The Incredibly Bad Hulk Ripoff...

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hello everybody welcome to bulk i am the i am amazing and i am bach so we literally got hundreds of suggestions for this movie hey man can you do the amazing ball can you do amazing okay so this movie is like a ripoff of the incredible hulk which already isn't a great movie but this time they filmed it all on a green screen what the what the heck and if that wasn't bad enough uh the budget for this movie somehow was 14 thousand dollars i don't even know how multiple people like agreed to make this movie at all i mean it was only about ten people that is exactly nine too many people hey we should look at reviews does this movie even like have reviews i love it this movie is a part of my heart and soul and i would do anything to talk to the greatest movie director of all time louis shunbrin i need to tell him how much he means to me roger the amazing bulk will transform any dedicated movie fan into a raging monster once this endurance experiment is over it was beast movie eva it was really good i leaked it a lot absolutely barbaric honestly i would rather watch myself die in slow motion stretch to 100 hours than this pile of garbage you know what isn't garbage licking the video oh dab green screen dab where am i am i in the beach boy oh boy do i love being at the beach it is such a chill and sunny day just kidding it's only my bathroom look i may not be at the beach but i'm not wearing my trademark sponsor shades for no reason why are you wearing that well that would be because of the simple fact that today's video is sponsored by rage shadow legends look things are starting to open back up and that means i don't have time to play 80 video games on consoles that i can't even buy it is entirely impractical gee do i wish there was a game available on mobile and pc with great graphics awesome battles and super dope bosses you don't have to wish because there's a game that's out that's exactly like that it's called rage shadow legends it's been out for a while now sounds kind of sus i don't want to play that unless there's over 500 champions and multiple game modes to suit my playstyle well you're in luck because it has all of that and even more here's the game running on my own personal mobile device one of my favorite parts of raid is that you have to be strategic i like playing the dungeons game mode so i have to select and equip my champions correctly otherwise i won't even have a shot at winning the battle wow that sounds pretty gaming what is new with raid this specific month well i'm glad you asked because ray just added 11 new champions to the game and over 200 new stages to use them in and i even heard you could win an exclusive legendary champion if you beat them all i am just now getting word that they added five new levels to nearly every single dungeon in the game that is so much content that is so much stuff that i couldn't even memorize at all well if you want to start playing ray today just hit our link in the description it's free to download and play and it really does support the channel when you use our links thank you to ray for sponsoring our video okay bye don't forget the super cgi this is movie studios movie studio it's movies this is a universal picture because it's universally a picture okay so check this out here's the plaza and here's the plaza again and then here's the plaza again again did you just like walk around the block is there any continuity need a light is he just gonna light her eyebrows on fire well he is mugging her mugging did you mean the mug from so like the smuggler guy shoots the girl in the head and then the bulk shows up and the bulk kills the dude then he runs away and that's how the movie starts amazing looks like blood or something i don't know i never saw purple blood before okay everyone in this movie just kind of acts like they're not even in the same room so the behind the scenes they actually showed that they were in the same room why is there a behind the scenes for this that's a great question this is like a school project that they got funding for i bet we're gonna find out soon enough [Music] what is that it makes it look like they were the ones that were in the ambulance you know that giant street that's just in the ambulance tardis truck tardis truck oh shoot oh no i hate it when i get hit by doctor who the table is physically impossible look at that leg what are they cut part of the leg off well i can't say for sure i don't have the appropriate data to corroborate the research four years and nothing solid what even are their faces right now furthermore what is this audio four years and nothing solid there you go assuming nothing good is ever gonna come with this yeah and then it's just my ac in the background which is the i mean do you realize how long a human would live if we can perfect this serum so these scientists are like trying to make a super serum kind of like captain america but it's gonna go wrong kind of like the hulk yeah but it's okay to rip off the other movies because it's a parody it's for comedy guys isn't this funny are we even sure this was supposed to be a parody or did it just kind of end up that way i don't know um uh you see um um it was uh wow there's a sight for sore eyes darling why didn't you go well what kind of a surprise would that have been if you knew if i was coming oh my god where's the camera they're just like flipping around and