Archetypes in Tekken [4K]

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[Applause] [Music] one of the great things about fighting games is how you can pick from a wide variety of characters and archetypes you want to be a big manly man or a small girly girl and they generally all have you covered in between there's also a cactus a car meat meat meat sumo santa whatever this is meant to be and bread durst different strokes for different folks then and in this video which is part of a larger collaboration on the topic of archetypes throughout various fighting games we'll be covering tekken tekken characters are almost always a combination of several different archetypes so in the following list you'll probably see the same character appear in multiple different categories if you check the description you can find a spreadsheet detailing all of the characters mostly unique typing combinations because characters and tekken tend to be so well rounded now there's a lot of overlap beyond even characters primary secondary or tertiary typings which is a trend moving towards homogenization but that's a discussion for another day so without further ado let's go through tekken archetypes [Music] first is the mix-up or 50-50 character so called because they excel at putting you in guessing situations where you're forced to either crouch guard the low or stay standing against the mid now true 5050s and tekken are quite rare most of the time there will be other options available to you such as parrying power crushing almost notably movement for example the classic weakness against the mishima wave dash mix-up is to sidestep left the fact that you always have powerful defensive options against mix-ups is what gives tekken a lot of its unique distinct flavor compared to more aggressive fighting games you can block while back dashing which is incredibly rare for a fighting game there's no penalty for blocking either such as chip damage or risk or guard gauge launchers are damaging and potentially round ending since they tend to also give massive positional advantage this in turn boosts the value of with punishing take the throne street fighter can basically be swapped with take the low in tekken now it has to be stated that in recent years 5050s have become a much more prominent part of tekken's high-level meta there are multiple reasons for this movement both lateral and horizontal was weakened in tekken 7 and while akizeme was also weakened many more moves now result in the notorious pancake flip basically enabling a 50 50. moves have much bigger hitboxes and tracking in general too new characters such as leroy and fukumram are both very mix-up focused and powerful and simple fakumram has multiple can mix-ups from fast long-range pokes and leroy has tools such as a tracking hell sweep this isn't even mentioning akuma who if you have the execution can constantly put the opponent in unfavorable guessing situations grapplers can be thought of as a sub-category of a mix-up character in that they use throws instead of lows to open up opponents throws are inherently quite weak at higher levels of tekken since it's possible to look at the arms and break accordingly on reaction especially in tekken 7 since the throw break window was made larger online or at intermediate levels of play though throws are still very effective regardless even though they can't be characterized as grapplers characters like gin nina dragonov and julia all have a full kit of throws for every arm naturally making them harder to break julia in particular has the infamous mad axes a bufferable throw that's faster than usual also special mention must go to marduk's tackle which places the opponent in a very difficult mashing test to reliably break there are only two characters in tekken with a truly ambiguous throw mix up from a standing position king and armor king their giant swing which is broken with the left hand is indistinguishable from the shining wizard which is broken with both hands this means mixing them up is a pure guess also although they're subtly different they look very similar to double arm breaks so you can also use throws like muscle buster against opponents who don't have top tier reactions finally the kings also have multi throws which can do devastating damage if they aren't broken correctly a turtle tries to play defensively in order to capitalize on an aggressor's mistakes like guile from street fighter the prototypical turtle they're very good at running away and putting up shields to slow the pace of a game down generally they prefer to stay in the mid range and try to score big damage either through a counter hit or a whiff punish being an effective turtle requires good movement to bait whiffs from the opponent as well as a keen awareness of ranges so they can properly halt their approach paul phoenix is classically thought of as a mix-up character but due to his incredible generic down forward too koara gomer which leads to preposterous damage on counter hit and strong with punishment with defest he can also be a very effective turtle alisa boskonovic combines good movement with annoying long range pokes and easy with punishment making her well suited to defensive play lee chao lan is very hard to approach due to tools like silver heal and machine gun kicks very often characters who have strong counter-hit tools like a magic 4 or a big old boot to the crotch can also make effective turtles speaking of which a count hit specialist as the name suggests has multiple strong generally safe moves that either give them bonus damage or a full combo on count hits this is a powerful archetype in many fighting games since they can effectively control the neutral with both low risk and potentially high reward as a trade-off they often have weaker low attacks and so struggle to make comebacks in