The Isaacs - In Concert

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raise the lord can you say praise the Lord somebody's wanting to have church tonight Saturday night The Devil's crowd is gonna have a big time we're gonna have a bigger time amen fantastic looking crowd out here give yourself an applause for being here I want to start off with some scripture tonight in Psalms 100 the Bible says make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands serve the Lord with gladness is anybody happy about serving Jesus a man serve the Lord of the gladness come before his presence with singing and that's what we're going to do tonight we're going to come before his presence with singing and glorifying his name and I just want to read the whole chapter it's short know you that the Lord he is God it is he that hath made us not we ourselves vitae made myself i de messed it up we are his people and the Sheep of his pasture they enter into his gates with Thanksgiving Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise how many of you got something to praise the Lord about alright I'm gonna remember that I'm gonna be looking throughout the service introduce courts with praise be thankful unto Him and bless His name for the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations and I'm glad that what I hold in my hand tonight is absolute truth every bit of it is absolute truth and I'm thankful for that I'm glad I've hid it in my heart that I might not sin against God and I'm excited about what's going on here in this church and also on this part of the country revivals are breaking out everywhere I got another call on a revival starting and we're just so fortunate to be able to to be asked to pray for those revivals much less be part and we're thankful for that thankful for you being here let's stand all over the building for those of you that can't stand and why you're standing would you look to your neighbor I want you to look to your neighbor and say you're the best thing I've seen all day that's what I wanted to see you fellas right there let us go to the Lord in prayer kind Jesus we thank you for this day thank you for your grace and mercy and God as we all remain standing and praise you through this song god we lift up the name above all other names the name whereby all men must be saved the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God bless this service tonight God will glorify and magnify your name in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the sweet sweet Holy Ghost and all God's people shouted amen the scene see the wondrous love of Jesus in His mercy [Music] the mansion's bride and blessed he'll prepare for us when we get you and what a day of rejoicing that will be [Music] will sing and shout the vid [Music] while we walk the bill that's will spread the sky but with a shadow not aside we are here to [Music] when we Oh will sleep and shout the Victoire [Music] and let us be true and faithful trust in serving just one glimpse of before we will the Joseph's life repay and when we all get to heaven what a day everyone seen that movie when we CGT we'll see and shout the victim [Music] first onward to the prize be for us soon his [Music] soon the pearly gates will we shall tread the streets of it's you rejoicing that when we [Music] Jesus will sing and shout how about it for this man don't they do a good job well without any further ado I've known these folks ever since I was probably about 12 years old they were a name in our home that we all knew and we sung their songs and still sing some of them today and I want you to make welcome all the way from Hendersonville Tennessee the Isaacs [Applause] well good evening and that felt good hearing that singing and singing along those songs are so good aren't they those classics hymns we're happy to be here thank you for coming today and Robert you think more to come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well thank you we're off to a great start aren't we who needs a sound system anyway if we have to we'll do it like the good old days and we'll have fun doing it that a wave it you notice every now and then you get a little bit of kinks and things like these modern-day electronics and technology so I apologize for that we have spent and we've been here since about 2:00 o'clock today getting set up and sound checking and everything worked just fine when we left the building a while ago so I want to know who's messing with art no I'm just kidding it happens but we're we're so happy to be here tonight and we're gonna be featuring songs off of a lot of different projects we have been recording songs for many many years does anybody never seen the Isaac's before tonight this is your first time ever lots of you oh my word where have you all been you know we do that whole lot that Georgia mountains fair about once a year a matter of fact we're gonna be there next Sunday it's very unusual that we would work this close to a date but if Sunday come over and be with us we don't normally go until pretty late so four o'clock ish so we'd love to have you join us next Sunday as well thank you Ben he's trying to fix my mandolin pack is it well how many of you have seen us before let me see your hands the rest thank you mother I'll have you know I choose to be blonde I reminds me of my favorite joke these two blonds walked into a building you'd think one of them would have seen it Oh how's it good to know what we want you to hear all the instruments right so give us just a minute we'll figure this out we were you would introduce everybody yeah I might as well there's a lot of you that don't know us and we can save time doing this now we won't have to do it later a lot of you that don't know who we are you would not know but this lady right here is a miracle from God in many ways and we'll tell you about more that later but she is the daughter of Jewish Polish Holocaust survivors our grandparents are Holocaust survivors and they were liberated at the end of the war by our Blessed American soldiers and our allies and we truly thank God for the United States military veterans we love you we appreciate you you know what let's honor let's just go ahead and honor all of our veterans if you've served in the United States military or you're currently serving today will you please stand up if you're able and let us acknowledge you or raise your hand if you're not able to stand we owe our lives and our freedom especially the Isaacs to these men and women and others like them because without them we wouldn't be here today and we're so thankful for you all mom was born in Germany and a French army relief camp and moved to the United States when she was 2 years old and grew up in the Bronx New York that's right New York she's still a hippie though you see these feathers right here these feathers they're so pretty and it's an amazing story how a Jewish girl from the Bronx New York became the matriarch of a bluegrass gospel family from Tennessee miss Lilly Isaac's make her welcome tonight so she's our mom and the three of us here in the front singing with her are her babies right mom always your babies okay and the eldest Ben I'll get to him in just a minute he's busy trying to get this mandolin to work now if it can be fixed Ben will fix it cause he's our fix-it man he does it all if you've got a car problem tonight when you leave just find Ben he'll probably be able to jumpstart it or fix it or something for you anyway yeah so I'll save him for last he's the oldest our baby sister here playing the guitar she