TikTok Ban, Kanye Going Into Adult Film Industry, Shannon Sharpe Backlash And MORE! | TEA-G-I-F

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[Music] hey y'all it's your girl Claudia Jordan and we're back with TGF we're here to Spill the tea and break down the biggest headlines and the news and on social media so sit back relax and get ready to sip on this hot tea we have you tonight please welcome Al Reynolds what's up Al hey what's going on Claudia I'm good how are you very good very good okay okay and please welcome Arman Wiggins what's up Arman how are you what's going on everybody I am good I am ready to get into these topics I feel like it's going to be a spicy day you guys are giving like gray and muted neutral tones did y'all plan this no no but you're giving the pop of color I'm loving the Tiffany blue and I see the ca the girls are in the cage today they're are cage they are restrained all right let's get into it okay drinking I feel bad even asking y this are we not definitely drinking okay all right on uh not today but soon to come next week okay hey I really want to give a shout out to all the soulmates in Charleston South Carolina I'll be there tomorrow I'll be there tomorrow hosting the great shakeup uh from 12: to 5: it is a black black bartender competition and a day party go to the Festival Noir with a great Shake up.com or go to my page I would love for my Charleston South Carolina soulmates to comment out and say what's up and let's have a drink together so I'm saving on my drinking for tomorrow okay let's get into these topics this just in Genie ma submitted documents including photos to the court today alleging that she was physically and verbally abused by Jeezy multiple times she even claims he pushed her down the stairs and hotel security had to intervene she also claims their child has been in close proximity to Jeezy's guns now Jeezy fired back saying the photos of her injuries were from a golf cart accident now jeie that's true that's very shady what are your thoughts on the evidence presented Al what do you think oh man this this this is not looking good for Jeezy unfortunately um not only does she have the incident recorded at the rich Cardon in San Francisco because she was put downstairs the hotel had to create what was called an incident report and just just the paper trail around the abuse the documented abuse is what's really going to help her out in this case not to mention that she's using Nene Leaks divorce attorney Kesler and kerson those two are just killer lawyers and they are clearly building a case right now to the tune that jez has asked the courts to not allow her to Ed those divorce attorneys all of these look like very bad red flags for him I hope somehow the two of them can settle this before it gets really really ugly because the proof that she's putting up not only from the richz Carlton incident but the incident at the annual mayor's Mass ball in 2022 is just not looking very good for Jeezy now this is the thing she is clearly pulling her caring card and that's why I always say you got to be very careful Young black successful men who you date and marry because when they pull it they use it and when they use it they're going for blood okay armom what do you think uh I agree I mean and I see a lot of people in the comments they don't have sympathy for him because you know she ain't a black woman so at the end of the day I think this can be very sticky and very interesting especially you know the claims that you know the kids were close to the guns um I don't know how that's going to work out in court when he's trying to fight for custody of the kid if you have them sitting around guns now these photos this is what confused me because I get that she has proof but these photos that kind of came out they're almost alluding to the fact that this was the incident and this is not actually the incident this is more of an incident of the golf cart uh of the golf cart like tumbling over the golf cart accident but I just feel like it gets sticky and the lines get blurred once these kind of images come out because then people try to put that with the abuse claims and it's not really clear so I would have liked the uh the images that came out of the actual abuse other than these ones so Aman just to clear that up the pictures of the golf cart incident was her sharing with the courts of him um drinking excessively and being belligerant and this is what happened when he was drinking now the funny part here also is she has three different people that she's calling to the stands as witness she's calling the couple's therapist their their pastor and a close friend who when every time one of these incidents occurred of physical abuse she went and spoke to them so this is very damaging it's my opinion that I think jez should you know we don't want to see or hear all of this about him we like him we support him he's a fellow uh workmate here at Fox Soul so come on Jeezy get smart with this I think try to settle this outside of court because the more we're learning the more we're questioning the truth behind this abuse you know what sucks for her I will say this and you know I'm very Pro black on this show okay in in life um the fact that she's not black is definitely going to be held against her in this case it made people automatically like oh well she a Karen and she you know this is what she gets or we don't really care because he went married a white woman or an Asian woman and that's really if you really think about it as much racism as black people have endured in this nation we would be no better to have that kind of attitude just because she's not black if the man committed acts these acts against her then he committed these acts and and unfortunately even though he's one of our people that we like and we rock with we shouldn't rock with people if this is in fact true now at first I was side eyeing because I thought she was kind of conflating the the injuries from the you know the golf cart but if that's caused from him and his actions then she has every right to say that and who are we to downplay it and and say it's it's not true because of her race you know what I'm saying I think that's like I think she was kind of getting the the short end of the sck per se kind of to say now um because of that and I don't think that's right I think being uh fair to your race is also holding people accountable and responsible even when it kind of hurts you sometimes to do so while still understanding that many times black men are falsely accused and falsely convicted still having that understanding but also being open-minded to be like sometimes some of our faves do mess up so I'm sure we'll be keeping your if there's proof there's nothing we can do about it I mean if she has videos veillance evidence then boy you hit her so there's nothing that we can do you know you just got to prove that you didn't uh Tanya Christopher said black people should be the least prejudiced because we know how it feels um yeah I agree um and de D Dei said black men said Asian women are easier to