The Joe Budden Podcast Episode 212 | Son of Jake

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[Laughter] microphone check one two happy Saturday day by out there welcome to Joe Budden podcast episode 212 yeah podcast veterans here respect us I mean it gunshot me and respect us to twelve people like Brandon out there trying to sneak five episodes a week and catch up to us that held it brilliant get to Episode one eighty one eighty nine you just started last month he's done twenty podcasts a day Brandon slow it down goddamn it you and Erin welcome to 200 episodes 211 of the Joe button podcasts I'm your host two twelve twelve your Marv you don't do that then why don't you save on that's a long job okay my bad don't do suspected on episode 212 of the Joe button podcast I'm your host Joe button here with a few my nearest and dearest friends Rory is here mall is here parks is here Erikson is here save on is here Corey is here ash and the gang are in the kitchen we'll deal with that shortly gentlemen and ladies how is everyone feeling is everyone feeling amazing yes it's a nice little view over here I never really noticed how nice malls Watch was and then it had a blue background as [ __ ] until I said over here I'm looking at mall and I can tell what he does with his Spotify money like he came in here with a nice coat like Mallis from Harlem and he's from the generation where you know dad I know let's say they have to have a nice coat if a Harlem [ __ ] don't have a nice coat he's like you don't have his superpowers am i lying tell me I'm lying yeah well either way you got the Deaf a damn I actually thought that was a compliment yeah well my god mom dated a bird in I got a lot of damn fancy back in the day but I was like six so do we had anywhere chi'lan playpen I'm alright so good everybody is feeling great that's awesome today's Saturday I'm really glad I was waiting for today because we've had two very very heavy and intense podcast and man I couldn't wait to be immature man I just want to be able to be immature shout out to our Spotify listenership shout out to our YouTube viewer ship shout out to okay let's see a lot of you have reached out shout out to the college kids shout out to the people in the military shout out to the unemployed as well as the employed especially [ __ ] working overtime on a weekend right now shout out to the stay-at-home moms as well as the dads who else that shout out to the college kids shout out to the gamers and shout out got Daniel the gangbangers tsutsu what's poppin all of that your international no nuts now the gangs kind of cool now like I know man Bloods and Crips there to [ __ ] you up together I like a to shout to all y'all who else we got there the international community has reached out yes shout out to the international community points for them exponents we saw in the pot heads yes yes yes you have to the body a joke you guys are important man yeah absolutely well the alcoholics - if we're gonna go yeah I was talked about exhibits alcoholics actually reached I have to leave this joke due to my past so have fun cuca heads you know I'm so glad I might be a group anymore I'm so glad I'm to hook anymore it's coming to a close I want to say definitely dropping yes yesterday at wherever I was or the other day somebody was smoking some hookah next to me on the fitting with pure disgust okay don't you buy get this away from me how you living then I thought about all hookah bars I went to for 10 years I mean I'm engaged wait what are those two things have that's like can you tell me hey we all speaker my wife is in the car I'm engaged as I'm one speaker but slow down with those those melody nights for us yeah no you were always in the corner okay thank you dear we go see friends how many of us have them all right what else is going on what's happening what what what are we here to discuss everything the world I'm back last week I didn't really know how to do a podcast this week I'm back I couldn't wait to see you guys couldn't wait to talk to you people um what you mean you didn't know how to do a podcast I told you guys last week that I was in that January slump where you don't know what day it is you don't know what's happening you're still getting over New Year's Eve Christmas all this like you got to get back in your in your groove yeah that's where I was like oh good it's worth that where where's the bag cuz you'll find me there you are inside the bag and yeah all right so what brand is the bed you reminded me of what I had to talk to them all about mall with the success of our podcast I'm trying to figure out why you and Rory won't expand I'm sorry worried I'm trying to figure out why you and Rory won't expand right so then I see you making these expansion moves so I want to ask you some questions about this infamous stamp that I keep seeing you post about on Instagram how long have you had the stamp about two years okay I do want to know are we stamped like as a collective mm-hmm have you let the public know that we have the more stamp yeah they know is anything in Jose de saag Rafi stamped of course okay all right I was feeling away because I had never got the mall stamp on them musics no Mustang okay I got the mall stamp - damn and every time I think we've got them all on the corny wall did shorty offer for you to be the love interest in the video that used to know would you have done it no have you gotten any video offers no you were in backstage right no he was backstage I was backstage at backstage I just said no damn man bigs wouldn't put on his little brother I wasn't I wasn't on camera together go get hot on his own that's [ __ ] this actions better do you resent them trying to cause friction hey Moll hey while we're talking to you cuz I didn't anticipate talking you so early in a podcast yeah I must say I gotta commend you man was talking earlier somehow you have managed to perfectly market yourself without looking like you've marketed yourself at all and I'm jealous man it's something that I've been trying to figure out in my whole career and I just never got it your body Ingush now I think I think that's called guerilla marketing in the industry and the business as we say dude do you notice what I'm saying at all or what you saying but you can elaborate I'm that off in this right no no no no the brand of mall I'm watching I'm watching it man I'm interested I'm intrigued yeah kind of I figured this thing out I'm following it man I was Rory I would follow your brand if it wasn't so uh unhealthy just drink we are the culture listen man partying has been part of hip-hop since the be guarding so pop is a party yeah see I hate when people work on a little radio Amy a party in this part of what we do what we've always done for years and ages we uh we are celebrating our lives all right listen stop I'm gonna turn that began you [ __ ] up [ __ ] [ __ ] I'll let you jump on my thing let's get right into the smoke and I feel like I've got you guys yet again in this damn - conversation better yet when they can it mm-hmm great guy you have us and what in what way I won't say you're my friend but James coming for you guys it's coming for us in particular you are signed to do save records okay more we book you own do see records I wish his fan family young that's family young Rory's young they want to know so Tony parks was tall young my dad's name is take all three of y'all you are the one and only subject I was shocked mall tell us your stance on all of this commotion going on between with Nick Nick Cannon we got a tag team match Nick Cannon and Dame Dash versus flex and 15 mm-hmm um wait wait damn I feel like a bad podcaster I am I supposed to give the backstory you can no let more give it no you can give it all right Nick Cannon did an interview with Dame Dash asked a lot of tough questions Dame answered all of them because Dame loves tough questions and Funk Flex and 50-cent attacked them both on Instagram both in the mess in in the video and the comment section they were talking about Foxy Brown being signed to the early age Dame Dash said I don't know anything about that because of my past relationships with Lea I wasn't saying staying away from our Kelly all that fiesta [ __ ] [ __ ] talking about have none to do with that you got to ask that man that I didn't sign Foxy Brown you gotta ask that man that and he said you have to ask jay-z that and 50 and Funk Flex have been going in ever since and well I think I like watching every second of all I think Lex's looked completely nuts I thought that Instagram comment [ __ ] was insane I can't believe someone his age would say all that and do all that off that if something has nothing to do with play and say and do what all the cursing all the threats all just the rambling about god knows what and you're not even part of this like you're not part of anything that has to do with what we're talking about right now you weren't even in the beginning of it when it was Damon Lee or or Damon Todd why you don't know why don't you to waste time you know why he's putting herself in here cuz he's been beefing with damn all right but you're entering yourself into that's why he's dear mysterious no other men are the things I'm telling you always that's no monster that's the new it that's the new way of marketing okay then I'll say with that that's dumb in Flex looks nuts doing so which too old to be known that I agree od with that see I totally disapprove you guys this would be their flex is too old to be doing that I want to 50 year-old typing stupid [ __ ] anime that he shouldn't tell you not only for entertainment purposes yeah but I'm watching I like when you get this little Hulk Hogan bag do it that's what I'm saying I'm only looking at this from an entertainment aspect yeah I don't think flex will say any of those things to Dame's face probably not he can't I don't think he looks a step I don't think he looks to say though I don't think he would say that to Nick Cannon's face all the things he was adding Nick Cannon with he might say to the can he's not yet today yeah because people think they can and they still look in the cannon like he's corny he's which he saw I don't know why I got Nick Cannon beating flex his ass in a fight oh that's why I don't think it was say it's all you know I don't want to go physical but ball become the most PC voice those comments were alluding to violence they were talking it out we were like let's fight we know flex ain't fighting I haven't told y'all man time dude Rory does have anger management issues raising your high voice left and Rory's got better there's deep anger and Rory wants to fight people who's Irish yeah the one and only son of Jake no I was just saying that I don't think that flex I understand what flex is trying to do you know he's trying to put herself in the middle of something and gain some momentum and