The Impossible Quiz!

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Can you solve the Impossible Quiz? Sorry that was too much reaction time today I'm going to be taking the impossible with the year giorgos made a US state minus your california became a US state equals who knows this you guys know that I don't know this my 63-65 money 62-58 moon let me guess any miny moe catch a tiger by the note if he hollers let him go eeny meeny miny mom actually 2-2 let's do this I got any more work i swear to god I'm never taking this quit ok ok I he does not look at my side today good it's a good day I next watch did the beads and scared of bees what is the phobia be more info via a phobia astraphobia or arguments or what or our connect our connection will be our info via arkhipova okay I got it they are you told you I owe this movie I don't know they might have to go NE moga i'm not going to stop got cheating your countertop you guys have to write down in the comments right now your ass or before after it can be cheating either you can't wait till after the question and then just be like i call them correct no bullshit all right enough of you know this phobia any mining okay three was really going to go any where any more i'm going to pay for you are you all for your baby I did not ok i drink coffee before the spice swear I didn't do any crack shit how is that possible it's ok to squeeze right now putting different answers right now and see if the strong and all the answers are right out feel so stupid I look at the next one oh my god you for to just about any message to keep doing well greenway 295 pounds without Adam Atwell adamantium adamantium SUV weighs 300 ways which is heavier case with the an adamantium less Wolverine minus plane and kills of samurai armor or the adamantium and 30 kilograms of beard here when I kill 13 kilograms ok lets you are you know what did you do any mail again i'm going to go three-for-three just doing any money money money going to talk about it so if y'all don't go emo ok i got that mtm and 13 kilograms of beer here how how is it possible haha oh my cock out I'm not a hundred percent right now and I literally didn't know what I i literally just use a very shitty way of to the answers what is happening number for the amount of pause for a player out of starting chessboard times the first four numbers apart including the decimals awful place comes out to be getting amount pause / player on a starting test for it uh what is the amount of plans for players either i think twenty note either 12-14 I'm goes 14 times the first four numbers supplies before 141 that's the first four numbers applied by correct i'm not sure deeper 1415 yeah before 41 times i'ma go 14 ok ws14 this makes no sense menopause were playing on a starting chessboard times the first four numbers of party at the st. ok are a pauper play on a story chessboard and a 3.14 1 times 8 is okay i mean let me calculate I'm not only the calculated not using a calculator at all i'm not i repeat i am not going to use a calculator at all right I'm gonna have to go this one but i did not use a calculator i've multiplied in my head 3.14 one time date ok i use a calculator but maybe that people 141 ok there's something definitely wrong and this i have all my god wait wait a minute something guys look at this HR 34 14 1 equals 25 4128 ok even chose the wrong one and so 25.1 284 it doesn't matter what I want to say to answer they even said it yes we mark the right answers 15 14 13 take they messed up ok now we know how that's gonna go get the whole squid that's what is periodic table okay iron was a cobalt copper cool valuable tool belt be i'm goin two iron cobalt cobalt nickel copper is BU copper and then GN is pink ok I cobalt nickel copper day yes got it I know my chemistry the most useless subject to ever take even though I'm if you want to be a chemist or something on a violent way better chemistry youu my actually using life actually have tips on nutrition checks ok we took the original amount of Pokemon from the first games pokedex and x amount of days God's blood artist in the Bible then divided it by the amount of the moment in the US constitution bill of rights yet i don't know original amount of Pokemon from the game pokedex multiply the amount of days God flood the earth in the Bible ok ok I ok I'm gonna do anything in my email because I'm not about trying to figure this out let's do it any miny moe catch a tiger by the toe if he hollers let him go eeny meeny miny moe 62 condenses who see this is going to work for the first time let's go now build right signal for i was thinkin for I going wrong I got you are even though once you have kind of been right y'all to wrong so far out of six lets you go to the midnight between wednesday december seventies 2014 and started a December eighteenth 2014 and national tennessee for the United States then what time itself first and soak