Reacting to the Story of Mongraal!

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Mongrel is easily one of the most popular fortnite Pro players in the world and when it seemed like he couldn't be stopped he one day just disappeared So today we're watching a video from Aussie antiques explaining The Disappearance of mongrel I live from 50 HP hey ggs bro we have so many classic clips and sayings bro there we go one of the most influential faces in fortnite from dominating tournaments and uploading super viral content to then suddenly disappearing where did he go and why do I think he's coming back to answer this we need wait hold up when was this posted this was posted three months ago he has I don't think he's come back at the very beginning Kyle Mongrel Jackson has been playing games his entire life playing games such as Halo and Call of Duty competitively when he was only nine years old that's crazy in this early age he showed incredible Talent topping many public leaderboards it was at this time that the Battle Royale genre began taking the gaming World by storm and Mongrel already excelling jumped into H1Z1 and later pubg honing his skills as one of the most aggressive and dominant fraggers on any Island while in the early days of fortnite most players saw building as a bit of a novelty throwing up a wall to block a few shots or building a one by one to camp in Mongrel recognized its true potential he began to change how people saw and played fortnite however in the early days this was often met with ridicule rather than respect and in the beginning it kind of still is a lot of the times people don't really but how he respect people who are good at building man person and viewers often said he was trying too hard and he was doing too much a lot of professionals even thinking that building and editing as much as he did was only to style on Bots Mongrel didn't care he continued to hone his skills and quickly became one of them his aim was nuts too in the game he would upload highlights and stream all his games and very quickly began to gain a lot of attention oh yeah oh my gosh oh my God [Music] he's just dancing on him in the middle of the tournament he would even do an interview with the BBC in April of 2018 one of the biggest news Publishers in the world highlighting his introduction into Competitive Gaming and incredible skill at fortnite Tyler Jackson is so good at Fortnight that he's why is everyone named Kyle good at fortnite booga's name is Kyle mongol's name is Kyle I used to play with a team of professional Gamers mongrel's reputation and subsequently his content was booming by the end of 2018 he was averaging over 7 000 viewers on Twitch pulling in millions of views with every YouTube video and created some of the most memorable content of early fortnite what oh no that's the keyboard what a finals in the end sing sing sing sing sing oh no everything was looking up for Mongrel he began to oh my God the most feared and respected players in the game those who originally made fun of him began to realize he was the future of fortnite this was before the days of cash cups and fncs he would upload videos of him dropping 30 and 40 bombs in public matches as well as popping off in scrims but how could you truly prove you were the best there was one tournament every single week that had the entire Community watching right before today fortnite that's when I first kill race I introduced the actually big games then mongrel a group of kills he's on me I'm editing dead I killed one no way not ended up winning right in his first Friday fortnite just like me there was however only one thing that could stop Mongrel his age at this point in fortnite the competitive age limit was 16. he was only 13 Going on 14 meaning he could not compete in any of the skirmishes or official fortnite tournaments left to continue grinding Pub Kill races and smaller third-party Tonys Mongrel did not let this stop him he would take any chance to prove he had I wonder if foreign a lot of pro players would have never competed the pro Community was waiting and even fearing the day when players like Mongrel Mr Savage Benji fishy and so many more could be Unleashed into official tournaments and they didn't have to wait much longer Not only would fortnite announce they would be lowering the age limit to compete to 13. 100 million tournament in gaming history World Cup the fortnite World Cup [Music] okay dude this was everything Mongol had been waiting for the chance to finally playing in the World Cup was fun man like playing the qualifiers was so fun alongside Metro they would play second in the first week of Duos qualifying themselves straight to New York however despite incredible Duo placements in the qualifiers was struggling in solos when the final week of solos came around he had one final chance to make it a lot of people counting him out with one final game he pulled off one of the greatest clutches in fortnite history if you've seen just ahead oh this this was the the game that qualified him for the World Cup that's crazy because I remember seeing his clutch I didn't realize it was it was this game because look he has 14 eliminations oh my goodness are you serious 13 eliminations there's still four players left including him that is down no way are you doing this right now Margo no way top three situation now gonna get the time for the for The Minis and now reloading the double RPG as well sewer is gonna go down in another one come on girl are you kidding me he finally did it the grind paid off he was given his chance to compete and prove everyone who oh yeah the clicks making it to World Cup was one thing now we had to try and win it all the way above him knocks the structure down and the player does manage to catch himself and maintain The High Ground positioning here we have some great players still left in this game but Monger with four eliminations it's looking for number five and that was on Nate we're now down to the final moment is he gonna win oh my God in the ultimate low ground going up against them third right there okay a very impressive 13th in solos and sixth in Duos that's actually not bad at all most consistent World Cup player across both game modes taking home a clean 375 000 with World Cup over a new era of competitive fortnite would begin the fortnite championship series and a switch from Duos as the competitive team game mode to trios oh this is where he really takes over so it was about finding a third player who could match this Tim Metro and Benji fishy Benji fishy and the formation of one of the most legendary teams is one of the most dominant trios I've ever seen [Music] let's go um Not Dead one punch nice [Music] this team would absolutely dominate Trio fncs coming second second first and first in the qualifiers and that got them a lot of money thousand dollars each before the grand finals even started with these incredible placements the trio was the clear favorite to take home the 480 000 first place prize did they win though the finals