THE LARGEST WARFRAME REWORK EVER!? | Devstream #179 Breakdown

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[Music] all right hello and welcome everyone to the dev stream 179 breakdown so today we have somehow an insanely massive amount to talk about uh because we are getting some of the biggest changes that have ever happened in Warframe but before we get to those let's talk about just kind of all of the smaller stuff and get it out of the way and by the smaller stuff I mean major updates that are coming out so first and foremost we have an additional update besides Jade Shadows that we are looking forward to Jade Shadows is going to be in June but for next month May on the 15th we have the new nightwave coming out so you have a little under three weeks in order to get that all caught up if you have not you should do that we're getting another wave of tennogen which is fine and then more importantly we're getting two new adversary weapons which is going to be the kuas soc and the galaxion of the tenant variety which are going to be from the liches so two new weapons a new nightwave probably a few other changes and fixes and stuff in that update as well uh but a smaller update that we can look forward to in a couple weeks here and then heading into Jade Shadows which we of course knew was coming and is a smaller cinematic Quest that uh is going to give us the 57th Warframe Jade uh she's going to be coming with three weapons instead of the usual two as she seems to be kind of the opposite of stalker that seems to be kind of her thing is that she's very Angel and like reverse stalker themed overall uh and and then of course we are going to be getting the landing craft which you can see here in the background that's going to be part of the quest another tenen round urell Deluxe is going to be here we're going to get another clan event the belly of the Beast not 100 obviously it's going to be stalker related but other than that we don't really know much about what it is going to want from us there's going to be another new game mode called Ascension which is probably going to be introduced by the clan event if I had to guess or by the quest and the clan event uh some quality of life improvements which are pretty major actually and then probably like one of the biggest most important re works that we're going to get ever maybe a lot to talk about with that we're going to be talking about that for a while here but General quality of life first we are going to be getting a new wave of duviri decrees which we'll just see when they come out that was from the design CLE I didn't look in there personally but more decrees we'll see how those are whenever they enter the game uh the Alchemy game mode is going to be added to the Circuit which I have some concerns about because uh I'm not convinced that your average player knows how to make corrosive even when the UI of the game tells you uh that it does so that'll be a little concerning even though I do like Alchemy as a game mode we're going to getting another new wave of Warframe augments and arcanes I think that they said specifically that a prota augment is going to be in that uh and of course we of course have uh prota Prime coming out on May 2nd so look forward to that as well uh and then AI increases for nextg consoles just to make PC and nextg consoles a little bit closer so you don't have those reduced spawns whenever your host is unfortunately on a potato uh and then we have the necrom acquisition improvements this is just another round of making it easier for players to get a necr we don't know exactly what that all is going to entail but any improvements towards that is going to make getting to the end of the story much smoother as it is currently the pain Point um so that is fantastic to look at and then of course Deb bonds and Shadow soccer drop rates Deb bonds of course this is Fortuna making medical debt bonds even easier to get than they already just changed it um which is fantastic as Fortuna is like a big big lock away for getting better amps and such that new players are going to want access to so that is very good cuz Fortuna was a real real rough grind especially before the last round of changes that it got uh and another round is a good thing Shadow stalker drop rates basically is going to be a normalization on making it a lot easier to get all of the different weapons from stalker uh and then we are also going to be getting a standing bonus from the NR cells and the Deep archimedia which is going to cut down on the grinding time to get the shards from Bird 3 um because of course if NR cells and deep archimedia are going to add a standard just give you some standing it's going to take less time to get the rest of the standing you need uh in order to grab that Shard as well so that's good uh and good to see in general even if you're not grabbing that Shard you'll just get other rewards different arcanes and such through there which is good uh we're also going to be getting Whispers In The Wall replayability Quest replayability is nice and then finally we're getting enemy scaling and status effects rework this is the big thing cuz this is this is everything um the example here is like the problem that is looking to be solved which is that this level 200 