The Joe Budden Podcast Episode 620 | Who Said?

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the thoughts views and opinions expressed by this podcast as well as its hosts offer entertainment purposes only I repeat it is not serious it is not real no one is exposing revealing indicting or telling you anything about themselves also we do not encourage you to try this at home we are trained professionals who do not have your best interests at heart or our own that's how we started okay all right always I might need my my work husband to sit next to me so you guys might need to switch seats this song's for you Bill this song that's how you highlight a [ __ ] this song's for you boo this was going on when when he's not here is it a free fall down here are you crazy your boss what are we doing this what you who co-signed this [ __ ] I got here right before you you just ratted on me I didn't say what time you got here hey yo listen can we turn this off please hey yo we here microphone check one two what is this foreign the homie you're here today the team came in to represent the Magnificent five bionic six is on a break hey yo [ __ ] you go out there and travel with your girl and have fun dancing [ __ ] roller skates roller skating on ice with that [ __ ] called Frank Ocean with you out there hey yo you [ __ ] out there take off your hoodies and your jackets shirtless like me put a t-shirt on the weather is out the sun is out wait a minute did I do that right is that right [Music] Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks what are you doing I'm chilling man how you feeling no no no no I didn't ask how you doing what are you doing you just stop and asked what happened with the audio so when the boss man out here you start just doing what you want willy-nilly I got a lot of [ __ ] going on over here I see I see you got the whole you got the whole set man two laptops today yeah hey yo microphone check one two what is this welcome to the Joe Button podcast the Joe Budden list podcast yes when the cat's away the mice will play okay hold on I am your host Queen's flip the host with the most you are one of the hosts darling a few of my nearest and dearest we got the beautiful to my left Melissa Ford younger than ever back and better we got to my right the light skin hope light bright AKA live Berry he may lie next to Mary I see what's up it's in the building we got the man freeze with the jewelry hidden but the jewelry can be seen then we got my man CP Park Central Park uh how you doing you're looking good thank you buddy how you feeling I I want you to wear Wendy Wednesday when no go ahead I want you to wear Wednesday's attire nah but I don't like this [ __ ] like this video I put something else on it's a different parks that day we got we got see that [ __ ] y'all we got Po in the building we got Ericsson in the back Jay y'all not here Cory phony ass in here he ain't here we are in the building what episode we on this is episode 620. huh episode 6 20. welcome welcome welcome welcome how y'all doing good how you feeling feel good A little congested allergy season I know some of y'all don't deal with that [ __ ] last night us allergy sufferers yeah we're miserable right now yeah he's a little box for her to go away you got your titties out and [ __ ] yeah yeah I feel good yeah I got my titties out I mean you know I'm just tired of you know this I want to differentiate myself from The Stick of kids you know outside this weather they'd be wearing hoodies if you see a [ __ ] in the hoodie and in the jacket run far away from him he doesn't suffer from any eye and deficiency no so just run to the [ __ ] with the coochie shirt run to me a [ __ ] like me [ __ ] I wanna go home I'm here I feel good we don't need this [ __ ] Joe here nice fast we don't need him we finally got a [ __ ] to say rewind a thousand times taking stupid ass headphones do this we don't need that [ __ ] we all here [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] them all right say it I'm with you [ __ ] him [ __ ] them I see how you play it how do I play it I mean you don't play it let me hear you one thing about it let me just say this let me hear you you are a shrewd businessman now I respect your handle I've been trying to hate on you in my mind but when I go home and look at my [ __ ] like nah that [ __ ] official he official you don't slip because if I slip then I'm slipping how you doing why are you watching first of all look hold on it's full of us like you watching this [ __ ] like he's not looking at you you're not looking at you guys he's not looking at you look at me his heart is hard not to look at you Bobby what happened smacking your belly and cheese feels like gunshots are going off oh [ __ ] somebody loading he is loading together I love your confidence thank you thank you thank you I'm about to cover James Stewart up I did some research that [ __ ] was a racist oh [ __ ] guess what I feel crazy I just like you to put them on your chest thank you glad to see you guys well as well got your Fuji shirt on are you hold on let me say we don't want to wrap no it's an actual Coogi I see the label I see the lady in Australia tell that [ __ ] stop playing it's good and stop playing y'all got any weekend plans they sold the tags on it the sun is shining anybody got weekend plans and it's fight weekend right it is yes definitely fight just like a white person you need to go to 420 or 421 Garcia are y'all betting yes I am are you betting on Davis yes of course no Davis they still wouldn't say nothing like yeah I'm betting against Javonte yeah you're just gonna keep that nine back I'm yeah I'm cool take your black car I want to be in the hood I want to be in a dirty Hooters for fight night right I want to be like in the middle I just want to be nasty somewhere like dirty I got Hooters in The Hood At [Laughter] and get shot outside that's the type of [ __ ] I want to be around I want to be safe of course I want to be through the window watch it and I'm going to drive him to the ambulance but I need that energy freeze yes what up what are we doing what's the purse on the um on the fight a lot I have no idea I don't know they I don't think they disclosed it did they I don't know typically like they do they do that typically what they do they disclose it so everybody kind of like it like adds to the hype yeah like Floyd they'll tell you what he making yeah can we look it up and the person doesn't matter yeah it don't matter that much no I I think that who do you got though oh I'm just going to a fight just to eat some chicken wings and drink well so she has she has Garcia no what it really means that she's going out as a plus one with a [ __ ] we gotta we can smell really ladies and gentlemen we got him no who is it who is he no no no it's just me and Simba's still in Africa she's trembling upstairs what you're doing it's like a seven minute seven hour flight that's a nice little weekend yeah man that's not even think of that yeah salute no I'm staying in German yeah that's salute but I don't know what we're saluting here's how I feel like I was watching an Instagram page and I was hating like okay the love you showed that [ __ ] like you gave that [ __ ] like four pictures by himself with the flowers and you thank them on the bottom like stop [ __ ] like take me I'm I'm gonna get you some Chipotle or something something nice and put that [ __ ] on your page no listen I'm gonna be all the way [ __ ] real I looked really good in those pictures that's why narcissism hey [ __ ] it I will get hey Bo shout out to Beau he'd be taking our pictures around here they were bomb ass pictures and I have I just happened to be wearing blue and blue flowers came that was like crazy no I did not that was nuts this [ __ ] hate is oozing out here stop I'm gonna put a cap don't don't comment no more [ __ ] she got flowers she got flowers I told her get on a flight and go see the [ __ ] but that's that old school hey like you trying to encourage [ __ ] you're good what's that called he don't really want it though yeah he don't really want it it's like yeah yeah [ __ ] it that [ __ ] if he if she went to Africa so that [ __ ] she'll come back six months pregnant in a week in a week can I let Mel go we are not gonna blow our wad on [ __ ] snowfall right now okay that is the no this is the beginning of the show we got it yeah that's the most important [ __ ] I know that but we don't want we ain't gonna have people like okay well they talked about the best [ __ ] and whatever no y'all are gonna stick with us for the [ __ ] show and we're gonna talk about this in a little bit but snowfall we are gonna break that down you had your hand up oh and they speak I know you have what white and all that don't ever say blow your wad on the side that was that yeah don't do that is that sensitivity training again no that is that's a different conversation but yeah since we're not talking about snowfall not yet Jonathan Majors yeah yeah yeah let's talk about it the other day breaking the 17th wall the other day um we had to do some editing because you and I had a back and forth about me accusing of something with Jonathan Mages and of course you know you know we hugged and we laughed about it but what is your feel Mel how do you feel about the situation now that other women has come out and they're working with the Manhattan D.A against Jonathan Majors can you explain um the situation seems really really dire for him like it does it it really doesn't look good and you know I was sitting here and I was obviously trying to play Devil's Advocate because sometimes you know when it comes to debate they give you um they give you a topic and they tell you this is the side that you have to argue and it may not be something that you personally agree with but they they give you that as a way to strengthen your debating skills and stuff like that so I wanted to try to remain as neutral as possible I am a fan of Jonathan Major's work I think he is extremely talented and we want to see our young black female and male actors you know succeed in such a way that he has he's like shooting through the stratosphere to fame so if these are false allegations you want to see him treated fairly and you want to see them go away and you want to see him continue on the road to success but the way that it's looking with his PR Company dropping him with his long time management but that word being used long time management that means that they are privy to information about past you know allegedly bad Deeds you know what I mean them dropping him could be indicative of them saying throwing their hands up and being like he is more trouble than he's [ __ ] worth that is that is the reality of the situation and then with these women coming forward alleging past abusive behavior and working with the Manhattan D.A I don't know how this factors into it you know in terms of like the criminal charges that have been leveled against him if there's because there's statute of limitations there's the burden of proof there's all that stuff he really has some serious problems because he's now being dropped from projects hold on I got a screenshot of um some of the projects you looked at my only beef with the with the long time management dropping him like you said they probably were privy to some [ __ ] in the past yeah so as long as nobody else know we can still work with you yeah absolutely that's the sucker [ __ ] to me yeah that's entertainment business it is entertainment business and soccer [ __ ] dog no no I don't want to bring nobody else up but we've seen [ __ ] in sports where people be doing wild [ __ ] and the NFL don't say nothing but once it goes to publicly yeah player you know what I mean like if what is it like the cap you know what I mean if you're that player The Backs yeah the max exactly and they've got all this investment in you no they're going to try and sweep all your badges I don't care about your wife but see Ben Roethlisberger now hold on you know that's a perfect example I like that example I'm so sorry well look but you know you're saying exactly what I was telling you I know we had the discussion I know and prior to all these women coming forward and so like look here's the thing is I lived in La for eight years and I know a lot of people in the industry like you know within the industry you know just behind the scenes and there was always a smattering of rumors about mattering I'm gonna bring up my dictionary today okay no you're not no you're not but there was there was rumors and Whispers that he was extraordinarily difficult on set and very disrespectful to female talent and um and crew meaning like directors and stuff like that but you want to chalk that up to maybe it's rumors nobody knows because it hasn't nothing has been put on The Ledger to say that this is fact you know what I'm saying but now it's just it's an onslaught of information that is just kind of leading in One Direction where it's really not looking good so some of the projects that um he was uh that he's basically been like thrown off of um it's an adaptation of the man in my basement not familiar with that he had an ad campaign for the Texas Rangers MLB team and a Fifth Estate Otis Redding biopic wow I would have I would have been so excited this might be the fastest cancel we've ever seen no he's not good no it's not who do you think is the fastest thing this has been going on for a couple months this has been going on for a couple months and it's just starting to kind of shy away from him typically like Marvel big big big Brands would immediately be like nah we good you get what I'm saying yeah that's true they haven't walked away yet they said that they're shopping um his role to different casts they I mean Samson Idris might be available right now um also uh my thing now and I was on the same side immediately my thing now is typically when people start coming forward they'll start giving bits of information the media will start giving information they just said yo a whole bunch of women are working with the Manhattan D.A like there's no specifics typically there are specifics you know what I'm saying so I think it's a smear job I mean here's the thing it's unfortunate to see a black man go through this especially you know the position that he was in you know being about to be