and her husband John have been married how many years now Becky 20 almost 25 years in this tune and she's only she wanted you know she's only 35 but close but anyway we're so proud of her she's won a lot of awards and very talented our baby sister Miss Rebecca Isaac's Bowman Becky [Music] playing the bass fixing mandolins and everything else that goes wrong mr. Ben Isaac's are you happy to see Ben over there and I'm the middle sister mom's favorite my name is Sonia Isaac Siri and I'm happy to be here with you all as well thank you for having me playing the electric guitar and acoustic guitar and he'll be singing for you too is Becky son 22 years old mr. Levi Bowman on the end and over here playing the drums and percussion he's been with the Isaacs on and off for about 12 years now he's a Georgia boy mr. Nathan faucet we call him spigot I forgot we're in North Carolina but we're close to Georgia so that's close enough all right now a special Thank You darcel man back there mr. mark caps and our wonderful nanny product manager miss Valencia Houston there listening give them a nice sandwich please [Music] all right this is a song that Becky and I wrote with my husband simply because we're just glad that God doesn't judge us like people on Facebook do can I get an amen somewhere rocks there's a lot of people [Music] that's what I thought yes you [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] Bing anyway he just set their draw in on the ground beside [Music] paraphrasing jesus said now wait a minute [Music] I dropped it [Applause] [Music] [Music] sweet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you we hope you enjoyed our rock song it's the only one we do then tell them about this next song for you I'll be glad to well howdy everybody sorry for all that there was a I think something got turned on it wasn't on a while ago and it just blocked out her mandolin frequency so just change frequencies is all you have to do right we we we love singing new songs we love singing old songs and the song I'm gonna sing for you now is a song that we've been singing for I guess probably a dozen years and this is a song that Bill Gaither called me one day and he was so excited he said hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Ben a pinkie promise it was exactly like that he said you kids need to sing this song I remember doing a little research and found it was the number one song in 1959 see if you remember this one - there's a village hidden deep in a valley among the pine trees have fun and there on a sunny morning Little Jimmy Brown [Music] bumbum all the chapel bells ring in the little Valley cloud and the song that they were singing was for baby Jimmy and the will congregate [Music] three for guidance from lead us not into temptation our meditation guiding with eternal [Music] there's a village hidden deep in the valley beneath the mountains high above and there twenty years thereafter Jimmy was to meet is all the travel bills [Music] was a great day in his mind cause the song that they were some was for Jimmy and his wife and little congregation three for guidance [Music] lead us not into temptation for the celebration laughs be filled with from the village hidden deep in the valley one rainy morning dark and gray a soul winging its way to have Jimmy Brown [Music] [Music] just one more bells wrong you know Valley time was fair will that it was to our buddy Jimmy congregation three four died lead us not into temptation may his soul find the salvation of thy grady turn [Music] how many of you remember the song do you remember who did it originally the Browns Jim ed Bonnie and Maxine as I said before it was the number one song in 1959 both in country music and in pop music boy times have changed haven't they I love singing that song they sure have changed maybe a dill will bring that one back on her next record good job in well mom said we had a special request to do this next song and that actually several people that go here to church and wanted to hear it and maybe needed to hear it tonight my husband and I wrote this song with a friend of ours in 2009 and never dreamed that the country singer Martina McBride would record it and have a number-one song with this song and and that she would start at an organization called team Martina that helped people all over the world with this very thing we're going to be singing about we wrote this song about moms story mom is now a 35 35 year breast cancer survivor [Music] we called her on the phone that day that we wrote this song we said tell us what it was like the whole story from beginning to end and she told us and we wrote this song it's so important to have a good support team when you go through something like that in it your friends your family your church God he's the most important thing listen to the words this song and I hope it'll encourage you to see [Music] first doctor just confirmed has been held in cancer don't discriminate care if you're just 33 kids who need you in there said I know that you're free and kind [Music] when you [Music] [Applause] [Music] scared [Music] [Applause] [Music] the surgery he said that caught it just in time they had to take [Music] Maggie's shirts she just wants to feel I don't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you so much what a beautiful song and it has been it's been viewed how many times different versions and and I'm so grateful that they had a pen that day when when they called me on the phone and you know I know there are people in this church that have battled cancer according to pastor we talked a little bit and we wanted to sing that song for you because you're like me you're a survivor and you might not go to this church on you here tonight and you also have battled cancer or you have a relative or a good friend that is battling cancer already has or you've lost someone to cancer friends the support team is like one of the most important things you can have regardless of any of those scenarios and I had that with my church and my family and you know 35 years later I can still count on them regardless of what comes up and you know don't take that for granted friends love the people that are around you deeply care about them hold them close to your heart because we don't know what tomorrow holds but I'm so glad that I know who holds tomorrow amen amen amen praise the Lord thank you so much thank you and you know every time we do that song I remember you know dogs allowed me to write a book a few years ago about my experiences in my lifetime and where I've come from and I'm gonna share a little bit of that with you but I never will forget what it felt like when the doctor called my house and my husband had to grab the film because I was shaking like a leaf when he said it was cancer and all three of these little little kids up here my son and my two daughters were at my feet praying and crying and saying why is not me crying and at that moment in my life I didn't care if the trash had to be taken out I didn't care what kind of car I was driving or what was hanging in my wardrobe it didn't matter all that mattered is that I wanted to live to raise my children that's all I cared about and God blessed my life somehow and I don't understand how that works some people can make it some people don't I don't know but all I do know is God is good and as long as we walk in his plan that he's already designed for our lives your life will work out exactly the way he planned it and that's what brings me to the story I want to read to you Sonya told you about my history