The Karate Kid (1984) | *First Time Watching* | Movie Reaction | Asia and BJ

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[Music] what's good YouTube It's Your Girl Asia and it's your boy BJ and we back like we never left shout out to everybody in the building thank you guys for tuning in for another movie night tonight y' we're going to be getting into a special one uh this is actually one of my childhood favorite movies The Karate Kid we about to get into it today and y'all this Asia told me she's like I haven't seen Karate Kid and I was like babe it's it's the same guy and I think I said it too when we we watched my cousin Vinnie I was like that's the that's Karate Kid yeah Macho okay I couldn't I could not think of his name for the life of me the oh and we watched uh The Outsiders too yeah you know he was best friends with pony boy yeah so again I think for me this movie just has like a special place in my heart because this is like one of those movies I feel like other than Bruce Lee other than Bruce Lee karate kid like really inspired me to like want to be like be I wanted to be a Karate Kid when I was younger oh my so if you new here make sure you like comment subscribe smash the notification Bell so you don't miss any video information BJ tap into the patreon so you canj stop what did I do all I'm seeing you is my peria okay you got too much going oh all right go ahead okay go ahead come on I don't know what I said Okay so let's just go ahead and get into the video follow us everywhere and and just go show us some love okay like PJ got some stuff going on I'm sorry I didn't I didn't know you could see me yes I can see I I see you all right this it bring back a lot of memories cuz I I was I was very fascinated with the karate so excited about a movie before Oh yeah and and we got the PPP in here today it's raining outside he doesn't like the rain he got to be close to us today yeah so hopefully he hopefully he kind of chill out yeah see him he he pop in he he probably try to make his Grand appearance when we start the movie and we try to focus that's when he going to make his Grand appearance he will at some point all right y'all here we go [Music] M get to tell Uncle Lou that I left picture look how got the B well he leaving man what year was this all his friends yeah that's crazy that they're showing this cuz I feel like that's how my friends were when I when I moved to it was all like bye bye bye Daniel what's the matter you don't like you're going to love C morning you roll out of bed they going cross country you know this isn't exactly a dump we're moving to you know hello does it take the drive from Newark all the way to California like two days maybe yeah two full days at least I'd say maybe even three two and a half it's a long way yes [Music] yeah well you definitely you definitely want one that run you definitely won't run out of things to see man it look like he left like the the suburbs to come live like Bard I mean look the canyon Canyon portal Hotel thought they by the Grand Canyon somewhere push Daniel push give it all you got kid come on push push okay okay we got it got it come on come on come on get in get in hurry up we did it again wa oh my gosh that's the definition of a hoopie I'm just saying I'm just say Okay so make it 101 open your eyes my darling son this is the Garden of Eden come on listen we're in apartment 20 okay one flight up he looks so different to me so young too like his face kind of looks the same but in Outsiders he was older wasn't he or was he younger probably younger he was probably younger then uh-huh is this the only pool you guys got here yeah that's it hey what was that karate oh yeah yeah been doing it long while ever use it a couple times you know bet you can kick some ass huh no oh my go my bathtub got more water than that someone you want to come yeah sure that's cool hey great I'll come get you in the morning right all right hey here's a man oh it yeah should I leave this here yeah yeah thanks for the help hey no problem thanks me right take care I'll see you tomorrow morning he even got a Jersey accent too yeah this oh Uncle Lou dog oh got ready to a party that's great you see yeah I know but you wanted me to help you unpack I don't remember say anything about that I st you mixed up with somebody else thanks Mom the saint broke hey you got to give it up to a single mom see she just trying to just trying to make it turn left not too far then right go inside find them on the left all right so I go right then left left then right then inside the left where did she tell him to go uh like to find the maintenance man just just the maintenance man can you come well can I tell my mom when When what when are you going to fix the faucet after after what after after what is he I know he not he not trying trying to cat he not trying to catch that fly is he he saw how he looked at Daniel he was like fix it he said after after always want to do that always I'm probably good I'm probably good for like two I probably boun off my knee like twice that's he looking at her like it's like love at first sight or something wait a minute all this in the same day I don't no I think it's the next day cuz remember he invited him to the party oh oh who could blame her