The Keys to Emotional and Mental Health - Bill Johnson (Full Sermon) | Bethel Church

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[Applause] all right I'll give thanks okay thank you thank you sorry still I've gum in my mouth careless sorry well good morning it's still morning it is 27 minutes left of morning the drought is over thank you Jesus I mean it's really over anybody in that thunderstorm yesterday that was like God's Amen it's over it's like it's over huh tonight's gonna be so much fun I missed last year I made that the gospel night so many of our community were able to minister to so profoundly and and I missed it this I don't forget where I was I was somewhere else besides here and I I begged I didn't get pitiful but I begged that they would do it again and and I'm so glad they're gonna do it again tonight so it's just gonna be outrageous and wonderful and I'm just thankful in advance Sunday school teacher was discussing the 10 commandments with a five and six-year-olds after explaining the commandment to honor thy father and mother she asked is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters without missing a beat one little boy the oldest of the family answered thou shalt not kill currently that really touched him so a kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom while they were drawing she would occasionally walk around and see each child's work and she got to one little girl who was working diligently she asked what she was drawing she replied I'm drawing God the teacher pause that's it but no one knows what God looks like she said they will in a moment that sounds like one of the kids in our schools welcome sounds like oh yeah they will in a moment the little girl was talking to her teacher about whales teacher said it's physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small the little girl stated Jonah was swallowed by a whale irritated the teacher repeated a whale could not swallow a human it's physically impossible the little girl said when I get to heaven I will ask Jonah teacher said what if Jonah went to hell the little girl replied then you asked him hmm oh wow alright that was that was kind of scary I want I'd like for you to open your Bibles to the Gospel of John there we go sorry I apparently I've been in the gospel so much lately it just automatically was coming out of my mouth to the book of Joshua and I don't know if if you do this I Joshua chapter one especially verses 5 to it 2:9 our verses I review actually very very often it's kind of like it's kind of like Maya it'd be my cabin in the mountains the place I go to to find rest and refreshing in and kill animals no no find rest and refreshing sorry I had to I started thinking about a cabin in the mountains as a place to go to find refreshing and I have different places throughout scripture where I go and I will I will pray and read and meditate I don't think about for great periods of time and this is one of them this is actually probably one of the top three most important passages in my life for the last 40 plus years and so it has that kind of a role I've taught on it before I've talked about it many times through the years but I I'm not going to take a different twist but I want to refine my focus for you this morning because I believe that there is a tool in here that is necessary for emotional and mental health emotional and mental health I've never seen a time in my life where there was as great a battle over the mind as in the last few years and and the Lord has has equipped us with tools that are not just necessarily useful they're edifying there there are wonderful tools that he gives us about life and one of the byproducts is it helps us in these areas so that's what we're going to do Joshua chapter one this is about Joshua receiving the baton or the baton if you're from one of them other places the baton the baton from Moses this is where the Lord speaks to Josh when says Moses my servant is dead his job is now your job basically and here's something to to remind yourself up Joshua is now leading the descendants of the people who first received the promise about the promised land they didn't get it although God promised it to him Larry Randolph helped me to understand this much better a number of years ago he said God fulfills all of his promises but he's not obligated to fulfill our potential and sometimes the Lord gives us a promise that actually carries with it an invitation to a potential a possibility to a realm of maturity development conquest whatever it might be and so the kingdom of God in the Old Testament was a excuse me the Promised Land in the Old Testament was a type of the kingdom of God in the new in the Old Testament of course it was a geographical area that will Reba read about in a moment and they drew an inherit this vast piece of land they would divide it up according to tribes then divided up according to family that was their inheritance it was a land that was so prosperous so rich so so wonderful that the Lord described it as a land filled with flowing with milk and honey in other words it had abundance and everything that was right and it was their inheritance when the 12 spies went in to check out the land they came back saying it's true it's a land flowing with milk and honey but there's giants that are there there's a very well-equipped military all through this land much more member these are these are the children of slaves that are now supposed to go in and have military conquest they have zero training whatsoever and so these folks are very very intimidated they come back with the port saying yes it's a land flowing with milk and honey the Giants are there and then they said something is very eye-opening it says and we are like ground Hopper's in our site in other words we we we are here and they are there and there's no way we can measure this challenge because