and my parents and and I love sharing out of my book this particular story everywhere we go because you know we're living in a day in time now where people don't think the history actually took place but I'm living proof to tell you that it did and my mother and father both survived concentration camps this is one of the stories my mother has shared with me all of my life my parents were taken from their homes torn away from their families they were transported like cattle on train cars from Poland to Germany it was January 1943 when my mother found herself at bergen-belsen concentration camp in Germany it was one of the most horrific times in history nourishment came at the front of a food line a roll of bread that had to last for several days one cup of black coffee and one cup of watery soup sometimes with nothing in it but grass it seemed they were always being put in lines and separated either to do jobs or to get food or to simply turn around and go back to the barracks yet lines often led to worse things than a cup of grass field soup and watered-down coffee one day as my mother waited in line with her sisters Lata and her friend Sabrina a soldier began separating the women you this way and you that way initially the girls were separated my mother directed to the left while Sabrina and slaughter remained in line suddenly as the line began to move forward Sabrina grabbed to my mother's arm she's coming with me Sabrina said and the guard ignored her allowing my mother to change lines the line my mother had been in at first went to the gas chamber everyone in that line was killed that day the line that Sabrina pulled my mother into received their normal ration and went back to their barracks day after day week after week year after year the difference between life and death could be something as simple as a guard separating people into lines or a prisoner taking one step too close to a fence or the random tug of a soldier's trigger finger or the angelic action of a friend named Sabrina Sabrina saved my mother's life that day but you see Sabrina didn't know it but I know in my heart that God already knew somewhere down in time our family would be here at this church in North Carolina just the way you see us singing the praises of Jesus Yeshua the Messiah of the whole world amen amen amen thank you lord thank you lord he knew that over 40 years ago but I would give my heart to him as my personal Savior and I didn't know I would have three amazingly talented children that can sing and play and write songs but you know what this was his plan for the Isaacs but if you're sitting out there and you're wondering where your life is right now you woke up this morning thinking okay God what am I doing with my life what am I doing here why is this happening friend gone already has your plan he knows it's up to you to find him and stay in his will praise the Lord because what the enemy's sought out to destroy in every way God already has a plan amen thank you for listening to my story I feel a good presence of the Lord here tonight praise the Lord thank you thank you I got to kick my mother till she was 95 years old I lost her four years ago this past month and I miss her everyday my daughter's wrote a beautiful song about the lonely times we all have [Music] [Applause] here my [Music] the night is long and full of but there is rest and car eat the shell [Music] and there's please [Music] I find it [Music] you are my shell [Music] without your love [Music] whatever comes I've really gone oh you're [Music] and there's [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] I find [Music] I'm having the same trouble they had now look at this this is a mandolin on steroids actually we anointed it and prayed over it this banjo had a lot of caffeine when it was little it's stunted it's a groove I got it left in the dryer too long after I understand well I tell you I'm having a good time tonight and looking forward to the next set we got to hear sweet Holy Spirit we got to hear that we got to hear sighs on sparrow okay I was right am i right okay we'll find it you're never supposed to tell the preacher he's wrong in front of all these people you obvious obviously don't argue with the woman very much and yeah and yeah and you know what man for every kid that wears a hat in this church again there's service I'm giving them your cell phone number [Music] no you're okay brother you're okay keep it on you don't even have my cell phone number I'm guy yes Travis Coleman give it to me or Rick about 15 years ago to change it amen no you didn't break a rule we don't have that rule but I just thought I'd use that oh I'm gonna have fun and I don't know about you it's it's great you know what Christians can have fun in the house of God - you know I'm sure I'm enjoying myself I've laughed I've cried and that that song that she sang singing I'm gonna love you through it I didn't even know you were one of the riders on that so that's awesome I want the people that's battled cancer in the last year to stand first you battle cancer in the last year would you stand that one look at this now if you battled cancer not your life would you stand folks let's give them a round of applause they are fighters they are fighting amen thank the Lord hey God's grace is sufficient and by the way he still got a hand of healing he still uses that he is Jehovah Rapha he's got my healer I'm glad the Word of God is still strong and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword and with His stripes we are healed amen I believe that with all of my heart and thankful I'm thankful for the Isaac's being here this evening and us being able to have them we didn't have at about seven days to be able to promote this so it's a good-looking crowd tonight sister you've already started God listen yes yeah she made it amen yes ma'am that's why mother-in-law's from I won't talk to you after service I need some stuff thank you ma'am we appreciate that I'm looking forward to that Hey after that testimony are you glad that Isaac's are here tonight that's real ministry it's awesome we're gonna have our Usher's come tonight to receive an offering now listen we want to bless them okay that means you get your wallet out you turn to page 100 you bless it and say god double this in the name of Jesus all right we want to we want to do hey I'm gonna give two I mean I I try to give my part too because I'm just like you and so let's let's give to the Lord when you when you give to them you're supporting the Ministry of the Lord and for them listen I know to be able to do a benefit for them to come off a road and do that however long ago it was doesn't matter but for them to do that that means something to the kingdom of God amen that means something so let's support them tonight you ask God God what can I give to them that you bless me with anybody in the house bless tonight yes well let's bless them and the church will bless them too but let's we're after after the offering we're going to take a little bit of time they're gonna go back to their table and and let you go to the restroom the ladies is ladies restroom would be out that after a while waitwait with mom got this all wrong we thought we were supposed to the offering in the middle of the first set and no matter this time take a break after then and then go to the bathroom okay that's awful short said if we quit now I was expecting an hour when you got back but thank you I feel like a gnat and a yo-yo tonight here hey listen I've prayed for you I'm gonna pray more now lord have mercy