How Speedrunners Broke Crash Bandicoot 3 (N. Sane Trilogy)

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[Music] video game remakes always have a lot of expectations to live up to and in speedr running this is no exception can they carve their own Niche and Thrive as their own unique experience or are they doomed to wallow in the shadow of their ancestors the former was the case with the Crash Bandicoot nane Trilogy with all three games having developed their own distinct identities from the original PS1 versions even amongst these three one in particular stands out a game that went above and Beyond anyone's expectations and not only stepped out of its PS1 counterart Shadow but also established itself as one of the best crash speedruns out there this is the story of the nane trilogy's crash 3 any% speedrun and how Runners continuously pushed the category to its absolute limit the date is June 30th 2017 the nane Trilogy has just been released for PlayStation 4 and the Crash speedrunning Community is grinding away at the three new games to see what potential could be on Earth from each of them the remakes were a clean slate with little to none of the speed Tech from the original PS1 counterparts surviving the transition to PS4 the glitch high jump a technique that let you achieve extra height in a slide Jump by spinning during the jump was left in but techniques such as neutral slide spin neutral slide jump and zigzagging were all nowhere to be found each game in the trilogy had its own distinct set of Runners going at it crash one was attracting several new faces looking to get into crash speedr running for the first time crash 2 had a lot of veterans of the community grinding it particularly the 102% category as the addition of time trial relics offered a completely unique experience compared to the original PS1 release crash 3 on the other hand had a bit of a slow start by comparison there were a couple of runs done on the day after release that established a bit of a starting point with the first run being a 11724 by the Pokey Tesla shortly followed by a 11124 by CD ratron by July 3rd I had been able to lower the time further to a 103117 but my priorities were still aimed mostly at crash 2 and there wasn't anyone else that was really dedicated to crash 3 in the same way as the other two games compared to its predecessors which are almost entirely composed of 3D platforming with a handful of vehicle levels crash 3 splits the difference 50/50 with half the game being the standard platforming and the other half being Vehicles this made half the game uninteresting to many and the lack of advanced movement Tech didn't really allow it to have an identity that was distinct from Crash 2 there was a very early Discovery in the third boss fight entropy where you could skip the first phase of the battle the blue tiles in the first phase extend just far out enough that by utilizing a glitch high jump and a double jump you could reach the other side where entropy was this was also possible in the original PS1 version but entropy was invincible and would automatically kill you if you did cross over too early the nane Trilogy however did not give entropy full invincibility frames and allows you to hit them after a short period of time I made use of this first phase skip in the record that I set but it alone wasn't enough to make crash 3 feel like anything more than crash 2 with less platforming little did anyone know however that a huge Discovery was just around the corner while the full game speedrunners were fast at work with the nane Trilogy the time trial scene was equally active and on July 5th 2017 a runner by the name of Abdul the Arabic guy uploaded a video of his time trial run of level 15 double header with in this video Abdul did something incredibly interesting by slid spinning into a death tornado spin then jumping and landing on the side Ledges of the level he was able to get a huge boost in speed that lasted for the entire duration of the death tornado spin after some quick labbing it was realized that the only requirement for this huge speed boost was that crash or coco had to touch the ground before the death tornado spin ended and with proper Rhythm and timing this technique could be pulled off anywhere a lot of potential names were thrown around for this new technique including hyperspin and Abdul Ling but the name that eventually stuck was mock tornado and a quick side note as the person who named the trick I can confirm that it was 100% a reference to this mock tornado was a game changer the death tornado spin is a power exclusive to crash 3 and is rewarded to the player for defeating entropy at the end of the third warp room this meant that the second half of the crash 3 speedrun now had an advanced movement Tech completely unique to itself crash 3 finally had something that set itself apart from his two predecessors and now all eyes were on it on the same day that mock tornado was found the first established champion of Crash 3 NST any% made his debut an English Runner known as Diamond a diamond was already a wellestablished veteran of Crash speedruns holding respectable times in all three of the original PS1 Trilogy games as well as the Wrath of Cortex and other PS1 Classics like Spyro the Dragon and with the field wide open with crash 3 any% he decided to make his Mark despite being done on the same day as mock tornado's Discovery Diamond's first submitted run doesn't actually make heavy use of it only really Tak taking advantage of it in the warp rooms and on the hills in level 25 bug Light this is understandable though as the trick was still extremely new and Runners were still getting used to it there are even several spots in Diamond's run where he tried to do it and didn't quite get the proper rhythm of inputs down even without it though Diamond's movement was still much cleaner than those before him and he was able to cleanly shave almost 7 minutes off of the record with a final time of 5630 a oh my God suck one time I beat it by exactly a minute 10959 should oh F it's a sub wanted oh my God try hard world record try it's aord a PB it's a world record that run was only the beginning however because the very next day Diamond set another record this run featured new Innovations in the enty boss fight on top of skipping the first pH phase of the fight which Diamond actually didn't do in his first run he was also able to skip the second phase by using a glitch high jump to go back to the starting platform before the blue tiles faded away it was also discovered that you could skip the final phase of the fight by using a mask the damage abuse off of the energy sphere entropy throws at you and then clearing the remaining distance with a double jump Diamond tries to do this third phase skip in the run but floods the movement and saves