of their unbelief they disqualified themself for the very thing God had promised and there is a part of the promise over your life and mine that actually takes active faith to fully apprehend and step into this notion that if it's meant to be it will just happen is nonsense it's absolute nonsense its it's absolute careless and lazy theology there is a responsibility in this relation longjourney to continuously exercise faith and pursuit of what God has promised I feel better having said that alright let's just get into this and I'll fix whatever I break later all right let's go verse 1 after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of nun Moses is assistant saying Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise go over this Jordan you and all this people to the land which I'm going which I'm giving to them the children of Israel every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you as I said to Moses from the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the Great River the river Euphrates and all the land of the Hittites to the Great Sea toward the going down of the Sun shall be your territory no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses so I will be with you I will not leave you nor forsake you stop right there let me kind of connect the dots concerning the kingdom and then we'll read verses 5 through 9 is actually the part that I return to on a regular basis it's my cabin alright when we talk about Old Testament Promised Land it is in the natural a picture of the New Testament concept of the kingdom of God it is the fact that when you enter a realm of maturity a realm of Conquest in some cases it's it's like a territory that you inherit when you experience joy when you experienced deliverance when the experience feeling whatever it might be it's always an invitation to a realm in God that you actually inherit kingdom Kings domain it's the realms of God's Dominion that we step into Jesus announced to us the kingdom is at hand and then he would say if I cast a demon out of you by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God has come upon us so he's actually describing realms of personal inheritance here's somebody who's tormented at night they don't sleep at night because of abusive upbringing whatever it might be they have a rough time with their life Jesus comes along or you come along and Minister them and break off that power some of they sleep at night what does that call that's called the kingdom of God that's the realm of God's Dominion somebody I just got a report this week of another person that had throat cancer that was healed here they came and they were delivered set free of throat cancer what is that that's the kingdom of God the kingdom of God the realm of God's Dominion that has no cancer came upon this person's throat and drove it from them we recently have had five cases that I know of of Lyme's disease in the last I would say five weeks it actually happened in a three week period five people with Lyme's disease that were healed 138 years 38 years 10 years mostly in bed for 10 years and I watched as the Spirit of God it was it was actually like the Holy Spirit flooded everything that was wrong flooded it out of her body if you could imagine having a vase and it's got dirt in the bottom and you just keep pouring water until all the dirt is flushed out that's exactly what happened the Spirit of God came upon her and I have a video of her running around her swimming pool she's been incapable of doing ten ten years bedridden and and as a result of that two little girls that were bedridden eight and eleven also with juvenile arthritis were completely healed I have a video of them doing jumping jacks with their mom of things that they were incapable of doing so the point is is we see the kingdom of the kingdom that has no affliction come upon their bodies and literally just flush out everything that the enemy tried to do to steal kill and destroy their life that what is what is the kingdom it's all of that it's all of that and that is the promised land for the believer it sometimes includes financial blessing prosperity in a business but as we never want to make the mistake of equating spiritual maturity with income and possessions neither do we want to equate spiritual maturity with poverty yeah let's let's let's throw up both don't both stupid ideas and you know God wants to bless you more than you can imagine well let's leave it there all right I'm gonna crawl into a hole and make a mess I can see it all right verse five no man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses so I will be with you I will not leave you nor forsake you be strong now here's where we have the words of instructions I want you to pay attention here be strong and of good courage for this to this people you would divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them only be very strong or be strong and very courageous that you may be able to observe all according to the law which Moses my servant commanded you the law of Moses was the Word of God they had at that time so we can put in its place that the Word of God the scriptures that you now how many of you have your Bibles with you let me see them let me hold of my I'm just taking a roll just just trying to see all right we're talking about the Word of God now okay so the the Word of God in this case the law it's Moses my sermon commanded you do not turn from it to the right or to the left that you may prosper wherever you go please notice prosperity and success are biblical terms we just can't let Wall Street's definition affect our our position because real prosperity starts on the inside so the target of the Lord as he wants everybody in this room to be ridiculously prosperous but his target is the inner world it's my emotional and mental health alright verse eight the book this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you