the jerma event streams that never happened

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[Music] what happened to the hamster stream um to refresh people's memories it's when I was going to dress up with like ears and like put teeth here and just be in a ball over there and have like a a couple of toys and like a one of those water uh gerbal water things and I was going to eat seeds and [ __ ] and I wasn't going to say anything and see how long until I lost like 5,000 Subs uh it was going to be an experiment but I said decided against it I was going to have a tube I could go through between rooms and stuff and you could give me bits to like Drop seeds down I turned out it was going to be too expensive I think it's funny and yeah me drinking out of a hamster bottle is funny but then imagine the panic I would have to have to fill like three or 4 hours of a stream doing what exactly that's like I would be in like a hamster costume I would do the funny look I'm drinking out of the thing and then I'd have a panic attack internally going what else is there do now oh my God this how much does this cost I would be like there's nothing else to do there's nothing else funny what else is funny that that could happen right now this is [ __ ] just walk across it bait it would be a one minute stream and I would have a bunch of madeup catchphrases but a new sub came in I go oh I sure wish I had some cheese thanks for the sub and everyone was just Spam laughing and [ __ ] even though it was not not funny hamster's don't to eat cheese yeah next I'll be like oh next time give me some cheat and go like like into the camera I wonder how many people would leave permanently Jee to meet you another over I would Sprint on that hamster wheel and I would trip and I would go Bo boom bo I would fall and just GNA be spinning in it I would just puke and then the stream would have to turn off and I'd get banned for a week what a [ __ ] terrible stream save game pick an obstacle it's I'll tell you a little bit of lore though there are a couple of cards that are referencing a stream that never happened and there's a story there I thought okay so a stream was going to happen that ended up not happening and there are Grotto Beast references to this stream and it never happened so people are going to be like what does this even mean why is this a card cuz I thought it was going to happen before groud Beast came out has to change for some reason or it doesn't work out but just here you go here's all I'm going to tell you but just be ready that stream's going to happen somewhere between August and October there a character on The Stream that a lot of people like I'm sure you will see them again for something whatever that is who knows whatever that could be but there is going to be a stream hope I'm hoping that we can get it together I don't know who knows there you go is your oh thanks for the like announcement dude you literally just said hey uh project big project August bye I know but I'm just so excited for it I the last like 3 or 4 days I've just been like [ __ ] just like writer Andy just like writing a [ __ ] novel about these things so in due time you will know no he's not Mr Green I know what Mr Green I know what Mr greens looks like I wonder how he's doing I wonder if we'll ever um ever see him again in person wonder if we'll ever see him in person doing something I don't know maybe not it depends on what Mr brain is up to I don't know I did I don't remember ever saying I don't know who told you that that I was going to get into $5 to $10,000 of Prosthetics and be Mr Green's doing something I mean why would you get that idea who would who would tell you that I don't think it was me whoever it was they're in [Music] trouble over leak that I'm not I'm not happy about it wink [Music] wink that's the next stream that's the next stream okay hey this is late night no one's here no one's here uh somebody who's become a pretty good friend of mine although I don't I'm not really friend I'd say more of an acquaintance uh you all know him as Mr greins um he's working on something he wants some of my help uh promoting it and uh shouting it out I guess so I I don't want to give too many details away but i' I've been contacted by Mr greens to uh help with uh promoting something and I'm I'm said this is boring I want to watch you gamble oh um I mean I know a guy that does a lot of gambling we' got to know him a little bit over the last few years um yeah I do have some very sad news that is a bad reverse announcement I did tease I did teased that Mr greens had something in the pipeline and I got a phone call from Mr greens and he he backed out Mr greens is backed out he told me to go [ __ ] myself that was literally his exact words um he thought it was he thought it was a dumb project uh he said no so I was like okay uh that stream is no longer currently in development I uh I have to say but there are two others that currently are so don't worry over here here we [Music] go was it Mr Green's Casino [Music] yes yes it was um I guess what it's the stream's not happening anymore so why don't we just talk about it uh I was going to do a stream kind of late last year where I got in as I'm talking like Jim Carrey Grinch level Prosthetics and painted myself green and ran a casino and invited a bunch of streamers to [Music] it yeah it was going to going to be [ __ ] up too it was going to be [ __ ] wild there's going to be all kinds of [ __ ] up games like oh there's Blackjack but what the hell is that over [Music] there was it because of the gambling ban um it had some to do with it but I think just logistically it was going to be hard to do at the end of that year and there was a lot of other stuff that I wanted to do at the end of the year but it had a little bit to do with it I think yeah I was going to walk around there was going to be like four assistants behind me you know doing those kind of routines if for some reason this ever does happen for any reason which I'm telling you it's not there is some stuff that's really fun in there I think why won't it happen cuz it's very expensive show and I learned that too through the process of trying to figure out how to do it that's a that's a show that's um very expensive we will pay for it kick no no no no we're not doing kickstarters kick start Kickstart me to open up my own Casino if you came across that on Kickstarter I'm pretty sure you would immediately click the X in the top right corner imagine coming across that the Mr Green stream that didn't happen I was going to get into Prosthetics and the Mr Green Card is actually modeled off of like my face so we were gonna I was going to get into a costume and I was going to do all this stuff and we have all these references and it never happened so secret I'm sad that the court stream never happened me too that joke is long long dead though unfortunately um I killed Santa on stream like like 20 16 or something 2017 and the joke was I was going to go to court for it and get tried for the murder of Santa and Santa I we were going to have lawyers Santa's lawyer was going to sing all the prosecution I was going to be up he was going to be cross-examining Witnesses and stuff and he was going to be singing the whole thing um at the end it was going to be up to you guys if I was guilty or innocent and the punishment was going to be the judge was going to smash the gavel down and say like I sentenced you to three Minecraft streams in a row and he's going to SM smash thing and everyone's going to freak out everyone's going to be [ __ ] screaming everyone's going to start crying and stuff um and that was going to be the joke and I had to play Minecraft three times there you goes the whole thing cuz there's just no way it's happening like ever a few years ago you you talked on on the on critical podcast about the courtroom thing what was that all right I can talk about that uh I was going to go on trial for killing Santa Claus and we were going to have a courtroom and I was going to be on trial for it but it wasn't going to be like a normal Court it was going to be like kind like a magical court and Santa's lawyer was going to be like sing his prosecution at the jury and [ __ ] and I was going to get pissed off and it was going to be like a magical Christmas stream where I'm just this evil [ __ ] awful person and the problem there was a lot of stuff that was going to happen on that stream unfortunately kind of ran out of time because that was also right in the period where I was going to start to move that was right before moving to Vegas and the you killed Santa routine wasn't really relevant anymore and like a year goes by two years go by and I think in the chat I made jokes about oh you know the legal system sure does take a long time or something but that never ended up happening all right I got to get a scoot back put it in the trash and then I have to take a picture of the fire Watchtower that one was actually bad yeah it was I told you I want to do the bird watching stream where I actually just go and get a bunch of equipment and go to a place where we can really see some actual real birds and set you guys up with a lens so you can see baget do the bird watching [Music] stream go get lenses that like Pro [Music] lenses that stream is either going to be really awful what if we don't see any birds [Music] uh I shouldn't say this because I feel like it' be really funny I'm not going to say it CU it's like the whole stream I'm not going to say it nope just I'm going to keep it in the back pocket but I want to do something on that stream that's going to be really [ __ ] stupid yeah now I know why I can this is how I can do this stream and I'm I'm putting it down now I'm going for it we have made jokes about this stream for a long time I'm going to go for it now I'm actually going to go for it it's not going to happen for a while I'm just telling you there's already like [ __ ] being planned for the next like couple months this is something that is going to this is going to have