The LARGEST Harry Potter Book Collection in the World | Over 1,700 Books

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Dang i wish i had that as much money to waste as him

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/KrkrkrkrHere 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

That's actually kinda disturbing... Like I wouldn't want him as my neighbor

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

That fucking thumbnail, good lord. Honestly the video isn't even necessary.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/E-rye 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/AnActualNeedleDick 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I wonder how many he's read

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Light_yagami_2122 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

not bad but this one will always be my favorite:

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jesus, this was hard to watch. I had to take a break every few seconds to calm down my raging erection.

Definitely needs a nsfw tag!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Genus-God 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yo his hair is tripping me out

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/finelyevans17 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Just shave it

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/EverythingSucks12 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey Harry Potter fans Peter Kenneth here welcome back to the Potter collector channel where we are a community of collectors today is the day that I release the video that is most requested an updated tour of the Potter collector library now there are some new translations that have not made it to the library yet so they are not on the shelves but I'm going to show you everything else that's in here all of the different editions and translations and all the things on top of my shelves which has like a Room of Requirement theme to it so let's get started [Music] [Music] the two cases that you see here hold rare translations I don't have any rare English Harry Potter books in the Potter collector library those are all kept at an undisclosed location but in this first case we have the big six which are the top six rarest and hardest to find translations of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and then in this case are some rare translations that are either philosopher's stone or something like oh do Goblet of Fire which is a super rare book this german alternative cover is one of about a hundred copies in the world so that's definitely a rare book translations that are signed are pretty rare so I have a Chamber of Secrets German signed book here if you've been part of the Potter collector community for a while you will recognize this book as the last translation I needed to have every published translation of books 1 through 7 chamber of secrets in Malayalam here's a first edition Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in Italian and you'll notice that it says Joanne Rowling at the top this was later changed to JK Rowling and Harry does not have glasses on this was requested by JK Rowling to be changed and they added some glasses to this artwork to the big six on this side we have Gujarati which is a very hard-to-find Indian language I lucked out because I collected translations fairly early and purchased it when the translation was released here is Greenlandic these are in no particular order it's estimated that about 3000 copies of this book were printed next up we have Nepali which is a small book very cute small book and the reason that this is a rare translation there weren't a lot printed and it's difficult to find in Nepal Esther ian is a favorite of many translation collectors because of the cover artwork it's also most likely the rarest of the translations 700 copies were printed you saw a Chamber of Secrets Malayalam here is philosopher's stone in Malayalam similar to Gujarati I purchased this early on when the translation was released and last but not least is macedonian philosopher's stone here is the target mirror of err said and over here the Potter collector silver play button a question I get asked a lot is where did you get your bookshelves these are from Ikea and they're the the best duds I'm not pronouncing it correctly but it's beste bes ta and they are fully customizable which is fantastic I mean these down here are best not the display cases themselves these I purchased that like display cases calm or something but yeah the shelves are all beste from Ikea they have different sizes so you can kind of create a library with with bookshelves alright let's talk about these guys down here for a second these are the Warner Brothers maquettes that were sold at the Warner Brothers store they are all rare and hard to find but some are extremely rare and hard to find for example Hagrid it's estimated that there are less than 25 that exists today mainly because he's hollow inside so extremely fragile not a lot of them were made because the Warner Brothers Studio store closed very soon after they released these maquettes Hermione never even made it to the store this is a prototype of what the Hermione maquette would have looked like but the store shut down and unfortunately they didn't continue making them they were going to make 2,500 of each of them but Hagrid they're about 25 Dumbledore Snape and Ron about 75 and there were about 500 of Harry produced and then Hermione one of the finished maquettes the colored maquettes was sold years ago and it's beautiful it's a beautiful maquette and it's the only one that's