heavy gunner has 97% Dr and with 10 corros I saacks has 87% Dr and like things just don't change very much so the enemy scaling and status effects rework is going to have enemy armor adjustments streamline enemy Health have well basically change enemy ehp scaling enemy Shields are going to be adjusted to be a little more impactful and then simplifying and exposing faction resistances which is a huge change that we're going to get into the specifics of because there is a Dev Workshop we're going to be looking at and then improving a bunch of the bad status effects uh which is going to be mostly blast and cold blast we don't have a ton of information on outside of a thing that was changed after this re this uh thing went live uh we will talk about what it did say prior and then the only thing that's not going to be in this rework are some semi-auto changes which basically is going to be a thing that is going to be optional to turn on that's going to be Auto semi-auto which is going to just have like a repeat that you are going to have like you know we hold e for auto melee it's basically going to be that for semi-autos um which is just a nice quality of life function for people that don't want you know to click a million bajillion times uh this is also going to come alongside a mod that is going to basically give you a ton of punch through and a ton of damage that is supposed to be kind of a like reverse shred uh so for semi-autos you would instead get a bunch more upfront damage and a bunch of punch through instead of like the fire rate and the punch through that shred provides which is interesting if this is enough damage it might actually like lead to a play style change for people using semi-autos in general because the other thing that it's going to do is disable you increasing your fire rate and at the cost of decreasing your or at the cost of disabling the ability to change your fire rate it's got to add a lot of damage for that to be worth it and it'll be interesting to see uh how that shakes out exactly so now we can move into the big rework this is the whole video game like it is said very simply here as we continue our pursuit of quality of life changes we believe the time has come to revisit how we handle enemy Health types resist es weaknesses and a few status effects which is a very simple way to say how you build and deal damage across the entire game is going to change this is a huge huge change and I'm just going to break this down into simple terms so here's a bunch of all of the different Health types that enemies can have you probably did not even know that there were this many different kinds of like grineer having a type of Flesh and Corp having a type of Flesh and infested having a type of Flesh and them all being different we have five different different types of just regular old health and three different types of regular old armor not to mention the multiple different types of Shields and everything else on here so this is not like people don't memorize this or like mostly even really know about it most of the time the thing that most people know is that there's a difference between farite and alloy armor and by most people I mean an incredibly Niche group that probably makes makes up less than 1% of the player basee um so this needed to change it's needed to change for a while and this has been around for a very long time I think roughly 2015 was the last time anything on this really changed besides new things being added of course with the murmur uh and there's a lot of adjustments needed in terms of statuses obviously we have the ones that we know and like the four worst ones are going to be changed we're just going to talk about those but statuses are going to be staying and no Nerfs have been announced with this um like specifically targeting thing they're not nerfing slash not changing viral uh but they are changing the way these things interact with enemies which could have some really big uh knock on effects for like kind of the entire game as a whole so this rework addresses Three core issues we frequently see when it comes to status effects and resistances damage types and status effects currently encourage a meta that favors a select few effects which is extremely true viral heat slash is pretty much like the only game in town with some exceptions enemy resistances are incredibly expansive with little presentation to show what effects what as we just went over most people don't even know what the resistances are and most importantly armor has an overwhelming impact limiting builds to deal with armor this is the reason why you see me constantly always add armor stripping to basically every build some way to get through or and ignore armor or get armor off of enemies is included in basically every single one of my builds and the reason why is because it is the most most impactful thing in the game in terms of actually being able to kill an enemy this actually looks to change that a bit and still make armor like you know a thing you'll want to remove but not the only game in town when it comes to does this enemy live or die from my attack uh seems to be the place that they are headed with this so all of the health types are going away they will now be faction resistances so what this