the head of Marvel for a couple of years as a black man so it means something to us but I don't put it past [ __ ] and let me tell you why did you see that [ __ ] in his oversized suit back in the days how do you think women treated him his trauma is coming out how do you think that he felt huh now he's in a position you saw his man Jonathan John B what's not Jonathan Majors uh Michael me Jordan what he did on the red carpet oh wow this is why hold on this is why they can relate hold on now don't step on my [ __ ] Gang This is my problem with you [ __ ] a lot of us a lot of us have issues in trauma and a lot of times our trauma display when we become or we get in a better position we could display the trauma we treat people whether they remind us of something in our past it could be mom ex-girl you know that's how I feel like this is is with him like he has women issues he's been having women issues if a lot of women can't even slapping [ __ ] and [ __ ] like that that [ __ ] come from somewhere you don't know about that yeah I do he's slapping allegedly slapping women right putting his hands on them a lot of them came how much you think it's more than five we don't know we don't know and they haven't and they haven't released any information so you think it's a smear cam but you think somebody's not saying that at all I'm just saying that it seems odd to me that they haven't released any other particulars um with regards to the other women that have come forward no that's yeah yeah I think we'll just be I think this is why the pr firm and imagine again I was drawing that side we saw some of that [ __ ] I was on that side from the beginning they probably let him slide a couple of times he probably slapped the [ __ ] pow she fell okay but hold on you know you you know you really just Justified you know just having having bad you know like bad experiences or no experiences with women as a reason for anger and rage resulting in abuse I did that's okay that's not okay he's saying it's it's super [ __ ] up super duper am I saying that it's okay for him to do that no I'm not saying this okay but you're saying that that's the reason that he that he is that he literally has so much rage inside of him from being mistreated by women in the past no that's how it is it could be a problem with his mom it could be he could just be a sick individual I'm just saying that I can't pinpoint some Tramadol I can't pinpoint the trauma right and I appreciate you pointing that out I cannot pinpoint this trauma I'm saying that if you have a consistency a consistent issue with abusing women or attacking women trauma comes from somewhere speaking from a man who has or who had some sort of trauma not particularly in that department but trauma where things can remind you of something and you can react to it not saying that is right at all I'm not saying that the people deserve that that experience that with him I'm just saying Mel that we live in a reality and sometimes walking on eggshells or walking around the peas the masses is not something that I do people have trauma mail and when they have trauma they take it out on people that don't deserve it period and if that's the case even not by choice not by choice it just comes out they can't even control it and if that's the case he deserves to get what's coming to him if that's the case I'm just I'm just throwing a fishing rod out there and seeing what fish I can catch got you but I'm not do you remember that you know you I know you're not condoning it I know you don't play like that so I'm not condoning it I'm not blaming the women I'm not saying it's right but a lot of times what can they really do right I'm in therapy no no not him I'm talking about the people they can't do nothing I remember watching I remember being on set at Tosh.0 and I remember somebody at a high position just disrespecting the lady that was trying to wipe something off of him yeah like doing that and doing that to other women I remember sitting there with J.R like you see you saw that what can she do she's doing her job she's basically helpless I'm getting paid to be here I have to take this so I'm saying that what can the women do in this situation besides come later on and a lot of people are afraid to that they may lose a job they just lose opportunity you get a bad stain on your reputation just for speaking out and I was like I can't get work nowhere sure no shut up yeah you know you just feel the repercussion of opening your mouth you make it you're making the face can you help me out do you feel I don't want to ask you this question because you're a man that do you feel like I was ignorant before right so when a woman didn't when not woman excuse me when a person didn't come forward at the time I used to say like why you didn't say it again why would you wait so long yeah why are you waiting for people to encourage you to do it or You Follow the Leader why you didn't say it then like how do you feel about that people that wait months or years to come up with something when they had an opportunity to put a police report in I don't really have a stance on that okay I just think that somebody deals with their own trauma in the way that they deal with their own trauma um from whatever I know somebody personally that recently um I told you all about it she would she was assaulted recently by a prominent athlete and she didn't go forward you know I'm saying she was like yo it would like she was just like yo he's so popular in her town that it would just be something that she don't want to endure she would end up with death threats she was like yo she doesn't want to endure it publicly that's how popular he is in town yeah and I was like yeah so I can't judge somebody that will you know what I mean like I never go through that so I can't just why I think sometimes they don't do it or they come out later on it looks like an isolated event at the time you don't necessarily know he's doing it this one this one and this one now you start to hear it and you say oh [ __ ] you did it here too and that he's a president did it here too we had that conversation and I said hey you know what he did it here too yeah and that's how it starts to happen so you do you think that some of the people do not want to be the first person it's not even about the first or the only to seem like the only person to try to destroy somebody career because they're gonna get the background I don't even think they're looking at it as I'm trying to destroy your career okay it's just this person is a huge star or they come with a lot of [ __ ] little me can't do nothing to them got it I'm not trying to take you down or nothing but everybody loves this person yeah I come out and say something ain't nobody gonna believe it but now when you start to hear oh [ __ ] one two three yeah four it's believable we can get them together the thing is that they're the numbers yeah flip the numbers yeah but there's a lot of shame in being a victim you know yeah besides the victim victim blaming and shaming that you will receive when you put yourself out there and make a public declaration that this person assaulted me or did whatever to me there's a lot of Shame that's associated with the fact that you were the one that was assaulted with that this thing happened to you and you kind of go through all of these questions inside of your mind as to why did he think that it was okay for him to do this to me what signals was I putting out you this is the mind game that you're that your brain does to you and so the shame associated with that is some of the reasons why some women don't come forward and a lot of times when it when there's like an imbalance in power and it's somebody that is super powerful popular Rich famous well-liked I've been in this situation where things have happened and I'm just like I'm not climbing that Hill I refuse because I can't I don't have the wherewithal to deal with the outcome because I just can't if if something else happened transpires where a bunch of other people come forward then maybe but other than that there's no way that I I'm not taking this I'm not weathering that story that that storm that Monsoon by myself no [ __ ] that you know so the Jonathan Majors thing has highlighted something um that was almost like completely under the radar with Tiffany haddish so she posted um you know like a reposted something in support of Jonathan majors and basically you know whatever she reported a tweet with um because part of what his defense is saying is that um the girl is lying because she went to a club after we have videos of the girl partying in the club yeah so there's she was saying that her hand was injured and they see her moving this this hand in the video and it so that basically says she wasn't as injured as she said she wasn't injured because she's in a club and yeah exactly one of her fingers she said was broken or something to that she injured her hand and they said she had her last celebration behind her ear and then they said she had something else another problem so they she went to the club and his lawyer's statement I think fam if you're listening your lawyer not really doing a good job thus far terrible terrible they said that the lawyer released [ __ ] saying that basically she's lying look she went to the club right after um not just that the cops um from the the text message that the lawyer released the cops locked him up because of her injuries so the cops visually saw injuries and that was their motivation or incentive to lock him up so it don't really make sense but Tiffany haddish basically posted the Tweet saying look this is her partying in the club after she accused him of these things right Twitter tore her ass up Twitter tore her ass up because a video was Unearthed of her um singing as if she's Rihanna with a haircut like Rihanna and there's an actor there playing Chris Brown and it reenacts the assault that happened between the two of them and well I think I've got like let me see here there we go I think that is let me play it it's called Rihanna's revenge got it okay well so the video is circulating now and um it's about an hour and no sorry not an hour it's like a minute and 30 seconds long but um it definitely wasn't doing Tiffany haddish any favors shitty skip from Tiffany yes yeah she's she's definitely that that right there is yeah yeah but that right there is an example of a fall from grace as well yeah wasn't she canceled at one point like wasn't it didn't she go she had the [ __ ] with um where they were um with the kids making skits with regards to uh pedophilia yeah oh yeah Tiffany is just trying to like I think that the TMZ caught up with her or somebody caught up with her at one point she said she has no money and she was broke she was she was being sarcastic excuse me hey Tiffany we don't want to hear none of that [ __ ] from you fall from are you still falling you're going down a mud hill ice can you catch him I still want to catch it was over Jonathan Majors you Tweeting that to be the only [ __ ] just said I know your trick just in case he comes out of this I defended him so he can look out he's not he's not gonna look out he's not going to help you get on Marvel seven you're not gonna be the lady next to Khan or whatever that [ __ ] name is stop doing that because this is what got you into trouble the first place Tiffany and I like you you're doing [ __ ] again and it Unearthed this [ __ ] again with Rihanna and Chris Brown like we don't want to get into that yeah please yeah Tiffany sometimes you gotta chill like just mind your business gang no that uh her sending out the tweet in support of Jonathan majors and then that video being Unearthed is it's doing her no favors like I I don't know you could have sat there and shut the [ __ ] up a little bit but do a little bit you could have just sat there and shut the [ __ ] up I could have did that but Twitter always have a a habit of unearthing things like come on Twitter too I'm mad at them [ __ ] too no they sloops Twitter is coming for you I'm mad at them [ __ ] why would you be mad at them because it's like she's defending him I can play Devil's Advocate she's defending him because in her mind maybe she experienced something where something was blown out of proportion right so she probably feel like this one she probably feels like the Airy Spirit situation with her was blown out of here and she probably feel like this woman was lying like you you hurt you and you were in the club a lot of us listen listen if we experience that that's the angle we all use in all right all of us is using so she probably feel like Jonathan Majors is getting a shitty yeah Jonathan may just getting the shitty end of the stick and she wants to highlight that if this woman went through all these injuries that you locked them up for by saying that she didn't why the [ __ ] would she be in the club I would use that angle if I'm if I'm being accused of domestic violence like if I had an issue like that and say something happened and she's in a club partying and drinking [ __ ] I'm going [ __ ] what look who's she doing she's hurt you got your a whiplash [ __ ] go on the bed and go to sleep that's what I'm just being honest but the one part you still missing huh I don't give a [ __ ] what she did afterwards she could have went skydiving the police was called visually saw the injuries and said we've seen enough to lock this [ __ ] up did the police say that she said it in her text message the girl said it in her text message that the lawyer put out that's how his lawyer put out I think I think him and Tory Lanez lawyer are running for the worst lawyer yeah who's ahead who's in the lead in Wacky Races oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah they loyal too this is the Year this is the year bad lawyers phrase the year bad lawyers them [ __ ] is coming out together speaking on a lawyer did John Cena the judge punished him the lawyer that told the judge that's cat yeah last week it's demoralizing but the judge is making him right uh uh a 17-page essay told him I needed APA style blah blah blah blah blah you have to cite 10 references um 20 references you have to cite I want a 17-page report scholar level on disrespect um and unprofessionalism in the court of law blah blah and embarrass them in front of everybody [ __ ] or you