The Incredible Ferrari Collection of Pro Golfer Ian Poulter!

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His custom Italian flag Ferrari is 🔥🔥🔥

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/4Ever2Thee 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Golfing for a living and having a sexy collection of sports cars, that’s my life every f-ing day until I wake up and do data analysis and golf once a week.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Foreu2env 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’m not a fan but I have to give it to him with that car collection.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BigJohn_78 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

You’ve gotta check out his twitter feed, it’s golden

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/4Ever2Thee 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

His golf game is tight AF too.

The southern announcer today said “I never could root for that guy” (basically he hates poulter, which to be fair I can see that) And the other announcer saved him “especially during ryder cup time”

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi guys I'm Shmi hello and welcome back to the channel where today you joined me to visit the incredible car museum of Ian Poulter in a professional golfer and Ryder Cup superstar is going to show us around some of his amazing cars he's very kindly invited me to come and see today from his collection you can see already the lapper re la ferrari apart-er and a very very special venue and just wait until you see some of the custom and bespoke specifications of the other Ferraris in this collection so let's catch up with Ian then take a look around this amazing amazing car museum we are joined then by Ian how are you Tim I'm really good thanks for coming to the museum well thank you very much for having me and the opportunity to share your incredible passion I think particularly for Ferrari but also some of the other cars that you have here I mean Ferrari is the big thing as you're going to see in a moment how did that begin well I was simple when I got my tour car back in 2000 I said to myself right I was always a car fan when I won my first tournament mm-hmm I need to buy a Ferrari okay so I won the Italian Open I thought it was gnomon but the check wasn't big enough yet to buy myself a Ferrari so I promised myself the next win don't buy a Ferrari that cheque wasn't big enough so when I went with third tournament which happened to be the Italian Open again okay I realized okay it's like it's time so I bought myself a 360 and from that moment that kind of love affairs drone and the calculations grown a bit too did you know that it was going to become this one day no I had no idea obviously the passion was there but you know I pinch myself daily when I come in because this year it's not normal to have these cars and I feel I feel pretty pretty lucky well can we take a little look around then I think we should come back to the LA Ferraris because the gup-a is actually tailor made something very special about that but maybe we should just swing on to the first car in front of us which is of course your Ferrari Enzo the Enzo was probably the first out of all of the cars that I have which I bought probably eight years ago now seven years ago this car was had about 4,000 miles on what I bought it currently hasn't got an awful lot more on it I didn't drive them very sparingly but you know for me has one of the first cars I collected pens oh yeah you know as a Ferrari fan this car you know still today when you look at it to me looks like it was built only a year ago yeah I can see that I can see where you're coming from be the kind of aero styling and just general design of it everything about I mean just from from the scooting place you know the seating position you know from every angle just lays just looks like a modern super girl today and then we move on to quite a different kind of car engine in front instead of behind 550 barqueta yeah 555 cats that again iconic car made in small numbers you know for me you know living in Florida yes no roof is obviously a huge a huge plus I think is a very cool looking car again I haven't put that many miles on it as people will say that's a crime you should drive them I do drive them a little bit but you know again you know for me it's such a special car in the collection but we will get to a car that is in your collection that you've done a lot of significant driving with recently in a moment but with this just quit when there's a fabric roof as well isn't there that you can kind of there is this in the back like its toes away in the back but you can kind of bolt on over the top if you do find yourself out in the bad weather and then to another also cause the car Testarossa yeah this Testarossa was bought at the same time as another car that sits right next to it we do go 275 gtb/4 and this car was my dad's favorite Ferrari back in the day sir okay he'd absolutely loved what was a Testarossa obviously he couldn't afford one so I went ahead bought one and I've let me drive it which has only covered 804 miles over an eight Wow so 1990 if you think you know 20 29 years on and you know it's he hasn't covered many market he enjoyed driving it I absolutely love it you know it's not as it's not as easy to drive as the other cars yeah it's quite heavy on the steering but again such an iconic car yeah the back in the day it really is and then I guess continuing the Ferrari v12 theme that's quite a big one at the moment yes is the 275 which I originally bought yellow mm-hmm and I wasn't in love with the yellow I preferred it back in its birth color of silver with black also it's been repainted fully restored the car mount bar restoration we did it with way no