'The King is FOOLISH to have abandoned tradition' | David Starkey

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Prince Harry has finally confirmed that he will attend the king's coronation next month but without his wife Megan and children Archie and lillibet this latest coronation drama adds to a long list of problems related to the ceremony including claims that the firm is going too far to appeal to Harry and Megan's woke base so John Elliott Gardner who will conduct the monteverdi choir it mitted his surprise in an interview with the times that the number of diversity boxes the king felt he had to tick when deciding on the ceremonies music and it comes as demonic-backed an independent study into the Royal Family's links to the Atlantic slave trade and you've also gotten this one wow me up a lot I have to say Prince William appointing the queen of woke the former New Zealand prime minister Jacinda ardern to the board of his Earth shot prize so it's the monarchy accidentally out woking Harry and Megan joining me now to discuss this Royal historian our very own David Starkey but David look I have to start off uh with your reaction to this compromised deal Harry will be here Megan stays in California with the young prince and princess it must be the first time he's been apart from her forever isn't it here is this poor man you know he's like a dog collar trotting obediently behind her um but I think there's a bigger question what on Earth is Harry going to do in Westminster Abbey and this shows again where I think the King has gone so badly wrong he abolished the whole notion of doing homage apart from William now imagine if he kept that idea for Harry to turn up he would have to kneel down in the old days in front of his father raise his hands up there and swear fealty now wouldn't we all have enjoyed that I think I'd pay good money I think that's right and this shows why the king is so foolish and I'm going to use that word to have abandoned tradition but this is because he wants to appeal to the fans of Harry and Megan would you just say that's futile I think it's never going to I mean I think you're using very kind long words I'd say it's stupid what the king is doing is saying I am going to appeal to people who don't like the monarchy now this is mad when the guardian of the new Statesman write a favorable article on the monarchy you know it's through gritted teeth these are people who would tear the crowns from his head in five seconds and what he's doing really is spitting in the face of those who are non-work or were fundamentally royalist and it seems it's an ABS you know it's a bit like these radio stations that decide they don't like their audiences you know so they sack all their favorite presenters they play music that their fan base hates and you know what they're then very surprised when their numbers yeah indeed but for that same reason though I actually wanted King Charles person need to rip up Harry and Megan's invitation I mean I don't think he should have invited them in the first place I know a lot of people say that's ridiculous he's the son he's still in the line of succession but I don't think he should have bent over backwards to have them right you used exactly the right word but you see I think although we're making a big deal of it I think Harry is a sideshow the fundamental because Megan's not there no no just in general I mean he's you know he's way down the order of succession it's simply that we insist in the media in talking about it I think to be there then why does he need to be there given he seems that's right I mean but again you know poor Harry is torn Charles is torn they are father and son there is a residual fondness there's a residual love and so on but each one of them now finds themselves in this extraordinary it's it's like one of those dark you know one of those Spanish dancers where you suddenly come together then you come apart and you strut you know it's that sort of thing but if Megan had been there would she have been more than a sideshow would she have certainly she'd have tried to steal the show because of course this was always the point as she was planning to William was actually worried about um yes but you see I think again these this is misconceived if again you would maintain the traditional structure of a coronation there is no doubt who is in charge the entire service This Magnificent series of possessions of movements of anointing of presentations of objects and whatever it focuses on one person and one other person on the king and the Queen and everybody else modernize it too I think that what chances done is to destroy the theater and the purpose so the two things have gone badly wrong and they're both fundamental the he said right we're not going to have members of the House of Lords if you think you're I mean I'm so ancient I remember the last coronation and if you remember the last coronation the house of laws they're a bit like the chorus in an opera they're all there in scarlet and white they're This Magnificent backdrop to the theater now what you're going to have is an Abbey filled within the gozi Fulani and you're going to have a wallpaper of what of leopard skin print rather like bar stools in Las Vegas I mean the total visual chaos you'll destroy that but there's something else the king is not explained ever and nobody's explained on his behalf why the coronation matters instead what we've happened is this ridiculous drip feed of little stories about this Ivory Rod this Jewel in other words it's an exercise of trivia because I I think they're scared of the reaction they're always getting direction in fact you raise ngozi Fulani that's why they reacted so yeah they made the wrong just to show you also think that's why they made the wrong decision by immediately giving in to the guardian over the Royal uh reparations there is no case by the way the guardian has no case for reparations the guardian is founded can you imagine the garden is founded after the abolition of slavery and yet it persuades itself it's somehow guilty for slavery this is a kind of delusion of the mind but of course as applied to the monarching the problem is this when people say oh we want to explore the links of the monarchy to slavery that's not what they're really saying is what they want to do is to destroy the historical legitimacy of the monarchy the slave trade and Britain's alleged in what Britain's real involvement in it is being used as a historical battering ram to destroy the historic monarchy is history or it's nothing and I think the king does not realize this this constant talk of modernization that is not what it's about also the great thing is in this country right the vast vast majority of the population do not particularly want the royal family to modernize are very happy with the traditional Royal Family actually have been pretty happy in fact you know the King Charles there's something he began very well there's something really remarkable the scale of Royal ceremony that we have now do you know it was invented when democracy comes in before democracy Royal ceremony was have you ever been a ceremony at a University at Oxford or Cambridge where everything is sort of a bit casual because it's all between friends it's once the royal family knew that it had form to a huge audience this is what happens with with with at the beginning of the 20th century when everything that we're going to see or that the bits of it that will survive you construct a deliberate theater for it the front of Buckingham Palace is only put on in the summer of 1913. the mall is only laid out as the monument to Queen Victoria you deliberately constructed there's a theater to show off monarchy to the church it's already modern enough thank you very much and look just to very quickly say you're obviously going to be a big part of our coverage of the coronation here on GP news and I believe some special projects coming well we're actually making documentaries we're first time uh GB news has made documentaries and what I'm trying to do I'm trying to say the coronation is just not a lot of mystical ritual it's the fundamental compact between the king and his people it's a contract and it's the reason that we're governed well governed properly and that we are let's end on this word you're an American a royal Republic and the oldest and best and the longest lived
Channel: GBNews
Views: 185,447
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Keywords: GB news, coronation, kingscoronation, davidstarkey, harryandmeghan, princeharry, meghanmarkle, kingcharles, sussexes
Id: Aptjmop_OX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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