been known to have been rescued but this prototype popped up and I almost like this better than a finished maquette because the colored one was never released so it's fun to have like a prototype of what Hermione would have been had she been released so these are my favorite merchandise pieces in the collection you may also be noticing that there's some writing on each of the maquettes they are signed by Fred bode who is the designer of them and on the bottom each one is numbered out of 2,500 again not 2500 were made and Hagrid here is number 1 of 2500 or number one of the few that they actually made all right it's time to start showing you the bookshelves now I'm just going to go in order starting with Afrikaans and Albanian and just go through the different shelves I may pick a few of the books off and show them to you but for the most part you're just gonna see the spines in this video if you want to see the covers of most of the books in this library check out the previous videos I've posted I think they're like two years old though and I go through each book so one video is for book one one is for book two one videos for book three etc that was back when I had a thousand bucks this is sixteen to seventeen hundred books so you will be missing a lot but you'll get kind of an idea of what the covers look like and another thing I want to say is I get asked by people saying you know why do you collect the same book multiple times well they're actually not the same book they're in different languages most have different cover artwork different editions as a collector it's something I enjoy doing this is an investment I'm super proud of the fact that I've only paid one-third the value of my collection so if and when I do decide to sell it I don't know if I will but if I do it will be worth it and that's something that I tell these people who ask these questions all the time and anyone can do it anyone can invest in books you don't have to have a lot of money you don't despendo high started this collection with $20 I purchased a book that I knew was worth more bought it resold it and then I had a collecting budget so I used some of that money to add new books to my collection and some of that money to buy more books to resell and that's how my collecting journey started and that's how this collection grew and I still use that exact same method today so it's not too late all you have to do is basically learn Harry Potter books which is what I did it's self taught lots of research you can do it too let's check out the books so up here we have Afrikaans Albanian he's our Arabic over here Armenian Azerbaijani bosque and more busk this is one of the new translations Belarusian Belarusian I actually don't know how to pronounce it Bengali Bosnian these are fun books look at that cover artwork Brenton Bulgarian these Bulgarian books were just released and the cover artwork is so good I'm gonna do like a reaction or review of these new books but here's a little preview of what this cover artwork looks like these are Catalan and if you have been part of the Potter collector community for a while you know those are some of my favorite covers these are also Catalan Catalan cattle and cattle and cattle and this is Valencian which is an adaptation of Catalan that's why I have it after cattle an traditional chinese Simplified Chinese more simplified Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch that's a fun set here more Dutch and more Dutch and now we're starting English so these are the UK Edition English books so the original text hard covers and paperbacks I had to have both large print look at how much bigger those are I need to get the other books for this set these are the deluxe editions adult editions adult editions these are the celebratory editions I don't have all of these I have them all in the Australian version but I need to get the rest in the UK version these are the signature edition hard covers and the Signature Edition paperbacks Johnny duddle editions also in paperback these are the new adult Davidson covers the way he created this artwork was by burning wood essentially beautiful beautiful stuff these are the slipcase gift editions and now we're starting with the 20th anniversary house editions as of now they have only published up through Goblet of Fire they're gonna do all seven books all houses now we're starting with Australian and actually these should be after these so I don't know why I have them here but these are the Australian celebratory editions and the celebratory editions were released around when the movies were released a first edition set of Australian and now we're starting with Canadian books and you'll see Raincoast on the spine that tells us that they are Canadian books paperbacks and book club Canadian books here is American English paperbacks and then over here we have some book club editions and the rest of the book club editions they stopped at order of the Phoenix library bound copies this is a favorite of many collectors the school market edition of Sorcerer's Stone gorgeous cover artwork by Mary Graham pray this particular book here is what started this collection I told you I'd twenty bucks I bought this book for 20 bucks and resold it for two hundred and fifty dollars so this is the one that started it all American Deluxe Editions 15th anniversary edition 20th anniversary edition and the last two American books now we have Estonian Faroese paperback Faroese Filipino finish these are also finished books French French deluxe editions I still need Deathly Hollows this is the 40th anniversary of the publisher Harry Potter edition of The Sorcerer's Stone here's a special edition