some traction but at the end of the day if you know we've removed that you didn't just talk about the interview that Nick in and what a conversation that Nick and Dame had I think overall it was a it was a great it was a great conversation I think that they touched on some things they answer some questions the dynamic between them was dope because a lot of people don't know that Dame and Nick actually have a real relationship with a lot of history with each other well let me say I think Nick Cannon it does an amazing job with that cannons class thing yeah I look forward to it even if there's not someone there that I necessarily know and and and and familiar and are familiar with like he has people that are given information that I know that I kind of want to hear so I look forward to it he just posted a picture we care as one like I want to hear from cares I'm like yeah I really like what he's doing and contrary to what I'm reading a little bit of on the internet even from flex and uh in 50 I don't have a problem with some of those questions did Nick asked I don't I don't I don't think that was coming from a malicious place with him do y'all come from a malicious place and him sitting in that seat he's supposed to be asking those questions he didn't even reply maliciously like in this time a person oh you know Nick Cannon he [ __ ] great he wants to he's cool he's gonna add some questions he's smart he's intelligent he's well-spoken he's not gonna do anything to create malice he's dust it's not who he is he'll laugh you know me no you can go up then joke to his face he'll laugh with you nah he ain't that's just not who he is but you know he's he's in a place now where people are looking at him in a different or through a different lens now and um I think his dope I think it's dope that what he's doing I think he's putting himself in a different conversation in hip-hop because for years Nick Cannon was the punching bag of jokes I know now and now you can and now I'm glad that we're at a time where everyone can see why Nick Cannon got all the vagina that he's gotten throughout the years absolutely yep that part should be evident to people today is what I'm saying I don't mean to be offensive yeah now get what you think Nick Cannon so never popular amongst a girl he's on the list he was on the sniper list from four years ago whatever hey young people y'all might not know but if you're creating your list [Music] well what what do you guys think of what 50 outside of the flexion what 50 was saying specific to that there was so much great [ __ ] in there I hate that everyone had to focus just on the foxy [ __ ] afterwards but what did you think or 50 saying Dane was being a sucker for doing that and trying to get Jay jammed up no I asked me my take is normal tick I'm shocked at y'all take so y'all tell y'all takes well my respect and admiration for Dame has been on record on this podcast for quite some time hold off for a minute save on did you bring please yeah no no can you give me a few pleases but you just bought chips right I need a couple for just right now one please but so worried bought these please with him no I don't even think we've stores open that same on Billboard's blow the police doors closed this is my friend I need the police my learning state but normally [ __ ] like try to buffer the plea you started with the plea please that's respect are you going my admiration for Dame is all record cheese I think he handled that foxy thing way out of his character him laughing alluding to things not really answering it I thought was distasteful especially with everything they were talking about before with the Alya [ __ ] within me to [ __ ] like I didn't think alluding to a foxy thing about her being signed at a young age and not saying what they were really trying to get at and then laughing and looking at people in the room was disabled just my penny but just one highlight that though we started with a plea we did end where we need it to end see I want to start highlighting when that occurs the plea was a misleading please not with you so you don't show you disagree with the way Dame off the you should ask that man that would have been just fine but the way they dragged it out and was like yo what you really trying to say and the laughing and I just didn't think that was necessary that's alright I'll casita no and more importantly if that was from someone else out of him like all right whatever okay okay I've always looked at for like the moral police and that's why he's so great and I just didn't think that I thought was out of Danes character to be quite honestly I could agree with that I think it was um you know it is just it's just so much [ __ ] there but with between damage a you know I really just want them to have a conversation not not on camera and you know not that's epic on like a real conversation because there is a lot of emotion in there but um I think ultimately you know the thing about Dame is dangerous order would a plea to know the Dame is uh I holler is yours huh what color is yours what please I'm not commenting please alright surely Dame is at home you got a gun he said he said Jesus he's one of those dudes that my narc attack is there cause he's come for my older cloth and a lot of Dame's you know his ideologies and his morals and his ethics are rare these days like a lot of dudes have for sure left left those you know those morals in the early two thousands of the 90s like dudes not walking around with them so when Dame is sitting down having conversations now he's always gonna be the outcast in the room because people have given into the new era like they don't you know they don't give a [ __ ] about a lot of the ways that they was brought up anymore and Dame is still standing firm on a lot of his morals and ethics which I come in but in that you know they're always gonna be some times where you look and be like is he a little emotional is he a little upset about certain things is he does he have a bad taste in his mouth you know regard things that happen between him and Jay business-wise and I think the answer is yes I mean clearly you know there's there has to be some emotion there because there was such a close bond and a close-knit group of men and for now you know things fell apart and you know [ __ ] happens you know I'm saying but I think that ultimately it's just the conversation needs to happen and I could agree with Rory was saying some of it was a little was a little extra with the with the with the answer to the question he could have just left for that exit a dad I'm not gonna answer no questions about Jay you have to accident ask him he could've left it at that but it was a little play on it a little banter back and forth um but I think you know I don't I don't want that conversation to just get that guy all right let that whole thing yeah that we have to highlight it James said such amazing [ __ ] for the whole 90 minutes and a cannon to you know I mean it was a lot a lot of gems in that conversations you know I mean but um so Jim up my pleated khakis are on right now you knew there's got a lot of please big pockets I'm gonna highlight you please oh I wish you would I don't you have never seen a trial ever then they can be foots of me going started dressing like the me goes that's a that's a big plea you want to get that land is so bad look at the dress I think it came we will get it to you in a bit but you always try to win your arguments by being funnier I'm not going to involve myself okay okay all right where you stand on the conversation with y'all no damn shoulda did there come on hey hey we don't need to qualify that's what I mean I'm joking with y'all when I say no no we don't need to qualify everybody here loved a right we all have met Dain we know we're Dame's stand aim is always on the side of integrity yeah this is wrong yeah this is wrong you are pointing people to the direction of a married man today I don't care what Nick is doing Dame is expert Dame is normally smarter than whoever's interviewing him I don't know if that's the case here but he's normally the smartest [ __ ] in the room so you know what you're doing and what you're doing is not new to me because since dame has been looking like he's stepping out more into press land hmm this looks like a conversation that Dame wants to have that's why I don't ask myself damn damn like why you pushing Nick like I know why Dame is pushing Nick like that mmm when I listen to the things that Dame says it says like what do you say things is not this is Who I am I never sell out my brothers I never edited like Dame is not shying away from this so this really ain't the time for please my bold prediction is that conversation is coming oh yeah he don't look like he's letting up off of it mmm I don't agree with it I don't agree with that and it appears I'm not saying it is but it does appear that this is birthed from a distaste in his mouth and whatever occurred absolutely I could love Dame and say all of those that's my plea yeah that's my plea but that is how the this aesthetic is yeah a conversation has to and will happen between him and J oh no not on camera away from camera it will happen I know 1,000% well they communicate they do I know they do just not they even had that conversation yeah but they did communicate but I mean I see a lot of people always say that is bitter and he's complaining and all that well I don't think that's the case at all he could have the right to yeah right no one ever looks at that part like you can yeah he can have those feelings that's okay yeah it's okay if he's upset that that broke up yeah the problem isn't having bitter feelings bitter is a feeling the problem is whatever behavior indicates to the public that that is your feeling it means you're not properly dealing with that feeling there has to be some type of healthy gauge to rid yourself of that because you can't you're carrying it and the viewing public can sense it some of us and that's that seems to be the crux of flexes argument even though we all agree to flexure chill hmm the crux of it seems to be damn knock it off like you know how you feel we know how you feel you feel like this cuz of [ __ ] that occurred and now you're trying to tear down a successful married man you had no business pointing anybody to that man you could have just said that's not that's not me ask somebody else so while we all agree we agree hmm just like most people flex is taking the one thing he might have a point about and sticking his art sticking his argument they are not leaving it yeah but let me just tell you by before you go more real quickly we just say this name don't give two [ __ ] about flex right hey let me tell you why out there if you've never met Dame - what he says is serious it's not like propaganda he don't care about flex flex is like a dot on on on