I Watched Every Marvel Movie (before the year 2000)

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[Music] [Applause] on the comic book page Anything is Possible the world can be colorful the powers can be incredible and everybody can be a hot piece of ass for more than 20 years now the big screen has lived up to the small [Music] panels [Music] for Marvel the most profitable movie franchise ever the boom started in 2000 X-Men was not only the first Marvel movie to gross over $250 million but it was also the first to convincingly render The Uncanny into reality DC had already made a man fly X-Men made superpowers possible for Marvel 2 years later Spider-Man swung onto the big screen 825 million and then they just kept on doing it and we kept on watching it now it seems we are somewhere near the end of the cape craze with the declining quality of the MCU and the Flash being the biggest comic book movie bomb ever audiences are going tired of superhero movies or at least mediocre ones if the Marvel track record has gotten worse it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be before the year 2000 almost every Marvel movie was bad they either lost money went straight to video or were just not released in between the first Marvel comic and X-Men there were 19 liveaction Marvel movies are any of them good CGI barely existed so how did they adapt the amazing the incredible and the Fantastic when the small budgets couldn't live up to the comic book bigness this is every Marvel movie released before the year 2000 I'll be picking them out and ranking them from worst to best all of these movies came out before Marvel had its own production company when Stanley would license his properties to any company brave enough to try these are the movies that preceded Kevin Fig's reign of terror the $50 billion brand and Martin scorsese's worst [Music] [Applause] [Music] nightmare [Music] [Applause] Spider-Man the dragon's challenge is the third entry in the first Spider-Man trilogy a Trilogy that had yet to figure out Spider-Man poses in these posters each limb has its own agenda they look like the result of putting Spider-Man poster as a prompt in a free AI image generator Spider-Man the dragons challenge is the worst Spider-Man movie of all time it is is so born the best Spider-Man stories are the ones that dig into the conflict between Spider-Man's life and Peter Parker's life in the dragon challenge there are no Peter Parker problems there is one Spider-Man problem and it is keeping J Jonah Jameson's friend a politician from Hong Kong alive the guy does spit some wisdom though one can only trust whom one trusts the villain who's trying to assassinate him is not part of Spider-Man's huge roster of unique villains that would be interesting and said it's some old guy at least his motivation for being bad is on par with Thanos and take over as minister of Industrial Development and I will lose the contract to build a steel they clearly wanted to make a Spider-Man movie in Hong Kong and then tried to whip up a script to make that possible the last third of the movie is just a travel Vlog Peter Parker and Friends walk around and look at people on the streets of Hong Kong the best part of this movie is the funky music that plays when Spider-Man shows up music that'll go on forever because of the Endless buildup to each action [Music] scene Spider-Man will sneak around for 10 minutes punch a guy once then run away and that's it that's the entire action scene it's too bad that the stoe knows Spider-Man's only weakness bullets I've never wanted to be Spider-Man [Music] [Music] more Howard the Duck is part of Hollywood's Rich tradition of taking something silly or childish making it say [ __ ] and then calling that a comedy it's been done a thousand times this time with a duck it felt illegal to watch this not because I pared it but because on this planet there's a sick Hollywood [ __ ] who put boobs on an animatronic duck imagine making that prop how did this get [Music] funded I'm sure we all know George Lucas's second movie American Graffiti it was a Smash Hit the movie was written by George Lucas Willard hike and Gloria cats it gave George The credibility to convince 20th Century Fox to fund his next project cut to 12 years and2 billion doll franchises later and George is looking for a new movie to produce after American Graffiti George had said that he had found this comic book about about a duck from outer space that lands in Cleveland and he said it was it was just he thought it was very funny so we hired his writing Partners to write direct and produce Howard the Duck the worst part about this comedy is the comedy isn't funny questions yeah where are my pants the movie has two jokes one duck puns and two sex this is not what you think we're just very good friends h h the MCU is infamously self-aware but Howard the Duck makes an Ant-Man sequel seem like an old Japanese Drama about The Human Condition every line is a sarcastic oneliner about what just happened he must ate the chili Howard the Duck is still one of the biggest flops ever I guess you could say its success was dead in the [Music] water [Music] in this reboot Captain America is always in the midst of considering if life is fundamentally meaningless but you sure did