The Joan Rivers Show - Outrageous International Hosts

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Reebok to be their spokesperson in a gigantic money deal and they've been negotiating negotiating this would be Arnold's very first ad campaign in the United States so it's very big business anyway when the dusts finally settled and the and the offer was on the table they offered him four million dollars and stock in the company which is unheard of just and remember this is just for a few TV commercials interestingly enough Arnold turn the whole thing down he backed away because he had been advised that it might not be a good idea politically now I don't know what are they gonna dig up his old Reebok ads and show them on TV if he's running for office some day but that's what happens but so he's not gonna do it so he walked away from the deal he's more interested in being governor I think actually he jogs away from the deal and then now I have some news on your friends from Las Vegas yes Engelbert Humperdinck is your friend of yours yes yeah anyway you know how good he is he missed his first performance in Las Vegas in probably 25 years he's always made it on stage and this is what happened he came out on stage at a recent show and he's saying one song and then he like choked and he said gee I'm not doing very well I don't want to cheat you folks I'll give you your money back and he walked offstage the audience was a gas in his fans in the front row they were weeping and throwing roses on the stage they were afraid oh my god he must be deathly ill if he would walk offstage interestingly enough this is what happened right before the show he had wolf down a meal of chicken and rice and he said it was about 20 minutes before the show and he got a piece of rice lodged somewhere near his vocal cords he thinks it affected his voice and he didn't want to treat the people so he scheduled another show in the afternoon the next day to pay them back but that's the first time he's ever done missed a show yeah never misses anything in row grain of rice but in also you know he's been trying to make up with Tom Jones they'd had this feud going for years years because there's so much alike these two Kroners anyway so angle Burt decided to be a real gentleman and he took Tom Jones out on a night in a town in Las Vegas listen he spent $3,000 on the most expensive champagne he could get and I think that was his big mistake because the more champagne he got in him the more difficult Tom Jones became and by the end of the evening he was poking his finger in angle Burt's chest saying look you're no friend of mine and I'm still the big man around here well angle Burt was incensed and they started shoving each other and actually the sun's of the two guys who work for them as managers had to pull them apart so the feud still goes on I'm sorry about that yeah you're gonna hang around come back at the end of the show and tell us about absolutely wonderful juicy stuff about Luke Perry and Madonna all kinds of goodies all right I look forward to seeing you then we're gonna be right back with outrageous international television hosts so stay with us are you to set new standards of talk show hospitality now just entertain each other in the world [Applause] hi I'm Jenny Garth and body in progress will be named in my new video you know I used to hate to exercise but I knew if I didn't get on a regular program I wouldn't let me feel my very best so along with the top trainer I came up with my own personal fitness plan it's a simple program which combines a practical you will get routine with some important advice on healthy eating now I actually look forward to shaping up let's do this together it'll be fun [Music] on the worst part oh the worst part is that coffee in the middle of the night bad tasting medicine she hates me then not knowing how much to give them the best I think the improved Triaminic is the best pediatrician told me about Triaminic I love that accurate dosing coffee yeah no more guesswork all I know is it really works she just loves the new taste of mine too give us your worst we'll give you our best improve Triaminic it works would you like to find the love you deserve its success in your future now you can find the answers and connect with someone so gifted you'll feel good just talking with them call the live one-on-one psychic connection for your private reading any time call toll-free one 800 900 6655 don't face your future alone here's a scenario for you it's your loved ones birthday and you're looking for that special gift that's a tough one here's an idea a Night at the civilus individuals swimming pool and whirlpool cottages built especially for you how's that for a birthday present Sybaris pool sweets it's not your usual cake and ice cream affair call 708 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do you think that talk shows only on America wrong wrong wrong there on all over the world today we have some of the most outrageous and bodacious and sexy female TV TV hosts my first guest is such a success in Britain that she's brought her unique share of the United States when she was number one at timeslot twice she has a very special way of making a grand entrance let's take a look [Music] [Applause] [Music] becasue the home of the brave [Music] time for her Beverly Hills mansion comes to megastars mecca star inviting us to drop by her place once again is partial hostess Richard famous Olivia please