One More Audience with Dame Edna Everage (1988)

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[Music] no no no the Barry Humphreys sequestration Fund in association with Aetna Care of Switzerland and the International Friends of the prostate PLC presents the distinguished World Mega star doctor the day Edna thank you [Music] [Music] hello possums yes it is me isn't it exciting it's too long since I confronted myself with my peer group if I can call you that London weekend well they've been very kind to me and I asked them what they'd like for Chrissy and those boys at LWT said you damn Edna you're our favorite stocking filler and I think I am spookly enough I'm certainly Queen of the ratings aren't I and I've been gift wrapped tonight by my talented son Kenny of Kenneth average modes Melbourne Sydney and Manila ugly frock I can feel women's eyes boring into this but ever since ever since my show the Dame Edna experience was such a tremendous success celebrities from all over the world real celebrities wannabe celebrities and people who just thought they were celebrities have been clamoring for an encounter with me it's been cardboard sitting outside London weekend people slumming it in their rolls royces sleeping all night in their hair hello Jeffrey foreign sleeping all night in their Harrod's hampers longing to bribe big or burrow their way into this award-winning or potentially award-winning show everyone wants a seat but of course call me old-fashioned there are no seats it's been impossible people in hospital have been begging for bypass surgery that's why we've got nurse little sister good over there hello sister she's here in case anyone has a funny turn while they're talking to me and people are inclined to come over a little bit strange don't be frightened of me I'm a person I am prick me and I bleed there's no difference and I've said it once I'll say it a hundred times there's no difference between me and you except I'm rich and talented and you are almost but if you're expecting a show you may be disappointed this isn't the show it's not entertainment per se I love saying per se I mean if I were home entertainment look I'm not a bowl of spaghetti I'm not a bottle of wine and after ointment that's home entertainment in my book I'm a therapist I'm a counselor I'm a Swami this is the output for my input it really is this isn't a studio I think of it as a massage parlor for the human spirit where I give you what you dare not ask your husband or wife to give you and that's a brain job Dr Jonathan Miller said to me the other day after five minutes conversation with me he said they met he given me the best brain job I've ever had in my life and that's a big compliment from Dr John don't you think Mother Teresa said after watching one of my shows she said she said she said she said I feel a better person now confident [Applause] there's a lot of people here all looking gorgeous and happy already that's the one I like to see and almost heal this is going to be healing it's not a show as I say it's a tool it's an Interactive Learning tool now there's a lot of people here I want as many people to share as possible tonight and just to make things a little easy I want you all to Center yourselves I want everyone to hold hands for a moment just hold hands just a moment of silence little silence please I wonder what people tuning in will make of this lot some questions first question please who's got a question Bob askings um Bob look at you you darling you look a bit biblical don't you congratulations before you say a word Robert on the wonderful success you've had no thank you you've given minicab drivers New Hope way there's one neglected he is you've found your way to the top of your profession Bob and probably couldn't find your way from birming to Bayswater crap that Cortina could you possum what's your question my darling well it's not really a question it's just that we were all talking outside and uh sure that's understandable but we were talking and I'm sure I speak on behalf of all of us that we're really very very sad about your very tragic loss my loss well darling I haven't lost anything sweetheart your husband he's just died thank you very much for starting my show I'm afraid Norm has been gathered yes come as a bit of a shock to a lot of people in other parts of the world but my husband I mean he's been clinically dead five times this is it I'm afraid and it is sad it is very very sad it's something I have to learn to accept Bob sweetheart you put it very sweetly and let's get it out of the way my husband's last words to me were give it to them either I wasn't quite sure what he meant whether it was a professional exhortation or whether he was referring to some of his vital organs because has been globally recycled outside of the art donor when we got to his bedside he was just a dent in the pillow for now Myself Away I as a matter of fact he's been so successfully distributed throughout the world that I haven't frankly thought The Cremation was a waste of money I haven't seen that in a horrible I mean that very nicely it would have been probably more sensible just to pop him in the microwave foreign but sister young husband my husband's constant companion in fact that nurse was his right hand for a very very long time nursing professional she made a fool of herself at the committal she threw herself onto the rollers you know she nearly went down into the bowels of the crematorium and had her