The Insane Rise of Fortnite’s Best Duo

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in the final game of the biggest fortnite Tournament of 2022 Cuisine Vino unexpectedly switched their drop spot up to land on the current first place team Kami insane we know are trying to take it by force if they win the fight they win the entire event and that's taking [Applause] is here the first mistake crazy is here it's a big dream it's a one-on-one he's trying to paint it he's trying to paint the revive so that way Cami might peek the second mistake [Applause] in the lead-up to this event Cuisine video were undoubtedly the favorites to win it all and this wasn't the first time that they had fallen at the last hurdle in the first year or two of fortnite's release there was really no competitive structure or practice for players to start improving and getting better all there were were Zone rule scrims where you weren't allowed to fight until a certain point of the game these were often considered horrible atrocious unrealistic practice but this is where queasy developed a ton of the fundamentals that he knows to this day like I was playing I was playing like all the time before like Arabic Customs every single day like 10 plus hours we just play Duo scrims this meant by the time he got to his first fncs Finals in Chapter 2 season 2 back in 2020. he was already an extremely smart and proficient player teaming up with true licks at the time in their first fncs Grand finals the biggest Tournament of the season they ended up with a second place finish just narrowly missing out on the championship title an extremely impressive performance for his first final but it wasn't a win across the next few seasons the game mode changed from jewels to solo the name officially to trios despite making the fncs finals in every one of these Seasons he wasn't able to consistently place in the top 10 largely due to not having great Synergy with the teammates and having a particularly bad mentality in solos I got saved twice that was until chapter 2 Season 6 where he re-teamed up with true licks and added juriki to the mix queasy and druliks have already played so many games together that their Synergy was unmatched and in their search for a third player to play with they had offers from some of the biggest names in the region but they knew what their team required and that same season also we got me and truly guardians from like taste and aqua and uh we decided to like just play with jerky because like he was like the best free Builder one to one creative player back then and that's what we needed and our goal in their head when we wanted to play we were like I we need this guy he's gonna be cranking Sky limit on for hide like every single game when me and trulics are just gonna go front and spray and we're gonna win every game they may not have been able to win every game but they did manage to win three of the 12 matches across the weekend including their confidence in picking up and at the time more unknown player paid off after narrowly missing out on an fnc's championship by placing second one year prior guiseid now won his first major fortnite turn tournament and was now a one-time fncs Champion however as is very common with fnc's championship winning teams once they've achieved their target they struggle the next season to continue that grind they end up placing 15th out with 33 teams and decide it's best to split as a trio but it wasn't all bad quizzy ended up then teaming up with Thomas HD and the nas two of the best players in Europe yet again they're predicted as a top team to win it all and come the grand Royale the final Tournament of 2021 and chapter 2 they won the final game with 14 eliminations unfortunately only placing third overall in the leaderboards narrowly missing out on the championship title for a second time but this was a good lesson learned about hard work everyone in that trailer we worked hard and like obviously not hard enough because like we didn't win we know story across this time had a lot of similarities the world really started to learn his name around chapter 2 Season 7 mid 2021 when he started working in fortnite coach Destiny Jesus's friend group now itself admittedly DJ says that even coming into this group Vino was already a phenomenal solo player and only helped him a small amount he was an extremely talented player yet was never able to Showcase this in a major tournament however with DJ's coaching combined with a friend group of some of the best players in the region that was all about to change in the last game of the finals the entire Championship would depend on the final 1v1 between two members of that coaching group Vino and the Goat of competitor fortnite Tayson whoever wins the 1v1 wins the tournament has to be Vino going for the win right now in order to catch off he's going for aircon as well if he gets three that could be it he's moving forward forcing the place for tasting on all he misses the final shot and let me from 2021 tell you exactly why that shot was so important he completely ended up whiffing and that was a thirty thousand dollar shot with fortnite's chapter 2 coming to an end epic games announced that trios was no longer going to be the main competitive mode and instead the main mode for chapter 3 would be Duos since queasy had clearly established himself as one of the best in-game leaders in fortnite this gave him a large amount of options for picking up a Fragger Duo me and Vanna were gonna play the first season Duos I decided to go with hand my head and I wasn't good enough but like he didn't have the placements to prove it you know but I knew he was good like in my