welcome Dame Edna Everage [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] looking wonderful and miniskirt becomes you thank you I'm very proud of my legs turns and I'm very proud of you and about friendship yes and now little meetings on TV are collectors either people hoard videos of Joan Rivers and Damon else chewing the fat and now you've got your show to America I have in my own modest way I have Jane and I was inspired by you you encouraged me with the unselfishness that you've always had for other artists it's a success now it is I think I'm making headway with the American people and I think if I may say so viewers I'm already adore than this country however different work from your English show is it's very different to America joke it's more lavish frankly German yeah it is it's much more lavish I've bankrolled at myself and I have a lot of money in Switzerland and I have to use it on something I'm my own personal needs I'm not great and since my husband passed away oh you know I had been for many years pumping money into his prostate now are you dating now that you're a widow well I'm thinking about it I have to tell you that Joan and I both belong to this little widows anonymous along with wall Ivana Trump she's not exactly with that is you've achieved a grass grass widow and we Jackie O Jackie Onassis little exact he is an out-group we shouldn't size meant to be anonymous but then we just said Oh didn't we could be Jackie anyone but we have a lot of temptations place no way I know you but you see them as challenges rather than temptations but I'm thinking I I do go out as people but that's it that's the door I say good night no snow sexual I'm sorry not yet Joan I don't think so though I don't want to ask you it will get back to you Cheryl a second but up sexually [Applause] what are you an active woman when your [ __ ] is alive I was very active getting away from and I always thought that it was a very overrated part of marriage you know and particularly of course when he was hospitalized which was really a matter of weeks after our honeymoon I shouldn't laugh but there was a joyful side to it particularly when they said you know would I sign the form allowing them to experiment so I signed there joyfully Johnny because I knew that he would be pushing forward the frontiers of prostate ology the name of the game and that's what we're innocent yes in the communications industry having our lovely talk show lovely talk shows and your talk show were celebrities and having incredible amount of celebrities honors well this their friends as well are the other friends their friends as well and I do my shows from my own home so they come and stay they drift down and they have a little chat and I filmed them who who you like the best to some of your favorites well Charlton Heston is a very very great favorite of mine because he doesn't mind doing a bit of housework as well and I always adored him when I was a young woman younger than I am now I loved him another chariot of his you know you know how I identified with that chariot I thought it had been her and I thought oh I'd love to be written by John here please I mean that in a tasteful way and he comes to my home and he slips into a little frilly apron it's a drop of a hat doesn't his wife is adorable and doesn't man does it rise doesn't mind what did you find boring because some guests come on I just don't like them I found the Queen a little bit boys she was so nervous she was a bundle of nerves I had to push her on booking I'd sit now ladies and gentlemen my very good friend the Queen of England on she came you know she was a little bit do you ll did she talk to you about Charles and I well she does on the telephone yeah there's a lot of heartache there but then it just what happens in other families yes new my darling journey yeah why should they be different in fact they're very tragically the same and there's it marriage is not an easy thing yeah no no so true not even when you're married to an invalid as I wondered how people been trying to get on your show people forced the way it's number one Mel Gibson well now Gibson well I've known him since he was a child practically I gave him some of his first acting lessons and a little milk he wanted me to be in the film of hammer up to he did but I said no Glenn Close needs the work he I wouldn't let him on bless him he wanted to come on and I just hit him on my entry phone you just saw his little face I have to draw the line somewhere and Robin Williams have you heard of him yes I did yes well he's a little bit of a chatterbox as we say he talks a little bit he can dominate and there's nothing worse than having stuff like that on your shirt he is pure viewers he dressed up as a pizza man with a little false mustache and and spoken an ethnic minority voice I'm saying that because I adore ethnic minorities and I hope someone listening ha but in the end I knew and I softened a bit towards him bless him because he got to such a lot of trouble to force himself under my show but I'm sure a lot of people have done that with you how do you get rid of a bad guest you we have a video don't we can we do sometimes have you heard of robin Leach this little clip Jane and you'll see what I do is trouble some include us this is no bu and robin Leach on your show okay let's watch this Oh who is the woman oh it was little Shawn young she's in shock she is in shock because because things happen on my show no one