himself by simply jumping back to the original platform I saved it I saved it no ah I saved it with death AB with damage abuse Diamond also showed off much more control of mock tornado in this run although his utilization of it was still mostly restricted to the warp room and bug Light even with several accidental deaths scattered throughout the Run particularly in warp 4 Diamond was still able to shave over 2 minutes off of his previous run achieving a final time of 5417 Diamond would follow this run up with another one the very next day achieving a 5309 and then yet another one on the day after that with a 5140 the latter run also featured all three of the phase skips in the entropy boss fight Diamond's streak of Daily World Records ended here however with his 5140 standing for 6 days until July 14th when he achieved a 2C PB of 5138 defeated again this is not fair [ __ ] sake man I I hate [ __ ] like this nice bigach with a nice big drink and a woman with nice big bags of ice for my head [ __ ] your bags of ice [ __ ] them show them up your care before we continue I want to briefly mention another development that had been going on at the same time a well-known crash glitch Hunter by the name of beta M had spent the days since the nend scene trilogy's release poking around in the time twister trying to find a way to access later warp rooms early on the same day that mock tornado had been discovered beta found a way it's hard to explain but I'll try my best basically the prompt that allows you to have KOCO either join or Leave You is triggered by pressing R1 the same button that that you use to crouch or slide with perfect timing you can slide away from Coco's laptop at the same time that you trigger The Prompt this puts you in a state where the prompt for Coco is active in the background and you can constantly switch between having or not having her with you by pressing either up or down and x and if you're on the platform that takes you to and from warp room 6 and you make this switch while crossing the invisible wall that stops you from going out of bounds KOCO becomes intangible she loses the ability to jump when doing this but with clever switching between her and crash you can go out of bounds and access any warp room now this sounds gamechanging all you have to do is get five relics to unlock the platform to warp room 6 do the clip to get into warp Room 5 beat the five levels there and then fight and beat cortex right why isn't this being used in runs well unfortunately crash 3 doesn't work like that boss fights don't trigger based on what specific levels you've beaten but rather how many crystals you have crystals are the game's main collectible with one being found in each of the 25 Main levels boss fights unlock for every five crystals you get so let's say you get the cryst crystals for the first five levels in warp room one beating the first boss tiny along the way getting a crystal in a level is the only way to unlock their time trials which war you with relics so clearing these levels is necessary after that you get the five relics to unlock warp room six and then use the gate clip to go to warp Room 5 you get the five crystals in that warp room putting your total count at 10 despite the fact that you beat the five levels in the fifth warp room you actually unlock the boss fight for dingodile in the second warp room since that's what the 10th Crystal triggers in order to unlock the fight with cortex you must have all 25 crystals so using gate clip to skip huge chunks of the game is sadly not possible the gate clip was useful in the game's full completion category but that's a story for a different video as it stood gay clip had no practical use in any percent 5138 would be Diamond's last PB in Crash 3 any% and as of the recording of this video it's also the last speedrun he's ever done in two short weeks he had taken almost 12 minutes off of the world record but his time with the game was over as quickly as it had begun some someone knew would have to come and take the throne and that someone would be yet another veteran to the crash series a speedrunner named roach 788 for the PS1 versions of Crash 2 and 3 most Runners focused on the 100% And 105% categories respectively the roach particularly specialized in the any% categories instead holding very respectable times in both crash 2 any% no game over abuse and crash 3 any% no item glitch was still held up well to this day he even had the opportunity to showcase the former category at agdq 15 simply put roach had a great resume going for him and the nane Trilogy was an opportunity for him to test his mind on a new game on July 27th 2017 roach set his first record in Crash 3 any perent with a time of 5112 compared to Diamond roach's run made slightly more use of mock tornado he cleared the opening passageway of sphin inator with it and also utilized triple mask to safely use it in sections of Future Frenzy and gond tomorrow he did suffer from two unfortunate deaths and sphin inator as well as not having a mask to do the third phase skip in entropy but these improvements as well as overall clean and consistent movement allowed him to pull ahead of Diamond's time GG world record defeated again Ro's next record on August 2nd featured much more confidence in his mock tornadoes he was now doing them much more liberally to cross long stretches of open paths in each of the platforming levels and was even able to catch this doorway in bug Light before it closed even after suffering a nasty death at the start of entropy he was able to close out the run with a final time of 5038 a 34 second Improvement from his run 6 days prior roach would then immediately follow this up with a 5014 the next day he was now very rapidly approaching the first ever sub 50 time in the category it wouldn't take him too long because on August 10th roach achieved a time of 4955 this run had quite a few minor errors scattered throughout stray hits taken across warp rooms 3 and four meant roach didn't have the two masks he normally takes into Future Frenzy in order to have invincibility for mock tornado he also lost a bit of time in Orange asphalt due to crashing into this cop car still he was able to close the run out and attain that sub 50 time roach however was far from satisfied he now had his sight set on one more minute barrier the sub 49 by August 19th roach was very much on his quest for a 48 he was maintaining a very consistent pace and despite some time loss in the late game he was able to enter cortex with a 35se second lead the fight went off without a hitch and roach achieved a final time of 4918 a large improvement over his 4955 but still just a bit short of the sub 49 goal regardless roach was getting very close on August 25th roach once again had another run on his hands aside from a stray hit in Dynamite due