a city today mmmm that [ __ ] the Dame said on that Breakfast Club interview with Charlemagne all that that is baby yeah and if you not that maybe you a peon so be clear Dame does look at flicks like a peon like he's saying he ain't just saying it for the sake of beef no no you know I think I think Dame just cares so much about the culture and flex being a part of it that he feels embarrassed when flex does these things that's why he's speaking on it out of just care of this thing he helped create mmm unless I don't think I think it flex was part of a different culture you'd never hear a word at a Dame's mouth about that [ __ ] it's just because flex kind of represents a lot of the culture for the past however many years and now he's just not aging well I guess is the best way to put it I think I think he's aging great who flex I think he's a great even in everything that we're saying bad about his behavior here helps his overall bottom line yo listen up flex elect less flex is the same dude that said he was gonna in Jays career no these are the flex game Joe's point is the same every one of those moments that y'all say flex is a nutcase I'm gonna say helped his bottom line yeah even that J incident nobody believed it great to hear it and [ __ ] wanted to hear it it's entertaining so they heard the flex ring when I say flex in the Flex Hogan you know the fans burst gave him that now I didn't come up with that when he getting this [ __ ] it is entertaining to a lot of people yeah but now the Internet has become this place where where certain secret information is coming to be divulged so I'll ask you gentlemen this what did y'all think about flex saying hey you should shut the [ __ ] up cuz Foxy Brown was a liar everybody in the industry knew foxy was lying about her age I read and was like oh gasp it's the Internet where this should be said but let me ask y'all how do I feel about what he said about foxy I wasn't aware that she was lying about her age that wasn't even but I was probably 16 times I also want to know the only thing that was ever said was that she was signed at a young age or Silverdale just happy to be here chilling named summer Jones chillin well there's a lot to unpack with Jeff besos I didn't think there would be a lot to unpack with Jeff besos why you say his name like that how do you say his name no you're saying it correctly with that tone Jeff besos oh no you got that type of money you could put a little bit of nastiness when you say his name you too rich yeah you losing half of all your worth and you're still the richest that's net you lose half of what you worth and the person constitu is instantly the reason I would be tight if one of my exes came up like that way off me yo in 37 billion is what she gets split up did you cook no probably not hey she would cook when did she get with him do you know do you have that information no man we have a backstory she ordered the general Souls that night then goddammit guess what she gets 137 I mean it's probably the fairest thing here that's insane I don't even think this is gender specific because if that girl invented Amazon's Jeff Bezos shouldn't get half our money from you know sort of so the background here for the people that are unfamiliar is Jeff Bezos was married and had the richest empire in the universe which is Amazon and married rich people you know they feel empowered so he got him a little side chick got himself something nice some nice to fancy wood on the side sent her a few sentimental romantic texts that want to call well that's what they were when you tell the girl I want to smell you which is what he said he said I want to smell you I assume we're to be wearing some fantastic persuade his dm's leaked oh yeah the text the text he texts her listen when you Jeff Bezos you're smart enough to not hit the DM he sent him right to the text and what happened was the young lady's is married now that doesn't shock me if you marry if you're rich you should be trying to probably fornicate with oh my god somebody already sure we all have something to lose here yeah exactly that's important it's a very high she was married to a CSI agent or some somebody who could dig in people fall in love real life real life so he dug in the phone and saw Jeff besos his messages and immediately felt insecure you know I was gonna say if I creep in and see Jeff besos work I would enjoy the phone it was mad about [ __ ] Steve one time so yes Steve load oh boy Steve I got it a little bit Balch on that laughs like you wouldn't matter once I'll do them all toasty warm I can't say [ __ ] won't work with Steve I don't know anything that's one boy do my girl wasn't she like a Moyer you don't need air force to you just now Jeff a so-so homeboy who's a special agent wakes up in the middle of the night decided to go through his wife's phone sees jeff bezos his name their full name he's instantly and because you know she stored him as Jeff Bezos with Amazon it's 100 percent those women never keep it low they don't say JB and she did the - Amazon yeah yeah yeah the way we do like - - melody yeah we put parentheses Vaca where we met her at like if you if you catch your wife cheating on you with Jeff Bezos you got to come down I'm all the way let your listeners back you talk about Jeff prime is that's when Mike Douglas was an Indecent Proposal gotta drop you off in Vegas we gotta get to this bag Jeff Bezos had a side chick who was married to a special agent who woke up in the middle of the night and went through Shorty's phone see Jeff Bezos his number it's event right - the task force took that right - screw you know you knew the task force shield or whatever that show Vince am one of those loads sugar baby diems and she screenshot and said to me and I replied back I don't know if you've noticed but our frying pans are rusting rock on daddy hit her and said yo what's your knot got you oh okay I get it wait y'all taking pictures with old frying pans that's not whatever mangia forget it this is just like the courage you wanted the sugar daddy faded he got hurt why did he think the Rory was unable to provide for such a queen is what I'm asking no we need new frying pans so the Rory is unable to provide not yeah he could take like a whole set is like found it Sam really likes to cook it's bothering me that you haven't been to William and so no want to take care of your queen I don't write the Macy's [ __ ] that right in the basement of mace is one Macy's expensive it is that's why I said go with the sugar daddy I go in Macy's the [ __ ] have the big-ass sign here to say it's a sale for whatever you want it and then you grab it and they tear that the sale was only active from 26 to like the four it's like the 14th Macy's wants you to come back and catch the sale guess what makes ya guess who won't be back here for the comforter I got it back did you have besos oh what a hater man I feel the way about hater man come on Special Agent hater why the [ __ ] you going through your [ __ ] white phone snitching on the findings yeah question your wife she'll be able to text Jeff besos and if you find out as Jeff Bezos then it's like I it's a different conversation that's Jeff listen that's Jeff uh-huh we want you to come over and do what what's in that account tell him to send it to us in Hawaii yeah man go have a blast good daddy hurt Jeff this is like right back to my frying pans it's the same thing no justice in the 10-pack women women get mad when time to go have a blast I want to have a blast with you already I was my only no no my blast with you know so you should have peeped that maybe and then just dropped hints knowing that information like yo we need this we need that oh I think that's on Amazon together that like maybe you could adjust if you know a little trail I'm [ __ ] in there yeah if you are if y'all want if you have I asking for transparency then I've been thinking about the guy I saw on the news complaining about how he's not getting a paycheck today way more I've been thinking about Jeff base here's a government strike [ __ ] ain't get paid I don't get it Jeff Bezos lost 70 billion sorry Jeff Jeff you're still the richest man in America and now your wife is the or ex-wife is the richest woman in America I don't care about you I'm not off in this tsa should I hate to jump around like this but this is crazy even beyond tears I'm really serious FDR food the [ __ ] we eat is inspected by the government yeah and I got food poisoning the other day so always have food poisoning poisoning sucks man [ __ ] dead baby fetus in the food okay Malou Fox I'm alive Malaya I'm going like that the same yeah alright so yeah I don't care about Jeff Bezos lose all his money [ __ ] it I was only interested to see what it did to Amazons Amazon's stock but it's not gonna do anything he has too much money that's talking that woman good bounce right back yeah yeah when I just like the 92 bricks there Malta sorry got that watch daddy that he got to show us he won't never put his shirt over the watch I think that's real corny but whatever how am I gonna put this shirt don't worry about it he shoots his cuff see before you show down then it won't be able to watch what do you guys think about it what do you guys think about dreamville trolling us I think that's a pretty important topic are we being selfish and thinking that that they are trolling us yeah it's a coincidence but you know what I want it for the sake of can tell me what you think I may I may be the only one that that uh you tell me no I think this plan was was inset already but for the sake of this conversation yeah J Cole heard our [ __ ] and he's trolling us with all these pictures you got everybody down there alright Rorion pouring Neverland Parks what do you guys think um I think this plan was already in Rory gave us down [ __ ] answer no young rich Trevor rich got invited so I post the flyer I feel like that was you know about us weed here no I think I've been co-pays he definitely pays attention to the podcast or has been made aware of things that will set on the pocket I can confirm that Cole watches everything on the internet the rest of the world watches yeah for sure so it's probably more than the average rapper do you guys have a dangerous take that'll make some of the viewing audience turn on you or not I will say no Cole listens man [ __ ] about what y'all talking I'm a little [ __ ] I'm a little worried that there might be a little too many cooks in the kitchen too many people in the studio a lot is happening there all right Rory's fast forwarding my trolling point here is everything that we suggested j.cole do on this dream grovero loud it appears he's doing it I'm not that self-centered but I mean I feel like a lot of the names that you mentioned and that's what I was trying I guess for worried about before you started just sucking left dreamville