head like it was either him or Han but Hannah had the placements to prove it so I decided to go with Han and this seemed to be the right call their playstyle was extremely height dominant and very similar to the play style that one quizzes the fncs in Chapter 2 season 6. they would go on to dominate chapter 3 season 1 and it all came down to a final solo clutch that hen had to pull out in order to win the entire tournament and has it 1v1 297 points this is for the European Championship all you have to do is take down walks solidify it he has enough points already but do it in style my friend the VR is just in your grass pen as a solo against the world and he wins the European sncs but all good things must come to an end in the next season chapter 3 season 2 Aqua who many people considered the best height player returned to competing picking up Vino as his Jewel there's only room for one team on top of the lobby and aqueous style of taking it was incredibly aggressive often just 50 15 whoever was there this very aggressive strategy won them two of the six games on the first day unfortunately for Cuisine hen since they hadn't practiced this much this season a massive change in removing the cars Midway through fncs meant they've really struggled with far zones as they hadn't practiced these and even when they did have a good game aquan Vino outclassed them on height they ended day one in 41st Place whilst aqua and Vino topped the leaderboards they did have one of the best comebacks on day two firing all the way up to the eighth place on the leaderboard however still not a stellar finish or two previous Seasons Champions and no surprise the team at the top of the leaderboard was the other high dominant Team Aqua and Vino but to everyone's surprise this Jewel would split in the next season the reason Aqua had initially quit is because he repeatedly had a bunch of hand and wrist issues which meant that he wasn't able to play the game for extended periods of time without lots of pain to coincide with this after the discip pointing finish of placing eight amongst a host of other personal reasons hennen queasy also split with queasy looking for a new Fragger personally I thought I was the best in the world but apparently I wasn't the best option I was actually gonna go play with jerky when we like decided to play I was literally on Twitter making a tweet Breezy X jerky Shifty shops All Season or whatever and then I got a DM from Veno like um yo are we playing and I was like in Kobe jerky I was like well I just got a DM from Veno bro like I'm not gonna lie like I I want to play with you but I have to play with better and I literally just switched the Tweet crazy X fan I'll Shifty shafts I'll see you soon you see the playstyle and construction of cuisinehane and aquan Vino are relatively similar queasy and aqua were both igls that were very height dominant and hen and Vino were both really talented fraggers who knew how to play height as well in my opinion Vino was an upgrade over a hand and Queasy was an upgrade over Aqua essentially meshing the two best players on the previous two seasons fncs champions in their first season together they showed truly how dominant they were in the Dual cash cops placing sixth second first and then another second these matches are lower level than an fncs Grand finals and are significantly easier to win but repeated performances like this showed that they clearly had the capabilities to win the fncs grand finals this season however come to the finals and yet again they fall short ending up third you see they were easily able to dominate the lower level cash cups however in finals they weren't able to play this exact play style as things were definitely different this season they were only able to get one Victory Royale and on average you're going to need 2.4 so somewhere between 2 and 3 wins to actually win the entire fncs now this depends on play style but since these are two high dominant Players whose strategy largely revolves around winning games the fact that they only got a single Victoria clearly showed that their game plan needed some work a disappointing finish just missing out on the championship title yet again but the next season would be the fncs Invitational the first in-person event fortnite has had in three years since the World Cup in 2019. one of the main reasons they were predicted to win is because there were minimal height teams in this Lobby if you looked at the player list not many of these teams were really dominant height teams the two main other contenders were aqua and reason and Tayson and chappix however these two teams were fighting each other off spawn resulting in them not being in every single end game opening up high ground for Vino and Queasy to run away with it but there's one thing that they had counted on one of Europe's best teams Kami and seti had been switching around their playstyle all year historically in the end game they'd played low to mid-ground layers and tried to dominate these this is a great playstyle if you want to consistently get deep into end games however it's incredibly difficult to win games from this position it was possible to win a tournament but without a lot of massive point games it was almost impossible to be consistent enough to win they took a complete 180 on their entire playstyle and hired coach bloodx to teach them how to play height now equipped with a full package being able to play any Lair and end game they dominated Away by Cami and City all they have to do is close out this game ascended trying to take control trying to fight for the high grounds but it's not enough hammy and seti take their fourth Victory Royale Cuisine