getting 20 days in jail was that this and the crazy part is the lawyer is standing there like wait what you mean it got to be this like what do you mean what's that style mean that's a law degree he said yo I just wanted all this for saying cap or it was from other [ __ ] in there too I don't know but so he was like well I would just prefer a fine you offered such a such a fine he said yeah but I didn't offer that to you in jail over a book report damn that's tough that's a tough decision hey we got the AI it ain't that tough chat whatever yes how many pages you want did he find out that day or he came back and told him that I don't know because if I think that the judge must have went back and somebody put them on see they put him on yo this is what he was stop recording that's why I gotta stop recording [ __ ] look what happened somebody put him on probably one of his his ghetto nieces no disrespect uncle look at this he said that's cat what take it off of that lawyer in the YSL case the other lawyer gets arrested because he got pills on him oh [ __ ] while coming through the checkpoint they check him and they find out you got prescription pills on you and lock this lawyer up are they doing whatever down there wow Atlanta's the Wild Wild West yeah they trying to take my man down like come on like they like free thug like that's that's a fan that's sad what they doing what you mean they doing they doing what are you if you are representing me and I hire you and you tell a judge in a courtroom nah that's cat he was trying to be funny and get a viral moment he was on some Queens full of [ __ ] all right you're a lawyer I agree you are an attorney you know what you see this you know what we're seeing this at right you know what we're seeing this remember when Max B was on trial and his lawyer goes to make a world star video um I'm gonna try for my life and you're making a world star video though yeah I remember that and how they play out how did it play out I don't know 75 years he was able to get it reduced at that moment he got sent into 75 years because of the Lord the lawyers tweeting yeah he was on Twitter the lawyer was on Twitter saying yo I get to cross-examine they start witness tomorrow I'm telling you I'm gonna tear her up on the stand not guilty plea coming we gonna win this this is the tweets you know what this is your lawyer and that's old I'm not you know but I'm just saying some of these badass lawyers who don't need to be representing [ __ ] are sending you up the river just because they just are not professional it's just not a professional thing to tell a Judge Joe that's cat don't tell my judge don't don't say that cat in the courtroom you can't even tell a judge your judge you're lying this is where code switching comes in handy yeah this is where you you have to leave that ghetto [ __ ] yes and exhibit some professionalism and some class the fact that it just fell out of his mouth is like I'm like you were you're doing too much and and now watch that clip he didn't even have to say anything else he was trying to explain it the judge was like no that part was going to come out anyway don't worry about it right all right because I'm just saying that that's cap shut the [ __ ] up he wanted a moment you ghetto ass lawyers from Atlanta get the [ __ ] out I don't know where you got your degree from what bar you got it in uh I don't know give me some boss starlets put balls out there uh kods Atlanta um we don't want Magic City Magic City we don't want you you're embarrassing uh lawyers all over the world and on top of that you're giving black lawyers a bad name you are um and then [ __ ] get never mind yeah chill out you know what I was gonna say what what when people say they want to go get a lawyer what they say you want a white Jewish lawyer yeah that's why they do because they're afraid of us representing ourselves gotcha that they're gonna say that's cap in the courtroom okay Mel can we get some fun [ __ ] now please like we like if Joe was here like what's what's fun on the board please okay well um designer we were just talking about it this is not fun well don't be a girl okay talk to her ish it's not [Music] expose himself on the plane but he's allegedly also checked himself into a mental health facility yeah he was like I'm not okay cancer had it been okay four minutes he was doing some shows overseas yeah he had a breakdown um he got on the airplane coming back home pulled his meat out and as soon as he landed he went and checked himself into you sure some facility and he was like yo I'm not doing well he admittedly is like yo I'm not doing well she's just going bad for me yeah like pray for me you know what I'm saying mental health is a real thing listen I am completely sensitive to somebody acknowledging their mental health challenges I'm just trying to find out what the correlation between pulling your meat out on a plane is and a mental and a mental breakdown he just wanted to be friends he wanted to get naked but at the same time I'm not saying he's a fiend but I've seen fiends outside just start taking [ __ ] off but his you guys destroyed designer you guys destroyed him you guys got to take accountability on top of that you see this [ __ ] you do sort of people how because they took his record we talked about this on paper come on man like did he did him dirty we talked about this it's like don't do that if you were just calling him a one-hit wonder like last night we talked about on patreon Tommy Turner excuse me my fallback real quick no y'all bungous because y'all are definitely y'all defended it too and just FYI nobody defended what nobody took designers record designer gave his record to Kanye West they didn't take it y'all stood on the side of yo if you sign some paperwork that's your fault all of y'all arguing where's the knife where's the land ings to expose me again why did you do that just butcher the whole [ __ ] only here take this take this big blade do you wanna say that anyway prayers up to designer yeah speaking of planes did y'all see the dude that lost his [ __ ] over the crying baby can I play that can I play that because it's a little funny it's a little funny my man was not with that you ain't see it no hold on all right Mel has it I have a young baby though and sometimes you gotta shut the [ __ ] up when it comes to somebody kids even if the kid is crying everybody's had kids before most people and you got to kind of eat that even if it is a little unnerving you gotta eat that so wait what's the scenario I decided to see this video so um guys are playing the babies crying and he like they ended up trying to get him off the plane because he's going off like oh that [ __ ] crying ass baby he's going off on the stewardess no y'all can kiss my ass like he he lost his [ __ ] on the plane cursing everybody out but tying it back to if y'all the crying baby uh-huh like but he's referring to like that [ __ ] baby [ __ ] that bit like oh this is not the baby's father this is just a passage okay so I don't know Merry Christmas absolutely here you go and then SWA passenger loses his mind over a baby child has been crying over there [Music] okay [Laughter] no it goes on to Rebecca it goes on for about three minutes he is losing his ever loving even if he's right you got to eat that we all been annoyed by a baby or whatever it's whatever bring melatonin on the plane with your babies what what huh drug the baby melatonin is not you could give babies melatonin to go to sleep I'm not I'm not drugging my baby shut your [ __ ] baby up like this [ __ ] cause he want to fight you cause your [ __ ] baby crying disturbing other [ __ ] passages are you paying a silence feet [ __ ] did you buy me some headphones did you pay me for my inconvenience because I went on a flight by being up all night trying to fall asleep in your [ __ ] babies crying because of the altitude is you give them gum did you try to do a lot of parents at their baby cry how did you try to Shish them take them in the [ __ ] bathroom hey flip it's a baby babies are gonna cry that doesn't sound like a baby that's not like a three-year-old child no that was a baby did you see the picture you got all of that from the the little split again I'm saying even if you feel like that and he's entitled to those feelings I think you just need to exhibit some classes absolutely you gotta eat that really yes what about the [ __ ] kid that's kicking the back of your chair that you wanna boohbah okay that's different I've had that happen huh don't turn around and tell their parents like yeah oh no no no I turn around and I talk directly to the child oh don't talk about it that's okay Melissa Ford has got dragged on a plane up and down you can't do that he made the new Soul Plane she didn't know he had five girls wait hold on some people do that though some people are brave enough to tell your kids something don't do that I don't get mad that's not I don't mind I don't mind Big Mama and Grandpa like yo don't do that because it's a way to do it correct but if you like a man girl what you doing and talking about and look at me like they go talk to my kid like oh exactly you out yeah you all thought I turned around and I said stop doing that you little [ __ ] that's not how I did it definitely can't use the [ __ ] exactly I did not do that it was one particular experience where I was on a plane and the kid was like eight or something like that so it wasn't like a little kid it was like oh you know what he was doing exactly and you're sitting right beside your kid you see him doing this and you're not stopping him so I turned around I said see that that's not going to continue for this flight can you please control him doing that and then I turned back around and that's how I handled it drag city [ __ ] you would have really been on the runway no no no you talked to the parents um you give me that type of vibe though just say whatever you want here's the thing is I'm so non-confrontational it's not even funny for me to turn around I have got to there's got to be so much going on I gotta be egregious yeah it's got to be like you're I'm gonna like it's out with you I'm just saying to the parrot yeah do you know about pretty privilege have you ever experienced oh a thousand percent yes have you used pretty privilege before I use it I think I use it at the store just maybe 20 minutes absolutely it's a thing it's a weapon it's in my Arsenal what did you get from the store shoplifted a little bit is it just like anything go ahead appreciate it yeah you know no no no don't what did you what did you use it for listen okay do not blow up my spot okay it actually little Twix for the road I'm definitely not a thief but no crying babies honestly you're right you do kind of have to eat it that's what that's what noise canceling headphones are for yes homeboy said I had on here he said headphones he didn't say noise canceling he had the [ __ ] that [ __ ] that hurt your ears I don't know what he had him [ __ ] I use noise cancellation headphones with my daughter yeah I was like all right she's gonna sit there and cry and I looked at her mother say yo check this out you got this watch this yeah I have a whole routine when I get on planes in order to not have to deal with other passengers oh do you see her little face that cheap French cologne what cologne super in the closet it's brand new foot that [ __ ] look a little Dusty the first time I've ever wanted I just hate it cheers yeah no but you definitely have to get on a plane with like noise canceling headphones you got to have your like little little neck pillow maybe a little you know blanket edible and an edible melatonin gotta do it I get on a plane with a hoodie I'm pulling my [ __ ] on I'm squeezing the zipper and I'm in here like this before we even take off from sleep I left my I let everybody around me know check this out I snore yo can I tell you guys a story about what happens please do you get [ __ ] up snoring on the plane yeah he should have flipped out on the snorer not the baby facts yo dog I'm gonna tell you I'm I'm snore listen if you snore it's one thing but don't slide over and fall asleep on my shoulders can I tell you guys about the most like the most egregious [ __ ] that happened to me okay is it entertaining because if Joe is not if Joe was in man stop saying Joe name he's not here you just saying about me stop worrying about your job man I'm not I'm not [ __ ] here very Mel it's on you is it entertaining yes now go ahead Mel it's entertaining now [ __ ] that let's go Mel [Laughter] yeah so one time I'm on a plane and um I ended up sitting next to uh all right pick that up right there by your foot it's right there pick the pick your name to the mouth huh no no no no no no no no no no no no no trust me just wait I'm trying to get her out of it can you guys just wait for me yeah we're sitting next to each other and whatnot it's a the LA to New York or New York to LA flight I can't even remember first class yes so I fall asleep okay and you know In First Class they give you like the pillows the big no no I don't I don't know anything about first time can you let her finish her story of the store you just cut me off I'm stopping this stuff there's a point to me saying this I'm not flexing at all and I'm not name-dropping there is a point to this no no wait till the end of the story you'll understand why I'm saying all this so In First Class cabin they have the big plush pillows and they have like the comforter quilt looking [ __ ] things right so I knocked out after like maybe like an hour hour and a half of the flight ate my food and whatnot next thing I know maybe a couple of days later there's a [ __ ] picture of me and him on this plane he took a picture while I was sleeping and it looked like we were in bed together whoa and the headline was something like Melissa Ford exposed relationship and I was just like what the f I didn't know the picture even existed he said oh I put it on my Facebook page but it got hacked that [ __ ] was so I'm still mad to this day I would be hot I don't know what that is it was a football player real big one too it was nice he was nice he's tall and big so he thought that [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah it was not funny so so basically your story is that you wanted to expose this football