so I want to try to do you guys think it's coincidence at all or to Rory's point do you think it's just happenstance that a lot of the things that we said happened three days later and I think the names we mentioned weren't like never seen one major : Rick Ross and Wally J Cole have been awarding wale for the last nine years but now now suddenly there's a picture they just each other and we're at the basketball game together what are you talking about and this is why we can't have real conversations here so you gonna protect your relationships and I'll say what I know wait we can't have real conversations when I'm giving her back has there been a water making up protect our relations whoa whoa whoa you relax let me get with Rory for a little bit making up so tell me all the while AJ Cole [ __ ] that is manifested over the last eight years because I missed it uh when he was that Lucy before the phrase only came out what he was dissing him on the third verse of the [ __ ] when they was in Queens disco music and then Groundhog Day while they came back and they was together on the basketball court like they children they always pop out each other shows while and Jayco have been had a consistent relationship throughout the last eight years let's stay here then so nothing over the last eight years make you think that any tension or beef has been resolved or existed between wale and J Cole I you're taking my point no no I'm asking you a direct question on the answer and I think that's a real friendship I think you have beefs I think you have resolutions I think you have all these conversation I think that's a real friendship so how come when I say or imply that wale and J Cole have had some type of sometime you said they was avoiding each other you're changing your entire argument I haven't seen pictures and I haven't heard songs all I've heard was records dissing one another three years ago and 24 years ago in 2015 they did that's right they did they just did a record together in 2018 will you talk about I know that don't change this is funny I don't change the tension that I'm speaking it's 40 now between rap [ __ ] have a little tension is if they don't take pictures together yes that's funny that then that is a thing though like if you don't see when pictures it's like oh they don't [ __ ] with each other and I mean this wasn't a conversation because today I don't think that a problem necessarily exists but if you're telling me that no tension has ever existed between them two I'm gonna call you and said that oh no a real friendship where tension happens yeah okay so it's just not when I make the point of we made a lot of suggestions here and then miraculously we saw pictures that we never saw before why is that so off because you're telling me they're friends I know they're friends they're together two two totally different points we're talking about Waialae and you're talking about that entire studio if we're talking about Waialae right now it's about the whole studio right now a while it was there while they landed in Atlanta Ross is there um right now that is what I'm speaking about eventually we'll get to all all the people that were there too oh there's a lot of people there but right now I want to deal with while they being there because we've heard dis records where they addressed each other is what I'm saying mm-hmm and yes their friends worry you don't have to say that here they're together [ __ ] land in Atlanta they've been friends they've been friends forever so I mean you could be friend to have tension y'all know that the I don't need to speak about the friend rappers I have that I've had tension with then the public will never know about right so this does I would say that to say this says something this is symbolic of something that now everything is harmonious hmm that's what I'm I'm saying I'm not I wouldn't be used to seeing yeah I think it definitely has something to do with uh stuff that we touched on and talk about here like where we say coal he's aware he listens and people around him are aware and they listen so yeah I think they definitely had something to do with it but I do think that he did have a plan going into 2019 of doing things differently I think he felt that in 2018 that he had to switch up his program yeah okay be more accessible he had to [ __ ] with the yet more mixi do and do the whole feature thing that here in 28 CA he addressed it I think on the 21 savage hurts mm-hmm all right I thought I could just do this [ __ ] but I clearly I have to be out here yeah absolutely so I think it has its a mix of both all right so what's gay thing how it takes do you guys have from all the pictures we've been getting from the dreamville intercessions [ __ ] must be some fire I think I think uh I think a lot of other collabs are gonna come out of that yeah I think there's gonna be a lot of crazy collabs on Ross's project I look at this as more more of a studio conference than I do the dream go album I think a lot of the people that you see in that studio will not be on that dreamville tape at all mm-hmm I think a lot of [ __ ] will come like you said I think West Side with Ross and there will be some cool connection I think a lot of ill mind in there when rappers that he's usually not around will come to fruition I think it's a conference I don't take that as this is the dream go album that they're putting together I really don't I don't think it is and I think it'll be more dreamville dominated as it should be because it's a label album than it is with the 10 million people we've seen gone down there right but again and Joe stop here cuz I am about to be on dreamville dick real quick like I've said before anymore 2014 for so Drive I thought it was one of the best marketing [ __ ] I think this is up there too simple [ __ ] that's why I love dreamville with the simple [ __ ] that they do the invite thing throw it on your Instagram let's build some momentum around this with genius you can't say it's not you can't call me a dick writer I don't care that [ __ ] is genius their approach is very uh College College esque yes it is is very uh you know put the Flyers up super easy yeah simple simple but I think I think it now we're talking about it yeah but I think that is a better like we're moving into a space now with that is the new way to market [ __ ] I think it's cool from an industry perspective to just because like you said the other things that will branch out off of it it's almost like what happened with slaughterhouse with bellman never came out like everybody became friends have worked on [ __ ] independently even though it didn't end up being for that project yeah a lot of friendships and relationships were built you know I'm saying I think this will have a similar effect yeah do any of you have anything bad to say we're not I said oh that's for you for you from rip I said it might be too many too many so many [ __ ] [ __ ] in front of a microphone now what is there bad to say like you you betta you say what you think is bad you always want to find some negative [ __ ] that anything that's positive you like high well you must realize it sucks then all these great people are coming together like you say something negative good back to my my only question is do any of you have anything no you have something nice I think maybe there's too many chefs in the kitchen what's gonna happen here and you know you did I miss that of course you decide how would you have is that a concern because if it's a concern I said if I'm ripped and you repeating it I know just moved on let's let's let's step on it with compliments if that's a boy why can't you compliment someone doing some dope [ __ ] you can't so I don't get about you sometimes why can't you just say that like why can't I compliment some dope [ __ ] why does it have to be negative I'm trying to get us out of this passive-aggressive air it's not trying to answer your question with this subject you asked me why we have a million great things to say about J Cole all of us and the rollout of this project and how they do we have million great things to say as does the majority the people just watching and listening to this [ __ ] I only ask you guys because y'all have probably say I've read in a lot of listeners 1 and 2 before this comes out let's speculate on what there could possibly be Rory before we started said I'm concerned that there may be too many chefs in the kitchen if you focus on that concern some conversations can arise we all know the greatest name but how does that tell us what great people in there how does that turn it to us being pushing on the mic yeah yeah that's what that's what I'm getting it oh when I say that I mean let's address our concerns without applauding we all applaud no we can't applaud ok well we always are we have a huge network of people that listen to us and I think we should big up the great things that are happening we could talk about the other [ __ ] after but even though you think it's just without saying how dope it is we should still say the grace same way you say we have a responsibility I think we have responsibility to up the dope [ __ ] that's happening right now tell me about your concerns I think you can't tell me about what's dope with a bunch of [ __ ] just taking pictures in the studio outside from the rollout cuz our ears came when I was looking at what I think of having the artist with the flyer and their videos but Gmail is I'm too [ __ ] but I think too many people in the studio is always the worst case ever whether it be a bunch of homeboys a bunch of artists a bunch of producers period it's just a weird way from what I've seen a weird way to try to make music too many egos too many opinions and I think if these these collabs that don't happen then we're talking about like if you know for Ross's project etc someone might feel the way alright I laid a verse on that on that record yeah I just heard the final why am I not on that yeah let me tell you something you come to mind my dream feel a special recording session and tell me why you're not on the verse guess we know that the session would be over but when they hear the final not speaking did you ever get take that or you know them song I just I just like to see when a bunch of rappers just of our cordial with each other how do y'all think the music is gonna sound the only concern I could possibly see having is or the dreamville artists gonna get enough shine you know I'm saying like is there gonna be enough space to go around having all these rappers in there yeah for the people on the label itself to shine well that's why I think a lot of what mall said with all the I hate the word networking but all the things that were has referred studio that it's I still think it's gonna be a dream go album I hope so and I think we Joe was talking earlier I think this is the