The INSANITY of Ratchet 2 Platinum Speedruns

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this video is the story of how I destroyed the Ratchet and Clank 2 platinum trophy world record but more than that it's a story of Revenge so while I start let me set the scene last year I got the ratchet 1 platinum trophy world record by 2 and A2 hours it was an awesome video my most viewed ever at the time and then one day things changed [Music] his name was Jura he was a dude who mostly kept to himself doing his own speedruns but for some reason he felt the need to go out of his way to humiliate me so in other words he's a [ __ ] I was a wreck for months I couldn't eat I couldn't sleep my wife left me and took the kids I couldn't handle the humiliation he he even flexed On Me by getting world record twice I was about to give it all up and become a reaction YouTuber when I realized something I didn't need custody of the kids I needed to take something back from Jura something he really cared about so I went to the ratchet 2 platinum trophy leaderboards and what do you know there he was right at the top 3 hours and 24 minutes my soulle fixation became dethroning Jura and taking This Record away from him so then I trained I'm missing a platinum bolt okay where did I miss it I forgot to do the backtrack yeah yeah that adds up that makes sense all right we're still on Pace to PB here it's just going to be a little tight now all I [ __ ] all this there we go woo barely clutched it okay baling baling balen baling yes we got the Platinum power we got all the Platinum bolts and we should be getting all the skill points here too nice beautiful Oh wait [ __ ] what am I doing what am I doing here we go can't [ __ ] believe I just PB no fing way which one did I forget what what a choke so then how do I do this oh I just have to I have to shortcut to MTAR we may not have gotten the Run we wanted but at the very least it's a giant PB 3 3235 not that bad always belov thank you for the ggs everybody my training head been perfect I knew the next run was going to be the one all right here's hoping we actually get the plat bolt trophy right now otherwise we're in a little bit of a sticky situation please come on come on give it to me give it to me oh thank God I was really scared I missed the plat bolt no no no no no no no no no no no no that should be all skill points do I not there it is super skill dude I'm telling you the delay on this messes with my brain so Insomniac Museum and then the plat trophy right after beautiful that's it oh come on man what am I doing bang that is officially the platinum trophy world record I did it finally I could feel like a man again my wife will come home I'll get to hold little Timmy and little toy I'll gain the respect of my family I'll actually become someone people take [Applause] seriously what he got world record again and he HIIT it from me how does this keep happening to me real smooth there Jura real smooth you think that you can get the world records and that I just have to sit here right you think that's what's going to it's not and that leads us to this run right here right now I've created a new PSN profile with no trophies and I'm about to completely [ __ ] annihilate this world record in these first levels there's something you might have noticed I forgot to start the timer just kidding you see what makes this run different is that I spent the entire night Theory crafting a new route according to the platinum trophy leaderboard a speedrun begins from the moment you get your first Trophy and this is the big mistake Jura was making he do speedruns with trophies thrown in from the beginning I'll be starting a new run where I do as much gameplay as possible before the first trophy keeping my timer at 0 seconds for the next 3 hours and here on MTAR I'm already preparing I hit these slot machines 31 times exactly this is because 31 is the minimum number of times you have to hit the slots in order to activate the jackpot so this is 12 I can hit the maximum 30 times right now I'm technically taking a risk on this 31st hit since it's possible to get the trophy right now which would ruin my file because I'm playing on PS3 those 31 slot machine hits are stored I can now leave the planet and save myself 30 31 hits the next time I come here this also works on the next planet in dco there's a trophy for destroying 10 robots using the crane so I just destroy nine now and I'll come back later for the 10th there's one trophy that's going to be a big problem remember guys we have to keep track of the bolts more bolts collect 50,000 bolts this does not mean have 50,000 bolts that means collect 50,000 total bolts this is going to be really hard to work around because that's not a lot of bolts I've got one trick up my sleeve though fighter boy one of my Chatters named fighter boy is keeping track of my bolts because he's cute this takes us all the way to Tabora the desert planet and this is where things get complicated welcome to the wonderful world of desert [ __ ] there's 100 crystals scattered all across this desert and getting all 100 gives you a trophy I'm going to get 99 of them right now and get the last one later that's not the problem the problem is that there's enemies all across the desert I have to kill meaning a ton of bolts are being dropped I need exactly 10,000 bolts for the next planet so I need to strike a delicate balance between getting crystals and not getting too many bolts we're going to try to collect 99 crystals without collecting any extra bolts without using up all of our ammo this is going to be a mess okay so here's where it gets really scummy so I'm almost completely out of ammo now all right I'm going to grab as much ammo as I can over here so we're at 81 total crystals so now what I'm going to do is this is especially stupid we're going back in the MTAR Arena all right so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to enter the chain blade Challenge and look at this there's all these ammo crates okay so I'm