VLOG: Pink Friday 2 Tour CHICAGO (my best friend got me outside)

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and I bad like the barie I'm a do but I still want a party like I'm ready to B I'm a so [Music] [Music] I hey y'all what's up welcome back to my channel it's Brooke if you are new welcome if you're not welcome back go ahead hit that subscribe button if you have never been here but anyway so we're doing another Vlog this is more of like a day in my life rather than a week in my life so bear with me I'm starting a little bit late so I wanted to have y'all come on this journey with me and my bestie we are going to see Nicki Minaj wo we're going to the Pink Friday 2 tour and we are arriving in Gag City at approxim at approximately um 8:00 okay she is in Chicago two nights in a row we're only seeing her tonight and then we're yeah we're just going to enjoy the night my best friend flew in from Ohio I picked her up last night so she's staying with me the whole week so so that we can go see Nikki tonight we've been waiting for this since the album dropped so we're super excited um I need to go get need to go get some press ons for my nail [Music] [Music] hey y'all I don't know how good this light is but this is the fit what's T what's T going bracelets yeah it's giving Pink Friday Pink Friday too yeah only for2 one and older okay buzz ball show them your fit oh okay I have on all pink you know got to represent for Pink Friday even know the background is a mess but see y'all at the concert so we about to we on our way to the Pink Friday two tour we're very excited if you can't tell we got all our all pink representing you know you can't go to the without wearing pink come you can't so we'll see y'all in the concert be lit hey y'all it's gag City Nikki is in here I'm want to stay outside I'm cold look at the boots you know what the liquor I ain't even cold I forgot it see you shouldn't have said nothing look you went we at the United Center beat your ass everybody got on their pink it's sold out it's sold out oh my God open we'll be ready to jump in a short line thank you you're welcome I'll we ask we in here everybody in their pink look at the line for the bathroom that's how long line is so we got to wait [Applause] [Music] get so I don't like my picture I think Chicago is the best [ __ ] City on this St you been to baseball games when you stand up and everybody follows along that has never ever been done at a concert especially gag City so you guys understand what that is yes or no okay so I want to start with my left side so up top can yall see me up top back here my left side all two hands and everybody follow along till that wave comes all one two two three stand up follow it follow it keep going keep going keep going keep going all around [Applause] allbody everybody [Music] is your captain speaking please prare final def into Chicago [Music] w [Applause] [Music] hey go cou [Applause] coule I told I'm the telling me okay I [ __ ] so now they know that got boy sheep ain't got the n I and a the hate train we going it up it up put in the street rap [ __ ] I fck with trap [ __ ] [Music] you hear that heart me coming your way be like come on going to sing it you can sing it sounds good last night yes I love that people don't know what I'm doing is that weird like they don't know I'm going and they don't know what the hell I'm doing right now yeah I be like what the I don't like it the snap the Instagram maybe I have a change of heart one day but cuz that's how I connect with you no it ain't it is no it's not the only way you now you telling the LI you telling a blood face L you don't answer the [ __ ] phone yes I do GL we'll see we I'm going show you I'mma prove it to you I told like M BR don't answer the phone why would you tell your mom CU you don't no that's a lie I answer the phone that was just when I my I was going through no before that no she don't answer the phone for me y'all what your mom say go hug shot recently way bigger than this I don't [Music] know we out we outside we at a barn GR at a bar we at um CH chug love y so we at another bar well we at the same place but we at a bar now so I'm about to get a lemon drop she just got I got my shots um Cheetos yeah [ __ ] with me say oh vlogging she be vlogging so bad I want to do what's that red around back from you is this oh now you wish got no I don't I like my shot right away come Ono one two three cheers that was bad cheers why am I feel warm that's cute it just look better cuz my nails we all don't got Nails nail listen y'all my birthday coming up I'mma have some nails but this is a lemon drop if you were wondering we're at what is this place called again hug and chug chug chugug cuz we like to chug this liquor she is obsessed with Voda let me know if y'all like Voda I'm a tequila girl but now I'm feeling Voda I've always got lemon drops though which has Voda in it but she been she been drinking [Music] [Applause] Cheeto do you love me me like like we in this eyebrows on sleep yeah I about to be yeah you got a [Music] fight 4es you don't know I hate I I'm notar [Applause] [Music] [Music] TR in me I can't you I can't trust in you [Music]
Channel: Brooke Empress
Views: 149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vlog pink Friday, Gag city Chicago, Nicki Minaj tour, pink Friday 2, Pink Friday vip, pink Friday tour Chicago
Id: QIdVyeipnm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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