Adult Film Star Reveals SHOCKING Info About What Happened After Filming 2Pac's "How Do You Want It".

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In his book, Frank Alexander gave a pretty interesting account of shooting this video. They shot the normal version, and then the director demanded everyone on set get naked in order to shoot the explicit version (they were allowed to keep their underwear on if they wanted to). He said after the shoot there was basically a huge orgy. Imagine having to bodyguard an orgy lol

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Woodrow_1856 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2020 đź—«︎ replies
[Music] i got a phone call they said they were his assistant i was like what tupac's assistant um he'd like you to come back out to l.a and shoot one of his adult you know one of his videos one of his you know i was like what i mean that was my my mouth was just like twisted up is this a joke it's a bad joke uh she said no he wants you to go to the airport and there'll be a ticket there waiting for you and come back out so that you can shoot in one of his videos his music videos i didn't know which one it was going to be you know so um i got things arranged it took a few days and it didn't matter she didn't say i had to go but right away but as soon as i got things ready the plane ticket would be there and so i got ready i went to the airport and i told them my name and do you know they said they didn't have a ticket i believe that they said they didn't have a ticket and i i was just like i mean you talk about like your bottom dropping out just like everything falling out there was no ticket i was just like wow so i go back home you know and um then i called the lady who answered the phone the one who had contacted me the assistant and i told her that i went there and that there wasn't a plane ticket and she says no no no you gotta go back there there is a ticket there's a ticket waiting for you i'm sorry there was you know some kind of mix up just go back to the air please just go back there will be a ticket and you know i i'm so stupid that's how stupid i am that's how crazy i am about this guy i'm so dumb i just i want to go back one more time so i can get slapped in the face you know what i'm saying so that i can get over this whole thing and be over this whole situation but when i got to the airport there was a ticket and i flew out that night got there the next morning and there was somebody picked me up at the airport in a van and they took me to a holiday and i want to say it was in hollywood and checked me into the hotel and they said hey you know we'll give you a call and let you know what time everything is going to be and all the information so here i am in this hotel room and i'm like wow so this is how this goes because i i'd never shot a video before music video before so i really didn't know i didn't know if it was like making adult films or exactly how it went you know i'd never done one before but um how do you want it right how do you want it uh like i said when i'm in the hotel it was probably about three or four days before i actually got some information about what was about to happen and um i was told to go downstairs the next morning seven o'clock in the morning and someone will be there to pick you up so when i went downstairs oh my god i i don't believe what i see but there's heather she's sitting in the lobby and then here comes genie pepper and here comes champagne and there's nina hartley and i was like oh my god we're all squealing like some some dumb [ __ ] just like oh my god you know and i was just like in shock because we kind of talked about my friends when i had seen him which was not even a week ago right uh and they're all there to shoot this video with tupac and i was like wow so someone showed up picked this all up took us to a set um i vaguely remember seeing um what's his name the bald-headed guy that owned the company i saw him once or something like that but they took us to a trailer and i'm not talking about tupac by the way they took this to a trailer and it was just us just the few of us there was like maybe six maybe seven because there might have been another girl i didn't know there uh that would have been in the adult industry um and we were in this trailer okay and so when we went to wardrobe and they were getting us ready for the first shot where it was victorian style um that's when we saw tons of other girls lots and lots of girls running around and all of this and you know we're just like wow you know look at these must be video girls you know all of this kind of mess right so long story short of course we shoot the victorian scene in the beginning and the whipped cream the cherries and whatnot and you know pot came into the trailer when it was like lunch time just to chill or to take a break smoke some weed drink some shots champagne whatever it was like whatever we wanted we had it right there in the trailer but it was just us girls in the adult industry it wasn't all the other girls it was like they were just like a whole i don't know what to call them but they were all together like crammed together in another area somewhere else halfway through the video shoot though um pot he had made this you know big announcement because there was some kind of discrepancy i believe that heather might have had some kind of discrepancy with other girls in the business or in the video shoot and they were there was talk about how we were porno girls x-rated girls you know these girls we didn't know them and they were just kind of talking down about us and they were talking about how they're getting paid so much more money than we were getting paid to do the video and none of us really knew how much we were getting paid i think we all went basically just because we were asked to do it you know it wasn't even about money it was about having that opportunity to be in a tupac video you know and but it upset heather um and i think she said something to tupac about it and so right in the middle of the shoot he just stopped the shoot right there and there and uh let everybody know who we were and that we were adult film stars and you know that we needed to be treated equally if