The Insane World of a Real Life Superhero | The Phoenix Jones Saga

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one local man came within seconds of having his car broken into perhaps stolen until a superhero came to his rescue one with tights a man and a super suit a costumed crime fighter armed with only a can of pepper spray and reckless abandon phoenix look how we dress i'm the leader of the rain city superhero movement a seattle-based citizen patrol group we could try to prevent crime on city streets will you continue to patrol phoenix you have to stop doing it i guess it's true you live long enough as the hero see yourself become you've gotten into a lot of trouble i'll say that on camera i'm phoenix jones [Music] superheroes are real in fact what's that in the sky it's a bird it's a plane no it's rage shadow legend that's right i can't get enough of this free pvp rpg premium mobile game and neither can you let me fill you in the bannerlords are basically medieval knights whose land was forcefully taken over by the non-humans centuries ago now it's up to you to write an ancient wrong through any means necessary whether you're playing on an iphone samsung or pc just look at all these jaw-droppingly gorgeous champions you can collect for free when you click the link down below my favorite character is this one because she's hot i mean no particular reason did i mention it's free what i love the most is jumping into arena battles and fighting the clan boss like a bus to receive some of the best weekly rewards you can even level up your champions by farming the campaign grind xp and get loads of silver in the process head over to the app store now and download raid to see for yourself best part is you can never get bored thanks to their constant wave of new contents and tournaments this month alone they're releasing 11 brand spanking new champions to play on 200 new missions complete with an exclusive legendary champion assuming you complete them all think you have what it takes only one way to find out smash that link in the description below to summon your own gnarly champions as soon as you join the game for free huge thanks again to the lovely people over at rage shadow legends for helping me out after i lost my child's college fund to a fake meme currency the 1970s an era of economic uncertainty civil disobedience rampant political corruption and fake wood paneling the good old days according to people who look like this but the 1970s also kicked off what was considered the bronze era of american comic books popular superheroes getting their time to shine on a mainstream stage not only entertaining a generation of children but even inspiring some adults to follow in their footsteps one being the late great richard pesto otherwise known by his alter ego captain sticky a real life superhero adorned in blue rubber tights and a flashy cape captain sticky once patrolled san diego in his bubble topped lincoln he dumped the sticky mobile his goal to bring justice to the streets whether it be investigating abusive nursing homes or letting a film crew shoot a porno in his own house which i guess you should expect from a guy named captain sticky not a good name sounds like he's like a pre-cum average men and women putting their lives on the line for the goodwill of the city could never go wrong right well that's where we find today's hero a once anonymous vigilante warding off evil doers along the streets of seattle even if a man getting his ass beat to a pulp in the process i'm here to find out the true story of this mass crusader and uncover what really ended his once seemingly unstoppable reign of justice this is the story of phoenix jones dan was calling 9-1-1 but help flew in before he finished dialing from the right this guy comes dashing in just wearing this skin-tight rubber blackened golden suit benjamin jon francis fodor was born right here in texas on may 25th 1988 floating between multiple foster homes throughout his childhood he ultimately found a home for himself in seattle washington where he'd grow up later sighting when i was a kid my whole biological family for some reason or another decided that i wasn't worth anything everything he had was secondhand he claimed used there was nothing i could call my own and as a result he wanted to make a difference from an early age eventually teaching special needs to autistic children at a local daycare to support his own two kids back at home see ben always looked for an opportunity to make real change for the better which eventually culminated with him breaking up street fights with the 2 million scoville pepper spray and getting arrested in the process early sunday morning officers say jones told them he spotted two men fighting but could not explain why four people including two women got pepper sprayed officers also wrote there have been increased reports of people being pepper sprayed by jones but we'll get to that first we need to figure out how in the hell a mild-mannered daycare worker went from assisting young children in a classroom to brooding around the seattle skyline with a taser stick you've got a baton that's a taser i guess yeah that's pretty awesome that is pretty awesome jesus he's not messing around well except for the time he got caught in his own neck gun and had to wait for the police to cut him out guys i'm looking at like uh this looks like a batman