The Las Vegas Sphere Is Wild...

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yes ladies and gentlemen I think I filtered out enough of the people that clicked on this video they're like oh it's an English title he's speaking Moon runes in the beginning ladies and gentlemen Las Vegas is one of my favorite cities in the world um you know when you want to talk about crackheads gamblers you know uh nightlife fun Carrot Top Las Vegas comes to my mind okay truly it's a city that's not too big but it's just a city that has like lights upon life you ever see like somebody if you ever went back a hundred years and you told them what they think the future looks like you're not getting anything better than Las Vegas some of you in the comments might be like but you know what about Tokyo Tokyo looks nice but see Tokyo is too like professional Las Vegas is like tacky as hell ladies and gentlemen you know what they finally created something that nobody asked for literally Nobody by the way this ladies and gentlemen is now the largest fear in the world you might be like whoa they made an American flag no no no no buckos hold on this is a fully LED programmable sphere in Vegas yeah you might be wondering why now as a PC Gamer is just a gamer in general RGB is pretty much synonymous with like the Bible for gamers so I kind of thought it was like that at first I thought this maybe this was just like you know your standard like light uh you know light up Globe if you will which would still be impressive no no this is like a fully programmable like LED billboard screen whatever you want to call it some have been putting jack-o-lanterns on there some of them in putting like this alien communication device the portal to uh the portal to portal to hell or or at least like The Little Mermaids world and then of course the moon imagine driving down Las Vegas one day and then you just look to the left and the Moon is literally this close to you that's what this does ladies and gentlemen every single one of these scenes is a banger now if somebody he's like there's no ways can be real I'm not joking this is not CGI footage ladies and gentlemen that's actually dudes driving around Vegas with the spinning globe could you flatter this beware literally got debunked without a doubt I honestly thought for the last couple days this was CGI until like last night before I hit the hay I was like you know what let me look up Las Vegas fear boy I wasn't kidding it's actually there it is in fact the Las Vegas fear it's the newest part of their Skyline in fact the website right over here postcard from Earth begins this fall now to understand uh I think if uh people wonder why aliens crash land in Nevada all the time what other city has a goddamn programmable video sphere the largest one of all things there's no way they just got shows here well how much are the shows 69 dollars to 199 no thanks I'll sit out by the CVS Pharmacy and watch for zero how about that zero and a couple Road beers because drinking out in public in Vegas is uh is legal all right I mean it has to be now don't get me wrong no uh no videos fear is complete without its controversy for instance this is like what this fear looks like when it's powered down because it literally is just like LED screens that are like placed together working in unison um kind of like something you'd see at Times Square on like crack of course uh yeah the world is burning to the ground and our climate is [ __ ] and everyone is poor now and we're all dying but look at this 2.4 billion dollar bull we made yeah this is actually an over two billion dollar project you think LED screens were cheap what the what's wrong with you come on now 2.4 billion dollars apparently seems to be spent on it and I'll be honest I don't care all right because I want to see a video ball ladies and gentlemen God damn because a video ball allows us to see an actual Windows 98 blue screen reflected across the Vegas Skyline imagine flying in imagine being an alien imagine being from space and you look down and you see a Windows 98 to your blue screen hit right back at you this is something only a tier V civilization like ours is able to accomplish and like what was so wild about it too is like this is why I thought it was CGI literally the cars were driving around and like it opens up the ball to like the little mermaid house like it actually is just videoed all the way around and if you look at the actual size of it yes it is in fact the largest fear known to man like those are cars by scale and comparison just driving by imagine living in this city you gotta look outside every day and see this [ __ ] light up around you you know people are often wondering what about like drone advertisement you know advertisement in the sky Las Vegas Vegas residents literally have a giant LED testicle every night to look and it gets wild man there's a couple other shots too like also imagine that you've been drinking in Vegas all right you gambled away like a thousand dollars your monthly regret it in the morning and suddenly this goddamn eyeball is staring right back at you that is enough to make anybody crap themselves uncontrollably if I saw that driving down the city I think I might actually like faint no joke no shot about it I would faint on the highway this is actually a a road disaster waiting to happen like just imagine if like all you had was just like this lit UPS like uh like like uh like skin and then the eyeball opened as you were driving that could that that would actually send me into a heart attack no joke so again the Moon is pretty common just driving down on the highway is enough for people to look at the Moon just right at him like a blood moon so to speak and then of course let's not forget if you guys like snow globes you know the little things you pick up of like the trinket store got him all the trinket The Hobby Lobby ladies and gentlemen we made a two point four or four billion dollars snow globe and you know this is powered by like the crazy expensive end video video wall like gpus it's Insanity Bro Look at that it's the whole casino right there look at the size of the parking structure next to the actual sphere it's Insanity bro and you know it's wild about it too like I didn't even think this was under construction because like nobody really thinks of what's going on in Vegas like I know there's channels on YouTube no joke there's like the there's like theme park reviewers I'm not even kidding with you there are like legit channels that are like first time like they're actually reviewing and analyzing Disneyland so there's people that like go to theme parks and just like literally like analyze when they're developing something and start like conspiracy theories about that but nobody does it for like Las Vegas oh hell no so yeah ladies and gentlemen we've got a big giant LED sphere now and you know who made it Vegas because why not not New York not Toronto not Tokyo Los Angeles not London even though I think they're actually gonna make this on like London too but right now it says goddamn gambling addicts from Vegas who decided to put up another I don't even want to call it an eyesore because compared to the rest of this [ __ ] it's just glorious to look at here I got like a shot of the eyeball right here look at just look at how scary it gets it's actually pulsing it's [ __ ] creepy bro oh my God I would crap myself I would actually crap myself no joke apparently people can go inside this thing too which uh you know what honestly I know that they've worked against hacking this thing I think the team even behind this said that this is supposed to be unhackable but I'm gonna put my bets up ladies and gentlemen how long do you think it's gonna take before we eventually have goatse all across the Vegas Skyline until there's a sprawled anus and uh yeah I feel like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it God damn I know why the aliens are attacking Vegas bro they're the wildest human beings I am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 296,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3cI2tuFy0g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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