love the red white and [Music] blue in every scene he's in he'll be staring into the depths of the universe somebody please check in on him I don't think he's doing too good I don't think he's depressed because he lost his true love it's because his costume looks like it's made out of baby Bell rapper I'm sure that if you peeled back his costume it'd reveal that Steve Rogers is made of soft cheese at least he doesn't look like Red Skull whose face is a ball of old gum the only way I can convey the nuances of this movie storytelling is by describing the climactic fight here Red Skull shoots his gun in the air Captain America runs towards him throws his shield misses red skull's daughter shoots Captain America in the shoulder Captain America's girlfriend pushes her down they then sit next to each other for a bit then Red Skull shoots around her somebody please shoot someone correctly like me this movie does have the most epic fake out handshake ever I'd like you to meet Richard Erick he's a special Observer sent by president ruso a remarkable work Dr Miss congratulations Captain America was made by the lowbudget studio kenon films who had the right to Captain America along with Spider-Man for a few years giving us a trailer for a spidey movie that got cancelled a few years before this Captain America was greenlet in an attempt to recreate the success of Tim Burton's Batman it was initially going to play in theaters but the movie ended up so bad that they shoved it for a few years before going straight to video [Music] The Punisher is a movie where a lot of guys get killed whether it be the Punisher killing bad guys or bad guys killing other bad guys it is an action movie without problem solving emotional Stakes or fun just PE PE PE PE [Music] The Punisher himself is played by Dolph lungren who gives one of the least committed performances I've ever seen emulating your dad after a long day at the office if you guilty you're dead he's got one of the most guttural voices out there where is the dope coming into which he uses to do Batman speeches while he meditates nude I ask him if what I'm doing is right or wrong I'm still waiting for an answer and until I get one I'll be out here I thought I was the only one who did that the expression on his face changes once in the entire movie despite the Punisher always being half asleep they still try to make him a cool action hero with on liners that are always more silly than badass I've got something to say so the most badass thing that happens in this movie is when this guy knocks a bad guy out and then eats his pizza hey man I got the pizza the best part of the Punisher is not the Punisher but the mobster stoes who give us a few beautiful comedic moments [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you what everything's okay yeah initially planned to be shown in theaters the movie went straight to video first we consolidate and then we obliterate and then we masturbate every man in this movie has got a mustache Doctor Strange Wong the old Mentor guy this doctor I wouldn't be surprised if the women had mustaches too what the woman do have is a raging desire for doctor strange but only very suddenly an hour into the movie I am still a woman and the man attracted me the first hour is one of the most mundane things I've ever seen there's a point where Doctor Strange looks through through some files and then starts watching TV there is as much dead time as possible if the characters are going somewhere you will sit through their entire trip the movie will unapologetically almost diabolically give you the same information again and again the same flashback plays five times luckily for my attention span suddenly everybody becomes horny everybody wants some sorcerer Supreme in their diet even if they've barely interacted beforehand well let me in [Music] maybe when Doctor Strange is about to get it on with this girl the villain Morgan Lefay shows up knocks the girl out says do me instead and Doctor Strange is like okay then goes into the dark dimension with her he's fully ready to become daddy evil until Morgan shows him a dead body it takes him some time to figure out that there's something unethical about that reign with me Steven on all the Thrones of men forever No Doctor Strange himself doesn't have a personality he is a blank mannequin with no attributes other than a deep voice he should see the doctor in charge I Am the Doctor in charge he becomes Doctor Strange because his dad was Doctor Strange your father and I both recognized it when you were born once again the filmmakers haven't even bothered to look at the C of a comic your barriers have fallen you cannot stop me now I have cast you out before the best fight scene of the movie is when Morgan Lefay goes invisible possesses the body of a girl miscalculated this time old man to then push an old wizard off a bridge a shocking moment that is made more horrifying by the reaction of a passing civilian who conveys some heartbreaking words of Despair oh no as much as I love the janky magic Ray special effects the most magical part of Doctor Strange is these sick guitar [Music] licks like many of these movies this isn't a movie movie it's a TV movie airing on CBS just like Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk