The Kingdom Heirs ... LIVE in Concert!

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[Music] I [Music] all of [Music] I will [Music] for [Music] [Applause] I [Music] I must I must [Music] Jesus [Music] Jesus oh how this were [Music] and my heart empty [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] to I must tell [Music] and I may baby bird [Music] [Applause] she's us he sees us [Music] ladies and gentlemen our thumb drive [Applause] [Music] no acquaintance didn't have the other day he said give seeds a tip about clothes but I hold in my back Jesus and how he had set me free and I used to be about [Music] I will fail ding brand behaving that macaulay real folks a the time so both for bigamy we'll enjoy the hot spring in my step they've gave me something I can wield that towel and all that Maga Hariri [Music] I said friend if you're not busy man above to tell you more a we sat in town for hours about the Murphy's but he said I have been searching and this sounds like what I need but thinking never love zip laughs speak as it friend please love makes all a call Jesus name I'm Annabelle never guys real danger no flavor my soul for making me down Manoel demagoguery you got the law they gave me something I can piss back down my step [Music] [Applause] you got them all years old they gave me something so you I'm feeling hard spring hot step reason I came back now [Applause] [Music] that's terrible y'all do better than that how y'all doing thank you so much for coming out we appreciate it so much oh it's great where are we no I'm just kidding we're back in Lizabeth another great it's great to be here and and thank you so much what a great-looking crowd and we appreciate it coming up Oh y'all had some we got some weather here lately heavenly yeah it's kind of odd didn't it we we started out our tour a few weeks ago we started down in Florida and we went on a cruise we left Tampa it was 45 degrees in Tampa when we get on the cruise we're first stop was down in Key West and it was 50 degrees there and the wind was blowing a hundred miles an hour like there wouldn't nothing between us in the North Pole but a bob wire fence and it was it was cold in fact it was so cold in Miami Beach that the Weather Service issued a falling iguana warning I'm seriously a falling iguana warning second time in history they have ever done that most of you know mother you know iguanas are reptiles and at night they climb up in the trees and they were so cold if they couldn't hold it they were afraid they were gonna fall off on me isn't that funny not if you're an iguana but that's you know this is global warming stuffs about to freeze me to death I don't know about y'all but it's great to be here how are you seeing us for your first time never seen the kingdom and before again first went three people wonderful right thank you all for coming I appreciate that this is we're right in the middle of our winter tour and we start back at Dollywood March the 14th will start our 35th year at Dollywood and we're excited about thank you excited about that we we love the opportunity that the Lord has given us to be there and that we do exactly the same thing there as we do here and it's a great opportunity to stand in a public arena a secular theme park and tell people about Jesus amen yeah what we're gonna sing we're gonna sing some old song some new songs for unite we hope that was something we sing or say will be a blessing to you are you glad to see all the guys tonight one day I love me too please incense world ah ah confess my said by the Jesus thus they betrayed me from the waves [Music] they're never combat a man attends her son to place on the day that I got saving love life supreme knowing Jesus lives in me and Oh it's too when the tan personal pain [Music] not the same so can't ignore me there member how the day of the answer starts a place on the day that I got saved so can amore they'll never come today have to injure such a vase or the day that I can't say locked again [Applause] thank you so much that was a that was a number one song forced back I don't know probably 1819 years ago I guess great song written by Rodney Griffin we've got a brand new album that just came out just a few months ago and it's a little bit different album for us it has six songs on it with the vocals in the band and then the vocals did three acapella songs and a band aid three instrumental songs so it's kind of a mixture of some different things did we do one of the acapella songs for yous okay if we do one of those for you great that's what I was gonna do so that works out very well this is a this is actually a brand new song it was written by Diane Wilkinson and it has kind of a fifties flavor to it so if you like this nothing's gonna keep Mita it's serving God since I was saved so long ago I know sometimes our stuff my way been down and out and talked about but one thing I could say God's name right beside me every side every day the world of flesh for devil's been working over plan [Applause] we cross he's there to fight my battles all I have to do [Applause] when I find myself on sinking sand and I know I'm going [Music] something's bound to get me but