box set that most collectors call the Room of Requirement set got some newer French sets over here glaceon Georgian and lots of German books so the original hard covers original paperbacks special editions book club Edition adult editions the spell editions the spell editions are fun on the text block is a spell or multiple spells depending on how you hold the book it reveals kind of the spell so priori in content him more German books the set is very fun I love seeing the different characters on the spines clothbound special edition and the 20th anniversary editions I did a full video review on these they are beautiful books ancient Greek and Greek Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew Hindi Hawaiian Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian those are also Indonesian Irish gelik Italian actually gifted this book to a friend so I need to purchase any one for myself but here are some other Italian books more Italian more Italian more Italian Japanese which are also some of my favorite covers there's just something about this artwork that I love and in my collection I actually own an alternative cover to to this first part of order of the Phoenix these I call the Japanese baby books because they're so small these are new 20th anniversary edition Japanese books kamar Korean Latin Latvian Lithuanian Low German Luxembourgish that's fun to say Luxembourgish the other Macedonian books the first book is of course in the display case one of the big six Malaysian Marathi Mongolian Montenegrin Norwegian Norwegian and Norwegian and some more Norwegian occitan Persian also known as farsi persian poet these are also polish Brazilian Portuguese European Portuguese Romanian these are the new Romanian translations Russian Russian adult editions Russian deluxe editions the Russian black editions which are so beautiful I'm gonna pull one off for you rentals beautiful Russian scots serbian cyrillic serbian cyrillic these are also known as the series of unfortunate event covers because they basically look just like a series of unfortunate events now there was no deathly hallows published in serbian cyrillic these are serbian latin sinhala Slovak Slovenian Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Swedish these are the new Swedish 20th anniversary editions - meal Telugu Thai more Thai [Music] Tibetan Turkish Ukrainian or do Vietnamese now these Vietnamese books are really really fun these are actually chapter books so they released one book every week and each one has a chapter or two in them now they only published up through order of the Phoenix but from philosopher's stone to order the Phoenix there are 61 of these little books how crazy is that can you imagine having to wait a whole week to continue reading Harry Potter we have Welsh and then last but not least West Frisian now these books down here are all Braille all the different Braille books come in multiple parts so for example Goblet of Fire is in 10 parts I always find it so amazing that someone can read by touch it's like absolutely incredible to me now the books that I showed you don't include the rare and signed books in my collection if you want to see those I have various videos about them and showing them to you guys alright let's go to the Room of Requirement to show you what is on top of my shelves now at some point I will be taking all this down reorganizing it but I wanted to show you basically what's up here quickly as many of you have asked there's noble collection stuff there's books paper replicas subscription box items Wizarding World of Harry Potter items [Music] some Funko pops I'm a little picky about which Funko pops I collect newts commanders case they're Tom Riddle's diary the sorting hat [Music] [Music] so the theme on top is removed requirement mainly because it's a little bit cluttered again I need to reorganize it a lot of you have always asked like show us the potions that are on top of your shelves that you're always mentioning so that is what's on top of my shelves just various merchandise items I like it some days and other days I don't like it so I think the best solution will be to take everything down reorganize it and see what I don't need essentially to put up here but yeah that is what is on top of the shelves I hope the weight was worth it for you here is the Potter collector library update if you have any questions about Harry Potter Harry Potter collecting or anything else please feel free to leave a comment down below you can also join the Potter clutch your community on Instagram at the Potter collector or on Twitter at Potter collector now it's time to like comment subscribe and until next time keep collecting thank you so much for watching if you're new here welcome you can subscribe right up here you can also look at some previously posted content down here if you have any questions about Harry Potter books are collecting please feel free to contact me I'm always happy to help but for now I must go see you next time well where you go
Channel: The Potter Collector
Views: 861,647
Rating: 4.9361615 out of 5
Keywords: harry potter, the potter collector, wizarding world, wizarding world of harry potter, harry potter world, harry potter universal, universal studios, orlando florida, harry potter books, j.k. rowling, fantastic beasts, warner bros, cherry wallis, harry potter collecting, harry potter haul, harry potter unboxing, harry potter collector, harry potter book collection, harry potter library, library, book collection, Guinness world record, largest harry potter collection
Id: XU1GfmbIf0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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