to some bad RNG with a Nitro bounce his early game was looking strong he nailed all of the phase skips in entropy and maintained his mass count throughout all of warp room 4 to utilize invincibility in all three of the warp room's platforming levels an unfortunate early hit in Future Frenzy meant he had to play the back end of the level safer but otherwise this run was going extremely well warp Room 5 similarly went cleanly and now the only thing between roach and the sub 49 was cortex that one mine right next to him he was actually playing pretty nice defeated again 4840 in 29 days roach had taken the groundwork laid by diamond and pushed the envelope even further by this point it was clear that roach was the leader of the pack when it came to crash 3 any% his next closest competitors were all still wallowing in the 51-minute range and no one else was coming close to challenging his throne that was all about to change however with the appearance of a brand new Runner a rising star who unlike roach and Diamond had no prior experience with crash speedr running he was very quickly climbing the ranks but at the time nobody knew just how much of a legacy he was going to leave behind if you follow Games Done Quick you've almost certainly heard of this man his name is jobs J Hobs was primarily a speedrunner of Kingdom Hearts 1 and Ratchet and Clank up Your Arsenal however he was also very fond of doing Blind races with his friends and one game they chose to do a race of was the end Zane Trilogy let's see the nane Trilogy was coming out and um Spike Vegeta myself used pizza and kruus um all just kind of decided to do a blind race of the entire Trilogy and it was so fun um it was just like really really cool and I think that like I just kind of kept going a little after that it kind of reminded me how much I enjoyed crash 3 when I was a kid as I got like better and better at the game and I was having more fun I was starting to see like okay I think I could actually get like pretty decent a lot of that was before I ever learned any strats Jobs's first submitted time while not his first run of the category was on August 12th 2017 and clocked in at a final time of 516 this was enough to put him in second place an extremely impressive early showing by a runner completely new to the crash speedr Running Scene J Hobs would follow up on this time 3 weeks later on September 1st with a 4944 becoming the second runner to break through the sub51 and completely skipping the 50-minute threshold in the process not even 2 weeks later on September 13th jobs broke the sub 49 barrier as well with a 4843 oh that was slow at the end but I got the lucky PowerUp spawn 5851 that's almost certainly not world record but hell that's a good PB in just over a month J Hobs went from having a low 51 minute time to being only 3 seconds off of the world record he was closing in on it and he was doing it fast Jobs's meteoric rise spurred roach back into action by September 19th just 25 days after his 4840 he was once again on the grind aiming to hold onto his throne while also pushing the game further he managed a 1se second PB achieving a time of 4839 but he was going to have to push a lot harder to hold on to his title September 22nd 2017 was a fateful day for crash 3 any percent roach and J Hobs the two Titans of the game were both streaming world record attempts but which one of them was going to come out on [Music] top [Music] [Music] [Music] over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how the hell did I nudge that c [Music] oh [Music] oh my God I didn't hit X right away [Music] there defeated again that should be world record not fair maybe I should retire to a nice big beach with a nice big drink and a woman with nice big bags of ice for my head it's not over bot there are still the ends we still have a chance to Triumph it was a fierce fight for the top spot but in the end a new King was crowned achieving a world record is always a momentous occasion in and of itself but for J Hobs this was only the beginning of the Legacy he would leave behind on September 25th 2017 J Hobs discovered something that would change not just crash 3 any% but the nane Trilogy as a whole forever I was just practicing the movement in a specific spot for a level just to try to get better at it and this was after the game had already been accepted into uh it was either after it had already been accepted into agdq 2018 or it was like after I had had submitted it but it hadn't necessarily been accepted yet I can't remember which um and so I was just like practicing trying to get better at it in case got in and uh I just kept noticing while I was practicing this one thing this like that I was weirdly getting this like speed boost on this log and I was like why is that happening and eventually I I just worked it out and I started to do the chain thing and this this was on PS4 it was 30 FPS it's actually like easier to do on PC um 60 FPS yeah it's it it was like twice as hard to do basically on uh on PS4 and as I found it I was like this is going to be really hard to do but very quickly I was already starting to get some These Chains where I was like this is going to change everything about this run um for at least any level where you can do it that was not a boost that is that is what's happening dude what the [ __ ] is happening holy [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] oh my God what just happened as it turns out if Crasher Coco does a slide Spin and touches the ground before the spin animation ends they get a huge speed boost for the duration of the spin this can even be extended by perfectly chaining slide spins into each other the premise is extremely similar to the mock tornado with two key distinctions the first is that it can be done indefinitely unlike the mock tornado which always ends when the death tornado spin finishes the second is that this could not be done everywhere the spin animation is simply too short to be able to land on a flat surface before it ends so in order to do this trick you need to jump mid slid Spin and land on a hill a ledge or Bonk into some sort of ceiling that will force Crasher Coco back onto the [Music] [Laughter] ground oh this is a big one though this is a big one I'm not going to lie this new tech needed a name and the one that eventually stuck was hob sliding I actually found it on stream which was how it kind of you know got named after me I I was trying to come up with a name of it my chat came up with Hobs sliding and so I like I try to take no credit over naming it like I'm not I'm not that conceited it's just I know every time every time I find a I call it the PMC something something right uh and I I don't know if maybe that's part part of uh why it was like that is that in Kingdom Hearts we had a a tradition of like a lot of a lot of