handles unscrewed as a matter of fact but she's behaved very very badly so I wish all those things had happened home but Norm's bits have gone everywhere they've been helping people out and in in one particular case his organs haven't been universally accepted I have to say this Bob if you're thinking of donating yourself my clinic rejected my husband's pancreas which I thought was an insult I mean it's it's not easy palming off a pre-owned pancreas I have to admit even if it's had one careful owner and I had this sweet breads on my hands belong the Oxfam shop wouldn't even take his suits as I was about to throw them into the incinerator a little a little claw shot forth of course it was the hand of my bridesmaid Majors up you see she's wearing one of Norm's Suits now can the cameras get a picture of her look at that what does she look like Dr Crippen Mormon wisdom or is it but thy crazy fields in one of all Claude halbert's suits because Manchester's deaf as opposed she hasn't even got a battery in at the moment little does that woman know that that's suitable she had it of course cut down by the emmanuels cost a fortune little does Madge realize that that's the suit my husband had his first Urological spasm in in those trousers my husband first realized that he had something very Gravely awry with his Waterworks strange women approach Madge when she's dressed like that hamstered lady novelists she looks like she's published by the Virago press [Music] he's written nothing more interesting than a letter to the Milkman however Bob that wasn't a question darling I'd rambled on a bit it wasn't it was a statement sweetheart I want questions I want difficult curly questions but keep them short short and curly questions if possible Dr Anthony Claire darling please you're next to John Mills soon sorry sir John I don't care was in my whisker Dave Edna I'm a psychiatrist and as you know I know that do you want me to lie down yeah we as you probably know late great emphasis on the importance of grieving and in view of your your tragic loss I wonder the extent to which you've taken this as seriously as perhaps you should I have and it's very having a good time is my way of grieving and you know of course the other night someone said come to a dinner party next Thursday I said I'm sorry I'm terribly sorry I'm grieving simple as that Dr Claire you're just a little bit too simplistic I think in some of your assessments I mean that nicely I do sorry and you know I didn't mean to snap at you by the way I'm a little bit a little bit nervous I'm suffering from PMT possums Morton tension [Applause] I have to say that on my last trip to Australia ah well I have a little Memorial to Norm it's a little plaque I visited his plaque of course when I used to see him in the hospital I'd visit his plaque he had a lot of dental trouble in the park that's another kind of plug I have this little granite tablet on a wall out at the Garden of rest and it's very beautiful the sprinklers are going scattering their rainbows hither and John and there are people sort of sprinkling there with various loved ones ashes it's beautiful out there and I noticed already that a kookaburra it's a beautiful Australian marsupial had flown over my husband's Memorial tablet leaving well shall we say it had passed over the tablet limousine to get a rag from the glove box and I was just buffing it up and I suddenly looked at the rag and realized it was a pair of my husband's Underpants that moment I knew grief I said goodbye to him then they're standing on a step ladder with a pair of my husband's soiled wireframe is that answer your question almost Hayley Mills I've always wanted to ask you you know from one woman to another and one mother to another mother how do you feel about this this new trend of blaming the parents for the sins of the children what happens Haley it's not new my darling it's not new children have been blaming their parents for years they have it happened I remember almost blaming my mother you know what I do is she had a lot to answer for mine but it happened I think there must have been a time when you put your little Lord and Lady Mills through the mill Haley wasn't there I don't mean to bring little skeletons out of closets [Music] I'm not going not that that little Bolton fellow was a skeleton he was very nice but he was delightful but I'm going to say this it happens you know my daughter valmay was berating me she's been giving I have a beautiful daughter now but she was beautiful we've pumped telephone numbers into into her education not just telephone numbers but telephone numbers with international dialing courage I've given my daughter valmay everything and she has bitten the hand that feeds her she's reactionary she shop-lived highly now I don't know that's well I mean it's something Dr Claire would know about it Anthony look at me when I'm talking to him Cry for Help isn't isn't a shoplifting yes yes I think in the circumstances it might be more understandable all right the Riddler's meeting an architect in a party and asking what you should do about your kitchen and never really call Max for trying though ant however she shoplifted remind me not to refer to you again by the way that I mean they're caringly come down her pantyhose I said to one of my mind as I said Follow That Girl and pay for whatever she's got in her pant he has he said she charges for that does she Haley I'm a changed woman it's tough love from me now I don't do