will meditate on it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have success then you will make your way prosperous I thought the Lord did it now he gave you the tools I get the same response of that drama back there then you won't make your way prosperous and then you will have good success say this with me I am responsible for my own prosperity I am responsible for my own success oh Jesus help us we need a nation of people right now that will take responsibility and not expect some government to do it all right I have more to say but for all of our safety I will be quiet verse 9 have I not commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go how many of you have ever become so anxious over something it kept you up at night and you just had that thing going through your brain all night long and you couldn't sleep but you're them alright so we know that we know how to meditate so now we just have to change the subject matter this passage of scripture gives us like how many times does he have to say it be strong be courageous be very strong be very courageous did you hear me I said be strong be courageous don't be dismayed don't be fearful don't become anxious he gives all these commands in there but not one time does he tell you how he just says be strong very courageous and then he says you're gonna make your own way prosperous you're gonna make your own way successful and then he gives one little sliver extremely profound sliver of advice not advice a command a sliver of instruction that makes everything else in the verses possible he says but you shall meditate on this word day and night I think I think is this is a biblical meditation is probably the most neglected area of Christian discipline in the body of Christ in our country there's Western meditation which is intellectual there's Eastern meditation which is to empty your mind and there's biblical meditation that is unlike either of those two I want to read to you the definition of this word meditation by the way if you're taking notes I don't know if we'll get to it or not but the first song Psalms number one is a parallel passage to Joshua chapter one it runs very very similar themes all right so let me read this definition to you it means to reflect to moan to mutter to ponder to make a quiet sound such as sign to meditate or contemplate something as one repeats the words it represents something quite unlike the English meditation which may be a mental exercise only in Hebrew thought to meditate upon the scriptures is to quietly repeat them in a soft droning sound while utterly abandoning outside distractions from this tradition comes a specialized type of Jewish prayer called deafening that is reciting text praying intense prayers are getting lost in communion with God while bowing or rocking back and forth if you've seen people at the Wailing Wall this rocking that is actually a physical response to biblical meditation it is repeating a matter which is what you do in biblical meditation meditation all right so rocking back and forth evidently this dynamic form of meditation prayer goes back to David's time thus called davon II this is from dick mills in his his work study book often what we do is well read us we read scripture we say amen to what we read we're encouraged by what we read but the Lord has actually given us instruction that in in many ways determines the measure of our success our impact our prosperity and again I don't mind talking about money in this context but it's not my focus today at all it's it's not about you know boats and planes and mansions it's about being as wealthy as Bill Gates is on the outside you and me being that wealthy on the inside is that there's that kind of an abundance here that I have to I have to spend my life trying to figure out how to give all this encouragement away because I've got so much it's that place of prosperity is it possible that God would bless you more on the inside then somebody like a Bill Gates or some of these others are blessed on the outside yes it's possible because we tap into an eternal unlimited kingdom and it is the design of the Lord that we actually enter into places of personal victory that are equal to the kinds of victories that we see by great corporations etc all right so back to the point is that the Lord would cause you and me to be a people that have triumphed in our personal journey with the Lord to such an extent that there are conquests in the same way that there'd be conquest in military conquest in business conquest in in other parts of life sports etc instead what he says he's directly directly tying it to this one tiny little sliver of insight and command and that is to meditate even where he says this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth that's actually one of the expressions of meditation it is the fact that there there is just I'm not saying you have to rock but I but I want to illustrate it's the fact that there is this repeating God spoke a word to me let's just take I remember times I've been in real a difficult place financially and I needed a miracle break and I found this verse in Psalms 127 in fact for months now I've been reading Psalms 127 to 128 every day because there are family Psalms and I love to pray them over my household so let's go back to this first so he says he provides first beloved even while he sleeps so I will take this verse in a time of personal great personal need and up and I will just pray and say God you said in your word that you provide for me even while I'm sleeping God I celebrate the fact that I I do work hard for you and I give that to you but your work for me is far greater than my work for myself you have unlimited resources you have positive resources you provide for me out of the riches of your glory which is vast and uncontainable in any vessel god I thank you that