player for lying on his dick and act like he slept in the bed with you yes that was terrible that [ __ ] was all over the blogs what do you mean exposed he exposed he we don't remember she's exposing to exposed to spose I'm exposing to expose the pose um listen this is the problem they gave you some bad meat this album you see that [ __ ] he's so bad I'm gonna [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] up yeah tell that [ __ ] ass story about my name I was just thinking about [ __ ] that happened on airplanes you did I don't like that so you don't so you don't like the fact that he did what he did to me you don't like that you're fine you're fine with that it's all reversal that's fine I don't like what he did he lied on his meat he lying on his dick but this is not the opportunity to expose it ended up on a Blog the picture of millions of listeners you just try to volley homie uh the blog we don't give a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did on back in the days she knew man not when man was falling asleep next to a [ __ ] on his shoulder I wasn't I was in my own seat did I took a picture of my own thing look they're sleeping I put that ass right to bed no but she took medicine she probably took a Tylenol PM I'm fronting like this right the bed look yeah they work it work younger like early teens I stopped lining my dick like 16 years old because what happened was you got married there we go when that happened she exposed you right but she did [Music] ah ladies and gentlemen when you talking to your homies about [ __ ] when you talking to your homies about things you're not thinking a homie like the girl too so they're going like who gets who was wrong in that situation we both wrong me and my [ __ ] cause he went to the [ __ ] he went to the girl and told her he wrong too you're more wrong hold on wait wait wait what ish I lost my dick and say y'all [ __ ] man you're not supposed to go to mail I heard you [ __ ] flip you put the whole that down hold that [ __ ] flip lit I supposed to look ill forever if you expose me the mail you hated you wrong how's it exposing if [ __ ] thought it was the truth anyway but why is my man telling the girl that I lied on that I said I [ __ ] her that's you guys think that's wrong what I've had guy friends of mine tell me when somebody said that they had sex with me and I'm just like the [ __ ] light on his dick so and I'm and they're like but you can't say anything and I'm like are you kidding so he he gets to run around and say this [ __ ] this lie and people are gonna believe it and I can't say that because that's going to compromise or you're gonna look like what a [ __ ] Simpson yeah you're gonna look like a rat bastard but I think I think that if the guy likes you is wrong if it's your friend your homie your brother your cousin that you knew and I didn't know that was your cousin I said that that's different his Allegiance is to you but if you my man and I say I [ __ ] man [ __ ] roll no I'm hyping it yeah he's supposed to hold that down or look at me like a genius foreign [Music] [Laughter] like it is corny to do that like a lot of women go you know some rap [ __ ] that don't say no hold on a man went and went behind the [ __ ] back and told shorty this is what happened this is what the [ __ ] said or did XYZ and the next thing you know he's with Shorty yes and we know some NBA [ __ ] that man's was Wilding and he snitched on man's they're ratted on me right what what were you doing yo dog let me tell you a lot of [ __ ] with the most money be the most insecure [ __ ] oh that's right so they [ __ ] will tell like yo bro you're up 20 and 30 million you riding on a [ __ ] with the white van he what these [ __ ] they dirty yo it's all right though girls be lying on a box too they do be quiet girls be lying on a box too how much girls allowed us did they celebrate you ish a couple I never hugged them never kissed them never nothing the [ __ ] what yes she had been giving reviews like yo that [ __ ] was banging [ __ ] what opposes racing no you wanna [ __ ] up wait okay hold on one second here what would be a woman's reason for lying about having sex with somebody the same reason a man would lie about it what's the difference clout clout girls chase clout you trying to say my man not worth getting lost like yeah I mean white socks no lotion that's him I did bring some lotion for you too just oh [ __ ] I just don't get would you stop taking my pulse I don't understand why a woman would lie about having women I don't understand why you want to know why I'm saying that because y'all are easy it would I feel like it's easy [Music] men walk around thinking with their dicks and kids like it's a lot of [ __ ] this is a man with standards I don't know about you so much okay now you gotta stand to be this [ __ ] different you know you don't know anything about me though this is an opportunity to learn this is an opportunity for us to learn that's not true I do know a lot about you we need to dispel that myth and Men uh rock with it I see a bunch of podcasting men that talk about how men will [ __ ] anything and that's not true yeah I mean don't don't get me wrong no we I haven't [ __ ] some [ __ ] that we regret but that don't necessarily be your goat all the time like any random lady walking down the street can't give me no [ __ ] that's not true even if she's pretty any random pretty girl can't just give me no [ __ ] that was the girls that lied on their box about you were they attractive girls would you have hit it there's um some of them was a lot on me no no some of them I would have popped and some of them I wouldn't have popped okay but again every pretty don't dictate if you're gonna pop enough true it doesn't you know what I'm saying so the men are not easy and women ain't as hard as you think neither exactly it's a it's a come with a man like you smell it she is amazing look at her ass yo dog listen I know some NBA [ __ ] I know some athlete [ __ ] I know some industry [ __ ] that the chicks that they are dis the Regular Joe Shmo [ __ ] and them NBA [ __ ] that can't spell baby will pop in five minutes ain't giving no money ain't do none of that and they'll pop real quick so again it's relative like every chick out here ain't hard to pop and none at the same time though we do know men that like women ultrasad women not no it's not all about the face with us I'm Gonna Keep I mean you could be a bad chick and I couldn't want to [ __ ] you because your attitude that's what I'm saying because your sinuses let's talk about it because of how your feet look your feet look like you feel like you're smoking cigarettes I hate ugly feet could you smoke cigarettes when you're told like it's throwing up gang signs but like some women because a lot of [ __ ] be thirsty no disrespect man a lot of [ __ ] be thirsty they they inflate the women's head they grow all of us yeah listen your Instagram is the biggest liar like yo you might have seven million DMS right you might even have a whole bunch of Rich dudes dming you women take that for interest in something other than sexual interest like yo I got all these [ __ ] I'm single by choice I got all these [ __ ] in my DMs they in your DM to try and pop they not in your DM to try and get in a relationship that is a very big misconception about from women okay [ __ ] might find you physically attractive and they want to smack but that'll mean that they trying to move you in and they [ __ ] be bad sometimes listen we're not going down that road no man women got some women got bad like I think that there's no such thing as bad [ __ ] I thought that's not true that's right and a lot of people attacked me before that because it can be smell it could be it could be bad it could be roast beef it could be the roast beef [ __ ] is nasty what is this I'm sorry I need clarification what is roast beef [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] vaginal rejuvenations are available I'm paying for it I go up to 5 000 depending on how how loose the roast beef is oh God the roast beefing would make it bad though you know what I'm just saying now the roast beef is the roast beef is what make it bad it's some roast beef out here it's a good roast beef yeah some pastrami turns a vagina into roast beef some people just born like that yeah it ain't what you think yeah yeah it ain't that no no I'm stealing some kid [ __ ] yes please please I'm sorry it's cool for it yeah some people wait some people it's not mileage some people are born with roast beef yes oh [ __ ] I feel crazy wait wait pause some people don't fall with roast beef listen the lips flapping like this thing all right okay our sensitivity is our sensitivity training is also for May 4th yes okay yeah all right terrible okay matter of fact I need to get it all out now I know I don't want to go home okay so Parks I wanted to ask you this okay because you're the well both of you you're the music guys um you and you and I Frank Ocean is not going to be performing the second weekend of Coachella he broke his ankle how could he yeah it worked well broken ankle yeah Coachella right as a singer how do you expect him to go out there and sing if with a broken ankle yes so you can't perform sitting in a chair no one's ever done that okay so basically this was a foregone conclusion but they replaced him with blink 182. that's a weird left foot I was about to ask like make that make sense for me because I mean it's a big bench so I'm sure that they'll probably Draw Something Coachella yeah Blink 182 and coachella's a rock show he started his Rock Show anyway yeah and now it's kind of everything but to me they're more like Lollapalooza and um they're a band with a bunch of hits that that it'll work it'll work I know I don't want to see a particular League I'm not the biggest fan of them can we have Blink-182 song do you have one I don't think I have any Blink 182 in my surround come on come on I'll try I'll try but blink 182. no that the uh Blinky blink came up with no blinks uh like we said last week he did something or they got to some level of discourse where I don't think Frank Ocean want to do that [ __ ] to begin with that he's showing you he don't want to do this [ __ ] yeah backlash for being visually not interested in doing this show he said I'm not doing this at all I [ __ ] my ankle up yeah so that I'll just go all the way left with the [ __ ] up not getting no more shows and no ads and nothing I gotta kind of save face you don't do no shows anyway you did say that that's my thing he may have hurt his ankle I don't see how that [ __ ] would affect your ability come out in wheelchairs uh two chains did it somewhere my man from Patterson free walk what do you got I don't it's some stupid [ __ ] uh Adam's Song that was what's My Age Again connect me damn it there were some hits on there really yeah they had they were one of them I only want to be with you hey what's up Blink 182 uh Backstreet Boys all them [ __ ] was getting money money yeah this is this is a it's called Adam's Song come on play parks give us a go come on man try to see if I know this oh they're gonna be some high white people in there gonna have to be what they were going to be hire white people regardless of whether they they might bring a couple extra Becky's out Frank Ocean to Blink 182 that this 182 is probably sold 60 times more thousand Millions way bigger Frank Ocean fan but Blink-182 is they got hits yeah he's right just an interesting you know second choice you're saying it like if I bought a ticket for Frank Ocean as the headliner yeah and now that he's not here replace it with someone similar yeah I agree with that for sure yeah might not been able to might not have been able to on short notice hey [ __ ] be wanting the bag oh yeah and now I'm gonna try to stick you up oh yeah oh you need me tomorrow yeah after all that money they put on that [ __ ] ass skating ring that he wanted that he canceled to bring ice to the desert that's like bringing roast beef to no forget it all right I hope like 182 goes out there with the ice skating rink now speaking of ice kid we talk about not freeze but snowfall now please it's up to Mel you know she's the one that won't let us talk about it okay all right okay exactly like you leading like you sat in that chair for a reason oh and I snitched on all of you because I was well no I mean you got here but I was here like first a lot of competition no you live across the street okay snowfall snowfall snow [ __ ] fall everyone watched it I saw a man please oh clap standing ovation for the show yeah how about yes damson Idris is Clinic yeah it was that was a master class and I think that as the seasons progressed he just got better and better so we were talking a lot about like you know if everybody could predict what the ending was going to be never saw that coming never mind never no okay no so even if I was to sit here and try to draw up 20 scenarios that I thought would happen I would have never picked that so a lot is so there's some people who are who think that this was the greatest way that they could have ended it I'm one of those and then there's other people who are like nah they gotta that he went out bad they should have done this that the other real life yeah definitely had mixed emotion about it but I mean I think that that kind of says that it's a good show you don't say if it makes you think of the different ways that it could have went and you know what I mean I don't know I I enjoy I don't know if enjoy is the right word I thought it was good there was a lot of poeticism in the episode because when he walks by the film crew you know we know what he we know was being filmed John Singleton's movie boys in the hood is being filmed you know presumably at that time and he's walking by it you know that was a really dope like you know was a dope nod but um it was a full circle moment you know in first in first season he sees his father it was a few huh it was a few fools there was a there was several of course they had to tie everything up with a little pink bow but it was a full circle moment from season one where he sees his father on the in the streets as an alcoholic and he just looks at him with so much disdain and disgust and that is exactly what he ends up becoming and a lot of people what was crazy is listening to