it she's got to make her own mistakes and I think children have to I made a few you made a few we all did Little Johnny probably made a few bless his heart but we all do and I think the more you get bolstered up by parents the more you go on making the same mistakes and I'm not doing it without me she's made her own bed she's got to sleep in it I'm afraid question Barry Norman illustrious you career there seems to me to be one thing missing and that is the cinema don't you think it'd be a good idea to tell the story of your remarkable life on film yes I would I'm making thinking of making a film about my life I've been oppressed by David Putnam he wrote me a lovely letter from his Club in Wigmore Street [Applause] just little hint of debt all about the letter but he is going to he's really very very keen to sign me up he is very bless him I'm writing my autobiography he don't know what to call it a spooky life or my gorgeous gorgeous life or call me old-fashioned I haven't decided but I'm sure who's going to read it when it comes out hands up oh goodness well you'll all be in the index the rest of you won't and who's dedicated to I'm thinking of dedicating it to myself as a matter of fact must be a bit different but a film of my life will be wonderful I don't know I think I'll have I'll play myself when young and I thought little Jane Seymour can play me as I am now and then I that little dimple dime Judy Dench could play me you know the next decade or so and then on the Diana rig playing me as an old woman character makeup I should mention I'm heaving myself out of this luxurious chair I should mention possums that isn't this informal and lovely I mean it's hardly doesn't feel like a show does it I it isn't I I should mention that all of you are wearing little stars have a peep down you see those Stars you're going this is color coding and this this is just for me I can't tell you what the different colors mean but it's degrees of stardom and celebrity you know some have got greens I've got orange I can't it would be invidious for me to tell you what the colors means you'd only be scratching each other's eyes out it's advisor to say that little Jeffrey Arch is the only one with a yellow star oh what's up my brush it naturally has a star at all and that's as it should be uh anyway to be very very rude and I wouldn't want to offend you know small scale Stars you know people wearing the green oh what have I said next question please Jonathan Ross they might like to ask you a personal question about your family if that's okay family yes I'm very interested in your unmarried son Kenny um as you most have come to terms with the nature of his sexuality yet has he come to terms with the nature of his sexuality Jonathan I'm disappointed in you you make me feel like Mary Whitehouse darling my son is as red blooded a male as you are Jonathan my son is a womanizer as a matter of fact I'd like you to go up to his room late one night the director Becky asked me if I would ask you to go you walk in there you turn on the spotlights they're all on dimmers and there's Barbara Stanwick there's Joan Crawford Susan Haywood all these gorgeous gorgeous women Veronica Lake Judy Garland of course Marlena Dietrich all there smiling down from my son by the way is the Australian Secretary of the Barbara Stanley Appreciation Society I said Kenny the only thing is I said that they're all dead or Nearly Dead I said can't you just fall in love with a living woman he said you're my woman mommy says that's what he says to me he said you know I I love you like like Anthony Perkins loved his own mother and then I haven't seen it but I believe it's a delightful film let me know you know it's on Barry Norman William better than what's on possum [Music] I saw you with your hand twinkling almost first Sir John Mills and I'm longing to know what you want to ask me you darling Damon I hope that you don't uh you won't take offense at this and um I know I I worked with you and uh I think you're a very generous person but I just want I can be generous on the other hand my revenge could be terrible [Music] aren't you perhaps just a little bit worried that uh lovely Madge allsop is um fast becoming a star in her own right becoming a star if too many people ask me questions about it evidently Jeff for your time will come you know very well we're impatience has got you in the past I'm sorry Madge well she was in this commercial of course I'm glad she was I put her up for it she needed a bit of money it's given her a little bit of an identity for the autograph book of course she's asked what celebrity hasn't been pestered by my bridesmaid for their autograph but of course she is a television series or her autograph is in a book is in New Zealand she puts her autograph book up on a sort of little stand and turns one page a week they film it that's a show in New Zealand they need some idea it gives you some idea of you know the standard it's won an award at one of bronze kiwi it wasn't it Keith it was a horrible Brown lump it looked like something akimi might have done but anyway I mean of course she dresses abominantly I mean she looks at her clothes make the Turin shroud look glamorous I think it's authentic too I mean I don't believe that it's an old dish class with a picture of Billy Connolly on it all right next question please I know that your life at the top is full of stress how do you deal with the day-to-day those awful pressures during your mega stardom