best roster dreamville I think they're actually a label now as far as our disco and I think they do compete are starting to compete with the ovios and the t des but the roster they have now I think with the Ari's with the J IDs the bosses the ERV gang like I think they're starting to find that sound that they have so it would be a disservice to dreamville if they didn't highlight their artists on this and just made it some wild compilation but also as a casual dream - hearing them with the Westside guns and [ __ ] will probably make me more interested in listen to the project of course of course hello disservice to back to your point to that label if you don't highlight your artists on it yeah well hopefully they let their artists shine for sure their dreamville we speak about dreamville the same way we go about tve i personally don't know they're starting to compete they're building their rocks building their roster yeah artists that this year will start to get more clean dream builds certainly frieszo on the rise yes yes yes they are not in the TDE conversational or the ovo conversation of it but they are definitely below there's no real conversation of new labels and it's funny all said and we're obviously saying TV is there if not a buck right oh no via TD is definitely above okay just making sure top no no I don't think there's any other collective I think Joe is wondering who else is on Oh Bo as far as artists yeah uh majid well Carly it has been a little bit quiet for ovo right and I think that's not like a hot take yeah I think it's been relatively quiet movie Oh mmm over the past few years from what they were doing between Majid and we're still don't know party situation is I still don't know what's going on party right yeah I think Baca is really the only thing they put out in the past no cream put out well that's why I'm asking why you all say why y'all was saying what y'all was saying about I think I'm just not a mess is not it was not in that title time cause you got us for a little bit so we can let everyone know that former ovo representative Makonnen had okay I'm fine I said Makoni you just are laughing that's yummy my man it's not my man that's cool delivering them he was a sowe've Makonnen has dropped some new fire okay if you guys wanted to hear it no I'm going to play it for you guys [Laughter] already already plugged up Matt it's taking a while for you to find I lost at the bottom of the best of the Wii yeah I'm sure you will look at the best here we a little snippet a little snippet all right let me tell your Lauren just so people know that sundial on is coming right now [Music] this one is called spendin I couldn't have guessed I liked it though you got you he's spending I'm mad at it hey I like that nope hey hopscotch is on the block hey hey I was trying to figure out like it's a bad record whenever he should stop I don't hear from a Conan even I liked it exactly play to do say I go up what go what so who we spoke about ovo and then Rory brought up baka he's on the road saying that was the last act that they put out in the past two years yeah if I can remember correctly outside of majid so we should stop talking about ovo as a label they're not really functioning that way if there's just Bob that's a fair point if there's just baka and nobody else that we're producing we should stop talking about them that way dreamville seems to have made more of a concerted effort to not only sign more artists but produce more music and content so we can look at that them that way now and say there they're aspiring and coming up to do what they got to do TD is different yeah I mean hold on my bias but TD is let's not be disrespectful yes and I don't I hope I'm not being disrespectful by saying that I don't think so you say that in a [ __ ] interviews I mean no he says they're CBS TV they said we're striving to be them yeah like would you not be all of this dreamville [ __ ] today knowing is awesome but I mean and may dare to podcast maybe they did not but I mean my beef with them it would call not beef but my suggestion is all [ __ ] that week so excited over this is not your project this is a dream Ville project everything that we said here was pretending to coal as a solo act hmm I agree that you got [ __ ] and Justice League and all of these people and JD and Ross and ballet and just whoever you all of that is great but this is just not what I was but no no but this is why I said it's not I don't think it's just for this project oh well then that would change everything I'm sorry I think a lot of Records are gonna happen and land on other projects out of this situation Cole's last album came out what you 2018 2018 so I wouldn't think that he's trying to come right back in 2019 so that's why it's hard for me to subscribe to what you saying and also how he was all loved telling me what people say podcast and I never listen to what people say Oh Cole Cole is definitely a you always know what you talking about I never conclude just from a human's word that's not true people talk [ __ ] about and I'm like including something and take a little factual [ __ ] I don't only take it as facts from do that if you says he's coming in 2019 does he can drop on everything okay that's true when it comes to Jay Cole but you're not taking everybody out there that you know Cole I'm talking about that's all things yeah no um all right so you guys think it's gonna be great because Jay Cole is great and you can't say anything negative Roger Cole right you come up with the weirdest conclusions to everything that we say that's not what we said but it's my job you just dress my job every week y'all like surprise negative [ __ ] I get it I get it but no that's not what we saying I'm saying that I am I do want to see what comes out of all of these records and where these records land on other projects and you know that's all I want to see out of it I want to know if Cole is featured out I think it's well supply like this month how many people you think ask Cole for a feature and that's like pull them to the side real quick I was thinking half the people I thought Cole in a picture would if I was goin rap would if you were cold I wouldn't rapper I would wrap obsesses that's why I'm not cold that's why you put some I seven eight Rory Rory my whole career I've never been you I don't say names cuz I don't know their names [Laughter] [ __ ] worried about big girls next long big cars big crate was next to him you put out a project I'm listening EP today just all about the people that was next to him big crate was next to him got it Chris should be there great so he should wrap with him 100 100 100 percent double-check always want to hear that yeah what else we got what else we got crit was there what else we got not believe in a crazy I bet you would just know Jim Joe took a list who was there to you back up off it cuz critters of that cloth how could you get his ass killed I'm not talking about with you that's what I'm talking I would mean it's not telling about who was in the picture was you don't rap no more don't get a man talking around you give me man there's a there's a booth right there yeah you can't say you can't cuz you said that about another rapper he called you out wanted to rap and you didn't want to write who effect you know who don't know who meaning oh no not hos where'd you get that free I don't know Saha called you out after you called him out and Eminem said what you said about him after you said what you said about Saha he responded and said let's read shut up now we shut up you can't call me I wanna they stopped talking about the rap no way Dempsey I am it's a time thing alright so let's do that yeah and I think Joe's exact quote my ears don't hear sales or money that's true but I replied that way that's it I say I don't think some I hear is don't I don't thinks I've want any type of smoke with me I think he thinks that I think he thinks daddy no he wants that no you don't you don't know we don't know we don't okay so don't so I'll put the record out say something hey check this out more Rory Parkes Hey oh you know I never need you all to speak for me hey any of you it's still Joe put the [ __ ] record out and say what you got they'll talk about it mining I'm here but you're not scared that Melody's Rams you're not gonna run are you gonna say I'm retired get his goddamn hence I don't want no [ __ ] Jew I know that right now finish with you I don't know that what are we talking about Isaac he can run away well we're joking sometime and if he put a record out that'll be the end to him the only [ __ ] won't smoke with Joe is little beat that's it [ __ ] what you talk to me like you don't know my pics oh great that's one of a bunch of people that ain't even really here for less that's not what are you or podcasts not what I saw getsize talk about what I said I said I don't want zero to do with Joe but this is me telling you when he get his old you [ __ ] money but you put up don't bet me with Kanye money [ __ ] don't matter what money is bet you always good money no dude no get your pen and your money your money that sound like Cassidy in 2003 when I say Cassidy you want a [ __ ] smoke Noah Cassidy had his pin and Swiss money no no no matter no put your money and get your PIN and come [ __ ] with me okay and this podcast to take a two-month break or do book break and I will put CyHi ass in the ground or for retirement he'll stop playing with me boy you like pushing average - so let me address that no you do know I don't know you no no no you know you're out here I was being ky4 you slow down you see you can do it you doing with the black hammer hey solder on the bar hey son hey did you draw a record out she's wrapped with his mans in them drop the room the rooftop yes he baited Joe just drop the record side for me please drop the record broke oisika rap you can't rap with me okay alright [ __ ] is you talking me man we can find me here for a podcast stop getting me a music [ __ ] he don't want smoke until he proves different I'm retired don't call me put see I don't think none ease [ __ ] once more oh don't let it hold so what get you [ __ ] up whole city say so I think so what [ __ ] [ __ ] I know there's been a box home city they call me Shawn assignable he's Friday podcast let me clarify my point for listening and viewing audience to assess mall Mega Man this is why I get mad and I'm sorry park a Joe fan podcast listeners we got to get on some Joe rapture for to say this walking man my entire career top-notch lyricism man that our spin into rhyming to words for your friends to just totally not even acknowledge your greatness oh right we always have talked y'all talking that's not true friends does not even acknowledge your greatness then for you to retire and then bring up all of these humans with one body of work these mere mortals I love Saha