has any warning off thumbs down because it's like life itself channel is on your show room in fact it's more real than life can we go to a commercial we'll come back and talk about this let's through that and I promise viewers when this commercials on Jen and I won't be saying anything interesting I promise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now introducing a dandruff shampoo just for women selsun gold for women with the number one doctor recommended dangerous medicine plus our new conditioning system new cells and gold for women effective on dandruff gentle on here it's 30 below you've got a cold you've got a real problem we've added the leading coughs a precedent to the proven cold relief of alka-seltzer plus no sneezes no cops no runny nose I took out the saucer plus cold and cough this Monica seltzer plus cold and cough it's tough medicine this is berry berry kicks a different kind of kids cereal and you know what they'll do to get a kid cereal oh it's got a crisp corn crunch okay [Music] natural fruit flavors real fruit juice and less sugar than most kid cereals so when your kids say you'll gladly say okay berry berry kicks great chickens said it self-addressed stamped envelope two tickets the Joan Rivers show Columbus Circle station P o box 207 o1 New York New York 100 I'll call two one two nine seven five five seven two five seven stamp on fire max to the City Council where there is war on crime and war at the Museum of Broadcast communications you can anchor your own newscast a videocassette of it could be yours for only 1995 for more info visit the Museum of Broadcast communications at Chicago's cultural 7 or call six to nine 6000 what it feels like Chicago [Music] you know it's Chicago's very own nine o'clock news I always get a little sad around the holidays a friend said I should talk to a psychic about it he called the American psychic Association where the country's most gifted psychics are waiting to help you the psychic helped me make the right choices for a great holiday I wish I had called years ago learn how the American psychic Association can help make all your holidays brighter call now call toll-free [Music] [Applause] [Music] take that news book by the way it's called my gorgeous light the lights the loves the legend a wonderful how sweet of you to promote my book well I well I wouldn't have done it myself because we you know people come on with their records and their books and their albums I can't be a bore yes but then again certain things deserved we mentioned like your dress now who designed your dress oh my son I have to promote here that's wonderful please show with the eyes some design this frock viewers and that it is lovely isn't it look see these little eyes cameras can you see look beautiful beautiful thing about this frock is that I don't have to send it to the cleaners just a little bit of Visine my bridesmaid yeah she's got a frock just like this but it's got glaucoma [Laughter] you know you branched out now maybe your friends our celebrities you become friends with celebrities right who are some of your friends now well you name them Joan I mean I move in the upper echelon littleness Tyler little little Madonna McDonough they're all little as a matter of little Michael Jackson all very very close yes in a way too close Sally in a way too close will on the phone in the night and day and I mean I have to have a life of my own I keep changing a number or I get mesh to pick it up ourselves of Michael Jackson Madonna because all their little problems they put in my lap I think it's because I'm so adjusted people feel people feel I can cry on my shoulder mind you these people have to come up on a stepladder but it is it's nice to inspire confidence you get that a lot yes but now that you're an international host you know which is such a different thing do what are your impressions of American television besides me you've known me for a long time but there others are now others are the hosts I've seen all the talk shows Joan and I think frankly I don't get such a smile from them as I do for you you light up our lives Joan Rivers chief I like Jane because she looks so ladylike doesn't she and there's that mischief about you that I like and I think I was a bit of that about me too no I think were you always this way even as it uses I was I I didn't know I was going to be a megastar in a squealing Aris China but I always felt a little bit different I suppose being born was this color hair its I didn't mind at there but it's when it started growing in other places that I was a purple bikini line I just felt different and I thought what has damn nature got in store for me and reading your lovely autobiography too and that new volume what's the cool deal jockeys still talking and please snap it up when you go along to get my book my gorgeous life also get still talking and ask the bookseller for a little discount for buying two books and what's the expression on his face when you do you now working for NBC well I guess you NBC I'm working for me really Joan you're very popular but are you sharing secrets of people that like health and hygiene do you give people advice on them I'm very into it and I wish I could give some of my guests a bit of advice on health and hygiene have you ever sat where you're sitting and someone comes on who could have had a pizza shower more recently there are people who are nervous and give off a yucky odor you know there are some I I