right Freddy oh yeah then why don't you make a move I me man how could you think about eating man go make a move I'm hungry maybe they ain't got no moves where he comes from no I got moves where I remember those days when you when you like somebody and it's just like yall just look at each other but y' don't never say nothing come on you from JY he from Jersey I know he got moved then just leave him alone and we'll go talk yeah where did I he before how about you hero you have enough oh come on now you can't get beat up in front of girls mer that was a main back fist fight huh get on your bik guys you got to go you sure pick cool people be friends guy good guy oh they don't even want to be that's messed up that's really messed up they didn't even help him out are you okay oh just leave me alone I I'll help you no just leave me alone I'm okay come on now let's [Music] go I mean he I mean he was trying to defend her why is that boy so much bigger than he is are they supposed to be the same age these kids cuz I don't think I don't think Daniel's about to be a senior I think they're a little older than him I didn't I mean he did hit him in the face though he backhanded him too yeah kicked him and backhanded him like you say all the time like you say all the time they ain't been living here five minutes and he already got he already getting beat up and you and you you see what they riding and you see what he came to school on yeah school sucks man I sh out of here sucks yeah he from Jersey he from Jersey yeah he definitely got that he got that attitude he just don't fight like he from Jersey I don't know he he clocked them pretty good where was that yesterday two 4 6 why do I feel like I continue doing this in the living room kitchen stop we're in your karate days you and I insult my karate intelligence tell me I got to be some kind of a yo-yo to be talk to you right now yeah well it doesn't matter anyway what is that CU it's over it's over wait how over weeks weeks one week 5 weeks how many weeks is weeks evidently not not long enough that means I have a chance right but they ain't been broken up long enough cuz obviously old boy still think they going together andj defeat does not exj oh hey this a about him look how he looking I should have no now he wants to learn karate well here's your first lesson how to take a b [Music] oh that second that second bump was a hard F okay I'm walking around with a bat from now on I'm not foing with them you saw how he went down that Hill that was a steep hill but they saw where his mom was too like where she worked yeah yo like it was fair coming out here without asking me how I felt about it right that was really fair oh that almost made me c my eyes wed up a I feel bad for him mhm look they're right in front of his apartment and and and I took YMCA karate ain't nothing wrong with that yeah cuz he was like like a real school yeah so you did it at the Y too you did Jitsu too I I I I forgot something so I can you D you don't have to run away I'm not running away hey look we've got a deal with it you deal with things Jo way I'll deal with the mine okay I'll see I got to go cuz if if I walk in that direction that might lead to that might lead to a confrontation what does he have on it's cloes look look at this babe it's the 80s okay it's the early 80s hey you're not going to get on my homeboy on my homeboy dangel clothes like he got to be the tack is dresser oh my gosh oh my gosh nothing exist all world only three you got it open like remember picture yeah make like picture why why does he do this H why does he do so much of this what trimming the bunai trees my pictures the right one if come from inside of you always right on what did he say what did he say just Miagi yeah I don't know I think he was he was asking something about the trees yeah but I I don't know what he said to him that's why I was trying to see what he said they beautiful yeah Mr Mii learned in Oka that's where he's from really so delicate for me oh no I I couldn't oh please uh H the feeling that's very nice than I bet you it's a bunch of Nets flying around all the trees and stuff that would drive me nuts look what he did to itks design to it yeah hey Ma you know he gave you the nicest one this guy something else did you see you saw what he did to my bike I wouldn't even know where to start the trim a tree I know not that I can't do the shrubs right what show can't trim a tree N I don't have a costume anyway if have custom you go yeah maybe if I wanted to the Invisible Man invisible man yeah you know so no one would see [Applause] me you can tell you can tell he thinking like huh [Music] what what's wrong it's coming around Dan is that his name Daniel yeah it's not Danielson that's what Miss me get call him oh Daniel you little twerk now you're going to pay hey leave him alone baby about to die D homies leave him alone Manny had enough man what is Wrong Enemy deserves no mercy right you're crazy man uhoh get [Music] him he said he gave a cry chop oh shoot look he seeing double he just not going to catch a break how time they going to beat him up this what like the third or it's like the third or fourth altercation this time he had to save his life yeah if if Johnny would have did that jump kick it have