except this one never got picked up why it didn't is a mystery so confusing even Benedict Cumberbatch couldn't figure it out first attend to the body isn't that what you always F [Music] me Nick Fury agent of shield introduces us to Rich and complex characters including the naive recruit working alongside a legend such as yourself really promises to be quite a thrill the hot badass girl head nurse to surgeon operation over patient sedate and of course the manly veteran Nick Fury played by David Hasselhoff is the manliest man in the manosphere all right let's go kick some Hydra butt he is pulled out of retirement for one last job direct orders from the president of the United States so these ERS come from the president himself president this movie has every cliche it's what you've seen before overplayed to an unbearable degree there's nothing you can do there's one Poss ability but it's such a long shot I built my reputation on Long Shots every line that Nick Fury says is a quii tell me how's hydra's dental [Music] plan after running for Five Seasons The Incredible Hulk show was cancelled in 1982 over the next decade three movies were produced this is the last one bill Bixby plays David Banner yeah you heard me right David Banner why not Bruce Banner homophobia but we'll get to that later for now let's talk about Bixby because he is the first actor to give a Marvel comic book character life he is so damn good at delivering lines with gravity now I have a mutation near the rage center of my brain and during moments of anger or fear it secretes a hormone and I become a mutant thing a beast until that rage ends this movie follows David on the run as always now working as a janitor at a super secret lab that way he can be sneaky by spending the nights looking for a cure to his Hulk it also Stars former Miss America Elizabeth Grayson as Yas Meine another sudden love interest she's a spy which makes for a few fun disguise switches the best one is when they threaten a Salesman by pretending to be a Dy married couple oh the wife get in darling Oh can you tell us the way the way the way to Dr Pratt and his wife hello Bren tell us where the doctor is or Die the rest of the movie is the usual pre- 2000s Marvel cative we all watch superhero movies to see an old couple eating breakfast spoilers the title gives away the end the Hulk is dead he falls from an exploding plane it isn't a satisfying ending because it wasn't meant to be a follow-up movie the Revenge of the incredible Hol was planned then discarded because this one got low ratings making this the final appearance of David and his green Goliath there are three other official old Hulk movies well the other sequels have superhero guest stars Thor and Daredevil this one doesn't originally Iron Man was supposed to be in this one which would have been fun to see how that would have even been possible on a TV budget another version of the movie had She-Hulk played by Bridget neelen who did promo photos for another movie that was canned a lot of canceled movies here so why David and not Bruce when when I found out that they were changing the name from Bruce Banner to David Banner I asked the logical question why are you doing that his name is supposed to be Bruce and some genius at the network said oh no Stan Bruce makes him sound homosexual and it sounds gay that's [Music] incredible when Stanley and Steve ditco created Spider-Man they made him the hero with real problems in this 1977 TV pilot the only attempt to make Peter Parker endearing is by giving him prescription medication Peter did you take your allergy pills sometimes he sneezes I'm sorry I I forgot my allergy pills he's just like me meditating nude and sneezing my two favorite activities this Spider-Man also butchers the origin story what was that instead of becoming Spider-Man out of guilt and moral obligation he becomes a superhero because I don't actually know why because why not become a superhero Peter Parker is played by Nicholas Hammond whose performance is Luke Skywalker but I was going into tshi station to pick up some power converters why'd you scare him off I need those condensers would you believe me if I told you this movie is boring Peter will climb up a wall then once he gets to the top have a flashback of himself climbing up that wall then at the end of the flashback there'll be a flashback of when he had a flashback of when he climbed up that wall again the fight scenes have more standing around than fighting it is cool the one time they actually fight though kill [Music] him but the wall crawling in this movie is the goofiest thing I've ever seen [Music] they didn't figure out that to make wall crawling look cool the actor's body has to be really close to the wall with a low center of gravity like uh what's the animal that does that again oh yeah a spider so [Music] uh yeah I don't know I think I'm starting to like these climbing scenes no particular reason it's just uh that's spider [Music] booty I wasn't looking you I swear of course the villain isn't Sandman Mysterio or even the wall but a self-help Guru you deserve to be the miserable fools you are because you'll never be happy by trying to be happy who brainwashes respectable people into doing his bidding those were all respectable people not some junky