deal with than black women yeah abuse is wrong regardless and that's what Dr Larry Tru says and I want to I want to just add to this too because I know sometimes we joke and we talk about you know like you got with that white girl she did a cam on she called the police black women if you are in an abusive relationship take notes from these white women these Asian women call the police and get out don't sit in a relationship because you want to be down and let this man continue to beat on you do what they're doing document everything and get out sometimes you got to do that and I think sometimes with us being black we try to be down until we're down in the ground you know and you know take a take a page out of their book and you know get H and then the whole the whole no snitching thing trust been there done that you do that and you look out I don't want to call police because that will come and bite you in the butt later on well well if it was so bad if I was so wrong to you how come you didn't call the police exactly I agree all right Miami rapper Uncle Luke recently gave some controversial thoughts regarding women take a look that's why y'all can't get no man you got to cook you got to be a great cook you got to be great at you got to your stuff got to be tightened right half y'all don't know how to dis okay what are your thoughts on Uncle Luke's recommendations for women and what recommendation would y'all give to Men I'm GNA go to you first y'all not gonna like this but listen he has his points listen if women can sit online and debate what a man needs to do how a man needs to you know Court them and how a man how much money a man needs to make and how he they don't want to be hospice wives and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah a man can say well my needs are this you need to be able to cook you need to be able to clean you need to be a suck some D or whatever the case is and listen you guys may not want to hear it but these are the men that you guys want and they're telling you what they want from you so if you want the men listen to what they're saying and stop being offended by it and listen to the guy all right and men at the same time if you want these needs met then you have to meet the needs of the women as well it's a give and take I think both parties need to listen to one another because I think a lot of times women and men go back and forth and saying well I need this and they're like well I need this and no one's listening that's why nobody gets what they want okay Al what do you think you know what if it wasn't anyone other than uh Uncle Luke I would have been like this was a tad bit cringy uh but you know Uncle Luke this his on brand for Uncle Luke remember Uncle Luke took on the Supreme Court because he was making sexually explicit music and they were trying to ban him out of the music game Al together because he was he sexualized the entire booty shaking sex in the club all of that so I'm going to say you know it's Uncle Luke this is his brand this is how he's always talked Claudia knows this I don't know if you know who he is um our M because a little bit before your time but this is Uncle Luke he's the reason why the videos exist the way they exist now he he ushered in all of the freedom that you see in rap videos and R&B and hip hop videos because of him taking on the Supreme Court they were trying to ex him out they were trying to say that it was against the law to make explicit videos so ever since then all his talk has been around sex all his talk has been around women keeping your you your tussy cat right for the man and also how to keep a man so for him for me this talk is on brand if it wasn't him it would have been a tad bit cringe worthy for me oh it was still cringe and Luke is I consider Luke a friend uh go look at the bounce to the beat music video from 19 were you in it he was wild though he's have you know I seen the videos with Jay-Z and Lil Kim eating poop right by him I'm like it's crazy we okay it was this one clean video and we still talk to this day I will say this Luke you have every right to say what you want in a woman cuz you're right you should say what you want if that's what you want then that's what you should you should have especially if you're providing what you should be providing as a man the only thing I took issue with in your rant was incorrect information about the female body and this is what happens when men be speaking on female bodies I'm sorry douching douching is so 1997 when our grandmothers would see that we see that red bag in the bathroom with the tube hanging over the shower it is not good for you it has been proven that it throws off your natural pH levels it is not good for you now I do want to understand that some of these young girls ain't really cleaning right they wiping back to front instead of front to back and you are getting bacterial vaginosis and that is that that you're getting that is not someone that you're not necessarily dirty actually also that happens I have to just do a quick lesson you can also get bacteria vaginosis if you eat too much sugar in your diet or if your man is cheating on you that's another way we' be knowing y be cheating because you're mixing fluids here even when you wipe it off there's still a little something something in the in the in the tip there I'm just going to tell you right when you having unprotected SE unprotected sex right and that's how a lot of us be catching y'all out there now douching can make your levels can give you bacteria vosis because you're throwing off the natural Flora in your vagina so please Luke do not tell these girls to go douche they should go see a doctor and get an antibiotic if they're feeling not so clean and fresh down there but I do agree there are a lot of people who do not know how to wash and take care of themselves and I don't see nothing wrong with that but I just want to correct the the in incorrect information you you gonna have these girls having time to make the donuts down there if you you know you you tell them that bad so the thing that you know the eve thing is no longer you know the eve no it's not is no longer women don't use that anymore it's not it's your vagina cleans itself it's a self-cleaning entity now you're out there being a mess and and you throw off your pH levels and that can happen from using cheap hotel soap ladies highly recommend just using Dove soap I'm speaking facts here y'all I'm just telling y'all when you do it too much maybe you can do it occasionally but not a lot you will throw off your natural levels and you will have a smell it will it will be a combination of wet carpet and fish and that's that smell that that I'm not g well I feel seen because I got the red bag that you hang up and get on all fours and you do it I use that well that's an enema right well it's it's the it's the Rubber thing and it's the tip and when you sit in the shower and you let it drain and then you oh yeah I know what that's for yeah do you remember [ __ ] gave me that for christas yes soan and we'll do that what the world what