don't think I'd care to name them this because they are watching what about what about NBC in general are you happy with them oh well I'm quite happy with them as a matter of fact I'm thinking of buying them I am then I think I'd be even happier in a sense of course I should say this for media moguls watching I have always up for grabs or at least for dinner and crabs can come a little bit later closet so far so good I like the the the exposure all over America and they've been very sweet to me you know those yuppies yes your wish milling around now you're gonna stay with us right because you're gonna bring two other ladies out who would talk shows other aquatic women that nobody can touch you but close closing glass though these women will be the most exciting anticlimax as you've ever seen with porno Rico's biggest asset so stay tuned [Applause] [Music] what do you buy a man for Christmas that's important I know exactly then the sport worth Illustrated this Christmas given the gift he really wants Sports Illustrated [Music] given the heart pounding action and in-depth coverage of sports he won't find anywhere else and this year your gift will be truly spectacular he'll get a size exclusive Michael Jordan thrill pack a collector's special that lets him relive the thrilling moments in the career of the man who became a legend his video flight takes off with come fly with me 91 a unique look at Michael's early days in North Carolina and in the NBA his thrill pack continues with another great video Michael Jordan air time he'll spend a whole year with Michael above the rim and behind the scenes as Jordans championship dreams come true he'll also get this collector's edition of Sports Illustrated three seasons to savor that lets him one with the Bulls during their championship years and best of all the thrill packs free with your paid gift subscription to Sports Illustrated cool now use your credit card and we'll make sure you have the Michael Jordan thrill pack in time for the holidays perfect gift with a subscription to Sports Illustrated he'll come face to face with all the intensity action and emotion of sports week after week fifty four times a year all for just a dollar thirty-nine an issue you save over 52% off the cover price makes so much sense I can't go wrong with that that's a whole year of Sports Illustrated including our exclusive college and pro football previews and of course our famous swimsuit issue plus his Michael Jordan thrill pack free it's a spectacular view of the man that millions looked up to now I'll have one like this year given the gift he's sure to love Sports Illustrated and the exclusive michael jordan thrill-packed calm now this your thing [Music] we are talking about international television hosts we start of course a team and the average join us now is Puerto Rico's number one National Monument imagine Dolly Parton calm Miranda and the number 42 25 40 which is not her phone number you have my next guest please welcome IRA's Chacon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you look great thank you beautiful and you don't look like a talk show hostess no I'm not know what you would you do interviews also the way we do but you want other things yes I sing dance do comedy yeah I interview everything how long is the show my show well it was one hour one hour a variety show live life life sometimes where I started life but then we had to taped because once I was interviewing the governor for Tirico and I started laughing and laughing and laughing history and both of us were started laughing and laughing and they had to cut in the air so I said no it's better take a great day yeah why now you come from England and now America Australia why why are you only in Puerto Rico why haven't they are you other countries too you see in other Latin countries yes I know Latin America right they show my show is seeing and in here in New York but mostly for the Latino family yeah whatever what about commercials are you doing commercials oh yes I've gotten travel with you well that commercial the coolants anti anti priests commercial I was in the front page of The Wall Street Journal because there was a controversy over a change of words you know what were the words what was the controversy well in Latin America the word for the rear is it sounds like coolant so so they so they but was that good for you or bad for you does it make it more famous or get you in trouble with the fans know what's good I'm still here I have to tell you darling you beautiful exotic woman that appearing on James Show is a lovely introduction to a very very big audience in America and it'll be a big big help to you yeah I know that do you do you now Edna was talking about who she likes Elizabeth Taylor's been on her show Madonna has been on the show Queen I mean who you had that you thought were really wonderful exciting celebrities well my show was mostly Latino I had who you Iglesias did you know this this is something he revealed to me John and some things only come out on shows we do yes you find out something that's never been in the publicity I set a little Julio and it just came into my head it was popped into my head I said what did your father do for living and he said his father was a gynecologist did you know that Julio English his father was a gynecologist and I said to him did he ever bring his work home but it's lovely isn't I wanted to use enough to have employed him he was a bit although his hand