order to land these counter hits though players will need a good sense of rhythm and the ability to pick up on the opponent's timing so they can be quite technical to play the quintessential counted character is steve fox his infamous quick hook deals tremendous damage on counter hit and is also notoriously hard to get in on due to its fast whiff recovery and plethora of options from flickr though this has been given slightly more whiff recovery in a recent patch encouraging you to use more manual flicker jabs as a keypad tool these are less rewarding but even harder to punish his left right left comes from a jab is all guaranteed on counter hit and again steve has an incredible amount of options after wild man is an annoying fast low mid string with both guaranteed on counter hits and yet again multiple pressure options afterwards and finally crescent hook is a fast safe mid that gives a full albeit quite tricky combo on counter hit that's also hard to whiff punish due to the duck cancel until very recently this was also a homing move and now that it doesn't track steve is clearly a dead character a poking character relies on a hit-and-run style to pressure the opponent with quick fast low committal attacks and then frustrate them into making mistakes which you can then capitalize on for big damage there's a strong emphasis on knowing frame data so you know when to continue your offense and when to sidestep after a blocked poke since high level tekken is quite compact and safe most powerful characters are able to poke effectively to some degree the foundation of most effective poking is the generic down forward one since tekken 6 there's been an exponential increase in the number of new characters with powerful downfall ones these often lie at the heart of their game plan miguel zafina lars shaheen kazumi katarina lucky chloe geese noctis negan leroy and fakumram all have very strong downfall ones by virtue of either being evasive hard to step having massive range multiple offensive options afterwards or even a combination of these qualities poking characters also often have a fast low which gives them advantage on hits the best examples of which are law's shin crusher and gun reuse kick and pull these can be used to both whittle away at an opponent's life bar as well as setting up frame traps or more powerful offensive options [Music] a rush down character is good at staying an opponent's face and bullying them with constant frame traps thanks to their stance cancels and the threat of delayable strings recommended if you want to be aggressive and like having a monopoly on button presses huarang and nina are perhaps the best examples of rushed down characters both can stay glued to their opponent thanks to their flamingo and snakeshot cancels respectively but they are quite technical josie on the other hand can launch a simple but effective offensive game plan through her canned strings and switch cancels newcomer lydia is a hybrid mix-up and rushdown character she can enforce some powerful pressure and frame traps from mid-range and then once the opponent is conditioned to sit still open them up with some scary mix-ups miguel is a hybrid poke and rush down character he has many extensions from his down forward one making it hard to escape his pressure and if he guesses correctly sets himself up for a devastating looping offense a related but subtly different subcategory of rush down is oppression whereas a rushdown character typically keeps the opponent buried under a blizzard of quick pokes there are also characters that can keep their opponents locked behind a barrage of plus frames using big slow heavy powerful moves to keep them in check good examples of oppressive moves are draganov's russian assault and blizzard hammer brian's chopping elbow and hatchet kick or negan's wretched hammer and just his intimidation stance in general generally it's not a good idea to try and challenge a rush down or oppression character's offense with buttons because that's exactly what they want you to do instead look for holes in their offense and use movement to create an opening and punish [Music] an evasive character is good at slipping through pressure with moves or stances that either shrink their hurt boxes or move them quickly to the sign they work best against aggressive play styles and when used properly can make the opponent lose confidence in their approach ling xiaoyu with her infamous art of phoenix stance is perhaps the queen of evasion she can slip under all highs and even some mids with this her belly chop is a fast mid that also slips under highs and she has a massive tool kit to punish reckless opponents feng and oscar are hard to pin down due to moves like evading palm strike kempo stance dragon wheel kick missed palm thrust and can cans lilly has an incredible sidestep allowing her to step moves that other characters can't defeana is another good example having both the most evasive back dash in the game as well as a whole suite of scummy launchers that just go under everything evasion can also be used offensively to slip under keypad moves for example feng's landslide is notoriously evasive while steve can slip under keep out moves by ducking and avoid pressure with sways and weaves as with rush down characters though often the key to dealing with evasion is by being patient and using movement since these type of characters often have a weak tracking we can even extend the idea of an evasive character to more broadly turn steel and this can also be achieved by stopping the opponents dead in their tracks through parries reversals sabaki's or armoured moves the most powerful of which can lead to full launchers or wall splats let's call these subcategories harry's and deflection very often the best turn stealing characters such as feng or oscar employ all of these