to be later like probably next year but I think that's fun to do we talked about the bird watching stream right and I'm just going to give some stuff away it's this stream's probably never going to happen but like maybe if it does you'll be able to remember this I want to have like the bird watching stream would like look we're going to go on a bird watch and then I don't know like get like a Bigfoot sighting on camera and the rest of the stream turns into like their's Bigfoot and he's like [ __ ] hunting us [Music] don't tell anybody don't tell anybody that's I think that's a fun idea okay but this is a cool idea and I don't want to just ruin it and leak it in case I ever do it I don't want to like leak it and talk about the whole entire thing cuz I think it's really funny and one day I might actually be able to do it right it's possible so I don't want to like leak what it is I maybe I've talked about it a little bit before but I just in case that this stream actually happens ever I'm going to hold on to it but yeah there was there was a there was something that I wanted to do but it was just like not a big fan but I think we we could have done it I think we might have had to tweak it a little bit it's nothing like nothing bad it's nothing not bad nothing like like uh like violent or aw no nothing like that nothing like like sexual or no no no no no it was just something that was not didn't sit completely well which I mean for for very obvious reasons right but they're not obvious to us but this is such a I love this idea I can't I don't it's nothing bad and there's not like oh my God you can't do this no it's just we had to be like kind of careful with it because we didn't want to make it seem like it was really happening that's what it came down to someone in chat said it yes someone in chat has talked about it cuz I I have talked about it before very briefly I didn't go into details of what it meant but I don't know it was going to be funny but I didn't do that stream not because I didn't have like permission to it was just that uh other stuff really became way more important to take care of and do and it became one of those streams that just fell through the cracks maybe temporarily until some of these other stuff get done oh it wasn't a car accident thing fortnite Vape stream I will do that stream one day before I retire for real I'm going to do the Vape guy playing fortnite joke I'm going to I don't know when I don't know how but I'm going to do that stream the daycare stream okay I'll talk okay I'm going to talk about it because it's stupid Community Jake told me also that this is probably a bad idea let's not do it and I was like okay fine there was a stream idea of while back where I announced to the stream that I was operating a daycare and that guys uh you know I'm just trying to make some extra money on the side here uh I'm going operating a daycare and uh I'm going to be operating it and we got these children here by I'm going to be taking care of them and it was going to be like like a half dozen like babies in like baby things back here and I was going to periodically CU it were going to be those babies that like made the sounds and stuff and like I had to go feed them and it was going to be like look I'm feeding the babies thing where it went off the rails is some crazy stuff was going to happen where like I a bear was going to [ __ ] attack my office and I was going to have to like defend the babies from a bear and [ __ ] and like crazy stuff was going to happen I was going to have to like fight for them and fight again it was going to be they were going to like be able to vote for what I was going to play next on stream they not real babies like ba like dolls what are you talking about like small infant baby dolls that just sit back here and I'm like running a daycare and I have to like defend them from like oh a bear is coming in and I fight the bear and like and maybe one of the babies like gets up and like attacks the bear and [ __ ] that sounds awesome though but it got it got to a point where I was like you know what this probably isn't this probably isn't a great idea and Community Jake is just like yeah let's like leave this one on The Cutting Room floor because like I I don't think that this is going to work and I'm like yeah you know what this probably is going to be hard to make work who would possibly worry about it being real well not that it was real but I don't know especially if like the babies were going to be back here like making noises while I was sitting here like talking and like streaming I mean look let me be honest is that as bad as me wanting to do another one that got shut down another one that got shut down is I wanted to do the second catboy stream and I wanted to [ __ ] in the litter box that was in the corner of the room is that is that the same is that just as bad catboy scream you need to lap up milk I let me tell you something if you think for a second that it's just going to be me with [ __ ] cat ears on if