essentially means I'm just going to break down like what is up with this is you are going to have like grineer be weak to let's say corrosive and puncture for example and they will just straight up take 50% more damage from those damage types so if you're modded for that you will just do 50% more damage across the board and you'll have the different factions be weak to different stuff where like you know the murmur are weak to electricity let's say and so on and so forth where it's very easily understandable that this entire faction is weak to this it's not that they will only be affected by those uh damage types or anything like that cuz all the statuses and everything will still work but you will get a extremely clear and noticeable like damage bonus or using the elements that are good against that entire section of enemies and alongside that it's going to be much more clearly shown because we'll have things on the star chart uh which this is of course just a mockup which is these Corpus enemies are weak to Magnetic and impact and this is just like especially if you can hover over this and it tells you like what this symbol means and like how to make magnetic damage and like just the the whole deal with that if we are getting that as well which would be nice this means it's immediately more readable to a new player to not only immediately learn how to make magnetic damage and what it is going to do for them but also just the readability of oh I'm going into this Mission this Mission wants me to use Heat this Mission wants me to use corrosive things like that are clearly communicated with just better UI uh and just a much simpler system where people can just understand it much more intuitively which sounds fantastic those as goals for this system are great that stuff is paired with the armor changes which are going to be huge uh so with the armor adjustments the big example here is of course this which we looked at before which is the 97% goes down to 87% with corrosive Stacks uh the big tldr of like what's going on with armor and like what they want to do is here which is enemy armor will cap out at a certain percentage to give corrosive armor reducing Stacks more of an active impact so what they are essentially meaning by this and what Pablo said on stream is that basically they would cap it at say grineer can only ever get up to 90% Dr which is 2700 armor at this point that is of course considerably less than the 100,000 armor that some grineer enemies have that we do fight now uh and makes them considerably less tanky with that they will get more Health to compensate but probably not even close to as much in terms of defenses as they have now um and in addition to that the actual armor scaling Curve will be more spread out so instead of the first 300 armor giving you your first 50% damage reduction say if we have it go let's say 3,000 is 90% Dr if you are at whatever number if you're at like say 1,500 maybe 1,500 is the 50% Dr point and 3,000 is the 90% Dr point so if you strip 50% of armor that's 40% whole resistance off of that enemy going from 90 to 50 which is a big impactful damage increase as opposed to now where if you strip you know 90% armor off of that enemy or so you only get like a 10% damage difference in terms of their Dr that makes a huge difference with making not only lesser armor strips much much better but also means that because the enemy can only have a certain limit of Dr increasing your damage is also a good way to deal more damage as opposed to just removing armor being the only real solution so uh with that also though they're going to have a minimum threshold of enemy armor so no armor accessing enemy will have below a certain minimum because armor shouldn't feel unimpactful so what I read this as as this is a it's a little ambiguous but what I read read this as is say if you have um a basic enemy like a basic enemy such as like a butcher for example the lowest level of armor possible would say in the in the 3,000 example that I just used say it's a th000 armor say it's like 40% Dr maybe for example if you remove all thousand armor that that enemy does have then they you would get like basically double damage they go from 40% to 0% resistance from their armor and you would get a big damage bonus so even on like the most lesser armor having enemies removing their armor would still be good but just not the only thing that you can do to kill that enemy really so that that's what I read this as is that even like the nonheavy units are still going to have an amount of armor that matters and maybe the difference is going to be where like a butcher has 40% resistance from their armor a gunner will have like 70% resistance from their armor so it's a much more impactful thing to remove heavy armor and much less impactful but still good to remove lesser armor uh that's what I read this as personally also as I mentioned the health scaling of gr your enemies will be realigned to an extent to help compensate for the loss in damage reduction and try to maintain a similar time to kill feel um which is reasonable I mean obviously like we'll have to see what the numbers actually shake out for this to be but as a good example uh if we were to look at say heavy gunners which if we look at the heavy gunners