you in Japan but it was until you just had ok so it's midnight between wednesday number 17 2014's Thursday summer 18 2014 ok so it's twelve o'clock in wednesday and thursday September 2014 in Tennessee wow ok what time is it in Tokyo the same day in Japan oh my have no idea do you think I know my timezone who knows their times like this coming travels a lot what does oh my god okay let's go away i'm going to p.m. i'm going to be my I just guess that's why it's impossible quiz it's not meant to be easy to be all my god i guess i gotta right Thursday September 80 2014 at 2pm is the future yes to wrong five right out of seven lets you going Roman numeral 456 could be used to spell Miller village called village exotic village pulled annex arm on the roman numeral 42 case for I know for it ok 525 just like the like the k-6 the I ok just go with oh I know something to make sense the village and go know what is intended acts ok with no we're good oh my god is not okay don't you mean why do I feel like the age of elton john over 20,000 2014 and multiplied it by the age of eminence on the same day you would get all of these eminent maybe I'm not cheating i'm not hating Elton John balls are you okay this makes more sense ok often John 67 at the time to 70 times 2014 supplied by the age of eminem doing 3000k 3500k gonna go with the lowest number of those 2747 it's okay three wrong six try out of 9 i'm feeling good today I'm guessing and it's working for me to disregard the ones i got wrong when I guess I'm talking about the ones i gotta write complete this time the words can abominations of keep o2 sensor and efficiently forever completely absolutely what it asks your opinion and abominations achieve motor sensory suspicions I'm gonna officially look at every second letter for the powder can abominations achieve order to bring its ok i did not do it like that I definitely did not try to get it like that now they are using like some hidden letters that they use oh we go yeah i did i did not know ok next one which of these people is not not not a person that has not not said let Taylor Swift finish white ok the way to these people love this ominous Syria is not a person that has like Taylor Swift finished on us what do these people is not not a person does the Steelers with finish that's not on us Taylor Swift okay with this person is not not not a person those sailors with finished anyway does that make sense are you confused good right now we get the first part is kanye west with these people is not not not a person as a deal with this con us that has not not okay tell us it's on us my friends anyway this guy yeah we just want to give you a break quick rest yeah thank you thank you so much for that makes my brain hurt what is this rock have developed an app neat ah growth drove of factors what is the word is the word for tax in Spanish spelled backwards what does Hat sombrero sombrero ok sombrero sombrero take them sombrero 13 and beyonce has said both OB yes he has zero flowers your food your fear fear of following i'ma go with flowers I don't know why I just sounds like flowers okay i get there was fear of boots duty black he has the phobia is that thing that people make a bunch of different phobias for anything possible nowadays like I understand some of them like being scared to be in an elevator or hi those are normal phobias like being scared food what are you going to do just like close your eyes and eat it hey guys only a few more left let's finish strong challenge test 50,000 break from the same surface of 24 kilograms of wolves which weighs more 2014 other guys a full 50 pounds and break I'm a ghost killer grabs a wolf you guys know kilogram is 2.2 pounds so I think 24 kilograms is hold of the chicken its 52.9 town so I did well i just kinda guessed but i noticed 2.2 kilograms per pound so we're good last question if Robert Downey jr. is exclusive verbalist he worships stated has a fear crucifixion love completing crossword puzzle speaks only in bird rusev verbally I must say speaks only in verb is a verbal no love completing crossword puzzle god really guys got 10 out of 15 right it's not great but I would do a lot worse actually thank you so much for watching this video I encourage you guys to go and take this yourself guys don't make sure you also got another video click that circle to subscribe to the channel really appreciate it hope you guys enjoy this video and I'll see you guys next another episode of reaction time guys have a great one and peace out Sheldon is that you
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 612,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reaction Time, Kids React, Elders React, Fine Brothers, Kyutie, Children, Family Friendly, Cute, Adorable, Best, Top, Toys, Interesting, Facts, Learn
Id: 6_qFvIYM20M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2017
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