green MPI Ferrari did it in Wisconsin and we platinum with his car at Cavallino oh wow last January okay so it was great we have full full restoration Oh stunning I mean it looks like it left the factory yesterday and this is this is 60s what year we saw 67 67 it's got the lap belts that looks incredible that's absolutely stunning and then after some of the Ferraris we're going to move on to something I think it bitter a bit of my liking in the form of the Ford GT one of the lucky customers you can tell me exactly how it drives because I'm a few miles on it but you know for me iconic car from the 2005 car yeah you know to move on to where they took this I mean you do have a 2005 in your collection as well I do just money but you know as soon as this car got launched and the look of the car the significant changes from the 2005 it was like so you know we got very very lucky to be able to get one of the allocation cars it's an early allocation which which was great so I've driven it a little bit love it like when he goes into track mode old Oh wheel when it drops drop it down 70 millimetres I think it drops and it's and you've gone for quite a unique and very menacing specification a satin black paintwork satin black he looks kind of like stealth bomber like if it really does it looks very much aircraft inspired to begin with of the Ford GT with the shapes the open buttresses the opening sides and then when you finish it off like this and I like how with your carbon wheels you did the gloss carbon yes contrasting as well yeah I always enjoy looking at other people's specs and choices there's so many right yeah everyone's different about you know all of the cars that get that we're able to to spec out nowadays it's it and then we move from the Ford GT to well Bugatti in the corner a lovely Bugatti which I don't drive my extremely good friend back home Tom Harvey jr. this is his car so I babysit for him I polish it make sure it's nice and sparkly and I can confirm if he's watching some good hands and the next we do get to the car we were just touching on that you recently did a big big trip with the Ferrari 288 GTO yeah very very special car 1985 was when it was built we took nine GTOs one la ferrari on a trip from lyon down to monaco yeah we did that in june and so this car went on a airplane we flew it to london he went from london on a transporter over to Italy for full service to make sure it was all ready him prepped and ready to go moved it to Leon and then ten great couples went from Leon down to Monica and those roads are fantastic they are super special so the most enjoyment I've ever had out of any of the cars to be able to do it in the iconic GTO was pretty pretty incredible in this car was the car that Enzo delivered to just swatters back on the delivery day of the car okay okay very special I'm not covered many miles and I added a few extra months to it on that trip but I think he's done about 3 about 3,000 miles from you must have been fantastic and I'm also a big fan as we're going around of the car mob's you have the amalgam models yeah and some of the the artworks as well obviously Schumacher in the background I mean who who you know whoever's a Formula one fan and if they don't love Michael Schumacher what he's unable to do you know very very special but it's great to wrap some of the wars in in some you know the great Ferrari pictures and then we move to something I love your Ferrari 458 speciale a Aperta in a particularly unique color scheme and setup it's kind of homage to the Italian flag so again when when I went to the factory and we were sitting down kind of brainstorming how do you want the car to look well let's do it in the Italian flag colors so how do we make that work obviously you see the tricolor we just kind of added all of that the carbon-fiber pennies on the side we brought that up over the wing mirrors the two-tone seats split by the white leather in the middle to make it the Italian flag this is incredible but listen here is absolutely stunning it's different I mean it really does look bright vibrant even down to the details I was just noticing that stitching you've got the green red white and red stitching on both seats as well which is a bit fun they added a nice little touch just inside which says designed by okay on the carbon side sills the white central tunnel around there the buttons in the center as well wow this is this is absolutely the fence of the back obviously three vents I'm like you must be able to paint those in the same and then over the rear as well just with again yeah yeah yeah you've got the pain see that soon we've just come down the air red white and green around there as well Wow well that's I mean a proper example of tailor-made they do an incredible job again choices choices choices we support four choices too many and you know how do you how do you expect up a car nowadays it varies very difficult and that is gonna bring us on to your next car which is the Ferrari f12 TDF now on paper I think the idea of the colors you've gone for the satin blue with the red carbon that's quite striking striking and scary so in fact I really wasn't sure and it took a bit of time in the design centre to come with a calorie surah shell which was painted in this mat zero Monaco again and I'm like love the color is this something that we can probably TDF with red wasn't sure yeah I went with it we did obviously the blue whales had it there are little paint color around the edges to pull in obviously with the red carbon fiber and piece together on the inside mm-hmm you got any kind of matches yeah yeah the paint work once once it's out in the sunlight so try to bring it all together with different materials to make it look a little bit different and the whole interior I mean this is completely you've completely