here this is the example that I brought up a level 5,000 heavy gunner in terms of their cloned flesh they have 227,000 cloned flesh and on regular path they have 90 million ehp with their current about 120,000 fite armor and on steel path they have 566 million ehp so with armor instead of being 120,000 going down to 2700 or 3,000 let's say and capping out at 90% instead of 99.75 uh or not even capped out here but still uh you would have this enemy be much much easier to kill like this ehp goes down tremendously whenever you do that reduction uh and if in trade for that we're looking at cloned flesh say you triple this number say this enemy has like 750,000 cloned flesh instead of the 227,000 they have right now that's still going to be absolutely surmountable by the methods that we have now but more than the methods that we have now will work against that enemy it'll be much more akin to like murmur where you use a lot of different things on the murmur and see success um but yeah that's like an example of just how crazy and insane armor is right now and how much ehp is being increased just by armor going from a quar million to 566 million ehp just from armor is the real reason why armor is so out of whack right now especially when it Rec compare it to other enemies like the murmur for example they have a whole lot of Health but nowhere close to 566 million health um in well in the vast majority of cases anyway but yeah with that player armor will not be changing so those of you who are like chroma players or valkira players or anything like that anyone who's doing armor taking or armor tanking rather uh we are not going to be getting any changes on our side we are going to be totally fine every like all the math that you know now in terms of the player armor and like all of your builds and things like that all of that is staying the same this is a purely enemys side armor change uh to kind of even things out and make things make more sense at different levels of armor strip and stuff like that so this excellent change Pablo has been absolutely cooking on this with the damage type changes and the armor changes and I think that these are going to be excellent for the game at least in the way that he explained it on the dev stream and also how it has been presented here these all seem like fantastic goals and things that I want to see in the game will it make Warframe overall a little bit easier probably especially at like level cap sure it probably will a little bit but the flip side of that is that it makes the game considerably more accessible and more readable and more learnable for the vast majority of people and people can see more success with more different kinds of builds um which I think is a worthy trade-off personally Warframe is already not a difficult game and I would much much rather see the game have a lot less number bloat and like specific exact things being required to solve the regular enemy problem uh and see a lot more mechanical difficulty of enemies rather than just I need to figure out how to get all this armor off this guy and then he dies in one bullet much prefer it the other way where an enemy actually has a mechanic I need to overcome and learn and know as opposed to number not good enough or you're not using the only good mechanic in town uh which is armor stripping at current really uh moving on from that new Shield adjustments basically this amounts to a buff for some Corpus enemies they're basically giving Corpus a little bit of a bump where their Shields are going to regenerate faster and they're going to regenerate more quickly which means that higher fire rate weapons are probably going to be better against the Corpus overall and they're just going to be overall a little bit more threatening in general I think that most players probably will not notice this but at very very high levels it could be interesting to see if like you get you know level 5,000 6,000 Corpus if their Shields are like instantly regenerating it could pose a problem uh for people that like to go really far in missions or maybe in like you know steel path Cascade farming or something like that it could come up but overall I'm not too worried about this and I think it just is a thing that makes sense for the Corpus even as it stands right now High fire rate weapons are desired against the Corpus because they are very good against nullifiers so making that kind of Advantage more consistent across More Corpus where High fire rate is good as just like a general rule against them I think personally makes sense uh and it's pretty reasonable for them to get a bit of a little bump uh enemy HP scaling notably enemies starting from levels closer to 100 will see faster rates in which they gain stats Health Shields Etc so basically um the earlier game is going to be less touched than whenever things are supposed to start getting hard which is like you know the end of sorty like regular sorties getting into netra cells getting into deep archimedia and stuff like that and now status effect changes so first things first uh Blast has been changed on this page to this it did have a different set of texts on it earlier which I am going to read off and should be popped up on screen here but one way or another I'm going to read it