been bad for Daniel and it was 5 on one right Bullies Never Prosper sorry it would Spider-Man go that guy like I build me out where'd he go but you no way why no way because because because old man Spider-Man feel better he can't let his mama see him like this yeah cuz he look he look bad yes this is the this is like the worst he look so far I feel like the mama she she going to lose her mind would you go with me no can why you said it was a good idea right H for you good idea for me good idea no get involved no good idea to get involved okay there you go oh excellent excellent Mr Mii isi miag Miyagi hey what kind of belt do you have K you're right GC Penny 39 date he got jokes Kate here karate here karate never here you understand I think so good night Daniel son good night Mr V vagi tomorrow morning 10:00 they going to be out there waiting on him pulling up again that that right there was important to know right there when he talking about karate like it got to be it it got to be in you not on you no no I'm I'm not very good at me neither I really don't have a license me neither look now he got a black eye Mr put it on hey hey you lose concentration of fighting your dead meat yes sense what yes sense get wait a minute wait this the tition I don't remember having to do that push-ups on my Knuckles now why he made them going to are he look like a 12-year-old boy and a and a 25y old man an enemy deserves no mercy what is the problem Mr Lawrence come on let's forget this not dear class we have visitors falling behind me he's a bad teacher too much Advantage your dojo name a place tournament ask one more small request make it fast ask leave boy alone to train this guy I don't like him I at all is that understood yes sense but you don't show and it's open season and him and you oh wait a minute you're not going to threaten me he don't look scared either and a finger pointing maybe that wasn't a good idea to go down there and talk to the teacher like he said it's straighten us out man Dan you got to Target on his back huh you said you were going to make things better B did how how just to save you two months to be great I can't wait now now I really have something to look forward to so he got two months cuz the tournament starts December the 19th huh this place reminds me of Newark what are we going to do here start training mat work be done tournament here before you know it yeah that's what I'm afraid of I like how he talks tournament here before you know it when Rose no matter you make good fight and respect then nobody bother hell they'll bury me where I fall either way problem solved wait right here those with the ' 80s the ' 80s was a great time to be alive why do I feel like I'm going where these cars come from he said they came from Detroit he kind of like what huh wax wash the car wax the car why does he have to he said wash the car dry the car wax on right hand make a circle off left hand Circle bre in E out work on soft on is that really how you do it yeah you wiping the SE the the yeah he teaching them right like the actual motion come on now do it again there you go I don't think I ever waxed the car before you better learn today wax on and wax it off he got a he got it right though come here he washing all these dang on cars that that's not what I signed up for that's a full day of work right there is he sleep or is he like meditating mhm man he's sleep asy he is not sleep that's he's snoring no he meditating [Laughter] oh all right great great so Saturday night we'll go out we'll have a good time we'll do whatever and uh is that your address you got it where is this I got to go okay all right I'll talk to you later then this came out in the 80s early 80s somewhere around yeah that's her address yes sheesh look at the stairs I don't know if I want to knock yeah she got to be one of them Valley girls she probably stay in Hidden Valley somewhere oh okay like like the salad dressing Hidden Valley she in the valley somewhere look how Daniel got in the car don't wor It's all under control [Music] okayo on you pop it we got it oh my gosh see that I I would be so embarrassed when the and then the parents they outside when when Daniel said he live in Rita the daddy looked around he said R like he looking like R shoot shout out to R that's the hood look at that slide huh can do that next time hey why next time B oh well you probably don't remember that you don't remember that do you I kind of but I just know that I suck at it even when I try too much coordination it's too many sticks that arcade game that was fun the one where they were hitting with the ball right yeah yeah yeah I have more like this [Music] uhoh uhoh this what you call this what you call a date date night look how cute they are oh babe pose come here and pose [Laughter] see hey good looking how you doing good wow cool yeah you got it you want right uh maybe some other time are you sure Daniel this is Eddie this is Dan how you doing Daniel okay kid look like grown people think so guys you guys have a good time come on okay your little friend could come too if it's okay with his mommy hi kids Mommy can Daniel come for I guess you can say they're a little privileged a now they're all fing GRE like look at his hair right see like it's no big