oh listen let's go I always junket here things are saying to me back here you know it's like being on stage with somebody tell me Braden runfeldt you're exactly right my boy yes I love it you're gonna have a time with him he's gonna have time with you let's pray and bless this offering right now kind of Jesus God we bless this offering right now God we pray that you help those that have to give to give those that don't lord I pray that you bless them or they can give and support ministry like the Isaac's God I pray Lord that you continue to pour your spirit out in this service Lord we've laughed and and and we've cried and we've had a wonderful time and we just so look forward to the rest of this worship service tonight bless this offering again in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and all God's people said [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you so much everybody well thank you so much pastor I apologize for the misunderstanding is it alright if we do a few more songs before we take a break okay we'll just go on like we had a like we thought we'd planned alright at this time we'd like to invite Levi beckysan to come up and sing his song he has a beautiful voice a brand-new well let's not brand-new any more it feels like it but he's got a solo album that is fantastic Levi has a young soul but he has a great love for old things old music especially and you'll love him oh we had a tune over there a little bit Oh Levi Ben actually helped produce Levi's album and he wasn't able to get too many good singers on it only a Vince Gill and Jimmy fortune from the Statler Brothers and we helped him on a few songs but he did a great job would you make it welcome one more time mr. Levi Bowman over there thank you very much well my CDs a completely different style than what I've been singing lately but I'm gonna do one off of that if it's all right with everybody I know you don't know my music yet but hopefully after tonight you will and this is a song that Sonia and her husband Jimmy wrote it's called only Jesus could love you more [Music] I could find helper believe somehow it's heaven soon cause my knee I can save forever in your eyes and the old say what I feel inside is only Jesus [Applause] [Music] Jesus could share she understand [Music] worth dying in war is all Meiji [Music] here's a trade that someday [Music] there were nights I had my doubts within me prove me wrong Oswin the right thing and so sure [Music] this pure could only come from his own lazy [Music] Oh only Jesus good I cherish you [Music] understand with my only Jesus [Music] you everything [Music] then certain [Music] good [Music] thank you here's a song we recorded in 1992 the first time just re-recorded it on the album called favorites revisited by request see if you recognize this one [Music] but I have a [Music] you can't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] see what I have a pun yes we have a fall who came [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Laughter] praise the Lord I'm glad we have a father who can do anything aren't you he's able he's good amen and I'm gonna do a song for you right now that's not quite so old and you know the pastor and I have concluded that we know what song he requested and I'll do that for him just a little bit thanks to Google right yeah okay this song is what it's not his eyes on the sparrow and I know he watches me it's many things about I don't know about tomorrow that's got that line in it yes I know who wears tomorrow so we'll do that if they let me sing another solo this song has been very very special to me now for the past couple years that we've got to sing it because I'd have to say every every single time I see this singing this song I can think of something in my life that I need to surrender over to Jesus Christ and seems like we get it wrong and we think that surrender is a sign of weakness but the truth is is if we could learn to surrender everything over to Jesus Christ it is the only surrender that we will do that will result in total victory as a matter of fact it takes more strength to surrender your will to his amen I'll pray about a situation and I don't think that I've left it at the feet of Jesus and somehow I wake up the next morning and find myself fighting the very thing that I said I was going to leave alone and I've learned in my life that I have exhausted myself fighting battles that are already won because the Bible says that all things work to the good of them that love the Lord and if he's allowing you to go through whatever it is that you're going through that's completely out of your control then it's for a purpose and a plan and we need to find our praise in the middle of it because he will work it for your good somehow and then in some way and even though it's not the outcome you may have thought but for some reason it's the outcome he has planned for you I'm gonna sing this song for someone here tonight that just needs to surrender something over to Jesus Christ it's called yours amen [Music] now until you win before your throne of grace no enemies around me there is no safe place to read [Music] [Applause] [Music] your gym [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you oppress your prophecy smile my [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me too [Music] [Music] this is not my battle this is not my so I don't have to worry listen friend no you don't have to anymore Lord you have gone before so I'm just gonna sing your song and I'll keep on trusting in the big tree cuz that's the key and you've already cuz it's you [Music] Persinger course would you this is not my battle [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] trust me trust me you've already read [Applause] [Music] oh yes [Music] yes we sir or we surrender the cancer to you guys more we surrender our debts and our financial struggles because you can take care of them God Lord we surrender our family members that were praying for Lord we surrender the addiction today God we surrender our mental struggles and the oppression and the depression to you God our Father we surrender our children we surrender our relationships our marriages Lord everything you've given this guy we get it back to you or we trust you and we need you because this is your battle not ours but I pray against I pray against the rulers of darkness that it's attacking homes that are attacking lives and individuals in this room tonight God father you said in your word that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world and spirits and high places and father we're no match for those rulers of darkness so we're going to let you fight it for us we're gonna stay hidden in your grace and in your love and in your mercy you're gonna shield us and protect us from the enemy God and you're gonna fight those battles for us so we thank you Lord we praise you that's our job is to praise you and we praise you humbly we thank you God thank you for fighting these battles you have gone before so I'm just gonna sing your song and I'll keep trusting wholeheartedly in a victory you've alright it's you Oh sing it's yours yes [Music] give the Lord a hand cup of praise because you know people look at us and they think you can be seated if you want to they think you guys have got it made you all get to travel on a bus all the time and get to sing and you know Bill Gaither you must not have any problems but you know what we've got him just like you do the devil has fought our family so hard especially in the last three or four years we recorded