your abundance pours towards me that you've actually assigned a measure of breakthrough into my life my family and my family line god I confess I declare I sing before you you provide for me even while I sleep what is it there's just this repeated prayer it's not just this ritual of this religious routine what's happening is my interaction with what God has said is now becoming a part of the fabric of my being last long I would say it's become cellular in us it's it becomes a something that is so much a part of us that that it is woven into our actual personality and it affects how we think it affects how we live it's not a two-minute reciting of a verse it's a lifetime of engagement with that which God has said now the Scriptures tell us man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God God is saying you're alive because I talk you're alive because I talk everything about you thrives because I have spoken everything about you thrives because I have spoken I have deposited through word I have transferred from my world to yours through a decree and when we take that word seriously and prayerfully consider put another I've done this put it on three by five card sticking on the dashboard of my car if I have distance to drive and I just have that to look at just to refresh my mind I maybe can quote it without the card but I look at it anyway because I want everything about me I speak it cuz I want my ears to hear it I see it with my eyes cuz I want my eyes to see it I I speak with my mouth because I want to participate with God in saying what he is saying if you want Jesus only said what his father says if you want to learn to say what the father sang then start saying what he has said start declaring what he has already said oh thank you that's probably a very important oh yeah very important note all of my notes are scribbling important notes alright so here we have this invitation by the Lord on this relational journey where we we do more than simply reading a text we are alive at a time when we are inundated with words many words ideas concepts principles that are so Antichrist in nature sometimes they're easy to spot because you know the devil wears a red rubber suit carries a pitchfork and it's not hard to see other times it's so interwoven into our culture maybe our own personal history that we don't recognize him at all it's just become a part and until you get exposed more than just on an eye level more than just an intellectual level but this interaction with God Himself who is the word suddenly things start standing out to me now wait a minute it's like that abortion movie is something that was acceptable and now no it's no longer acceptable sudden you start seeing from a different place because the interaction of the word in you actually rewires your capacity to see and to think it is an on meditation is an ongoing encounter with God it is ongoing experience where we harness our thoughts we harness emotion we put them in line to what God has sang and suddenly we began to carry the shape of that work very word and here Joshua was told that his own success is on personal and corporate prosperity as a nation was dependent upon them not letting this depart from their mouth not letting it depart from their mouth is the expression of biblical meditation I keep it in front of me everything that is commanded here be strong be courageous don't be dismayed don't be you know keep the word in your mouth all these things are connected to this one simple assignment meditate on what God has said it's the lost art of meditation we are inundated with words with ideas with thoughts that are so contrary to the kingdom and I grieve as I watch people that I know in the body of Christ that will adopt things that are so contrary to the kingdom of God and they'll not just adopt them in the sense that they no longer resist them they will even begin to promote these things they were very very much against Christ Antichrist thoughts and ideas even if you know in the Internet I like the internet myself I love you can find anything I sometimes it says what could I find today you know I will I sit there I go oh what can I find I did this years ago I thought I used to shop for this I'm not gonna tell you cuz people tend to buy me stuff I have to be careful what I say anymore makes me nervous there was an item I'm not even say what it was but I used to go in the mall and watch buy a seat in the window I go man I wish I could afford a little is like 60 bucks but 60 look was like a million to me at that time and I'd look at that think of more that's so nice and I'd walk right past it several years ago I thought I have $60 I I need to find that thing so I did I just did a little research online and I found what I couldn't afford forty years ago I can now afford and if it's a little more than 60 now but it's still alright that's that's whether it might read I love the I do but there's so much garbage and there are ways of thinking that are so dangerous the TV I mean Benny now I you know this movies on the planes and oh Jesus help us with better movies yes yes I have what's a better movies it's being done folks it's being done bright ones this release anyway I'll sit on the play I last about five minutes on most movies I sit there I watch it yeah see where this going Dom turn it yeah garbage turned that I just don't last for long there's so much bombardment on our minds and our emotions trying to draw us into emotional weightiness and heaviness that is not an a reality it's not really a part of our life even if you don't have the internet if you don't have a TV you still have to walk into a grocery store and there's stuff everywhere to prophesy to you the values of another world the point I'm trying to make is to be strong in this hour that's going to take more than a few verses of a devotional on a Tuesday morning you've got to interact with