esque which i never thought i'd say in real life about that okay yeah he had a little bit of a rough start before he was ever recognized as a superhero for the first couple weeks in fact no one could even tell what he was trying to be he looked crazy crawling down fire escapes and chasing after criminals in a tear-away tuxedo quickly learning from his mistakes and investing in a 10 000 super suit i mean whatever it takes to not look like he just stumbled out of a spirit halloween store i guess naturally though you'd expect anyone with a title so prestigious to have some kind of impressive athletic background and well ben fodor was no exception phoenix jones and superhero character the brothers are fighting each other ben aka phoenix jones is here since childhood ben and his adopted brother caros have taken a liking to mixed martial arts and were both determined to pursue their own mma careers professionally it wasn't until 2006 that ben officially began his amateur fighting journey boasting a pretty impressive record of 15 wins and just two losses over the course of four years that is a nice shiny belt man how's it feel well you know it feels like it felt last time because i beat up tyson cunningham and then he hit somewhere far far away in a distant land operating under the alias fear the flat top ben was so good at fighting he eventually broke into the professional scene in 2013 along with his brother and now ufc veteran so i think it's safe to say ben isn't really a stranger to combat a fighter at heart with a passion for aiding his community would make for a deadly combination in the eyes of seattle street criminals at least beginning with a very peculiar moment in ben's life that would go on to change [Music] everything ben fodor a mild-mannered local resident is returning to his car with his young son-in-toe i realized my window's been broken and glass has been smashed on the ground out in front of the car and he's cut himself on it i didn't know how to tell my son that was going to be safe next time he went out this wouldn't happen again if i personally couldn't tell him i did something about it what makes a hero courage resolve and a passion for justice and a whole lot of controversy depending on how you look at it i guess we basically are a citizen prevention like eyewitness group we see a crime take place we run to the victim we ask him if he wants us to press charges at that point we go after the bad guy see when phoenix talks about crime he isn't talking about meme thievery or illegal music downloads instead our friend is more concerned with felonious activity on the streets making sure car thieves and drug dealers face the brutal fist of the law a practice he first put into action by patrolling rooftops alleyways installing a computer in his car basically keeping a constant eye on the streets themselves always on the lookout for anything that could be considered unlawful or questionable while dressed in what could be mistaken for a [ __ ] suit when i started breaking apart fights i had no outfit or moniker or symbol and people started recognizing me in everyday life it got kind of dangerous and very uncomfortable this suit is what people recognize and when i take the suit off i'm able to live as close to a normal life as possible until i put it back on and i'm ready to defend the people of seattle no one's going to talk about what i did if i'm just beating people up and hiding in a bush no one's going to get it 10 years from now when i'm gone it's over and i decided i'm going to inspire everyone to step up to crime when they see it and that's going to be my legacy ben not only wanted to make a difference he wanted to be remembered for the differences he made he wanted to inspire and encourage others through the spectacle of his outrageous character superheroes or a super problem some call them vigilantes why are you wearing that costume as you can imagine the media couldn't get enough of phoenix jones i mean after all an actual real-life superhero watching over the rain city now that's ratings baby the more phoenix interfered in crime the more he became a household name at least within the confines of seattle by 2011 he'd become a full-fledged comic book hero without even realizing it i mean how conscious were you that you were becoming a comic book character like how conscious was that decision not super conscious of it actually it happened so slowly you think of it in stages and then when you get to the end you go oh my god i didn't realize how i got here cbs united jones with a man whose car he saved from being robbed that's crazy nice to meet you brother how are you doing it's good to meet you man wow that's insane abc aired footage of our hero preventing an intoxicated civilian from getting behind the wheel you back up stay back stay away i don't want to have to tase you in youtube videos of phoenix out in the wild began going viral but watch this there's a video of it you can see it on that one too this is exactly oh yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] cosplay dork by this time he was getting clout hand over fist but not all the attention was positive as evident by the time he disrupted a crowd of civilians and was arrested for pepper spraying for people he thought were fighting but police claim were dancing the people involved said no there was no attempted murder we were just dancing and he