you think I'm just going to have cat ears on and like eye makeup on you are so wrong it's insulting just wait just you wait you'll see dude I can't wait for during the catboy stream from like I'm going to put up like a fake cat foot and like behind my right ear on camera you guys are going to [ __ ] freak out I missed it what was it spoilers oh I got a lot of spoilers for you if you want to hear [Laughter] them oh just wait for that you guys no you guys think that you're not going to like that stream just wait something in the middle there is really interesting what's there's one thing that I regret didn't happen I don't know if you want to talk about it uh Jeremy is I think I I think you're about to say it we originally had planned to test out the live mode like chat voting for different things from to do on the catboy stream um where he would be a cat and the concept was we would take the same tools we're already developing for the end where we would be able to send him to like do different cat things and it would be all done through chat uh and the extension uh but because of the timeline didn't it didn't quite line up but we gonna get like a big scratching post back here they oh actually this is great behind the scenes stuff I was I wanted to have a litter box remember Jake I remember I told you this and you were like no we're not doing a litter box he was so insistent litter box it constantly talk gonna go like [ __ ] the litter box yeah he's like I don't want to do the show if I can't [ __ ] in the litter box and we're like please Jeremy we have so much other stuff we have to do please don't get banned this early on a cat thing we SW we oh there we go we we wound up we wound up swapping that with the the hot tub stream we wound up doing the hot tub stream and Stu which featured catboy I think to play Kate chat a little bit but yeah well you know the tools are now built so the the potential for a catboy stream down the line using uh the same dollhouse stuff you know I'm not saying it's they're there the tools are there yeah chat wants it I can't shot the L box though I mean if I can't shoot the I was going to like you know those litter boxes with a dome like I wanted to just like go climb in one and like sit in it like it'll whatever yeah I just like my head's just sticking out like whatever I look I Jake I you guys tell me my ideas are good sometimes the ideas are bad maybe I get uh banned permanently from twitch that would have been bad right before the show so yeah that would have been bad hey we could try it now if you want now the show's over not that the show's over no um all right next up call a psycho I I want to talk about the dream sequence um it's so much worse you guys don't know there's a lot of ideas that pass through like a small treatment that me and Community Jake will sit in a call for like an hour and we'll be like yeah man okay so for the second catboy stream what if there was like just cat toys around the room and I'm like running around chasing them maybe like chat can pick on like what toy I play with like there'll be a big cat tree that I climb up and like sleep on and just sit there for like 10 straight minutes oh and there'll be like a litter box too and like maybe I'll go over to the litter box and maybe I'll [ __ ] in the litter box and it's just like whoa whoa hold on a minute Jeremy back back up for a second what do you want to do and I'm like well no I'm just saying like I'm just trying to think of like things that like funny [ __ ] to do but I wouldn't actually guys I wouldn't have actually [ __ ] in a litter box on stream it would be like I would just go be a cat in the litter box and like that would be and like that would be it like like oh I'm going to go to BRB he's like using the litter box I can't reach this you need to fire community jakeob no I'm sorry did you ever have a goth phase no I did not a goth phas you should start now I don't think I want to start the goth phase at 40 I don't know if I want to do that [Music] why not cuz I don't think I can pull that [ __ ] off at 40 I can't pull that off right now yes you can I don't think uh-uh I don't think I can pull it off who not with that attitude you know can I get in there goth is Ageless being goth is Ageless yeah I I'm just telling you I don't think I could pull it off right now goth is a lifestyle yeah one day should I just turn on the webcam and just have just like straight straight black hair like do like put like powder all over my face or something and have like dark like put like bags into my eyes wear like big cloak put be like C Dracula for a day should do it on Halloween okay I might I might I don't know I can't this is not a Roblox birthday party promise wait what am I doing I need to touch that what the hell is that no honestly what the hell is that [Music] Vamp dude come on man I'm gonna show this but like what the [ __ ] are people doing this is on red bubble oh my God why hold on a second this is apparently like a like a throw blanket on red bubble okay