is give Shady Christmas gifts so we gonna definitely do that and uh now that we know that you like the red bag maybe we'll oh yeah exactly we know what you getting for Christmas you we have some comments uh Mr burn said don't use scented Victoria Secrets and bath and body soaps down there either antonet Peterson Patterson said well Uncle Luke needs to educate himself on women's hygiene women don't dou and Lisa lollipop said let's get Luke on the show would y'all want Luke yes yes he's but he gonna say a bunch of thing that we can't say on here you know but he was running for office at one point so he was so I think we can get the CL I'm gonna reach out we're gonna try to get Luke if y'all so if you want Luke on the show put some um keep I'll reach out to okay all right coming up next find out what business Kanye West is about to launch and later we're opening up about elevating in life we'll be right [Music] back SC 103 take one I thought we'd be on the same page about this and we're not how do I know the way I'm going to respond to it I want you to get the vaccine cuz I want you to be safe what if you end up in the hospital that's what I'm scared of if you was to die man that literally kill me man I H you yes they made you feel that way bro I'll probably I love you man I love you too this one's for the real Ballers and shot cers The Sisterhood of women in Tech they're discovering cures building apps and programming the blockchain they're CEOs worldwide Hustlers who can make it rain they're tearing down the old boys club and seeing big gains cuz when women in Tech come together you know they make that [Music] change Freedom it's at the core of who we are the freedom to live without fear to jog where we please to wear a hoodie the freedom to breathe before we celebrate the freedom most Americans have we must fight for the freedom all Americans deserve because all lives can't matter until black lives [Music] matter hello welcome back to the show all right y' according to TMZ Kanye West has his eyes set on launching an adult entertainment company called Yeezy porn he's been Consulting with porn vet Mike MZ who is the ex-husband of stormmy Daniels now with Kim Kardashian having one of the most popular sex tapes in the world and Kanye launching a porn company does it send a negative message to their children Arman what do you think about this absolutely I think it's a little bit bizarre I'm not here for it with Kanye um I think it's bizarre on many levels first of all you have you know Kim Kardashian she's got famous off of sex tape now Kanye West you're going to go into doing a porn company but he's also made it clear that in the past he's had porn addiction issues you know and so I and and now he's got his new wife you know walking around naked so in in some instances you might seem like oh this is on brand you know both his wives are ex porn stars but at the same time I think that this can be Dangerous Waters for Kanye just because Kanye is a little Ecentric and he does things over the top and I feel like it can get really murky for him because it won't just be regular porn you know I feel like he'll get borderline pervert it and you know mess around and have some kids doing something weird I just feel like he'll be in a situation where he could get cancelled with this so he needs to really tread lightly with this porn and not let his creativity go too far if you know what I mean and might I point out the obvious the rebrands you're doing is just wild who is advising you you went from Kanye the rapper to Sunday service Kanye to oh I I had to get rid of Kim Kardashian because I didn't approve of how sexy she was dressing to now to have your own porn company and your wife walking around with her whole but JJ out in these streets for us all to see Al what do you think about this are you here for it or no uh you know it's a hypocrisy for me um let's be very clear Kanye is purchasing his uh Commercial Warehouse for his porn studio in chadworth California it's funny how chesworth California was exactly where his Christian School dond Academy was located so it appears to me unless he sold where the school was he just may be repurchasing the Christian School to now house his porn Warehouse his porn Studio come on Kanye what is it are you a Christian are you not a Christian are you into porn and a Christian do you want people to be sexualized or do you want them to address not so [ __ ] it's just a hypocrisy over and over and over and over again that really makes me start to look at him side eye me personally I'm a Christian and I don't like when people play with religion in order to get followers or to endear sympathy or empathy of any sorts I think his run in Christianity was very shortlived his school opening in Christian was very shortlived and now he's turning ch worth which we know is the porn Valley porn capital of the United States he's now going from Christian in chadworth to porn in chadworth what is this really saying about his mental health yeah definitely chadworth is the porn Capital everybody that lives in the valley knows that that's where they shoot them movies at I will say this about Christianity not just when it comes to point but there's a lot of people out here saying and proclaiming that they are really good Christians and they're really not they're doing all kinds of shady things behind closed doors and I I just think this does not help the narrative when it comes to people being you know skeptical of the church it hurts the church so please Kanye not get off all right Shannon sharp recently interviewed Amanda seals and shocked the viewers when he stated white kids bullying her as a child by using the nword is not racist take a look I was told that you're only here because you're black you can't really dance you're just here CU you're black so don't get any ideas so that's why I'm being told by the other children does that suffice as racist to you or would you want to call it something else is that just kids being mean that's yeah the kids all right y'all do you feel Shannon Shar doesn't have the range to have these kinds of conversations or do you agree that kids were just being mean and they weren't necessarily racis Al let's go to you first I think it's a combination of range and also think about it well no I can't even take up for Shannon so sorry Shannon I tried listen Shannon was born in Chicago but he grew up in Glenville Georgia which is 60% white and he grew up in the 60s and 70s he can't tell me that he does not know the weaponizing of that word that nword it's just it's either you are just tone death to your experience here you are a 6 foot something 200 and some pound black boy growing up in the south in Georgia y'all Glenville Georgia where the percentage of black people is around 30% % in Glenville how can you not know that kids use that word because they learn it from their parents they didn't grow up it's not in a dictionary it's not in any book that they learned they learned it from their racist parents so them exercising that word clearly lets you know that they know the tone and