a whole album called nature's Symphony and for 32 subtitled a journey from pain to praise because God has taught us how to praise our way through the pain just like Becky said and when I'm telling you our family's been through stuff I'm talking about things like cancer I'm talking about family members addictions I'm talking about illnesses that almost kept us from doing what we do tonight I'm talking about financial struggles bus breakdowns worrying about our children worrying about everything the enemy has attacked us and you know we learned that when God's blessing the devils missing but I want to speak to you tonight if the devils mess and get ready cause God's fixin to be blessing it's coming don't give up don't give up while we were writing songs for this album it was in 2014 my husband that I found out that we were pregnant when I was pregnant he wouldn't he didn't do anything with our second child we had a three year old son already Aiden and found out we were having a little girl that summer and man we were so excited but you know life can change and storms can come up out of nowhere I started hemorrhaging and you know this this month it always reminds me because it was only two weeks from now and we were in Hiwassee Georgia and I started hemorrhaging right there at the georgia mountain fair was scared to death went straight home that night straight to the emergency room and they ordered an ultrasound and the doctor came in it was about two o'clock in the morning finally when they got the test back and the doctor sat down at the edge of the bed and said mister mrs. Harry I'm so sorry to tell you that your baby girl has passed away a little hardest stop beating and all I could think to say was why God why have you ever just wanted to know why why not that I'm questioning what you've allowed but but I just wish I had purpose I wish I understood it because it would help me to get through it it give me peace and you know the sweet peace of the Lord came over me and the Holy Spirit came into that room and and moment by moment breath by breath he gave me strength and grace to get through the delivery in the labor and get on with life many of you have lost things and you've not gotten over it many of you are stuck in the past but God wants you to move into your future I don't know who I'm talking to tonight and I've never said that before but I know that somebody here needs to let go of some things in the past as I laid in that hospital bed that night I knew that I had a decision to make I could either a trust God trust that he promised to work all things to the good of those that loved him which I do or I could be blame God God you didn't spare me the pain you-you-you let me go through this where were you I I don't need that I don't need you some of you may be sitting here today and that's what you've thought or said maybe you haven't even realized that's your mind process but I'm so glad that I chose to trust God because friends we are warring against rulers of darkness we're not warring against our Heavenly Father he loves you and he wants to heal you and help you and bless you he wants to bless you you gotta let him we wrote a song just a few months after I lost my little Ava that's our Angels name I can't wait to see her again I can't wait we I talked and I don't mean to take time but but God is moving in here and we we sang last weekend I don't even remember where we were Ohio or somewhere and the lady came up to me at her mission a young woman and her husband and she said I found out yesterday I'm 14 weeks pregnant I found out yesterday my baby's passed away and I have to go tomorrow she said to the doctor and if I don't deliver her naturally they're gonna have to help me she was just weeping I don't know what you're going through your friend but I know that God is faithful she sent me an email this weekend and said that the baby was gone we prayed for her and pray for peace and she said thank you for praying for us and and I shared with her and I don't know why I feel like sharing this with you tonight but maybe somebody needs some hope after I lost my baby for four months I just grieved and I longed to know what she looked like I had gotten past it but I just said God I just if I could just know what my little girl would look like it would make me so happy and one night I prayed God would you let me dream about my daughter well the next morning my little he's 67 now but he was six then and he came to me and he said mom I didn't dream that night but Aydin came to me the next morning he said mom he said I had a dream last night I said what was it buddy he said I dreamed that I was on a playground and a little girl ran up to me and he said she was about four years old and that's what evil would have been and he said and she said to me I'm your sister can we play I said buddy what did she look like he said she looked just like me now tell me God didn't answer my prayer for whatever reason I wasn't supposed to see her but God allowed me to know what she would look like and God has been faithful to me and he'll be faithful to you and he gives you the desires of your heart not just your wants but your not just your needs but your wants also just keep being faithful I didn't mean to say all that but we wrote a song a few months after we lost my little girl and I'd like to sing this and dedicate to anybody that's distant from God and you need to know that he loves you listen to this song [Music] it's not your fault even though you didn't make Mountain you must [Music] and it's so much closer to you [Music] because you gave me strength because you never lost your [Music] I did [Music] here I don't understand [Music] nothing would and without [Music] [Applause] [Music] every time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because you so hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] did [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] now law school Ava was already 40 years old and I didn't know if I could have a healthy baby earth even get pregnant again my god said I'm gonna give you a favor for your faithfulness and I'm gonna bless you double for your trouble and even though these two were not twins they're 15 months apart and that one there was a surprise I want to tell you God is good and he is faithful eight and a seven years old you want to say hi hi and this is Gatlin he'll be three in a couple months what I need a flash you want to do the floss okay why don't you go up there with Aidan so they can all see you can you see him down here I don't know okay and then this one right here she's 18 months this is my little girl evia my name is Evie yeah I see the camera okay come here Gatlin come here I was eight months pregnant with this one and we were playing the grand ole opry I didn't know what I was gonna name him and Larry Gatlin walked up to me said you gonna name that baby after me and I said Larry here he know Gatlin that's a pretty cool name and that became his name Gatlin with the wife okay buddy you ready Aidan scoot over a little bit and give me some room okay here this is something they love to do go ahead guys are you enjoying the URI kids tonight Aydin Gatlin and Evy Thank You Valencia Wow we travel with this whole bunch on a bus believe it or not circus on a circus on wheels so thank you so much Wow I tell you the Spirit of the Lord is so real here tonight I feel like it was meant for the Isaacs to be here tonight pastor so thank you however this worked out thank you so much for having us in just a couple of minutes we are gonna be