Skips were named after people um like there was like Mist jump and uh there was a Hobs jump in Kingdom Hearts that only I ever used um there was a lot of stuff that was named after people and uh I I don't know if that's what came what people why people came up with it or or not but uh it yeah it just kind of stuck hob sliding completely changed how Runners approached crash 3 whereas in the past the goal of early game movement was to Simply slid spin as cleanly and as often as possible it now became a point to Hob slide constantly at least until it got replaced by mock tornado getting the death tornado spin from entropy completely eliminates the ability to Hob slide so the crash 3 any% run was now cleanly defined by the first 60% of the Run being dominated by Hobs slides and the last 40% by mock tornadoes despite how revolutionary hob sling was and the immediate impact it had on how Runners approached the game the 4832 that J hob set remained the world record for a few months Roos decided to tap out after his 4836 briefly picking up the then newly released Super Mario Odyssey before going on a Hiatus from speedrunning Jay Hobs was accepted as the opener for agq 2018 but he too decided to take a small break from Crash 3an perent opting to do some full Trilogy completion runs and much like roach also dabble a bit in Odyssey during this lullin activity the only other person seriously grinding crry any% at the higher levels was myself even then though I only managed to achieve a time of 4937 before choosing to return my focus to crash 2 with agdq only a month out J Hobs made his return to crash 3 any% in December and he hit the ground running now with Hobs sliding in his Arsenal J Hobs achieved a new record of 4753 on December 7th 2017 a nearly 40-second improvement over his last run he Then followed this up on Christmas Day with a 4748 and despite briefly losing the record on January 5th just two days before hdq 2018 J Hobs will return from the event a week later and almost immediately strike back with a 4725 on January 17th he was on a roll and it wouldn't take long for him to shatter yet another minute barrier on January 20th 2018 J Hobs achieved a new world record of 4640 shaving a whopping 45 seconds off of his previous record and playing within a minute of his sum of best this was for its time the god run and to this day it is still the fastest run done with this route on Console jobs' 4640 stood as the world record for more than 5 months with nobody coming even close to contesting it but big things were on the horizon the nane Trilogy after a year of being a PS4 exclusive was finally receiving a release on Xbox One Nintendo switch and PC this heralded an era of change that nobody was expecting the story of Crash 3 any% was just getting started out of all the new versions of the insane Trilogy the PC version immediately drew the most attention from Runners unlike the three console versions having their frame rate locked to 30 FPS the PC version ran at 60 this had a subtle but dramatic effect on the Run overall crashes running and falling speeds are tied to the game's overall frame rate and at 60 FPS he moves slightly faster in both areas the faster running speed is an obvious enough Boon but the increased falling speed was huge because it meant hob slides which were quite notorious for being very difficult on PS4 were now much easier much more consistent and possible in many more places despite this however the biggest game changer of all came not from these 60fps changes but rather the introduction of a little level called future tense future tense is an additional bonus level made specifically for the nane Trilogy version of Crash 3 and was released at the same time as the multiplatform release it's available immediately from the start and contains an addition additional two gems and a relic so why does this matter for any percent well the platform that takes you to future tense is identical to the one that takes you to war from six remember that gate clip I mentioned earlier with the introduction of future tense the gate clip could now be performed without needing to First collect five crystals this probably still doesn't sound that great since you still can't fight cortex without collecting all 25 crystals but remember the gate clip can be used to break into any warp room not just for the purpose of getting to Cortex early but also to access a warp room without fighting the boss required to open it dingodile and entropy are both very quick fights that reward you with the double jump and death tornado spin respectively two powerups that were extremely critical to the run so skipping them didn't seem worth it the same could not be said however for tiny and engine both of these fights are incredibly long and the power-ups they reward you with the Super Body Slam and fruit bazooka are borderline useless in an any% speedrun so skipping them saves a lot of time it very quickly became apparent just how much of an impact on the Run gate clip was going to have on June 29th 2018 the same day as the multiplatform release polish speedrunner mck cro used gate Clips to skip both tiny and engine and achieved the time of 4631 9 seconds faster than Jobs's long-standing record this run was also done on PS4 as opposed to PC and over time faster setups and methods to perform the gate clip were labbed out the only caveat was that for whatever reason on the PC version of the game these faster methods caused your screen to go completely black after the transition the warp Room 2 gate clip was very short so this didn't affect it much but a lot of the movement in the second gate clip to get into war 5 had to be done blind on PC but these are speedr Runners we're talking about they weren't about to let a small roadblock stop them in the name of going fast and if they meant learning how to do gate clip blind so be [Music] it the addition of gate clip into any percent spurred roach back into action still on PS4 he used both gate Clips to achieve a time of 4622 on June 30th 2018 just one day after Cody set the first record with gate clip he would then follow it up the very next day with a 458 cliping Jobs's previous record by over a minute and a half after this roach made the transition to PC it had been known since that version's release that 60 FPS saved time due to how much easier hob slides were but the very subtle movement speed buff wasn't immediately picked up on by many Runners however it had quickly become very apparent in Crash 2 just how much faster the PC version was and it was about to become just as apparent in Crash 3 on July 5th 2018 roach began his first batch of PC runs right off the bat you can immediately see how much easier hob sliding had become with him effortlessly performing one at the very beginning of the run off of a lever right outside of the first