there's no perception of like the space at all oh god what was that zoom look i'm sorry about earlier uh i'm just upset about all these failed experiments oh wait did this hair clip through the car for a second there or something yeah if i'm like behind my microphone i shouldn't be like clipping through it [Music] were they just mixing chemicals in a library they could have had a normal montage but instead we get the fractal noise wall fingers crossed why does the serum just make you evaporate yeah you just like dust if it fails my covert vaccine made me turn into dust better stab me a second time so i can come back [Music] why is he in space you know space that place that has the giant jello fountain i don't step off the porch or you'll just float into the vacuum and explode wow this is how you greet the mailman have you seen my mailman have you seen my mailman no no really have you seen him i haven't gotten my mail in three weeks i think something happened he stepped off the porch want a drink no thanks i need results hank stop stalling so our main character hank is coming to the house of the man he works for who just happens to be his girlfriend's dad and he's gonna ask the father if he can marry his girlfriend but he's failing to make the serum so the father is gonna be mad at him if you don't make my bulk juice you can't marry my daughter i love her not a bad answer that's no surprise though you being a scientist and all what does that have to do with anything you're a scientist so that's why you love my daughter you know i'm somewhat of a scientist myself [Music] why do they have spears what are they doing what is any of this this is like a different movie yeah they're just gonna they're gonna they're gonna spear you brender if you come near their dog and missiles they're they're gonna spear you watch out you don't want to get speared this table has been in mind family for hundreds and hundreds of years what is this accent is german question mark this german with a bad noise gate what is that i can't tell what's worse that guy or the dog okay so here we're introduced to our villain dr cant love and show you he's evil he literally just turns a man into a skeleton you can't have an evil villain without him killing someone in the first scene nothing like a villain whose only motivation to be bad is being bad what are you doing here why is there a monkey with a rocket we already know it's the icbm room why is he here he's just like rocket rocket zen why don't you push the button what is that in the background it's actually dolby atmos 5 million to 1. we've finally achieved it five million speakers one subwoofer [Music] institute of german scientists and it's a fake rocket look how slow that missile is moving if that was a real missile you wouldn't see it coming you'd just be like oh i'm a german scientist now i have all their money no you don't you probably blew all of it up yeah did he just like write his name in their wills like now he just has all their stuff and their money so are we just gonna like ignore the fact that he's blowing up all like the world's monuments he nuked this half of the world but this half of the world is just fine oh my god hank a roller coaster come on we gotta go yes something tells me i'm gonna regret eating that chili dog oh my god guys a roller coaster look let's ride it man i shouldn't have had that chili dog we're so high up and i've been waiting to ask you something all night why has ever seen like 3d stock footage you had 15 000 and you could have just bought real stock footage instead yeah but then it wouldn't be sci-fi you know what if marvel can make a whole movie on green screen so can we that's the couch those bench seats that are in sports cars bro does your couch have cup holders my couch has a fridge in it dude i keep some lacroix under the recliner bro i'll call you tomorrow all right no you might want to sleep in after what happened tonight oh my god there's not even like a windshield or anything behind the windshield so they made this car in like paint and then they heat out the white and just dropped it in yeah also why is the background real like the only real background they had and they just put an ms paint car on top of it bren why is your background real dude is he not on a green screen what the hell shoot oh man purple it's unusual maybe it could work maybe the purple could work this time yeah guys didn't you know you can like cure cancer with the color purple well here's nothing you know that needle that worked on the plant i should put that in my body so i can get bigger and better results so in this scene hank decides to inject himself with the serum even though it's never worked before and it's still not gonna work because now he's gonna turn into the bulk although wouldn't that mean that it kind of works it worked for the plot [Music] so isn't this just the beginning of the movie again yeah they just watched the quentin tarantino movie once and we're like yeah let's mess with the timeline i believe i do know the one spill the beans will ya or i'll be forced to resort to violence hey man talk to me or i'll beat you up hold on that is the same couch except it's tinted red so it's a little different now at the cop couch are the throw pillows like really uncomfortable in this one there's like metal bars in it you like sit on it and you feel the foundation of the couch coming through your butt like i didn't get this from the peanut butter and jelly