the purpose very tonee on Shannon Sharp's part and and it just makes me feel like I can join in the chat now and say there's certain things he should stick to and being with a smart person like Amanda seals and trying to flex on her is not the way to go for him all right Arman what do you think I think as far as Shannon sharp and Amanda seals I think that he kind of went into this interview kind of like how everybody else perceives her like you know she's a little bit problematic and has an issue with everything so I don't think he was in this to really be on her side I think he was really in this to kind of rebuttal her and go back and forth with her because I don't really feel like he really understands or agrees with with her takes on things now as far as the statement though I don't agree at all I went to predominantly white um middle school and I'm predominant white high school and a predominantly white elementary school I went to school in Livermore California and Mantia California you guys may not know where that's at but it's in the valley anyway I used to be suspended from both okay elementary middle school and high school for slapping white girls slapping white boys and slapping uh special e of both because they Ed the word okay over a volleyball court over over over the what is the thing that you play with the tetherball courts I used to slap white girls and white boys all the time for using N word that is racist and at the end of the day those white kids know exactly what they're saying and they know how they're delivering it I used to get caught the nword all the time as a child and I used to stay fighting so they knew exactly what they were doing and so that's not kids just being mean that's kids being racist period Shannon sharp I know you have me blocked so you might not see so maybe hopefully someone can send send you this video Hollywood maybe you can send this to Shannon and and you can let make sure he sees his um your stylist I know you um I will say this you were out of your league with this interview and you've been kind of being able to Coast by because you're likable and you were really like the pro black men on a sports show but when you came on over to doing pop culture and these types of events these types of interviews we really get to see that you you're not really prepared for this level of intellectual ESS I know that's not a word so I guess I'm not either but this level of having an intellectual guest like that Amanda Amanda seals whether you like her or don't like her you cannot take away that this girl is absolutely brilliant and very intelligent and a lot I think Shannon missed the mark with this and it gave and I will to to uh quot some people in the chat they're saying they gave shucking and jiving Vibes it gave very much like you know do you really think they was being racist I mean maybe they was just being mean kids Shannon you know know what it is you are a big black man from the south you can't tell me you didn't experience racism yourself to diminish This Woman's experience I don't know if you're doing it for the moment or you was just trying to like be uh objective I don't know what it was but it really had you looking nuts it really did because a lot of people didn't like Amanda seals and she's been talking about it recently but your interview made people like her because of how you handled it like you actually turned it around for her I actually think this worked very well for Amanda seals and made people kind of side eyesee some of the stuff you're saying Shannon sharp and if you ever have one a conversation about this you can unblock me we can have a talk about this I don't hate you I really don't we just talked about your makeup one time because you did have on creation 19 and that's not our fault you had a really bad makeup artist and I don't even blame you for it Shannon sharp but you were definitely out of your league royalty QJ uh qg says kids do what they taught many k children don't understand what racism it truly is they hear it at home and they repeat it eventually they learn what is and anel D'Angelo said Shannon isn't meant to be doing insightful intellectual interviews if it's not entertainment sensationalism he needs to leave it alone I kind of I don't want to be like the racist that say just stick to basketball or stick to sports or stick to football but it would have been nice if he would been able a little bit more better I don't think he liked her I don't think I think he went into it to kind of be a little combative or kind of go against her a little bit just because of you know who she is maybe so yeah he didn't go into it with an open mind clearly right right yeah okay okay shanon sharp cardi B recently went on live to give her thoughts on homosexuality and how she feels some people who are sexually abused might explore being gay take a look there's there's some people that like you know there's people that are born gay and then there's men that get sexually assaulted and then they find out that they are gay and like some people um you know people are always going to be judgmental people are always going to like um not accept them and stuff like that but it's like people sometimes don't even know their story or how they how they got there okay are you in agreement with cardi B's opinion or is this message messaging ill informed Al what do you think I agree with half of it and half of it is ill informed I know for a fact that all the research that I've read sexual orientation is biologically based um there are tons of articles that you can read tons of scien spefic uh assertions around this and on the other side there's also tons of article written about can sexual assault make a person gay and and all everything that I've read and even all of the authored people in sexuality says it's inconclusive now sexual abuse or trauma can influence anyone's overall capacity for intimacy relationship and attraction but it does not make a difference when it comes to your sexual orientation so part of it for me thumbs up cardi second part of me I need to see where she's getting that information and what helped her come to that conclusion okay Armon what do you think I mean I like what she said because I think she was more coming from a place of you know maybe you don't like gay people maybe you don't understand homosexuality but maybe you know a lot of people that she may have ran into they feel that they' fallen into it because they've been sexually assaulted so maybe you're a person that doesn't like gay people but you don't know their full story maybe they weren't born gay Maybe they feel like they were sexually assaulted so that's why they are this way so before you judge a person understand their story first I understand that however I just would like to say I know most people like to lean in on that angle of if you're gay you've had to be molested you've had to be touched or if you're gay you will touch and so I just want to make it clear that all gay people are not victims of sexual assault you know what I mean I Stern I sternly believe that you