warp room he immediately follows us up with a string of Hobs slides in toad Village at a rate of consistency never seen on PS4 the consistency and speed persisted throughout the entire remainder of the run and in the end roach achieved a time of 4342 completely shattering his Run 4 days prior on the PS4 and completely skipping the 44-minute Milestone just 2 days later on July 7th roach would break yet another minute barrier achieving a run of 4238 4 minutes had been shaved off of the run in just one week and roach wasn't ready to stop yet he had his eyes set on one final goal the sub 42 however he had a competitor in the race for it Jay Hobs had finally made his return too and on July 10th he achieved a new record of 4210 they say history repeats itself and in the case of Crash 39% it couldn't be any truer once again the race for the next big record was between roach and J Hobs this time it was was roach who came out on top on July 14th 2018 he achieved a new world record of 4150 breaking the final minute barrier he sought after it wouldn't take long for jobs to respond with a 41 of his own getting a new record of 4125 on July 25th but Roos decided that he had done all that he had set out to do with the knowledge that he was the first person to break the sub 42 barrier roach took his final leave from the [Music] game while the race between roach and J Hobs raged on another Runner had been making in the background a Norwegian Runner by the name of Meraz Meraz had been running the endan trilogy for a few months having been inspired by jobs' hdq run at the beginning of the year by the time of the PC version's release he had managed to achieve a time of 4837 on PS4 and with the switch to PC he was looking to continue pushing himself forward surpassing J Hobs and roach was going to be a tall order but Merz had already proven himself capable in the short time he had been running and if there was one thing he had it was determination [ __ ] yes the Run wasn't even good 4117 world record [ __ ] yes [ __ ] and that is what I come back to what the [ __ ] why the [ __ ] is that fight so slow I was like what the [ __ ] is happening dude yeah it was so tense I thought he was going to like die or holy [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] dude I knew you world record good after a grueling 4mon grind merkaz managed to surpass both J Hobs and roach and achieve a new world record of 4117 far from content with this time however he continued to push for another month and on December 11th he broke the record yet again with a time of 4054 becoming the first person to ever get a sub 41 time [ __ ] yes yes h holy [ __ ] in the 5 months since the PC version's release times that have been Unthinkable back on PS4 had been achieved 6 minutes had come off of the world record and Jobs's 4640 a run considered legendary when it was set looked like mere Child's Play compared to the times that were being set now but the question was could it go further could the game be beaten in less than 40 minutes was a 39-minute run possible and who was it that the answer to that question with was it J Hobs the veteran who always seemed to come back and push the goalpost further was it Meraz the newcomer who proved that he had what it takes to tangle with the best of them or would it be someone else someone who had already proven their might in another game in the nane Trilogy and was now looking to take crash 3 by storm the beginning of 2019 would feature one such person joining the fry a speedrunner from New York known as Cameron Vengeance cam had been speedrunning the insane Trilogy since the first month of the game's release on PS 4 however all of his Focus had been on Crash one having been a dominant force in that game's all gems in 105% categories and consistently being a top two Runner in any percent he even ran crash one any percent at sgdq the morning after the PC release cam had managed a time of 4805 on the PS4 version of Crash 3 any% before the update that added a gate clip to the run and after that update he achieved the time of 4415 on PS4 during a full Trilogy any% run however Cam's PC at the time wasn't powerful enough to run the insane trilogy well so he took an extended break from the game running the Spyro reignited Trilogy when it came out later that fall but largely staying inactive all of that changed in December of that year however when cam got upgraded to a new pc that could run the nane Trilogy just fine he spent the remainder of December and by extension 2018 grinding crash 3's new full completion category 108% pulling far ahead of the competition at the time with the turn of the year though cam Now set his sights on any% on January 12th 2019 cam did an any% run the entire nane Trilogy and during the crash 3 portion of the Run he managed the time of 4141 Landing him in the top three of Crash 3 any% in his first run on PC and just 2 days later on January 14th he achieved a time of 4035 setting a new world record cam didn't have his site set only on Crash 3 however on the same day that he got the crash 3 any% record he also got the crash 2 any% record with a time of 4242 a month later on February 4th he set a new record in Crash 3 any% with a time of 4024 and by the end of March he had also broken the records in the 100% And 102% categories of Crash 2 cam had swept all five categories in Crash 2 and three and had previously swept all of the crash one categories on PS4 it was clear that he was a dominant force not only in one category or one game but in the entire nane Trilogy sgdq 2019 was on the horizon and crash 3 any% had been accepted for the second time this time as a race between the category's three top runners Cam merkz and jobs in the weeks leading up to the event all three were grinding hard at the game regularly chatting with each other figuring out in what ways they could keep optimizing the game further all in the hopes of one day achieving that elusive 39-minute time in June of 2019 just a few weeks before the marathon all three runners improved their times cam on June 10th set a new world record with a staggering 406 just 7 Seconds off of the sub 40 Milestone 407 hell yeah dude GG holy [ __ ] hell yeah dude all right now don't play again until G on June 16th both mercaz and J hob sent new PBS as well with a 4032 and 4033 respectively the prospect of a 39 happening was becoming more real with time and while it seemed like cam was always one step ahead in reality any of the three could break the barrier as C Q 2019 came and went and the Crash 3 any% race with a great success with Cam clutching out the win this race had a much bigger impact on the categories history than it initially seemed however because it inspired a new Runner to take up the mantle if you've been watching crash speedruns at any point in the past few years you may be familiar