not better than all the rest of them and not disrespectful and if anybody wanted to be disrespectful to any of us they could just leave you know what i think and you talk about shock like my mouth just hit the ground i mean this is in front of the camera crew all the extras i mean in front of everybody you know he stood up and had something to say to everybody about how they were disrespecting us and talking down at us and the whole bit you know and that that just like that right there was like a million that was like a million and a half and um you know he had said to me that day in the trailer he was sitting across from the table we were all sitting at a table and he's looking at me and he just said are you happy and i i just yeah i'm happy yes i'm happy but that that meant so much now i don't care what he said to anybody else because the point is this he loved women and you're in a room full of women but you feel like you're the only one that's how he made you feel you know what i'm saying and amongst these girls that i worked with in the adult dentistry i didn't feel any kind of envy or jealousy or any of that it didn't matter because i knew what i had was popped and it was special it was great it was real you know and he was not fake he didn't act one way and then turn and act another way around other people or this or that you know so when he said that to me are you happy and i knew what we had talked about in that time that i had met him i was happy and i thanked him you know what i'm saying so you know casey and joseph casey and jojo they were there disgusting absolutely disgusting those two are disgusting you hear me and i had to stand next to them to shoot a scene in that movie or video and notice i said movie you know why says well i'm standing next to uh casey jojo casey he he just kept mauling me you understand like grabbing my ass and trying to get all up inside of my shorts and i mean just like disgusting and i'm trying to play it cool and be professional and you know i'm like okay yeah you know because this adult you know stars you around sometimes guys get kind of greedy and ugly and you know but i didn't want to make a scene or anything like that so after the shoot was over pocket said that we were going to all get together and have a little party and whatnot right and i said well are you inviting casey and jojo and he said why i said because they're they're disgusting they are so gross and i i didn't even want to the thought of being in a you know party setting with them there and and how that happened now i don't know about jojo this is casey i have that problem with and i told him what happened i said that was this guy he said don't worry about it so when we came to the hotel oh what was that hotel it's a hotel in beverly hills uh oh it's on the tip of my tongue i'm so embarrassed um if i could remember in any case um when we got to the hotel that night for the party everybody was there uh nina was there genie pepper was there you know heather was there i was there a few other people were there girls i can't remember any other men being there except one and that was the boyfriend of nina's you know he was there he came with nina he brought nina there i'm pretty sure that it was like you know oh well you know if nina's going to any party of tupac's i'm going to be there make sure opinion i'm not sure his name was david and uh so um he was there that was the only other man that i can recall you know seeing him there um so in any case there was this uh time where everybody's partying with drinking you know smoking you know genies putting eggs up her [ __ ] and shooting them out and i mean just crazy [ __ ] like that right so um all of a sudden i realized poc wasn't around uh it was a sweet like penthouse like little suite or something and so there were different rooms and i realized he wasn't there and i went into a room where the door was shut and there he was on the bed you know the bed wasn't turned down or anything he was just casual he was laying on his stomach and he was watching tv i said are you cool is everything all right he says yeah i'm all right but he he really looked like he was in deep thought about some stuff you know and i knew a lot was going on with him and uh you know there's a lot of things he had to think about and you know what he was watching oh what's that movie with ponyboy do you know what i'm talking about um a movie with ponyboy um i can't think of it at the moment oh my gosh i'm really bad with these names uh he was watching it's on the the uh my tongue well it has pony war he says stay gold pony boy hot dog it what is that movie it had a lot of stars in it by the way and he was watching that it's an older movie too not real old but at that time it would have been at least 10 10 or 15 years old oh it's on the tip of my tongue again just like the name of the hotel again um he was watching yeah wait a minute what'd you say the outsiders yes the outsiders he was watching that movie seriously um i laid there on the bed with him and we just watched it for a while and then he was just like hey you hungry i said yeah and do you know he called and ordered like a tuna fish sandwich you know what i'm saying just some tuna fish sandwiches and and that came up and and we ate that and watched it everybody's in the rest of the sweet party nobody even came in there looking for him you know they were all self-absorbed and having a good time so as we finished he had went into the main suite area and i don't know what i did i think i might have went and started talking to heather or something and come to find out of course he got involved because he's talking to nina and her boyfriend and of course you know nina bought all her whips you know her whips and her little handcuffs and all that kind of stuff dominatrix type stuff and i'm not kidding you she got i mean he was just enthralled with all of that and uh i think she whipped him he whipped her you know they you know it's it's playful it's nothing harmful or it wasn't like big old whips or something they're like little paddle things i can't even really explain it um and they they were just doing that nina was giving him some type of a lesson and it definitely made his dick card so next