came in and started pepper spraying us disaster so we have video of this damn get his ass queen well wait a minute you know that girl was hitting you over the head with the shoe while you just ran around absolutely yeah i'm trying to stall get the police there get them do their job you know in this particular case he perceived that the group was fighting and when we contacted them they said they weren't fighting retorted detective marx jamieson jameson jamieson according to abc this wasn't even the first time he had been accused of using pepper spray that night unfortunately he used force he committed a crime an assault against these individuals that's against the law an assertion that flew directly in the face of the claim phoenix made honestly what happens is i'm walking with the journalist and uh and the guy that guy right there actually ryan mcnamee records all my videos he just makes sure i don't get like arrested or people say you know something i did i didn't do we're walking on the first avenue and he actually spots it he goes oh my god huge fight huge fight and then the reporter that i'm with is like hey go go go go so i'm like i'm in they knock this guy over and they kick him in the face and they start punching him i pull out the pepper spray and i pepper spray the guy who's kicking him that's it you're standing by your principles oh no i've i've in this in the super suit on patrol i have never once broken the lie okay to this day so regardless this little tiff would follow phoenix the rest of his career even being invited onto fox news to discuss whether or not he should continue fighting with a lawyer well here's the problem and listen phoenix i love what you do i think you're a courageous man and we want to see you around for a long time and it's for that reason that you have to stop doing it look you don't have adequate equipment to do it there's a training issue and there's the fact that there's not legal authority to do it furthermore whenever you inject yourself into an issue there's always the problem that could get worse our superhero said it best crime is not okay and when he takes to the streets dressed like that it's no different than when a guardian angel puts on a red beret and we all know what they're there for to help stamp out crime or to be there if something were to happen i say it's a okay mace isn't going to kill anybody and he didn't use it unnecessarily the police confiscated his suits and pressured jones to come forward revealing his true identity to the public though meant putting his two and four-year-old sons at jeopardy as well as his regular job at the daycare he knew this would bring a new sense of vulnerability into his life and was torn between continuing his nightly pursuit as a real-life batman and keeping his individual persona intact by hanging up the mask for good the day after his arrest though phoenix had made his decision with a move that shocked the world at this point in light of a few things that have happened there's a there's a few things that i would personally like to do i'm felix jones i'm elsa ben fodor uh i also protect the city i also am a father i also my brother i'm just like everyone else that's right the elusive crime fighter who pepper sprayed drunk patrons on the street just the night prior was actually known fighter ben fodor an already local celebrity you know i'm gonna do what i've always done i'm on the streets and if anyone wants to join me or help me out send me a message find me on facebook despite begrudgingly revealing his identity in 2011 jones continued doing what he loved most getting bludgeoned by baseball bats in front of nightclubs and peeing out blood on a regular basis i end up getting stabbed and we have a date the next day and i can't go to the hospital and i can't you know reveal my stupid identity so i thought to myself what do i do i'll just glue it so i went home i glued it shut and i went on our date in the middle of our date i started bleeding at the dinner table so it was it was pretty much secret identity was pretty much it was gone you are pure romance yeah have there been any moments where you've had serious doubts about what you're doing after i got shot the first time and woke up under a dumpster why are we yelling why are you yelling see if phoenix wanted to continue his nightly patrols he needed a team besides what's a superman without his justice league the rain city superheroes a movement of citizen vigilantes and costumed activists spearheaded by none other than phoenix himself beginning in 2011 the self-proclaimed fighting brigade consisted of regular everyday citizens with their own backgrounds in either in the may law enforcement firefighting or the military are you serious hey what's up with this guy humiliating us though man i'm mexican man what's up with the sombrero man in in in the [ __ ] mask man outfitted in the finest protective gear members like red dragon brought his bakken along regular patrols actually for the most part i've never even i haven't even had to even pull this off of my belt while purple rain phoenix's public girlfriend and later wife focused most of her efforts on aiding victims of domestic violence well i chose purple because that's the color that is most uh represented by domestic violence campaigns and campaigns against bullying with so many conflicting intentions between his 10 team members team 10 