nothing's gonna GV nothing whoa nothing's gonna keep me down [Applause] when my time is over I know God will call me home my friends in love once you will get a rise they'll every me and marry me but one thing they should know nothing's gonna have her TV time [Music] whoa [Music] I something's bound to get me but nothing's gonna give me nothing's gonna keep me I know something sponsor get me but now meter [Applause] [Music] for the next day I'm living with me one minute the sun is shining it starts to blindside shrub God why'd the Thunder Oh ah man that seems that crap Oh I am safe and secure with him in my heart you know can take that from me I'm living life [Applause] when you save my soul no longer in sin whereas spend eater that change that let's change the channel [Applause] you like that song that's a brand-new song that Lauren did for he's written by our drummer Dennis back there how about that it meant great Dennis over the past I don't know ten years or more I guess there's just become just a tremendous songwriter Dennis I think it's best song you've you've written right there hey I want you to do in fact I want you to do another one that you wrote and I want well no I don't want you to do it I want Jerry to come into it but he's a drummer for a reason but then I don't want you to listen to Jerry's things this I love this song right here it's called pieces [Music] [Applause] [Music] horde out of a box scattered about turned upside down broken within the hands of Jesus created the one I should be he put me together sealed me forever made me complete [Music] we put them together I [Music] [Music] [Applause] met Jesus he too [Music] to [Applause] [Music] hey let me search [Music] without a plan in what condition you come you won't be the same when he gets done your life will change when you meet Jesus just [Music] [Applause] b-but there - yeah hi is true took the pieces [Music] [Music] the stands of my past you may choose us [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'd say well let me take let me take a minute and I know everybody there's pretty much seen us but then maybe there's somebody here that don't really know us very well let me introduce everybody to very quickly and get to a young man over there playing bass guitar 38 years he'd been right back there playing that bass that's a long time it'd make him welcome for mascot Tennessee Chris French yeah hey kind of dreading going home a little bit I come we've been out for four days right well I've got a mad wife at home oh she's mad when she's mad at you too captain you tell by her demeanor or what do you think about what she throws now this all kind of happened to started about six weeks ago well take that back it started about 36 years ago but they've been doing a little remodeling oh and I don't know if you've ever done any of that you know they say if you really want to test your marriage you either need to build a house or remodel that's the truth yeah cuz there buzz gets her own opinion right and she had hers had mine we fuss and argued a little bit right and I thought well you know the cruisers come that I thought well go on the cruise you know maybe that'll make things better but the first first morning on the cruise sitting at the breakfast table she said something that it was kind of disturbing really really we're sitting there she said you know she said it seems like all we ever do anymore this fussing fight she said as a matter of fact I think we just need to pray to good lord take one of us and she said but listen don't worry about me I can stay with my sister I think I don't know which way she's leaning chicas go up on the deck our piano player from the Harriman Tennessee are you glad to see Andy Stringfield make him welcome Andy and his wife Rachel just had their first baby in fact he just turned one year old last week with it then for last year yeah and and one years old and Andy was so excited when they brought little Marshall home from the hospital and they live in a little subdivision there and Pigeon Forge and Andy took him around to all the neighbors you know and introduced him and came back to the house and he told Rachel said Rachel everybody in the neighborhood says Marshall looks just like me and she said well of course they do baby you got him upside down he did good though idiot yeah doing great I hadn't been around him much now I mean they'd be City to perfuse yep Lester has he started talking yet did you turn this talker good yeah he's saying a couple things there what's he saying I'll say the biggest thing he's saying is probably hey Dad they're really well I think so I don't that's kind of his word for everything I'm just glad that our driver 29 years even back there playing those drums from OC Anna West Virginia Dennis Murphy make him welcome a couple of other guys that we couldn't do without we're back there running sound Jessie it's a second year with our group is he doing a good job on the sound there things sound good Jessie Van Zandt back there I think our bus drivers in here somewhere I'm not sure I thought I saw him come in he may not be but he may be asleep but Greg got Rick Fehr is driving our bus see but he