Vino had managed to keep up throughout the majority of the tournament keeping them close behind in second but unfortunately we already know how this tournament ended routine like this winning is all the Mars and the post-game interviewed says it all I mean you must be very proud as well Vida of what you boys achieved here at Invitational no the next season was chapter four and this remained Jewels keeping queasy and Vino together a top two placement in the fncs's first major will qualify them for the global championships at the end of the year you would think with the disappointment of the fncs Invitational combined with this opportunity to qualify motivation would be an all-time high but it turned out that wasn't the case first of all I didn't work hard enough that season in my opinion I hated the season so much with hammers so like in my head it was like oh I'm gonna get chopped there's nothing I can do about it so I didn't even bother but I think if I played we would have won that season easily so I kind of got a reality check they were able to scrape a fourth place finish however missing the qualification for the global championships but after this fncs Vito actually wanted to drop queasy and to team up with Kami instead once the news eventually got back to queasy he realized he had been complacent in that previous season and had not put in the work required to win in a complete parallel to Kami and said the team that had just beat them at the fncs Invitational they hired coach bloodx to give them a game plan and to figure out how to truly play the Grand Final throughout fortnite chapter 4 season 2 Cuisine Vino put in more work than his healthy or sustainable this season's fncs had a format that had three weeks based on your performances here would dictate if you either went through to the Grand finals if you came in the top 40 or if you came 41st down till 90th you would go to The Surge week which was essentially a semi-finals across the three weeks they placed third first and seventh meaning they were significantly ahead of everyone else in the series Point leaderboard skipping surge week and easily being the top team predicted to win this season's fncs Grand finals the following 12 games were about to be the best performance in fortnite history the entire season they've been landing at konjutsu Crossing no one dared contest them however come finals Drey and end up Landing to these houses on the left side here cutting off a huge amount of their loot for most teams this would disadvantage you massively but this almost seemed to give Vino and Queasy a boost this was Dre and darky's first fncs Grand finals so naturally they're a little bit nervous and this is something that top teams can capitalize on for reference this is queasy's 15th fncs finals and Vino's seventh all they did was grab a small amount of Loot and disengage over to this West Tower however this was a massive mistake once they've arrived here they realized that Jalen was already holding an angle onto this area which combined with queasy and Vino's quick push meant that they were completely pinched on a small island that they couldn't escape from with minimal time investment queasy and Vino managed to pick up two easy eliminations now since each elimination is worth 4 points in a grand final saying this was already a massive start for them and they'd barely invested any ammo or time into this fight we didn't even want to kill them after that we just sat there milking them every game but why was this team Landing here and more importantly why is Cuisine Vino Landing here well Trey and wanted to ensure that they could get kinetic blades the only source of Mobility this season from the guaranteed spot to the South the reasons are the same for Cuisine Vino but they're much smarter you see the main building here has 10 kinetic blade spawns and there are two different Rarities of kinetic blades the rare which is blue and the Epic Rarity which is purple now the purple has three charges whereas the blue has two and with the large amount of kinetic blade spawns here this gives them a higher chance of both of them having the purple variant now if you look at Distribution on the map this is the only spot that has this amount of kinetic blade spawns meaning they have a massive Advantage now you may not think one more charge is that big of an advantage but when it comes to end game it absolutely is with 5 eliminations and a fifth place finish in game number one they were in third place but it became two were the purple kinetic blades power would truly be shown in fortnite there are four storm circles that move the 9th 10th 11th and the final one the 12th first moving Zone which is the Ninth Circle Cuisine Vino can use the purple kinetic blades to travel the entire distance without even touching the floor if they only had the blue they would have to drain some materials boxing up halfway through this Zone and these materials are extremely important because they use these to actually tunnel a little bit deeper into the tent zone now the next moving Zone continues to move in the exact same direction and because they've tunneled this a little bit deeper they are now ahead of every other team but why would you even bother wasting your materials to do this when you have kinetic blades to fly through the sky well that's exactly the problem everyone at this moment is using their kinetic blades to fly through the sky and this means there's a huge risk of you landing at the front side of Zone the side of Zone and another player landing on your head so to avoid this you need to be the last player to use your kinetic blades which is why Cuisine Vino stayed here invested