with him July 2019 marked the introduction of a new Runner named potty potty made a very strong introduction with his first submitted run being a 4410 and over the next 3 months he kept whittling that down did he have what it took to compete with the [Music] [Music] best [Music] by November 8th potty had brought his PB all the way down to a 4157 a really impressive feat for someone who had only been running for a few wait Xbox One by this point in the game's life almost all active Runners were on PC so for to achieve a 41 on the slower version of the game with such a heavy disadvantage it was very clear that he had more than what it took to be among the best with a switch to PC potty could easily go for 39 much like Campa form however potty's PC was not well equipped to handle the insane trilogy but with not much further to go on Console he decided to persevere and make the switch anyway [Music] let's go dude actually 49 December 2019 was another fateful month in Crash 3's history J Hobs had long since made his exit from the game with his 4033 that he set before sgdq remaining his latest PB as of the recording of this video however Cam and merth were still going strong and they were joined by a new competitor in potty any of the three could achieve the 39 and it was going to happen soon it was only a matter of time sh please portal you want let's go dude um I got a new world record though so that's pretty Co not going to want maybe portal oh my God cortex you you truly are the antagonist of this game end of my life shoe horrible shoe it's not going to record sorry guys wait does that tie did I tie by a frame guys did I just tie by a frame December 30th 2019 in just two days the year and by extension the decade would come to a close all three of the top Runners had improved their PBS and the world record was tied with Cam and potty both holding it with a time of 404 could the 39 happen before then potty was determined to make it [Music] so [Music] he's not nice he's an evil scientist Sho okay all right come on give me it come on yes I'm done I'm done with the game I quit the game I'm done I'm done with the game I'm done I don't care if it gets I'm done 3958 the Milestone that had been sought after all year achieved just before the turn of the decade potty had done it he broke through the barrier and solidified his place in Crash 3 any's history potty lost the record just three days later I mean let's be honest cam wasn't about to leave his goal hanging just because someone else had beaten him to the punch he was still determined to get a 39 for himself and potty pulling ahead was the motivation he needed on January 2nd 2020 cam set a new world record with a time of 3953 just 5 Seconds ahead of potty's own time can't believe it I can't believe I'm going to have to do it oh my [ __ ] god finally holy [ __ ] beat again this is not fair maybe I should retire to a nice big beach with a nice big drink and a woman with nice big bags of ice my God it had been a crazy 2 and a half years for crash the any% goal posts were moved barriers were broken Gates were clipped and world records were shattered the game had evolved so much since its release back in 2017 and the holy Grill run had been achieved standing to this day as hold on why is this 39 minute time 14th Place on the leaderboard as it turns out there was still a lot more to find we just had to think a little bit smaller sure all of the biggest skips in the warp room were already a thing but what about skips within individual levels not long after Cam's 3953 Cody discovered a clip in level 6 16 Sphinx inator shortly after the level's first checkpoint you can do a glitch high jump to land on the ceiling above this staircase from there you can use mock tornado to quickly Traverse most of the remainder of the level out of bounds dropping down at the Crystal near the level's exit overall this clip saved about 7 Seconds over doing the level normally on February 21st 2020 poty used the new clip to set a new world record with a time of 3952 just 1 second ahead of Cam he would improve this by another 3 seconds the next day achieving a record of 3949 even before the 39-minute barrier had been broken it was theorized that the 39 3x was possible poty now sought out to achieve the ladder and he was joined in this endeavor by a friend a runner from Kuwait named groovy who had been making a name for himself in every category across the insane Trilogy since late 2019 by the beginning of 2020 groovy had achieved a time of 4022 in Crash 3 any% and like potty he was looking to achieve that elusive mid 39 time for the next couple of months potty devoted much of his time to the completion categories in Crash 2 and three groovy meanwhile kept pushing his any% PB lower bringing his time down to a 408 then 40 minutes flat and then 3955 becoming the third Runner to achieve a sub 40 time on April 22nd he shaved another 4 seconds off of his time with a 3951 he was catching up by May both potty and groovy were going at it together on May 19th potty achieved a time of 3947 a 2C Improvement on the world record the next day groovy achieved a time of 3948 just 1 second off with the time that potty set he then answered with a world record of his own a day later finishing with a time of 3944 let's go holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] GG dude holy [ __ ] Bon himself would strike back the next day with a 3941 just 2 seconds from the 39 3x the pair were closing in on it on May 28th potty finally broke through finishing a run with a time of 3936 please I got it I [ __ ] got it [ __ ] you game [ __ ] you finally I'm so [ __ ] good oh my [ __ ] I'm so hyped dude finally finally [ __ ] with the mid 39 achieved both potty and groovy decided to take a break from the cat instead choosing to focus on achieving top times across the other nane Trilogy runs the pair continued to prove that they were a forces to be reckoned with across the entire Trilogy a few months later on September 12th 2020 speedrunner Jamie Boy 1989 was doing a crash three 108% race with some other Runners when something very peculiar happened to him in the level deep trouble I'm this no don't you [ __ ] [ __ ] me like that game [ __ ] off I've clipped I've clipped out of bounds [ __ ] off what where I do I have to how can I die can I die I [ __ ] hit I've lost three M okay I can die let's go Dynamite nice game by the way that's [ __ ] I'm not M we go so Jamie this clip out of bounds was just some freak accident that was nothing more than an annoying to the Keen Eye of top crash three runners however this was an opportunity deep trouble is a level with a secret pathway housing the game's red gem at the end alongside an alternate exit out of the level normally in a 90% run this pathway means nothing since to unlock it you would have to reach the normal end of