chain but he's thinking at the same time he's trying to fix this chain that snapped during the the incident but he's thinking he's thinking he's thinking he's thinking he's thinking i mean all kinds of things probably went through his head like i mean you know what happened what what would be fighting for what was this you know a lot of things probably going through his head you know but when he came downstairs and i had that suburban bumping uh he was back to his yeah that you know pumping was bumping at them beasts were bumping he was on the side of the car yeah so you know i i don't know i don't know what it was just like a quiet storm something was going on he wasn't it wasn't too many um emotions it wasn't you know used somebody about that none of that diligently trying to fix this chain that's it do you know who ended up fixing the chain or you don't he did fix it because it it i i believe and if you pull up right now i believe he had it oh i believe it was fit after the fact because it pulled that pulled the picture up because i believe he had it on with the jersey yeah he pictured himself he was fumbling with that baby you know how you got you know something snapped at it i believe it's probably snapped at them where it kind of is put together so you know you can bend it back but he fixed it because he was the only one fumbling with it you know ain't no other man gonna [ __ ] with you he ain't gonna do that that was some real g's over there and they ain't going oh man let me take your chain up let me fix it they're not doing that he was fixing this thing and you know because it was gonna look cheap with the outfit you know he got the arms out the little jersey on you gotta put the ghost on you're gonna be looking good he he was gonna get that fixed you know we were club 662 was waiting it was gonna be a big old party up in there i mean this was the first night that craig macklin performed with death row records come on he was signed to death row records or management whatever but he was performing so it was a new new day at this point you was at the hospital when tupac was in the hospital right correct so give me a play by play of everything you've seen when you was at the hospital we flew back uh to las vegas that monday the the first monday after pot that got um shot at that point he's shot at this point it's not dead he shot so um me and uh snoop's mom beverly auntie gale uh we got tickets and we had coordinated with um bikini that we were coming my mother made this beautiful basket for feeney you know um all kinds of things there to make her happy um and the three of us boarded the plane and kadada um came came she was in the limo the person you pick us up to take us to the hospital because the hospital was on lockdown um total total lockdown i mean of course there were a lot of death threats you know uh it got real at that point because at first you know death row death threats were just uh that was normal but it got real at this point you know with pop so i remember um going through so much security but the security was all like you know the off the off off duty cops the homeboy should crew it was a whole mix of you know the either off dot opening cop or you know the uh like bunchery heron you know live all of them you know i remember all the those guys those were our normal crew maybe reggie had hired a lot of people but they were at each door so i remember everybody was gathered it was uh like a family because i put the basket down i had the basket my mom made and i remember putting it down near where fingie was sitting at the family and i'm looking all around and all the faces that were there were all familiar they were death row um it was not a las vegas pd or any of those guys it was uh i mean they were outside but as for the doors letting people in the main entrance uh it was the death row security so we got in we walked up um walked into uh icu i remember he was in an icu unit and i remember just walking up and it's little crowds of people and beverly myself and gail we kind of ushered to where elfini was sitting you know uh and of course the two mothers hugged his mother then they gave each other a hug gail and myself and i handed her the basket and we were just taking in everybody around us and everybody i see at that moment there are normal people i do see family members around that i had never met before phoenix family but i all the people around uh were death row affiliated danny boyd he's there he's taking it hard the outlaws are there um of course taking it hard um other deferral artists were there um [Music] kadatus maybe a couple of her friends so she had somebody there for her but um i don't see walking in there any celebrity this is monday uh this is the monday the first monday since the event had happened and i don't see any celebrities in this hospital you know outside of the death row family none um i've read articles about different people being there but they were not there when i walked in with the family um in front of his room and immediately i wanted to go in the room i wanted to go in there but affini's locking this room down she doesn't want anybody in there anybody in there and you know i kept on you know