a little bit of materials because all of the other players in the lobby are using their kinetic blades to fly but since they've tunneled further into the Zone this means they have more time before the Zone catches up to them meaning they don't have to use their kinetic blades as as quickly as everyone else but there's another way in which this is genius because they're the last ones to use their kinetic blades if they shoot out height right before they rotate they ensure that not only are they the last team using their kinetic blades they're the highest in the sky but here's the real konjutsu Crossing secret remember those three kinetic blade charges rather than the two that the majority of other players have in the lobby well when you combine that with the timing of being the last one to use your kinetic blades and the fact that you've just shot out High Ground this means that you're guaranteed to be the highest team in the lobby with no one above you which means that when they fall down they are always guaranteed to land on height with no one landing on them from above them from then on queasy stays all the way up and in the final moving Zone Vino drops down to frago and get the final few eliminations and clean up the first Victory Royale of the weekend despite winning this game they're not actually in first place yet as they're behind Blanchard and mixin by one single point they were off to a great start but that was about to all change game 3 would be their worst of the day after Vino goes down from an unfortunate fight in the mid game they struggle with low materials in the end game and after getting a refresh at back Zone just kind of died to the Storm still a 15-5 eliminations keeps them in second place but this is when one of the most insane win streaks in fortnite history was about to begin in game 4 rather than the second moving Zone continuing the same direction as the previous it pulls back over itself since they were already on second height and the team is just connected to them by a few walls they can easily chop this out given this is the start of the tent Zone the exact same time that they took High Ground in game number two queasy can triple Katana up into the sky and connect to some old builds guaranteeing them height whilst quizzes says up on high ground to secure the win with the heal off Vino drops down to disrupt the players below and wipes them all out of the lobby securing their second Victory Royale of the tournament with confidence high on the momentum rolling they make aggressive plays in game number five to secure themselves a Refresh on materials before the moving zones however they get overconfident and make a mistake in the ninth Zone the first moving Zone they see no one is established on High Ground so they land on it to claim it in the process using a ton of those materials they got earlier on but remember they usually take height in the 10th Zone and taking height this early means someone can use their own strategy of chopping them out against them but don't count them out yet they already know how to play against their own strategy they land at the front side of the zone and since they are the second highest team height has built on top of them this means that they can just edit them out and spray them as they're falling out of the sky and when is this done the start of the 10th Zone the exact same time they've claimed High Ground in their other two wins since squeezies using the shadow tracker which by the way is insanely busted this marks them so then when queasy uses his three kinetic blade Chargers to fly into the sky you can easily find the player who's already weak land on his head and one pomp him now this game does admittedly get a little bit messy it's not as clean as the previous two but this time when Vino goes down to Frank queasy joins him as he has no heal off potential all the way up on high ground and wins the second game in a row prior to the final game on day number one they were already 117 points ahead of vaniak and car Army in second place and a win in game six would almost put them in an unbeatable position coming into day number two they learned from their previous game in the ninth zone They Shoot Out The High Ground team but because they don't have three kinetic blade Chargers and too many players are kinetic blading through the sky they do not try to retake High ground and instead just land at the front side of Zone and create a bunch of space to work from they tart a little bit deeper into Zone and set up for their classic High Ground retake But realize they're on a bad layer as there's too many players above them so after spraying out the height team decide to rotate only using a single kinetic blade charge after staggering here for a little bit and letting the Zone catch up they use another single kinetic blade charge to land again at the front side of Zone as they've been doing this they've slowly elevated to the point that they are now second High Ground meaning that as you guessed it yes the height team has connected on top of their head giving them the opportunity to chop them out now since they've only been using a single kinetic blade charge on every rotate at this point it's fully recharged meaning they can triple blade straight up into the sky and yes guarantee be the highest again but there is one problem they have zero elimination so far meaning there's been zero points in this game where they've been able to get their materials refreshed with this in mind queasy Sports materials down in the back side of Zone and after popping a slurp juice makes an extremely aggressive play to dive straight back down and pick up a bunch of them he is spotted