hoods junky hoods you know it isn't a very good Spider-Man movie but it is a fascinating documentary on the way people talked in the' 70s one dose of that stuff and it's Goodbye Charlie and get these rubber necks out of here Spider-Man's web shooters have a trigger and he even uses it here but he still shoots his webs like [Music] this there was probably a producer that was like this is gay [Music] blade is just a more stylish version of The Punisher it's about an emotionless tough guy who's killing bad guys it doesn't mean anything there is no substance message or themes just explicit Gore and sexual overtones exploding heads melting vampires and all it's like they made the ultimate R-rated movie which got really boring after a while because the movie told its empty premise in such a serious and repetitive way then this [Music] happened if the entire movie were like this then I'd proudly put blade in the top spot whistley S as blade is one of the few good parts they're worse things out tonight than vampires like what like me for the first time he's a superhero who looks and talks like he's been pulled out of a comic book might try fire change even if the story is a stupid mess the world design is undeniably stylish from the weapons to the mansions to the cars other than the Hulk movies this is the only successful Marvel movie before 2000 with a 45 million budget it made 131 [Music] million Generation X is based on the X-Men spin-off comic Generation X it features all the most boring mutants it does do a better job at adapting the original X-Men premise than all of the future movies a group of marginalized teenagers who Embrace their individual through their powers it was written by Eric blackney creator of the 21 Jump Street TV show which makes sense since the teenager scenes are fun boom pinging they really captured the teenage experience are you really going to take off uh-huh home sucks and freedom drops the villain is a guy doing a Jim Carrey impression guys I'm feeling seriously all nipotent he is the most annoying character ever had a butter in your little hand don't you like that I miss boring Mobsters the Xavier Institute here is Hatley Castle the same shooting location as all of the future X-Men [Music] movies [Music] the 1977 Captain America completely ignores the comic book origin imagine reading a comic book before making a Captain America movie what are they nerds instead of patriotic scrawny kid turned muscle soldier in World War II Steve Rogers is an ex-marine who just wants to hit the road and paint now I just want to get out on the road look at the faces of America maybe get some down on canvas he doesn't willingly take the Super steroid to serve his country instead it's injected into him while he's unconscious he also starts out as a beef cake and then remains a beef cake his virtuous personality is substituted for a cool Drifter I've been coming down the coast slow and easy you know kicking back pretty mellow set of wheels yeah his acting reminds me of this clip uh your dog just died he's got big biceps a big truck and he reads each line as cool as possible but he was my and I loved him and then one day was gone and all I had left was a letter from the president a man I didn't even know trust me director I've got an idea for this one I'll do this line cool American ideal it's a little tough to find these days isn't it maybe you know what let's try something different this time maybe I could say it cool yeah well that was a while ago you're still right yeah just for the fun of it now there's a fight scene in a slaughterous the perfect hiding place for Steve as he can blend in perfectly with the other hunks of meat just like usual we've got ourselves a one-dimensional love interest and villain oh uh Steve this is Dr Wendy day who's in charge of flag research now Steve Rogers I won't be a minute hi hi Steve Rogers spends the entire movie deciding if he's going to become Captain America I'll think about it I just don't want to get involved made up your mind yet you'll be the first to know then when he finally does we are treated to the greatest costume reveal of all [Music] time how do you like it Simon before you laugh there is an excuse for the costume looking so silly Road Safety the highway patrol said that we had to be able to see through it otherwise it wouldn't put it on the motorcycle and I had to have a helmet with the wings and I couldn't wear the cowl because they wouldn't allow that because I had to have something for safety aspects of that he becomes Captain America because his dad was Captain America they coined a nickname for him Captain America Captain America the girls where are they in a room under number two stack they're they're all right a little [Music] Shake the trial of the Incredible Hulk answers the most controversial question in comics if Bruce Banner has a beard does the Hulk have a beard no huh the trial of the Incredible Hulk is deceptively not a courtroom drama there is one scene in a courtroom and it's all a dream that scene does have the first ever Stanley Cameo this movie also features guest superhero Daredevil and Kingpin played by gimle they will join their networks with mine who is very much a Bond villain he sits in a ridiculously noisy spinny chair escapes at the