fully stocked up on all ammo and we should be good to go back to Tabora okay so we need to find seven more going to go around the bolts okay I'm at 10,000 so what I need to do now is I just need to make sure that I have 89 crystals that's what I need so here's 87 and 88 we need to find number 89 it's out there somewhere and I believe I know where boom all right we found number 89 so now we can leave to Bora and go on and complete the rest of the run this this is like actually one of the craziest and dumbest things I've ever done and look at this we are most certainly not cashing these in because that would get us the trophy in a heartbeat okay we're going on a Dao heading to Dao there's no trophies just yet but here's something that'll trigger longtime fans this nanotech you're supposed to get it with a gadget called the glider and it's a giant pain in the ass but in this run it's a bit [Laughter] [Music] easier it's time to speed things up with these the charge boots look at how beautiful they are we get them by winning this race although the way we do it may surprise [Music] [Music] you this is lap Skip and I won't explain how it works for now instead let me show you how I get the hidden race nanotech [Music] rugus Cloud takes about 30 seconds in most speeduns so kids how long will Uncle Zen be here 20 seconds 10 seconds 27 minutes I've got a farm raritanium for this Trophy and I can do this on mission two by shooting mines at the space debris over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over oh hey I'm at 60 raritanium now I get the nuke upgrade go back to hugus and blow up ships over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and you guys have been so good during this whole thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over now we're on tando I need this thing the sheepinator it lets me sheep things like these squirrels I sheep six for now and I'll get 10 more later for a trophy on Balden I grab 10,000 bolts right here at the beginning for a special surprise and on snac I destroy 10 of 14 ships I'm nearly done with the first playthrough meaning the first trophy is coming up but before that it's time for the surprise I need a weapon that can melt the final boss a weapon so broken so easy to use so unbelievably powerful that it'll rip the boss a new one that's right it's the spiderbot no seriously this is going to kill the final boss but first we have to upgrade it I go to grin and Skip all the way to the end with a fancy side flip I blow up all these juicy Proto pets which gives me a solid chunk of XP now I reload the game and this is where it gets sick normally in this game when you reload a level all the enemies give you much less XP than they did on the first visit however when you reload grin these stupid little protopet give you 150% more experience check out how fast I can upgrade the spiderbot with this nice okay nice nice nice nice nice we did it and barely got any bolts with my newly upgraded tank bot glove I can finally show off this insane final boss Strat so I make my way over to the final boss and then I leave yeah sorry we can't kill him just yet soon though very soon first I need to get a trophy so we can finally start the run so I start with the most problematic trophy in the entire game wrench Ninja 2 Kill All Enemies with a wrench and without dying on planet Joba this trophy is so insanely [ __ ] I had to make an entire video teaching people how to do it the funny thing about this trophy is that you don't really need to kill enemies with only the wrench you can kill them with nanotech blasts and you can even killed them with turret fire but sometimes with this skill point things just go wrong my biggest fear is getting the bolt Trophy and not getting wrench Ninja 2 for some reason I'm really scared of that cuz that'll just start the timer and completely mess up my speedrun okay Moment of Truth this should be the first Trophy and the timer will begin let's see that's what I was afraid of that's what I was afraid of the skill point didn't work there's only two ways to fix this the first is to reload the level the scary part of reloading is that there's no guarantee this will work and I'm really close to getting the bolt trophy the best case scenario is that the skill point just works this time okay don't kill me please bro why no skill point I reload one last time because I really don't want to do the second way of fixing this you see the second way is to quit the game and go to the PlayStation 3 main menu this is guaranteed to work but it removes all my storage setups but my greed very quickly ends up being my downfall no oh my God I got the trophy I didn't mean to do do that okay the timer Starts Now the worst of Both Worlds has happened I grab too many bolts and pick up the trophy starting the timer and I have to quit the game this is at least a 5minute Time loss and it's going to get worse every time I fail the wrench ninja skill point from here on in the only way to stem the bleeding is to get this skill point right now please for the love of God and all that is Holy give me the skill point please please please please please yes okay good the run is actually completable now now it's time to cash in on some easy trophies first I grab the final Tabora Crystal to heal my chi okay on to killing chain blade this is chain blade chain blade chain blade I've got to kill him with just the wrench for a trophy now normally this is a bit tricky but I have a fully upgraded wrench I also cash in all my hard- earned crystals getting me the trophy for collecting 100,000 bolts after that it's time for The Last Ship upgrade now after all this time I finally get to show you how this tank bot glove is so broken I have one warning to give you unironic seizure warning if you are sensitive to flashing lights please look away for the screen for the next 60 seconds you can count it on your timer 60 seconds exactly okay okay nearly fin [Music] finished okay I'll explain the key is how I throw the tank bot out I double jump just