not really pressing that issue with her because you know i didn't want to i wanted to leave that alone so security there and i just kind of you know kept getting inching closer to the room i didn't want to you know uh you know i want to follow mom's wishes but i needed to just see so i kept on you know just kind of making it you know not too obvious i you know brushed over and one of the securities you know kind of opened the door because i just wanted to peek you know the doctors were coming in and out and i did get the pee guy into my way in just a peek because if any didn't want anybody in there i mean at this moment she doesn't know who she can trust i mean as a mom you don't know who did this to your son so you really don't want anybody in there you know but i did get to peek i mean that was my little hope and wish at that moment i got to see him and he was on a ventilator he was not talking like some reports say that oh proc was talking he was up not the case monday that was not the case he was on a ventilator um you could tell that he had been operated on i mean you could tell me he was swollen um you could if you've seen someone in trauma the body appears to be swollen and i i see a bandage by his hand uh by the hand because that's the finger i think the finger got shot um he swollen and then that was it i just took a look at the upper part just for what i could see and ventilator bandage we're back in the lobby now people are coming in just the same people just filtering around the faces are the security guards are mean mugging they it's me mugging they're on a mission they're mean mugging um athena is strong she's not crying i expected her to be you know falling out with grief but she was extremely strong which gave us comfort because i just i i expected something different and she was just in a you know uh she was dealing with it well um the outlaws weren't um especially gaddafi's uh cousin wasn't dealing with it well at all i mean he was a lighter skinned gentleman so his face was real flush you could see you know dread um padata was okay she was she was dealing with it a little bit different too trying to stay strong you could tell she had never been through anything like this so she's trying to figure it out um everybody's just in a weight mode but there's so much love in the room everybody they love him and it wasn't anybody any at this point anybody that wasn't part of the crew they weren't getting up in that hospital especially on the floor that he was on they really weren't getting there but there was security off the elevator by the stairway by his room so it was no pressing to issue that anybody off the street or any artist that were friends of his from new york or whatever they weren't getting in there at that point it was these people were mad you know not moms but you know all the friends all the homies um it's just an air of science and still a still peace because the phoenix set the tone she set the tone for everybody to be calm because she was calm um we hung out there towards the time that our plane was gonna leave i remember it was just uh dark and um we took a taxi back to the airport at that point we didn't get a ride back uh we we all the three of us uh beverly myself and gail hop back on the plane that evening and we had a reassurance because affini was calm so we had hope even though it looked bad visually she gave us a sense of hope with her calm demeanor and that's uh that's the day that's monday at the hospital with tupac with the family that was the setting how many days was you at the hospital i show up monday and then we come back um friday morning i had packed up early morning um i was gonna drive out there there were reports that he was doing good better and i packed my bags and i was going to meet the girls from that singing group smoking stuff um they had a hit song he's mine at that point they were supposed to sign death row and they were going to ride with me so i was on like the 110 freeway and uh i'm i'm going back i'm heading back to uh meet them because we're gonna get up out of here and right around that time i'm on the freeway i'm on the freeway when they announced that he had died and i almost flipped the car on the 110 freeway i couldn't grasp that we were on our way back to be with him because there was word that he was getting better and they announced that he died that afternoon and oh god it was the worst thing in the world it was the worst thing in the world yeah it was the worst thing in the world that i had experienced that at that moment who was some of the people that was at the hospital monday when you was there i remember um okay so you got kidata was let me tell you kadada was in the same clothes she never changed clothes she was in the same clothes that she had the night that he uh he got shot she didn't go with him to the fight um she was uh she was doing it doing her own thing but she had the same she had some overalls and i want to say he had some overalls on and it was the same overalls like she had made a statement in the limo but she hadn't changed clothes in a couple days she's been up to the hospital kadada's there danny boy's there um of course buntree lip uh neck bone hair on