can any park that thing where you keep shining a flashlight man booty where you can't find it with a flashlight sometimes but he does a great job maybe time y'all want to come over here it'd be great young men singing debase you've heard him don't get no better from Brunswick Georgia Jeff Chapman [Music] singing to dinner for blatant burn North Carolina Jerry Martin out there on the bear token Elizabethton Tennessee Lauren Harris my name is arthur rice I'm from Asheville North Carolina that makes up all the kingdom airs if you left see him let him know a one more time we we actually we recorded two albums that came out last year we did one in the spring that came out that's kind of a fade roots album we get some older songs and newer songs can we do an old song for you so would you mind if we do that about three people's excited about that this is Emily all never heard of Bette bellows anybody remember vet bellows wrote some great songs one of the best songs he ever wrote was I know he heard my prayer great song in fact it's in the rib they'll come with me he's ready and this song right here this is another song that Beth wrote that I that I've always loved and I've always wanted to record this song and we're going to do for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] a star [Music] [Music] turn it's glue [Music] [Applause] it goes [Music] Souls [Music] ah here's time [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] and that a great song hey man I back in January I did a study in the book of Romans and I kind of parked on chapter 8 you know chapter 8 begins with no condemnation and it ends with no separation and right in the middle all things work together the Apostle Paul said he was convinced that nothing could separate us from the love of God absolutely nothing you know how he was convinced he had experienced an amen one of these days we're gonna stand on Zions mountain and we're gonna sing a song the angels [Music] I'm read where Jesus said that he prepared for me whispered under that no time to tell no human eye could see [Music] the Saints walk the streets one day we that ride of purest form and see the things got captain stone [Music] it's called the new Jews a little that's one day coming down cheers and party and cannot be fun the interest in winner garments win the tree Thanks [Music] Jimmy [Music] we will start to see Oh [Music] no not whoever decides describe Bojan [Music] zayats mountain species [Music] No whoo [Music] describe my job [Music] Oh [Music] Kaneda pretty song well I'd say well the guys take a break there for just a minute let me let me let the guys in band play for ya you know I told you we featured them on our newest album and we wanted to do that because well to be honest with you they're actually the only ones that have won any awards tell them how many 11 times [Applause] Hey so I'd say I'd say what I think Lauren wanted you to play that done yes Joshua and so y'all wear down make them well I get him but make him welcome eleven time band of the year [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time the kingdom Arab and their great [Applause] [Music] just said I mean or the sayest house the one of whom you read that does graceful host around that from John God is be summer the delivery men Emily and Jef announce their arrival was in the world but same Lord is Lord [Music] bring their fries - got the bone and then they spoke their hearts and this forest sounds oh my Oh God in the highest Saeko Nagy was born to save the world and sent Rory to God in the highest glory oh say from sword Laurey we're on the second floor scorann oh man beautiful as ever world of Sam lorry I'm sorry [Applause] normally the bars at the world of sin for God in the highest glory for [Music] [Applause] charge to get in tonight I started to ask for Dollywood season pants to get in but no didn't think that word we didn't charge anything they just come tonight for this love offering and they dollar let some tour during the winter months before Dollywood opens up in March and we're just again so glad they're here and came back this way to tonight to Valley Forge and we're glad you're here and we want you to give your best offering tonight since we didn't charge anything just give an offering tonight because you believe in the ministry like I said they have a stage that it's unbelievable in these days that they get to sing at a secular theme part for Jesus and so I appreciate everyone tonight as we stand together and ask a blessing on this offering I'll ask brother Danny if he will to bless this offering that it would go to further the ministry and the gospel of Jesus through the kingdom airs [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] razor this body from the cross where Jesus bled time to the bar to that place my lord inside but in three days the gods can see the stone was rolled away no bones about it Jesus [Applause] one day when my life's work is done and my time comes to die my body in the ground say one last goodbye and the trauma caused behold [Music] No Jesus Jesus which this body no bones about it Jesus is nothing [Music] no bones about Jesus Chapman [Music] [Music] he's a whole