the level anyway in backtrack but if this clip Jamie got proved to be consistently doable could it be possible to grab the crystal clip out a bounds and then travel all the way to the alternate exit and finish the level faster than you would doing it normally it didn't take take long for Cody to find a consistent setup for the clip as it turns out all it took was wiggling crash in a specific way across the ground from him to clip through the floor and out of bounds this was estimated to save around 14 seconds a huge amount of time save at this point in Crash 3 %'s lifespan 39 2x was now on the table after months away from the category potty made his return to crash 3 any% okay uh now we just hold it together for the last 25 minutes on September 14th 2020 he used the deep trouble clip to achieve a new world record of 3933 he would then improve this run 7 Days Later with a 3930 was only a second off of the 39 2x but he decided to take another break here the end of September was right around the release of Crash Bandicoot 4 it's about time the first completely new game that the crash franchise had seen in over a decade naturally at the time all eyes were on that game rather than the insane Trilogy the release of Crash 4 came and went and potty spent the first few months of the game's Life playing the all clear gems category with time however he eventually decided that the game wasn't really for him and he made his return to the insane Trilogy he would make make his full return to crash 3 any% in February of 2021 and on February 8th he improved the world record by 2 seconds with a time of 3928 he would follow this up just 2 days later on February 10th with a time of 3918 a 391 X would have been totally Unthinkable just one year prior even then potty was not satisfied he wanted a time that nobody else would be willing to go for he wanted a 38 when the out of- bounds clip in deep trouble was found there of course was a question that was immediately asked could this also be done in under pressure and the answer to the time was yes but it was barely worth it it was possible to clip out of Bounds at the very beginning of the level and pop back inbounds at the middle portion with the first submersible doing this properly on the first attempt did save a cycle on the two electric rotators at the end of the section but it wasn't deemed worth doing however a different clip that took you from that middle section to the end was also found which saved 8 or 9 seconds even with that time save factored in potty's sum of best was 3854 in other words to achieve a 38 he would have to play damn near perfectly on February 24th 2021 potty set a new record with a time of 3907 this was the first record to utilize the Under Pressure clip and it was only 8 seconds off of the 38 minute barrier 2 days later on February 26th potty started another attempt and he played out of his mind [Music] [Music] [Music] oh man almost [ __ ] off no [Music] here it's going really slow right look at this look at crash look at crash right now see him he's just standing still look at the 95 arms move look at that that's the animation that is the [ __ ] animation starting look at that look at that get out of here see I mean we still have the frame counted obviously but his arms move is what I'm saying it is the animation yeah 38 we have to we have to make sure but I am com I'm pretty confident after being thoroughly checked by the moderators it was confirmed that this new record from potty was in fact a 3859 with only 5 Seconds lost over his sum of best potty had achieved the perfect speedrun well it would have been perfect if Grody hadn't found a much faster clip in under pressure just a few days prior which took the player out of bounds from start to finish this clip saved a staggering 25 to 30 seconds overd doing the level normally much more than the 8 to9 seconds that the older clip saved potty's 3859 should not be discredited however when factoring in every Strat that he did go for the Run truly was about as perfect as any human could be but that extra time save from the harder Under Pressure clip meant that any% story was not over the new end goal was a mid 38 the following year saw a lot of Runners including a returning merkaz making large strides in the category still no one came close to beating potty's time even without the faster Under Pressure clip that run was still a legendary one that would not be toppled easily on February 3rd 2022 poty finally returned to finish what he started utilizing the faster Under Pressure clip he achieved a new record of 3849 saving a whopping 10 seconds over his previous run over the next 3 months potty continued to persevere bringing the time down even further to 38:46 on April 25th and at last on April 28th poti finished the job with a time of 3837 oh my God holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this what is this the [ __ ] it's dead I'm done thanks finally content with all that he had done potty put any% down for good he improved the 108% record twice more in May of 2022 and then turned all of his attention to the original crash 2 and 3 on PS1 both of which he's gone on to be a top level runner in I don't think it can be overstated just how dominant potty was across multiple categories of the nane Trilogy his Reign and crash the any perent have been practically unchallenged for almost 2 years straight at this point and he was similarly dominant in every other category he touched he had the ability to achieve greatness in any speedrun he set his mind to and he would continuously prove this many times to come no matter how much it evolved it seemed like there was always more to find with crash 3 any% but after everything potty had had done could there really be more let's step back for a bit and dive a little bit into another sphere of Competitive Gaming far removed from Crash Bandicoot speedr running the Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game this might seem like a very strange tangent but bear with me within the competitive Yu-Gi-Oh scene there exists a book called Road of the king written by Patrick hobin one of the greatest players of all time the book documents hoban's competitive philosophy When approaching the game and in one section called challenging conventional wisdom he States what is popular or commonly accepted is true may be entirely untrue we should not accept what is popular as a dogmatic and unquestionable Truth we ought to actively question not only what we want to know but also what we think we know this is a philosophy that I think applies not just to Yu-Gi-Oh or trading card games but to many facets of life including speedrunning sometimes to push further you need someone who's willing to go against the grain and challenge the status quo this is casually clutching he's known mostly for his dominance of