members phoenix was sure to implement strict rules and guidelines to ensure nothing got too out of hand you know it's hard to convince anybody of the same thing and it takes an extreme personality to put on a mask and once you do you have to deal with all these different personality quarks and reasons for us doing what we're doing and before you know it you got a hundred thousand different views you know the reason my team has been so successful is because i keep them like this you know i'm i'm like super this is what we do and if you don't agree with it leave with extremely rigorous background checks and criteria to get in phoenix once stated he rejected six out of six applicants while searching for new recruits ultimately the challenge was to unite them all under the same basic principles which would ideally keep the peace with seattle pd and private citizens alike at first the group managed to develop a pretty positive reputation within the community even circumventing a domestic terror attack on a local courthouse during the 2012 mayday protests or as gawker journalist adrian chin wrote idiots in superhero costumes reportedly pepper spray seattle mayday protesters we didn't ever spray anyone we pulled it we didn't spray anyone all the body cam footage was pretty easily accessible to the public despite being shot on a [ __ ] leapster if you look closely you can see all four pixels you're a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] have a good day it was nice meeting you but regardless much of their footage would also be turned over to the police directly how many arrests have you made that are provable we've made somewhere around the 50 mark how about not provable probably somewhere around 120 130 130 arrests something like that according to phoenix himself the amount of arrests made throughout the rcs sims run was pretty substantial they prided themselves on making a huge difference but with stakes so high it would only be a matter of time before a situation would escalate beyond jones's control [Music] this is nicole westbrook a 21 year old woman who moves from new mexico to seattle in march of 2012 with nothing more than a backpack two suitcases and her boyfriend of three years the two were celebrating his first paycheck together on the night of april 22nd when she was tragically shot and killed in pioneer square gunshots gunshots gunshots after hearing shots ring out amongst the crowd of patrons phoenix took off after a figure carrying a backpack and a gun who he suspected was the shooter the guy's down do we have a guy the guy's backpack down the streets come on he's got a backpack he's this way turns out nicole was hit by a stray bullet intended for the man phoenix was chasing she was merely the accidental victim of a drive-by shooting that has yet to be solved to this day the disastrous events of that night would weigh heavy on phoenix jones as it was one of the first real instances where he felt like a failure like he had betrayed the community he had sworn to protect he was there to witness her death but he was incapable of doing anything about it there's a guy down here is he down is he hit oh come i'd on to blame the seattle police department entirely that would make me feel better right but when i saw the guy with a gun i remember thinking this is super terrifying i wasn't running at full speed when the cops stopped me i felt kind of relieved i was more than happy to stop i was nervous after sitting on the pavement in a state of disbelief for more than an hour he watched the paramedics carry nicole's body away he was gutted a fire engine drives by and washes the blood off the sidewalk and it runs down a drain he described i just kept sitting on the sidewalk about another hour goes by and people start walking by for work into their normal everyday life my world is completely changed people don't understand and they don't get it they're not going to care unless i give them a reason to [Music] the incident has not only rippled through the lives of nicole's loved ones but even phoenix as he has always felt he could have done more to bring the young girl justice the events of that night were detailed in a journal he ended up submitting to a comic book producer the story was then included in the 2015 comic about jones life a choice that was ruled fairly controversial in the eyes of critics it led many to lambast jones for attempting to profit off an innocent woman's death it's pretty graphic you see her lying in a pool of her own blood you see her crying she's holding the wound in her neck stated one critic that is understandably shocking especially to people close to her the comic was released at comic con and readers were understandably taken to back when they realized the depicted murder was actually real you know they didn't like it and thought it was too real and i said well if you want to read a fake go get a batman comic book at the same time a comic book like this opens you up to the criticism that you might be profiting off of the death of someone how do you respond to that i don't know i mean i guess i'm just telling my story and this happens to be a part of my story phoenix doubled down and cited the event for heavily shaping the remainder of his career nicole's sister even defended his decision to publish the story suggesting it could potentially lead to finding her killer phoenix even included a hotline