The JUDGE seems DONE with Amber Heard! Depp is WINNING in closing!

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so when it comes to the sun versus johnny depp and libel trial the judge he seems tired of some of the things that ah's team has been doing in closing and it's starting to show and i mean really who can blame him whether it's pictures like this showcasing supposed evidence that doesn't match up with say other evidence or whether it's trying to pass off photographs like these from the james corden show and saying hey a professional artist they could camouflage all of the things we claimed yeah i think everybody can see what exactly transpired now granted justice isn't always blind it's sometimes blinded and we don't know what the judge is thinking but if this is any indication of what the judge is actually thinking johnny depp he has a great chance of winning so let's look through this closing day what a case this is so hey there now briefly before we hit this this is our second comic link is in the description it's in demand right now so you can still pick it up this will be a great outing too and it helps us send a message to the mainstream comic companies we can get out here we can compete you can call us what you want because we don't need you check that out if you like share that message and thank you as always so when it comes to closing arguments the judge he seems a little underwhelmed by the sun's lawyers you can see this repeatedly in's coverage and if they're noting it it must be bad because you know what they are in the bag for ah you can see them noting him asking questions you can see him implying things are getting a little complicated aka convoluted and i want to drive this stuff home too we don't know how this will turn out don't think this is an in the bag easy win because it's not but still this it seems like an indication of how things are going and really why wouldn't the judge get annoyed with all of this i mean for example you see this picture one solo picture pulled out of dozens of them where miss was says that this photo it showcases damages consistent with a headbutt the only problem is this this wasn't the only picture there were dozens of them many created by josh drew himself and when you start examining these pictures you start to notice something they are all manipulated here for example there's an attempt to protrude lip and to try something with angles that way it makes everything look bigger this however it doesn't carry to the next image which has an over saturation of light the same thing is tried with shadowing in the next one to the point that you see shapes on the wall created because of this i mean over and over again you have demonstrations of this and if you start looking through them well it's got to be what the judge says he's got to be saying to himself are you kidding me i mean i'm not that silly i'm not that naive i can tell what you did here this too stresses something this is supposed to showcase hair loss the photos themselves they don't match up but also what's said here by pennington that stuff it doesn't work into the narrative either quote photos taken by ah's friend and neighbor raquel rocky pennington appear to show clumps of ah's blonde hair which she said was left on the floor of the penthouse the photo is below miss pennington told the court during evidence last week that the damage to ah's head was by far the most serious of the injuries photos were also taken of ah's head and the alleged damage caused to her scalp on december the 17th 2015. ah says that the damage was caused to the crown of her head when depp dragged her across the floor of the room miss wass says it is clear that the hair missing from that part of the scalp now the problems with the narrative that we just saw they're multifaceted and when we're talking about the hair itself first of all i mean look at this versus that do they seem to match up to you these hair pictures are also missing something instrumental which johnny depp's team pointed out they're missing roots if you look at the pictures here these they haven't been pulled out these look like they have been cut out so yeah not only do they not match up but they don't look like they were pulled out whatsoever now the other part of that is raquel pennington's claim that that by and far was the worst example of what transpired over december 2015. i mean if you look back there are claims of a broken nose there are claims of a busted lip there are claims of two black eyes in this photo it is the most egregious example of what they've been saying they say this bed look at the thickness of it by the way this bed was broken by one person kneeling on another person's back striking them repeatedly and that yeah it gave way now you're going to tell me that that little tuft of hair that's the worst thing that happened during that kind of makes everything else i don't know look fabricated now their evidence that they try to present they note two text messages that were sent one text message has ah saying hey he did all of these things to me i don't know what to do and the other one is a text message that was sent to kevin murphy asking for maids to clean up the apartment you know because that that's proof now the most egregious claims in my opinions and the ones that would annoy me were i the judge are these claims about the james corden late late show here miss wass is saying that johnny depp's lawyers have tried to establish