The Juiciest Italian Meatballs I Have Ever Made !

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this video is brought to you by my supporters on patreon as I said sorry this is an exercise I can't speak too loud in here welcome back to the meatball series yes this episode is gonna be all about Italian meatballs here they come thanks [Music] so that was very good against salud this is Alex so right now I am in New York City I am in Brooklyn and I just ate at Frankie's four five seven why spoon T know why this restaurant specifically well they have one of the city's very best classic Italian meatballs Time Out magazine flawless and meatballs grab straight those meatballs are still the envy of all the Italian grandmas in the neighborhood seriously they are by far the best meatballs I've ever had in a restaurant and possibly in my life and they even have their recipe available online I needed a model to build my own Italian meatballs on [Music] [Music] I really want first to cook these Italian meatballs myself I feel like it's the only way for me to truly understand what it takes and the structure and everything I know for sure is gonna sound cocky but there was something when I tasted the meatballs they were like then there was this it's probably nothing so let's just get to a cool kitchen and and then I'll start cooking them okay yes basically that space is called the three six eight it's a collaboration space that was started by Casey Neistat so since I'm in New York and I don't have access to my own studio I asked them if I could borrow theirs because they have an amazing one they said yes so this is the place where I will be cooking this week to have got a recipe that is written by the owner of Frankie's print in ground beef sandwich bread comes people you know cheese I've got eggs I've got garlic and I've got parsley and you just need to combine all things together big balls roast them and then simmer them in tomato sauce I'm gonna stick to following it's like the letter and then we'll see keep warm your favorite good health cooked ham bread proof and temperature oh yeah 325 that's great and then stuff why are you so so so panicky while these beauties are baking in the oven I just want to address something you might have on your mind why am i doing Italian meatballs in New York City and not in Italy nothing Naples for example well this is the adaptation of an italian recipe called palpated it was brought in by the Italian immigrants and they basically adapted to what they found and to the new foods available which basically means that the best place to learn how to make Italian meatballs is the u.s. how do you deal with this huh all right the meatballs are ready let's get them out simmer them in tomato sauce for 30 minutes nothing more all right so I reckon the meatballs all ready it's time to plate [Music] just go for it mmm really nice one so I just ate the meat board I made first of all I would say that mine we're a tad softer than the one I had in the restaurant mine well also bit looser in terms of shape these factors might be connected with one another let me explain when you add more breadcrumbs to a meatball paste you decrease the moisture but also you increase the structure which means that is gonna be firmer and I feel like that's the feeling I experienced at Frankie's so yes they are softer and the one I had at the restaurant but no I don't think will you reach the juiciness that I had in mind I can do better the thing is I'm just gonna need a bit of time to process this that's usually how I improve my recipe I just go out have a beer blink out wake up in the morning and boom [Music] [Applause] recipe that I made yesterday it was great and yet I can't say I'm fully satisfied the experience that I had at Frankie's flush those meatballs right here just confirmed what I had at the back of my head basically they were lacking juices this is a bacon egg and cheese and this is a cup of coffee what you talking about well New York accent it's time that we dress this juicy situation please the brownies that I use its 8220 lean to fat ratio which is something that I think you guys will be able to source as well if I were to be in Paris I would go for a 70 to 30 ratio path equals pleasure so all things taken into account I had to be creative instead of so clearing bread in water you're gonna soak it in milk first of all it has more fat and second it has more protein so it's gonna help with the moisture but also with the the Browning second we're gonna make a fat injection in the form of ricotta cheese when I went and see these guys the meatball shop I got a nice cheesy trick from this ricotta cheese is an interesting one because it offers a lot of moisture and it also gives a really really supple texture to the end of your meatball almost like a spongy quality and less and this ingredient might be surprising zucchini the flesh of the zucchini is a good moisture retainer I got this trick from my grandma she used to make amazing me bold soft and so juicy without being too fatty it's a good one let's get to it [Music] I know what it works super bump it on the milk and it's not only a lot of fast I can see the juices popping out oh wow oh so tender so moist and yet they haven't seemed out in the stalls I know I'm biased I know I made the recipe so so you do whatever you want can't believe me on it but I'm telling you these or more juicy I think I can die in peace now should I get another one maybe wait maybe there's no baby I know I need another one so I thought tips boys one fat is basically the thing that is gonna make your meatball juice second just because you use loads of meats and less Phillips doesn't mean the mid-body is gonna get better three if you overcook these beautiful meatballs they're not gonna be beautiful number they're just gonna be trying Oh don't soak the meatballs in the sauce the juices are leaking out yes start getting a bit more flavor from from the tomato and they are getting that Oh mommy mommy mommy blows Oh mommy bruised a little bones once it's in the oven there's no going back it's like a point of no return if you want so just pick like above the size of a meatball and roast that in a pan just to see if in terms of seasoning in terms of juices you have right now I have very clear picture in terms of flavors in terms of process on the Italian meatball which means that I can probably move on to the next one there are plenty meatballs in this world meatballs in this world meatballs in this world right I am now at the airport I am gate f51 I feel like we barely scratched the surface of my post and I'm ready to board on another journey willing to learn from another iconic meatball yes we are going to Sweden Swedish meatball it's a thing it's happening about sorry [Music] you
Channel: Alex
Views: 934,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex, frenchguycooking, french guy cooking, french cooking, cooking, recipe, french cuisine, recipes
Id: 1i2vpUBsMqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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