the neck over there that nickname might have been there but heroin lip dogs they were all there the security reggie was there um i'm not sure if marcus and kenny were there that was so secure yeah in l.a with uh uh i just see all the security i see all of them i see everybody um i think i might have seen hammer because hammer was there um rage wasn't there because i remember nobody from the dog town had got there i'm like i was the representation they hadn't connected and come back from me and beverly hills mom gail was the representation for the dog pound because nobody was there yet um this is fresh now um that's it it was it was strictly death bro uh death row catalog everybody was associated with death row uh just that i don't see anybody individual i see a lot of people that i don't remember uh that i recognized uh from tupac's family i think he came athene's uh family it was older ladies family her et cetera was there pot sister et cetera's there um outlaws are all around they're there they're there i see one of them i think i see the lighter one his uh the play cousin wants the grizz i know he's there i mean he's real and he's just he's not doing good he's with uh danny boy because danny boy wasn't that was he was he wasn't doing good i mean between that one and gaddafi they weren't doing good at all they were bad in a pretty bad shape but hammer hammer i'm i think i'm seeing him because he's part of death bro i know craig mack has designed for death row but he's not there everybody i don't see anybody it's nobody in the celebrity status within the artist with deaf over there um no not not on monday not at all was yo-yo there i didn't see i i heard yo-yo said she was there but she wasn't there on monday but uh i'm sure you know if she said she came i mean i i trust and believe what she said you know but i monday i didn't see anybody um she was a close-knit tie to death row she was a close knit tie to uh dog pound um when i was in the hospital having imani my daughter um they were all a senior sinai uh in 1994 august the 4th everybody was at the hospital we snoop everybody came up there they were there his dad's first child there we're all at the hospital every everybody's there and yo-yo came in at the same time i came in so they decided to put us um room kind of rooms next to each other so everybody was going in from her room to my room from her room tomorrow so she was very close to the pound so um that's a reliable source i i'll just say that you know i mean of her being there uh i believe her i mean it's a lot of people that i'm like you know suspect but of course i believe her i mean they loved her all of them what about mc hammer jesse jackson and um al sharpton uh m.c hammer yeah yeah empty hammer he might have been part of that monday entourage i know uh he he was with death row he was signed to death bro he was always with us so it wouldn't be um it wouldn't be any different if he was there he better had brought his butt there it would have been a problem you know hammer might have been up there part of the entourage i mean what sticks to me was the the the outlaws of danny boy because they were doing bad and that sticks out of course padata because she picked this up of course all the death row security because i remember the faces the mean mugging faces it was scary it was scary to look on their faces because you didn't know what they were capable of they were on a mission but i didn't see uh uh out shopping i didn't see um jackson i didn't see yo-yos that day and like i said hammer most likely was part of the whole crew at that point because he was always with the tupac in the whole entourage how many days was tupac in the hospital before afini pulled the plug all right so you think that happened like like saturday night that he was in there sunday so you have sunday um because it was sunday actually when he arrived there uh sunday early sunday morning so you guys uh it was what six days so that's sunday and then friday he passed away so sunday would have been the that that's the day that you know people are moms is getting down there families getting down there they're not going to let him be be around too many people because a lot of the family has arrived people are just arriving sunday so monday would be the monday would be the official day for people to be i mean really coming down there but they said it came tuesday wednesday thursday friday uh saturday uh thursday and then friday he was pronounced um dead so six days you
Channel: The Art Of Dialogue
Views: 137,106
Rating: 4.8357725 out of 5
Keywords: 2pac, tupac, tupac shakur, orlando anderson, keefe d, mob james, reggie wright jr, suge knight, dr dre, snoop dogg, daz dillinger, dogg pound, dpg, kenya ware, death row records, the art of dialogue, vladtv, djvlad, exclusive, interviews, gossip, news, viral, outlawz, napoleon, mutah beale, nate dogg, kurupt, kidada jones, yaki kadafi, afeni shakur, mc hammer, yo-yo, biggie small, puff daddy, p diddy, diddy, The Notorious B.I.G., bad bor records
Id: dsNZt6dwxwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 3sec (2343 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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