that slight differences slight differences indeed between photographs taken by ah on the days after the alleged incident showed that they lacked continuity however she says that it's the natural development of these types of things natural development indeed and refutes that these images were manipulated or that this stuff was faked she also mentions that evidence makeup artist melanie i who did ah's makeup on the 16th of december ahead of the james corden late late show miss wass says it's ridiculous to suggest that a professional makeup artist would not know the difference between marks like that created with makeup and real marks here are two images of ah on the james corden show that night now you notice this too here's her mouth wide open do you see any marks right here we'll get some better ones in just a moment and you look at this here do you see anything anything at all that is suggestive of any type of problem whatsoever now here are a few more stills of the james corden show you can go and check that out yourself too i think many many people have but if you're asking yourself hey is this the only thing that we have to go on for that absolutely not see while all of this was transpiring we also got pictures from the paparazzi and while i'm sure johnny depp he didn't appreciate that stuff then i'm sure that he appreciates it now i mean here you can see ah's lip there are no marks whatsoever there are no marks no swelling anything around the nose you have nothing around the eyes either she has that same miracle-working professional working with her yet again or maybe just maybe all of this stuff is made up now another thing that miss wass has to defeat in this is conflicting testimony given between stylists see here you have them bringing up ah's stylist samantha mcmillan gave evidence last week saying she saw no marks there on ah's face around the time of the alleged incident miss wass says this is directly conflicting with the evidence that the other stylist noted who did her makeup for the show miss wah says ah told miss mcmillan after the show i can't believe i got through that show with two black eyes but failed to ask any further questions on hearing quote unquote such incredible information miss wass says that samantha mcmillan quote unquote is lying huh so when you're picking out people in this of course you gotta side with that person with ah because the other person they're lying so is the video and on top of that everyone else is too and that is literally what she's saying too you need to believe ah you need to believe her close circle of friends and you need to believe her sister but all of these random people that are testifying on johnny depp's behalf you got to flush out what they were saying miss wass also suggests evidence given earlier in the case by among others interior designer laura d cleaner hilda vargas security gun sean bett estate manager kevin murphy another security guard starling jenkins and depp's artist friend isaac b is all to be doubted she says their insistence that a.h was wearing no makeup and had a clear face shortly after the alleged incident would have been more believable if they had said that they did not remember seeing makeup but she says that their definite stance on the matter is akin with trying to back up depth and support him at all costs so here's a problem that here is ah with diminished makeup or no makeup on at all the media says no makeup i figure it's diminished but really i mean you can see the difference and maybe you would remember that in your mind more importantly if she had marks on her and she was in this state they would be more prominent but hey you know all of those people they're not truthful except a h a h is relatives and a h is friend now the judge he speaks up a lot in this stuff too and i don't blame him i mean if i saw someone throwing their own father under the bus while they're writing depth to say that a man's gotta be a man suggesting that that is messaging between two violent men that maybe i would not be thrilled by that outcome now the judge he spoke of at least a dozen times today and i have to say on top of that he has spoken up multiple times when ah's defenders the son's lawyers were speaking as well and why wouldn't he i mean if you look at the evidence we've been presented they cast doubts on a few of these supposed incidents and if they cast down on just one then what does it say about the others it says that they all fall apart remember too that this it is the smaller case to the bigger showdown that's coming january 2021 if you want me to be there well let me know in the comments as well and like i said this stuff it's looking good for johnny depp but we don't really know still i think he has a great chance of winning you let me know what you think in this and as always thank you
Channel: ThatUmbrellaGuy
Views: 398,229
Rating: 4.9394569 out of 5
Keywords: amber heard evidence, amber heard interviews, amber heard james corden, amber heard thatumbrellaguy, amber heard trial, depp trial news, depp trial update, depp winning, heard losing, johnny depp, johnny depp amber heard, johnny depp amber heard audio, johnny depp thatumbrellaguy, johnny depp trial, judge knows heard, judge tires heard, sun depp heard, sun trial depp, that umbrella guy johnny depp, thatumbrellaguy, the sun depp, umbrella guy, closing the sun
Id: 5yV3AnN2s-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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