oh so you who do you darling well of course like you I was a bit of a child prodigy I'm one bless your heart you you were playing your little fiddle in the Maternity Ward weren't you and I was something like that I my mother told me this before we bundled her into the maximum security trial I had he said that when I was born she said they brought this little bubba along with a little and still a little move little move mop on its head I was born Wisteria by the way if I may call her that whatever I like [Music] my mother said what is it what is it you know how mothers do what is it what is it and the nurse said it's a one-off hahaha and if the word mega sour been coined then I probably would have said that then probably said something like that when you were born too little Ringo you darling I adore that boy I think you know I think I'm as fit as a fiddle I think to use a metaphor you'd understand it's Health it is I've still got my drives I've still got my juices my gynecologist looked up the other day and he said to me he said he said you are still capable of having grandchildren Edna isn't that wonderful now I do simple little exercises I do something I mean it passes on to you because you could be in a better State and preservation than you are at the moment I'm in that very very kindly this is a person who's fond of you talking I do something called yoga now it's got nothing to do with yogurt it's something else it's an oriental thing I'll take you back afterwards and show you a few simple positions I will I hope no one will misconstrue what we're doing there are a few little hazards in yoga you know I got actually locked in the slot position the other day you know the slot position that's the Lotus spelled backwards it gives you a rub idea what kind of position I was in but it is you know I'm healthy and I think it is Health every time Jeffrey Archer you're Longing To Say Something spit it out spit it out they matter first I want to thank you for the kind letter where you invited my mother she's she's dignified and she's restrained my mother is restrained but unfortunately by men in white uniforms the music oh yes yes now is it we're reduced to that level Michael Winner David I don't like snakes do you have any pet hates or aversions I didn't know you didn't like snakes and yet some creepy crawlies have come into those films of yours haven't they otherwise animals either but I do have pet aversions and the thing about pet aversions which is spooky hello Esther darling I didn't see you looking lovely it must be the lighting please For Heaven's Sake lady Mills I'm disappointed in you Michael I think the Peta version is something that we can't explain either things that in my life I think oh that's yucky and yes I don't know why there is something I can't stand a type of a person now don't get me wrong and I'm going out on a limb here and this could be construed as tastelessness but there's a type of person I cannot bear and you know what they are lip readers you see they're wondering what I'm talking about no the way they look at your mouth you know you'd think you had a bit of spinach on your tooth or your tongue was coated I hate lip readers they can't help it I know please don't be offended I know they can't help it but then they're not being offended are they because you know I'm being tasteful if I get any abusive letters to you know after this from lip readers I'll know who told them it'll be one of you I'm afraid and although it's about 55 million we'll track you down I'm sorry but we will because I don't want to give any offense to lip readers because they it's just a thing and you asked me Michael Winner you asked me and I told you because I'm up front I'm sorry call me old-fashioned sorry and you're making another one of those um what are they called again a deathware statement what a Death Wish are you no we're not doing any more oh no more we're going in for comedy now I thought they were funny [Applause] oh dear don't I look absolutely gorgeous I'm putting the words into your mouth eat your heart out little Emmanuel's there another Kenneth average Triumph I'm wearing and I'm sorry I had to change my frock during that commercial break but unfortunately I wet my dress it wasn't nerves or would I make such a yucky and tasteless reference no but I spilled a little a little Night Nurse frappe on my front all Madge carries around in a thermal stanchion match and I must admit I had a little fortifying nip and the result was a spoiled dress not just for the time being so I'm wearing this other creation which is gorgeous and gives a bit of variety to the show if variety it lacks which it doesn't it's a little tight [Applause] people wonder why my ankles are so gorgeous I'm preempting a question but I do little exercises in Planes when no one's looking who doesn't and I do those little things with my feet until until the ankle stops stops clicking I think is the idea just keep on doing that little circular motion and I keep my legs pretty gorgeous and enviable I'm very very much praised on my old pins who wants to ask me another question meatloaf um [Music] love your dress it's lovely isn't it it is and I love you and you've winged your way in from the United States to see me yes I did I did and you know what in the USA Today snapshots I was reading that a lot of U.S women are are widowed but many of them remarry and I just wonder if you were planning to find a new soul mate for yourself darling [Music] behind