end in an ambiguous and very slow air vehicle and holds meetings with crime bosses it also has the greatest onliners in cinema be very [Music] good read a book you know it's hard to know what to think when the henchman who I'm completely convinced is Jeff Bezos in a wig confesses his love for the Damsel in Distress I'm nervous but I try to smile without looking [Music] foolish the name of every person who made this movie sounds like a fake old timey name directed by John English and Elmer Clifton starring dick Purcell as Captain America and Lauren gray as Gail Richards this is not technically a movie but a 15-part 20-minute each serial that played in theaters back in 1944 in the middle of World War II just 3 years after the character of Captain America was created unlike the comic this movie doesn't have any Nazis the villain is a monacle bearing gentleman who uses a beetle to hypnotize people for the short time you have to live your mind is completely under my control he has exactly the same plan as in Spider-Man brainwash some respectable citizens into becoming junky hoods his end goal is a acquiring a weapon of mass destruction called a thermodynamic vibration agent that can be used by me as a powerful weapon of Destruction but that name is too long so they need something more Snappy to refer to this evil device how about uh thermal Exploder no vibration machine no too long how about vibrator the Scarab wants the plans of the thermodynamic vibration engine which you have invented how did you find out about my vibrator I want to know more about the vibrator Mr Meritt and Mr nordon are here to witness your demonstration of the vibrator lucky for us Captain America is on the case here to make sure the vibrator is never used the vibrator get out I'll try to stop and so is his alter ego Grant Gardner yeah as well as having a different name he also doesn't have a shield instead he carries a much more reliable weapon and unlike his MCU counterpart he isn't scared to use it [ __ ] stop you're going to kill someone this contains a purle death drop that gun or we'll all die some superheroes consider it wrong to kill Batman does not kill Spider-Man does not kill this Captain America not only does kill but he will kill even if it's inconvenient stop that there two bullets left yes all of the fight scenes are like when you mash the punch button on the [Music] [Applause] [Music] controller Captain America will shoot you and if he doesn't have a gun he will punch you 50 times despite the repetitive fight scenes this 4-Hour serial does have some genuine mystery and impressive [Music] explosions it is somewhat entertaining which makes it an impeccable Masterpiece When comparing it to the other old Marvel movies The Stolen plans of the vibrator were destroyed along with the only two criminals who knew how to operate [Music] it [Music] cap is back and this time he's defending the elderly this is a much better movie than the first mostly because Captain America is in the whole movie giving us some brutal fight [Music] scenes [Music] when he's not a superhero he's an artist on the road traveling around with his cat his adversary is one of the best Marvel villains yet including the modern ones Christopher Lee playing terrorist Miguel and it seems that Professor pilson needs another reminder of the consequences and he's got an evil device that's more interesting than a bomb or even a vibrator a drug that makes people age fast you are at this moment breathing a gas that causes extreme rapid Aging in humans I'd feel bad for them if they knew how to read the only person more confused in these people is the movie's music supervisor this is the music that plays during a drug deal [Music] scene after paragliding on the American flag for 15 minutes Captain America gives Miguel A Taste of his own medicine and then Captain America's character Arc is complete as he goes from defender of the elderly to [Music] [Music] abuser I think every liveaction Spiderman man reboot has its own element that is the strongest of all of them the Ry movies have the best writing and humor the amazing movies have got the best suit and web slinging the MCU movies have the best casting and characterization and the 70s movies have uh the best uh Spider-Man Strikes Back is the best of the' 70s Trilogy because I stayed awake during it in this one Spider-Man goes to Hollywood you can tell that the filmmakers had a lot more fun making it it's actually creative with the stunts and fight scenes Spider-Man hangs off a [Music] helicopter there's a Mexican standoff I don't know how you did it but Angel doesn't fail twice there has to be a first time for everything the spidey sense is also updated the writing itself is nonsense but it's fun nonsense in this movie three college students build an atomic bomb it's the only way we can make our point we have to build a bomb now you're probably thinking they built a bomb not an atomic bomb though right well uh well let me put it to you this way as far as we know since 1945 everyone who has attempted to explode an atomic bomb has succeeded on the first try the character interactions are more artificial than the superpowers at least they set up the love interest instead of tackling us with a confession at the end of the movie they also do it