for tips regarding her case on his facebook and website this wasn't the only time phoenix faced a barrage of criticism in fact being attacked for his unorthodox antics was a pretty common theme throughout his crime-fighting ventures if you couldn't tell by now phoenix always had a rocky relationship with law enforcement you are accountable for your actions so you have to be able to defend whatever action you take and that applies to to everybody it's not something that we sanction as a department it's not something that we authorize in any way shape or form this is seattle and seattle's a very unique city what i'd say to fenix jones is hey you're doing a pretty good thing you okay brother but there's a line don't cross it they didn't like him interfering in the situations they claimed to have under control not to mention their concern of 911 calls from civilians who may mistake jones and his fellow costumed crime fighters as criminals themselves some weren't too keen on these efforts people who might view phoenix is naive or pretentious or a publicity seeker and even some circles of bullying oh my god it's ridiculous like guys who like can't really fight that well but after so long he had gotten kind of used to it and had many counter-arguments locked and loaded for any naysayers always maintaining the belief that what he was doing was far from illegal if you're grabbing somebody by the arm and you're physically touching them can i do that to somebody it depends on what they're doing i mean if they're breaking into someone else's vehicle then yeah cause that's a felony so i'm sitting in a restaurant and some guy starts hitting his wife can i jump in and grab one technically no technically at that point what you can do is put yourself between the wife and him but the minute he strikes you you can grab him i don't see no sense that anybody's dressing as a hero yeah as long as cops are doing their jobs they have to do their jobs but as the years went on these attacks became more personal more damning especially around the time the rain city superhero movement fell apart [Music] towards the end of 2013 the famous seattle hero collective was beginning to fracture from the inside accelerating with the departure of phoenix jones's longtime partner purple rain from 2011 purple reign had remained an instrumental figure in the rcsm serving as the group's oracle according to their wiki most of the work i do is at home doing research so i do a lot of research on the police reports and i pay attention to the just like the police calls in general the incidences that they respond to i see how long it takes them to respond where they're responding to what types of calls so you're uh alfred to batman here uh we joke that i'm more like the oracle you're like in addition to working alongside a counseling center for victims of domestic violence she also founded her own non-profit titled the purple rain campaign a donation site that went on to provide various resources for more domestic abuse victims her work went so far as to reward her for the women of courage honor from the university of washington but in november she took to facebook and announced her resignation from the rain city heroes in addition to splitting with her husband phoenix jones i have always conducted myself in a professional and respectable manner and do not wish to share the details of our separation i also do not have any information about any of the allegations made against him so please do not inquire but what allegations could she be referring to well this is where it gets a little more dicey what's what's i don't know a wizard well what's hold on what's phoenix jones's deal uh he's gotten into a lot of trouble i'll say that okay man okay y'all stay safe okay all right thank you we talked about how phoenix is no stranger to criticism but 2014 is where the backlash is really kicked into overdrive starting with a pretty disturbing facebook post published by fellow rain city superheroes shockwave who started the post beginning with the words phoenix jones is a con artist which is pretty pretty bold i guess the entire post is extremely wordy and littered with typos but the gist is that phoenix stole shockwave's gopro back in 2011 only to return a dysfunctional one years later he also said phoenix failed to provide a variety of substantial resources never delivering on bulletproof vests they paid for and failing to show the appropriate documentation for the insurance he promised his team no policy no statements no receipts no documentation ever showed any medical insurance existed according to the post shockwave alleged a tendency to show up an hour late to patrols and how phoenix would abandon his team without warning pretty tough allegations against the guy who claimed the title of leader but perhaps the most damning arguments had to do with the individual's phoenix deemed criminals as outlined in the same facebook post shockwave described most of jones victims as just drunk patrons stumbling around the streets these are normal citizens out to have fun get drunk make a few poor choices but are generally good people yes from time to time phoenix jones finds a fight or maybe an actual crime but these are mostly just impaired people case in point phoenix jones in mutual combat video shockwave was making an allusion to an old viral video of jones from 2012 one that depicted the mass