deal look if I really wanted to go I would makes no difference to me do what you want to do I don't care they have such a good time and look look how it's ended that just ruin it yeah cuz I think it's starting to s in that he yeah you know he don't he don't come from what what what she comes from I guess you could say but like she doesn't make him feel bad about that though that's what he should be paying attention to yeah I think right now he he he just seeing all the stuff that they have and what he doesn't what he doesn't have I got it I got it left the breathe in breathe out right the circle left the ccle he say he had 2 months right until the tournament yeah well like 2 months until the all the floor the left the circle right left the circle I'm going leave the circle you got that right would you would you leave if you thought that you came that you was coming over there to train I don't is this part of the training or is he like making him do this to discipline him right now he doing a bunch of Home Improvement right now you don't have me wash the car now you got me out here sanding some the floor he did the whole deck Come Morning start early 6:00 6:00 in the morning not p.m. we talking bright in early look he looking like I what is the point now here he go with this again okay I don't know that Miss Mi I thought he said to trust [Laughter] him I bet you somebody can really do that I couldn't it'll take me a million years hey hey hey M Miagi look he did it look you begin a luck like man accomplish paint the fence paint the fence babe this it for me okay all in wrist wrist up down wrist all into this up very good Daniel don't forget to breath in the man it's the best way to C somebody to do some some some maintenance some free some free labor man he done got a lot done look up down and don't forget to breathe right hand left hand wow up down look at this fence up down no way that's not a one person job well it's going to be a one person job today oh finished looks pretty good huh what say what he say I don't know he sound like he said so like he said both sides oh yeah cuz he said not yet damn it can't believe this no man paint the house he said paint the house look at he did it though man you made the deal with the Devil Type Thing look at my eye hand inside on off on off Lo on I didn't know what he was doing up done up done wow look always look always look I Asia show me side of sa yes yes yes [Applause] yes look I always look I do I do remember that he's learned a lot wow look how he looking like dang I didn't even realize this whole time some sometimes things aren't always what they seem I did not know what that that's what he was doing I'm like I'm thinking this is how he's going to pay him to help him and it's almost like nobody's going to teach you how to punch or kick first until you can learn how to defend yourself right right that last scene was good yeah wow brought a little brought a little CH in my eye a little bit cuz it was it was almost like him like discovering like oh I'm really like learning something all right I guess that's the best way to learn balance that for sure oh that nothing can't catch to balance like that oh my gosh oh man that's like one of the hardest hardest ways to keep your balance you're going to wave again remember oh I remember yeah every time I see that I think about us them waves them waves strip you down [Music] God is that's the flute of the piccolo that that you hear you hear it the flute or the piccolo I can't tell must learn stand and learn fly nature ru your son not the M where did you learn it from father teach you must had some father boy crane technique oh that's messed up how did you do that how did you do that get that I don't know fast [Laughter] time I like Mr cuz he be real like I don't know how I did it first time Friday yeah great hi all hi allly I got to be nuts I got to be nuts okay this another movement is this something oh trainer better learn balance balance is key balance good K good everything good balance bad better pack up for home understand yeah I understand that's probably harder than it looks it looks harder it look like it kind of look easyi have a hope for you what might going to learn how to punch learn how punch he make it look easy standing up there look look look look that was you too you saw how fast he got out the water telling you oh my gosh you don't know what you standing on that's oh my God it seemed like once his feet hit the bottom he was like let get me out this water yes oh my gosh and it's cold too that just made me just like flash I [Music] panic listen I've been thinking maybe we can call a truce yeah I'm not at War excuse me can we please finish the dance he bothering me he don't sit right in your soul right now no he's so like like a like B why would the dad even want her to talk to somebody like that cuz because that they all from like Ino or the same area you saw how you saw how she he was like uh not that boy from R uhoh he going see see her dancing [Music] here bad timing talk right talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time oh [Music] no talking about Mom's spaghetti damn popped them right in his mouth he she yeah Pai panai Pai Pai Closs enough you can't drink that so she says who that's