before throwing the first tank bot then I pause swap to a different weapon unpause pause again swap back to the tank bot and throw one more tank bot just before the first tank bot lands on the ground this is called spiderbot stacking and now I can trol two of these guys at the same time this lets me mash X and damage the the boss on every single frame one of the most annoying bosses in the entire series is decimated in about 12 seconds great that's the end of the first playr you guys can look now and look at that we beat the entire game and we're only 9 Minutes in from here it's time to go through the early game and pick up a couple easy trophies including the slot machines I lost my progress on one 2 3 I got to leave my shots better than that oh my God there we go okay we got to get the gamble skill point [Music] now dude I was I was gambling on that please for the love of God and all that is Holy give me the skill point give me the skill point right now just do it just give it to me how many times have I hit this goddamn thing okay cool almost got it jeez L okay now you're just teasing [Music] [Applause] me there we go Mother of God here on Barlo there's a trophy for beating the race in under 2 minutes and 10 seconds but just like before there's a pretty insane skip that might work no that was close though I'm still not great at this trick that's not going to work either that's too far to the right I have one frame to jam ratchet into a specific spot in this wall doing it right hits the second to last checkpoint in the lap letting me go backwards over the Finish line to skip to the next lap nice okay there's one lap just two more base that should work [Music] no yes I'd like to honor a fallen soldier his name was Dan and he was a snow no man look at how handsome he is sadly I had to kill him there's a trophy for it the worst part is I blow him up off screen poor guy now some of you may be wondering how the hell I'm going through these levels so quickly or how to learn to do what I do or even just what the is going on in general I won't be explaining all the tricks I use here but I do plan on making an in-depth video on Ratchet 2 100% speedruns once I get the world record if you'd like to follow my journey to world record live feel free to follow my twitch stream link is in the description now things get hard here on tadano I had to get two skill points at the same time I have to blow up these rockets and protect these tourists from a bunch of killer [Music] squirrels no no no no no no no no no God damn it man I greeted too hard that's okay today's L's are tomorrow's W's no God damn it man going to focus up here third tries the charm no more greed no no more no do not walk off that Cliff there we go goodbye that's what they get for causing me so much pain from here I sheep 16 squirrels to get one last Trophy and I'm out of here and now I'm about to show you something that's going to blow your [ __ ] mind this is ratchet 2's most broken strategy ever it's called quit exploit heading to Planet Gorn we can do mission 2 over and over again this gives me tons of bolts and I'm going to do this Mission until my bolts are between 9831 1, 48,5 76 bolted down there we go got another trophy once I'm in this range I save over a totally different file we're going to save over this I now do mission two two more times this puts me between the bolt values of 1, 14857 and 1,1 14,112 and now the very last thing to do is just quit the game that's it that's the entire strategy so what did I just do exactly to show you we need to head to the desert again remember how I said there's 100 crystals here well quid exploit has something different to say 3,6 68 crystals cashing in for a total of 36 million bolts an actual infinite money glitch and if you can believe it that's still not enough 36 million isn't bad it's not bad I'll explain why but first I get a bunch of trophies one for 2 million bolts one for buying the Rhino one for buying the Zodiac and one for buying the carbonox armor quit exploit makes it so every single time the game Auto saves I get more and more crystals that means I can scam this guy over and over again eventually getting to 363 million bolts that's so many bolts that it doesn't even fit on the HUD anymore not bad for a day's work but that's not all quit exploit can do check this out and you know what I'm also going to kill some enemies along the way because why the [ __ ] wouldn't I this 7 Seconds of footage is so strange the Lancer starts at yellow with zero XP but then immediately upgrades to Blue to show what's going on let's use another example this is a mega mini nuke it's a yellow color which is the second highest level after blue to go from yellow to Blue you normally need to kill tons and tons and tons of enemies every single person who 100% of this game growing up remembers spending days upgrading all their weapons using quit exploit I'm about to upgrade every weapon from White the very first first level all the way to Blue in under 10 minutes the reason this works is that quit exploit ties enemy XP to the amount of bolts that I have 80 million is the magic number once you're at or above this bolt count you can upgrade every single weapon in the game to the next level off of one Enemy by the way this isn't even close to the limit of what quit exploit can do but if you don't know what you're doing do not try quit exploit you can seriously risk bricking your entire file and losing it forever but what you can do is like this video if you feel like you just learned something really cool if this video gets 10,000 likes I'll show you how you can use quit exploit to put the levitator from ratchet 2 into ratchet 3 but enough of the nerdy explanations for now you're here to see me get some trophies it's Montage time baby Sean cu the music beautiful now I can kill myself upgrade all of my weapons and then go again and we get a skill point for upgrading every weapon at least [Music] once no it did the [Music] thing huh huh [Music] okay [Music] okay good we're going