God Himself who is the word have that that is that is in his heart interwoven to how you think how you feel how you react how you respond how you plan everything is interwoven because I have taken time to meditate to utter to moan to rehearse to bring up over and over again to put in my own words to put in his words to gather other scriptures put them together make them prayers make them confessions sing them as songs just don't try this sing a song that Belfer music could record that causes a lot of people to not write a good song because they try to make it recordable listen it's probably stinks as a song to be recorded but it's one that God will really value so just let it be honest authentic and sing I'm serious sing to him you are the one who provides while I sleep I can rest the peace because if your abundance your heart for me is beyond anything I could imagine God I celebrate who you are you provide for me even while I sleep and you just take this you begin to sing it throughout your day why because that's that's biblical meditation somehow the heart the mind the emotions everything about us becomes trained in the mind of Christ the missing art a biblical meditation must be restored I believe it's the most essential ingredient for this season or that we're living in why don't you like with me I'm gonna said look at me no don't do that look with me to Psalms 1 the first song we're gonna read just a couple verses of it but I think hopefully it'll make sense to you when I was I had a challenging physical issue here several years ago and I got to the place I had a growth in a small intestine and I got to where I couldn't eat and then eventually to where I couldn't drink and sat in a recliner for long four days and finally moved to hotel Sam Cisco eventually into a hospital room and and my practice was to sit with the scripture and or to sit with my iPad and to watch listen to prophetic words over my life that this biblical meditation is what has kept me alive insane sanity might be questionable for some of you concerning me but we'll just leave that where it is at least in my version of sanity honestly it has been my life source is to take what God has said review it over and over and over it again I don't care if I have read the verse of a thousand times I need it one more time and you'll take that verse and you just begin to pray he says and he says in his word and no one is able to remove you from my hand God I give you thanks I give you thanks that my life is firmly in your hand your strength protects me your grip on my heart keeps me safe god I honor you as the father who delights in me as a son and you just take this you process it it's more than a two-minute moment in the morning it's a lifestyle that starts to fit affecting and infecting how we think how we pray what we declare what we say and I set there by the hour just reviewing breathing it again watching the video again turning to Joshua Wong which I did again and again reading this Psalm that has been such a life source for me again and again I'm telling you it's a source of mental health for us forever but especially in this season all right Psalms 1 verse 1 blessed is the man or woman who washed walks not in the counsel of the ungodly excuse me just second year I need to gag okay we cast it out and better blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scroll my grandma my mom's mom would quote this first Psalm all the time I can hear her sang it as I'm reading I think she's a little concerned about me maybe because she would caught this one to me a lot nor sits in the seat of the school yes grandma yes go I get it yes Graham I'm telling her right now yes grandma I'm doing my best verse to his delight is in the law of Lord in his law he meditates day and night he will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season whose leaf also shall not wither whatever he does shall prosper this is a tandem passage to Joshua chapter 1 now we've heard recently the drought in all of California is officially over thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord even that I'd like to suggest you the trees along the Sacramento River they were never informed that there was actually a drop the trees along the river never knew never knew there was a job and the one who meditates in the word does not go through the seasons of drought that others go through because the roots start reaching down into these subterranean streams and taps into the rivers of God where there is always more than enough always more than enough the Word of God flows from his heart towards you and me continuously it is 24/7 it's why David would say I wake in the night watches and I consider your works i awaken the night watches while I lie on my bed I consider your word and he meditates any praise over these words that have been spoken over his life where in bed you wake up at night you might as well make it useful might as well make it useful I I do if I ever verse then I'm part let's just say the Psalms 127 verse provides I wake up in the night God God I just thank you you are providing for me even right now while I sleep or whatever verse seems to fit your situation and you take that you prayerfully consider you pray it automatically it's better to wake up with a purpose than to wake up in anxiety and fear I've said it many times we had had better days if we had better nights and this biblical meditation on scripture engaging with the presence of the Spirit of God is a huge part of our own personal triumph in the victory so here he says it his delight is in the law of the Lord in his law his word he meditates day and night he will be like a tree planted by rivers of water that brings forth fruit in its season the leaf never withers whatever he does he prospers again I want to connect the bounty of the soul is connected to biblical meditation on his word it's the it's the