crime fighter agreeing to mutual combat with a drunk man all right guys nobody intervened all right about to see mutual combat with washington being a mutual combat state citizens are actually allowed to publicly fight one another so long as both parties consent but phoenix was a trained mma fighter going against this random inebriated man in the streets and as shockwave asserted there was an imbalance of coordination and mental reasoning at play would mma allow one fighter to be drunk while the other is sober for a fight had those guys been sober would that have happened shockwave was of the belief that jones went out of his way to target these incapacitated civilians so he could go home write about them in his diary and make himself look like more of a hero than he was he was a great storyteller he insisted i encourage all who read this to share my post and spread the word do not become a victim of phoenix jones [Music] unlike the criticism he was used to these words actually carried weight as shockwave was not only a former marine but had worked with jones for years prior to making this post he was fed up especially after feeling his friends on the team had been betrayed by the man they trusted as a result people were actually starting to look at our hero in a different light maybe phoenix jones wasn't as altruistic as he seemed on the surface what do we do when something really bad happens what number do we call it that's right all right see you guys later after some tense meetings and further accusations that phoenix stole another hero's helmet it was announced on may 29th 2014 that the group would be ceasing all further operations and breaking up for good phoenix defended his decision by claiming the group was no longer well organized and even accused some members of possessing illegal weapons with the impulsivity of phoenix jones's actions paired with his strict guidelines for those working under his supervision i'm afraid it was only a matter of time before this kind of division happened as purple rain and others went on to continue their efforts solo phoenix was looking for a fresh start and opted to use his mounting street cred to promote a professional mma career at least on the side of his usual hero work he wasn't ending everything just yet but this was indicative of a changing tide within phoenix oh yeah yeah how exactly the amazing adventures of real-life superheroes and the less than amazing adventures of some other guys and outfits did you read the whole title right how many crimes have any other superheroes other than me stopped in washington phoenix jones was never the same after the rain city superheroes disbanded as his behavior since teetered on the line of carelessness threatening to harm people in their own homes going on tirades declaring himself the only real superhero left it just wasn't in line with the friendly neighborhood phoenix jones seattle had come to know and love phoenix jones was the one thing i did that didn't have anything to do about my ego originally i mean it didn't at the end but certainly didn't you know it was the one thing i did with my my ego was not involved it was completely hidden it was fun to watch the newspaper clippings and sit there and not say anything you know i guess last night i hit on one of his girlfriends that he didn't like and he started slamming me all over facebook and then he came here threatening me said he was going to beat me piss on my face and then when she went downstairs to tell him to leave he said if i didn't come out and keep the door in he also said he was going to kill me that i need to be dead i have all these screenshots on yeah he texted him saying that he would have after years of posturing a reputation built on honor and justice seeing him leave a criminal unconscious by the side of the road and tweeting the police to come pick him up seemed wildly out of character he even left a headshot of himself as a business card for when the guy wakes up it's just it's bizarre it's insane he was so different compared to the man who originally took to the streets in 2010. the selflessness had completely faded from his persona by 2016. it really did feel like his star was fading with his pure intentions as phoenix began to make fewer and fewer public appearances until his final disappearance towards the end of the decade he was no longer patrolling the seattle streets every night in fact it seemed he had vanished from the public eye for good seemingly for no reason where was the man who once couldn't get enough of the spotlight and what could have led him down this dramatic path of reclusion i mean handing out food to homeless people i mean handing out food to the homeless is awesome because it gives you tips the homeless is the best way to get tips in the city but if you need a food handler's card to fight crime you're not fighting crime okay you're a real life sandwich you are a larper with a bag of food i am a superhero like you guys don't it's so frustrating to talk to people because you guys don't get it the name ben fodor hadn't been uttered for years by the time it cropped back up in headlines at the beginning of 2020. it appeared phoenix jones had been the target of an undercover drug bust beginning with two confidential witnesses who approached seattle pd with a tip the former crime fighter had been dealing drugs for quite some time in fact those closest