sandwich i had for lunch today yo did they just like track that stain on his hand why did that need to be an effect it's just basic makeup yeah you could have just like put juice on his hand you could have smacked a grape and gotten better results we're gonna have to take it down to the station i don't think that'd be a good idea you don't want to do that so he becomes a tornado and then he becomes the hulk i guess he goes hank better get on this tornado good thing i called for backup backup you're gonna need an army to take down that monster then why are you still standing there he's like a seven foot purple blob what do you mean i have an army well we have a hulk get it what [Music] yeah so basically in this part of the movie they're gonna go down that alley and they're gonna be in front of shipping containers and he's gonna go down that alley and then they'll be in front of shipping containers like this was on green screen you could have put the cops like in the same shot as the bulk couldn't you uh yeah were they only allowed like three layers of compositing in their free trial editing software apparently do not enter oh my god bulk you enter to do not enter area closer cut me out of your mind you know the acoustics in a helicopter oh yeah you know it sounds like this the entire time you're in the helicopter hey bren get a better camera [Applause] wait wait what direction was he coming from there what is that angle that he is standing on he is standing on the side of a building probably like watch out come on get in there get closer in there this is going to be the big ultimate death scene you know what i'm saying that camera is giant it probably has a zoom lens just zoom in yeah i can see oh shoot hang on all right now i can see i can see jude right there um oh shoot uh you better you gotta get in there oh shoot uh die what did he eat it yeah he eats helicopters that's his thing he sat down on nothing also did they just like go back to the place where they started the chase from he's been running circles around the same block everything circles back it's poetic i've lost track of time in this prison they just put you in like they've just closed the door and he's like i've lost track of time in this prison i could have been here for weeks or days or months or minutes or seconds probably sec i've probably only been here a few minutes like a long time i don't have a window even though there's a window in this shot i could probably look at the sun and count the not important all i've had to go on is the mailman banging a cup against the door once a day what's up doc [Laughter] here let me put a sign up on this top secret facility to let you know that it's top secret just in case you didn't know yeah i never would have guessed what's going on don't worry about that now henry just go back to sleep they're not even remotely walking they're just like let me just glide past you there so by the way i want to mention there's like still a villain in this movie in case you forgot i did oh don't worry they're about to bring him back yeah don't worry the hero i know he's eating helicopters right now but he's a hero or is he the villain it's one of those really deep movies where the hero has been the villain all along it's kind of like the incredible hulk he's an anti-hero i'm going to send her a saturn v rocket and blow opposite the first of all no second of all how you can't just blow up the moon you'd need like a million rockets thanks group wait why are they just docking and then reversing and then talking and reversing you know someone had to edit this and that person made it go backwards and forwards they were just like it's perfect yeah this is good also what does it have to do with anything in this movie uh yeah it's the space scene they're in space yeah they're they're up there to blow up the moon with that satellite the satellites that blow stuff up the movie space cowboys where the satellite has nukes on it for some reason some people call me the space cowboy some people call me maurice shut up it's time for something more important yeah like what you finally gave me the results i was out what is that background he's in some like fusion reactor or some crap and there's lightning like okay you developed a serum to enhance a human good job well if you're here to give me an award do me a favor and shove it where the sun don't shine put it where the sun don't shine like under a tree or in the in the shade or indoors basically anywhere away from the sun if i go outside naked and put my butt up in the air as the sun's shining into it depends do you have transparent skin i'm a monster i can't conform to society he said the line he said the word society did you know that society is like one of the words in the name of our channel dude it's also the name of our twitch channel it's also like part of our twitter handle and discord it's also what we live in you better pay close attention we don't have enough clothes in your size get it cause he's cause he's fat fat i don't know so the dollar tree version of the general from the hulk comes and tells him that if he doesn't fight the bad guy he can't marry his daughter so now he's gonna turn into the bulk again morality okay how that is not how space works then they show actual footage of a moon landing after that technology existed for this movie to not suck and yet here we are the time is now so why did he send the monkey to deliver a bomb yeah he could have just sent the