in the most subtle way possible somebody here wants to meet [Music] you as you can see the girl will always be different from movie to movie there isn't a single sequel here where the love interest is the same person the villain is once again an old guy who wants to set off a bomb for money remember we're talking about an atomic bomb this one likes wom I like women in bikinis karate yeah yeah and money when we do get the plutonium what are you going to do with it same as I do with everything just put it up for sale to the highest bidder Stanley didn't like the show well the funny thing about Spider-Man I'm delighted it was on the uh tube but it wasn't as good as it should have been although it wasn't as bad as it I ask you if you had to do with it well I was supposedly the consultant but they really didn't listen to me that [Music] [Applause] much The Incredible Hulk Returns and this time he's got company the king of Asgard himself he's real he's he's as real as this this counter only bigger bigger than the counter and ready to do whatever I ask as as long as it's legal Thor won't sell weed in Idaho in this movie Thor is a Pokémon this guy named Donald who found Thor in a mountain summons him whenever it's [Music] convenient otherwise Thor is in a shapeless void where he can't move or feel place of mist and smoke Darkness alone as if in some terrible dream somehow they did Thor is the best character in all these movies his laugh can cure cancer I tell you the eyes would pop from my old comrade's head if they could see what I'm seeing in this godforsaken world of yours he's got pretty much the same personality as the Chris Hemsworth Thor whenever he shows up the movie is fun can you drive my car by Odin I could try uh no never mind I love how he calls Hulk a troll when the trolls upon you you're a mighty fighter you're not not bad yourself I [Music] know it's usually not a good idea to adapt a comic book into a movie without changing a few things especially the early Stanley Jack Kirby Comics since the dialogue is really corny the situation are often contrived and the costumes are silly looking in real life but after seeing so many movies that just ignore the comic book Source material in favor of boring villains and repetitive plots the Fantastic 4 is the cure it is basically a onetoone comic adaptation on a low budget we were trying really as hard as possible remain faithful basically Jack Kirby era it's Charming how unashamedly silly it is which way men room that way expect trouble Dr Doom is maniacally evil for our Wipe Out New York City laughing in his throne on a castle on the edge of a cliff the casting is phenomenal tell me these aren't the characters from the comics Doom it's CLA time but there are a few moments where the goofiness becomes exhausting especially with this little molean who kidnaps a woman and calls her a queen you will bring me my queen a queen a queen I wanted Dr Doom to shoot him this is a rare movie that wasn't meant to be released it was only greenlet so that the studio could keep the rights to the Fantastic Four property so it was made really cheaply to save money and really fast because there was a deadline to keep the rights there was no table read there was no time for any of that there was no rehearsal before shooting and usually there was really no rehearsal when we were shooting it was primarily blocking but the cast and crew didn't know that no one would see it until after they finished making it film's uh not going forward it's not going to be released and I go oh man is it he goes yeah I go all right [ __ ] the stupidest part is that it is genuinely enjoyable and a thousand times better than the three multi-million dollar dog crap Fantastic 4 movies that came out after the 2000s hello Dr R good to see me [Music] again somehow in the midst of all of this there is the Incredible Hulk a naturalistic drama exploring grief and impulse control it's got real suspense and rounded characters what is this a real movie don't make me angry you wouldn't like me when I'm angry this is the pilot episode of The Incredible Hulk series unlike most of these movies every part of this is intentional from the cinematography to the music to the acting T the two that had no acting experience I did pumping iron and and then I came off I'm doing Pumping Iron Out train for the with Olympic competition and I know that it came natural to me Lu fgo's performance as the Hulk is great he plays the character like uh toddler throwing a temper tantrum it also uses the limitations of not having CGI very creatively we went through all kinds of trauma trying to figure out how to get this to happen we tried inflatable wet suits we tried all everything you could think of and we ended up finally just putting shirts that were too small on L and uh scoring the seams so that he could stretch it's very much grounded in reality the movie is relentlessly trying to convince you that this could happen almost to a fault George Burns told me once that uh when you're going to tell a lie put as much truth in it as you can I always always try to remember that when I'm doing uh something that is One Step Beyond reality here that's why all of their biochemical research and such was as detailed and articulated as it was it's always more