going to put some hair on your chest yeah she's pretty oh first time I saw her was King aai beautiful d a dam good what what kind of cutter M oh well the whole bottle no doctor freee dang is he saying that she had complications at Birth like giving birth to his baby and they both died then yeah he said it wasn't like a doctor or yeah he said I heard him say no doctor M Miagi Mr Miagi hey hey okay look at thing talk about drinking the pain [Music] away look the boat is moving and everything wow look how fast it going W yeah Power whole body wi here now punch I you some kind of girl or something he said you some kind of girl give you a p hey pretty good huh okay a Little Sugar Ray lard didn't Rocky do that too yeah pun happy birthday to you happy birthday wow hey Daniel number one B prison oh Mr Miyagi what' you do you didn't have to do this what is this so he doesn't live where they live he has his own house mhm what number two present number two present really are you serious no had the old man feeling CH oh wow W look at all which which one you getting those are all classics I don't know any one of them be honest with you they're all really nice his first car he teaches him a lot of lessons you're the best friend I ever had you pretty okay too hey go go find the balance he's like go find the balance sa your whole life you find the balance oh my God look at this [Music] car I think he picked out the nicest one out of all of them look at him now now he's styling and profile I'm trying to tell you Mr miaga he got a good heart yeah he does go get your girl back huh I'm telling him to go get his girl back get for somebody else take her shoot no no ready in the heart her right hook you think she sprained her wrist doing her nails but she hit him it's an understatement why didn't she say something she shouldn't have to should she uh oops but why she mad at him cuz cuz he left or look I'm a jerk you are a jerk so am I forgiven huh hey I don't hear anything sounds like a yes to me come here come here a there you go Daniel Son there you go so we'll leave early yeah yeah who wait wait hold on now they K they kissing like like I said I do or something that's what you call suck face sucking face cuz it look like they just sucking [Laughter] face okay you better hust start down the hall to your left I'll see you inside okay uh excuse me uh Mr referee this is me mi mi that was smooth Mr Mi G need a black belt to go with your ghee yeah right let's go come on you know points or no points you're dead meat I said out he cheating he need to going on right with his little blond eyebrows going on get out out of here it's it's like they whole Squad against him right everybody all all of Johnny's friends even the boy that introduced himself the first time mhm thank you welcome all right what are the rules here don't know first time you first time me it's the first time you first time me look they got kids different age groups wait don't you know anything you can tell me don't get the hit that's it just don't get hit make sure that he misses right what G thinks okay this kid he look pretty good he tough will be tough come on be tough hold on wait a minute wait a minute now what now wait wait wait wait wait wait I I don't recall Mr Miyagi training him how a back [Applause] pedal oh nice leg sweep [Applause] that was a little brutal is is that illegal kick he kicked him twice his head like went to the [Applause] side be like I don't want to I don't want to play this God that's the point the bigger they are hey man get off me get off me they get jaed up oh they beating everybody up you see they fight a little a little aggressive like on the edge a little bit yeah they do like like take it a little too [Applause] [Music] far ugly his face is he got the the smug face he got ugly fighting face not ugly here go his other but here go his other [Applause] buddy uh oh this is the one that he been that he was he [Applause] oh I don't know oh he beat him he beat him [Applause] Champion look he biting his nails he ner so so so Johnny he's the reigning defending champion [Applause] face let's get active come oh oh nice take down one point Mar oh oh that's brutal that was a good kick though that was a good kick he did like the roundhouse turn around backwards roundhouse thing we kicked him so hard I saw the sweat fly off his forehead turn his face three quick points you see how fast he ended that yeah he did it easy I'll be he's a trash garbage who teaches an athlete to hurt intentionally take him out like you say out of commission like let's play fair we we're all here to do the same thing cuz he trying to prove a point yeah lame horrible leadership right [Applause] it was right on the oh it and right on the side too of the corai excessive and Rule 31-2 has 15 minutes to is unable to return will be awarded first place see even they looking at him sideways like what what are we doing I think he know if he continued on fighting that he was going to get to the finals and beat Johnny had good chance well can you fix my leg I mean with that thing you do I don't need fight anymore you prove a point what point that I can take a beating I mean every time I see those guys they're going to know they got the best of me no they cheated literally close ey