the comments on Twitter and Instagram and that's this sort of thing and people were like blaming his mom and you know calling you know veronique out of her name all that [ __ ] left him with nothing and this that the other and why did the mom do that and I totally could see why like the question is asked and answered at Jerome's gravesite which when that episode happened you guys missed a totally Dope music moment a lot of people the you know the Fuji is ready or not or now 21 Savage with the weekend and stuff like that nobody really a lot of young people don't know where the original of that song comes from and it's an Enya song and they play the original at the funeral scene at the gravesite scene which was just epic but when Louis turns to him and says you know you're the devil right and he looks at her and he says he thinks about it he says yeah I know that is but I disagree with her what in that assessment that he's the devil yeah I think that [ __ ] was delusional she created that whole entire moment Jerome's not dead unless you do the [ __ ] [ __ ] that you did Franklin wasn't responsible for Jordan's death Franklin saved your dumbass in that in that scene Franklin saved Louis he could have left her to die number two Louis went behind Franklin's back and took the plug Louis is the reason that all of that stuff went to [ __ ] not Franklin Franklin was trying to slowly bow out of the drug game and give it to them and sell off in his real estate Glory she did the [ __ ] [ __ ] which now made him Expendable to Teddy and that's what sent him down the rabbit hole not him but the crazy part is is that Teddy didn't need to do that I feel like no I feel like the thing the reason why Teddy did that is because Franklin and him became too close and their lines became blurred in terms of clients you know like client and and supplier you know what I mean I think that Teddy did that took the 73 million dollars from him because he was it was a per it was personal he didn't have to do it I agree he didn't have to do that well he was also honest I mean he told him to a degree why he did it he saw some [ __ ] Pro America his overzealous patriotism was like was was really starting to piss me off yeah because it was such it was such a [ __ ] excuse for why huh you think so absolutely yeah it was a [ __ ] excuse for just justifying everything people in politics and a bunch of people that work for the government do today when the cops say yo you got to become a crook to catch a crook that is [ __ ] yeah all of that is some [ __ ] to justify your actions yo what I thought was the fact that he became Alton that was deep yeah when we I missed this but somebody put me on the liquor store that he went in at the end liquor store he used to work in liquor store he used to work I didn't catch that but then so you became a kid that was you know what I mean at 17 he was 16 when snowfall started right genius kid and it a bunch of things came to mind like remember when they [ __ ] his mother out of the tuition money yeah his life went on a spiral right after that some [ __ ] that happens in our neighborhoods at 1617 we can't ever overcome you get what I'm saying you could catch a misdemeanor charge at 17 and now your life is [ __ ] you're on a whole different path you know what I'm saying like a lot of that [ __ ] happens in our neighborhoods so some of the things that happened in in the episode The the crossroads with his mom that [ __ ] me up because I don't they could have handled it better he just went off of the deep end he wasn't broke he just got power hungry because he wasn't broke he wasn't he wasn't broke he had mad property still he could have sold his interest in the Spring Street [ __ ] and kept all this and the guy showed up to the house saying I'm here to buy it because his mom set that up for him and he loved his girlfriend and he looked at that as you know disrespectful and so then he goes and so everybody looking at you know in the comments if it was a little bit it was a little bit disrespectful it was disrespectful how my man showed up and it was disrespectful without your girl but without discussing that with you would go set that up behind your back absolutely he had shitty friends not Leon no uh a little bit why because Leon wouldn't give him the three million dollars no but he could have helped him at some point along the way I gave you half a ticket yeah no doubt that you just blew trying to get back even the way even the way he asked for the money he was like even if how much you got left he said this other female Okay cool so you're gonna give me that I could do it like oh I'm gonna pay you back in five years oh no he was out of pocket for sure but like I'm not gonna just ignore my man and like let him do what I'm missing is yo you gonna give me the money his addiction was the money no yeah no it wasn't it wasn't yes it was his addiction power it was the power it was the control it was the money all three things are true everybody saw him I I can no longer enable you I can't let you get that money Leon Yo Dogs no I can't she was willing to throw her life away to keep you from doing this I can't enable you the his girl yo we got a kid coming I see all you you're consumed with is getting this money now and then I'm gonna take this bread and I'm out no no no let's let's not glaze over the fact that he lost his [ __ ] and put his hands around her [ __ ] throat his pregnant girl a lot of talk about oh she took the money she ran it's just like she is pregnant with his kid and he literally choked herself I'm not mad at what she did and and when her mother saw the monster that he clearly was and said baby let's raise this child together just come with me now where he still would have had the money if she decided she was like nope I'm gonna stand by my man and then she saw the monster that her mom he shank dude um Teddy's father you know he shanked Teddy's father right in front of them and she still was willing to choose him over her mother but it took him putting his his hands on her and physically assaulting her for her to know oh this is yeah that he is a monster and it turned into the Joker he did that's kind of what I when I'm watching I'm like this is a full way he started talking and like he was so consumed with if we look the need to get this money that not everybody at the end was I'm sorry was this all at the end there's one episode yeah I think that we are discounting or we are making light of him being deserving of that money which from where the 73 million dollars why did he deserve it because I killed for it because I earned it he earned that money he did he did earned that money that money wasn't given to him he earned that money and in earning the money he lost his mother he lost his uncle he lost some friends he decimated his community he lost himself he earned that money he lost himself we earned that money yeah but if you think about the the term earning that money it was at low cost exactly it was at the end it was at the expense of I said that yeah he lost everything in his he lost his way so again dog the sacrifice is that he made that money was deservingly his it was it's like somebody running out committing all types of atrocities for this money a woman might be selling a body for money you can't say yo dog you work for me no no no no no no no no no no no you can't no no no no no you can't go out to the CIA he was a prostitute for the city he murdered at with Reckless abandon he he just Justified murder every step of the way depending the goal post kept moving depending on how it served him he could justify murder no matter what both things are true yeah he earned the money your concept of earn is what is suspect that's what sus is your concept of what earning something is at the expense of of how many you know what I mean what we do every day what you talking about when a military goes to war somewhere we we take in casualties as a part of War yeah but our Wars are [ __ ] because it's basically occupying a territory whatever the case may be we justify it in our day-to-day life the things that we do that may not be on the most up and up moral thing we justify every single day okay well personally I don't think that he deserved the money at all I think that I think that it was apropos that he lost everything and he became an alcoholic but the most interesting thing was the last thing he said was that he was free true I thought that that wasn't did anyone notice that Louis was pregnant here's the thing I didn't like that little scene either where she with the in the horse stable yeah hiding in the barn or whatever it was that made that might see that made sense to me too you know she got away she she got away with her life and I think the life of our unborn child so the actress that plays um Louie her name is um Angela Angela Smith or forgive me um but she's currently pregnant so I don't know if that they just her costuming didn't hide the belly and she wasn't supposed to feel like on a Carhartt jacket she was wearing all she was wearing all white when she was running when the DEA was like you know um just in her house and she had on like an all-white outfit you know um but she had a visible belly and I don't know if that was an accident or on purpose like Louie's pregnant with um with Jerome's kid she wasn't pregnant with Jerome's kid because that scene was three years later yeah it was the Barnyard yeah no no no no no no not that when she's running from the DEA DEA like days after his funeral and she still has the scars on her faces that's the scene when she's running down the alleyway she has a belly so that's what I'm trying to say is I'm not sure if that was just like a costuming kind of mishap where it was visible because I saw it I think it was because I think it would have fixed it a little bit more intentional so that to me made sense like the one thing that Louie brought that brought Louis piece was horses and so she would end up you know kind of like working in a horse stable but basically having to look over her shoulder for the rest of her life type thing so that that kind of made sense like the way that they like ended characters you know story lines oh so everybody was happy that he got away safe yeah um and that you know his girlfriend got the message his girlfriend wants to wants him to find her blah blah blah um I think that I don't know I think it work I just I think Leah could have gave him the money for the tax lien and the house at least he didn't want it I would have went and did it regardless I would have did it too at that point he said I'm free he was like I want it I I but I've been there with addicts and friends and [ __ ] like that I'm just gonna go do it I would have definitely went and paid the taxes off on the house it just ended with him being a homeless man him just walking down the street homeless rotten teeth rotten teeth um he had holes in his tank top he didn't have a haircut even when he went to the store he like yo he had Leon take a walk with him and then got there and asked him he got ten dollars he was like I'll give you 20. but do you know that this is all first season stuff going to the store with the twenty dollars and then a conversation he'd had with Mel about Freedom these are all like full circle for connecting first season the second to sixth season like it was it was it was really amazing one of the things that we missed too is um and I don't want to make it racy but how the government really [ __ ] over his dad and him because you know their father was on the the Black Panther [ __ ] in the government infiltrated the Black Panthers and killed that situation and basically the same exact way the CEO CIA and trusting him did the same exact [ __ ] to him and his family yeah so that [ __ ] played a part but you know what this made me think of like you've ever been just like in the hood and you hear like the old guy you know the crackhead or the alcoholic who just starts telling all these wild outlandish stories about how I used to have a plane and I used to have I know them personally you're literally like [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up I know that people don't do that yeah we worshiped when I was a kid yeah yeah yeah it was kid people were in our neighborhood that had everything when we was kids they was riding around with the big with the benzes they was riding around they had the Nissans and all of that [ __ ] I got people when I was 16 17 that I used to work with Bentley's benzes houses all that type of [ __ ] I was by my mom's crib Maybe two three months ago and the same [ __ ] walked up on me rotten teeth like finked out it [ __ ] me up because I'm like wait that's yeah oh [ __ ] it's only been 20 years wow I spoke yeah that happens like Franklin's run was about 10 years seven well Knoxville once you added on all the little extra when they added on the other years it went to about 10 12 years yeah there's a lot of two years later three years later because there was a one year then it was a two-year I didn't know so but it starts in like 1983 right okay yeah and so when they when he's when Leon steps on the newspaper you see 1990. that's the date and then also um boys in the hood came out in 1991 so it would be assumed that they would be shooting in 1990 so it was a seven year run included with one yeah quick quick Rising like rise in spectacular fall but I mean that's so who who was supposed to be Rick Ross Franklin Franklin dancing but since the situation they deviated they deviated a long time ago Rick Ross I saw an interview with Rick Ross and he was saying that um when John Singleton first did it when he came home he wanted to work with him he wanted to work with Rick Ross and then over that period of time they kind of shunned them you know what I'm saying and took his [ __ ] basically kind of took his [ __ ] and then once they started getting strapped for ideas they came back and tried to holler at him and he was like [ __ ] y'all so they tried to work with him after you know what I'm saying they came up with the initial concept but um I think it's an amazing show amazing absolutely um I think it'll go down in history as one of those um it's a Bittersweet thing because sometimes I want to see those guys win you know what I'm saying I kind of wanted him and veronique to go live in another