groaning it's the muttering it's the praying is the quoting it's the declaring it's broadcasting its sing it's rehearsing every application of what God has said over your life something happens to the heart of faith in that atmosphere there's three things that I'm aware of this morning that we have been given an invitation in a command to meditate on one is the Word of God whatever God says market I can take you two portions of scripture in here I've got one and the book have named that the Lord spoke to me in August of 2009 and I have I have a little date next to it there's a passage there that I will pray I will sing and I will declare it I will do all those things to this because he spoke to me he highlighted have have your history with God in that word so he meditated on the word but the second thing as we meditate on his ways David would talk about waking in the night and considering the goodness of God their greatness of God whatever it might be he would contemplate the person of God himself who had chosen him who has chosen you who has chosen me he would consider for for example the mercy and the kindness of God God you are so kind you could have rejected me a thousand times time a thousand and you didn't instead you showed kindness to me you were patient towards me when I was impatient with myself when everybody around me deserved to be impatient and you're a kind and patient with me God the way he you have treated me it's like I'm a treasure and yet I would have been happy just to be an outcast some distance from you they could just at least live and not die and yet your kindness changed Who I am changed how I think change what I believe for it was your kindness that made it possible for me to actually have a hope filled future got your ways are beyond measurement what's happening there you're interacting your soul has become interwoven with his own world his own nature's own heart so we meditate on the word we meditate on those ways and then David would say in the Nightwatch I consider your works that's the things that God does it's the it's the pouring in of the presence of God into this dear one who has suffered for 38 years only to watch the crud that had afflicted her for all those years to no fault of her own the enemy comes to kill steal destroy and the Holy Spirit just poured out upon and we just watched as he kept pouring and kept pouring and eventually there was none of the crowd at the bottom of the vase left in there it had all been washed it was were the most simple moments of my life watching him come and flutter say stop me think it's amazing it's amazing how you do this it's amazing it's amazing that you could just flutter soul and the end result is 38 years of affliction is over you amaze me what's happening heart mind emotion everything about us is just becoming inner woven with this very fabric of his own nature of his own being as we interact with a greatness and the significance of God I'm telling you biblical meditation that little sliver of instruction is the key to making your own way prosperous finding your own way of success accomplishing what God has left you on the planet to accomplish Jesus didn't go through what he could went through so we could sit in a pool and wait for the rapture he has assigned us to be overcomers and conquerors but I'm telling you it is not possible without embracing the tool that he gave us called biblical meditation for change in your heart help me Jesus happy Jesus yes help me not me right now lord I do pray for an unusual gift of grace remember part of the word that dick Mills definition part of that word meant to rid ourselves of distraction so that we can actually give herself what happens is you try to meditate when we're in the middle of chaos you know start with the meditation so it shapes the remainder of your day father I pray for this unusual gift to be given a gift a biblical meditation to be imparted now through word every person in the word our online bethel TV family the same thing in every home every church where this is viewed that there be an anointing for biblical meditation that changes how we think and how we interact with your word thank you Lord in a crowd this size there's always a high probability that we have people here who have never been as the Bible called born again that's where there's a moment of personal surrender to the absolute lordship of Jesus it's where we turn from our life serving our self doing all that we can do to be right to truly being a disciple following the Lord Jesus Christ and if there's anybody in the room they would say bill that's me I don't want to leave this building I don't leave this property till I know I've been forgiven of God that I know that I've been brought into his family that I know that I have peace with God now and forever if there's anybody in that position put your hand up right now by doing so you're just saying bill I don't want to leave until I know I'm right with God but a hand up real fast because I'm just going to wait a moment there maybe those even online that are doing this I encourage you respond to Jesus now respond to him now you know we had two or three this morning for service anybody at all right that I'm going to assume you're all in why don't you go ahead and stand
Channel: Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)
Views: 172,497
Rating: 4.8564706 out of 5
Keywords: bethel church, bill johnson, emotional health, bill johnson sermons, sermon, bill johnson 2020, church at home, bethel sermons, holy spirit, bethel,, jesus, bethel tv, signs and wonders, sermons, christian sermons, bethel redding, how to overcome fear, bill johnson bethel, preaching, mental health, peace of mind, faith
Id: WpQKhTGH7w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 9sec (2589 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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