thing you know you know they're [ __ ] they're [ __ ] but it's not like he got to like take her off in a corner in the bathroom or in the bedroom in fact it was just [ __ ] right there in the middle of the living room and i'm sure her boyfriend was not going to leave and always make sure that nina was safe you know that's that's his way of thinking and so he got turned off or being turned up by all of that and had a good time sex with nina hartley what a dream what a fantasy i know because that nina hartley has a black man's dream with that heart-shaped ass you know what i'm saying so in any case uh heather and i we were in the other bedroom where he and i were laying and she had came in there and he just had that look on his face which i knew you know uh he had never had sex with heather before and he wanted to have sex with heather and so i think we had talked about how i had never had sex with heather because heather was just starting in the business when i left the business and i really didn't work with her or get to know her on that level and i thought she was very attractive and i thought wow okay yeah that would be that would be boss with pogba right so um he comes in there lays on the bed and you know she's going to follow along with whatever because that's what she does she follows and you know of course we do what we do and got hot and bothered and you know sucking him and kissing her and the whole bit you know and um then he got to put that dick inside of her and wear her out and it was so good because i'm i'm a great person on the side i can keep it going i know how to talk dirty i know how to keep it going and to you know push it on make it happen and so he [ __ ] her and um then she got off and i think passed out on the bed and then he grabbed me and it was just that passion all over again because that whole thing was just something we shared it wasn't me watching him or this and that we shared [ __ ] heather and so it was almost like a turnout for the two of us and we had sex and passed out literally now if you ask me where was everybody i think they're in the other room i couldn't tell you because the next time i wake up nihi me and heather and pop we're all in the same bed it was the next morning everybody was gone so when we did all of that everybody was in the other rooms or whatever but everybody left and i don't even know when and i know i was passed out you know and she and i both had to get up leave i think she had to go to new york and i had to fly back to memphis so um we saw him there on the bed he was asleep and that that was my last goodbye right right so um i want to backtrack a little i want to make sure i heard you correctly so while tupac and nina hartley was having sex nina harley's husband was watching him okay first off it wasn't his wife and it was okay she was in a three uh three-way marriage like a man and woman were married and they added nina to their scenarios dave was more like her boyfriend uh she called him her husband but they really weren't husband and wife if you know what i'm saying he and his wife had nina if that makes any sense so he escorted nina everywhere she went because it was almost like nino belonged to them in any case um he was there yes he was there he came with her to the party and i know he wasn't thinking i'm gonna send nina to a party in tupac suite by herself you know the majority of the folks are black yes it was like that and not to say he was racist but you know that's how all white folks think in any case um he was there and he did watch and it was some type of a scenario of like the dominatrix type uh i don't know what you call those little uh toys that they have for dominatrix type sexual enticement but i remember the spankings you know uh on the butt to him spanking her she's spanking him [Music] and i just know her boots her leather boots thigh highs you know her whole look it was a whole little turn on for him uh her whole little thought you know what she wanted to do for him is to treat him to something like that that was different um and i know that he [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of her i can tell you that you know um if you want me to go through how many different uh positions they have i couldn't tell you i couldn't tell you when you're in the adult industry and sex is such a natural thing and a good thing on top of that you're not just that in depth with no you could ask me you know how many positions i had and how they did it but i do know he did suck the hell out of her i know that we could hear it you know because me and heather were in the next room you know we did go in there and saw what was happening and then let that be and went back into the bedroom you know what i'm saying right right so after tupac and nina hardly did what they did tupac had a threesome with shoe and header hunter give me the details on that and um did y'all have a good time of course absolutely because for he and i it was neither one of us had ever [ __ ] other hunter and that's what we wanted to do he had never [ __ ] up and so he had that opportunity to do so right then and there and i was the one that egged it on and made it happen and we were you know that was kind of a turn on for the both of us you know and so after he had [ __ ] her and she was knocked out for a second there that's when he and i had sex and it was it just was that much more passionate because of you know we [ __ ] her that's how we looked at it we [ __ ] up you know so at that time uh puck was going to be 25 that year and he was only 24 at the time i was about i was 33 at the time when i shot that video with him so i was a little bit older and he was surprised that i was that much older than him he thought we would be near the same age and i said no no i'm 33. and he was 24. and i think heather was a little younger than me but i think she was a little older than him you know so tell me ask me what you know i don't even know what else to say that just what i just told you about i have never told yeah you're the first person to go into detail about it i remember seeing the um interview from nina hartley some years ago and she spoke on it but um all she said was um tupac could have been a porn store um so um how you