to have to kill one extra guy nice beautiful all right let's do [Music] this and we are done with nanotech break all of these grab oh my god dude this is going so smoothly there's no way that anything could possibly go wrong from this point moving [Music] forward listen everything is fine you guys need to learn to relax a little bit you know like smoke some ganja and have a good time you know see look we're already back [Music] oh is it big head time great point we got to turn on big head mode skill point skill point [Music] beautiful [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God I'm actually so cringe I'm moving [Music] [Applause] closer finally all right here we go this should be one of the last ones we have to do there we go skill point okay I got to break all the buildings [Music] all right so we should be getting a skill point very soon here for breaking all buildings skill point [Music] nice oh [ __ ] I always forget about those [Music] burges Burge now it's time for the arena one of my favorite parts of this game there's tons of missions to choose from and hundreds of enemies to blow up but there's only one mission that actually matters the impossible challenge 60 rounds of non-stop enemies thankfully the Rhino and the plasma coil are pretty pretty busted nice okay beautiful and we're going to get a trophy for being the impossible challenge fantastic here on demel there's a skill point for riding the grind rail all the way to the end without taking any damage casually this can be tough because there's obstacles everywhere speedrunners however have a strategy for [Music] this surprised allow me to elaborate jump into the wall take damage that's right take damage glide back onto the rail land high jump turn around Glide Glide again as I'm landing which lets me double jump and because I double jumped I can go into first person mode spam Square against the wall and climb all the way Way to the Top charge cancel the charge with the Rhino turn while hyper striking and long jump as I land and even though I took damage I skip to the end of the section and get my favorite trophy in the game then we save this Bank from these stupid little guys one of the last big obstacles of the run is here on grin the ice Planet just like the crystals in the desert there's 101 moonstones scattered all over the map here's the problem though I haven't memorized it yet any time you do this in a normal speedrun you unlock a perk that lets you see where every crystal is but in this run I skipped the boss that unlocks the perk so right now I have to just trust myself and go Full Throttle okay it's time crystals let's do [Music] it there's 14 down in this first area that's no problem it's up here that's the problem the area is deceptively big and I have quite a few problem crystals I tend to forget so I made sure to be as thorough as possible I ran through the map in my head carefully making sure to think about each and every crystal all right I got to really trust myself here to get all the crystals I know where they all are I know where they all are I just got to do it okay there's one over here oh this is going to be so tricky Chad do I know where all the crystals are holy [ __ ] that actually like jump scared me [Music] holy moly Gamers this is getting down to the wire here we only have 11 minutes left to beat the world record by a full hour okay let's see here [Music] I was confident I broke open every single crystal is that the last one oh no this is the nightmare scenario but of course I was one Moonstone off oh [ __ ] okay logic would dictate that the most obvious place the most obvious place that it would be is around the perimeter somewhere over here I already checked all the way around here it's not on the left side I already checked the Northeast Jack mother [ __ ] man I have an idea of where it could be is it not like around here somewhere this is insane man I don't know where to go are you kidding me I hit it but then it didn't [ __ ] snap to me man okay that's infuriating but that's okay this game so sometimes I swear do you know how upset it made me to lose my Ratchet and Clank 1 platinum trophy world record to you Jura you didn't even tell me I found out from my YouTube comment section you didn't even just beat me either you humiliated me but now I get to show you how it feels I got to play very solidly now if I want to get 207 that's the goal [Music] Platinum power that's all the Platinum bolts okay good good good good I was really nervous that I missed some let's see here special skill points 29 of 30 this is it we just need to do this then we need to go to the Insomniac Museum and then it's GG no what am I doing oh my God I'm so cringe we got this okay okay we're good beautiful there we go okay we got to spend all the Platinum bolts now and then we just go to the Insomniac Museum that should be the trophy for all skill points oh my God and get ready Gamers Insomniac Museum trophy coming up and then the Platinum to follow Museum tour and here it is 20551 we did it we cut the hour let's [ __ ] go man this crazy stupid experiment worked I can't believe it with that I registered my run on PSN profiles and I officially became the world record holder for Ratchet 2 platinum trophy by over an hour well I was the official world record holder but then the mods manually removed my time from the leaderboard because they thought I cheated so if you want to see my totally real not cheated speedrun you can watch the full unedited video over on my second Channel linked down below or you can watch a different video of Mine by clicking here thank you to the patrons for your continued support and special shout outs to Jura for being a crusty [ __ ]
Channel: Xem
Views: 77,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xem, xem92, xemmypoo, ratchet and clank, playstation, speedrun
Id: KHxIiiPML7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 23sec (2003 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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