to jones considered it more of an open secret than anything homelessness is really weird because i want to say you know when you're homeless you have to do certain things if you're going to survive but at the same time there's a certain way to behave and be a certain way to just live in a society stealing is stealing i'm not gonna let you get away with that especially detergent it's new way to get high with detergent i found out but uh the hero who once busted homeless people for doing drugs on the street was caught dealing them himself making phoenix jones the biggest perpetrator to fund an anti-drug campaign with drug money since the u.s government he was kind of known he was getting known out there for doing illegal stuff that he was starting to become a drug dealer and you know the little kid me was like no don't tell me that i don't want to hear that i was kind of in denial and then this bombshell dropped that the article came out that he was arrested and it was my little kid inside me just went ah got crushed being arrested on january 9th along with his girlfriend jones was charged with two counts of drug violation over possession of mali and cocaine the undercover sting went as follows an agent by the name of mike paid jones a total of two hundred dollars for seven grams of mdma at a local starbucks the entire encounter was monitored by additional agents watching from outside and was further traced via messages sent between the two parties not even a week later mike attempted to buy from jones again this time sending 500 to his venmo in hopes of purchasing more ecstasy after jones stood them up another fake alias was created laura who attempted to buy 225 dollars worth of cocaine this time they stroked his ego a bit laura played into the hall oh my god you're a famous superhero thing and managed to acquire a meet-up with our man phoenix jones was then taken into custody at seattle's soto neighborhood shortly before 11 p.m and with that the internet had a field day why be a superhero when i can be a super villain and get paid because that's what was happening he said well you know doing this dumb [ __ ] ain't getting it ain't earning me no money yeah exactly i can pay for this now if i rob a [ __ ] [Laughter] that's profit uh let's read the story from newsweek since then phoenix jones has been quietly but fervently hinting at a return to the seattle streets on social media at least at the time of me recording this shooting new interviews and promoting vaccines on instagram bringing attention to various seattle-based crimes he's even been raising awareness for nicole's case in another attempt to find her killer and bring her family a type of closure if you know anything you saw anything you heard anything please contact the seattle times or the seattle police department i'll be there tonight at 11 o'clock holding my own vigil i do it every year um if you know where the spot is feel free to join me if you don't you can dm me um take care of each other get the vaccine be safe um if there's one crime i want to solve in my life this is the one so if anyone knows anything this is the one i really want to solve thank you despite a rocky 2020 it looks like ben may be well on his way back into the spotlight but that doesn't mean everyone's gonna be happy about it really oh yeah what and i don't believe in philanthropy at all i think that everything we do is to help ourselves we go out and we help people because it makes ourselves feel good makes you feel good and makes you continue doing your thing you know if i've learned anything from patrolling it's that people don't care about people i don't know what phoenix is planning from here but if he's really returning to the streets i'm sure we'll be hearing more about him say what you will but he's a pretty interesting guy hoping to inspire others from a young age he planned on using his skills for good at least that's what he prided himself on but as his celebrity status grew to such monumental heights so did his ego as phoenix rarely missed the opportunity for a photo op perhaps this unquenched desire for constant publicity was the ultimate driving cause behind the destruction of his reputation preventing crime with a low profile and aiding local charities could have provided just as much good without the need to put incapacitated civilians in harm's way and likely it would have allowed him to pursue change for a longer period of time it's not like violence is the only form of heroism but phoenix became so entrenched by the limelight it was hard for him to ignore if you ask me he began with noble intentions but quickly lost his way as the years went on and as phoenix began to see more of the world between all the bad guys police and shoes to have gone up against phoenix jones his biggest challenge of all may just be his own [Music] ego [Music] funny
Channel: j aubrey
Views: 553,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phoenix jones, phoenix, jones, real, life, superhero, super, hero, ben fodor, seattle, comic book, comic, book, real life, commentary, documentary, j aubrey, funny, comedy, satire, fall, of, comic books, phoenix jones vs caros fodor, video essay, purple reign, interview, marvel, dc
Id: 1I_3ilgQPhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 15sec (2295 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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