feel about her saying that tupac could have been a porn star said i think i said it best when i told you he [ __ ] the hell out of her right [Laughter] yes because you can hear those bodies smacking you know when he's hidden you know pock is a great lover batman yes pike knows how to [ __ ] he was a great lover and he had a really nice [ __ ] you know and he well it's not really a [ __ ] it was a dick i can say it like that yes there is a difference between the dick and a [ __ ] yeah it was a dick um and i remember that um when we had first had sex at the apartment he uh had told me about how they said that he didn't have one of his um facts because of being shot do you know what i'm talking about and he was he was all together there was nothing missing everything was fair that was i you know everything was there you know from sucking his [ __ ] so yeah everything was there and he was you know he loved sex he loved women so if you were attractive you were you know about you you had something about you he could get turned down right quick and and go right to business but he was never i never saw him mistreat anyone you know um even the girls that he had spoke to that day on the set you know y'all need to stop talk he didn't you know he just made a point and a statement and and let it be you know but he spent all his time with us he wasn't with those other girls you know i think there might have been some crazy stuff going on especially with casey and jojo those disgusting god disgusting but they weren't with any of us girls it was other girls you know the video girls like the scene and the hot tub i heard that turned into something no i was not there i was back in my room i wasn't even in that scene but when i did that hot tub scene i heard you can look at the girls you don't see any of the adult girls in that you know right right um another thing i wanted to ask you um tupac bodyguard frank alexander i remember do you know who that is because i remember he did an interview where he was detailing that day he was pretty much talking about how everybody on set was having sex or whatever and they were just trying to find ways unaware i was it if he said something about that he was definitely talking about what happened in that jacuzzi scene because i had heard the next day that when they shot that jacuzzi this is like a two day shoot when they shot this and uh the first day the end of the day that's when they shot the jacuzzi probably outrageous [ __ ] happened that night that i heard not in detail that i can even talk about because if i was there i could all right but with the adult girls no no it would have been with those video girls you know and if you go back and look at the footage of when they're in the hot tub you'll see who loves in the hot tub what girls are in the hot tub casey's in the hot tub he understands and and what could have went down you know so if he spoke about that that's who he's talking about he definitely there was no other men at the private party after the wrap oh what is the name of that hotel i know you know this hotel everybody stays in it oh that's gonna kill me in any case he wasn't there and uh he wasn't in the trailer there weren't just uh people just hanging out in the trailer it was just all of the adult girls and poc would come in and out you know like i remember we wanted he asked what did y'all want to eat you know and i think we asked for some hot wings so we had somebody go get us all hot wings and bring them back to the you know trailer that was just for us and we had alcohol and we could drink and you know smoke and but there weren't extra people when we went and got made up we went to the makeup trailer to get the makeup on to get the outfit on you know but i don't know who that is i hope that didn't ruin the story no no no i didn't and i think the hotel you're talking about if i'm not mistaken would it be called the peninsula no that's right i will know it if you say it and it's eating me away i keep hoping that it'll pop in my mind it's a really nice hotel because i was there with bobby brown one time um oh my god what is the new hotel that's going to make me crazy it's a nice hotel that isn't helping you either no cuz i'm from houston so i wouldn't know about la hotels in a way oh i'm sorry i know if i said it you would so okay because i mean a lot of people have stayed there a lot of people it's a really nice hotel but they have different suites many different suites and he had a really nice suite there out of curiosity was it any other death row artist that was involved in the sexual escapees after y'all shot the how do you want a video or was it just tupac it was only popped if any other adult girl said there were other people who were there i i don't know who they were and and what they're talking about but i could swear on everything everything it was only us girls and pot you're right and that was at the after party you know so there was no security there was no there was nothing there no not at the private party afterwards with the exception of david you know nina's boyfriend he was uh when she had sucks but that's it genie pepper was there champagne was there and that's funny that champagne was there and she had a girlfriend boyfriend that was there but she's a girlfriend you know what i'm saying and um but there was no sexual nothing going on there i know park didn't have sex with her at all i can tell you exactly who he had sex with he had sex with nina and then he had sex with um heather and i i don't even recall that he had sex with jamie pepper and she was there you're right right so the only people he had sex with was you nina hartley and header honey
Channel: The Art Of Dialogue
Views: 1,464,795
Rating: 4.8534598 out of 5
Keywords: 2pac, tupac, tupac shakur, angel kelly, heather hunter, nina hartley, how do you want it, K-Ci & JoJo, death row records, all eyez on me, suge knight, snoop dogg, interviews, exclusive, news, vladtv, djvlad, the art of dialogue, biggie smalls, The Notorious B.I.G., gossip, napoleon, outlawz, mutah beale, young noble, edidon, edi mean, puff daddy, diddy, bad boy records
Id: _G_o7pgn8ZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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