the crash one categories of the insane trilogy at the time of recording this video he's the current world record holder for the all gems and 105% categories and a former record holder for any percent he's also a bit Infamous for finding strats that save a lot of time but are very difficult clutching eventually decided to set his sights on Crash 3 and it would be he that challenged conventional wisdom let's rewind all the way back to 2018 when gate clip was first implemented into the run I mentioned how dingodile and entropy were both deemed not worth skipping but the notion of skipping them alongside tiny and engine was discussed at the time ultimately though it was decided that both powerups they provided were too important the death tornado spin was what allowed Runners to do the mock tornado and the five platforming levels in the last two warp rooms had layouts that did not favor the use of hob sliding so Runners concluded that it was better to Simply fight entropy and get the death tornado spin for the sake of saving more time in the later levels of the Run As for dingodile the double jump isn't the power up that most would consider vital to the whole run but it is needed to do all of the phase skips in the entropy fight dingle's boss fight is incredibly short anyway since the glitch side jump let you clear all three phases in a matter of seconds so the time you would save skipping him with gate clip would be really minuscule if you saved any at all clutching however had a thought who's to say that mock tornado really was faster than hob sliding in the last two warp rooms what if you didn't need the death tornado spin after all what if it was faster to skip entropy the movement in Crash 3 had evolved a lot over the years and Runners had a much greater understanding of how things worked compared to 2018 hob sliding was found to be possible and far more places than originally believed and an additional movement Tech known as double sliding had since been found if crash buffers a slide immediately upon Landing from a jump it is actually possible to get two slides in a row without stopping or needing to jump or spin with these Evolutions in the movement in his Arsenal clutching got to work timing warp Rooms 4 and five with mock tornado versus hob sliding he shared his findings on November 6th 2022 and the results were astounding Not only was hob sliding faster than mock tornado in warps 4 and five it was much much faster when factoring in all of the differences between the two routes clutching concluded that skipping entropy done optimally saved 45 seconds 5 and 1/2 years into the game's life something saving even 10 seconds would be revolutionary for a single skip to save 45 seconds was gigantic with that mock tornado a staple of the Run since the first week of the nane trilogy's release was now gone from any percent the idea of a mid or even low 38 being the end goal for the category was blown right out of the water a 37 was very possible in spite of this new massive time save potty showed little interest in returning to the category for the first time in almost 3 years the throne was vacant and it wasn't certain who would take it clutching himself used the entropy skip to achieve a time of 3857 on November 18th firmly cementing himself in the top three of the category at the time he wouldn't end up improving his time Beyond this though and shortly after returned to running crash one in early 2023 a finish Runner named alapo who had made a lot of stries not just in the nane trilogy but many other Speed games stepped up to the plate alapo had already achieved an extremely impressive 3903 earlier in 2022 and he had decided it was now time to take it a step further and see how far he could go with the entropy Skip by March 21st 2023 alapo had brought his PB down to 3844 now only 7 Seconds off of potty's record but just like that alapo stopped too choosing instead to devote his time to other speed games two Runners had tried and failed to claim the throne even with this new 45 second time save was poty really that Untouchable well clutching and aapo weren't the only active Runners gunning for the top there was one more a runner from Germany named T ravage ravage was very new to the world of speedr running having only just started in July of 2022 his first category was actually crashed 2 any% but around September of the that year he switched his Focus to crash 3 and very quickly Rose to the ranks his first submitted run was a 4455 and over the next few months he gradually brought that time lower and lower until March 30th 2023 just 9 days after alapo when he too was sitting on a sub 39 with a PB of 3849 ravage continued to push forward and on April 22nd he achieved a time of 3838 he was Now 1 second off of potty's record 1,9 91 days that's 2 years 11 months 3 weeks and 5 days that potty held the record consecutively in that time very few if any came even close to challenging him but on May 28th 2023 with a time of 3835 ravage a young man from Germany who not even a year ago was just finding his footing and speedrunning broke potties nearly threeyear Reign let's [ __ ] go oh my [ __ ] god man oh [ __ ] man let's go oh [ __ ] [ __ ] man let's [ __ ] go holy [ __ ] oh it's [ __ ] done man [ __ ] but ravage wasn't done for the next few months he continued to trudge forward everything that the community had worked on every Strat every Discovery every optimization every piece that every Runner had ever left behind was leading up to the final goal the 37 [Music] no way no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way oh my God oh what a hell of a run what a [ __ ] hell of a run no [ __ ] way no way this is insane bro as of the recording of this video 389 is the current world record and while it might not be a 37 it is still a testament into just how far both ravage as a runner and crash 3 any% as a category have come after this PB ravage decided to take a short break from the category but he's since returned to crash 3 any% and I have no doubt in my mind that a 37-minute run will happen soon and who knows maybe there's even more time saved to find every time it seems like the wall is run dry something else pops up speedr running is a big world full of things to discover and you never know what you'll find whether by poking around with an idea or just by complete accident if there's anything about speedr running that's an absolute truth it's that someone somehow will find a way thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: Riko_KSB
Views: 227,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crash bandicoot, playstation 5, speedrun, speed run, riko, riko ksb
Id: FHI8TcMxu9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 46sec (4126 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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