off uh so what this said before and keep in mind it's not here now for a reason right this could all just be nothing but it's what was on this page whenever this page initially launched this is our goal with blast was to invoke an immediate and onde effect to emphasize explosions now instead of enemy inaccuracy which is what blast currently does um you detonate your enemies when dealing a blast status effect to an enemy The Following will happen when a status is applied you deal a percentage of damage after a certain time frame each Blast has its own timer and goes goes off after a second accumulated blast sacks incur onde explosions using their combined damage from when initially dealt uh and forcing stagger to affect with uh to affected within explosion radius enemies radius of triggered explosions via death May grow in radius per stack so that is what it was on this page initially uh on stream they just like didn't really talk about it because like it's still in flux and I imagine that is to be the case so don't expect that that's exactly what we're going to get but what that did say in in this section I think is really good like that's a very compelling effect to essentially be kind of like the effect that corvex is 4 has where enemies kind of like constantly give like little explosions and popcorn a bit uh and just deal damage to them and enemies around them as like an AOE dot that is a really good effect if they decide to go that way I think it'll probably be pretty strong and I feel good about that we'll see what it actually does end up being uh but what it did say seemed good with that cold also seems like it's going to be pretty beneficial which is to emphasize the effectiveness of the fantasy of slowing and freezing enemies cold now has a new effect where you will completely freeze your enemies upon reaching the new cold stack maximum gold has a new stack cap freezes enemies for a few seconds after inflicting full cold Stacks wall Frozen critical damage is greatly increased on stream they said that basically this would double the critical damage increase you get from cold Stacks right now also Frozen enemies will not regenerate Shields weapons and warframes that deal cold will be updated to reflect this new Behavior Uh freeze May synergize with other status effects such as bleed so that's just some of the things we could get and notably VIP enemies acolytes bosses Etc cannot be completely Frozen and they'll be immune to the Frozen inflicted damage increases naturally so when this says VIP enemies specifically xmus are not listed here and xmus probably will be affected by this so we could end up with an interesting scenario where heat is just generally very good but cold might be a very good effect for dealing specifically with eximus units uh if it is going to freeze them completely solid and it'll be interesting to see if cold kind of you know slides into that niche as a thing that you can bring on weapons that might have more trouble with an eximus unit than they will with anything else or of course if you're a Warframe that easily deals with fodder and you care more about the eximus units being an actual problem maybe cold is what you go with instead uh to freeze them and get them out of the way in addition uh gas with gas this is just a visual change but basically they're going to try and make it more clear what gas does gas is actually already an okay status but you could almost never see what it's doing so having some visual updates to this to make it so that you can actually see what gas is doing I think is good uh and then with Magnetic magnetic is basically on the watch list really is what Pablo really amounted it to CU they're changing some things with shields and stuff like that and there's only going to be small tweaks to this at first and they'll see if it needs more later with the only stuff really here is going to be increased minimum damage to nullies uh and increased maximum damage to nulli fire bubbles so that's like really minor change but Pablo did expressly say that magnetic is kind of on the watch list to see if it suddenly becomes good with the Corpus changes that they're doing um and I think that is like a good place to be where it's like magn magnetic mentioned in terms of it has been thought about but you know it's unclear whether or not that will actually need changes going forward but yeah overall um this is a like full game damage rework this changes like the way that we interact with most things and like the logic here and like what the goals are of this rework seem super Super Sound and I'm extremely excited for this uh especially if it means that like you know not every build is going to have to either get rid of armor or do only slash damage and so on and so forth but yeah extremely extremely good Dev stream Pablo has been cooking up a [ __ ] storm uh and speaking of that I actually did reach out to Pablo on Twitter and did get a reply in terms of one thing that's specific to this which is uh of course looking at this example if this andraste Mission wants you to have impact and magnetic the thing that you would have to do is swap your build around and players in general and I think that you guys in the comments can tell me whether or not this is the case for you uh don't