probably not too many people love his first album more than me what an album fam let's stop it there that's my that's my only point see y'all are too savvy to [ __ ] talk like these novice novice listeners and family I will never talk to me about somebody with one album proclaiming that they want smoke and they got mad fire extinguishers in his crib yeah but we don't know he don't know he does now more smoke no he don't know he don't and he said that [ __ ] never spit a bar that was last year cuz you told him he wasn't gonna rep sighs I'm sorry you put this [ __ ] bar [ __ ] and guess what's coming your way hit this you guessed it Newport but this is Newport Newport to the face hundred Oh to the face [ __ ] is he tall mountain I don't like boom all talk to me like that I'm retired and I have no plans to rap but when you talk to me like this I get angry and I want to not do a podcast for the next month and going to Rome and lock in somewhere and if Joe does that ain't too many MCS just coming that's coming out a formative boy in that that's my opinion that's my epitome only little B mmm you a little being hold so what that's it black dog throw him in there um thinks the morning ain't they we ain't goin from that decide March so Lou I'm just tellin want me to tell you the [ __ ] outside what's really you want me show you the [ __ ] down I'm a little hesitant with I'm just pointing out this ice and not him you said that he wanted to smoke that's all I'm saying you know a bunch of people that you have no issue with this person came out through a couple bars your way said he wanted to hate you let's get in the ring you said well I don't I don't box anymore yeah and that's where it was mm-hmm we're not disrespecting your pen we know what your pen does we're just saying what happened he said hey let's get in the ring I have my gloves on you said I don't do that anymore I'm gonna go fight the little fourteen-year-old Japanese kid on my podcast instead I'm not getting in the ring no more you got to drop something Joe it sounds like Joe swags Joe will come to a rap battle with this persona over record and get his ass so how to print I don't know where you are big fan of your work I need you to hear me very clearly understand your good music affiliations I've even heard that little fake smoke screen you sent where you pretended to want some smoke with a high caliber MC such as myself talktime Stevie sigh you want me know you met any MC idea you want me know you mean it these three words i watch smoke I'm not dodging the smoke some of my friends may have some contrarian beliefs parks has engineered some of the greatest MCS in the world yet here silence to me just drop the record side please well I just want to hear it as a fan of can I ask you a question mmm who raps better so I or Benny si yeah we'll go aside to and that's no discredit tip any I'm not any good charlie better rapper you mm-hmm Betty paint a better picture but sigh if you want to talk about rapper words all right since y'all put it there that was my little cheat question but no Betty if you want someone to write so how are worse these two words come on stop and that is my issue with you gentlemen what same reaction y'all just act when I say hey which I think about and Ruth but I never said I think soccer ball so I could rap better than you yes it's all in the smoke but your tone when I just said race y'all all y'all's tone got Alto on I want that same respect no Jam you know you get that same respect I'm just speaking to the point of you saying none of these rappers wants smoke and I'm point to a rapper that clearly came out and said let's do it no you point out rapidly steady ones yeah okay you think Cyrus better everybody rizona currently as much disparity as you think but I'm gonna come on I'm not mad you thinking that no it is my [ __ ] but I still think that uh Conway might be the better rapper I agree they're into Zelda Benny had the best project of so far yeah off of uh Griselda and I love all them [ __ ] but he want to talk just them just rapping conway's yeah Carly that's the Machine like I got it Conway's yeah you don't want to attempt to tackle oh there's a Michael Jackson dock that's coming out sure who is that real he seems to be yeah it's real okay who's doing it the government he said Callie I'm sorry HBO all right save on what's a bouncer all right I'm curious to see the angle they take with it because from my understanding all the kids that accused him have then came out and said their parents pressured them into and it wasn't true so I'd like to see the angle they take with this and all of those kids are older now so it would be interesting yeah it would be interesting but the more interesting is because you you said something before Jo about respect for the dead for the ones that I'm no longer here so that's why I'm just kind of confused like why the timing why would they decide to do this now like I know uh because it's popular and people profit off pain yeah but that hain is trendy yeah but you can't do that how they move with networks I can't support that you don't do that to people I'm agreeing that you know you don't you can't put something out just because it's popular to do it now especially when somebody is no longer here that's not a good reason to put out a docu-series or documentary on somebody like to me is just the timing is is is is is bad it's like I believe Mike went to he stood trial right he was he found innocent amazing Oh chica Kelly not guilty on that [ __ ] and Kelly not guilty and Oscar you were guilty wrong with their kills don't try to harmonize your fake innocence and bring hope into it what do y'all think about uh these reports going around at our Kelly had a birthday party in Chicago and all the chicks were screaming take me hostage I don't believe that I need to see that I don't but I'm not just reading that I headlines like no show me that cuz now you can show us anything that's what I should ask as being a young black woman from Chicago that's what I shoulda asked her about about all that are [ __ ] hmm nothing is pretty said we know what she would have stood on that clearly we was looking at the hooking up the records and she was she had to pay issue with that she isn't parked and Rory tell me where white people stand on Michael Jackson allegations I would say the majority of white middle America Iran and said here I'm talking about this man why please get out of money business I agree white people love to see what that headline says and what the news says and yeah we're gonna roll with that from sports to anything in the world so we're gonna watch this of course yeah white people - yeah probably and nobody twisted is Michael Jackson was found guilty of being a pedophile I would I would cancel Michael Jackson - absolutely me too let's not get it twisted me - the whole Mike state trial I don't know need to rock with you that bad you know you might you know it's rylynn he was he wasn't no evidence of him being a predator that's why I'm just shocked that so many people still supporting our Kelly when we have video evidence our Kelly said it [ __ ] the dog said hey the girls came for you he did that [ __ ] it's like the Dave Chappelle's kid coming to life like we did it well the funny thing is I was just about to say about Prince and I'm not saying Michael is guilty but it is great that all the secrets that come out about Prince are just like doper just makes Prince doper everything you hear like that Carlos Boozer story that came out when Prince rented his mansion and changed everything in my purple carpeting put pictures everywhere and then he was like don't worry Carlos when you come back nothing will be different and Carlos came back and everything was the same as like everything you hear about Lawrence is fired for instituted that Carlos wasn't ready for the purple purple carpet sway reserves came off the Lakers yeah the Jazz had some purple Leicester but I'm going to show you what purple really mean that's what I'm gonna do as Prince um what else happened that's really important or not so important or throughout the week something Soulja man I wanna go do it I was gonna go to Cardian okay now let's go what card he did well she was uh twenty eighteen she did cardi B was just served with lawsuit papers while walking onto the Netflix series set oh so they did start production on this show that her and the chance and Ti yes are if they had on and they're shooting at s o B's she was served with papers for served with papers cardi B's 2018 was filled with highs and lows the birth of her daughter and successful for debut album with nothing but blessings but a fan beat down there on the 2018 Met Gala found her drawn in some more legal troubles earlier today she was handed lawsuit papers over the incident while making her way onto the set of her upcoming net so who is suing is it Nicki because that's who that case involved that Met Gala bro well know if it if this is criminal that doesn't necessarily mean Nicki's suing that could just mean that the cops looked over the tapes from the gala and saw an assault happen cops wouldn't do that yes the [ __ ] they would I don't know them to do that here's what I'm saying I could be wrong I don't know I'm never gonna calm okay well I can see he's looking over that security tape and then seeing an assault happen of someone that was in her entourage and blaming it on cardi B oh here it is so cardi being off said are both involved in the lawsuit the two were accused by the alleged victim Giovanni Arnold of trying to dodge the lawsuit at the time he said he didn't serve cardi the lawsuit after filing it out of respect to her seven months pregnant at the time of the assault and I'm Giovanni Arnaud is who a designer who is this person I have no idea Giovanni Vaughn he sounds like a designer anyone with Giovanni should be making course we have to be something from the from the gala this would have to be stemming from Giovanni sounds like a name that attended the gala yeah yeah yeah yeah so he said he's uh out of respect and consideration for her and her babies well well being as well as that of her her finance a fiance offset these public finance but fiance off said I chose not see immediately served I don't want to hear from any money who spells fiancee his finance well this isn't Giovanni that spoke to split I don't want to hear from them no it looks like Giovanni Arnold was actually just a fan that was trying to approach cardi and her security took that into their own hands and got that gentlemen all the way from cardi B Giovanni you're gonna lose that case if security beats you up when you asked for picture we don't want to take the picture and if you persist we're gonna have our security beat you up yeah glad we were able to help there and solve that one sorry Giovanni police initially said members of cardi