taking an intermission and then we already had several requests we're gonna come back and finish up with some songs but before we do I'd love to tell you what we have available back there we have our newest CD which is called favorites revisited by request and the song I have a father who can a lot of classics that we did 25 years ago we recorded them it's on that the nature symphony I love you more and yours amen those new songs nature's Symphony 432 a journey from pain to praise that's our next to newest what new one we have a seven or eight different CDs tonight the new CD is $20 but if you get three you get any three 440 how's that so that's a good deal and we also have DVDs for $20 I have a book that I've written my autobiography that's $15 I'd love to share a copy with you an autograph it also read the whole book on audio if you like to listen and your car on the computer it's on a CD seven hours long I'd love to autograph a copy of that for you don't forget my grandson Levi he just graduated college this past spring and he announced his calling to preach in fact he's preaching yes and if you come to this church don't come to hear him but if you don't go to this church and you're looking for places to go Levi's preaching next Sunday and Hiwassee at the morning service I'm so excited for that it's a big opportunity for him this would be our 20th year there so we did something special and they asked him and Karen Peck will be there too but you know go to church here grab some lunch and then come over so that'll be good that good enough anyway we want you to visit with us we do have some per box necklaces that are a really nice gift you open it up and you put your prayer request inside those are just $15 or that and a bracelet that we have that this says this is not my battle it's yours amen those are also 15 but we can get both of them tonight for 20 so come by and visit with us and before we take an intermission there is something special that we wanted to discuss with you well mom said that she had been talking to Pastor and that the church loves Israel and that they're actually going in the spring is this your fourth time you're going well that is awesome god bless you for loving Israel we also love Israel and we have a lot of reasons why we love Israel corsets are messiahs homeland but also we have relatives that live there and of course with our Jewish background we get to be dual citizens of Israel in the United States automatically so we love that but we love to go to Israel we're going again in November for our 15th trip to Israel and anyway we want you to go with your pastor but if you can't wait that long and you want to go with us and then go with him that'd be fine too so but no what we wanted to tell you about is something very special as you know this is the 70th anniversary this year of Israel as a nation in that wonderful 70 years god bless Israel amen and we wanted to come to Israel bearing gifts and we didn't want to go empty-handed because this is a special year so we decided that we're gonna do a concert in Jerusalem December the 3rd during our trip there where we have a group that's going with us a tour group and in Karen Peck and New River is also going to be with us she is our co-host but we're having a concert that is free to the people of Israel and at this concert the Lord laid it upon our hearts to bless the Holocaust survivors and the Israeli soldiers so we're raising money to to bring in a hundred Holocaust survivors there's still thousands of them living and a hundred Israeli soldiers because we want to bless those that are guarding them and guarding God's homeland and so in order to provide them a meal we also want to give them a gift card for the holidays will be there during Hanukkah and it's almost Christmas so we want to give each of them a very nice gift card and take care of them and give them a great night to remember and we want to minister the gospel of Jesus to them but we need a lot of help to be able to do that because it's very expensive we're also going to go visit an orphanage and share God's love there and you know sadly a lot of people that are Jewish especially the Holocaust survivors the only view that they've ever had of Christianity is what Hitler taught them what Christianity was they need to know the real Jesus they need to know that and America pray for them especially the Christians are praying for them and care for them and so we're asking you if you have a couple bucks in your pocket if you have a 5 a 20 or 100 that you wouldn't miss will you please come by the table and drop it in the little box that we have it's called the Fishman Isaac's Israel initiative maybe you'd like to dig deeper you can write a check if you want to to helping hand coalition that's the nonprofit we're giving through it is a tax-deductible gift you can also give online the Isaac's com there's a little menu button at the top if you click on that and click on bless Israel you can read more about it but if everybody in here would give you know a few bucks or five bucks it would really help us to be able to bring in people now listen our goal is to raise $50,000 between now and November 24th we're a little bit over halfway so we need a lot of help to get that done so if you if you love Israel and you want to bless them we're gonna go tell them this is from your Christian American friends so help us bless Israel would you do that tonight just a couple bucks if you could spare it which you're appreciated and then mom we had these t-shirts designed also to help with our our trip she said we have a limited supply cuz we almost sold out of them last night they're very soft did you know that dispell jerusalem you have to spell USA right in the middle of it j ER USA le and i don't think that's a coincidence i love that so we have these cool t-shirts and on the back it has the Israeli and American flags United and it says In God We Trust these are only twenty dollars it's going for a great cause so come by and get your t-shirts while they last or we might be able to take an order for you if you want one okay we've had you a long time but I wouldn't trade nothing for the Holy Spirit so when we come back we'll do a little bit shorter set for you pastor and would try to do requests are y'all doing good are you glad you came alright stick around god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get the band to come on up here and play ladies restroom we'll be out this exit to your right gentlemen you go out this exit and to your left rum felt kids y'all come on come up here and that way the people ain't gonna be sitting there for nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey Lauren this is for you [Music] me [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music] that's my little girl right there [Music] well calendar you got to really be tough on him to get him to sing but we're gonna get him singing song right here just bear down and do it long black train because there's a little boy back there wanting to hear well yeah son right there yes and Laurens been wanting to hear y'all sing raise your hand Lauren right there look look at her she is so sweet she went into school here at Carolina Christian Academy and we love her so much and we miss her so bad since she's been out so we're singing for you tonight okay [Music] some long black train coming down the line the vegan office souls that are lost and cried rebels of sand for Mays watch out further for them look to the head you can look to the skies you can find redemption stand by [Music] there is protection and there's bees let's say by an author's victory Lord I say victory is all [Music] there's [Music] Oh [Music] he's just way to say [Music] welcome [Music] let me [Music] [Music] right [Music] they're trained it's no but you know there's this me [Music] I simply as home [Music] all the time [Music] wasn't that wonderful oh I'm telling you that was great we'll sing till they till today ready to come back for you okay I love this song right here how many of you glad you safe tonight you've got praise one big time now [Music] gladness the papers from me man you will stay the sinner was placed beneath the flood God saying since then our walking forgiveness oh my guild was here the trains of the past a broken at last I got sick merci [Music] right yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my god Oh [Music] [Music] you got Oh God Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] love of God [Music] yeah [Music] bad mercy of Jesus [Music] it stopped [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus right [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] come on mercy of Jesus someone by the goodness of the Lord Irish father made right here Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] I tell him he's gonna have to let us know if he's gonna go up lockdown did this song here man that Isaac's back part two I'm glad that what Sonia said that God is a chain breaker he's bigger than any problem you got a man [Music] mode was to the same eyes [Music] holes inside there's there's you can if you got babies [Music] he's away [Music] but he's the true [Music] with a lot of day the dead now sells one out to say oh just a what [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we the if you receive if you can't feel it somebody testify [Music] see if you can't be but it's just [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you make welcome back the Isaacs wow what a family oh my goodness what talent pastor you get to hear that all the time here that's amazing Wow awesome well I tell you we had so many requests and we don't want to keep you here another hour and a half no we're gonna try to do the songs that we get the most requests for so we don't even know we had a few requests we'll try to get to those I'm blown away your family's so talented beautiful Java I'm looking for big things out of them okay blessing our fish fishermen Isaac's Israel initiative tonight here's a song that Becky and I wrote and we wrote this quite a few years ago and our friends Mike and Kelly bowling recorded the song and took it all the way to number one they have such a beautiful anointed version of this song but we did a CD called the riders series and that songs that she and I wrote and other people mostly record it and this is one of them and this is how we wrote it it's called your cries of a welcome message [Music] crossing the calm sea with Jesus the disciples were getting with started by me blow he was mr. does she not care that we're so [Music] they call you was it [Music] oh he oi [Music] you're lucky girl [Music] there's no [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but he's fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you got to remember you're not out there alone just because he's not speaking doesn't mean he's not listening here's your voice here's your boy $11 bag Dacascos out there dude I don't know about tomorrow I just leave [Music] words me too [Music] I do [Music] the future for I know edit [Music] for he knows [Music] nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the I don't [Music] tomorrow it's me [Music] [Music] [Music] here's the one who stands by [Music] [Applause] but be my make me through [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] God's Word so [Music] sweet Holies [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] I can't [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] say like the fragrance Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] [Applause] and earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love that song I don't know where I would be without Jesus I have a family member that I love with all of my heart that battles addiction and I can't tell you how many times I've said the name Jesus oh man God has been faithful to me and I want to tell you that he'll be faithful to you I am a I am a very very very strong type-a personality Becky says I have control issues I'm assuming a couple of them said it but in my defense I know if I if I do it it'll get done right come on my Taipei's but if i were honest with you i have enough problems of my own that I think I control but I really don't my family members addiction problem started several years ago and I found I found myself fighting daily minute hours all night long wondering what they were doing how they were doing what could I do to make it better what did I do to make them be that way I had to learn to give my battle to God just like my family member did that deals with the addiction my heart is so heavy tonight just because I just I feel that I want to say something I want God to move through me my sister's wrote a song for me to sing and during this time of me finding my place you know I got saved at a really young age I was seven years old when I accepted Christ and I believe at that time God had my past what little bit there was and I believed in my future with him but because of my type a personality and me just having control issues I didn't never just give up full trust I'm just being honest the hardest thing in the world for me to do was stand there stand by and watch someone that I loved destroy their lives in front of me I didn't get it and that's when I learned who God and Jesus was to me because that's really when I learned how to pray for God's will to be done in my life and because of my family members addiction it's drawn me closer to God in a way that I've never been before just like Sonia story that she told I had to learn to let it go that song this is not my battle was written for me I really believe that they wrote another song that I'm gonna try to sing for you that that pretty much sums up where I am right now and because of my family members addiction I'm so thankful that I have Jesus he brought me the peace in those times when I had no idea how I would make it [Music] this place that [Music] feels so unfair this weight on my chest seems more than I can I can't see where this is going but I'll stay on my knees till then if that's what it takes to break my will to make me still enough to hear your voice then I'll trust in you Oh Lord if that's what it takes to realize without you I'm just living life in vain for home meal for each day if that's one [Music] this is not the path I never choose for me the bigger picture that I can't support out do oh my and I'll cry if you [Music] to break to make nice feel your boys then I'll trust me that's what in space [Applause] just go living laughing vain Lord mom [Music] Oh that's funny [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] though I may not understand or give me straight to make if that's what it takes remember that I have spent so many nights just celebrated two years [Music] when peace like that's him if moon ruin sorrows like whatever thou has told me [Music] with my soul it is with my with my [Music] my my sin o of this fluorines my sin not just in heart [Music] oh praise Oh [Music] for it with my soul [Music] [Music] my [Laughter] and then that's something I want to read here because even though we've had a concert tonight