country yeah some people were saying why why couldn't he have gone to Ghana with Leon and Wanda and like read us you know just kind of rediscovered another way of living life um but apparently there's like going to be a spin-off with Wanda in Ghana see I heard they said it's going to be a spin-off with Wanda but I heard she was going to take over his mother's Clinic hmm there was something said about like her and musical artists and something yeah you say he was gonna she was going to do it a label or something like that yeah so that's uh there's a lot of speculation but apparently it's been green lit so we don't know what it's going to be nobody made out well well Leon made out well yeah you know what I'm saying um but if he got his girl back Wanda because it you know at one point all he said was marriage is hard yeah but you know Franklin indicated that he you know he goes back and forth to Ghana so it's assumed that they're still together you know I think they left it open yeah yeah especially if they're doing the spin-offs is it over for the Franklin character oh no you don't think so I think they leave those things open on purpose um so you're thinking the spin-off we'll see Franklin again is relatively a young guy Franklin is about 20 something years old he's touched millions and millions of dollars and this is the thing when you real Hustler dudes will say yo if I got it and I lost it I could go get it all back if I'm a hustler um you know what I'm saying they'll be like yo I can go get it all back and so I think that um I think that Franklin could bounce back from this to me that ending was so profound and so but so gut-wrenching I've talked I've talked to so many people that literally and myself included that said they felt sick watching the end of that and Franklin I mean you know damson's performance was just so goddamn good but I feel like after a moment like that you kind of want to leave the character where it is like don't touch it you know yeah I wouldn't personally well you gotta figure you would leave them dancing's probably gonna have some pretty big roles you wouldn't want to see him get cleaning they can turn it into a movie they could they could really turn the [ __ ] into a movie he went through he went down a rabbit hole for five or six years isn't that what Breaking Bad did and he bounced back he made a movie but it wasn't it yeah you know what I mean like a real estate magnet like yeah he could do that because drug dealers drug dealers it happens like that with certain drug dealers like Nikki Barnes was on drugs at one point yeah then he bounced back what I'm saying so you can bounce back from being on alcohol or something like that you can and I'm happy they didn't make them use drugs yeah I'm happy they didn't make him use drugs they just turned them to alcoholic they didn't turn them to a fiend alcoholism did they say how you lost all his money though and and then they showed up oh yeah we saw it it was the whole last season yeah he started taking losses his girl his girl took his he had like a million dollars left his girl took like 800 and something Grand of it and left him with like 100 Grand even when he finally found peaches who had been looking for it was 12 Grand yeah boys and there was 12 000 left and he found his man for for like a season and a half yeah so he took hella losses but again I think that it was just um they made him go off the deep end but he lost his brain and going off the deep end Island like that yeah it was a smart dude which still was a smart dude and he still was a resourceful dude so he could have bounced back with the real estate that he still had I don't really like how they made him just turned into an idiot right I don't think it wasn't he was an idiot I literally I literally think that he was that he was driven mad yes you know and when I think about the way that the characters started acting like Jerome his character in particular he started to almost be like he almost started speaking in like grunts you know for like the last few episodes and stuff like that like his um the mental instability because of how much his Spirit was not attached to being in the game anymore and how badly he wanted to get out which is the tragedy of his death that he was going to do the drop instead of um instead of Louie and let her go to get her you know go um go horseback riding he was going to go to do the drop which is what set a whole bunch of [ __ ] up [ __ ] in motion if she'd gone to do the drop then she wouldn't have gotten kidnapped Etc but it's just like everybody became practically psychotic you know everybody yeah like drunk uncontrolled Drunk on Power drunk on being money hungry that they started to become severely imbalanced and that desperation was so clear in almost in just about every character the only ones that were have had any level of sanity was Leon and his mom and they were looking at the train wreck just like unfolding in front of their eyes which is why they did the things that they did you know in terms of not enabling him any further because they suck can you imagine somebody took not enabling a little too far in my opinion that's why I said that they definitely did because he didn't have good friends because I think that everybody here played a part in me going down as a rabbit hole Yeah you turned a blind eye when it was beneficial for you in fact so when when you're in the game it's just like snitching yo dog if me and you committing crime together we committing crime together we in this together now you could bow out but I think at some point if I'm Leon I wouldn't give him my three million dollars of course I would have gave him another half a million dollars and I would have called it a day like yo I'm gonna give you this money but Leon was setting up the turn up yeah it wasn't like he just turned over a new Leaf until he spoke to [ __ ] and since he made him go to Ghana this [ __ ] was like yo I don't care if the plug is Colombian Mexican I don't care if it's your cousin we gotta buy some [ __ ] but look you said you'd have gave him the 500 If You Leon right remember Franklin said to him afterwards you're gonna give me that money or I'm gonna take it yeah but I would be fine so if they told him no To None he told him no to nothing you got three milk before feeding the monster not even that bro I want all of it and I need it you got 14 bricks in that bag right there I'm willing to do whatever to get this kill him and I and ain't nothing to talk about Wanda said yo you think he's gonna come for you he said no no he's not gonna come for me here he said no but I wouldn't have gave him the I would have gave him a half a million dollars that's my that's who I am I would have gave him a half a million dollars and let him Rock all right but but again shout out to everybody the whole recasting show that amazing amazing that's one of the best shows I've ever seen yeah for sure absolutely that last season and the way they closed it up really did it yeah yeah snow fizzle Chance the Rapper Chance the Rapper was in where was he in Jamaica wherever Carnival is right now um and he was he caught a wine man so he was winding up on some girl and there's an etiquette to what are we talking about how much the [ __ ] I'm listening Carly please don't ever say it no God please come on there's an etiquette to dancing during Carnival winding up and [ __ ] like that they're just this and what what's your attitude yeah you're not supposed to be slapping her ass like that you're not in a bedroom you're not [ __ ] her from behind it's from the Caribbean I know I am and that's why I you think you think I haven't been in they damn near [ __ ] up it was a big pimping man nobody slapped my [ __ ] ass but you no you wasn't in carnival damn near naked and you're grinding your fat ass on some dude's dick I was actually in carnival during the future but you might not have been one of the windies I know women that go to Carnival I know women that go to caribana I know women that go to all of them Toronto I wouldn't care about it like forever you talking about you that's not indicative of all the other women that be going out there for dick and to while out that etiquette you speak of so this is just something that's some Mary yeah you know that even growing up in the Caribbean or growing up with family members that's Caribbean you know Carnival like you know that nobody your spouse is not supposed to take this serious when you go out there you know that it's dancing you know that's part of the culture so for you to sit here I love you somebody's etiquette he was just doing what it is to do when you're a guy from the south going into the Caribbean he was shaking his okay so why do you think that he's facing so much backlash right now he's married he made a whole album about being happily married a super clean cut guy they don't expect him to want to go out there and wall out Kevin Smith [ __ ] to have fun no [ __ ] that's a super clean one that's all it is [ __ ] I'm married hey [Laughter] hey sorry you should definitely right here yeah [Laughter] yeah I'm with you I'm big donkey Rock [ __ ] you got a problem the problem is is this first of all we had to identify who are the people that's mad a bunch of avatars on Twitter lemon day that's part of the problem right there yeah check your men at home oh stop watching other [ __ ] man his wife don't have a problem with it even if she do not stay business check your man at home check Tyrone John John one of them [ __ ] whatever he's doing with the girl at the corner store that you might have missed because you be so cool and on your phone while she's extra smiling and giving him free [ __ ] snacks or Twinkies chance is having a good time man they get they getting mad at chance over here for catching the wine but your dude got a baby with another chick let me just say let's do your dude got a six month old let me just say that y'all been together for four years Marshall Mantano bungee darling fan they not making music for [ __ ] just to stand like this thank you again hey bro if I ever see you get to skipping like that again I think we just turned I think we make something normal yo what's up with you social media like outrageous you know what's so crazy like [ __ ] got history on you doggy and you was lit oh yeah you know that's carabana so that's what my man is saying I know I was being Devil's Advocate I mean I was just reading the [ __ ] I just stepped all over your host Devil's advocacy [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of here my husband plot twist his wife was [ __ ] filming I I don't I don't know that for a fact I don't know that for a fact I'm just saying it could have been that situation so everybody's up in arms for no [ __ ] reason that is true what if it was your husband in business that part what would you feel away if it was your husband probably not because where we come from yeah probably not a couple I mean now if a [ __ ] holding my wife by her vagina parts and holding I made it oh hey hold on now let me ask you now hold on now easy it's interesting let me ask you like a [ __ ] have my wife like a young girl if your girl was the chick giving it up one chance you feel away uh how was he giving it up I saw the video the same trick slapping her ass and [ __ ] the same exactly yeah I would you'd be what I would you'd be upset I would feel away oh okay yeah I wouldn't leave us Carnival though yeah Squirtle because don't ask me a regular listen I come from the Caribbean a regular dance on the dance floor is different some women do it with classic etiquette like Mel said but if you got my woman turned around her legs around you and humping her like this doing the walking that's over I'm breaking that [ __ ] up a little dubbing a little wine don't slap her ass and all that [ __ ] but you know I don't know if I don't see it I don't give a [ __ ] if I don't see it I don't believe it I mean yeah that's why I said don't ask me some questions the video comes back with your wife being the lady in the chance video Thanos what's happening of course we were fill away of course but a lot of times we understand like I always be home they be doing working and all that [ __ ] go tell the real truth no hold on yeah I'm gonna tell the real truth but all right I'll always be home they be working we don't I'm not going out to a party my wife is Trinidad I'm not going to the party doing all that so she go to Trinidad and I catch her doing that I'm gonna be tight well then when I go to sleep think about it [ __ ] you just want to get your dance on you know what I'm saying I made chickens now I'm gonna do it back and I'm gonna go Wilder but I'm gonna respect the handle tip attack yeah what's the truth many more insecured women we are insecure and more insecured we are way more alive that's not even close a lot of these [ __ ] are so insecure dog way more Instagram should I do it the [ __ ] I do that's all it is if my wife did five percent of what I do like you couldn't handle it like like had a show with a naked [ __ ] wait you were naked what you did we had we had a nudist uh nude model here we we drew her with her I was I was uh parks are you out of trouble I just got a little yo why did you tell me about that I was like I think I did but yeah you should have told me again you right my bad my bad you got power bad just a little Papa that's it I want to get all you [ __ ] in trouble I know but I'm okay with a little bit of trouble it's fun because foxy having fun absolutely yeah and on top of that she could watch the replay I was being it would be extremely respectful yeah but there's another side to you you just held your brush far back yeah you know there's another side you had to paint shorty yeah like her body no we no we we had the girl here shout out to Asia we had to sit in the middle and I stood there Joe stood here parked sat here she was naked out topless yes and we and we drew her not on her we drew a picture of her oh yeah I'm not that bold oh it's like a wheel's turn you're like wait wait I can get somebody we can paint on her I need you there for the Amazon I'm not coming for that episode and I won't be there that's how we understand that's our understanding you my man I want you here next Wednesday I got a chef coming you need to have well let's talk send over some paperwork