lot of people very insane while they revoke their very own seeds [Music] gonna be the day the devil push their [Music] they were bound man they were bound by Green they were safely the things that they love Oh working on the tank [Music] [Music] in the break though down in this hole the tablets kind of hold Oh well I got time troubles a Belgium Aggies there on the work path to the Lord except maybe a door dad okay got a whole lot of people working working on the Chang so it's an aside in the right dose change not singers and sound break those he's on a break those change you're afraid so today he's gonna rape us Chad it's on a breakfast gross [Music] we have never seen all the history that man could save him Sir everywhere come and since the world began never can one soul from [Music] his perfect plan we are free yes free but believe me they were the same dr. ranson was dying for the wrong we've done what we did there was a Holy Sacrifice God's only begotten sword [Music] [Music] I've tried to be satisfied by the things [Music] and they [Music] we rejected [Music] what they need it is there Jesus name cross and say but they were the same doubt your Hansen was dying overall they've done what we did all this time professor Don zone [Music] merci your head syphilis died for the wrong we've done we sacrifice not only begun merci what we said mercy God provide I'm glad God knew exactly what we needed hey man we needed a Savior amen well we uh we did something last year that we hadn't done before we had the corndog McComas come up and singing Jim come on up here I want you I want you to sing with us again you come on Jeff come on yeah come on yeah that's right I forgot Jeff sink in Errol that's right yeah corndog Snyder hotdog Snyder right there but do you I'd say well this guy right here I love this guy right here and I mean listen to this preaching on though when I've been preaching for 40 years and Lauren Harris changed my life here a year ago is that right well he came up with this corn dog thing yeah I came to see you guys last summer this is the truth and I was eating the corn dog I went to see your Early Show just like I always do I went to get a corn dog I'm sitting down mind my own business and a lady comes up this is the truth and she said I know I know you from somewhere and I said well I'm a preacher she said what state she was from so we listed all the churches no no that's not it she said do you sing I said yeah I sang in a core temperature in Ohio and no that's not it I sang with my family when I was a kid no no and then she said I know you you're one of the corndog boys and I was eating a corn dog when she said [Applause] [Music] one night upon the sea a ship was tossed to and fro breakers [Applause] all aboard we're pretty girls then they call the phone who the way control Little Caesars winds and waves obey when it says to me what plan is this they all did say at the winds and seas so babe he's the one who's with me the master [Applause] [Music] though the storms are wide may rain the and repel both pounds you roll well he can call my brother see the pond life seems safe we're just traveling in never played so glad he sails with me yes he's the master of the sea lady reaches out his head the Bill of CC [Music] winds and weights away where he says to Bambi what manage this they all did say that the twins and C so made well he's the one who said me he's the master of the sea the waters I want to say listen this this line up here right here I don't know how you feel about that but I I'm a student and a fan of this music this line up you're watching tonight is the greatest southern gospel quartet ever assembled in modern day that's how I feel about them they are awesome and I just want to say to them I want to say to all you guys I know that it has to be it has to some days be tough to go in there day after day and sing the same songs over several times a day I know that it has to be tough and you've all got personal things going on in your own lives trying to keep everything together but I want you to know if you ever doubt that you really do make a difference you have ministered to me time and time again through some dark and tough days and I go in there and the lights go down nobody can see me cry and I'm just sit there and you guys have helped me from the bottom of my heart I want you to know that I love you and I thank God for you and for your ministry do you love the kingdom airs tonight [Applause] [Music] lesson and it helps me face every storm a foretaste of him and I cling to and let's watch happy [Music] so instead of struggles face let me tell and for so always have a reasons upstairs you will [Applause] Oh [Music] he tells me he'll never that he will be strongly warned our pilot is brace it still sufficient whatever my article laughs I'm always sure it's gonna be faithful to me till the end all the way that's why my soul cries tears of Jesus my Savior Oh stairs you according his nursery start there's man [Music] he's not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I sure they fall when I told them I give Jesus my all and I guess I really can [Music] for having their dad for today lately but I