tailor-made from having the satin - which is satin I know for not having the reflections with all of the gloss the full door cards it's a work of art isn't it it's can I think it looks great it's grown on me and it's growing on a few other people that were like I can't believe you've gone with matte blue and you've gone with a red but yeah she looks more and more enjoy where every time I see yeah for sure on pay it is one that the tree on paper you wonder how that could possibly work I mean here you put obviously the satin black in the center and the the burgundy dark red on the sides but in person it actually does work I think you appreciate its an f12 TDF it's one of 799 cars to have one that's so unique and exclusive makes it even more special I think so I think so even down to that front really is actually blue as well I was just its navy blue as well navy blue I can see it yeah Wow I love I love that you can do that I mean I love that that's complete personalization what a special car and then I mean looking here this is quite a view your office memorabilia and the tool a Ferrari he's like a little dream you know when you know when you're a Ferrari fan the opportunity to hone and drive and have a play with obviously laferrari and then you get the box the special box for the key inside with the invitation you didn't know it was coming the box came through the post it was just you came to the post so you know you're always every morning when you're not quite every morning like Christmas thinking is it gonna be is it gonna happen yeah we got the invite which was I was made up with that so you know really very very very easy to put fun obviously very much choices yeah with the specification I think the apart is you could only have five different configurations that you could you could that's a carbon roof pad the carbon roof yeah which we did which i think is a good plus obviously the other ones in the front of the car you need are the fabric roof fabric roof that's okay I think that's a good option to have yeah I think it looks better with a carbon roof and it's a great option to add to it I mean it's one of only I think it's just over 200 or so in total is it 208 208 rings a bell yeah 208 cars not very many although there is more of the that's right 419 am and I tried obviously because I want bread yeah but at the time that had the whole you know TT over 40 or 50 laughs and so I I wanted ready to go with it elected how do I make the red card different to the other parts yeah so it's something completely unusual we went for a bit of exotic leather sole and a litigator skin where can I add Gator skin in this car which makes it a little different to the other red one so arm rest back headrest middle armrests the key I have a key hold anywhere you can put and then between on the dashboard under the dash yeah I left where the laferrari logo is all the way across okay which is I mean it's of course quite topical for Florida yes very much so but it was a great addition I think to the car just to make it just something a little different and a little little unique because I think yeah obviously it's probably must be the only one right how you might be the only one yeah well I may be great if it was but you know just to have it a little different to you know everyone else is is great I think they would more redbones produce than any other laughing he has you know most fryers are red but you know to squish that up I think is great what I can't drive and yeah I mean I've been lucky enough to drive black Ferrari before and the laferrari Aperta and the sound of that engine screaming away behind you yeah and then and be quite drivable I mean it changes up in in auto mode if you want to just go for a quick cruise you know how quickly it changes you know fifth gear stick gear at low speed low revs it handles that you know very very easy now what I also love is the amount of memorabilia and special things that you have just I mean a quick nosy through to your office space behind and a race suit over there as well there is a racing over there a certain Michael Schumacher suit in 2001 Japanese red suit which is so and just to the right hand side on the shelf is a pair of his race boots as well so you know my love affair with Ferrari is pretty strong and to have a couple of bits of you know ionic memorabilia from you know an absolutely true Legends is pretty special yeah that is absolutely for sure and then yeah all of these I'm just I'm just drawn like a kind of a magnet straight to the amalgam models and these are very very special to match the exact specifications of your cars well all I can say is thank you very much for this opportunity to have a look around I appreciate it an awful this has been truly breathtaking your private car museum and I think you're also saying that you post private events there as well yeah we do private client events which is great they're my absolute pride and joy I love them I love showing them off so thank you very much for coming well no my pleasure believe me I hope you guys have enjoyed this I cannot thank you enough unbelievable collection of cars incredible specifications and yeah just thank you great to meet you great to be able to have a look and yeah I hope you guys have enjoyed as well so that's it this time thank you very much for watching I'll see you again very soon Cheers you
Channel: Shmee150
Views: 1,278,672
Rating: 4.789773 out of 5
Keywords: Ian Poulter, Car Collection, Ferrari, Supercar, Golf, Golfer, Private, Garage, Walkaround, Guided Tour, Tour, Highlights, Cars, LaFerrari, Aperta, Enzo, 288 GTO, Ford GT, F12tdf, Speciale A, Speciale, Bespoke, Tailor Made, Exclusive, Access, Visit, Shmee, Shmee150
Id: O7k4Qlv8zuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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