Oh I thought I thought he was about to tell him to start imagining trees what he said look he he told him to close his [Music] eyes leg son look he can barely walk mi mi mi miago on the lu bo no way he's going to win how can he how can he that's the [Applause] point oh oh oh nice take down how many does he need did you three yeah three points but they do have timeouts sweet col you have a problem with that no mercy I hope he's not going to do it points [Applause] Luso he did it too same [Applause] leg oh H go go go go go go go go what happened man he got a bad knee a he got bad ribs Point Lawrence 22 [Applause] come on do something do something come on back destroy John come oh oh Lord have mercy oh let's go let's get it ohel he was doing good too he just couldn't get out the way no point oh they dirty he went past three at this point no that was dirty that's not a point hurting this boy like this why would it take a point away mercy no mercy [Music] ah he didn't see it coming that's what I'm talking about baby heyi we did it look at Mr [Music] Miyagi look how Mr Miagi Mr looking like I knew you was going to do it Daniel Raph machio there's a karate kit too oh I I love that ending too I love it I love that ending didn't do me like the rocky too cuz I was going to be mad if he lost I was going to be so mad like they done did all of this to him and he lost the dang on fight at the very end like he he did all of that discipline like everything that Mr Miyagi like taught him here you go he did it he did that this was a good movie though I can see why like just in terms of like the karate aspect of it like I can see why like somebody could really like get into a movie like this as as a kid especially being that he's so young in this movie and then watching how he developed and grow or grew and uh she really it seems like I could just see his confidence change throughout this movie like when he went to the arcade at the very end to go talk to the girl it was like I was looking at a completely different like I felt like I was looking at a completely different boy than what he was when he got there before he got to California yeah when he first got there so it's really like a a transitional like growth type of movie but like I said like I felt like Mr Mi Miyagi Miyagi Miyagi not g I was going to say Mr Miagi Mr Mi Mr Miyagi I I think like taught him a lot of good lessons in this movie even as a kid and it was crazy like we got to see a little bit of his background and and what he had been through I was wondering too like I said it was like I was just curious as to why he just seemed like very much of a of a loner type like by himself he just kind of stays to himself and just Minds his business like really cuz he was real mysterious even at the very beginning yeah of the movie cuz didn't say a whole lot but he was very much a handyman Mr Miaki know how to fix everything okay the deck the fence sure he got the house done like sh you know put in some work cuz he put in some work it was like he did actually pay him for for what he did and and even when you talk about like the the lessons that he taught it wasn't just like lessons based on learning karate it was also like life lessons right um but then also just to kind of go to you know talking about like the training that he did when you know when he was like painting the house the wax on the wax off cleaning the cars uh sanding the deck you know sometimes things aren't always what they seem right you know sometimes sometimes when you're young and just like you said just just those lessons that he was already teaching it's like Miyagi was already so you know Wise Beyond his years that he already knew what he what he was doing for Daniel it was all about like Daniel being able to to to see exactly what he was doing for him and he didn't even realize it cuz you know he Mr Miyagi was like you know he was gone fishing he was like stay home stay here stand on the floor and but he was showing him the technique how to do painting the painting the fence and things like that and at the end of the day he was teaching him the fundamentals of karate before you even learn how to kick and punch yeah he's teaching him how to defend himself not only which is the most important part yeah that that part but then I I think when he said that you have karate in here and in here like it's not worn on the outside yeah it's not in the yeah you you don't go around flating cuz what they were doing basically was wearing the karate on the outside every opportunity they had they wanted to fight and do kick somebody's tail yeah and beat somebody down and show off and whatever else in between and miss m was like I hate fighting yeah that that's the last thing that you need to do like if you have to do it then do it because you know it and and and and that comes with you you know but like don't go around like looking for the fight or or looking to right use your skills on somebody just to just to prove a point just to prove a point or show that you better right that you better than them or you know yeah and like like I said I mean some of the stuff it it was a little bit hard for me to understand everything that he was saying but I got I got the majority of it and I could understand completely you