I have my lawyer cook up some money yes you want a different type of greenery but I do nothing for free like that I'm not playing at least for real I'm not playing I got a daughter and that's expensive I got three children so you should be trying to do [ __ ] with money too but not for you I'm gonna hold you down have I ever you going too soon no not I'm here if I approach you it's going to be on the yo on some business [ __ ] you're better than me I need you now what I tell you when you say that what you just said no sit over some paperwork didn't give a [ __ ] a little bit of money look how you acting give him a lot like he act like ice I'm trying to get a lot please no you're not that [ __ ] that you driving that little fool [ __ ] you're doing you look ain't gonna say it because I respect you that [ __ ] ain't doing nothing you can't fool me what is this you educated me gang I know you I stalks you I see everything you know it's got this whole [ __ ] going on don't forget we were just eating together the other day yeah all right I watch your niggasco it's like oh yeah man your man big Willy Style you did get an invite but you want to rush home and do some other [ __ ] with that stupid ass flowers let me take a picture I got a special picture for you I'm gonna hold it I know I know your tricks um I so did not do it if that [ __ ] got pictures of you I swear to God no disrespect crazy speaking speaking of gentlemen oh Jalen hurts is on the cover of Essence magazine right now yes okay and who's the girl it's for the girls it's like root for the girls dudes 15 seconds forward unless we're talking about his qbr then I need a throw-up bag right now I want you guys to give me an opinion on this because um I thought that this was lovely but you all might say this this is pandering I was over here I I was literally over here queuing up Panda thank you for being here I'm gonna stop showing up the way that you do for being Trailblazers for being loving for being resilient we see you I see you and I appreciate you much love that nigga's gonna be ebony Man of the Year right now who put the music yeah I didn't do that he wrote a letter to black women but the thing for for Jalen hurts is his whole entire team is black women is uh agent right yeah so everybody everybody so he's not Pantry okay and again if your agent just got you the bag the bag and y'all holds the biggest I think that that's dope to show your team that you appreciate them and you respect them and you you're showing them gratitude I think that's fly yeah but what's the difference what's the difference between because in the comments these guys who are calling him simp and saying he's pandering and stuff like that how come it is it seems like men cannot offer any kind of like a lot of people in the comments be losers yeah yeah how can a guy Express appreciation towards women or even come to a the Defense of Women in any respect you know whatever the situation is without being called a simp or a beta or saying that he's pandering what what is it about men that he just answered the question these dudes don't get no ass it's a maturity level of people what are you gonna say to him he's Rich he's dope at what he does he's strong he beat you up he's the women love him no they treat this like any dude that don't behave like Future lyrics dictate their lives or accept right that's really it like you have to be like we there's this whole Obsession it's a fake Obsession if you ask me with toxicity today everybody wants to be toxic people made it it's cool yeah future toxic future toxicity misogyny is it's not crazy it's just not from a male's perspective all that [ __ ] is popular for women too but you're not being a Savage for women is cool yo um you lucky as hell of my mean ass like you people be putting that [ __ ] on a thing like why is that dope for a woman to do that we just in this in a society where being mean or ignorant or vicious is cool that [ __ ] is not cool man is matter my [ __ ] you gotta understand like when you're dealing with somebody mean you put more energy into it to have to try to get a reaction or try to make them nice somebody too nice we take it up people people do that YouTube me for me people that's too nice they'll walk all over you so that person is not deserving of you go find somebody of course but if the world was like that the Dalai Lama wouldn't have put his tongue in the boy's mouth over the point I'm trying to make is that the world is full of negative and [ __ ] absolutely and we have adjusted to it we don't know like this imagine you come outside imagine when you go in a neighborhood hey good morning how you doing good afternoon they talking that [ __ ] feel forward to us no I don't if you don't expand your power don't go outside in real life in real life that's not true it's not the simultaneous if you go to the South even the racist whites they still speak but you got it look they ain't gonna holler at you but they'll say good morning but they hold a door for you down south in New York as our culture yo again my homegirl it was snow outside she was pregnant and she fell she said yo they people were stepping over the just men were stepping over they ain't hoping up they ain't nothing they were stepping on like she fell on stomach that's what I'm saying yo she said people just step that's the culture here when you go down south they'd be like yo dog everybody down here I've seen a lot of them people mind their business and keep it moving because that's what they got to do and I'm not saying justifying anything that happened to her that's [ __ ] up but I've been seeing people help the lady with the stroller yeah I'm talking about I'm speaking in New York everybody don't say hi yesterday I'm I'm like three cars from making the the left onto my block and an old lady is walking across the street with a cane she falls the bus driver who was stopped at the light he jumped out to help her a lady on the sidewalk jumped out the helper but the other cars was blowing the horn to get around her like yo you holding up traffic this lady was Heavy bit of 80. so it's both you got some people that are that will be willing to help you other people was like [ __ ] move I got a [ __ ] to do I got to get to where I'm going to that's your problem over there I'm minding my business get out the way they would literally blowing the horn get her up out the way so I can make this turn and go yeah so it's I'm just saying coach like it when you go to the South yo people on the south speak the Midwest people speak outside of New York City it's pleasantries New Yorkers feel like they don't really have time for them it's just like get to the point yeah it's the hustle areas that if you used to growing up in the hood that you go to and you like damn like all right good evening they have conversations with you like not everybody is bad you know I mean it's foreign to you you don't know what to say you don't know how to respond to things and they're looking at you like you're strange you walk in the store and a lady's working to help you and you thinking that she's trying to watch you but no she's just a custom for them oh hello good good you want to say hi to a lady and they think you're trying to holla yeah I'm just saying huh that's what we are up here a little bit disgusting all right y'all gonna argue keep that we don't want that me and ish freeze we good hello I said hello how you doing hello ah [ __ ] what huh well I don't want you now when I roast you on top of them busted ass shoes your heels is leaning all I'm telling you the tiger sandals I'm wrong sometimes you want to say hi sometimes you're in a good mood I am of course you would be wrong for insulting them for not saying hi because you initiated it at the same time it's like hello how are you sometimes you want to start a car sometimes it was one time a lady was looking so sad I said you all right like and she appreciated it she said how can you tell I was going through something because I can see but in New York sometimes I watch that you are all right yeah I went through that as well before my [ __ ] business why are you asking me don't worry about me yeah I'm good all right well it looks like um Alec Baldwin is uh the charges are being dropped against him surprise surprise yeah are we really surprised not really not really I didn't know how they were gonna like really support those and go to trial and [ __ ] like that I think it was just performative I mean yeah but like even our original arguments about it which I'd walk back and I now agreed with yes he should have been charged and then I also think that the charger should be dropped what phone no just be out of procedure God do it got it that's what it was and that's kind of what Joe was arguing like yo you shot and killed somebody something should happen you should be charged and have to at least go through that part and then let them uncover the do the investigation and then clear you but you wouldn't even charge but how did things like that happen with like you hear these stories right Bruce Lee's son you know how does a a live ammunition ends up in these guns somebody not doing their [ __ ] job and then that's where the investigation occurs got it and that person should be held liable that's true but the person that fired the gun The Gallows with them to The Gallows for real man like you can't just be shooting [ __ ] man like you can't just but not Alec Baldwin but people got to do their job we gotta hold people accountable the person that left that bullet in that gun needs to be sued so that person's that person's title is called a set armorer oh thank you yeah and um the charges are still armored to set armor was going down uh well the charges haven't been um you know yeah that person hasn't been charged no they no they're still they're still charged yeah they've been charged yeah sue the company yeah yeah yeah but um their lawyer what's her name um Hannah Hannah goodarez Gutierrez read but her lawyer expects the charges to be dropped you know within a couple of days real quick what's up with everybody going on properties and getting shot y'all hear about this [ __ ] it's like a trend your cheerleaders open the doors are being much more relaxed yeah people are much more on edge people are the racism is coming out yeah it's it's a it's a Melting Pot of yeah it's a cluster [ __ ] yes yeah America please stop last time it was a mass shooting it was it was a lot of them that came out at such a quick time now as people going on others Properties or opening doors and they're being shot like all right enough we get it he didn't even know but we're talking about the young man no I mean the young man went on the stairs he got shot you know shout out to you know he got the shot him through the door shot him through the door no I understand like I talked about him salute to him and he's recovering but we're talking about two cheerleaders got shot for opening up a car door yeah what has happened recently what is going on gang like like I said Relax gun laws so you you just hated like is it a phase let me ask you because you white is it a phase that these people are doing I don't know how you hear guys shooting in front of the 84 year old man has been arrested that shot Ralph right and um his son came out today his younger son came out that he is indeed a racist a stark racist the grandson ratted on the old dude so there it is so that probably was his shocker he's old and white I didn't need the grandson to tell me the grandson came out and said that yes yeah he was uh speaking on like a bunch of different like news outlets like CNN and stuff like that and he said yes grandfather's racist wait hold on nah wait wait oh [ __ ] and honestly the grandson was looking a little like a POC it was hair texture that made me think possibly that's racist I don't know it hey today's kids flip a lot of today oh yeah if you're gonna tell your grandfather like that he probably hates his [ __ ] Grandpa these kids don't subscribe to [ __ ] that they parents that's true they are really really pushing back on a lot of the ideologies that their parents and grandparents I agree with that but how was he telling the story what's his mannerism it don't matter I ain't see it but he just came I've read it I didn't I didn't I didn't look like he was doing the interview gleefully he just looked like he was just he looks a little he looked a little somber you know like okay a fact and like all right that changes things I got it and a little contrite like a little ashamed you know so he hadn't I got it okay so this is his grandfather and this is some [ __ ] you know and this was this was racially motivated absolutely but yeah ice is right the gun laws in this country are [ __ ] abysmal it's it's a it ain't just that like I said it's a combination of all of that [ __ ] yeah people being like the sandwich is sort of a [ __ ] picnic certain people are a little bit more Bolder with the racism today facts like they don't hide that [ __ ] as much no more and they're more bold with the guns because they see the kid and wherever that was I forgot the kid's name I don't even want to dignify with a name they went out there and shot some people and people were like oh yeah he's a hero American hero so now they see that [ __ ] like oh yeah I'm gonna do the same type [ __ ] or in in certain States see like in Us in New York and New Jersey our gun laws are so strict and so rigid a lot of places around the country dog that [ __ ] is not like that [ __ ] is Florida Georgia yo um when you go to Ohio they open carry let me tell you something what do you want you're not even gonna require a [ __ ] permit no look when I lived in PA for a couple years but like not Philly the sticks here and I remember my man was like yo let's you you want to go get your um your gun license we're gonna go buy some guns and go to Range I'm like to a person from New York New Jersey that sounds impossible right so he take me to the spot don't you go to the bodega real quick to the courthouse I go in there I fill out this car it's not even a it's not even an application it's not a farm it's a card fill it out social they ask you what's your reason for wanting to concealed carry concealed carry unheard of in New York New Jersey because I'm gonna look lit on the ground and one of them says