worship service there may be someone here who's not saved and you know it would be a tragedy for someone to walk out of these doors tonight and not know the Lord that we're praising not know the Lord that we're thanking and blessing he's able and a few weeks ago God burned in me a message and some of the folks I've seen shirts matter of fact one of the members brought me one and Isaiah chapter 43 but now thus saith the Lord that created the Oh Jacob and he that formed thee O Israel fear not can you say that with me tonight fear not say it again fear not one more time fear not he said for I have redeemed thee I'm glad that I know tonight I've been redeemed I've not been purchased by the blood of goats or bulls or Birds or even a lamb but I've been purchased by the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world John 1:29 first Peter 1:18 for we were not redeemed with the corruptible things such as silver or gold by the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without spot without blemish I'm glad that I've been redeemed but then he said I've I've called thee by thy name I'm glad it's a nine-year-old boy about a quarter of a mile from where I'm standing right now at that time it was route 4 about 16 it's 181 more Hill Road now but being back in the back Hall down that wooden hall last room on the ride the Holy Ghost came walked right into my room tapped me on my heart convicted me of my sin I got up and I went to the two people I knew that could help me my mom and my daddy I said dad I said God speaking to me he said what do you need I said I need to be saved I dropped down there on my knees and I asked God to save me why because he called me by my name he had already redeemed me but I hadn't received that redemption myself he called my name he may be calling your name tonight can you lift your hand if he's called your name before and you accepted it can you lift it up right now unashamed unashamed and you know I haven't always been faithful to him like I should Lord I would hate I would hate in this building for my life the times of the failures to be put on these screens before yet be so ashamed and I'm glad that God cast our sins from the east from the West they're forgotten but not only did he say I've redeemed you and I've called you by name these are reasons why we shouldn't fear but then he said the hell aren't mine well I'm glad to be an American tonight I'm glad I'm glad to be part of this church and my name is on Church row I'm glad but more than that there's a father sitting on a throne in heaven and praise God he says through his spirit by way of his son Chris thou art mine and then the Bible says when thou passes through the waters I will be with thee and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee and when thou walkest through the fire thou shall not be burned neither shall the flame be killing upon me for I am the Lord I got on I don't have to fear anymore God's not giving me the spirit of fear but of power and said power and love have a sound mind and if you're here tonight and you don't know this darling Jesus let me tell you something he loves you there was a little girl one time over in England she got lost and she was crying and there was a one of the policemen the Bobby came up to her and she said he said honey what's wrong she said I'm lost I'm lost he said well do you know where Big Ben clock is she said no no and cried more he said what about the house of parliament do you know where it is she cried the more but then he thought about a cross that was in a big Cemetery and he said what about Sharon's cross do you know where that is it said that little girl lifted that old chin has started clapping her hands and said old the cross the cross if you can point me to the cross I can find my way home hallelujah I'm glad somebody pointed me to the cross and tonight as you bow your heads for a moment if you're here man woman or girl you'd say preacher I'm not saved would you pray for me would you pray could you just slip up your hand is there one just slip up your hand is there one not gonna bear you're not gonna come to you we don't want to miss you tonight I'm not saved pray for me when you pray god bless at the land I'm gonna pray and if you need to be saved you feel God speaking to you you come forward tonight kind of Jesus Lord we we're thankful for the the wonderful time we've had this evening but God for those that are unsaved may you save them God help us heal us God give us hope that we've never had before God remind us Bailey you've redeemed us you've called us by our name that we are yours God will praise you for what you do the Jesus name as we stand all over the building as they do [Music] all too where [Music] [Applause] and trust you his presence [Music] oh my [Music] [Music] do [Music] Oh [Music] not bad it for the Isaacs tonight how about it for Jesus tonight a man god bless you thank you for coming and please go by if you haven't been able to go to their table yet or just say hello to them please do that and thank you for coming out also just a couple of announcements tomorrow night after our short service here we're gonna be going to Moss Memorial they start revival tomorrow evening with with dr. Edison decree our good friend and so we'll be going out there with them following our service here supporting their meeting because they're always kind to come here and support the unity revival also on the 14th how many of you like old fashioned gospel preaching I mean powerful and singing by the Parsons the joy airs and and the Duncans from Florida is gonna be here this year it's gonna be fantastic Tammy Jones Robinette and and it's just gonna be a phenomenal time you don't want to miss that Mike Blanton and evidence that's October 14th through the 19th so you're gonna want to be a part of that's gonna be a great time that's coming up on us and then if you aren't interested in going to Israel in March we'd love to talk to you about that and and then that's the greatest trip ever besides to the altar that's what I tell people I got to say that Amen sister crystal and the Lord did y'all get that would you get saved when you get married all right so anyway we'd love to talk to you about that and and Karen can help you with that hold your hand up care and she can help you with that as well and also the Union to feed revival the Christian unity revival February it's gonna be on again and we look forward to that you'll hear more about that coming up we never dismissed the service here because we've got services coming up in a few hours in the morning and it's gonna be great and we're looking forward to that brother Mark langley's with us tomorrow and his sweet family so we're excited about that so you know the drill if you've ever been here before visitors if you don't have a place to call home come here we'll treat you some anyways you'll have to like one of them alright let's get her hands up in the air we exorcise praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord may God bless you be careful and good night
Channel: First Free Will Baptist Church
Views: 89,717
Rating: 4.7790833 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Rumfelt, Free Will, Jesus, Bible, Christ, God is Love, Jesus is Lord, First Free Will Baptist Church, Praise, Worship, Back To Our Foundations, The Word, Live Stream, Join Us, Hayesville, North Carolina
Id: YGlK6rokEWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 5sec (8645 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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