born this way that's how I feel I was not I was not raped I was not molested but I I am gay period I agree and I and I don't think she was trying to say that I'm not saying you were saying that either and I'm I I like that I think we touched upon something like this before um I had a friend that was an artist and would cry to me and I would never reveal who this person was but would cry to me about being sexually confused because he was touched by someone that he really trusted and he was in tears like am I gay did I make this did I do something to attract did I and he was really confused about a sexuality and that made me get a deeper understanding of there's levels to this there's definitely levels and I do that's why I said that the other day I was like I think some people I think I think I will say I do think people are born gay and I do think there's some people that have been they don't really know what they are now there's some confusion because of they were touched and then sometimes if your body does what the body does and has a natural um POS like uh turned on or if you got to erect over your abuse you might feel confused like am I get that's a complex thing I'm glad that she touched upon it maybe she's not the most well read about this but I do think I do like that she's starting the conversation I I don't think she came from a bad place I don't think it came from a nasty place um es Marie said I have a cousin who was sexually assaulted by her dad and became a lesbian because she felt is that me all right all right coming up next we're opening up about elevating in life and later we have an update on Diddy's scandalous situation stay [Music] tuned TG can you imagine 30 million people people walking around sexually frustrated cuz they can't get to their porn uh you're looking at one right now I'm going say this every weekday I'll never live in Texas again it's the worst that's what's your favorite porn or mine oh I'm not getting into that my God on Fox Soul now what's yours listen don't judge me okay massage porn that's born Now give me a good three-way gang oh I knew it was going to come out yes yes when I got the opportunity to get her it wasn't no choice I told myself I'm going to take custody of my daughter it's my baby that's what we're supposed to do as men take care our home build a foundation you know what I'm saying love our money she is my purpose I'm here to walk with her hold her hand until she can walk alone ain't nothing like being a father in this world [Music] [Music] my mother was always very familiar with her neighborhood but one day she stopped at the stop sign for much longer than usual and uh she didn't know whether she should go forward or turn and she wasn't even really sure where she was at it was very unsettling for her I felt so much better after my son told me Mom I don't want you to worry or be afraid I'll be there for you and we'll figure it out [Music] all right everyone welcome back to TGIF Claudia has had a little bit of a technical if difficulty but she'll be back shortly so have you ever you know moved to a new place and needed to find a doctor kind of like what happened to me in Los Angeles well you know I got a solution for you you know when you get cornered by that Aunt at a family gathering and you feel like you have to bend the truth you know the one who asks when you're getting married or what's going on with that promotion or even why you still haven't moved out of your mom and dad's basement only for her to not really listen and just judge you while you may have to grin and bear it with your family you shouldn't feel that way when it comes to talking to your doctor about that rash that weirdly looks like your high school Crush that you maybe eat pizza one too many times a week or something else enter Zach do the place where you can find in book doctors who will make you feel comfortable and actually listen to you and we're not talking about a few we're talking about tens of thousands of doctors all with verified patient reviews so you can make sure the Vibes are vibing before you even meet the IRL with Zach do you've got more options than you know Zach do is a free app and website where you can search and compare highly rated in network doctors near you and instantly book appointments with them now I want to share with you that I actually used Zach do when I first moved to Los Angeles and I was having a situation I've shared before on the show I didn't have any doctors out here so I went on Z do and guess what I found a doctor literally two blocks from my house to help me with my situation and got it handled so if you're in need go to Zach do.com SLT and download the Zach dooc app for free then find and book a toprated doctor today that's Z do.com SLT Zach do.com SLT all right so Claudia you're back yay I almost had a heart attack doing that well good thing you have Zach do in case you do have a heart attack and you can call them and you can find out where a doctor is by you and they can help you with all of that and that anxiety that you would have I know you would have so much anxiety Al if I was not here to cheer you up for your day and make you happy and make you smile uh yeah know Zach is a great great idea I think it's amazing especially with people that move around the country a lot you know a lot of times that's one of the hardest things when you move into a new place a good Barber a good hairdresser and who's going to be a doctor amazing app I highly recommend you check this out oh want me to finish it up all right promotional considerations from by doc doc now let's get back to some topics all right what's something that you've had to let go in order to elevate your life things you had to let go to elevate your life Arman let's start with you um I think it starts you know I'm very big on the mind I think it starts in my mind I think I've had to um get rid of like you know negative thoughts and just always feeling like someone's out to get me or something is not going to work limiting beliefs I think once I started focusing my energy on what I wanted and more positive things and affirming those things I I saw a difference in my life when I focus on the negative I would get more of that and so I think elevation comes you know when you start focusing on the things that you want positively and not negatively so I want to go to you as well this could be something as small as social media or as big as a friendship what what is something you got to get rid of to um for me I think one thing that I've had to do over the years and it's com in phases right but one thing that's been consistent is I have to get rid of negative energy and negative people around me that aren't breathing life into where it is I want to go so you know even though I like going back home I love hanging with the guys but some of them are still where I left them in high school and even though I had the camaraderie with them then I simply can't have their energy around me because it can bring me down I've had to shed friends over the years because of this because the where I want to go