B's entourage thought Arnold was getting too close and gave him quote a thumping yeah he was getting too close to officer in car why were you that close to the Queen yeah he deserves a thumping and she was pregnant sorry Giovanni Arnold yeah no try to disguise that you're this nice guy because you didn't serve our papers when she was pregnant I don't really like that combination of names honor should be first change everything sorry ma'am were a little car D on this one ah and I'm rolling with big soldier um I don't know I don't know but if he said that then yes I am rolling with big soldier well he would he brought up tiger that was just you me no audio Rory I got she um he brought up Tigers like fire oh [ __ ] well he's right God the biggest comeback to 2018 that's true he's up there talking about Tiger Tiger Soudan he has a chip hmm want to show hey mom might be a tiny chip your shoulders no okay just want to make sure you guys got it oh do you guys think that big souls you had to come back of the Year in 2018 even ahead of such amazing talents s.tiger I don't think I heard a record from last year I don't think he was talking about records he was someone in life just existing he said he closed a few video game deals whatever deals he closed he says garner him over all seven figures I don't know maybe he always always been a good businessman a good friend so no you don't think yeah well if you're referring to Tiger coz Tiger had to hit records I'm gonna assume you're talking about music wow so no big soldier can't say come back 2018 I can't believe that you just did that a big soldier [ __ ] a big soldier man he closed video game abuse listen man he went so he went toe-to-toe with Chris Brown in the fruits ops then he had ak-47s you people in his house with glad that's like I don't want smoke with big soldier I want to make that clear the Irishman yah he was going on with LED and easy-to-use daughter I did see that no I'm scared to ask well laughing I've ever seen a bigger loser than glad honestly for better story let's take tomorrow before you get to backdoor that take five minutes to acknowledge what a [ __ ] loser glad is that's final what oh [ __ ] just when you think he can't lose anymore he loses more things what a [ __ ] loser okay so Vlad is a [ __ ] loser lad posted no I'm a great only defendant I've never look at that nasty narrative you didn't do that at all but just me don't defend it damn now you look a little nasty so Vlad posted a picture of you know low pamphlet joints you get when you go to a funeral yeah of easy ease I don't even think it was his death anniversary it was just a random post okay a rest in peace easy he post he started it with yo you should wear a condom like real weird [ __ ] that you would start a rest in peace post with yeah easy ease daughter naturally was offended and also brought up the point that you have sat with a bunch of my family members and we don't feel like he died from AIDS we feel like he was murdered and you've listened to a bunch of facts and sat with my family and had the [ __ ] nerve to post this [ __ ] with yo you should wear a condom AIDS is crazy yikes that is really nasty disgusting I don't know if anybody feels differently here that is the like that's the peak of nastiness and disgusting this save on going to cover it please like and we've heard these things about Vlad before but I mean where where I take offense is like this did that that white entitlement that you get to come and now tell a family not only how they should feel but tell them what occurred and tell them how you were gonna miss appropriate the death of their loved one as a white man there's a lot wrong with that the fact that he doubled down in the explanation and continued to offend the right family there's a lot wrong with that that couple with the accusations that Vlad says a lot of accusatory um in Tareq does a lot of accusatory interrogation type of videos there's a lot wrong with this why people continue to sit in front of a lad I don't know it's none of my business but it's business is failing from where was a few years ago so I do get gratification from that the nerve of lad who as Rory stated has interviewed more than he wasn't specific but I read the actual report more than nine different eazy-e affiliates dogpound affiliates you have exploited this family and their grief to monetize your platform and the second that they leave you choose to tell your audience you don't believe any of that [ __ ] you don't believe eazy-e was murdered and eazy-e wrote something that says we should all be responsible with the usage of condoms so you think that you're carrying out Eazy E's last words so much so you do it even against the well-wishes of the deceased family there's a lot wrong with that yeah agree what is something that can fix all of that - yeah smacking his [ __ ] out of laughs it has happened guys is she having twice well we saw what he did when he did happen so naturally well I was a record stay in it just kind of kept him protected oh no I don't want to get some oh please I stated that I would put money to decide to smack laughs I have heard you say that I stayed that every year every I have no problem smack in the [ __ ] out of that I think that would be a cultural a cultural like affirmative action type of strong statement smack him one more time just cuz you can't leave people to their own devices we've left lad alone even after all that Rick for shenanigans scandal [ __ ] and he's still at the forefront spewing this nastiness and somebody who's a part of our culture we need culture of responsibility I don't feel like Vlad should be there I've been on this for at least 10 years now actually it's more than 10 years now it's 11 years now I've been on this um I would like for some other people to join me in that Vlad and Eazy E's name should never be spoken about in the same sentence Vlad and Eazy E's family's name my condolences to the family my apologies to the family for what they're having to endure about this ignorant white man Vlad's ideologies should never be in the same sentence with Eazy E's family what Vlad thinks of eazy-e should never be in the same sense as Eazy E's family I'm not saying he doesn't reserve the right to think these things but he shouldn't relate those to the actual family and you shouldn't do that especially when you exploit the family and their message in their feelings especially when you disagree Vlad has been nasty for a long time I'm really glad to some of the younger artists are starting to get a penchant for the [ __ ] that he's on and their start distance themselves I'm seeing a lot less Vlad interviews I'm seeing more interviews where people are speaking toward the interrogation [ __ ] that he uses to put a lot of young black men in compromising predicaments um this has been ongoing for a while I don't want to speak about it anymore y'all know how I feel you guys feel the same as there are they are there any more areas to attack this outside of where I'm at with it no no like this is this is like for me white white privilege at its finest this is like why why do you feel that entitled then you can miss miss manage and manipulate the pain of easy easy easy Mele yeah if I have to pick a corner of what eazy-e brought to this culture and put it in comparison to you I mean you know I just goes flat I feel like you those are conversations that you should try your best to stray away from you invite them which is why it confuses me when gentlemen like my son speak up in your behalf let me tell you something he may be advocate I am NOT suck my dick Vlad that's how I feel when I read some of these easy things and this is all for whatever discourse you and I have throughout the years you clearly have not learned what black people's issue is with you I even heard your response when they can and asked and said how do you feel about you knowing interrogate and you said some [ __ ] like hey if they put it in a song and then come say it here it's the same thing to me like you're responsible for your actions if you're still living your rhymes then that responsibility falls on you Vlad I'm gonna smack the [ __ ] out of you if I ever see you which is why wait can I still own the vug say it on Spotify Vlad I'll be one I'd be wanting to smack the [ __ ] out of you can't say that was fine fine can you say what you want to do to some money is that a suable offense it's one man you're not gonna see him so this is just something that's not gonna happen maybe I don't know the world is very small you don't know who you will and won't see I'm aware I was just trying to clean that don't see me ah there we go don't see me honestly if you see me stop stop it stop seeing it put a blindfold on when I'm in the same room I was just going this door saying [ __ ] you really want see stop looking right into the chips was too monumental in my upbringing hmm like even as the East Coast [ __ ] but like how I view easy I mean I have to know what he was murdered or whether he died from AIDS it matters not my respect level too easy you're so high that's still here in st. opposite that's what respect does so I mean yeah the family said that Vlad was wild and Vlad took his time and doubled down to tell the family net no they're wrong hmm a lot of [ __ ] just goes on when somebody pastor with Vlad I have one in my dream I am gonna smack the [ __ ] out of you Vlad in your dreams something that would ever have what this would never happen in real life of course not never never never which is why I never looked for you in complex I didn't know Vlad II was at complex me neither till I got to accomplish sounds all right then I was not looking for fair you have lad that's nasty outside of my violent threat threats towards you like you shouldn't want to feel that way like white people that are ingratiating in this culture I like like I just don't see where y'all run around spitting this type of ignorant rhetoric from like it just reeks of entitlement and I choose not to speak to the white people that disrespect our culture that way if you're asking me to choose between Vlad and eazy-e I have chosen I think that's a hard yeah it's not a hard choice it's the simplest of choices right it's like it's like Oh Dee I'm picking Dee oh do we have two hours and 10 minutes I don't expect us to only be this long-winded on a Saturday but god damn it is [ __ ] it needs to be talking about what else we got um this might not be important anybody else out there but last year when I was searching for a television to put in my living room when I was trying to redo my living room I was looking for a really big screen to purchase like most [ __ ] do look for looking for a big screen so when I was shopping for the TV you know TV technology changes every year yeah so they informed me but also changes like not really no this is also not an ad oh