was shaking a bit who do you have Julio who he's always the sexiest of all the men on your show the sexes yes oh I don't know are you married remember me yes yes yeah does anyone ever come on to you they must yes yeah if you were single uh-huh if if you were single uh which of the men would you go out with that you've met pee-wee Herman do what happen his difference he's also very talented yes now you stopped working for seven years yes why because my show was a weekly show and singing and dancing interview is that was a lot of work and I want to take my my show on the road so I did that and then you were able to and you came right back yes we don't you like better television or Road oh I like both yeah yes it's different yeah yes different on television I I look different I look fat and they say she's like a meatball but alive I they say I look like Godzilla yeah but all three of us love the stage work as well don't you yes we enjoy television but with love being in front of a live audience and the fourth lady now okay and if she's wearing sequins I'm gonna commit suicide we'll be right back with somebody who's from Italy she's more famous than the Tower of Pisa my next guest day two [Applause] [Music] [Music] you can't breathe you're sneezing your sinuses and nasal passages are blocked where do you go for help last time you went to your doctor for a prescription this time he told you to get the same prescription strength medicine without a prescription Tavis D the antihistamine decongestant that was once the most prescribed by doctors is now the most recommended by doctors for 12 hours of relief good morning Tavis D 1 tablet 12 hours no prescription the inter plaque power toothbrush proved better than manual brushing in 20 clinical studies this can miss between teeth but inner plaques powerful twisting bristles clean teeth nearly plaque free interplan powers away gingivitis it's partytime people so pick up those party platters pick up some pickles some Vlasic pickles [ __ ] up your pulse rates your pot roast save the pickle slider but be sure and pick the piping pickle pick up last six the piping pickle for biking it up and the next Joan Rivers they defy the rules of modern medicine but their results could be called miracles the amazing secrets of healers find out how they fight disease with psychic and spiritual energy by harnessing the power of the mind and the body and meet people who claim that healers have helped them become completely cured next Joan Rivers we're talking kids and careers these kids while road to success before they were old enough to drive meet a TV sportscaster a beauty queen of pilot a bank president and a preacher how old were you when you won your first trophy how did these mini vocals get on my white track just comes and is their future all mapped out amazing kids on the next picker today at 12:30 everybody knows it's on Fox 50 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are talking with international television host IRA's Chaconne from puerto rico and Dame Edna Everage from Britain and now across the United States join us now is absolutely the hottest female television host from Italy to her fellow country she's more than Rome she's more than the Vatican she's more than the Leaning Tower of Pisa please welcome Gregory Ella Carlucci [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why'd you kiss twice it's a very long story belongs from the ancient people instant romances oh we always get sweaty skies again the biggest talk show really but yours is live yes unlike the two over here and yours is two and a half hours yes yes and you know we don't have commercials because I work for state television because neither we have met several channels and three are from belongs to the state so in this channel we don't have commercials so we don't have interruptions yeah one on only one interruption after one hour and a half so after when I ran up I can leave the studio and get changed because I changed my dress right but I go to the bathroom where do you just talk what do you do what do you sing and dance also no I just talk just don't so who's been which we've been asking who who have all the guests have you enjoyed the most they weren't like the mostest power of him he's a personal friend I know that everybody knows him in yes days he's very it's very famous I like him because he's a very special person he's is really a human is human is kind as kind of person and he has a good relationship with everybody in the studio with people that works behind the cameras who is the biggest boar can you name a name I'd remain many talents yeah yeah they're boring what do you do when a guest is just really like you know cuz all three of us with all four of us if they've gone through that I hired a guest is just not coming to cook I start saying that maybe the time is over it's time to get to another to another point and then I have people behind the cameras and they they know me so they know when I'm bored and they start doing movements with the hand like it's time to go do you want to stay a talk show host yes yes I did - okay what about you do you want to move on to other things or no I go to him yes say what were you in I love adjourn it's and it's my way of reaching out and touching people yeah and there's a little less here I'd like to reach out and touch one of the things I have noticed is that ordinary family life is being influenced by talk shows I mean husbands and wives