the support that I need to get there has to come from a positive space it can never come from a negative or like a a a uh you know not supportive space so for me it's been getting keeping negative people and negative energy at Bay I think we're all kind of on the same page with this I I remember I had a friend that every single time I talk to this person it was always something wrong it was always like ah this person that person did this to me and I'm like I remember I took this class and I had to like kind of shift things around and it changed my life um it really did it was it changed things from you know oh I I I never get the job to I'm gonna get the job and I saw it really really happen like immediately and I've gotten so many things since I did this that uh I don't even ask for these things anymore they just kind of fall into my lap and I think that's just a reward of being positive and I know that brings a lot of jealousy along with it and that makes even harder because some one of the worst things is finding out like someone that's in your friend Circle or someone that's close to you you think is jealous of you and so you know what they see the light around you as well and when you're jealous of someone and you just fix it on them you never get the stuff that you want to get you don't you do not get it but if you can like swallow that and it's hard sometimes it is hard to swallow that sometimes but when you do I promise you things will start opening up for you that you never thought you would even get you never thought you'd be in the conversation so just that energy at I think we're all kind of saying the same thing that negative energy and some people talk about it but don't really do it but some people actually really do it and you will see the difference in their life it will be reflected it's so sorry it's so funny you said that Claudia it's resonating with me right now because I didn't learn that until after college when did you I I I learned that I let life lessons teach me that so one of the things that I make sure I teach in every class is that positive affirmation like even I'm teaching a self prom promotion and marketing class about how to promote yourself and the first thing I need my students to do is to believe in themsel and and want to know positively who they need around them and the energy they need to attract to get where they want to go so I have them do vision boards as simple as it may seem vision boards are a great exercise to help attract positive energy to help you focus on where it is that you're trying to go in your life I learned it in uh I remember the very moment I was 21 years old I had helped this girl that was a model she was actually a stripper and I brought it to my model aenc in Boston and she blew up and did all the things I wanted to do and I thought should have been for me and I found myself and I'm speaking from experience when I say these things I found myself fixated on her and jealous why her why her why why why can't we both get it or I was jealous of her right and I checked myself it only lasted for two weeks but those two weeks I felt what a miserable person feels like and I never wanted to feel it again I checked myself right I checked myself I'm like why are you comparing yourself to this exotic looking six foot tall legs up to here she is definitely a runway model Claudia you're not a runway model your as well come somewhere else and soon as I let it go and that jealous feeling everything came to me without me even trying but I I had to acknowledge it though and it's very hard to admit I was jealous of you and you got a it's very hard because people don't want I ain't jealous I don't care no sometimes you are and and that is blocking you I prom and I never went there again I've never because I don't know what her story is I don't know why she really needed the bookings and later I found out her life had so much tragedy and she deserved it she deserved it um Destiny said I had to get rid of friends to elevate and Tyler said I had to stop going out so much to save money to elevate now I have a nice nice savings okay how do you know the difference though Aman I want to hear your opinion on this between jealousy and being competitive oh so competitive it feels friendly um you know what I mean you can laugh about it jealousy people make slide comment you can feel it's the energy thing when you feel like okay this person is jealous of me because they're always trying to make comments about things that you do or you know little in your windows you're like well why are you paying attention that close like let's just say if we're on the show and you're like oh I I need to make your money or I don't have that kind of car or show be nice if Arman will pay sometimes or Arman is linking up with such and such it's like okay you sound like a hater that's I must be a hater cuz you owe me for drinks I I paid all the drink I paid for all the drinks that night we hung out young man I I must be a hater there you owe me a night out it sound like hay to me they say you know that's what they say they do call you a hater St where that thing I am done a hater why should I have to pay the whole night this boy makes more than hey I paid and I ordered Uber and wait hold on since we getting into it yes I ordered an Uber black you ordered a basic Uber let's talk about it what yeah High hourly rates and all those jobs you you should not be hurt you are not hurting for no money Al who are you trying to fool here you had pulling up to the club in a uber black I had me going somewhere in Little Ethiopia in a a dirty Nissan you lying D the dirty kned my dirty kned me don't even go hand in hand you know better keep it locked keep it locked there's a lot of hate in the room today keep it locked because coming up me a night out I know that oh okay y'all gonna do that again all right maybe y'll invite me this time next we have an update on Diddy's scandalous situation and later find out who is being accused of gatekeeping travel destinations oh I need to know about this we'll be right back don't be getting no Uber Uber Uber uh I don't know what he's talking about you know how Fried Chicken no I don't a got no give me that black card back TG it's not about Blackness I don't make any fried foods okay the chat is going in about this Fried Chicken Lynette 19 said I Blacky black and fried chicken is not my favorite goto meal stop with the stereotypes okay live and interactive oh ow you don't even cook please Fried Chicken Fried F come on baby on Fox soul you see certain things get reincarnated in your children my daughter is very much inspired by my wife's artistic Pursuits so my daughter started making necklaces she makes what we call affirmation fashion I tell her every day that your black is beautiful your black is beautiful your black is beautiful and if there's anything better than being beautiful it's being smart and if there's anything better than being smart it's being kind and reaffirming that every day is our method of making sure her chin never drops my dad wasn't around and I remember