protection you know you can't check that [ __ ] off in New York New Jersey it has to be for work um I'm I'm an armed guard I'm a kid something like that I I asked somebody what he said yo put protection I put it I gave the card to the to the clerk it took her less than five minutes all they do is run your social make sure nothing pops up that provincial charges yeah stand right here take the picture okay here you go so you can literally give wait you can like literally give you have to show your so your social security card or you can just give a number my license is my Social Security card okay I did do that bro so again when you go to my man was telling me um he owned like 40 properties in Cleveland right so he said yo his first time going out there checking on his construction site he said everybody on the site had a gun on him and he was like yo that [ __ ] [ __ ] me up like yo what the [ __ ] yo yo yo y'all beefing with somebody like what you mean everybody out there carries a gun on it if they don't it's like a party down up saying no firearms like you can't walk in a banquet Church Bank hospital um post office but you can be in the supermarket dude was in there with some Yosemite Sam [ __ ] on his hip in line at the supermarket I'm like what the [ __ ] is that so to us that's something different it's unheard of us and then people's laws are different like so if me and Parks get in an argument he like yo I'ma [ __ ] kill you we say that in passing yo if you in a heated discussion with somebody you can be like you want me to kill you in Florida I could pull my gun out on certain States and pop pop parts and say y'all I was in I was in fear for my life yeah the stand your ground life all of y'all heard him threatened me I won't do it that you walk so I'm lost and like like what's the gentleman named Ralph you're talking about some states hey he was at my door I was my life potentially he could potentially yo I would it's gonna sound horrible I know I didn't want to say put in in the universe but this old dude might get off oh he's already out of jail I mean like yeah I'm talking about but I mean yeah it's a potential because now it's how the cops get off you can't say he wasn't in fear he can make up some [ __ ] and say your last week somebody came to my door I was scared and I I thought it was the same person coming back so I was in fear of my life how do you disprove that you can't yeah he's probably gonna get off so yeah you know unfortunately that's where we are in America something's blinding me what something is blinding me bling bling you got a Rolex give me a hand give me a hand why are you blowing give me your hand give me your hand hold up oh bling bling every time you look to the young king man salute oh I'm not wearing them oh yeah yeah sweet memories look at this wow how long you had that watch for what's today I've had this for a while who bought a few yo yo what you doing she could buy herself with her she bought that watch what money her money her money let me tell you something about my math is the one woman I know that allow you to spend and save all her [ __ ] up yeah the one woman you know it doesn't look like I don't know up here man you think Mel is a slouch well they give you three smiles [ __ ] and she ended up with 40 000 in her pocket hey hi oh blings you know that I know her tricks tricks like that oh no wait hold on trickery I know her trickery not tricks they told you you a hater son let her live bro you did you get that let it live bro that's when I walked in the door I bet I bet you did you mentioned it I did cause I'm gonna hate I know what you think my brain like our brains are in sync [Music] the hole was a fake out tough huh no Jake no Jay that's the Jade the sample man yeah there's some [ __ ] on there man again like I said man I'm I'm if y'all are listening Wayne and swiss lock in bruh yeah lock in just go and give us one this little 10 nice little 10 song that's it I take a seven piece yeah pause I suppose yeah just in case all right pause now he please don't tell me he's got a joint with Jada and Benny and the girl Scarlett that's hard he's got a joke with Jay Electronics I like that I like the track with nas the nas joint is tough he's got some [ __ ] on there yeah you got some [ __ ] on there say something ish go ahead please don't I know please also with new music no Lloyd Banks dropped three you sure did piece of um I had a chance to listen to the to the project a couple days ago and thanks thanks bro yeah yes real solid I don't even only those two one time but you got some nice features on there shout out to Blue some good some good beats sounds good sounds great man I'm a fan he he seemed like he's blending it back like because you know when Banks first was was rapping it was Heavy I'm not saying first was rapping but in the G Unit Heyday was Heavy punch line yeah then he kind of steered away from that and now it's like I gotta balance that's what I get but but Joe ain't gonna play nothing but yeah he gets some [ __ ] on there what what you doing this weekend the fight I'm I'm doing the uh you know Joe gonna kill me Smash therapy again oh yeah I got kids coming raise up kids we're kids yeah I got children got a bunch of children that I'm sponsoring to go there oh okay yeah that's what's up I'm going um BX instead of saying tonight but uh Jeezy Ross T.I Jadakiss Remy I forget who else is on this card but they're at the Prudential Center in Newark oh [ __ ] for um Legends of the street okay so I'm gonna slide through there that's fine what you doing this weekend nothing what you doing I'm gonna find a fight party I told you that all right buddy if y'all done I would like both of you how to join me everybody raise up okay [Music] if you're not doing nothing I'm you know I got some kids coming down bringing some kids you know a lot of parents reached out to me yeah it's fun yeah they did so why Joe was cracking jokes talking about you got a sponsorship you got a bag and what if I say [ __ ] these [ __ ] right now you know Joe's on the [ __ ] you know it's actually something good coming I really believe in this huh let's get a backboard um after you want to monetize any content you do with this no no no no no see I see I got you figured out that's the thing it's your charity no because we spent 10 minutes talking about them so of course they you know what I'm saying but you know they appreciative but it's really something I really believe in it I've been to 11 schools in my life 11. I didn't graduate [ __ ] was running you up out of this no I didn't hear that why are you in 11 schools I just told you you just told them nobody ran me up out of it I think Mary not Mary Bertram I think uh Martin Van Buren was a school where I left they gave me a safety transfer because I had beat a guy no I beat a guy with a PC at school I had beat a guy with a uh what's those a chain and then he took a couple of weeks off and he came back with a lot of Crips to the school and you had and they brought you into the young man no no no no no no no so he came with a lot of Crips I ain't gonna lie and I got a bottle there like I Ranch but I came back the next day it's like nah you can't do that I can't because I'm too proud from lending the farmers not doing that but that was that's what happened with that that's the only school where they they worry about it no they didn't run me up the school recommends when you go with something like that when somebody brings a lot of people to the school that ain't gonna lie he came with it the whole front stairs of of Martin Van Buren Was Fear he came I don't know how I got away I think I went through the sod and saw from the end of the block and I act like I was jogging no you took flight I didn't run from the name Chasey but I saw them and I ran that's that's running from him no running from [ __ ] is when they chase you when they see you you saw them what you ran from I ran from the situation from the [ __ ] they didn't see me but you saw them y'all it's all right y'all [ __ ] it's nice cool you trying to you know you got your pride so you can't it's not rare from them [ __ ] sometimes [Music] another day yeah I can't butcher my story I got chased by [ __ ] before no I didn't get chased by them I know that's because they ain't even see you you ain't so fast I did I did I ain't gonna lie I had to beat him with a chain that was that was bad that was messing my regret but it happens you know what I'm saying so back to what I was saying I've been to 11 schools a lot of trouble you know what I mean and you know this thing I believe in so that's why I'm going backwards I appreciate that I appreciate that nice room is amazing and I want you to come pause I mean I might not be able to attend but I got a couple dollars for you I appreciate that you got a couple of dollars for real [ __ ] let's talk about it we don't have to talk about it why are you staring at me like that and don't because you didn't edit me earlier don't edit this why you [ __ ] on me like that when you went to uh to the bar they got paper yeah it was a trick but we gotta look no don't look at my man look guys he got paper yeah good uh NBA teams at all I do six is up three oh I ain't got nothing to talk about what about uh indeed throwing that little scissor kick get off me get off me he's not on you he was just passing by yeah don't don't step over me go go that way I'm wrong with my team [Applause] in in Laker news things are starting to fear as I said they would um I think we I'm gonna Lakers is frustrating but um I think we could beat the Grizzlies now that but uh the Lakers don't play defense we don't close out on Shooters so if a team could shoot they could beat us um and then A.D is sophist cotton tissue paper one time he got hurt again he might as well you got 13 points and do six five blocking your [ __ ] multiple occasions um you're just off you know he just he just saw he just won't play Shoot jumpers all day they arguing with me and my DM Joe and I told you you don't know nothing about sports Cleveland got whipped on the next ass they really don't know that was an ass we sat down in the wine and spirits and what I told ice I said they're gonna blow him out before the game even went then every time they showed uh Spider Mitchell I said he heard that [ __ ] y'all been saying and this was just my hand Jordan I took it personally he didn't even kick up like that Cleveland just a better team than the Knicks they random [ __ ] so quick people don't want to agree with early I left I left halfway through that game you wasn't missing that I'm out of here I was like I'm cool we'll never have time um so that's where it goes for me I think uh Phoenix and Clipper series is very very very interesting it is um I think it could go either way yeah for sure but Russell Westbrook is showing his ass me and the Russell Westbrook that we know but um I think that's the best series thus far yeah probably so predictions for the finals is it too soon to say it is yeah I picked um I picked Boston or Cleveland out the East and I picked uh Phoenix Clippers out there was whoever wins that series I think basketball talk basketball talk like six is going this year going away [Laughter] on a Liberty Bell Tour or something [ __ ] finals let's go Sixers in about two three weeks we'll talk to littlelicious [ __ ] I remember the heaven in them I remember that man how the Warriors doing they won last night but yeah two one yeah Lakers is what now they might come back and win that series though for the Warriors yeah staff look like something different yeah stupid ass [ __ ] that Dream On Dream whatever his name is that [ __ ] that Draymond Green did and it didn't affect the team right it motivated them I mean they won the game so for him think thank goodness for him that they won the game because he didn't play he got suspended I know I know but his suspension didn't cost them the win yeah been down 3-0 and he would have probably got the but of the whole series but they won a game okay do we have any friends of the show uh we don't no one loves us I'm joking they're mad Friends of the show but I I don't have them you have access to them I don't have access to them um what are we closing out on I need something hype yeah I was gonna go right here you want to stand up let [ __ ] know hey yeah [ __ ] helped me did it yeah You Gotta Give us like a little uh poem like Joe gives us some [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah you're gonna die I mean tensions were thick like ish but we made it happen the miraculous five Joe stay out there [ __ ] go skating with us in the [ __ ] sing and dance [ __ ] with your hoochie daddies on we good up here classic dope episode with five of us we made it happen we show that we don't need guidance all we need is to be righteous and four she's going out this weekend to do some [ __ ] to the fight party all you boxing [ __ ] be careful cause when she come out in that dress you know the rest he's building [ __ ] don't allow this [ __ ] to come to your house to build [ __ ] cause your wife may end up on it I didn't get to that ice I love you [ __ ] Parks Erickson listen to me I want to whisper to you I'm here to take over this [ __ ] with my team we bust our guns [ __ ] you know we don't need us a thief we a thief we are here [ __ ] and I'm happy and I want y'all I want to thank y'all yes of course next episode he'll be back but until then keep your sundresses on keep your hoodies off keep the condoms on [ __ ] cause you don't want a baby coming next year this is going off the rails jvb Queen flip you can't stop us [ __ ] all you [ __ ] out there that's watching us you can't do this cause y'all [ __ ] would only do 15 minutes you got three views I'm from Queens bow [Music] [Laughter] go get your ass off me huh oh close your shirt before you get over here next to me yo stop it [ __ ] no you got him we out of here man [ __ ] you get that [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 298,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, joe budden network, joe budden 2023, humans, podcast joe budden, queenzflip, melyssa ford, joe budden humans, humans joe budden
Id: Si6KENe5QKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 1sec (7861 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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