used to be difference the Lord made me but a God was real praise God and still [Music] share all things are [Music] oh that means myself with the slide was all that he promised to be friend I'd still choose to serve the Lord faithfully but I cannot begin to imagine what he has in store once I was lost and I was heading for tanner can't say now all is well all things are [Applause] [Music] my [Music] my [Applause] [Music] that's the way I see the light of day the sun is shining dispelling [Music] in my heart I feel that I see [Music] he knows my every [Music] the last I feel [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no the same my [Applause] [Music] I'd rather have Jesus than silver brother he is an average as on [Music] Jesus then houses or lands I'd rather be let five dear stand [Music] still warm and dress [Music] this [Music] I'd rather have Jesus than men's applause I would rather be faithful to my Lords dear Falls I'd rather have Jesus faith I would rather be true I do says Jesus [Music] yes I have you Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'd rather have Jesus I hope that is your prayer tonight especially in this coming year and I know everybody's heard it year 2020 let our vision be 20/20 on Christ they'll be great to sing to you know I look out and common sense it make me think pastures everybody in here's the Christian why would you come out on Sunday night hear quartet sing but you know what there may be somebody here tonight who doesn't know this Jesus agreement singing about maybe even fightin if Tina since I'd can't fill it virgin said we were born with a hole in our soul that nothing but Christ can feel we can try everything that the world has to offer but that hole is still empty until God comes in and feels it maybe you've tried that maybe you're here tonight and you're going through some things and you're just discouraged listen but devil just want you to just give up in the last day just to throw your hands up and just say Lord I quit because if he he's already lost yet but if he can make you discouraged keep you from encouraging someone else make you a stumbling block that's what he'll do listen draw up close to them say I'd rather have Jesus than anything you bow your heads with me for just a second father we thank you for this night thank you for the opportunity that you've given us and thank you for each one that's here thank you for this church what an example it is to this community or for the pastor staff or if it be somebody here tonight that doesn't know you lord I present your convicting power would just be so strong they couldn't leave this place until they might perhaps there's somebody here that's going through something they just don't understand just seems like Hale is that their doorstep and just feels like every way they turn is just discouragement lord I pray that you would encourage them tonight or let them trust you with tomorrow because we know if you know the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end and you know exactly where they are in that season that's what gives us promise tomorrow is your love and your mercy but I pray that you just encourage them thank you for all that you do for us thank you for many blessings blessing us inspire us thank you most of all for knowing exactly what we needed when you sent your only Son Jesus that through his shedding of his blood through his Redemption we could come to know God we praise you tonight we give you honor of what you've done here tonight what you're gonna do in the coming days we ask all these things and the precious thing with Jesus and all God's people said amen has it been good to been in the house of the Lord tonight have you had a good time if you enjoyed the guys singing and playing I hope I hope we can come and come back again next year I hope you'll let us come back we uh we just carved out a spot and we're just gonna make it regular if that's okay and we appreciate you letting us have this one right here I just want you to know what a blessing he's been to me and he was a godsend to me and he encourages me every day and I I love him and I appreciate him and I know that y'all miss him but y'all can't have him back I'm sorry can we do one more song for you is okay if we do one more I gotta do a Damascus Road we had so if you've really enjoyed all the guys let him know it one more time would you [Applause] [Music] yeah if I miss little for me at the end our Damascus they're all one more chance [Music] surfaces we don't think it's just in Damascus masks master tells me [Applause] the pastor's asleep ah [Applause] - there join all the kingdom airs tonight and ignore all the guys in the man thank you so much go faster you
Channel: Valley Forge FWB Church
Views: 57,997
Rating: 4.8958335 out of 5
Keywords: kingdom heirs, southern gospel, gospel, the kingdom heirs, music, singing, christian, dollywood, quartet, loren harris, Dennis Murphy, Arthur Rice, Jeff Chapman, Andy Stringfield, Jerry Martin, male quartet
Id: uQuR2pRW-ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 26sec (5426 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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