riding a bike and falling off and cutting myself and me never were just want to get back on it people ask how your children learn how to ride a bike and you did I didn't teach them I just created an environment where they taught themselves and all I had to do is be [Music] there welcome back uh y'all being real shady in the chat y'all enjoyed see I like when they enjoyed the arguments that don't get personal like they like the play that was personal was it it was the Truth Al why would I tell you you sometimes the truth hurts Al speaking of that we have an update on Diddy okay Diddy's assistant and alleged drug mule brandan Paul has been officially charged with one felony count of drug possession the 25-year-old was originally arrested after Diddy and his crew were stopped at an airport in Miami authorities found drugs in Brendan's bag during the search what are your thoughts on on this story Al let's go to you first I think in my opinion they're reaching I think he got one felony charge of possession but not distribution remember in the in the uh complaint this mu this mole right here is supposed to be Distributing the drugs to all of Diddy's people however this is a huge sign to Diddy that something is coming down the pipe they're just trying to figure out how and when and what well folks on social media speculating that Brandon will rat Diddy out AR what do you think hey I think that he's okay with it because I mean when you sign up for something like this I feel like this is your job he knew that this was his job is the Handler so you understand that there might be a possibility that you need to go down you know and I think that he's willing to take the fall unfortunately he might be stupid enough to say hey I'm willing to be the Fall Guy did he you know you protect me you'll get me out of it he's young and dumb and I feel as though that you know his white privilege will prevail cuz they want didy they don't want him remember it's a felony it's a felony I mean a felony does this type of charge does not warrant him squealing it's just not big enough charge now distribution may be a different story but a felony of drug possession that's not that big have any ever done he's gonna take it he's gonna eat it that's his job he's supposed to do it have any of y'all ever done any work in the mule space have yall try dropped up any bags or anything no I'm not going to be nobody no you have go ahead and let's hear this story cuz I heard you got a story get the whole story that's why I don't tell Al none of my business no more cuz you said it on the show I don't know what you're talking about I did not know you your girlfriend you and your girlfriend back in the day you made a Ron you taught it on the show I have no idea of what you speak of I don't even know you you be like Claudia you will be like the perfect aunt or like I would like to go to their house as older cuz I feel like you have a story for like everything I do so much stuff I'm like girl tell it all to me you know sometimes complain they like oh here she go she got a story for everything hey I'm 51 years old I was born in the 1900s I was born in 1973 yes I have stories about celebrities yes I have stories about politicians yes I have stories about mistakes I made in my 20s and maybe there was a drag a bad off in Chicago here and there yes I have lived my life that's why I have such a smile on my face I've had an eventful life with lots of fun and I think people are not realizing while you're also been in Celebrity culture you're very attractive so I think that adds a level of experience that you're just going to get with men and just you know just being in spaces where most people they may not have those stories because they may not have the Privileges well thank you Arman yes you do see a lot of things like there's been a lot of things I have seen so I'm GNA write that book yes am you come over I make some lini crams white wine sace some fried chicken you can make the Fried Chicken since you know how to cook it so all this goddamn criticism beautiful kitchen thank you Al thank you we're gonna have a little get together at my house one day we'll tell some stories all right tayor Swift's black fans are outraged by the lyrics and one of her latest songs I hated here in this song Taylor sings my friends used to play a game where we would pick a decade we wish we could live in instead of this I say 1830s but without all the RAC do you think these lyrics warrant outrage or are people just overreacting let's go to you Arman what do you think um I just think I wouldn't care honestly I I don't think that it's a big deal I think that we don't need to be outraged about it I mean Taylor Swift's an artist I think that she understands the climate so I don't think that you know her saying that she would like to live in the 1830s without the racism should be a reason for black people to cancel her she said without the racism so let her have it like we don't have to be so critical about every little thing it's not not that serious to me I don't care and I don't listen to Taylor Swift so who cares but it is I get you I'm glad you did put the disclaimer right without the racism but why did you pick 1830 though that's maybe it's the fashion the sty y'all got me messed up first of all the 1830s is when we build the railroads in the United States and that's when slaves were used the most what in the Sam Dixon is she talking about that's when racism was the worst what she mean maybe what she meant was because we were slaves we didn't have a say but racism racism was deepest then what what is she talking about well maybe she meant without all the technology and social media everything was more of the simpler life get out I just feel like the 1800s I'm with out the 1800s were particularly contentious for us black people they were trying to get freedom and then it wasn't until 1865 that most black people were free of slavery than 1868 for real and Texas I just feel like that was a odd year to say and you have got to expect some smoke to come with that you know what I'm saying but I just want I need her to give us a reason was the Fashions I don't think the Fashions were that popping in 18 maybe it was the lifestyle then trying throw trying you were riding on a horse and buggy what I you're giving Shannon shop right now there was no air condition you sing on lemonade sitting on the ports boy no that's that white privilege right there you had no t TVs you had no air you had probably didn't have toilet paper back no air condition no feminine products no car why do you want 1830 Taylor S no cars needed a n oh no Arman I think it's given go get me some lemonade yes go ahead whip it down coming up find out who is being accused of gatekeeping travel destinations we'll talk about it oh look at that water when we return [Music] you know how to Fri Fried Chicken no I don't you a got no give me that black card back TG it's not about Blackness I don't make any fried foods okay the chat is going in about this Fried Chicken Lynette 19 said I am Blacky black and fried chicken is not my