bomb my theory about this is that i think they just had the stock footage of the rocket and the monkey together and that's like the only one they can find so that's why this monkey exists throughout the entire movie i just found a monkey stock footage like you know what i'm sure also that monkey does not have a helmet in space and you know that's why they sent monkeys up to test them is because they can survive in space don't google it yeah don't look at those pictures with the monkeys with space helmets if monkeys can survive the vacuum of space and we apparently evolved from monkeys couldn't we survive in space when the dinosaurs died on that meteor were many many monkeys that lived in space for a long time and they came to earth so actually that's why we have the chemical makeup of the stars is because we come from monkeys which came from the stars screaming okay please please spare my life die there is no antidote the government will probably give me an award for this for creating an army of super human soldiers ah yes super human soldiers not super soldiers cause we don't have the rights [Music] ah why is there a tornado not the kansas monster why is that fire realistic and then what what are you doing here why is robin hood here what doc fleming oh there's the f-18 again yeah there it is a tank why is there a tank they're in the middle of the unity game engine field my god he is running fast this typed like ammon in the stock footage and then downloaded every single one they could find yes and then just slammed it in here this made it like blender 1.0 with all the default assets this isn't blender this is like spoon gun who are you he's the guy with the gun clipping through his shoulder why was there how do the rules in this universe work gotta do my taxes on the bench as a chameleon and now the red baron is here why do you look like you're in a fisher-price plane who are you why are you playing soccer in a field okay okay okay so now we've established that there's sentient animals no government but there's police there's real military fake military real people fake people very fake animals very fake people boats planes new planes old planes soccer playing people in the middle of hills oh the emotion in that child's face oh no okay nope another suit literally the god of everything is here oh and now we're rowdies whatever that is yeah it's like rallies oh it's a gmod blackhawk helicopter what exploded oh look it's daniel boone what year is the set in yeah hey look it's the same shot of the tank from earlier what are you doing here no no not again go away no bad dog stay oh my god it's underdog i'm sorry i am a gecko i am i am a gecko they saw one geico commercial and then created that stock asset for no reason at all who's punishing this gecko and making him right i am a gecko over and over and over what did he do you put people on your missiles why is waluigi on the bomb yeah he's got to steer the missile on your missiles actually if you look at that that is not a missile that is a bomb they are using bombs on a moving target with people attached to them duct tape me to a missile and shoot me out of your plane please do that way i can die and be done with this land you know how nuclear bombs have a flash no and our nuclear bombs i want you to look at the scale of this real quick there's so much bomb in that bomb the world's smallest nuke it's every like black ops nuke where it only affects like a one foot radius for some reason i am just still processing the four minutes of absolute i just had to witness something happening he stopped canta but i'm afraid he got himself killed in the process yeah he got himself killed so the general just actually has hank killed here and he just lies to his daughter about it because we're supposed to like the people in this movie even though he's the general you're the one that calls the shots and it was an explosion hank hank your life henry he's alive why is he still alive because he's alive yeah i'm glad he can just survive a nuke i guess he must have gotten that refrigerator from that one movie from crystal skull oh i hate that movie dude such a good movie yeah shia labeouf played the part of bad really well i'm gonna kill you once and for all daddy get up before i they actually both died god i miss you hank you have no idea what i'd give just see your face just one more time you have no idea how much i want to see your face and touch your face and look at your your face i hope you're in hell you unholy jerk drink this [Music] the movie just ends with him pissing on his grave what was that i want to find whoever created this movie and punch them in the throat okay well if you want to see us cover more stuff like this let us know in the comments since you really let us know about this one a lot please don't make us do something like this again and if you liked this video make sure to lick it have a day
Channel: Microwave Society
Views: 2,175,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, commentary, funny, reaction, MWS, Microwave Society, comedy, satire, the search for the worst, worst movie, funny movie, superhero movie, movies, bad movie, awful movie, movie, film, review, amazing, bulk, marvel, dc, comic, superhero, super hero, incredible, hulk, The Amazing Bulk, funny memes, dc vs marvel, satire comedy, hulk vs thor, memes, stock footage
Id: mnlAkTAJ1Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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