those words of yours Mr Lowe of may I call you mate oh darling well it is a bit soon after normal I shouldn't be smiling it is a little bit soon for me to be thinking really too seriously of tying a knot with another person naturally I'm looking I'm casting my eye over a few male members of the audience here today but it's Widow shopping that's all it is it's nothing more serious than that and spookly enough you know I could be married already I could commit an act of bigger me if I got married now this is a this is a funny little concept isn't it but I could be married to a man here this evening I could be Mrs Imran Khan couldn't I where are you darling [Applause] no longer the world's most eligible bachelor this is the idea excite you just a little I'm pulling you I'm pulling that silly leg of yours to use a cricketing expression I am but you're not married are you not even secretly I am actually ah yeah secretly married do you think your mother would approve of me just a little bit [Music] of a second best you darling I'll give you a hug later what woman women will be so jealous of me well I saw a little gleam of Hope in his eye this old Madge down there look goodness I'm have to tell you something you know Norm used to sign things before he passed away he'd sign anything you put in front of him and signed up for about a Year's lunches because he passed away with the hospital are inflexible they still serve them she goes Mary honestly she goes into the hospital every day to eat those lunches even the intravenous ones is the bench in the corridor some of them of course those intravenous ones don't taste of anything she's in the corridor with a drip trying to find an orifice with taste buds it's it's not a pretty sad I'm afraid I'm sorry next question please Esther Ransom you darling how long ago did we first meet Belen yes to my darling I knew you'd launch into a little dialogue I knew this simple question look at her body language too little hand over the mouth what would that mean because Desmond Morris isn't here he couldn't clean here but it means something are you taking the words back just as you said covering a little mouth I'm admiring you you I don't remember Lester please don't misunderstand me darling are the long term admire of you I met you in the mid 60s when you worked for another little Network and very conscientiously and already had your little sling back on the Bottom Rung of the ladder you had that gleam in your eyes you you tame such loveliness I want to ask about this wonderful apartment who designed this it's actually it's a temporary very very temporary it's only for tonight as a matter of fact I'll bring to this it's available you know you could move in here with a little Desmond that's almost a compliment it is Esther and it's a lead up I hope to the question that I'm hoping again no show without punch I have a loft those radiant looks would you ever contemplate plastic surgery I wouldn't yes I've never thought of plastic surgery I've never had anything done to myself at all no way no way no in no area of my Anatomy have I had anything done whatsoever ladies can have a look at me later if they want to I'm available in The Powder Room no I'm in this quite seriously Esther not even in the dental Department darling I've seen you coming out of Janet Street Porter's dentist [Applause] I shouldn't even make jokes about it because you look very good shape and you've got that bone structure nose in the middle and an eye on it everybody Bill Wyman is longing to ask me something and I'm thrilled to see you here Billy boy lovely to see you and look you don't change do you you don't fresh well not fresh but I mean cheerful and gorgeous and relaxed you're having a nice time not bad lovely to see you Billy you're a Survivor aren't you and I'd like to know your secret for us young Lads you know to know how you manage to survive like you listen to that Ringo a survivor you're a Survivor I mean when the stone started off you started rolling with them didn't you darling and you're still with us and you're still giving a tremendous amount of pleasure what is the secret of survival your survivors here there's dear old Johnny there and lovely mirroring what are you John now are you 81 yet what's all the fuss about then [Music] [Applause] however does Judy Dench have caused my favorite Dame hello Judy my darling woman lovely to see you here tonight too precious one and I was thrilled when you got your day but I'm still thrilled when I think of it you know it's incredible that someone with a name like Judy Den should have a night a day but really I mean this must be Judy I do and then she's an interesting word it means false teeth did you know that when we were burning my mother's things before she went off to the Twilight home we found an old book Hayley would you please look at me when I'm talking you're so Restless darling highly um when we're burning my mother's things we found an old book on the meaning of names it said Dench it's the same Ruth's denture I don't know if you ever knew that the spook isn't it however Judy you're gorgeous you're my favorite little dimple dime and I'll give you a hug like a Precious Heart Bill wine and I haven't forgotten your question keep your mystery now a lot of people don't know Bill you see they think of you don't they as a guitarist with the stones and it is the guitar isn't it that you play they don't know you see you've had all this published you've been in the