favorite goatee meal stop with the stereotypes okay live and interactive oh ow you don't even cook please fried chicken fried fish come on baby on Fox Soul when I got the opportunity to get her it wasn't no choice I told myself I'm going to take custody of my daughter it's my baby that's what we're supposed to do as men take care our home build a foundation you know what I'm saying love our money she's my purpose I'm here to walk with her hold her hand until she can walk alone ain't nothing like being a father in this world he he let me get out [Music] my mother was always very familiar with her neighborhood but one day she stopped at the stop sign for much longer than usual and uh she didn't know whether she should go forward or turn and she wasn't even really sure where she was at it was very unsettling for her I felt so much better after my son told me Mom I don't want you to worry or be afraid I'll be there for you and we'll figure it out [Music] welcome back to TGF I just want to give a birthday shout out we haven't done this in a while to cookies crumbles TV they said it's their birthday so tourus season happy birthday to you now don't everybody be my DM to answer for a birthday show ain't gonna happen every single show all right a woman received lots of backlash on a tweet she wrote the Tweet says Turks and Kos lost its exclusivity to the point where I'm not proud asked to go anymore please take me to St Barts someone replied black people got this weird relationship with exclusivity and luxury and keep and trying to keep uh to gatekeep it someone else wrote black people want to be better than each other so bad she really means too many blacks go now I fear the community will never get on track all right y' do you think this is gatekeeping or does she have a point Al what do you think about this story it's funny because I I think that about St Barts but I've been going to St Barts for over 30 years so um I think it's your perspective it also depends on your travel experience you know if Turks and caos is what you thought was luxury and exclusive when it started opening up and a lot of people started learning about it and and started going then it wasn't exclusive to her anymore maybe that was exclusivity for her and for her to say go to St Barts now in 2024 baby St Barts isn't exclusive anymore that was back in the '90s so I think it's all about perspective and in in people's travel experience okay what do you think about this I mean I kind of agree with those comments I feel like black people we do subconsciously be trying to be better than each other you know and when we feel like too many blacks go we don't want to go there anymore because we like to feel like you know we're doing something that's different than other black people or you know they're not as cultured or traveled as us so we like to go brag about it but then when more black people start elevating and start traveling to those spaces we then feel like it's now getting ghetto you know when when we see that white people are traveling to places it seems like okay there's something alluring about it but then when black people attached to it now it's not as exciting anymore now was she's like girl you're just going to Mexico child everybody's in Turks and Kos let me go somewhere else so I don't know if we ever get past that but it does feel as though black people try to be more exclusive you know than other black people we do and I wish we didn't do that MJ said I'm so sick of black people trying to be elite and shame others Ry said Lisa right basically ran Turks for years girl that ain't nothing new and said she must have just got her passport and people are really saying that um yeah I don't mind going to a place where a lot of black people are I think it gives me it's fun because obviously if we're both in this nice upscale place you have money to be there you know I mean it's like it's not like we're going to Vegas and South Beach like that's kind of played out but when you when you getting on a plane and going somewhere like I'm glad hey I'mma Be in uh Aruba for soul Beach this year and I'm going every year and lots of black people go they're all like 40s 50s and like that kind of age group is not ghetto it's fun and I enjoy seeing my black people out in the Water swimming on boats I think it's fly you know I I with cl last year and I did have fun it was my first year and it was a lot of fun it was I don't I won't ever miss it now it's it's great but yeah okay speaking of exclusivity I am that word is beating me up today check out this tweet dating for seven plus months and still being indecisive about exclusivity is manipulation and a waste of time all right when is the right amount of time to become exclusive with someone you're seeing ah come on let's go do first I just feel like take all the time you need see that becomes the problem when you try to run and jump into these relationships and you know move in together then you end up having a baby I feel like every person has a representative and you need to break through that first layer and then once you've got through that first layer of that representative you still need some more time to see if you can be with this person because once you break through that represent uh representative layer you get to see who the person really really is is so however long that takes for you to be comfortable to to really be with that person then take that time all right Al I think it depends on the relationship it depends on the person it depends on who's involved it depends on the combination I safely say before going completely exclusive it's like six months for me you know because that'll give me enough time to try to figure out and plus I'm older so I think as younger you should take longer I think it should take like maybe a year CU you got to make sure you get all those extra just stragglers out of that person's life I'm 51 I don't have that kind of time if I meet you I feel the chemistry Sparks are flying I I'm in the third quarter I'm not waiting all that time I'm when I feel it I'm going to go ahead and go for it and do it hey y'all I want to remind people I'll be in uh Charleston tomorrow the great Shake up.com come see me day party and event 12 to 5 I want to thank my co-host Al Reynolds and Arman Wiggins for joining me tonight thanks for watching us on YouTube stay tuned for foxo face off we'll see you back here tomorrow talking our stuff y'all have a good one good night
Channel: FOX Soul
Views: 100,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black Family, Black Excellence, Black Millennials, Black Comedy, Blackpreneur, Black Girl Magic, Black Men, Black Women, fox soul, FOXSOUL, Black Lives Matter, African American, Juneteenth, Black Community, Black History, TEA GIF, Black Culture, FOX, Pop Culture, Entertainment, Entertainment News, shannon sharpe, yeezy, kanye west, amanda seales, tik tok ban
Id: DrQchdQLG0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 12sec (3612 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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