interview each other these days I mean he comes home from work and the wife's sitting there at the table she says well what have you got coming up darling things like that and and he said she says what was it like at work he says well I happen to have a clip we're influencing social life of all the stars that all of your shows all the guests that have come through I'll just ask you for who do you think was was the most exciting view did you meet the Pope you didn't come on your show no no no I didn't meet the Pope I met Stevie Wonder seeing many others but they weren't I really want to met to meet theirs never come to my show it's an American actor who I may say I may invite him though it's Larry Gibson he'll be thrilled to know someone wants him on their show you know the Pope has been asking to come on my show because I know him very well Joan and when I'm in Rome we go out raging the girl he said to me we know each other so well he said you don't even have to kiss my ring he said he's a lovely person no they're both met well it is a widow but you're married what are you married I said yes I remarried with an actor and he's a theatrical actor so he spends all his time doing tours over Italy and also in Europe so we we don't have the chance to see each other a lot because I work mostly in Rome and he tries alone so is it that good for the marriage you bear for the moon I think it's good for the marriage also because he understands my problems since I have to stay in Rome or move to other places because I work on TV I'm just enjoying every minute of this why don't we go why don't we go to commercial we'll come back and talk a little more all right ladies we'll be back in a moment with more of the three top international talk show hosts is so cute [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we have something to fear except I cholesterol itself old soldiers never die they just watch their cholesterol how many times do we have to tell you have your blood cholesterol level checked and lower it by eating foods with less saturated fat and cholesterol chicken in every pot but without the skin over the years you've given the very best to your family and friends this year why not give the gift that shows you really care give the gift of help NordicTrack NordicTrack says more than any other gift it says you care enough to make an investment in someone's health in their future NordicTrack is the world's best aerobic exercise er because it offers the best total body workout one that helps you strengthen your heart lose weight reduce stress and look and feel or very best over 2 million people have discovered that NordicTrack is the one that works it's so effective but even after five years seven out of ten NordicTrack owners still use their machine an average of three times a week give the gift that will last a lifetime one that says you care NordicTrack order now and will also include an electronics package worth up to $149 make this the best Christmas ever with NordicTrack give the gift that they'll keep on using and enjoying for years to come everyone in Beverly Hills is sharing the Christmas spirit and this year your father meant a lot to me Dylan will be getting a special surprise a kid sister this woman shows up on my doorstep claims she's the mother of Chapman case alone rock star 902 oh no then Amanda and Alison both want the same thing for Christmas only natural we'd end up in bed together his name is Billy tonight starting at 8:00 everybody knows it's on Fox 50 a Briana Carlucci from Italy heiress Chacon from Puerto Rico and a man average from Britain what is the best part about being a television hostess let's just go right down the line ask what do you think is the best part about Gabriella I don't know in Italy if you are a star or a TV star yeah it's much more better than being on the movies because in in Italy movies are not really that big like TV so if you are a TV star everybody wants to please you and they want to give you everything if you go into a shop they give you things it's beautiful but there is a bedside because if you if you go to the same place they want they stare at you like you are an animal in the zoo yeah so they want to touch you they want to see it like you dress you you can never go around with legs without makeup without being dressed up it look good mmm what about you ear well you get to know a lot of people and get in touch with different countries different people and that's great I love that yeah where are you in this I like the power I like to dominate people I like to brainwash them and control them and I also like you gave really I love getting lots of things from nothing I like to go into a restaurant and get the best table nothing nothing that is so Damon and we were booked up but no now you've all met over the years I think probably the most handsome sexy men in the whole world if you were free it could have an affair with anybody just off the top of your head who would it be are you all ready answer now give no question I write you oh my god I see me oh okay okay and well you know I sleep with all my guests I mean they stay in my home because I do my show so in a sense they're sleeping you know there's a wall between us but they're snoozing there but I think little Julio Iglesias he couldn't leave his slippers under my bed anytime Eddie's father can give me an exploratory [Applause] I mean living a tasteful way did you have to do any sack we're all sitting here you're