by other players of the back side of the Zone but the slurp juicy popped earlier keeps him alive allowing him to get straight back up onto High Ground as always Vino drops down to frago on the players down below and it all comes down to a 2v2 vinoan queasy versus Kami and seti Vino hears them popped six chug splashes down below which shows that they do not have anything to win the heel off with meaning queasy up on top just has to sit there and throw the Chug splashes to win the game however seti runs up from the back side of Zone and gets a massive tag off onto queasy luckily the slurp juice he has popped gives him enough HP just to win out this 1v1 as City goes down to the storm giving Cuisine Vino their fourth Victory Royale of the day three of these being in a row the most Victory hours ever done in an fncs which included European players was came in city at the fncs Invitational when they won four and the most in Europe itself is three Cuisine Vino have just won four with six games left to go but this is where problems may arise you see across a two-day event teams often change up their strategies off spawn meaning that konjutsu drop spot that they've had so easily on day number one may be a completely different story for them on day number two if they lose a bunch of games off of Spawn another team could easily overtake them on the leaderboards but Twitter didn't help fire hunter who is currently in 49th Place one away from the bomb after day number one replied does he know in response to a potential drop map for day two now fire hunter landed at kijutsu Crossing earlier in isolo cash cup a different tournament so naturally cuising Vino began to think that he was going to contest them on day two and ruin their tournament the nerves definitely got to Vino as he ended up throwing up before game number seven but I know like I was gonna show up anyway don't matter if he's nervous or not but not only did fire hunter not land here in dream 3 also left this area leaving them the entire drop to themselves queasy was right nervous or not Vino put on an absolute fragging Master Class picking up eight eliminations by himself making a grand finals Lobby look like he's playing some Pub Zone Wars match and winning game number seven at this point there was a lot of criticism on the team however most of the zones that they'd played well in were home zones meaning the zones pool to near their drop spot of konjutsu Crossing however game 8 was a Breakwater Bay Zone which is the complete opposite corner of the map and what do you know who wins the game queasy and Vino at this point there's been eight games played and six of them have been won by queasy and Vino they are over 200 points ahead of mustache and Tayson who are in second the current reigning fncs Champions with three games remaining they were tired exhausted and started to lose concentration making a lot of stupid mistakes but they had already won the tournament in the first nine games they didn't even need to play the last three this was was undoubtedly the best performance in fortnite competitive history and epic games continually changing the meta actually was some of the reason that they were so successful like the season before like the hammer season for example you just grind it like the first month you learn everything and then you just like go AFK until Grands but like this season kept switching and switching and switching so it's really fun to actually like relearn everything but of course the strategy wouldn't be successful if it wasn't for their insane amount of hard work with Coach bloodix one of the main things they put into practice in scrims was ensuring every game was as realistic and as close to their playstyle in Grand finals as possible we literally tried everything we didn't go for Island one game we only did a rotate so we know we're gonna do we use the loadouts we're gonna use we didn't play any SMGs pistols we only play red eyes we just played like very like how you were playing grants because one of the mistakes we also had the season before was in cash goes we used to run um gold SMG only you know we didn't run the red eyes so in Grants when we had red eyes on height we couldn't get a refresh but like we literally hadn't even blacks in the call like one of the games were like 555 last he was like he started screaming at us split your ass split your mass like you're not playing 555 and then we went to split match and we got post rifle in the front and we died of course coming first and winning this tournament not only means they're Champions it means they've qualified for the global championships at the end of the year a four million dollar in-person event in Copenhagen naturally I asked queasy whether the grind they put in this season was sustainable for the next six months next season I think I'd put I'll put like definitely a lot of time but I don't think I'd put as much as this season just because like it's it's only the win faction and for Copenhagen like I'm putting 120 percent
Channel: Reisshub
Views: 677,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite solo tournament chapter 4, fortnite chapter 4 tips, fortnite chapter 4 solo tournament, fortnite battle royale chapter 4, Reisshub, VOD Review, Chapter 4 VOD Review, chapter 4, FNCS Vod Review, FNCS, FNCS Winner, victory cup, victory cup fortnite, how to win solo cash cups, vod review, mechanics of the pros, solo cash cup, FNCS Major 2, EU FNCS, Queasy, Veno, fortnite chapter 4, fncs grand finals, fortnite tournament, fncs finals, fncs invitational, fncs winner
Id: nxlLdqfq8BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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