no I uhuh I don't want I don't want to do it I don't want to do it I'm not doing it not doing it this this [ __ ] picture where like like the sun in my face from like like twitchcon like 2017 or something I don't even know when this is oh my goodness all right wait people actually own this thing what no I okay I'm G to stop giving this attention all right let's go let's keep playing this game that we're playing Vampire oh my goodness gracious okay it's better that you don't know bro all right right now my plan for Halloween this year is to get an full elaborate vampire out aard this doing more tapped there's an old slle that empties under the bridge it should see us through to the lower levels of the care I'm going to be in character the whole night Sid I'm going to like pretend like it's [ __ ] like like 1100 or something here do vampire's you want I don't remember why would you risk your life for a well they didn't ever you know like when when when when a vampire is supposed to exist if anyone ever learned what you've been doing with that property you sleep hanging from the ceiling like a bat that would be really weird what does this say information dude uh you guys have not I you guys have no idea it's going to be I okay I'm going to commit to one bit this year and it's going to be a good one I promise it's not a big bit it's just a small bit but I I'm going to commit to it that one's too hard that one's too that was way too much oh yeah I [ __ ] guarantee if you try to hit me with a sword I could Dodge I could Dodge it I [ __ ] guarantee it if you had a [ __ ] battle ax and you were going to try to get me with it you're not going to get me with it you won't I'm too fast for you way too fast I would I would I would no way I am fast as [ __ ] and I have I have lightning like reflexes in real life I don't what some little [ __ ] grasshopper says about how stupid I am you got you got swing an axe I'm [ __ ] gone not [Music] [Laughter] happening why I've been playing too many video games I will Dodge a [ __ ] axxe in real life I will I swear to God I I I will contact some like martial artist group and if you get go to go into like a martial artist studio and [ __ ] Dodge a bunch of weapons on stream I swear to God I will do a like like I this is what would happen if I was ever like attacked by an ax stream what's the battle ax stream going to dodge a battle ax in real life that's it is the stream is that stream going to be 10 minutes is it going to be as long as As I want it to be so I'll don't don't worry I'm G to go to like a I'm gonna go to like a a laring event thing or like a martial artist place and go there and be like come get me and just dodge everything is this going to end up like didn't Steven sigal do this he like pushing people over with your free play you aren out how [ __ ] funny Would it be though if I like got a real professional martial artist facility to humor me and they just beat the [ __ ] out of me I was like all right let's go and it was just like ow are you going to practice for the battle a stream practice what you think I need practice I don't I who I don't think you know who the [ __ ] you're talking to I'm sorry I'm sorry hold on I'm sorry that was let me let me cool it off a little let me cool it off remember the poem I I don't remember the poem let me ask the guy again I can dodge you [ __ ] battle ax I can't wait I cannot wait until everyone's like oh you know like I'm not I'm not going to like say he's like you know [ __ ] stupid anymore cuz like that stream was crazy like holy [ __ ] you should see the face you're making I don't [Music] care this game is fun and everything but what would happen if somebody came in the sky with an axe I tell you what happened they wouldn't hit me I would be on the other side of the room it would be like dark souls for in real life it'd be like Oh I'm coming to through it and I'd [ __ ] y I'm I would Dodge it with perfect frame rate perfect frame and vulnerability left brain logic I'll Dodge an axe if you swing it at me ask him about the battle ax dodging stream please swim I guys I haven't played this game in like six months uh oh the battle axe yeah um I mean people are talking [ __ ] about how we're not very good at this game but it doesn't really matter because um I can dodge a battle ax in real life and I'm going to I don't understand this what's happening it's exactly respon let's let's leave it at that uh you you don't do me a favor don't die we like having you around and uh yeah just have fun it's actually really funny the whenever I tell somebody about this it's like a person like a like a personal friend or a streamer or something I I get that same response of like everything good like this is good right like it's not you know you doing this for real I'm like I'm like no D it's going to be fun just like if I'm here if you need me though everyone's like dude you're not going to like really Dodge a ax man like right this is like a funny joke and I'm just like why don't you [ __ ] tune in I mean