Limelight all these years they don't know you're an authority on medieval wall painting do they they don't know that every time a Bulgarian tapestry gets knocked down to a mysterious bidder of Sotheby's it's you bill it is keeping a mystery darling isn't it I mean it's a pompous way of expressing it but that is the bottom line and there are bits of me I keep to myself I think you know that or you wouldn't be still probing away you'd say there's a bit of Edna that she hasn't revealed and there always will be I'm still yielding up new Secrets like the Earth heals up new precious and semi-precious stones these little Sam Fox Hello darling hello Samantha looking beautiful and who's that man next year with his hand up quick is it oh the glamor puss of the left hello I've been sitting there wondering why it is that I fancy you so much I've actually realized first I thought it was because you reminded me of Mary White's house now I realize it's because you remind me of Margaret Thatcher and you secretly fancy Margaret thatcherdale that explains a lot darling it really does good luck with your career and Samantha you're an angel you don't even need to ask me a question no that program neighbors yes I was asked to appear in Neighbors look I was asked to appear in Dynasty you know I was asked to be in all of those things frankly I had to give the work to actresses who needed it more and I can't be tied down by a series it's too much for me Sammy it really is I have to be free if I'm in a series of course they want me in their series but I said no neighbors is very good and the success is wonderful isn't it Australian life is just like that it is the most accurate reflection of Australian life it is it is it's like stepping either when you go to Australia it's like stepping into neighbors or cell block whatever it's called it's extremely spooky Bill back to you [Music] another secret of survival and it's very simple is making the difficult look easy think about that as you just have I could tell my little silence to make what seems which is very difficult look effortless now I do that I think Ringo does that I think you do that bill too you know we put years into our work into our artistry every artist every little dressmaker the Emmanuel sitting there little Jude little even Barry Norman I mean it's making something that you've learned you've sweated Blood and Tears over look like it's just off the top of your head people say good Heavens they pay that day Madden them big bickies she's a squilling heiress what does she do she just rabbits on on the stage and somehow people are fascinated by what he has to say but it's there's Artistry there you know and in a sense too I mean you can't win we have it both ways can you to say why don't you recognize my Artistry I mean it's a bit of a paradox it's an open University students all of this but you my darling Bill Wyman make the difficult look easy and so do I and Ringo too when you're playing your drums I mean people think you know when I hear you darling I think well look a three-year-old with a few saucepans I never know do they possum I don't know the half of it well I could go on chatting I could share and care with you for much much longer as we sit here tonight in the studio at London weekend sharing a little of our experience hope and strength with each other but unless time the constant enemy of the Soul is telling me that we must wind up but I'm still here I still have you in my prayers and I still hope you keep the flowers and the letters coming in music has always been very close to me we've been talking to little Billy Wyman little ring out a lot of salmon rattle lots of lovely Muses here tonight and little yahudi not rich forgetting you darling and I'm no real musician I try I do my best and I have my accompanist waiting in the wings his name is Laurie Holloway and you come Lori give him a big hand [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're looking very nice tonight Laurie thank you Dave Edna don't you love this flat beautiful your skin is so lovely my skin I'm just talking about the flat [Music] Lori you mentioned my skin it's not a lion no non-sequitous really appeal to me my skin is lovely my skin I feel a song coming on Lauren my forehead is no longer wrinkled I'm no more dejected and sad now my husband's remains have been sprinkled at the foot of a prize-winning gland [Applause] why does this make me think of norm [Applause] [Music] his vital organs are snap Frozen at the labs possums what am I trying to tell you I'm a free woman [Music] it's time to let you men Folk touch the knob of me zero in upon the existential Hub of me forget this wasted our Revival chat it's high time I told you where I'm really call me old-fashioned I'm an old-fashioned the feminists love me I've always held on hello [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] animals [Music] [Music] another thing I wanna cross between meatloaf and Simon sharp Tom Selleck and speak finale [Music] don't miss the boat go for the throat I've still got my juices [Music] my creamy skin is rather thin and so easily sky call me on the ocean I'm not so tough call me old-fashioned don't get too rough call me old-fashioned I'm a serious vulnerable old-fashioned maker [Music] thank you [Music] good morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: BluetheFortune
Views: 395,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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