The Issue With Half-Life 3

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is it really that time again we are now a few years removed from halflife Alex the ending of which reinvigorated the idea that there's actually going to be a halflife three pretty much all about confirming it but how long will the weight actually be 5 years 15 years no one can be sure but I personally would not expect it anytime soon halflife 3 for a long time has been considered a myth a game that would never come there have been countless videos discussing halflife 3 but I wanted to make one discussing the single long-standing issue with halflife 3 being released even though this issue is what causes halflife games to be revolutionary the issue is not lack of Talent OR creativity and not lack of direction or budget problems either the issue with halflife 3 has always been technology but what do I actually mean by that well to understand we need to look at the fully-fledged games in the series halflife halflife 2 and halflife Alex is there anything you notice about these three games of course they were all received exceptionally well but look at what the games actually did for its time halflife was on a whole another level it revolutionized the FPS genre to list some Feats its AI for NPCs and enemies were incredibly Advanced for the time it offered a seamless gameplay experience with amazing level design it also had a focus on story and plot incredible Graphics Etc halflife 2 showcased the new source engine it had incredible Graphics but halflife 2 also took a unique approach to character models it utilized map which was not very common back in games from 2004 valve also hired actors so they could utilize the actor's faces for character textures all of this resulted in remarkably impressive character models and animations seriously look at the lip syncing It lines up perfectly I'm Alex Vance my father worked with You Back in Black Mesa I'm sure he don't remember me though this is no cutscene this is not pre-rendered this is all ingame in Real Time To This Day games still don't do this nearly as well anyway the plot level design and AI were also elevated along with great driving sequences in an FPS game but I haven't mentioned the Revolutionary accomplishment the astonishing physics engine physics on everything everywhere and it was all realistic these Feats all merged together to create one of the best PC games ever made and one that revolutionize the genre once again Half-Life Alex then released in 2020 and showcased valve Source 2 engine like the other two games the graphics plot level design physics and creativity were on full display here but I'll cut straight to the chase what was revolutionary that it was all in VR it redefined what a VR game is capable of this was a game-changing experience and one that made no compromises but don't misconstrue the point I'm trying to make here you may think my argument is that each main Half-Life title was revolutionary so halflife 3 needs to be but that's not what I'm saying rather my point is that the development of each game took place because valve had a reason to and that reason was always to show off their technology it just so happens that showing off such tech leads to each halflife being revolutionary I of course did not come up with this observation but I do feel it's the main issue holding up halflife 3's development I'm not saying it's the only issue either just the most important one in other words the games being masterpie are a byproduct of valve wanting to push and show off their Tech whether it is halflife 1's AI or less gameplay halflife 2's physics engine or halflife Alex's VR Tech that redefined VR Gaming each game always had technology valve wanted to show off that is the issue if there is no new tech then there is no halflife 3 valve is not your ordinary developer if they're going to develop a game like halflife 3 they need more than simply a good reason to valve could have every reason in the world actually but if they don't want to do it then they're not going to but before I elaborate more I want to clarify again again this issue I'm talking about only pertains to their fully fledged Half-Life games there was blue shift and opposing Force expansions after halflife and episodes 1 and 2 after halflife 2 they continued to utilize the same technology from the main games so there was no new crazy technology in those expansions in the same vein those expansions came out pretty quickly after each main title released well almost all of them this should all tell you that when valve does not need to create a new technology they can actually develop games expansions pretty quickly anyway back to the main discussion a natural question is what kind of new tech would it be for halflife 3 naturally I would not think it is VR Tech or anything like that halflife 3 cannot be a vron game valve knows this they know it's an experience that needs to be played by everyone and VR is too Niche because of this halflife 3 needs to be a regular FPS sort of game but back to what the technology could be I honestly have no clue it could be as simple as new facial animation technology or something far more complex like new AI Tech but when discussing halflife 3 there is good news at least to some extent that valve made halflife Alex means they want to make halflife 3 to have an ending with huge implications like it did means something hell to show gameplay after episode 2's ending means valve has a story worth telling and wants to tell it they could have left halflife alone or make halflife Alex with no reference to the future of what the series may be but they chose not to they chose to continue the story so why given all this am I still hesitant because it's freaking valve keep this in mind valve has so much talent that at any point they could drop halflife 3 with no new tech and it would still be guaranteed to receive rave reviews and sell many millions of copies it would be such a success but valve has made one thing clear they don't give a [ __ ] with nearly 13 years between episode 2 and halflife Alex valve is a different kind of developer with steam and all their other money-making channels nobody at valve is going to Force anybody to develop halflife 3 until the time is right and from my perspective the time will only be right when they have a new technology to show off there is no timeline there is no schedule and there's no rush ultimately when halflife 3 comes out it's a game that will be worth the wait halflife has never been about getting game of the year or 10 out of 10 halflife is about revolutionizing the industry putting everyone else on notice for what a game can be like I said earlier valve is a different type of developer valve is a different breed and halflife 3 would be their magnumopus thank you everyone for watching and I'll see you all in the next [Music] video
Channel: Major_Trenton
Views: 272,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: half life, half life 2, garrys mod, gmod, counter strike, counter strike source, csgo, half life 2 episode 1, half life 2 episode 2, episode 1, episode 2, episode 3, half life 2 episode 3, half life 3, half-life 3, gordon freeman, gman, half life alyx, vr, steam, valve, gabe newell, dota 2, dota, steamdeck, steam deck, the issue with half life 3, half life 3 issue, blue shift, opposing force, half life 2 episode 2 ending, half life 3 is coming, gravity gun, half life vr, hl3, hl
Id: 7hcjCKB7erQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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