all man one of the sacrifices that it's cost to be a chuck roast I think that I would like to have children I would like to have a normal life and then normal family and since my husband does a the same kind of job I do it's ready what about you the same my husband is a musician and we travel all over around the word and I like to have more children but you know it's difficult what about you well only one is just a little sacrifice my family I've sacrificed it hasn't matter to me because they've turned out delinquents my daughters are famous shoplift my son was deeply disturbed and I wouldn't wish it any other way I thank all three of you so much a charming delightful group to have you on and I we talked about how you all say goodbye and you say goodbye on your show how do you think about your show what do you say you want to say Italian yes al Rossi Morreale program hiya we do fundamental process Americana trap on Tata de luna de Miele Apogee processing and yester Co Topher esta noche que Dios amigo sillas hablo su Amiga it is check on ciao [Applause] David I know you you had a special way which we saw of saying goodbye to guess that you didn't like it but usually I just say goodbye possum save the Dryden I guess also [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] still no snow I bet I can make it snow have you had hot cocoa well no wonder come on [Music] something magic always happens with carnation hot cocoa have you smelled Clorox bleach lately like a cool breeze [Music] alka-seltzer Plus nighttime speeds powerful medicines to free their breathing soon remakes and quiet your pulp so you can rest all without alcohol nothing rushes relief like alka-seltzer plus night time some of our guests state the beautiful Plaza Hotel overlooking Central Park [Music] after my motorcycle accident I couldn't walk and my motorcycle was totaled this accident case required special attention I knew it wasn't my fault but nobody respects motorcyclists our team of experts knew exactly what to do they got me the respect I deserve in the compensation - if you've been injured in a motorcycle accident call three five two one thousand that's three five two one thousand for a free case evaluation there's no fee unless we win they made the legal system work I'm Dave Thomas I was adopted so I go one place my heart of the kids who are waiting to be adopted special kids with special needs older kids and kids who are mostly challenged they need the same things we needed a family to love them and someone they can love and return adopt a special child they grow up to be special people do Dean went at JC peddlin bar coupon from your newspaper 25% off regular price merchandise store was in Wednesday JC Panama strips and supplies he store for details promotional fees provided by aches and pains Conair standard at king-sized moist heat pads a specific area we need Conrad Sports feminine or therapeutic keep max vanish drop it ins now last 33 percent longer so the cleaning and stain fighting power you've come to expect from vanished last longer turn up that colors in your wash with new alternative powder bleach with color care lady Stetson the spirit of the West the power of a woman the fragrance that captures it all lady Stetson it's how the west was won I'll be giving lots of bread machines this year haha fresh-baked bread just like your mom made with Fleischmann's yeast Fleischmann's yeast America's favorite dishing the dirt with Star magazine's Janet Charlton okay Janet what have you had to tell us we have caught Madonna in a lie Joan surprise you she was on Arsenio recently in the subject of Luke Perry came up and she said quote I don't hang out with people who pose with guns on magazine covers remember Vanity Fair well who was she hanging out with at her New York recording studios smoking cigarettes with Luke Perry who did she go dancing at the Ritz with Luke Perry and they slipped out separate doors so no one would see them and if you look at this picture closely you'll see some of Luke's beauty secrets he has stopped waxing his chest and back so he looks like a more mature man and his pompadour has been puffed up a little bit with some augmented hair oh yes these days oh well thank you very much male beauty secrets thank you and I will speak to you very soon again on tomorrow's show behind the sunglasses look at Jackie O on a 63rd can you believe it birthday you won't want to miss it see y'all tomorrow thank you for today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for information about our show questions the future guests suggestions with you two shows or my personal appearance schedule call our hotline 1 904 5 4 1000 of course 95 cents gotta be 18 or older touch-tone callers only on the next Ricki Lake there aren't a whole lot of black men out there that we assume our eligible should white women date black men white women who date black men are taking our men from us you're treating men like there's some kind of possession we have something to offer to each other because we have something to learn from each other I just care about her if I wouldn't go where I still will go with you on the next Ricki Lake today at 1:30 on Fox 50
Channel: VHSTransfer
Views: 62,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joan Rivers, Dame Edna
Id: eUcNlUmLfGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 41sec (3221 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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