know what it was he was trying to convey to him and what he was trying to the message he was getting out to him in general but sh and and that's and that's what and that's what I was trying to explain to you because you told me what belt did you have I got an orange I got a orange okay so you got an orange belt I only I only got to getting a yellow belt which is like a belt up from a white from white but but orange is right after the yellow but that's what I've been trying to explain to you all my life it's like karate is not karate is not here it don't matter what kind of belt you got I could have had a white belt whatever I I can have a white belt but I really got the skills of a of a seven degree black belt sure I worked hard for that little orange and I had stripes on it too it was time for me to test for my green belt at some point but I just I never made it by then I I was out of karate but I'm glad that but I'm definitely glad that you like watching The Karate Kid again this was like one of my favorite childhood movies as far as like like again like I said karate the only motivations I had growing up as far as karate would have been Daniel Son on Karate Kid and then probably Bruce Lee other than that it was this movie yeah wow like this was the movie that that once once it was over like I actually would be like doing this trying to trying to actually do the cray kick Bruce Lee y'all and then you say something about him y' I I don't even know I know Bruce Lee does like all the karate stuff yeah the whole stuff but I've never seen a Bruce Lee movie yeah ever yeah like not one I don't even how many I I don't know how many there are but there's a b of them for sure I you know BJ BJ said to get that poster y' I don't know right and and and see I felt like there I feel like there's like a something that's misleading in this movie what the only thing I felt there was misleading in this movie when I when I when I would watch it younger you know when I was younger would be the crane kick I think that's like the most overrated thing was the crane kick because it worked for Daniel Son but it ain't never worked for me I tried the crane kick and I got pulverized I feel like anybody don't do that in front of me I I don't know I'm not running up to him like that's exactly what he did was ran up to him and that's the last thing I tried to do the crane kick and and when I did it they grabbed my leg and threw me down that was the last time I ever did it oh God when I got through down when I got thrown down I got thrown down on the sidewalk that was the last time I ever did the crank oh my most overrated move in Karate it didn't work it don't it didn't work it didn't it didn't work you probably didn't do it right just said I maybe I didn't had a right kind of balance maybe maybe my balance was off that's the important part okay you weren't balancing on boats and stuff like that in the river and the lakes and stuff yeah my yeah back then my right and my left foot like I had a I had a weird I had a weird balance ratio you know what I mean but I'm glad that you liked it though I enjoyed that yeah I enjoyed that I could I could definitely see I could I probably could have gotten into this if I like watched this as a younger person oh yes I I just karate wasn't like what I really wanted to do it was just something I had to do so I just I did enjoy it I didn't like hate it or anything it was fun cuz it was just fun to be around other kids doing the same things you know what I mean and it was at the YMCA like you said so and and even this movie you know even this movie would like motivate you to take up Karate and then also it just it just te Teach you like some life lessons too like things that you can actually like apply to your life yeah yeah that part so shout out to Mr Miyagi you know what I mean shout out to Sensei Miyagi I finally get to see uh Ralph machio finally in this movie you've been talking about him every we've been talking about it for a very very very I'm like oh gosh and all you make reference to is the Karate Kid and I'm like I have no idea what the Karate Kid is Man classic classic classic more importantly I'm just glad that you really really enjoyed it though yeah y y'all got to chime in let us know what y'all think about this in the comment section and if y'all enjoyed it give us a big thumbs up like comment subscribe smash the notification Bell so you don't miss any videos from Asian BJ and if ain't nobody else told you I love you we going to see y I can back you're a mess what if ain't nobody else told you I love you we G to see y'all in the next video peace and blessings okay okay they laughing they laughing at you
Channel: Reelin' with Asia and BJ
Views: 70,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asia and bj, asia and bj reactions, reactions asia and bj, asia and bj react, asia and bj movie reactions, first time watching movie reactions, first time watching, american couple reacts, reelin with asia and bj, halloween movie reaction, halloween movie, scary movie reaction, scary movies, halloween movies
Id: BKo3P1rEXJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 43sec (3103 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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