want to go back to the Arsenal and like pop two mods out and put two different mods in and switch their elements to be appropriate for the mission and such like that because as it stands right now I would say the vast majority of players don't use Bane mods I have every mod in the game leveled and I don't use Bane mods I don't swap that stuff in I don't do that because it is technically the best damage you can be doing like swapping in like a bane instead of a serration like a prime Bane especially is definitely better DPS wise but it's just too much of a hassle so I reached out to Pablo asking if it's like kind of on the radar for there to be like a better quality of life with actually getting your like builds switched into a thing that would be appropriate for the mission so you can have like a mission appropriate build that's bringing the right Elementals without all the hassle of going back to the Arsenal and such like that um and basically the tldr on that is it's on the radar but it's probably not going to be something that happen soon as it's like you know a bigger change and there's a lot of other stuff releasing this year which for me personally I'm happy just to hear that something like that is being thought about and that that is like a friction that could be reduced in the future as it's probably not going to be like immediately important that we have to bring magnetic to every single um like Corpus Mission going forward or we always need to swap to corrosive heat for the the grineer going forward I don't think that something like that is going to like immediately be the case but if we kind of like Edge towards that being more of the vibe I do think that the closer we get to those like needed changes and like getting like that damage bonus like being more impactful as like content gets like you know to and Beyond kind of the deep archimedia level of difficulty um I think that that will start to really annoy players having to like go in and swap their build around and just do all that busy work that at current really isn't necessary because the only game in town for most weapons is just going viral heat or corrosive heat with corrosive shards and so on and so forth um but yeah that stuff is on the radar and it was very much appreciated for Pablo to answer that question and I'm happy that it's uh that it's on there but yeah this stuff seems great Dev stream like you know kind of just an update on some stuff coming out um but then this fantastic list of changes that I cannot wait to test out this stuff is extremely exciting for like just what it can mean for different Warframe builds and like a great example of this is like I was talking about in one of my most recent build videos is that Lavos can't really keep up in terms of damage and armor is a really big reason for that why he needs to like you know have corrosive shards and do this that and the other thing um and this could actually really fix his damage as a good example of something that might change pretty drastically when this change comes in but yeah that is uh that's going to do it for the breakdown extremely exciting news very much looking forward to it and uh that's going to do it I will see you all tomorrow or on stream I'm going to be over on Bros so if you have any questions or anything about my thoughts on anything specific in the dev stream or if I missed anything come hit me up there or in the comments of course and I'll do my best to answer any questions and things if I did miss anything but I don't think I did I think I got it all I think that's the the whole deal cuz I did mention the the the Kuba SOC and the uh tenant glaxion I believe it's been a half hour so I'm pretty sure I mentioned that those weapons are going to be cool oh right thanks for watching everybody and also of course thanks as usual to the patrons for supporting the channel especially the $10 patrons Alex parum Andrew ARB Daydream benen platic Brutus Salazar KRA Dylan dorski arrain paon James haror jc4 science John lobal Joshua Adams Lan Malik X Williams M Kel minty ginja mcha nerve roate Ruby Sonu scur sharp 247 tamarc wastelander the coupon of death Tom worm Victor Palmer waifu Wars W dad and Sarah Fe and of course thank you to all of the $5 patrons as well your support is extremely extremely appreciated uh yeah the we're about to get the Dante update uh should be an excellent time expect tons of videos to be coming about about about all the changes and new stuff that we're getting in that update and should uh should be excellent and then the tier list will will hopefully shortly follow
Channel: Brozime
Views: 58,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, ftp, free, to, PC, war, frame, Warframe, new, update, news, build, review, rare, fast, why, brozime, buff, prime, warframe, devstream, rework, warframe update, warframe 1999, devstream warframe, warframe devstream, cross save warframe, devstream recap, warframe devstream recap, warframe aoi, warframe 1999 trailer, warframe human form, devstream abridged, warframe devstream 179, devstream 179, devstream 179 recap, warframe jade, warframe damage rework, warframe jade shadows, protea prime
Id: hzPSRkAN0zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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