I'm I'm going to tune in now that you've said it but I'm I'm worried like I'm I'm you know I'm worried now I'm going to be fine don't worry I'm going to be fine yeah okay I don't know meters to kilometers I could Dodge a [ __ ] battle ax who gives a [ __ ] I don't think you guys understand like who cares you don't know what a meter to kilometers to then to uh micrometers uh then uh do that deduce that to yards no but I can dodge battle axe and uh you can't the game is pretty sick can you wall Run in real life you know I actually feel like I probably can you know those things that you've never really tried that much before but you're just so confident that you could I I think I can I could probably get at least 1 2 3 four five steps or at least 1 2 3 4 if I if I was in full Sprint and I was like I could do at least four where these guys even come from do it on the battle a stream I all right that's fine want me to add more things that I could prove that I can do we'll get a list I'll do them all that's another one that's gone that was the one where I wanted to have a marching band come in in the middle of the stream and like while I'm still talking that was another one where I wanted to I wanted to like sh like shave do like a oh it's you're at the barber getting shaved finally do ASMR does the marching band have to come in because I I I don't know if I have the the resources to do that right now yes it does no I can't no this is supposed to be like the the the year of like the chill stream I don't want to not the hey somebody said hey dude what kind of product reviews you're going to do can you just buy like crazy [ __ ] like like motorcycles and stuff and review it I'm like dude I'm like retiring and telling you to stop subscribing to the channel this is not the time for me to be like you know what let's buy a bunch of wicked expensive ass [ __ ] hey everybody stop paying money permanently I'm going to buy a bunch of I'm going to buy I'm going to do a house review I'm going to buy a house and review it and then I don't know no I I'm I'm I'm not buying like motorcycles to review for a day to make sure that these big streams are going to be ready to go we've got hey I didn't forget I people think I forget the 30 webcam stream that's going to happen soon the 30 webcam stream is not going to happen in like like 6 months it's going to happen like probably in the next like 45 days do you you should get like five of all different angles of your head did I have tell you about the stream that I really wanted to do and it was I wanted to get like 30 webcams and have them all set for different timings and stuff and have them delayed at different times so I could like yell at myself and fight myself and stuff uh [ __ ] ego Andy well I I talked to uh I talked to Jake about it Community Jake and he was just like I don't think what you want to do is physically [ __ ] possible I was like okay I was like all right yourself on a camera I was like whatever if it's not going to work it's not going to work this also it was it this was like kind of Co was still kind of Co was like people were lockdown was happening and I didn't want to CU like webcams people were doing a bunch of Zoom calls and needing to buy webcams and I didn't want to be the guy that like wiped out the [ __ ] webcam Supply during Co by buying like 40 of them it was like uh I don't think I want to do that I think that's probably like not a a good idea I could I could understand an argument if you went to the grocery store and like bought all of the food but these you're talking about webcams yeah but there was I I feel like there was like a weird price surge with webcams and it was like oh they're like very expensive now because people are buying them a ton of people are buying them and I was like I don't I want to be the guy that has like a I don't know I I don't know if I want to do it just delay the single webcam 30 times I there is some weird reason why I couldn't do that I forget what it was but I thought of that you can barely use one webcam yeah yeah it was a USB thing right yeah it was like the amount of USB bus slots that are on a motherboard like it couldn't do it or something you can you can get a like a USB extension yeah but I think it's still uses the same bus lane I I really think so I I I looked into this and I was like well [ __ ] I can't do this I I have a um I forget what you call them like a graphics card you plug it into that slot oh yeah there's a chocolate factory stream where I was going to go and pretend like I had a chocolate factory and do this whole Willy Wonka rout where we had to eliminate people or something I don't know what the I don't know what the [ __ ] is wrong with me sometimes
Channel: abster
Views: 53,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, twitch, jerma compilation, jerma clips
Id: XGsL1pmb0dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 33sec (2613 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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