no it doesn't say just when I was searching for a TV last year just like a [ __ ] was looking for some big-ass [ __ ] to cover the whole wall so I could avoid my family and go downstairs and watch that enjoy of course and that's when I learned that the TV I was looking for only comes in a 77 inch like that's the biggest it comes in like I it's been a while since I bought a TV so TVs come in 9500 now I learned that led led whatever it only comes in 77 it's so cool so I purchased the 77 inch for a lot of money and cool so everybody can ran it here we go weird flex but okay Samsung is yeah let me talk to you yo come here Samsung other day I saw they this year they're coming out with 219 inch TV what why so the movies that covers so movies in the entire wall the TV is called the wall and for people that think this TV is too big they are gonna sell a 77 inch version of this TV that is attachable so if you buy the 77 inch version if you happen to one expand later you can buy another 77 inch version and just attach it and increase the size of your screen that's pretty cool I'm bringing it up not because this is a drawer Samsung's not paying a Spotify sales team get us ads man make us money some of these ad deals like before we close the deal enticing us will and our sales team is gonna come [Music] out healthy be Samsung its Evo I'm bringing it up because it looks a little nuts it's a pretty cool idea that the price hasn't been released I'm looking for the price let me try to show you all the [ __ ] actual TV because it does look it looks craziness well they're not gonna be able to see it anyway so yeah right show the camera how many people are they really like reaching out to with not too many people have a 200 inch wall just the problem with that Rory maybe I'm ignorant how many feet is that maybe that's not that big oh no let me show you I'll show you that's fifty eight yeah oh yeah four of those yeah how many people have that much wall space yeah I'm cool I have the wall I do love the idea that like oh yes I'm never leaving the crew but it probably cost 10 beans no no no twenty fifteen or twenty fifteen or twenty I would assume if it's more than twenty I'll be shocked but that looks good electronics are only my only issue with that is sometimes the technology advances past what your cable provider provides past what your DVD player provide wherever you're gonna watch them should the Apple TV like that's an 8k TV I don't know what how much we're getting an 8k I can tell you about all the things we didn't get in 4k right so that's the problem are you gonna go pay 20 grand for that TV you know technology might not give you the no wiser work you might not be as clear as the 219 is taken I'm assuming that you can't you're not using 219 inches of screen you're gonna widescreen it somehow and have dead air I mean dead space right mm-hmm well like the world some say we know actually no that's not true that's not sure you know it's about some black people she real quick house it out they can gift us this is only a ad if the four of us get the TV but this isn't add this isn't a Spotify directive and Samsung didn't ask us to do this but Samsung if you want a 15% code Joko got to get us something all right the Samsung TV what else did I want to talk about really quickly future put another record out future put another song out that it appears it appears I don't know Atlanta people you all tell me it appears like everywhere else he's having a hard time mmm I haven't seen attraction pick up for these two future records that have been released I know that futures putting an album out because somebody asked me if I want to do a future interview to which I said no but now because I don't like future just because you don't like real love I don't think future is gonna come in say the things that I want to ask him about right I don't think so okay I don't think so I wouldn't attempt it ya know cuz I got some questions that I know yeah my questions are about like the real [ __ ] I don't want to lie to come here if they never a talk about like the real [ __ ] yeah I want this to always be the real [ __ ] platform this is so I don't think future on his rollout with these records that I don't think are connecting it's coming to talk about the real [ __ ] I don't think that he's really I mean I guess he's had some singles and he's been on a lot of other people's singles but future roll out singles have it they had a history of success I don't think so really I don't know it's usually I'm not future smart enough usually drops albums and people love the elements I don't think records that they yeah I don't really see him as a huge first single guy I don't know I'm just not used to seeing future appear to have a hard time I guess oh it's an interesting thing that's happening I think people are moving away from certain types of content they getting kinda tired of it yeah I mean people have taken his [ __ ] and ran with it for the past couple years I know I know we don't speak it but not so far I know we don't speak about it enough in hip-hop but there is a swing coming back where people are they do want to hear more lyricism huh I think they want to hear more substantial lyrics they want to hear you know more not for nothing future puts out a lot of music so it becomes a saturation yeah exactly even for an artist so this is this is this is the product of him working so hard like the product of that coming back like fam we got it you future you know I mean like but we got this already we heard the sorority put out a project last year I think right yeah I'm not sure that it went over super well yeah just I mean I guess my point I'm just watching how this plays out mm-hmm cuz I would like to see how please it's a simple fix just just disappear for good love yeah disappear for a while you know raise your kids have fun being a dad and and then you know when you come back it's kinda like old [ __ ] futures back like yeah we need that but right now is just like they can get that sound and that content from so many other artists right now or from him yeah I don't care about it your jaw sayin now tell me that J Cole is not trolling trolling us I just saw a flyer I follow I follow jinx jinx I'm stated cold that is my guy do not talk bad about jinx would never however jinx posted the dreamville flyer revenge and he said the caption said right back to Atlanta you jinx just headed to Atlanta jinx doesn't rap doesn't sing a song how do you know I know I hired him that don't mean nothing you know he doesn't have free time maybe jinx is like a and he got bars so do you know he podcasted for Wyatt why is jinx going to Atlanta because he God be with dreamville J Cole invited him why did Jake hole invite jinx to with dreamville for the bars and his name is jinx yo let me get my sleep isn't okay if you want to ask a serious question yet ago I would think that this would now be the press portion of what their roll out if you will and jinx is on it I've had enough I don't have any jinx records in my phone pong valley look at this why is an album called revenge for you'll find opening he's coming for you I will tell you guys can I share our private thoughts with y'all sure I did think about what I would do if this project came out and I felt away toward more than one artists on there was my first initial reaction was I'm gonna call some rapper friends of mine and tear them all up my second thought was I've lost all of my rapper friends they're all to Ana they're all signed to em yeah or they're in Atlanta so I gotta take this one button by myself I mean I don't know Erickson look like he could maybe call a cult better relax you know send Erickson to I bet now I feel like it's a diss on this dream real project I better feel like we're in support of them the way that we are nineteen Joe throughout this entire 2019 is gonna change if I started to feel like rappers are not respecting my retired pin yeah so [ __ ] sleepers mall no two verse he wrote won't stand a chance versus jid mall Bridget and Rory already cop please last week when I said me and him versus : Jade I said I got us yeah we won confident embosses my man but I'm sorry boss if he parks more safe I'm Ericsson and kori gotta come come for you sorry boss love you but nah get over your boss [ __ ] y'all up trying to bid somebody at [ __ ] what's up where's mother Hellcat bass speakers we're doing this black ass [ __ ] which is [ __ ] RB [ __ ] Tori nice my [ __ ] here [ __ ] y'all can't master doing his black ladies and gentlemen jock we wanted me to let everybody know that he is in a studio right now working on redoing the entire 12-play Chocolate Factory in TP - dot-com album not he is he said he's working on the entire r kelly catalog is a joker just bring to us so we can enjoy it without the filth no it's still filth yeah [ __ ] out here I'm my own over the filth if the King does it alright so I'll bid you guys to do since Joe won't do it listen you guys have been awesome and let me just tell you you guys you guys have been an amazing amazing audience everyone outside of mall give me their NFL picks for the weekend just like your stupid everyone is already someone on the podcast yeah say them again for the new list Rams Saints Chargers Chiefs Rory stealing part space but I could see Dallas upset no I have the Rams I have the Colts I have the Saints what's the game I'm missing Chargers Patriots and have the charger mall will be a pergola and that's all we have I want to thank everybody out there at some point of future I will leak the exclusive version of the podcast with Rory playing the really bad sleeper until then keep us all in your prayers lord knows we need to be there the next podcast I love any time trying to have to find I'm trying to find a way to grow our audience something I'm trying to figure out how to add like next episodes spoilers and next season stay tuned stay tuned next episode when we tell you about why John Gray the pastor has been a naughty naughty boy pastors can't bodyside took a little Ambo that's one did you hug it more I did pastors are buying Lambos so I just don't even wanna go to church oh you guys be cool see you guys on Wednesday we got snow this weekend I hope you enjoyed the podcast until then I bid you adieu peace
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 522,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, joe budden 2019, #rageandthemachine, rage and the machine, mood muzik, hiphop, rap, JOE BUDDEN TV, Love and Hiphop, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, araab muzik, araabmuzik, joe budden 2018, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, nick cannon, dame dash, dreamville
Id: yPTc6Jvw0uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 26sec (5906 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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