with techniques such as things shifting clouds or asgard's infamous reversal yoshimitsu is another very dangerous character to try and pressure his iconic flash sits in a strange middle ground between being a parry and an attack and he also has spins and meditation stance to turn the tables on an overly aggressive opponent long reach characters are super tall and can control the mid-range with their huge limbs this lends them well to a defensive play playstyle jack typifies this well the sheer range on his jabs ever looming threat of the jackhammer and easy with punishment with savage uppercut synergize well together for a simple yet effective gameplay fakum rum is another character with massive reach but is a bit of an anomaly in that he can easily transition from his massive pokes into a very oppressive offense this lies at the core of why this character is both so strong and so controversial a subcategory of long reach that's become popular enough in tekken 7 to warrant its own archetype is ranged space control or more succinctly flying through the air with some from 10 miles away oh yeah this also encompasses the recent inclusions of projectiles into tekken 7's meta the fttawsb ftma characters tend to be defined by their ability to fly through the air with a load of trash with a single button press allowing them to effectively leap across distance and never have to press forward in their entire lives without doing a stance or a running move or whatever this is different to long range as many ftt awsb ftma characters are defined by the difference between their flying running garbage and they're relatively stubby pokes because obviously combining these two things would be an insanely bad idea kunimitsu alisa elisa and noctis for example can all close distance and initiate their mix-up game at literally the touch of a button a common weakness for a lot of ranged space control though is tracking versatile characters can do it all the expense of being a jack of all trades however is that they're generally master of none leo for example has just about every tool you could possibly want in a character but none of them are top of their field leroy was at one point notorious for being a jack of all trades master of all while he's still very well rounded recent balancing efforts have weakened his ability to play defensively in the mid-range and encourage him more to close distance so that he can play aggressively with his still excellent mix-up and hope game yoshimitsu has a tool for every situation but they're all quite specialized jyn has a well-rounded array of powerful defensive and offensive tools but his stubby arms make his poking less effective than specialized characters while his options from wave dash aren't quite as intimidating as a true mishima much like how a shot or in street fighter is defined by a set of core tools hadoukens shoryukens and tatsumakis the three mishimas kazuya heihachi and devilgen are all united by their electric wind godfest flash punch combo and wave dash mix-ups first and foremost the ewgf is arguably the best move in tekken 7 a just frame launcher with a huge range of uses both defensively and offensively flash punch combo is also a strong contender for best jab string in the game it's easily hit confirmable making it good at both initiating pressure and with punishing up close on hit it sets up their powerful ambiguous mix-ups from a wave match the options from wave dash are where much of the differentiation between the mishima's lies kazuya is all about high risk high reward he excels at setting up disgusting looping okizeme with his hell sweep and devil steel pedal heihachi on the other hand focuses more on pressure and control with his plethora of devastating mids such as lightning crush and the superior version of right splits kick devil gin ever the indecisive milk toast lies somewhere between the two if we take a slightly broader definition of mishima then we can also include regular gin bob and armor king they all lack the flash punch combo or electric wind godfest though jin's electric wind hookfist is pretty damn close bob's lang washer is no slouch either and armor king has the dark upper which is used exclusively as a whiff punisher but they all have the wave dash mix-ups you'd expect from a mishima finally mama mishima kazumi lacks a wave damage but combines the flash punch combo with superior movement and simple yet effective pokes to powerful effect in lieu of a wave dash though since she's also an fttawsb ftma character she can also just literally fly in to hell sweep you or just punch you from the other side of the moon [Music] hey thanks for watching and as always a massive shout out to our amazing patrons if you want to see more videos on archetypes and other fighting games we also did one on melee or this playlist with videos from leon massey theory fighter novel king jay and more to come soon this is a big collaboration across a bunch of fighting game channels and we really hope it helps more people get into them have a great day everyone and we'll catch you next time
Channel: That Blasted Salami
Views: 1,285,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: That Blasted Salami, Tekken 7, 鉄拳, TBS, Arya, Tutorial, Guide, Archetypes, Tekken, Mix-Ups, Grappler, Grapplers, Turtle, Counter Hit, CH, Poking, Rushdown, Oppressive, Evasive, Parries, Deflection, FTTAWSBFTMA, Long Reach, Versatile, Mishima, Kazuya, Devil Jin, Heihachi, Fahkumram, Akuma, Geese, Leo, Lidia, King, Armor King, Asuka, Lee, Law, Steve, Hwoarang, Kazumi, Shaheen, Noctis, Kunimitsu, Negan, Miguel, Nina, Dragunov, Feng, Jin, Kazama, Alisa, Eliza, Jack, Kuma, Leroy, Bob, Bryan, Paul, Josie, Rizal, Phoenix, Fury, Yoshimitsu, Fox, Anna
Id: wHpJujTioLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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