important to believe in the emotional lives of the characters than the science of everything it's clear that the director Kenneth Johnson didn't have much respect for the source material I mean he wanted to make the Hulk red instead of green I had a lot of arguments with Stan and the in the studio about why the Hulk was Green I said what does that mean he's the envious Hulk you know uh I I said the color of rage is red he still created something great out of it because of his love and talent for storytelling drama and film making the movie has several cinematic Inspirations from Frankenstein to 2001 it's an inspired intentional gem in a pile of [Music] garbage [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you asked a 6-year-old to write a Spider-Man movie you'd probably be barraged with absurd nonsense the 1978 Japanese Spider-Man show is that nonsense on screen it has the wild imagination of a kid playing superhero [Music] SP the villain is the lord of the sea a guy in a fish costume who shoots missiles out of his mouth Spider-Man has a flying car that turns into a robot Mech like toys from the bin being added to the game the continuity of the action scenes isn't very fluid often times a shot will repeat itself several times like a kid showing off on the monkey bars the show is filled with spontaneous manic ideas that are expertly crafted and constantly entertaining there isn't a second of dead time the action is so much fun they use Spider-Man's Powers very creatively which is so impressive in the liveaction context I mean crawling on the ceiling and shooting webs isn't easy to translate to reality just look at the other Spider-Man show the true Geniuses of Japanese Spider-Man is stunt coordinator Osamu caneda who had to think up every action scene on the day they shot it and stunt man hirofumi kuga who is the crazy guy who did this often times climbing buildings without a rope he also moves like Spider-Man keeping his body close to the wall unlike the Hulk show it isn't concerned with believability or realism there are no scientific explanations it's about Spider-Man fighting bad guys both approaches work but one of them is more fun to watch this show will have the wackiest Concepts imaginable and then find a way any way to make it work since the show didn't have a big budget there's an Ingenuity that always adds to the fun this lowbudget approach is so interesting to watch watch especially in the age of glossy CGI today's superhero movies are so digitally polished Japanese Spider-Man is not rendered on a computer it's handcrafted the creative process is right there on the screen it's showing you that the thing stopping you from creating crazy fun stories isn't millions of dollars but yourself it's a huge slap in the face to all the other boring Marvel movies that thought striving for realism was important you're making a superhero show dummies make it wacky make it funny make it alive this is the only thing here that I would rewatch and absolutely the only thing I'd recommend oh yeah it also started the Transformers and Power Rangers [Music] Spiderman these movies took the unlimited possibilities of the comic book and made lazy TV movies with the same mobster villain with a bomb he says he'll explode the bomb where it'll do the most damage he's got the bomb D bomb we're talking about an atomic bomb they big bomb or bomb equivalent a chemical that will cause rapid aging I expect the laser to be fully operational upon my return how did you find out about my vibrant miscast Heroes and damsels in distress and the president of the United States usually makes an appearance so these allers come from the president himself you must get the president out of the building and the president we'll send a small sample to the president Mr President oh the president in each case the budget was never the problem it was bad writing and Bland film making he's demanding $1 billion immediately to assemble 1 billion US the $50 million demanded it's no wonder that Marvel didn't succeed on the big screen back then they were just bad there's only two i' call good and neither of them are technically movies Marvel declared bankruptcy in 1996 the company then auctioned off the film rights to its most valuable characters the Hulk went to Paramount Spider-Man went to Sony and X-Men the Fantastic 4 and Daredevil all went to 21st Century Fox what finally pulled Marvel out of the sewers was their first film under their own production company Marvel Studios Iron Man which caught the eye of Disney who bought Marvel for $4 billion in 2009 now it's the most profitable movie franchise ever it's impossible to say for how much longer I mean despite the clining quality they're still among the highest grossing movies of each year those superheroes are now all owned by Disney there were a number of promising cancelled movies including West Craven's Doctor Strange James carman's Spider-Man and Wesley Snipes Black Panther movie in alternate realities they could have started the comic book boom [Music] [Music] earlier [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Alex Boucher
Views: 308,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VOtfZS7SS0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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