did not go to plan yeah oh wait they had was that in the tournament what the mecca is invisible for me against the mechs there was little even Mongrel meteoro and no way the max were in the tourney like that in the grand finals despite this disappointing finish in the finals the trio live streaming every single tournament saw mongrel's twitch and YouTube explode pulling in almost 30 000 average viewers in the month of September peaking at over 75 000 viewers all while his videos would pull in millions and millions of views Mongrel would continue it was a good time for everybody putting up solid placements all while streaming and creating content on everything he played placing second in Squad fncs 15th in Duo fncs and 26th and 16th in Solo fncs there had now been five fncs's and many people began to question mongrel's position as one of the best players in the world as he was yet to win a championship they always do that no matter how well you do if you don't win first place they're gonna start questioning you dimitro and Benji to reform and run it back again this time claiming the crowns that were rightfully theirs however in a decision that shocked many Mongrel and Metro decided to pick up Tayson the winner of solo fncs payson's abuse relatively unknown face in the scene as he did not even compete in the World Cup the main reason for this pickup was the fact that Mongrel and Metro having more than enough Firepower needed an igl a player to tell them what to do and bring a smarter and more controlled approach to the game this made sense in theory but in game however this is back when you could do the black on black superhero you can't do that anymore in Camp I don't think oh we're not hearing many comes from the little agile dude well they're so unserious from these clips alone you would think there is absolutely no chance that this Trio would pull off one of the most memorable fncs wins ever oh what a pump I love that let's go Mongrel Metro and Tayson found themselves in first place by over 60 points wow with only four games remaining the Grand Final was all but over until Thomas HD and Nas and flick decided to change things up switching their drop spot to begin contesting mongrel's Trio no way this would be disastrous the team would begin struggling placing 32nd 21st and 31st in the next three games no ways to see their lead cut down to only 20 points going into the final game tournament one is alive it's not enough team that could beat them Janice andalex and X Wheezy with a very good chance that if they go to Stark Industries and go down they will lose their lead they made a bold and Incredibly controversial decision they landed on andalex's team knowing that if they lose this spawn fight they will have thrown their tournament this right here this engagement I love these I love these like last game first place and second place land on each other I love it luckily for them their gamble pays off scared to take all that engagement on foreign territory they instead managed to hold down Janus andalex and X Wheezy securing mongrel's first ever fncs win nice Mongrel finally had his fncs crown he was one of the most popular creators on the game what could go wrong sadly after this fncs win Mongrel would struggle to continue this same level of domination instead of this is hard to keep doing it for so long you know to even make the grand finals he would also begin to stream and upload less and less going entire months without posting any content but why what happened one theory is that his insane mechanics and aggression was no longer enough fortnite competitive was progressing and you could no longer get by off sheer mechanics alone yeah this is supported by Tayson who despite winning fncs instantly split with Mongrel and Metro going on to have the most decorated career of any player after the World Cup while this might be the case I would argue that this is due to a bigger reason a lack of passion there's no reason I think that's it applied himself to vodka viewing working with coaches and understanding the game as it progressed he chose not to his reasons for this were only left to guess the diminishing prize pools fortnite removing many of the fun items people have even argued it's because fortnite removed the spaz you have to remember at the end of chapter 3 Mongrel had now been grinding the game almost every single day for almost five years four years he started playing seriously when he was 13 and was now approaching 18 years of age he does have brief periods of returning full of motivation and optimism but sadly it rarely seems to last it makes sense his priorities shifted after a long absence on social media Mongrel began posting about his health Fitness and travel Journeys while many supporters were happy to see Mongrel growing up many wonder if he'll ever return to the game while he's maintained a presence doing did he win like uh a million or two million dollars at this point in time it does not look like he will be returning to fortnite as for what he's up to currently he just managed to make more than double his entire earnings in fortnite in a single game when he was the overall winner of the board ape Yacht Club's most recent competition dookie Dash Mongrel said the best run on the game earning himself the key which he went on to sell for 1 000 ethereum or 1.6 million dollars to put that into perspective mongrel's official earnings from fortnite sits at just over 700 000 US Dollars while you could point to this and say oh that's why he quit he doesn't need the money anymore I thought he never needed the money mongrel's journey and career knows that it was never about the money yeah it was about competing it was about winning so where does that leave us now will Mongrel return to fortnite I would honestly say most likely but will it be to compete and stream every tournament up from regular videos probably not yeah I'm sure he will jump on for a new season or big update but his last Youtube upload was February 1st and he's only gone live three times so far this year I could be wrong though he has never made an official retirement post he clearly has the talent and passion to make it happen if Mom I want to see yeah he hasn't uploaded no Mongrel returned to fortnite I would honestly say most likely three times so far this year I could be wrong though he has never made an official retirement post he clearly has the talent and passion to make it happen if Mongol returns to competitive fortnite the community will welcome him back with open arms he has created some of the most legendary content on the game and is undeniably one of the all-time greats yo great video from Aussie antiques if you guys are not subscribed to him hit that subscribe button thank you guys so much for watching
Channel: More SypherPK
Views: 610,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, sypherpk, sypher, more sypherpk, new update, fortnite chapter 4
Id: yKFrJfi81C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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